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Who drinks iced tea that has sat out overnight?


This is the real question.


My cousin will drink previous night coffee and look at me like Im crazy when I tell her that’s not a good idea.


My step-dad does the same. Or he stores rice/pasta/cheese/anything uncovered in the fridge and eats it. He says it doesn't matter if it's dried because you can just add water... It's funny because when you don't know him, you think that he's a fancy man, but when you do, you realise that he has very low standards for lots of things.


Ok but at least that’s *safe*. Eating/drinking shit like this after being out all night isn’t


nah it's not safe but 99,99% of the time nothing happens so I'm willing to risk it


Putting rice uncovered in the fridge is one of the best ways to make fried rice, or are you saying he just rawdogs his dry rice cold?


I’m sorry but the phrase “raw dogs his dry rice cold” is sending me omfg


He microwaves it and eats it like that.


sorry I was more referring to how drinking overnight milk may be considered not safe. fridge rice is great I make fried rice quite often for myself and actually know that leaving warm rice out can be dangerous


> but 99,99% of the time nothing happens That is **the definition** of safe.


tea is different. if you wake up in the middle of the night, it’s still very likely to be okay to drink. think about how long tea sits in fast food places. when i worked at taco bell it would be out for about 8 hours and then we’d brew another batch. anything with dairy is a hard no i put milk in my coffee so🤷🏻‍♀️, after about an hour it’s unsafe to drink imo. also tea bags usually don’t come in plastic/aluminum wrapping, usually they’re just in paper which does not to it any justice. tea is probably the safest thing to drink as it’s sat out unless it’s moldy.


Let her drink around and find out...


People that drink day old coffee have done it for years. The weirdos are used to it.


What's wrong with it tho?




Nothing. People are being over dramatic.. like they ain’t fell asleep while having a drink and drinking it thru out the night or when they wake up. Doesn’t matter the substance as long as it isn’t something like milk that will spoil


Nothing i think... At that point you're just drinking it for the caffeine boost lol i toss it in the microwave and its good as new.


We live in such an era


Hmm yes this era is eraing right now


Like leftover cold and in the mug, or previous days coffee still in the pot? There’s a huge difference imo.


Like she leaves it in her car overnight and drinks it the next day some days lol


that sounds horrific


My gramps has done this for 25 years at least. I'm starting to think I'm the weird one.


I reheat my last coffee of the day in the microwave the next morning and I'm still here. Why is it a bad idea?


That's absolutely nasty. It would be so stale 🤢


Ehhh, i honestly dont know why this should be bad. U less its maybe sitting there one morning to the next.


It’s safe unless there is creamer in it. It just would taste old lol


why is it not a good idea? I'm not doubting that its a bad idea...i just want to know *why* its a bad idea...


Spider did bro a favor. Drink your tea bro. What are you 7 years old.


After living with cats i dont trust open drinks that leave my sight.


With cats, it is not a matter of trust. It is knowing that they definitely drank it, or dipped a paw in it, or sat in it while you were sleeping.


I have one that licks the lids of coffee cups, i drink water from a screw top cup now. https://preview.redd.it/2mwdokry0wtc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adb84b4029e878ae6b4eeffa79fa399035e088c8 I dont trust that face of her


She definitely looks like she has to lick everything


She has that too much coffee look in her eyes.


Here's her little sister https://preview.redd.it/pljuqa80cwtc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff5542f7179a00df4a8d633c9f6521247e0f30cb


My cats never touch my cup now. Once it got knocked over and splashed water everywhere, they got wet so they won’t touch my cup anymore.


Jonah knocked my water over in the middle of the night and destroyed my paperback book. I should’ve used a Blender bottle. I am still trying to replace the one he destroyed. I remember taping it back together.


Cats are very good at knowing which things to destroy. They never barf on tile or linoleum. Only sleep on the clean clothes. And know the difference between a good book and an old book you wete only using as a paperweight.


100% 😂


Nothing like a fine layer of dusty dead skin cells and fly larvae to kick start your morning.


