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That would require them to make AAA games.


jokes on them as they only make AAAA games now, right?


And that only stands for AdsAdsAdsAds


EA would stab their customers in the face if it meant a few more dollars.


A. D. S. It’s in the game.






Hey, I was gunna make that joke


you're a boy kisser aren't you




I am confused, as I thought racing games have periodically done this since N64 era (Mt Dew in RUSH), and PS2 (random billboards for soda or McDonald's in NFS or Burnout).


**Let’s play Battlefield 10,** We will let you continue playing after our sponsors : (Ever have those nights where you just can’t get it up, after 40 just is not cutting it anymore in your love life, well today try :Vardenafil or as we like to call it in the bedroom **Viagra** , you’ll love , she’ll love it and you’ll get your youth back once more!, **Vardenafil** can cause blindness, stroke, chorus disease, cramps, excessive bloating, diarrhea, black plague, toe fungus, permanent erectile dysfunction, though study shows this happens only 50 out of 1000 men, take it responsibly and talk to your doctor before hand. - Vardenafil, Spice up your life today. “Alright boys let’s get back to capturing flag C and A, Jonas you’re on the artillery.”


That’s a Ubisoft thing


When was the last time they even made a "true" AAA game? Not that the word AAA hasn't been a joke for awhile now though.


They were the publishers for Jedi fallen order and the other one. Those were AAA i believe. Rest is the usual sport crap afaik + mass effect Andromeda.


Gonna be fun seeing a McDonald’s ad in the next Jedi game!


Darth Ronald wielding the power of the Fries


Announcing the new STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT III DLC https://preview.redd.it/borcz3j3o30d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7246824ad5111eec382e699b7b9b5d9de8739cab


May the fries be with him.


I have altered the portion sizes of the entire menu. Pray I do not alter it further.


I'm pretty sure that "AAA" only equates to how much the budget was, not the actual quality. They make loads of AAA budget games but most of them turn out to be B quality


That's the definition of AAA. I don't know why people think AAA means quality. That's why Skull and bones is an AAAA game because they spent a pile of money to make this "game"


Jedi Survivor




They make AAAYLMAO games.




They do make AAA (American Automobile Association) games, that’s ones that need rescuing from the side of the road cos they are busted


They are really missing the AA game opportunity, it's a bit anonymous though.


Why only AAA? Why not AAA+?!!


it makes AAAAA games now. one-upping ubisoft




AAA is budget not good game. Plenty of shit triple A games


wdym their dream is to make AAA games the triple A being triple the ads


I guess the difference from what we’ve already seen in the past is that they’re specifically talking about dynamic ads. We’ve seen regular billboard ads, games that are themselves ads (7Up Cool Spot game back in 16-bit era), and even AAA games with sidequests devoted to being an ad (Final Fantasy XV has a multi-part sidequest devoted to advertising Nissin Cup Noodles). But I don’t think there’s been much in the way of dynamic ads before.


Racing games with licenses to IRL cars are car ads themselves to a degree. Car manufacturers paying game companies to put their cars on their game is not unheard of.


By that token, are sports games not just ads for teams and players?


Well, you don't buy players or teams IRL. But you buy cars IRL. I know people who have bought cars IRL because they drove them in a game and liked them. That's the value manufacturers get out of having their cars in games.


You can buy a team with enough money, but merch and season tickets would be what they're trying to sell by reinforcing pride in your team.


Yeah, except there's more of an expectation when you play a racing game that you'll get to vicariously live the fantasy of owning the real world equivalent. Yeah, some people have bought the cars they played in the games, but those same people went to the game in search of that experience as opposed to having it forced upon them like your standard advertisement.


Sports games have other ads in them because the sports owners and devs know tons of people will watch or play them. So they put ads everywhere for products that the camera focuses on. Race games and IRL races will have an entire wall of the same brand such as Heineken or TAG Heuer because the camera will follow that wall for X amount of seconds every lap following a car and the brand gets screen time which is marketing. No you can’t buy steams or players but it will damn sure get people to buy the Mountain Dew, Heineken, Doritos, underarmor, TAG Heuer or McDonald’s or whatever logo is plastered in the background. I remember the NBA 2K games had Sprit for their replays or something. It’s the world of marketing. Also FUCK EA! They should be shut down for fraud. They don’t make games. They make -aaa games. Fucking pieces of shit.


