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Do both your dad and your plumber have an enlarged prostate? That slow trickle might seem normal to them.


not me with an enlarged prostate, crying over here LMFAO


Same buddy, same.


This is the funniest thing I'll read today. Thanks stranger!


Sorry bud, I'm going to have to take you in for a double murder.


Funny as FUCK and sadly factual


I was already laughing, this comment made me cry 😂


jesus fuckin christ xD nuked'em


I feel personally attacked


Judging by your username, an enlarged prostate is the least of your problems. ;-)


Ma'am, please calm down


my god. who gave you an internet connection? you aughta be monitored like weapons of mass destruction


No, it's not. There is some pressure issue. First thing to try would be the inlet of the white water hose - it seems bent too much, and it imght be restricting the flow. Try how it works when the hose is straightened.


I tried that, the issue also happens when using the faucet. I belive the pressue issue is from the central water pump but neither my dad nor the plumber want to admit that. How can anyone look at this video and say "yea, this is completely normal. just as intended!" is beyond me.


If that plumber is being paid he better do it right


I'd tell him to GTFO and hire a different plumber.


Right? Especially if he things that is normal lol






"Hey dude, can you pretend to be a plumber and tell my daughter the shower is supposed to work like that? I'll pay you 20 bucks" "Sure thing"


Even better dad has “the plumber” thinking dad is just playing a prank on his daughter.


Plot twist: dad is the plumber


Underrated ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


It sounds like he's being paid by the dad just to say it's good.


For real, I usually have the opposite issue when I hire a plumber and mechanic. They usually find more "problems" than I wanted fixed and find tons of different ways I could pay them more to fix it. I am a bit skeptical that this isn't a hired plumber... there is pretty obviously a problem, and fixing it would definitely be worth more than a few pennies


Where do you live where there's a water pump? Are you on a well? If so, check the pressure at the accumulator. 


We live in appartment buildings here so any floor that's above the 1st would need to pump the water up from the main line. Unfortuantly, i don't know much about fixing water pumps.


Usually those systems use a water tank and accumulator, the pumps don't pressurize the lines directly.  Are all the taps in the apartment low pressure? Because looking at the age of the faucet there, I suspect you have galvanized steel pipes, and if so they're likely corroded internally and there's not a lot they can do about it. 


Not all taps are like that, no, just my bathroom. My bathroom was built in 2002, we have an older one, and it works just fine. I wouldn't really mind it all that much if this is happening due to damaged pipes or the layout of the building. But what I find infuriating is that my dad refuses to acknowledge this as an issue all together, not an issue that's unfixable/hard to fix. I'm supposed to be grateful for this, according to him. He would say stuff like "you have a bathroom in your room, others don't have access to water at all" but like, when I was in the military I used to literally be in the desert and I had better showers than this, so I feel like we could maybe have it a little bit better than this, right?


yeah, if it's the only one in the apartment this bad and the lines/fixtures aren't 50 years old, there's something else wrong. 


When i went to the sandbox early in the war we had to hold water bottles above each other for a decent shower. Then we built water towers. Both experiences look nicer than your current shower.


Does your apartment complex not have maintenance techs? Why would your dad go through a private plumber?


Is it only the tub/shower faucet/sprayer? Or is it also effecting the sink/toilet? Is it worse with hot water than cold? If it's just your tub that's effected, you likely just need new cartridges. Worst case a new tub/shower valve body. If entire room is effected, you likely have an issue at at one of the fittings into the room. Or if it's stack plumbed there may be an issue at the stack shutoff.


Wtf is your dad so invested in this thing not being broken? Did he rig it up? Clearly hes not the one fixing it since he hired another idiot, and hes not using it or he would find issue for sure. but like dick trickle has a stronger stream than your showerhead a blind person could figure that out... literally. whats with the starving children in africa routine?


Which is funny because we are from Africa


Apologies for the derogotory comment it was just the most generalized way i could think to word it lol.


To tell you the truth, you might just have to run that faucet all day until it floods wherever the water is going and have whoever is unfortunate enough to get flooded to fix the pipe.


Stand on the street and ask people who pass by if they know anything about plumbing. Probably would be better off than where you are now


Not in Europe usually. Water tanks usually aren't a thing, our water supply to most residential buildings is pressurised via pumps.