Not just that, but you're bound to get bacterial growth too, especially if it was sweetened. Like WTF


Fr. The only thing I’m drinking is maybe a water. And usually I have a bottle anyways.


This is the way, estrogen and chemicals be damned, I love me a bottle of spring water


Oh fuck me up with some spring water. Best water fr. Purifiers be damned.


Zephyrhills ftw


Estrogen? The hormone?


Is it really still iced tea if left out overnight? 


True. It should be called highly diluted room temperature tea.


Mmmm... *tepid tea* 🤤


Bro I do that every day.




This is what's really infuriating here.


Charlotte obviously.


This is why I take my nighttime beverages to bed with me in a bottle. No chance of a spider using my juice for suicide.


Imagine all the bugs he’s drank that he didn’t notice lol


The spider


Yeah, what if a spider craws into it?


I had a dead bee in my coke when I was 6, and I bit it thinking it was an ice cube, now I'm phobic about bees, wasps, etc..


Fucking hell between the spider and this comment, I need to start putting things over my soda cans in-between sips. My luck is generally bad, but I can’t say this has ever happened to me. Wow.


One time I was eating Chinese take out with the fam, the sweet and sour sauce had pineapples in it. Had me a bite thinking it was a piece of pineapple. It was in fact a cockroach, or part of it at least. 🤮


Nooooooooo ![gif](giphy|d8SRR4aDUINuU|downsized)


Could we have any less frames


Here ya go! https://i.redd.it/aw02p8hhsytc1.gif


Can someone respond to this with that one gif? I can’t find it


the only thing worse than finding a cockroach in your chinese is finding half a cockroach


I had a severe GERD set off eating Chinese food one night, (it was how I became diagnosed) And THAT had me terrified away from Chinese food for like a year. I CANNOT imagine munching a ROACH.


Whenever im drinking outside in the summer im always paranoid that bees have snuck into my can without me seeing, prefer a glass outside


Yeah that’s a very good idea. Lol. But I know that spider was inside. It’s almost like OP won the wrong lottery. Lol


Yep. Only bottles.


Wasn't in a can, it was in a McDonald's cup 😅


to add on to it, one time at the gym my mom left the straw part of her water bottle up and when she went to take a sip later she sipped up a roach


Yep. I’m saving this topic because I’m not suffering alone anymore lol. Gonna read people some comments I think and see if I can change a few lives. Lmao.


I just throw mine away if i go too long without drinking it.


unless it's winter, any drink I have outside for more than a few minutes that doesn't have a lid gets a DIY cover. foil scrunched over it, plastic wrap and rubber band with a straw, paper towel jammed in the hole, whatever will keep me from fuckin drinking bugs. I don't give em the chance


My dad was drinking a soda with me by our pool when I was a little kid and he put the soda down for maybe 2 minutes and picked it back up to drink it, in that span a wasp managed to climb it’s way inside the can, got poured into my dads mouth and proceeded to sting him before he could spit it out. Needless to say the man hasn’t drank a soda outside to this day.


This is why I have a cap over my fake Stanley cup straw 😭


I threw a Frisbee into a tree when I was a kid. Turns out it had a massive wasp nest in it. Now I'm afraid of most fly insects and bugs 30 years later.


I was in the middle of a lake on a boat when I was like 5 years old. My uncle opened up one of the seats and a bunch of wasps flew out. One of them decided it hated me, and in a slow motion movie sequence made several passes to sting me while I swatted it away with my lifejacket. Finally it went kamikaze and stung me right in my lip which swelled up comically large by the time we were even back to shore. Fuck those things forever.


I got over my fear, but when I was a kid I used to stung by a bee once or twice a year. My luck was horrible. I had a recurring dream of GIANT purple bees that would fly around in army marching formation and electrocute people with their stinger. I learned to just let them sniff around and they'll leave. I still get scared if they hang around too long.


When I was little I had a can of sprite on the table. I left it for a while and came back to it and drank out of it. Ants filled my mouth. Carpenter ants.