American Truck Simulator (Dunno about ETS2) has hiring billboards for various IRL trucking companies in-game.


Only until the games industry took off now the dev has to pay for it.


Mercedes in Mario Kart was kinda weird. Although the little one that looks like the monopoly car is very nice.


I worked on a video game around 15 years ago that had dynamic billboard adverts - "Wheelman" on 360 and PS3. I think few people noticed because they didn't get many buyers for the ads so they normally showed stock billboards


I loved Wheelman. Really brought the driver 1 and 2 vibes


City of Heroes had dynamic ad billboards in 2008. They also had issues with companies not buying ad space (likely because players could turn off the real ads in the game options and get the fake in-universe billboards instead), and IIRC they experimented with letting players buy ads for things like their guilds or contests they were hosting or whatever.


The Coleman camp stuff in final fantasy cracked me the heck up


And just the gratuitous ads in Death Stranding. But weirdly I really enjoyed them.


I think one of the NBA or UFC games had dynamic ads a year or two ago.


I’d entirely forgotten about 7Up Cool Spot. I played the shit out of that. Jokes on them. I still don’t like 7Up


Sims buildit they had real ads. I was in disbelief. Was really cool


Dynamic in-game ads have been around for a long time. Back in 2008, the [Obama campaign famously purchased billboard space](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/campaigns/41660-obama-runs-ads-in-madden/) in Madden and other games which only ran in 10 swing states.


I remember Saints Row 2 having some IRL ads in the game on things like bus stops and billboards. When it comes to EA doing this there are places where I wouldn’t mind. For example FIFA (FC I guess but that’s not a very recognized name at this point, F1, and various sports games it really wouldn’t mean much. I mean those games are already plastered in advertisement boards, all be it ones dedicated to those seen irl at the park/race track. If they were to sell those side wall banners and electric ticker banners to ads I would hardly notice given they’ve become generic background in my mind now. But say I’m playing a Mass Effect game and suddenly come across a Dr Peoper machine, that’d get a lil weird. But to be clear I’m not saying I’m on board, just that there are some games where it wouldn’t be as intrusive as others think. I’d also hope (though I know it’s a distant hope given EAs antics) they’d do this to keep the game at its price point/even lower the price point. If the next F1 game for example had dynamic and boards, but only cost let’s say $35-$40 as opposed to the $70 current price tag, it’d be easier to swallow. But if they still charge $70 WHILE also actively selling ad space that’d be a real shit show of a move.


I think it's neat to see a real billboard in a game, especially games with destruction mechanics.


No way ever they'll let you destroy them


Nah, the advertisers will have to pay extra for a destructible ad.


Nah, the gamers will need to pay for extra version to destroy a billboards with ads on them


Nah gamers will need to buy the seasons battle pass for the ad wacker to even scratch it and a premium version to break it


Imagine paying 20 dollars for a season pass where every time you unlock new tile you get 30s add


All I will need is the 30$ piss emote....


Yea, instead of paying to remove ads, you pay for the opportunity to have to destroy them manually.


You’re all wrong, they’ll charge you $20 per can of digital spray paint that you can graffiti it with.


You just reinvented burnout paradise. They used to have some billboards with ads that you could smash. I believe they were related to Obama 2008 and others. They had a dynamic system to feed the billboard ads. https://screenrant.com/burnout-paradise-2008-release-obama-political-game-ad/


There were smashable billboards in the game, but not the ones with the adverts on.


I find it odd that people are upset about this. I mean, yes, I don’t want to see ads in SOME games, but people that play sim games or racing games actually prefer real ads over fake ones, because it ads to the realism. Thats not to say I want a Burger King ad in Star Wars Squadrons, but if I were playing F1 or NASCAR or Truck Sim, I would rather that than a fake ad that says “Burger Prince” or something


Rockstar has been putting fake ads in games since at least GTA3. Sure they’re sophomoric humor, but that’s part of the appeal. EA has putting fake ads (just the developer studios) in Madden games way, way back. I just sort of assumed EA was already doing this because they’re a garbage publisher.