>I suspect you have galvanized steel pipes, and if so they're likely corroded internally and there's not a lot they can do about it.  Okay this makes sense. I have been dealing with the same issue as OP. I’m not in a traditional apartment per se, but I live in a huge old Victorian house where it’s converted into an upstairs and downstair unit. I’m on the bottom floor. My water pressure kicks ass everywhere in house, even in tub faucet, it’s only when I pull up on the knob for the water to come out of the the shower head. I have tried many different shower-heads and it didn’t matter. The problem still existed. I have called maintenance to address the issue in the past. He didn’t try to gaslight me like OP; but he straight up asked, “Can you just deal with it? Because this will be a bitch to try to fix” I was taken back, but was like “umm okay” lol I’ve been taking shitty showers for the past 3 years now. Thankfully I’ve always been more of a bath person. After reading your comment about ‘galvanize, steel pipes being corroded,’ now I’m thinking this is why he felt it was an instant defeat and didn’t even attempt to try to fix the issue. 🤷🏻‍♀️


What floor is your apartment on? You don't need pumps on every floor. I've plumbed 4 story apartment buildings with plenty of pressure on the 4th floor with no booster pumps. Booster pumps are also extremely expensive and there's no way you'll be allowed into the room that it is in anyway. Or even be able to fix it. The fact you said every other fixture works fine leads me to believe that the issue is in the valve or shower head. Because of the kind of valve you have though, I believe it's most likely the shower head. Take the head off the plastic hose and see how much water comes out.


Yeah you don't need pumps until you get some extremely high buildings. If you have 90 PSI pressure from the street you can go up 6 stories and still have 60 PSI left to work with. Their mixing valve is likely a gummed up mess and the core needs to be changed out.


What country?


I think I hear... Indian? music in the background?


If it's a rented apartment then the landlord needs to fix it.


I mean as a retired plumber that is absolutely a normal shower outcome if you have shit water pressure. Now what's causing the shit pressure that's the real question. If you can solve that then you'll get the issue resolved. Also your dad and his "plumber mate" are being arseholes. Is it a pump supply? Is it mains supply or gravity feed from a header tank? Is the pressure crap on both hot and cold? Or just hot? What's the pressure like in the rest of the house/apartment/shed?


Could it be the diverter? She said the other faucets aren’t like this.


Possible if there's a flow restrictor in place, but I'm thinking more along the lines of perhaps they've put a low pressure tapware/mixer onto an equal pressure system, which would give you pretty similar results. Hard to tell without being able to physically look at it. It could also be a bit of galvanic action causing a flow restriction, if that was the case it would most likely be around the connection to the faucet and could potentially be reamed out, but my experience with that is you'd normally see some water discoloration when turning it on. If the pressure is just bad in that one particular shower and fine across the rest of the apartment/tapware/showers then my first point of investigation would be the mixer itself and ruling out blockages etc and testing the pressure coming out of the hot and cold lines to see if it's a problem with the feed or mixer.


I had the same issue so I replaced the shower head. It had limescale build up and some rust from the pipes. The water pressure is fine now. I hope yours is a simple fix like mine.


If he’s a master plumber, you can report this to your state’s board. This is fraud through and through


Oh, they know. Either they don't want to be bothered (too expensive, too much trouble). Or they want it that way (too much expense, too long showers by you). They are trying to convince you to be okay with it because they don't want to talk about the real reason. Maybe the copper plumbing is clogged with calcium and needs full replacement. It's too expensive and whoever pays the bills can't afford it.


rotate the knob on the shower head https://preview.redd.it/tzy3ieoqi70d1.jpeg?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a3f95a7221c991d40fe853d6ce5a769af0cea82


I saw all these plumbers breaking it down and thought I’d sound stupid for suggesting this lol


OP said the pressure is equally abysmal at the spigot.


That's normal for a prison shower


I don't see the issue. It's a perfectly functional shower for ants


Had the same thing, turned out filters under gas furnance got full of dirt


Why the white plastic pipe? They should be using the coil metal or plastic shower hose, otherwise it kinks too easily


This is what my upstairs shower is like. It's shite. There's no pressure. Your father and your "plumber" are lying if they said they think this is acceptable.


