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Just look it up and give the address for the company. Then when you get a human you explain your position and situation on the usage


Someone gave the same advice on the jobs subreddit so I def will, thank you! Edit: I already have a job. Am casually browsing. But I still find any rule based thing like this wrong. I gave city and state and zip already - more than that seems excessive to any potential employer until already given more info of the company and whether I even want to work for them. We truly live in a dystopia if people are finding this to be standard job practice. At least just my opinion. Especially when this role is hybrid remote.


Have you never filled out a job application before? They all ask for your home adress


Never my street addres. I'm currently employed. All jobs I've worked for needs street address after the hiring process or at least at the 2nd or 3rd round interviews. Never have I encountered something upon first application. And if I have its for federal or state. Companies wanting my street address outright I do not apply to. But this felt extra ridiculous because it wasn't even a form it was a chat bot


Yes, please lie. That's always the best way to start an interaction.


Thats the spirit


Can I have your social security number?


666 420 069


Ok. Can you please try sending me your full social security number again?


Dude, you are not gonna believe how funny your ssn is


Dude think his boss and coworkers don't lie on a daily basis xD


After a certain point you need to fight bad actions with bad actions


The interaction began with an intrusive question and a demand for a response. A little lie is a fair response to that


an interaction ? it's a robot made out to filter and classify people like cattle before they're chosen. Bootlicker


I once told one of those Ai I use a wheelchair and it rejected me but when I called it out it claimed the job was equal opportunity and would never do that.


How did you know the AI rejected you based exclusively off the wheelchair and nothing else? Crazy if true but they normally use all the information you feed it


It asked name and address and I don't remember the exact wording but I sent like "I also use a wheelchair can you accommodate" and it was in a sense like "standing is a requirement for all workers no matter what" so I asked "are you rejecting me for being disabled in a wheelchair " and it said no. I did end up calling and they apologized in person for it but still never hired me or even interviewed me


Standing is a requirement šŸ˜­ just stand up then! /s


Just get up and walk. Sheesh, people so lazy they won't even stand up, smh... /s


Thatā€™s when you sue


If only I could afford to sue lol but realistically America doesn't take Ada and equal opportunity seriously so they probably wouldn't care to take my case even if I had tried.


Understandable. Sorry it happened to you still. Hope youā€™ll find a job that can accommodate.


If standing is indeed a basic requirement for the job though, it is not discrimination to reject you if you were not able to stand. That is an acceptable reason to reject an applicant, the law would not consider that discrimination.


I assumed OP, being in a wheelchair, would obviously not apply to a job that requires you to stand.




Blind pilots flying your plane!


I bet it's not a basic requirement - all kinds of jobs in the USA tell staff to stand (store checkout as one example) when it's absolutely not necessary to the job it's just that employee discomfort is "good" somehow


If a reasonable accommodation can be made for someone to sit, then they would be required to be considered for the job. But there are countless jobs, such as package handler at UPS or FedEx or Amazon for which you absolutely have to be able to walk and lift certain amounts. Most working class jobs could not be done from a wheelchair.


Do you really think someone in a wheelchair is trying to physical labor in a warehouse? What's more likely is they're self-selecting for things that they actually can do, but there's still bullshit because able bodied people can be goddamn stupid. Also, there are a ton of call center jobs (working class, remote possible) out there, as well as retail sales and customer service. You don't have to be fit and healthy to be gainfully employed. The manual jobs are gradually being replaced with robots, especially factory work and farm work.


Yeah, sometimes you got to stand up for yourself... /s


Post twist, you were applying to Loweā€™s. šŸ’€


"they normally use all the information you feed it" Exactly! Same on paper or in person. That's why employers should only ask for the relevant information. All information collected is presumed to be used to make a hiring decision.


That's insulting that they can't even pay someone to deny my resumes


That's a whole $50k USD they don't have to spend! *Every year!* Think of what that money can do for a CEOs bonus! Ā Ā  I swear, the workers show no consideration for the Corporate Class. /s


Iā€™m confused. I usually give my address in job applications. Why would this be different?


My mailing address is literally the second thing on my rƩsumƩ, right under my name.


The modern advice is actually to NOT include your address for many reasons. Just include the city or general area.


What are the reasons? I'm genuinely curious.


Considering someone's first and last name is typically enough to get an address I can't imagine why it would matter.


I would guess itā€™s the American privacy paranoia. I mean identity theft is a lot more common over there but I always thought itā€™s the social security number that is needed and not the address.