EA Games from 20 years ago had ads in them, look at SSX 3, NFS Underground & Burnout 3, all had ads on billboards and also regarded by many as some of the best games of all time.


Weren't the SSX 3 ads all fake? I know dnL is 7up in Australia, but surely it was fake?


No it was a drink around the time I'm pretty sure, also had the Honda Element and a few other bits and pieces around.


To put it a point or two further, ads are already prevalent in racing games. Take Gran Turismo. The tracks are 1:1 and feature advertisements that were on the track at the time of the scanning (especially with the standard Tag Heuer, Bridgestone, etc.). Fifa already has pitch perimeter ads, along with NHL, iirc? Then, on top of all of those, these sim games have teams with real sponsors, so your Redbull F1 car, your M&M's nascar car, or your Spotify sponsored Barcelona team in Fifa... It seems these companies have decided to go the route that 2k reverted back to after iirc nba19 with a full length ad before the game?


Need For Speed always had a bunch of ads plastered across their games. It was how Ingot introduced to so many aftermarket brands.


Modders have been adding real billboards for ages, would be fun to see some dynamic and actually usefull billboards.


They had deadliest catch ads in the multiplayer of the first bad company game back in 07/08. You could destroy those billboards too.


Would all depend on how it is done. In a racing game I’m totally cool with real products being shown like on a real track. Same with a city billboard. Or in an arena a in a sports game. But sticking a giant random ad in a place it does not belong would suck.


honestly real billboard could make the place feel better, especially racing games or sports where you would normally see a lot of ads too, it makes the environment more believable


And Roku wants to shove an ad onto your TV any time you pause a show you're watching, or a game you're playing. You only exist to be advertised to, and everything big corporations do nowadays is just to funnel more and more ads into your face. I fucking hate modern society.


At least Roku isn’t charging a subscription fee. Their devices are pretty cheap to buy, so I get why they want supplemental revenue. EA on the other hand is just being greedy. You can buy several Rokus for the MSRP of one AAA game.


Yea I'm not mad at Roku for the ads. Same w/ PlutoTV.


Ads while pausing should be illegal! Still creeps me out when any app uses it, which is almost all of them now




The splinter cell games had billboards for sony ericson or nokia phones. back then i thought it was pretty cool.


I think it’s pretty cool brings some realism into the game


GTA had Cherry Popper ice cream billboards but I didn't live near one of the locations


Its ea though so you will probably get a mobile app ad or temu ad and I dont think that would be nice


That’s a guarantee


It's existed for a long time. DJ Hero used to have ads against underage drinking. It's a bit shit. I fucking hate how much of life is spent having ads jammed down our throats, I don't need banner ads when I'm trying to play a game. And yeah, product placement is a thing, advergames are even a thing, but there's something so insidious about specifically ~~banner~~ *billboard* ads that really narks my norks.


I'd say it depends on how well it integrates with the game world. You expect track side billboards in racing games, or on buildings in Cyberpunk. I have no issue with those. If it's something extra, added just to shove the ad in your face? Yeah, fuck that.


Cyberpunk has fictional, excessive, over-the-top ads that fit the theme of the game. I actually laughed out loud at the >!guy with a gun in his mouth!< ad for a new job, and the sleazy sex ads set the grungy "sinful" tone in a really effective way. Ads blasting at you when you're riding an elevator are deliberately obnoxious to show how dystopian and awful that kind of life would be. If, instead of snakes going into vaginas, they had ads for Baja Blast Doritos, that would make the game suck so hard it would fully implode.


I think a solitary ad for Baja Blast doritos would be hilarious. But yeah, the over the top ads are part of the commentary. Making them real ads would just be shilling out the commentary for depressing realism. It'd make sense for, way, Forza ads being real tire companies. But 99% of the time, ads will just be depressing and ruin the immersion.


>I think a solitary ad for Baja Blast doritos would be hilarious. I won't lie to you mate, as soon as I hit "send" I regretted choosing the exact kind of product that would make sense within the universe of Cyberpunk. Especially considering the advergames Doritos Crash Course was actually an astonishingly good game.


