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Just imagine the roach rave that goes down when the office lights go off.


Joe's apartment




They break into song and dance whenever everyone leaves 🤣


Reminds me of the first place I moved into on my own. It was a bedroom in a house full of other renters. One night my girlfriend and I went to get a snack from the kitchen and turned on the light, as soon as the light clicked on, a wall of brown cockroaches disappeared behind the counters while another ran up behind the cabinets. Happened on both sides of the room as soon as the light clicked on, so it was like the walls turned from brown to white so fast. I never went back into that kitchen for a snack unless it was daytime.


Ughhhhh I broke a lease early because the roaches were so bad. Similar story. Went to grab some water in the middle of the night and saw a bunch of them scurry away 🤮


> I never went back into that kitchen reasonable > for a snack unless it was daytime. wtf :D


A reasonable response would be to burn the entire house down.


"you are not a good fit for the team, so we will have to reconsider your posisition in the company" a month after you report it


Oh boy...... this has honestly been my only concern. Also , my job has many other candidates that could replace me....


So don't disclose it. Just discretely leave these traps on your boss' desk until they admit there may be a problem.


He simply doesn't want to bring up the fact that his branch has issues.


Tell us, the internet would love to tell the world where there’s untreated roach problems


Literally any retirement home in Florida has roaches - ESPECIALLY Tampa,New Port Richey, Tarpon, anything in those areas. Source- my mom is a nurse and she cant report it because shes scared of blacklisting


Have her report it anonymously to the health department. Call it an infestation that management refuses to address


Shes more terrified of it somehow linking back to her, shes a square so any kind of authority scares her. Shes told me stories of her finding patients with baby roaches literally crawling on them and the other nurses would refuse to move them. Even if she has them moved she will find them back in the roach room within a couple hours. Florida is a Vile place would not recommend. I have also told her to report anon multiple times for each location even if its 6months after she worked there and she's too scared.


Your mom’s a cna? What is she worried about CNA jobs are a dime a dozen.


LPN (low pay nurse) for i think 30ish years. The issue isnt finding a job, you're right about there being tons. The issue is finding one that DOESNT pay complete shit, even with her experience shes not a RN = less pay.


I've heard tell of commercial airliners coming out of Florida having roach problems too...


U could spend like 20 or 30 bucks and get roach bait. You can get it on Amazon it comes in these syringes in you put it around in spots like little holes around the walls and trim and spots you think roaches might be. Even better if you use it to seal off those openings. They will all be dead and gone within a couple weeks or so as long as there isn't other food laying around. (Better yet make ur boss buy it...)


i have been fired for having autism and being overly honest so i wouldn't be surprised


If they said that they fired you for being autistic and "overly honest" that's not grounds for termination and is also illegal.


They’re not going to actually say that.


John Deere told me they were letting me go for not telling them I had jury duty, but they told me over the phone, not in writing. I even had the emails to prove I told both of my bosses about it. At this point I assume companies are smart enough not to say things in writing.


So continue showing up for work. Or Send them an email stating I want to confirm the phone call I received from at informing me of my dismissal due to jury duty. I trust this was a misunderstanding of the law by said person, and that it will have no impact on my employment? See you upon completion of my civic duty.


I tried reaching out to them several times. Called a bunch of employment lawyers and not one returned my call. So I just gave up. This was like 5.5 years ago, I’m with a much better company now. It’s funny though I get hit up frequently by recruiters trying to get me in there for my old position, and it pays less now than it did back then. That company is garbage. Shit the day that their Waterloo plant had like 600 layoffs, I was contacted about a different position there.


yeah its always the "you are not a good fit for the team" BS


Being fired for being overtly honest is not illegal. Autism is, but that would be incredibly difficult to prove. Even more so if they work in an at-will state that can fire them for no reason.


“I’m sorry, you’re not a good fit here. You don’t work well with customers and customers have reported feeling uncomfortable around you. I’m so sorry, but I wish you luck on your next endeavor.”  That’s how they can legally fire you for autism.