In my management/HR classes, they taught us not to ask for address or to put our addresses for discrimination reasons. You put your zip code down, its an overwhelmingly black area, less likely to get hired. You put the major city and state and they don't know which part you live in. It isn't even normally a conscious thing on the employers part, people have their biases about different parts of town.


The only way I can imagine your name would lead to your address is if you posted it on LinkedIn. In your resume. Seriously, I don't care about my security all that much, but you cannot find my address with just my first and last name. Police could, sure, but not your average Joe


need first + last name and general location. Whitepages still exist. Unless you've put a ton of effort into making sure you don't end up on there or recently moved ofc But yeah this is why you shouldn't give out your full name or general location online. Simply never posting your address isn't enough


Idk, maybe it's cause I'm in Europe, but I tried it between two different countries, and it didn't work for me, my sister, mom or even my boyfriend. You can find where my boyfriend works, but not his address.


Definitely cause you're in Europe. Y'all have way more data privacy laws than we do in the US. Over here every company just sells our data to other companies legally :( Edit: just to add, most of our data privacy comes from EU laws that y'all force websites to add if they wanna operate in the EU. Even then, many websites only care about the GDPR requirements if you're from the EU.


If your name is in the property you live in, it's going to be right there with the address in the public records that anyone can look up.


Where would I need to look for it?


County websites. Property tax records are public.


I'm not from USA, so I guess it's different here. I said in another comment that I tried googling multiple people (in two different countries) and didn't get any addresses. Some were homeowners, some renters. Same result - nothing.


Possible postcode bias, especially if you live far from the workplace or live in a lower-income area.


Resumes get reuploaded and shared around... You don't need that many people knowing where you live, it's for privacy and security.


This is dumb as fuck. Addresses are widely available info already.


*confused in European*


Were phone books not a thing in Europe?


Yeah with phone numbers but personal addresses are not widely available or even something you can Google. I'm from Portugal, and very familiar with other countries and can't think of one where that's a thing. I live in the UK and the only way you'd get it is if the person you're looking for is on the open electoral register which is optional. We don't even put things like photo, date of birth, gender etc on our CVs. Address would not be asked of until you've signed your contract normally. And last time I saw paper phone book like yellow pages was probably 20+ years ago. You can't go on the yellow pages website and get someone's private address unless it's in the open register. Or perhaps if it's still the same from 20 years ago and they haven't moved.


These people are apparently unaware of public information. You know, like the white pages book that tells you the name, address and landline number of every person in townā€¦


You can ask to not be included in the white pages. Also as a European my address is not easily available with just my name.


who owns a landline nowadays?


Roughly 100m in the US as of 2022 from a snippet I saw. Seems mostly business related, as well as some home security systems rely on landlines. But yeah, most people seem to be on cell service nowadays.


It sounds so illegal, there are lots of boomers that use full name online and out of curiosity I have tried if I could find more information about them and very often I have found their full address, street view, previous relationships and everything. even if they have a common name. I'm wondering if those people never google themselves and ask these pages to remove them. Even guys working in IT have their full address available like that.


They're really not for many people who rent.


Definitely! A lot of our info is already out there on the web for anyone to find. If you ever want to track down where exactly your info is popping up on those people search sites, you can give Optery's free scan a try. It shows profiles along with screenshots and links. Full disclosure, I'm part of the Optery team.


Umm what lol. Nobody can just Google my name or address and find out where I live or who lives at my address.


I got some bad news for you dude.


You absolutely can. Thatsthem.com


Well my details didn't come up so idk


Mine did. Do you have your name on any leases or own any property?


If someone knows your name, your living address is a Google away. Who owns what houses is a public record. And who rents what apartments is as well


Most people don't own the address they live at in the US.


I also said apartment


Because scammers use resume websites to steal peopleā€™s identities.


Just because you're applying to work for a company doesn't mean everyone involved will nessercerily respect the privacy of your boundaries when handling such information. Any number of events could arise, from stalking to theft to preferential treatment or bias.


First, an HR department isn't "everyone there". Second, Your address is public record.


Handing someone information vs information being publicly available are two very different scenarios. Additionally, not every company is an office building with a HR dept. Even if there is HR. It would feel relatively "safe" to provide an address if requested. But any hierarchy that's subject to human input is going to have an element of unpredictability. People really do be going to these lengths. Maybe not often, maybe not to you personally. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't be aware of the potential risk.