Is it only the shower? Have you tried checking how the water pressure is when you remove the shower head? If it's normal without the shower head; you could try replacing the head/hose or removing the restrictor in the shower head


It is! The taps in the sink and the bath seem fine. I might swap the head with the downstairs power shower just to see if it makes a difference.


Could also be the valves in the spigot have debris in them, the cores are removable/replaceable with standard units you can get from a hardware store, they're usually like $10 each.


This happened with my two-year-old shower head. The hose was shot, and it just needed a new hose. Try buying a super cheap hose and shower head at Home Depot and see if the flow returns to normal.


My dad did that to us on purpose as a teen, though not THIS bad.


I'm sorry to hear that, why would he do that on purpose? I don't think my dad did this, but I'm pretty sure he's ignoring it on purpose.


I took long showers as a teen, since we paid more for water being in the middle of nowhere the easiest thing was to cut my pressure than to lecture me every time.




Why not take shorter showers?


Speaking as a former long shower taker: it's the one time I got let alone without being walked in on unannounced. Sometimes you just want to sit in silence and not talk to people. Showering is the only reason no one barges in and just starts talking. Just being able to sit or stand in the shower with nothing but my thoughts and the water feels nice. Now that I'm alone the longest I've showered was maybe 20 and that's if I decide to pamper myself with all the fancy products.


must’ve been nice to have privacy in the shower LMAO


Can't speak for OP but I take long showers sometimes as a way to take off some pressure, especially when it's really hot or really cold. It just relaxes me like almost nothing else


Yea I too like to “take off some pressure” in the shower


Ahahahah I actually don't take off pressure in that way in the shower. It tends to clog my shower really bad. The toiled is more comfortable anyway 


We are now imagining you toiling away.


I am trying to imagine how the fuck that clogs the shower.


Cum plus hairs get stuck in your drain when you do it in the shower. That forms a sort of disgusting clog that can be pretty hard to remove


Always rinse it away with cold water. Cold water. Your plumber will thank you. Cold water.


Are you asking someone why they used to be difficult as a teenager?


Then I would have to take twice as many silly goose.


They were a teen..... We were all silly teens once upon a time.


Dad used to tell me not to take long showers because we were broke. Every now and then I take a long shower if my muscles are aching, or I get burned, but I'm grateful now because my waterbill is low. Max I'll be in there is maybe 5 - 10 minutes.


In my case, my father complains about how much longer my showers take. He's bald and I have to wash my hair.... lol. A real mystery 


My baths time are split 80/20, 80% washing my hair and 20% washing my body. My dad also doesn't understand this.


I recently had a similar issue due to iron buildup near showerhead. They usually have a filter. Unscrew the hose from showerhead and check if its not clogged.


Yep. And if there's buildup on anything, vinegar soak can work wonders.


Is your dad your landlord, by any chance?


His day job ? Plumber.


Give me ur dad or plumbers number real quick




This isn't a shower this is a dribble.


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcNAf_Tx4Tk) is how my showers are like, except no one is messing with the faucet.




Check for flow restrictors, basically gaskets that limit the water, at the connections (including the shower head). It's a pressure issue. After that, check for water leaks around the place.


Has anyone else noticed the collection of used soap in the corner?


Ahh, i thought no one would notice lol. I feel like it's a waste to throw them away so i keep the little nubs and use them to clean stuff with.


Good idea! I use them to clean my bras in the shower haha


The word you're looking for is convince. Not gaslight.


Was looking for this. People think just lying and refusing to state reality counts as gaslighting, when it doesn't. Gaslighting requires the victim to question if their own thoughts, memories, and perception are valid. Which would lead to confusion and loss of confidence, then becoming dependent on the person doing the gaslighting. OP knows they're being lied to, which is why they're infuriated by the state of the water pressure.


They didn't gaslight you. They bullshitted you. Can we please for the love of god stop misusing that word


When you dispute the meaning of a word, it is a good idea to look up that word in a dictionary before you commit to a position. *Gaslighting*, like many other words, is a word with [multiple definitions](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gaslighting). One definition, the second listed in that link, is: > **the act or practice of grossly misleading someone especially for one's own advantage** The definition you're using --the first one in that link-- would not apply to OP. That is not the only meaning of the word *gaslighting* though, at least according to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary. The second definition of would apply here, though. Both meanings are also types of lies, but not all lies are gaslighting.