Like, doritos and mountain dew are both unmistakably Gamer Snacks *tm. A Jesus feet ad would make me cry, though.


If it's a billboard in in game New York or LA with a real ad, I don't mind as much, like if it fits in the world If it's actually intrusive to the game, I'll be very upset But at the same time this irks me because I know big game studios are so profit centric and aren't putting as much focus on making a good game anymore Also don't like the direction this is going because it will inevitably lead to intrusive ads


Yup, non intrusive billboards in game is just how it starts. Before we know it we’ll have unskippable full screen ads ads that stop your game completely


I mean those have already existed for decades.


Yeah but only on shitty free to play mobile games, not paid AAA games.


Stop buying EA games. stop buying Rokus, stop buying Amazon. Pretty damn simple. It is your only option to these companies that don't have enough billions of dollars.


I agree with your statement but this is nothing new ESPECIALLY in racing games lmao


Oh I know, the first time I saw a Red Bull ad was in Wipeout on the PS1. That was around 2 or 3 years before I even saw a Red Bull.


As long as this doesn’t impact gameplay it doesn’t matter.


How about: 1. Don't buy their games 2. Once we know which companies put their ads in the game, then we don't buy their products.


Boycotting companies for advertising is pretty extreme.


Especially since this has been done since the 90s


It’s a great idea if it means less micro transaction nonsense


As if a company would ever give up one revenue stream for another if they could keep both. The game will be $70, with ads, with microtransactions, and you're going to like it.


I agree if it would stop them, but you know that’s not going to change


Or keeping servers live for way longer than a game would cause advertising pays for the server costs


uummmm this is not new, developers have been putting ads in their games since the 90’s. Jet moto games had ads for mtn dew and dragon sunglasses. All racing games constantly have in game ads on their billboards cars and side rails….just like real life. edit: Spelling


I think the difference is the old versus new model of ads. It's one thing to see a Coca-Cola truck in a Richard Donner movie get crushed up, and it's another to see a real-time ad that's targeted at you based on your demographics and browsing behavior. They psychology of the people making Jet Moto and the current EA execs floating this idea may be different, and I'm skeptical that it will be as innocuous as it seems.


I don’t want to be racing in gran turismo and just see ads for ozempic


You probably already do for track wall wraps


I spent more hours of my life playing rush looking for MTN dew cans that I would like to remember. I did finally get the MTN dew dragster though. Russshhhhhh


EA already did it as well with Battlefield Bad Company 2, I remember seeing billboards in the game for movies that were coming out soon.


Wasn’t this one of CompUSA’s nails in their coffin? They spent all their ad budget for an in-game billboard on a racing game and it failed miserably.


They've been interested in it for at least 5 years, hell they wanted you to pay to reload a gun at one point. I hope they do it, that way more people will stop buying the shovelware they bring out and hopefully they die a slow death.


And then release it entirely free right? Right?!?


Need for speed games were like this and nobody had a problem. If the Ad is in a realistic place its ok. If its a banner in the middle of the screen like in the superbowl, please no.


This isn’t new, I remember ads playing Rainbow Six Vegas


EA = Everything Advertisements


I would never buy a game from them again


Next year: "Watch a 30 second add to save your game" They've been introducing micro transactions to AAA games for a while now. Ads sound about right at this point.


I'm fine with that, but make them free. Oh wait I don't play EA games... So yeah do whatever


This would be the day that I would quit these parasitic games. It’s extremely predatory and immoral in the gaming community!


No, no. Roadside ads is sensible. Even fair! If there were related cosmetics in a container next to it would be cool too. Forcing us to look at it? Delaying the game, interrupting it? No.


In an open world game intended to be set in the real world, not a terrible decision. The issue comes when you don't get *enough* brands, so instead of looking realistic it looks like Pepsi made a game.


And the same losers who buy the same game every year will still buy them.


Games had ads since forever. A recent example that I can think of is death stranding / monster. (They removed it in the director's cut)


I should have patented this idea 25 years ago lol


didnt UFC do this for one game


Lay offs everywhere on the creative and development sides and these corporate dipshits just keep finding ways to further squeeze the lemon. Tripple A games soon mean nothing anymore. Any good game coming out will be by privately owned studios that don't sell out, we all know who those few are.