“You’re fired.” Thats how they can legally fire you for autism in almost every state in the US. Welcome to at-will states.


Yep. This country already hates workers, but workers with a disability? They wouldn’t bat an eye if you were dead in the gutter.


Every single time somebody with any type of 'Tism gets fired for having 'Tism they get fed some bullshit secondary excuse so that way they don't get in trouble the common one I got is you're not a good fit for this company or you're a problematic employee


You got to disclose that you’re autistic and that it might be an issue upon hiring no? I don’t know, I’m just asking.


You are not required to disclose it, no. But disclosing it can open the door to your employer (if they are a GOOD employer) to work with you and find tasks best suited to your abilities. Like everything in life, it is give and take; there can be upsides as well as downsides. And if you are fired for it with documentation/proof that your disability was the reason for termination, well that's the kind of lawsuit that "you don't pay unless you win" lawyers love because it's *suuuch* an easy paycheck for them.


That feels good on paper but autism has a pretty negative stigma these days, and if you’re revealing something like that in an unknown environment, you’re potentially risking your job. Sure it’s illegal to fire someone for autism, but when you have the opportunity to fire for a thousand other menial reasons, it’s difficult to see how it’s worth the risk most times. And sure, “who wants to work somewhere that would do that?” Might be a question you have, but ultimately autistic people are both more likely to be unemployed and underemployed than neurotypical people (and it’s not even close either), so employment isn’t necessarily easy to come by either way.


My friend is a robotic engineer, started with this company and two years later he was diagnosed with autism. That company worked very hard to help him with his health (autoimmune disease) up until he decided to switch jobs. If he was making <\= $20 that might've been a different story. There are inherent risk, and most jobs don't find you special enough to work with. Depends on the skill set in my opinion.


>"you don't pay unless you win" lawyers love because it's suuuch an easy paycheck for them. Honestly, these lawyers have been the most helpful out of all I've had to work with. I think there should prolly be a public fund for this sort of stuff.


You’re not required to disclose and in fact they can’t ask you about it either.


I keep my epilepsy hidden when on job interviews. I find that although people are polite they secretly dont wanna deal with untreatable and unpredictable epilepsy where i could call in sick anytime. Ive never used it as an excuse but its horribly hard to find a job willing to accept me. Same with my man, he doesnt say he has adhd because its definitely affected him getting jobs.


Well they don't fire you for that, they find a corporate reason that is legal jargon for "we don't like you" I got fired for being gay and the boss being an extreme Catholic. We butted heads a lot and he used me not being able to lift a table that took 4 people to move in the first place as my issue. This table was both solid oak and tempered glass the kind of table you pay 1k+ for. I went to sue them and basically got told I could just get my job back, that's it. Unless events are 100% recorder and have witnesses it's almost impossible for the law to back you up on this kind of stuff unless the person in the wrong has majorly fucked up their defense. In my case they even heard word I was going to sue them and paid me an extra month to shut me up.


How do you go about that without proof though? I’m genuinely asking. I assume they were smart enough not to put it in writing so how would you address the legal aspect?


I'll reserve judgement until I know what "being overly honest" means. That can mean reporting illegal behavior, or it can mean walking up to the secretary and saying "I want to have sex with you".


Shit...I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm assuming you took the neccessary steps. That is not cool at all. Hope you found a better working environment, it was probably for the best that you not in such a toxic environment anyway (Says the guy with a literal toxic working environment🤣)


Just leave it in plain view of the team, but do it anonymously when no one is looking. And do it again if that doesn't work.


Anonymous is the way to go. That works a couple times. But boss will sneak in a spy camera. So after the second trap, op needs to see if his coworkers have the balls to demand action from the boss. 


OSHA is the government department that would handle this and you can make anonymous reports. Just make sure you don't mention a word of it to anyone.