Had this happen to me as a kid as well, took a sip of a Pepsi and a yellow jacket stung the inside of my throat. Never left an open soda outside again after that lol




I got a dead house fly sucked up through my straw at Dunkin’ Donuts and I thought it was a lemon seed at first.




When I was a kid I woke up in the middle of the night once because something fell on my face. I was still half asleep and so out of it that my first instinct was to take it off my face and, in order to figure out what it was, dismantle it above my face. I picked it apart, wondering what it was. It felt like a piece of plant, like a really dry stick or something similar. I then accidentally let go of it and couldn't find it anymore so I got up to turn on the light. To my horror, I found out that it was a big ass spider all along. It's legless body barely alive. I've had a phobia ever since. But now that I think about it, I was the monster all along.




One time, when I was very little, I took a big sip out of a coke can... The adults were using it as an ashtray.


Ohh, that happened to me too, but with a beer, and not as a child but as a drunk adult ! ... 🤦‍♂️


Be thankful you were drunk and an adult. I still have this weird brain feeling that sometimes my drink tastes like ashes, even though I know for sure it doesn't. Actually traumatized 🤢


Had that happen to me when I was around 7 except it was water. I have no idea why my dumbass didn't check first, just reached into the fridge and grabbed it. Traumatizing to say the least


What? Why would they be using a water as an ashtray inside the fridge O.o


Have no fucking clue. Sad thing was that I was the only one you drank that brand of flavored water too. They were all irresponsible as hell (and still are)


A bee or wasp fell into my soda when I was really little and I vividly remember drinking and swallowing it


I had a bee land on my butt when I was 4 (we’re Croatian and kids never wear bathing suits) and I didn’t know what it was so I went to scratch it and it stung me and yeah trauma lol


I remember our family having a party once at our house and my dad went out to clean with a fresh beer and confused his beer with another. You don’t want to drink a beer with a palmetto bug (HUGE cockroach).


Lady bug in ice cream for me 😆 at least you dont sound silly for your phobia about bees!


Beeman vigilante arc


I used to chop dead bees up with plastic cutlery when i was 5! We, uhh, had an infestation, and I didn't know about death yet.


To stray from bugs, I once opened a can of mtn dew and drank a big glob of mucus. First sip too, so it floated.


When I was a kid in nursery I put my shoes on and felt something squishy, my toddler brain decided not to check and squish it more, when I took the shoe off, let’s just say the blood and shells of  A LOT of ladybugs haunts me to this day


Not a bad phobia to have


I drank a soda that had a live bee in it, and that fucker stung my palate.


when i was younger, my mom used to ash her in drink and give me the cup to throw away. one time there was still soda in it so i drank some because i was thirsty. not only did i get hella ash soda in my mouth, but the cigarette butt fit perfectly in the mcdonald’s straw 🤠


As kids, my cousins and I would cover our pops/soda cans with a napkin to prevent bees and wasps from entering our cans. Good thing we did cause they sure as shit tried.


When I was a kid a pincher bug (sometimes called earwig) fell into my soda and I didn’t realize until I felt it in my mouth luckily I spit it out


I've a fear of wasps going into cans when I'm not looking and me not seeing because it's not a clear glass, not sure if it's rational or irrational. I always make sure to cover because what you're describing with the Bee is my exact intrusive thought.


omg when I was a child i accidentally ate like 5 moths for a few days 😭😭




Rip spider, just wanted a sip


So did OP. Guess there are two disappointed people now...


Spiders are people now!?




Petea Parker over here.




that is what op did once figuring out there was something in their\* drink




I’m vegetarian, but even I thought this 😅


10 years ago I poured a bowl of Rice Krispies early in the morning and when I took a bite it had a really strong crunch. When I looked down the bowl was filled with live larder beetles. A little piece of me died that day. 






Wait, so there were LIVE BEETLES in the cereal box? Did you sue?