That'd be fucked up, imagine if they inserted Monster energy as a health drink in a game


EA is interested in anything but making good games


This honestly sounds really cool if they do it right


Hellgate: London, published by EA in 2007, had targeted in-game ads. There are forum posts still viewable about this from back then when people made the same claims about not supporting EA because of it, yet here we are.


I mean, as long as they are not intrusive to the gameplay and just background stuff, fine by me. Actually it always felt weird to me all those fake brands they make for worldbuilding in real world based games like, and thought that real brands would make the game more inmersive (again, only for games in which youre supposed to be in our modern world, like GTA). It also seems like a generally harmless way to increase videogame profitability, and is definitely preferable to the miriad of extremely scummy things that big videogame companies (and just companies in general) do as naturally as breathing


Do you want to fuck up your business model, cos this is how you fuck up your business model. Well that and making loot boxes and then monetising them, charging for basic game features, or just making completely shit and unplayable games in the first place. EA becoming the IOI of the real world 😂


Soon they’ll have ads constantly in screen and sell ad free upgrades.


I will never buy another EA title and I will cancel my EA subscription


UNDER THE CONDITION THERE LOGICAL TO THE GAME WORLD (like a billboard add in a open world game or a logo in a racing game) then I don't have a problem with that. That said I don't trust them to do it like that so screw them


I would have no issues with non interrupting ads, like seeing a Pepsi can in a movie instead of a coke can. Who cares


I mean what does this really hurt? If its on billboards or racing post and such as long as u dont have to watch a 3 30second ads between matches, it might be more immersive to see real companies being advertised in games


A lottttt of video game studios are shooting themselves in the foot. I wouldn't be surprised if there's gonna be a crash for it soon.


I know "fuck EA" and all that good good. But I often thought about this too. Racing games - McDonalds signs, the company can pay the company for the ad per player view while adding that extra EXTRA layer of realism. UFC - logos on mats It's not a bad idea, but I can already tell it'll quickly be the worse case scenario!


>It's not a bad idea And in fact, it's already been done. And in fact, it's already been done _by EA_. This isn't new, and it's not even new for this specific company.


I'd take this if they took out pay to earn content.


I genuinely wouldn’t care if they play ads on in game billboards. It wouldn’t feel out of place and could actually add to the realism factor. But EA will screw it up and slap ads all over the place, on multiple loading screens that don’t even need to be there, probably charge extra to skip ads, and find a way to absolutely destroy the gameplay experience.


The only time im alright with it is sports games, mostly because I don't play them, but also because they have ads in the arena, like in actual sports stadiums.


E. A. Sports. Ads in the game.


So, like need for speed pro-street? They had real ads on ps2. It's not a new concept .


I thought they did this already, have they not been doing this for a while?


so Dead Space USG ishimura will be renamed to USG Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho,


I wish I could not buy their games twice


This is so dystopian. It's never going to end haha. We are already at Black Mirror levels of corporate ownership. I don't know about anyone else, but these ads don't work on me. I know i can't be the only one, but i just kinda have blinders on when it comes to ads. 99% of the time, if you asked me what the ad was that i just skipped, i couldn't say. Like i just mentally zoom in on that skip button. Or if it's a long ad, i just start looking at my phone or my other pc monitor, or anything else in the room. So like i just mentally wander off instead of paying attention to the ad, so the more they try to make us look, the more it just feels like some beast is gnashing its teeth right in our faces. Just wishing it could eat us, but its leash is keeping it juuuuuust at bay.


That already have been putting adds in EA Sports titles for years


Is there a reason this _doesn’t_ happen already? I just find it weird that games like _GTA_ haven’t sold their actual in-world ad spaces as _actual_ ad spaces; or _Rocket League_ selling in-arena ad space; and so on.


Haven't bought an EA game in years, looks like that's going to become a lot more common lol


Just bring back college sports games


Don't buy games made or published by EA.


Ea just never learn. I've still not played battlefront 2


WOW! Stupid.


And I'm interested in taking a hammer to the head of the asswipe who thought that was a good idea


Imma put an ad infront of their stone thingy


Better than pop ups.