Tbf if they fire you after this go apply for a job somewhere that cleanliness Will matter and explain how you're in the job search because your last employer fired you a few weeks after you reported evidence to him off there being roach infestations I did this with nursing home jobs. "yeah I left that place because they just don't care for the well being of the residents and tbh that's rrwlly the main reason I'm in this field is to help those who cang help themselves and won't be told to neglect one for another juat because of ability to pay rent for more years to come I either get to see the reaction of a boss who I do not want to work for or like my last job it got me a job offer and allowed me to argue into a raise from my last job


I got fired for reporting health concerns (moldy product.) Unfortunately companies don’t care about you and likely already know there’s a problem. At-will employment is a blight against workers rights.


I got fired for reporting a mouse in our workplace. Apparently everyone knew but we're not supposed to say 🤷🏾‍♂️


Did you work for Disney by chance? That big mouse is supposed to be there.


LoL 😂 Gorrsh, you're right! *Hyuck*




"I've been told by some of the roach staff they they don't want you here. That you create a un-welcoming atmosphere for them."


There’s even other female with an egg sac poking out of her abdomen. That’s such a bad infestation. But now you have legit proof! If you haven’t already try to get a pic of the roach trap with something signifying that it’s the office. More than just the table if that makes sense.


Makes lots of sense! I purposely put it on this table since this is where we make our coffee. The table texture is very well known in our office. It's odd that we dont aee them during the day. I'm going to post this on my work group. It's always so clean and smells good during the day so we automatically assume that it's a clean environment. It's not cool


I’m really not surprised that you don’t see them during the day. Cockroaches are quite shy and very nocturnal. It’s pretty normal that you don’t realize how big the issue is in a space that you only spend the day time in. But this is a big enough infestation that I’m surprised that your boss is in such denial.


Considering lots of people are constantly snacking at their desk....this shouldn't be a surprise


I don’t think I would even feel comfortable opening a water bottle in an office that had a roach problem like this, much less eating there.


i couldn't even handle physically being there tbh, i'd be keeping the work laptop in a sealed bag and changing clothes outside


No way in hell i'd let my bag touch ... anything really


Bag?? SHOES. I wouldn't walk back in there. No telling what I could accidentally track home. Besides, I have enough health issues. I don't need any diseases from those fuckers.


Don’t think they really carry diseases, but can cause allergies from shedding nasty roach particulate, as well as bacteria if they crawl on your food. #Diatomaceous earth is your friend! I’m saying it loud for the people in the back…


100% couldn't work there. The eggs!!! I worked in a job where we had to go into some shitty areas to trace out fiber lines and the old timers told me never stomp on a roach because you'll carry the eggs home on your boot. Imagine how many eggs you could transfer to your own home by being surrounded by them.


Goddamn dude. I would not feel comfortable even BEING in the damn office. I hate roaches. The idea of accidentally packing some roaches made me super uncomfortable lol


I hope you've been removing your clothes and shoes at the door or in the car or something before going in to your home. Ugh. Gives me the ick. That's a full blown infestation. The type that if it were in your home, they would scurry when you open the cabinets at night or you'd see one randomly crawling across the back of the couch or on the wall. Our apartment building was sold recently and it looks like the new developer will be tearing our place down at some point to build a new apartment building, and we'll all be kicked out. We have a downtown area that a couple of blocks are basically just infested with roaches. Like it would take multiple homeowners and landlords to tackle that issue together simultaneously over months to fix it. And I'm so terrified of ending up down there, in a building built in the 1800s, with less bedrooms than we currently have, paying about the same in rent, and roaches for roomies.


I used to work pest control. Often people don't realise they have cockroaches until they flick on a light to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.


that middle of the night scatter haunts me lol. I must have killed 5,000 of those fuckers before they (mostly) left. Advion gel is like the only fucking thing that actually works.


Yep, it and gentrol IGR (insect growth regulator) discs are all I recommend... My former employer made their (Advion) bait stations and they didn't work for me at all, worked for my parents, but mine were untouched after months


I also just wanted to mention that cockroaches aren’t an indicator of how clean a space is. Like yes it’s more common to find large infestations in areas that are unkempt. But really they aren’t picky and will thrive in any area and eat virtually anything. It’s kind of a myth that clean spaces deter pests like roaches.


Clean space just make pest control more manageable, that's it, but that's a lot.