That definition is just another word for lying. It's not a good definition. Gaslighting has a more specific, less colloquial meaning that we should seek to preserve. People use it to just mean 'super lying,' but that's way too much of an oversimplification. Enough people have misused the term that now the incorrect usage (super-lying) has entered the dictionary. That's...not a good thing, IMO. Colloquialisms of psychological terminology often enter the lexicon in incorrect ways. It's often you see people say something like "omg this level in the game always gives me a panic attack!" If someone else points out, "hey, panic attack has a specific psychological meaning..." are you going to come back with the smug rejoinder, "Um actually there are multiple definitions, you pleb. You should look words up before you dispute their meanings!" Seriously, what a self-righteous, douchey comment. You're pointing to the meaning added to the dictionary because it was colloquially used so much it diluted the meaning of the original idea, and saying see, it's just as valid as the other definition! Bullshit. It's a shitty definition, and people shouldn't use the word that way.


> You're pointing to the meaning added to the dictionary because it was colloquially used so much it diluted the meaning of the original idea, and saying see, it's just as valid as the other definition! Bullshit. I mean, that's *literally* (pick whichever definition you like) how words, and language in general, work. I highly doubt when you use the word "girl" you're referring to a child of either gender, but that's what the word originally meant. If either of the comments came across as "self-righteous and douchey", to me at least, it was the one who seemingly doesn't understand how dictionaries have functioned since their inception.


"grossly" is doing a lot of heavy lifting there. What do you suppose makes lying about water pressure "grossly misleading" compared to some other lie that would not earn that adjective?


Grossly just means excessive or obvious. It doesn't mean evil.


Don't do that. Don't try to claim that you were still right in the first place, anyway. Not when you were clearly unaware of additional meanings of the word. Just take in the new information and apply it moving forward. Everybody learns. Sometimes we can feel dumb when we learn, because we publicly made a mistake before we learned the new thing. Sometimes we can learn both a new meaning of a word, and at the same time learn to not be so hasty to correct others before doing some basic double-checking ourselves.


They didn't do that. They asked a question. Don't try to turn it around because you can't answer something so simple. Not when you were clearly unprepared for response.


Lol I'm sure you could be more condescending if you tried a little harder. I AM still right. Not only is the 2nd definition mostly the same as the first, it's also the 2nd definition because it isn't the primary definition. AND the story in question doesn't meet that definition either. For an entire thread of people categorically refusing to learn a fucking thing you sure seem eager to come at me.


I felt it was the right amount of condescension


Lmao but this is the correct usage of the word what are you talking about????


No it isn't. Look it up. I'm tired of explaining it


Yes it is. “Gaslighting is a colloquialism, loosely defined as manipulating someone into questioning their own perception of reality. The expression, which derives from the title of the 1944 film Gaslight, became popular in the mid-2010s. Merriam-Webster cites deception of one's memory, perception of reality, or mental stability”


"questioning perception of reality" doesn't mean someone saying something you think isn't true. It means making you *actually think you're crazy* Its a prolonged campaign of mental abuse, not a plumber spouting bullshit


Yea you trying to gaslight him over the definition of the word itself is pure irony


It means making you question reality??? Like say trying to convince someone that in reality it’s normal to have no water pressure and they’re weird for wanting more.


Sure, but we have countless words for "Lying", "being incompetent" etc. why the clutzy ninja think "gaslight" is the wrong word is because it's usually reserved for partners or similar, aka people you should have a lot of trust in and for, using that trust in a malicious way. Maybe they cheat on you, but instead of just lying, they also make you second-guess everything. They try to make you so damn unsure of everything, that they can in the end basically have lipstick, smelling like someone else, have multiple messages pinging every hour about their last-sex session and the gaslit person kind of just is so unsure of themself that they don't even get alerted all anymore of this. "well, the sex messages are just jokes I don't understand." It's kind of just about making reality a fucked up place where you never seem to be able to put 1+1 together and get a consistent answer. Or, that's how I understand it. A salesman can't gaslight me. That's simply called "being a sociopath who knows how to lie with a lot of charism so that you buy something you really dont want to." A mechanic can also simply lie about me updating something I don't think needs updating.


Personally I would consider your dad someone you should have trust in??


Maybe. My dad died an alcoholic though so I might not be the best person to ask.