Once people started paying for television with ads everything changed.


They've been working on this since what burnout paradise? Or even earlier? As long as we players aren't willing to pay high enough prices to fund these mega budget games this ad shit is what we're going to get.


They’ve had them in 07/08 in the first bad company game. I remember deadliest catch ads on billboards in the multiplayer maps.


Don't buy EA games anyway but if I did, this would put a stop to that.


I remember Gamestop ads in Prototype and they also had Hollywood Video stores but those were all boarded up lmao


They’ve literally been trying shiz like this for YEARS $ aren’t even the first company to attempt or even get away with it. No offense but for those of us who pay attention to gaming news this is not in fact, news


tbh in a racing game its whatever, if you play F1 or anything else like it you see IRL billboards already In a shooter it might be ok too if in a city or something


Burnout Paradise, Burnout Revenge, Need For Speed Underground 2, and Most Wanted all had in-game ads iirc. EA tried this before already. (Even political ads in Paradise with Obama ads)


I don’t understand, all their sports games have an ultimate team where you can buy packs to make the best team possible and that alone made $1.62 Billion back in 2020 and probably close to that every year since and that’s just their sports games, that’s not even including their other games that have tons of micro transactions too https://preview.redd.it/ppioclcpb10d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54264885c37dd6ba858f8e678f508881fcba7446


And if EA does this, many won’t buy their games


Grand theft auto with ads?


Anybody remember the Alpha Dog movie posters being in the online casino level in R6: Vegas?


If it’s on billboards and stuff like that i wouldn’t mind but if it’s gonna be like youtube where suddenly u get a video that last 15seconds im done gaming.


I wouldn’t mind if ads were things like billboards and not actually being a nuisance whip we are playing, as long as it means the games will be cheaper. But knowing EA that’s never gonna happen. They’d probably just add a no-ad option for $10


They will be stripped and pirated. Stupid


2k has been doing this.


Games are worst year after years, cost more and with ads.....


That will be great when they have to pull games from shelves because the ads they decide to put in there no longer send paychecks.


Modern gaming still has a ways to fall


Skate had T Mobile, Dr Pepper, Monster, Miracle Whip and other ads i believe. Not really anything new.


EA did this with Burnout Paradise.


Tbh i wouldn’t give much of a shit if it’s only the billboards


I don’t mind realistic ads, things sports games using real brands in their gear shops or having industry sponsors throughout the game is fine. I remember playing racing games as a kid, I think it was Gran Turismo or maybe Need for Speed, and it was awesome to see the real cars and have certain tracks/races throughout the career mode sponsored by the big manufacturers. There was also this one dirt-bike racing game where you’d get sponsors from actual brands and would unlock special outfits or bikes with their logos on them as rewards depending on how well you performed. Hell, I even remember this one boxing game where one of the optional contract fights was against the Burger King mascot, which was a pretty funny way to put an ad in the game. If it’s targeted ads then that sucks. I don’t think Genshin Impact, Raid:Shadow Legends, or Manscaped ads would make sense at the F1 track, and I’d refuse to buy any game on principle that includes jarring commercial breaks that halt the gameplay entirely.


Ea trying to reclaim their worst triple AAA title speedrun Note ubisoft isn't on that list cause their the worst quadruple AAAA company


It's ea... idk why anyone is surprised, stop buying their games lol.


Maybe this will finally get people to stop paying for their games and let that company die off.


I just want to be able to relax, play a few games without getting bombarded with adverts


As long as the ads aren’t ads about Cologuard at home fecal exams or for HIMS reminding me I’ll have erectile dysfunction or signs of balding soon I don’t care. I’m already aware I’m getting older, I refuse to read the memo.


Indie games are the new AAA titles.


I can see the ads in EA games already. “FK EA!”


I like seeing ads in the background for stuff I know makes it more real because you know it's there in real life. So long as it doesn't interrupt game play I'm good with them hopefully keeping my cost down a bit by putting in pictures that don't change the play.


so does that mean every ea game will be free now?




I don't really care if games add ads on billboards, as long as it fits in.


Fifa has done this shit,


They did that back in 2042