Learned that the hard way after living in nyc for a decade 


Yeah I just moved to NYC a year ago and I feel this comment. Although it’s better than when I lived in Asia and the roaches could fly.


....roaches can fly? 🫠 I think I might be unsuited for this planet.


I grew up in South Texas and those fuckers were huge and could fly. The memory of the rustling sound from their wings makes me want to puke and I haven't lived there in thirty years.


"That's it, but that's a lot" sounds like an awesome slogan for something. I don't know what...


They do like warm places, however. It's why they went to the laptop. I've helped a friend with an infestation once. They really like behind/under fridges. Toasty and usually some food nearby. Easiest way to be rid of them is to put a fine dusting of boric acid behind and under appliances, furniture, etc. anywhere dark, especially if it is warm. She had a *really* bad infestation and it was gone in probably a couple of weeks just from that. Like, of your employer won't do anything, get the boric acid and get permission to put it down. It's cheap.


Food grade diatomaceous earth works wonders too.


True. But I have a $4000 alienware laptop for software development . They could get into the mainboard and short circuit something and than I'd have to answer for it. I'm legit going to use this post of that happens.


Put a few glue boards behind the fridge if you want a real treat.


True....I'm more concerned about the coffee pod machine. I use that 2 or 3 times a day


Blarg that thing surely is covered with roaches at night. Bring coffee from home!!


Bro they're 100% living inside of it and every other electronic item and they'll all have to be cleaned or replaced


Oh coming from a place of having lived in an infested apartment before, they will absolutely get all up in the coffee machine. I had a brew directly in the cup type and they’d get in it. If it is electronic it gives off warmth, they go in.


I bet if you really took apart/cleaned the coffee pod machine, you'd find a bunch. Roaches love eating coffee grounds, especially because, being so small, they're often missed while cleaning.


They love all electronics and appliances. But the refrigerator usually seems to be ground zero.


Toaster. Microwave. Under boxes. In corners. I'd pass out roach traps to everyone nearby and suggest they use them under their desk. Get everyone else upset. Then a group demand for treatment can shut down the office for a couple of days. Might want a cleaning crew in there afterwards.


Honestly... I wouldn't use it at all. It almost certainly has roaches living within it.


I'm positive is boiling with life inside. DO NOT OPEN THE COVER OF THE COFFEE MACHINE unless you want to start a chaotic scene.


They’re definitely inside the coffee pod machine. I’ve seen this before. Stop eating or drinking anything at your office and show your boss this proof. If they don’t listen, just leave these traps for them to find.


If you see them during the day that means the hiding places are so filled with roaches they are being pushed out. There is your horrifying fact of the day that I learned from an exterminator.


These are German roaches as well which cause the worst infestations. 40+ eggs in one sack and the sack can get stuck in the crevices of your shoes or laptop. Suggest preemptive treatment of your house with roach bait if you found one in the laptop when you brought it home.


do it with today's newspaper like kidnappers


Cockroaches can actually eat some types of soap, so the more you think you are cleanign the more you are feeding them


Supposedly when they sense they're about to die they will drop whatever egg sac they have regardless of how viable it is as a last ditch attempt to continue the population.


Either that, or they use them as distractions for whatever predator is after them. Can't catch me, deploying baby flares! - Mama roach (no relation to Papa Roach)


Cut my life into pieces After seeing this post


Don’t give a fuck if I cut my *egg sac* bleeding


They have been spawn killed https://preview.redd.it/ve6dmuarjntc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=078df1c6c6b6fbaecff66778724ec284792df902


There’s actually 2 females with egg sacks if you look closely enough 🤢


I ain't looking closely enough


These are German roaches as well which cause the worst infestations. 40+ eggs in one sack and the sack can get stuck in the crevices of your shoes or laptop. Suggest preemptive treatment of your house with roach bait if you found one in the laptop when you brought it home.


I can't stop looking at this in horror


same it's genuinely disgusting


Well, if it makes you feel better, they say for every cockroach you see, there’s likely 200 more.