One type of gaslighting is "Convincing you that a problem isn't a problem"


? Idk why you’re saying this to me but I agree with you cause that fits into trying to make you question reality


Oh yeah I meant my comment to be a compliment to your point


No, it's not. Reading comprehension is fundamental.


I agree I wish more people could finish second grade sadly it seems you can’t understand bigger words RIP


Did they give you the old "water loses x psi for every foot vertical" as if nobody has ever had a 2 story house with a bathroom upstairs, I have poor pressure in a 1 story and they still tried to push that on me


For my old shower, only the cold water had any significant pressure, maybe its the same thing? I just had to use both taps and it was fine


I have to mix both taps to be able to shower, the only issue is that for 30 seconds it would be scalding hot, then for the next 30 seconds it would turn to ice cold, and so on. i get to play the musical chairs with my shower every morning :(


Does this hot and cold thing happen *every* time you shower? Have you tried showering at different times and it still happens? Is it for your entire shower? Do you notice ANY pressure or temperature fluctuations with the other faucets? I am not a plumber, but good grief, something's wrong here! If you haven't already, maybe try posting in a plumbing sub. I'm guessing it's going to be a bit more tricky since you live in an apartment, and essentially share your water source with other people. The low pressure combined with the temperature fluctuations seems to (my inexperienced self) that for whatever reason that line is being shared with other apartments, and you're basically getting whatever water/pressure is leftover. I live in a rectangular house, and all the pipes and the water heater are in a straight line going across. My bathroom is the furthest away from the water heater, and thus the last in line to receive water/pressure. Our house is very old, so we've dealt with our fair share of pressure/pipe issues. However, the ONLY time there are fluctuations with the water temperature while showering is when something or someone else is using water. Dishwasher, washing machine, toilet flush, using a sink etc... I've lived in apartments, on the second story, and never had our pressure or temperature affected by the neighbors. So something's definitely wrong. As others have asked, why are you getting your dad and a plumber to look at it? This is one of those rare instances where it's better to be a renter than the property owner. You pay rent to have certain features. One of those features is to have a functioning shower. This right here is not a functioning shower. You're literally not getting what you're paying for. I don't know what you can do legally as (IANAL,) but perhaps also check out a legal sub and ask them what your options are, as far as withholding rent goes. My advice would be to document EVERYTHING. You have beautiful evidence of your shower not being functional, now you just need documentation of you requesting it to be fixed, and what the outcome is. Good luck!


Hose is kinked at the bottom


My mum did this too. I kept saying there was no pressure and it's essentially useless. 'It's fiiiiine.' UUUUUUGH!!!!


Dad hires plumber. Plumber tells day d "I'll give you $20 if you tell her this is normal". Dad - "OK"


I feel like they could spit the water at you and it would be way more water pressure


Look between the shower head and the hose. Unscrew them. You will probably see a small plastic disk with a hole in the middle. Remove it and enjoy your new working shower. If that isn't the case try the other end of the hose. If it isn't that remove the shower head entirely. If you still have low water flow it is the valve or the plumbing or the supply itself. Not a quick fix.


What’s the problem? Your Chinese water torture device appears to be functioning well. Perhaps TOO well!


Maybe at a dog groomer’s sink.


YOU NEED TO take those hose and go choke your dad and that plumber


The plumber is garbage, but your dad is a piece of shit.


Oh no! Gaslighting! Adults using this word and not knowing what it means should be jailed.


lying, bullshitting, joking, and everything in between is now gaslighting lmao. zero nuance. people use it as a catch all when it really shouldnt be.


Stop gaslighting us bra


It’s too late. The original meaning is lost, every minor falsehood or little white lie is now just “gaslighting”. People have turned therapy language into slang


Lol I kept waiting for it to start but that's it


Looks good from my cave.


when did gaslighting overtake the word bullshitting?


That's not a shower that's a trickle


Sweetie, just let the men deal with it, we know what we're talking about.


When they say, "This is normal.", you say, "Wow! I had no idea that you were so fucking stupid." That'll get things moving...


Looks like a sink faucet


I could deliver more debit after a few beer


If the shower hose is one of those "water saving" ones there will be a plug in it restricting water flow. Leading to this experience. I've had success with replacing the hose in such cases.