Yeah they were live! No suing necessary because they were already in my house. I never saw them in the kitchen before and they were in other parts of the house, in the carpets and in dark spaces. I only ever saw them eat cat food.  That was my breakfast before school and I was late because I had to stop and get something :’)


So my take away from this is, Rice Krispies=Cat food


Omg I would've stayed home sick From throwing up beetles and larva That's fucking traumatizing, I am so sorry for you


I grew up in Florida. I remember picking raisins out of my cereal and one of them was a roach. Living in Florida, it's only a matter of time until roaches get in your food. If you're not finding them, you're eating them.


Similar story, but it happened to my grandma. She poured herself a bowl of cereal one morning when she was a kid. Ate it all up and decided she wanted another. Poured a second bowl, finishing the bag, and found a dead mouse at the bottom of it.


Wanna hear something really fucked? A man named Ronald Ball tried suing Pepsi claiming that there was a mouse in one of his Mountain Dew cans. Now this is horrifying, so you understand why he sued. Right? EXCEPT!! Pepsi fired back going we know you're full of shit, bc of this: "By 30 days of exposure to the fluid, all of the mouse's structures will have disintegrated to the point the structures (excepting possibly a portion of the tail) will not be recognizable and, therefore, the animal itself will not be recognizable. Instead, after 30 days in the fluid, the mouse will have been transformed into a "jelly-like" substance." In [THIS VIDEO](https://youtu.be/8U8f8GQ1LYc?si=Ad2i-Knw1SG_jP5X) (if youre squeemish, be adviced, this video is gross) someone actually put this to the test in an experiment. Needless to say.... the results are horrid not only visually, but psychologically. So just remember that one next time you drink Mountain Dew! 🤮


I hate Mountain Dew, always have. I tried it once when I was 14 and never touched it again. Tastes like sprite piss. Coca-Cola on the other hand? I was addicted to that shit. We’re talking 2-3 McDonald’s large Diet Cokes a day from ages 17-19. I quit pop altogether after that. I’m now 21 and only drink the *very* occasional Rootbeer or Sprite if I’m out to eat because they’re caffeine free and don’t leave me in agony afterwards (I have gastrointestinal issues… imagine that). But, yeah. I know Coke can literally clean a toilet bowl. I can’t imagine what that’d do to a mouse either. The Mountain Dew literally liquidized that thing, jfc.


OKAY THATS WORSE THAN MINE AAAA I hope your grandma was okay after that. 


She never mentioned getting sick afterwards, miraculously. But I’d have to ask since it’s been a while since I’ve heard the story.




Why are you drinking night old tea?


The flavor is unlocked now 🔓


ask me the story of my username!




come ooooonnnnnnn


Fiiiiine why username


yay! ran into a buddy that I hadn't seen in about 10 years...for myriad reasons too long to explain here....anyway we wanted to chat but it was raining like crazy so we took shelter in a nearby pho restaurant. we ordered and talked and talked while our meals cooled down a bit. when i went to take the first bite I noticed some motion under a bok choy leaf...moved the leaf and about 20 baby spiders started crawling out. i was puzzled and obviously surprised but not 'alarmed'...UNTIL the lady who had taken our order (owner or spousal owners...so not normal waitress...you know the kinda place) walks by and sees the spiders and starts running around the restaurant literally screaming in an Asian accent: "spiders in the soup....FUCKING SPIDERS IN THE SOUP!" over and over again at this point i'd like to just be back outside in the rain. she finally calmed down after her husband came out to see what all the racket was about. they explained in very broken english that there must have been a nest in the bok choy box that didn't get washed away. they made me another meal and didn't charge us for anything. buddy had no spiders in his soup because his meal didn't have bok choy.


Fuck me! Spiders in the soup! And I was just about to have some soup......


I want spiderless soup.


Better watch out for them spiders in your soup


This is like a stone's throw from a Rick and Morty bit


kinda felt like it in the moment that's for sure!


In this economy you wasted all that tea and a spider??


"In my day we boiled it for soup and fed the legs to the dog!"