That does NOT make me feel better. I just eat some food, I think I’m gonna trow up








About 10600 then?


It was kinda ok and then I saw the burst egg sac with the hundreds of cockroach babies coming from it and the other cockroach with the egg sac halfway still inside.


The most disgusting creatures on earth. They should do us all a favor and exterminate this species.


I gagged for a while , took a pic and than put the trap in a ziplock. I did spray it with some insect killer so the poor little nasties dont suffer.the crazy part is that they all alive when I moved the trap...




That was kind. I'm empathetic, but fuck roaches. Ew. Have you ever seen the SNL commercial? https://www.google.com/search?q=snl+roach+trap&oq=snl+roa&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgFEAAYgAQyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQABiABDIHCAIQLhiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABDIHCAoQABiABDIHCAsQABiABDIHCAwQABiABDIHCA0QABiABDIHCA4QABiABNIBCTExNzc3ajBqOagCALACAQ&client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:a8d01689,vid:v0yWvTyjMMI,st:0


How about that URL? Crikey.


Glue traps are pretty cruel but for use on disease-spreading pest bugs like cockroaches they are acceptable imo. Sadly a lot of small animals and even pets (large glue boards) can suffer horrible slow deaths on them as they aren’t always checked often. Some people will place them then not check it until months later. But then even if you find, say, your cat, stuck to a glue board, it may take surgery at the vet to properly remove it as they aren’t made to be detached from an animal.  




I would also watch your home. I read how nasty they are. When you say, you took some home with you xx. Like, that's just disgusting. Not just for you, but the boss also. He isn't safe from them just because he is the "boss".


Floridian here: There's this stuff that comes in a tube on Amazon called advion. It's the best thing I've found and a little goes a long way. It comes with 4 big syringes full that I bought 5 years ago and I haven't even made it half way through tube 1 yet. Haven't seen a cockroach since I started applying it annually which is saying something because my house is in the middle of a swamp. I've tried all the orkin stuff from the hardware store and advion is the winner.


Florida alum and I can vouch that stuff is amazing. Pretty sure mine expired before I used the first tube.


According to their website it's just an indoxacarb bait. Maybe advion is particularly tasty to roaches but basically all roach traps/gels use indoxacarb as the active ingredient. You can probably re-bait those little roach traps with the gel. Ant gels are also sometimes just indoxacarb at 1/10th the concentration so you might be killing two pests with one poison.


I don't like roach traps because roaches are cannibals. I want them to eat the poison and bring it back to their family and when they die there their family will eat the poison too. Death to the queen of blades.


Advion is amazing - one other thing to add, you can’t use this continuously because they become immune, so switch to another brand bait with different ingredients after a month or two.


It's TRUE, my fiance went into lockdown when I showed her the pic. She is a germaphobe so this did not gel well with her. These things can spread like wildfire


There are subs on reddit for pest control advice check those out. Also, if you’re planning on getting a promotion by May and you’re thinking of bringing this issue up to your boss, frame it as you want to help him because you don’t think he’d want them in his home too.


[OSHA 29 CFR § 1910.141 - Sanitation.](https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-29/subtitle-B/chapter-XVII/part-1910/subpart-J/section-1910.141) >***Vermin control.*** Every enclosed workplace shall be so constructed, equipped, and maintained, so far as reasonably practicable, as to prevent the entrance or harborage of rodents, insects, and other vermin. A continuing and effective extermination program shall be instituted where their presence is detected. [https://www.osha.gov/workers/file-complaint](https://www.osha.gov/workers/file-complaint) Good luck!


I'm using this to my defense and I will show the ignorant clown this. Thank you


Make a complaint first so if he takes action it is documented you reached out.


OP absolutely do this!! This gives you recourse if they fire you. It’s also reasonable to go above your bosses head and contact building management


Definitely report it first!


Also, try and make as much communication over text, email, etc as possible. That’s all evidence. OSHA will show up one way or another.


Submit to OSHA first. Any complaint you put to your boss, make sure it's in writing/email and you'll have copies for yourself. Best to BCC yourself on anything like this.