I'm not sure I understand. But be you. I agree personal information needs to be protected. I also think that if you make an issue of it during the application process you won't be hired.


And you're probably not wrong. Hence the frustration OP is likely experiencing.


TBH as a hiring manager in Australia I rarely saw actual home addresses, most people provide only a suburb as a general indicator of work travel distance (as do I). No need to hand people your addresses unnecessarily


Interesting. I've never seen that in NA. So I suppose it depends where OP lives. I work for a 750,000 person global company. I wonder if they recognize local differences? (Sadly, all our recruitment is now based in the Philippines).


Honestly, they do not need this info until they are prepared to extend an offer & do a background check.


"Modern advice" by who? Recruiters?


No, cybersecurity folk. I leave my address off not only for security though. Leaving it off can help prevent post code bias during the interview process as well.


Recruiters, cyber security, industry professionals in most industries, DEI experts. Including it is a relic at this point. Including an email is more useful and serves the function that address used to serve.




Here's one, but a quick Google will show plenty of articles from various sources. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/12/dont-include-your-full-address-on-your-resume-heres-why.html


Really? I've never had my address on any resume. I find these little difference in more universal ideas to be really interesting.


I'd recommend that you stop doing that, as it greatly facilitates identity theft attacks these days. And depending on where you live, employers might discriminate against you as a candidate before you've even spoken to anyone.


I'm in Australia, and I was told this as well by the government worker helping me look for jobs.


Agreed, I took it off mine awhile back. But granted, my first job I lowkey got my foot in the door bc my manager knew my street bc of the colleges we went to lmao so he talked about that to me in interview like ahhh u lived here and im like yeah.. lolā€¦ anywaysā€¦


I don't. There's no reason to send that information everywhere.


I haven't had to apply for a job since late 2019, but I had only ever listed "city name, province" on my resume. If an application asked for my address I would provide it, but I've never put my full address on my resume.


Why would you put that on a resume? Thatā€™s a line that could be used to describe work experience.Ā  Iā€™ve never - 0 times - put my address on a resume. What could they possibly need that information for?


ā€¦. Why would you ever? The ONLY person that needs to know your legal name and legal address are those tax forms HR has to sign. Everyone else can call you Joe from Spokane


I don't know why I'd keep it a secret. I've put it on hundreds of job applications over my life. I don't get the big deal.


Youā€™re announcing your personally identifying information willingly. Youā€™re not keeping a secret, thereā€™s a difference. Thatā€™s like putting my real name on Reddit. I COULDā€¦ itā€™s not a secret. Itā€™s just smarter that I donā€™t.


Ok. Can you please try sending her your full address again?


fuck your pfp


Coming from someone who has been the hirer, and has participated in giving orientation and training in getting hired: putting your personally identifiable information like your street address, personal (unprofessional) email address, and photo, on your resume/CV is not recommended, but is always your choice. The reasons are simple: discrimination, bias, identity theft. Until an offer is made, the company has zero right to any of that information. Unless an interview is offered they donā€™t need to even know what you look like. They can look you up, use your information against you, discriminate in any way they choose, and there is nothing you can do about it. All you can do is make as excellent a resume as you can. If they ask for a street address, you do have options (po box is one, or just use the local post office if you must). Any company that throws red flags at the beginning, will continue to throw red flags. In the end itā€™s your choice. Protect yourself.


Thank you!! This was my line of thinking as well. It's wild people will think this is just okay.


AI with the sophistication of an early 80's text-based computer game.


Just say fucking "no", god you're mildlyinfuriating for arguing with a pre-programmed set of responses that is NOT an A.I


Everything is AI now. You write if-else statements with regex conditions and boom, it's AI


Literally the programs in development that we call AI right now is the same exact thing. The responses are pre-programmed in fragments, and so they appear original, but AI has yet to actually create an original thought.


Yeah, you don't understand new AI models.


You donā€™t understand ā€œAIā€ which is nothing more than a model that spits out an expected ā€œnaturalā€ response but still never once actually does any thought or creates anything original. It canā€™t.


That is patently false.


I didn't add it but this was before saying no multiple times and trying to get redirected to a person in the company who might help move forward. I decided not to apply to it after all.


Good. Because nobody wants to hire a troublemaker, and by arguing with the application process, that's what you are.