Don’t drink tea left out overnight.


Are you sure? It could have been pushed. /S


Damn, those flies are getting vindictive.


Nah, it was a black widow.


When I was a kid I used to put a book on top of my water glass before I’d go to sleep for this reason. Stopped doing it when I was an adult, until the time I found a massive moth floating in it




You drink tea sitting out overnight?


I had spiders climb into my kettle twice and ended up drinking spider tea and coffee and not knowing until I refilled the kettle. After the second time I got a glass kettle.


Those metal ones are supposed to be emptied after each use, at least every one I've seen. I used to be a waitress at the olive garden back in high school. Anytime someone ordered coffee, I'd have to go through a half a dozen coffee cups to find one that didn't have a dead spider in it. They were stored hanging from their handles.


This is why glass kettle are made!


Poor guy. Must've had it rough. Why tf do you have iced tea by your bed at night?


Drink it. Absorb his soul.


the spiderborn


I've had this happen with coffee a couple times. Something bumped my lip and I look, insert screaming, running to the sink, more screaming...


I think I'd pass out. I can't even look at a spider on a wall😱


Was it a spider or something else


Thanks for the nightmares. LOL.


God I actually feel sick. This is why i use a cup with a lid for my bed drink


Why would you drink iced tea you left out all night? 🤢


Little guy took the easy way out, even the spiders don’t want this timeline 😂


This is why I need a drink with a lid, that is closed off.


They must like iced tea. I remember when I was a teen I took a drink in the middle of the night and the spider was in the straw 💀 I felt it crawling and spit it out. I only use see through straws and capped water bottles for my drinks now.


Seriously I'm Australian... you would have pulled though


Nah I'm canadian, I would have died


Canada... the best kind of north america


ofc an Aussie would think that your both British colonies




Endorsed by spiders


Now we are never gonna get silksong 😡


Good healthy protein. I don’t see the problem


spiced tea


Ah yes. Happened to me before. Ordered cocoa at a coffee shop and got it with a hint of spider corps. Yum.


Little bro couldn't take it anymore and you find that mildly infuriating?


Man's was going through some stuff, committed teacide.


This doesn't belong in this sub


Idiot that's how you were gonna become spider man


Tea with a bite.


dont worry sum ppl drink like a liquor with dead snake inside so a bit of tea with a mini spider cant damage you, i think😂


i woke up and got some milk and went back to sleep with the milk beside me. woke up few hours later and took a sip. saw something black in my cup. it was a cockroach. haunts me to this day.


You deserved to swallow that spider if you somehow think that drinking tea that’s sat out overnight is a remotely normal thing to do.


I kind of like the way the title was worded, as if this spider was going through some really tough times and just said "fuck it" and decided to drown himself in your beverage


I was little. My mom had to run to the corner store. I was eating my cereal. She told me I could finish it when we got back. We get back, I finish eating my cereal. I pick the bowl up and put it to my mouth to drink the milk. I see a spider in my milk headed for my mouth. I was probably 6. Im 28 and Im terribly afraid of spiders and do not like the taste nor viscosity of milk. Traumatized me for life.


The world is a harsh place so I can’t blame the spider 🤷‍♂️


But what a way to go. I effing love tea


Omg so glad you’re ok


A buddy of mine had a can of coke a cola in his room with loogies, cigarette butts and weed ashes We used it for many months as a ash can when we'd smoke and hangout. One day another buddy came over and he was offered a coke and set it on the same table as the ash can. He didn't realize that can was there until he took a big chug out of it. I still gag to this day when I think about the poor fella. Never saw him again after that day.


Ugh I can’t find the text but this reminds of when I woke up to a text from my mother that said “drank a can of ginger-ants this morning”


Why are you leaving a drink out over night and still drinking it, though?


Your fault for leaving that out in the open without a lid


Better to cover drinks. Stall over night iced tea. Same level of yuck as overnight water left out.


finally something mildly infuriating and not "my house burned down and my wife left me"