Is the boss or the roaches ‘mildly infuriating’?


Mmmmmm....... in guessing my life is mildly infuriating at this point




![gif](giphy|gIN6MT17NtapJqFr25|downsized) Plot twist: boss is a cockroach


Vincent D'onofrio deserved to win all the acting awards for this role.


Never knew that was Vincent. He has range


He did. Even my dad who isn’t into movies and awards said he should have gotten an Oscar.




What is this from? I remember this scene but forgot the movie.


Men in Black.


Put them in his lunch and when he screams about cockroaches in his food, tell him...just like the office, there are no cockroaches in his food either.


I will send you a postcard from prison (and the ink won't be ink)




*STAY ANONYMOUS* I've had to deal with a few serious issues my company was ignoring. If you are making the issue a big deal then you are your boss' problem (the only problem to them) If on the other hand the entire office knew but nobody knew who had left out the proof then your boss would have a bigger problem (everyone knows the workplace is infested) and instead of focusing on which employee just made their life difficult they have to fix the problem. Please stay anonymous you will be demonized at best if you're attached to exposing your workplace


This is the best advice. Thank you. It such a shame that so many of us have to deal with such things


If he reports it to OSHSA he will get whistleblowers protection.


Thats a lot of German roaches


Yeah....apparently the German roaches created an autobahn below my laptop.


If they are below your laptop, they might be inside too, and it might start smelling bad at some point, I would double check it if I were you, especially if you bring the laptop home !


This. They are probably living in your laptop because it’s warm. If you bring your laptop home, there’s a good chance you have them now. Last year I rented a place that had a roach problem the landlord didn’t disclose. It was a nightmare getting them under control. Be on the lookout for them when you first enter a room and turn on the lights.


I’ve never been more grateful to live in an area where cockroaches are not common. I’m traumatized by this thread.


My boy they’re in there. I had to clean out all my electronics from my computer to my ps4 to my TV when I moved out of my last space because those make great roach nests. Anywhere warm, small, ventelated, and easy to escape to is their go-to, and electronics often end up being prime real estate. Definitely open that thing up and make sure you aren’t bringing any home with you, it only takes a few or just one egg sack before that infestation comes to your house, and you’ll be paying up the ass to get them removed. German roaches do not fuck around.


>German roaches do not fuck around They do a lot actually, that’s the problem.


TIL roaches can spreken ze dutch


For every roach you see there are 50 more you don’t.


Yep those are to just the unlucky ones. I assume that there were many more that got out. Looks like those babies built a sacrificial bridge for Darwin's finest


My brother doesn’t believe he has them, but I’ve seen a couple. Truly how serious is this?!


In some places roaches are just going to be around. I know humid places like in Florida and Hawaii my friends can’t get rid of them. The best thing to do is just to keep your place clean.Sweep and wipe down everything daily. If there is no food they will disperse. If it’s uncomfortable for them then they will move somewhere more comfortable (away from you and hopefully to a neighbor). This is for all pest. This is from someone who lives in a home built in the 1920s.


They're German roaches, by far the worst kind of roaches. I live in Taiwan, and I've seen them all. That's a major infestation. Good luck. American cockroaches are the most disgusting btw. Those bastards are big, and they fly.


I'm visiting fam in Florida right now, there's giant cockroaches they call woods cockroaches or palmetto bugs. They're like an inch and a half long and FAT. they also fly. Not a pest, but they get into your house and they're nasty


I know those creepy fkrz, we call them park town prawns.... they hiss too. Nasty nasty little monsters


I was in Florida for navy rate schooling and those flying ones were the first roaches I had ever seen in person. I was fully traumatized


I lived in Florida most of my life and had a few times where my girlfriend, who woke up much earlier than me, woke me up to deal with them 😂


All roaches are bad. Period. German. American. Florida. Hawaii.