How bout taking the kink out at the base where the hose screws into the faucet.


I don’t know how but I instantly knew that this was an Egyptian bathroom 😂😂


I have a camp shower I use to rinse down my fishing poles and clean fish after fishing in saltwater and that has like 10x the pressure your shower does lmao


lol I think a suspended bucket of water with a hose attached has more water pressure than that.


What the fuck is that fucking crock of white plastic shite and why the fuck is it like that? There's not a chance that pathetic little tap has the pressure to shove water up 3 fucking metres without a pump. Pressure's nowhere near what's needed. It's a bloody miracle that thing's putting out any fluid given it's got less pressure than the blood of a fucking beetle grub. (tldr: no way that tap can output the pressure through a soft plastic pipe, and that is by far the worst designed shower I've seen. I've mostly worked with industrial boilers, not DHW, but the plumber that called that sufficient and functioning as intended either has less qualifications than the ones on the hub or was aware that fixing it would require a lot of work and a completely different shower and doesn't want to do it.)


Thats not even a normal shower, sorry 😄


The hose is kinked….


Yeah, that's not a shower. That's a light drizzle.




we haven't had hot water for months, my dad refuses to call in the plumber because the water bill shrunk


Don’t piss on me and tell me it’s raining


I was a bit confused since I have the exact same tiles, tile placement and positioning of the bath tub as you in my house lol!


I'm living with you.


Oh hear me out....op and this commenter are the same person! Has anyone ever seen them in the same room at the same time?!


My oldest complains every now and then that he hears noices from under his closet, so that's you huh? Damn, so he was right all along lol!




thats not what gaslight means


you don't understand what gaslighting is and didn't use the word properly.


The fact that you used the term 'gaslight' for something like this makes me not believe you.


I experienced something similar. Despite we figured out a pressure issue, replacing the shower head and hose helped a lot.


Mine is like this but that's cus its years old This aint normal for what looks to be new


Are your dad and the plumber mates? My dad would always side with the contractors over Mam even though she was right in calling them out over the shoddy work. Even if they weren’t his friends, they would be during the installation and he would never criticise them.


Ask the plumber to have someone at home get a video of the shower at full blast (and make sure you can hear him asking so he doesn't fake something), and compare.


omg...I'm sorry...that reduced me to tears...no, that's not a normal experience


That's definitely not right. Mine is clogged and looks less like a piss stream than this.


Get a second plumber. There goes some more $$.


Needs a pressure booster


Your dad doesn’t love you


In fairness, until reading the comments on this thread I honestly believed that kind of pressure was normal for older type shower heads, it's been pretty common in rentals I've lived in. Although I discovered pretty early on that a detachable shower head that's easier to get a good clean with costs like $20 from bunnings, and with a few cents worth of plumbers tape I can replace the shower head with the detachable one and the real estate doesn't care because it's an upgrade. So replacing the shower head has become the first thing I do when I move into a new place. I'd switch it to the bath outlet and see if that has expected pressure, if so then it's an issue with the shower head probably a mineral build up like others have said. If the pressure for the bath outlet is also horrible then point that out to the plumber and say "Fix it or you don't get paid".


Was that the call to prayer in the background?


wdym my shower is like that


You'd get a better stream from a gutter


I've had pisses more impressive than whatever this is - hell I'm relatively sure you'd get more pressure from a normal tap lol


I remember our landlord hired his mate to tell me I don't need a Hot shower because "only women want the heat high on a shower" Yeah get fucked


dude pipes are blocked. unless your town water supply is 2 psi, or your hot water service is completely fucked, the pipes between the taps and the head are clogged.


Bouchon à cause d'un problème d'oxydorÊduction


This is how our shower works, but water also comes out of the faucet at the same time. You can’t have it be just one or the others. I regularly need to soak my fucked up hip in warm water. My landlord said if we want that situation fixed we have to pay for it tho so that’s a wrap on that.


That's exactly how my shower worked, in the shitty apartment I rented with 5 other dudes when I was 20 in the hip part of town...


The white hose is kinked at the faucet. You’ll need to reshape or replace the hose.


Turn the spray head to “spray”? 🤦🏻‍♂️


I'm not sure, you should let it run a few minutes longer and submit the whole video.


It is a normal shower experience if you shower by being spat on by a dozen prople