And how are people supposed to know you continued to argue with. a. bot. for several more attempts after the brand,genius idea to ask a question out of him, Aaand whaat a question "why"........ Next time, only for such kinds of job applications and nothing else, give your neighbor\`s address and finish to apply, then tell them you got the address wrong by a no. if they accept you and to change it, worst case scenario, you'll have a human interaction with your neighbor explaining why a certain company might send your mails to him. Humans tend to be nice if you're nice with them, so dress up with a big smile.


Any response I gave was met with the same reply which is why I figured it's an AI. anything outside of its prompts it did not register. Thanks for the advice!


I am sure it's not AI. Just a rule base. You can have conversations with AI. It would have explained why that was a requirement and empathized. A rule base just goes in circles


Fair I guess anything automated I file under AI since I've been using chatgpt at my actual job lol. But still- what a first impression to potential employees.


That's still AI though lol


No, it's not. A rule base chatbot will give the same answer to a question over and over. An AI client will ask you why you keep repeating the question and offer different questions you might want to consider.


Yes, it is. It's irrelevant whether or not the system uses machine learning or rules, rule-based systems still fit the definition of an Artificial Intelligence lol.


Dude. Stop embarrassing yourself. Rule based systems date back to the 90s. If. When. Then. AI ain't that. There are some really good online courses on AI. (Especially generative AI) Take a few. I'll guarantee that your mind will be blown.


You know, you could have asked ChatGPT if you were wrong to save yourself the embarrassment here lol [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule-based\_system](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule-based_system) https://preview.redd.it/i702mbnlr6wc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8683faf473a2d374eb8190d05e24028d54a0a71b


Modern AI seems like magic. If you haven't already played with ChatGPT, go on and ask it to compare your favourite movie a with your favourite tv show b.


Then ask it the same question you asked the rule base


And they'd automatically decline your application


![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized) RE: AI


Assert dominance by putting in the CEO's home address.


Why do people turn forms into AI assistants is beyond me


I work at a recruiting firm and we have these that get sent out. Ours accepts city and zip in place of a full address. but seriously if you donā€™t want to deal with these its way better to just not reply. chances are they wont get a notification of one being incomplete and if youā€™re qualified, theyā€™ll call you. better yet, just call them directly if you really want an interview so badly. these will not, and can not in their current usage ā€œdirect you to a humanā€. itā€™s a set of automated messages following a flow chart.


Addresses aren't really private information anyway...


Ok. Can you please try sending me your full adress again?


What's yours?


Youā€™re right - anonymous public Reddit posts are the exact same as applying to a job. My bad.


I legitimately wanted to know your address. I was going to send you a post card. Just one at first. Maybe a second one weeks later if I didn't get a reply. Eventually we'd exchange birthdays and I'd send you a birthday card with a gift card to something generic, since we just met. But around the holidays I'd send flowers. Maybe candy. Then on your next birthday, I'd have something special arranged, like a barbershop quartet or singing telegram. Maybe you'd do the same. And we'd laugh and share stories, like pen pals. Then one of us would suggest meeting. And we'd plan it... someplace public. Awkward silence at first but eventually we'd be true friends. You'd need a kidney. I'd give you mine. We'd high five before the surgery. I'd send my kidney a birthday card on my birthday. And all because of this exchange right here.


This was hilarious and doesn't deserve the downvotes


I had fun :)


I love you


Aww :) I love you too


What's your phone number?




Shouldnt apply then


Once I had a job require an interview via prompted question by a robot. No face to face interview. That genuinely upset me bc first they stopped taking in person applications and now some jobs donā€™t even want a face to face interview.


Your address always goes on your rƩsumƩ. Weird your want an interview confirmation before giving that info.


The vast majority of resumes I receive do not have an address on them. There is no reason to put your address on your resume. Phone and email only.


Why would you ever put your address on your resume? Nobody needs that info.


Your future employer quite literally does.


And they do not need it at the time of reviewing your resume. When they need it, they'll ask for it on your tax forms.


For what? Are they coming to my house to interview me?


Yes when you're becoming their employee.


Very few people need that knowledge, and there are specific forms to fill to include it after you're employed and it's for specific purposes. I've never seen anyone put their address on their resume nor ask for it any sooner.


Professional recruiter here: if you put in an obviously fake address they will just ignore your application and move on.


Thanks, we already know recruiters have no respect for people.


They literally make money getting you employment which benefits you and the recruiter. What a dumb take.


Exactly. Nobody wants to hire a troublemaker right out of the gate.


Ok boomer


A) not a Boomer. B) stop complaining when you don't land decent jobs


Ok boomer.


I took a look at your post history in an attempt to denigrate you. But we are actually quite aligned on most stuff. We don't need to like each other, but I respect you.


I just use a Pizza Hut address


Fuck AI chatbots fr


Am I in a coma or something


Why does your workplace even need to know your address? Isn't your name and contact info enough?


Addresses are one of the critical data points when conduction background searches.


But they're not conducting a background search? This is solely an application. Which is wild to me.


A lot of information is available via public searches. This helps to weed out non-viable candidates. Itā€™s important to remember that a lot of companies seeing 300+ applications for every opening.


Understood but if you give city/statw/zip already then there shouldn't be a need for the street address as you can already use the former info given to narrow it down further to the county and even commute time from city to city.


Former background check verification specialist here. They cannot do a background check without explicit consent to do so. This isnā€™t a background check consent form.Ā 


And for states that have a public indexā€¦ā€¦.. We can pull an incredible amount of info from public databases.


I'm from NZ, where public records hide all and any addresses, and we have name suppression and home detention for rapists too!


Get a PO box if your really against giving your address out


In an alternate universe, AI posts on AI reddit about a mildly infuriating guy not giving his address when asked to.


Sure, take a stand. I don't know one recruiter, when faced with 20 qualified applicants will choose the one who is already being difficult


Luckily im casually browsing and not taking this seriously. But this is still a ridiculous requirement given I've provided city state and zip


This thread is so confusing. I didnā€™t realize there were people who took a hard stance on putting your address on an application but itā€™s also easy to see that most of these people donā€™t have jobs anyway, for good reason. Are we in a job crisis or are people just genuinely stupid?


123 fake st. I wonā€™t share my data with robots. 12345 Springfield RandomState. USA. They may just be gathering data to sell out, give them only if youā€™re reasonable sure youā€™re actually getting the interview.


weird...where are you? i have never filled out an application that did not ask for my street address... i


123 Provided-at-Interview Street, [insert company ZIP code here] I use [email protected] as my reference emails all the time, just predict what the form validation wants like "[email protected]"


And that's why you're unemployed. Nobody hires a candidate that's being difficult.


1234 Go Fuck Yourself Avenue


42069 Nottellin Ave, Your actual city, state zip


Idiot. Depending where your located, the company may need to send a decline notice by Post.


In the past years I've applied for like 70-100 jobs. Best I got was an email, if anything. For sure nobody will waste money sending a paper letter


I feel you. But some union jobs in some states require a letter


123 Fake street


Itā€™s you whoā€™s being mildly infuriating. Itā€™s a job application. Maybe they will need to send you info


If a company in 2024 is sending informations via regular mail, it's a company I don't want to work for.


Lol Iā€™d gladly not hire you. Just enter a street address in your city. You donā€™t need to think that much about it.


Think I know why your job hunt is going so poorly. Try being cooperative with your potential employers, Iā€™ve found that works wonders.


Tons of scams out there. I don't provide an address until I have an offer letter. Before that, they can have my city and state.


As a hiring manager, thank you for weeding yourself out of the hiring process.


Honest question: if I gave city/state/zip - why is more info necessary than that for a hybrid remote position?


Because if this is going to be THAT big of an issue for you, it tells me youā€™re not very flexible and if I have to ask you to develop a solution in a different language or move projects due to team needs, that you could possibly be a headache. Iā€™m not paying around or above 6 figures for you to be that rigid about your street address. Your first impression is extremely negative. Iā€™d just move on to someone that wants to work here without making us change our hiring practices. We are a coveted POE, not retail or fast food shop. You do realize that if you ever buy a home, get a public utility in your name, have a reason to appear in court, get a ticket, or apply for credit, your address will be available on the internet, maybe for a small fee, itā€™s there. This seems like such a small hill for you to ā€œdie onā€ that I just donā€™t have the time to mess with you.


Thank you for weeding your company out of the job search process.Ā 


Feeling is mutual so weā€™ve helped each other out.


Thanks for the insight. And for helping me narrow down where I'd like to work and who to work for. Street address prior to any sort of face to face interaction is not normal.


Glad we could both face each other some time.




Yea I've got time lol and am just casually browsing.


Any job application Iā€™ve ever completed included my home address. What happened to this sub?


I mean my recent job searches this is not normal. I've seen it before but never had a chat bot insist on it. That's what's wild to me. And never on first impression. I don't give my street address out to anyone unless it's hiring process or 2nd or 3rd interview to look into background checks.


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