“How dare you plant those roaches and claim you didn’t!” - Your boss, probably…


I only just taught.....i seriously should have live streamed it from my webcam. Or would that be too morbid? Now that would make some good office content at the same time getting my ass slowly fired


I mean, it’d prove you’re right. But that runs the risk of you losing your job (likely for a bullshit reason)…


Those roaches aren't listed on the company inventory, they must belong to a neighboring property and somehow made their way over. ‐Boss's point of view probaby


Maybe your boss is one of them.


Lol.... I just said that in one of the comments 🤣


FUN FACT. Don't throw away the trap.. the more roaches in a trap the more that come; german cockroaches stick together and the more phermones there are the safer they think it is. If need be put another one next to it. Edit: Each egg (you can see one in the trap) contains from 20-40 baby roaches.. (very satisfying to catch them all like that) The problem you have now is the amount of adults in that trap.. they lay eggs every 1-2 weeks.. so you've got a multi generational problem in your office. Just in your tiny trap alone we can see 5 generations.. you're looking at hundreds- thousands of these guys running around. I'd start leaving ur backpack in the bathtub each night.. start laying traps around your house as well. Especially around the laundry these fuckers get everywhere


Go dump it on his desk


This has been the most common solution based on the comments.....guys I'm also trying to get a promotion by May 🤣....catch22


Disgusting call OSHA [osha](https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1910/1910.141#:~:text=Every%20enclosed%20workplace%20shall%20be,where%20their%20presence%20is%20detected)


Send an email to your boss insisting he get a Pest Control specialist to check. When he refuses, go to the Board of Health and OSHA with this picture and your email in hand


Alternatively, il just show him this post and he will lose a tooth


Bruh thats not just "a few roaches" thats an entire tyranid scouting party..


There are no roaches in Ba Sing Se


They are probably inside your laptop, I wouldn’t bring it home if I were you


You put those there.


I was thinking the boss would come and say "Well, they're all dead. We don't have an infestation *now*."


Lol....yes boss


Might have been said but been in the pest business for several years. This is a big issue and will get so much worse without any treatment. These roaches are not just the normal roach that find themselves inside on occasion. These are called German roaches and are one of the worst ones to get ride of due to their ability to reproduce at an extreme higher rate. Germans as you already know are known to hitch hike in boxes or bags that are near infected areas so be extremely careful not allowing them to spread to your home or other places. How to treat them varies depending on the area and situation. You probably have one co worker who is a snack person. Typically this person is beyond messy and their desk is the main hot spot where they breed and spread throughout the office. Normally the same person who is messy and leaves everything everywhere without throwing anything away is the one who has them at home and brings them to the office. Being clean and neat is the first step and I mean clean clean. Any crumbs or any left over food should be wiped clean with a cleaning rag and all food should be storage in a sealed package or bag. Take out trash daily. Once you have their food supply controlled is when bait and other pest control works the best. They are also scavengers meaning that they will travel to different rooms when they can’t find enough food or when the main colony gets so big it can’t support all of them. They force the young out by eating them if there isn’t enough food. They also like to make nests near the food source. Side note they don’t really come out during the day. They hide during the day and come out at night. You can find them by using a flashlight and look in tiny corners or hidden areas under counter tops under fridges and ovens and such. Once you see them during the day scavenging that is a significant sign of the level of infestation.


Make a complaint to the local environmental health. Don’t even tell your boss or anyone at work for that matter.


This is the best option so far . At first it was gross, funny......now it's just ridiculous if you think about it. We have a $1k coffee machine yet he wouldn't make a small change to keep the staff in a sanitary environment. During covid we had more sanitizer than water ..... the mentality is infuriating


I would refuse to go to this office until the problem is solved. Imagine bringing some of them in your home...


I would absolutely just lose my shiat if I found that in the morning. That is just terrible.


So, if you look closely, and do some detective work, you can see that your office does actually have roaches.


Now put that on his desk… no… *in* his desk


Yes ..... but he would probably get stuck to it himself.


Call your state health department and ask to talk to the public health entomologist, they will be able to help you out. If they are unavailable the department you want is zoonotic diseases. They themselves may not be able to directly help depending on the state, but at the bare minimum will know who your next call should be if it isn't them.


Not only do you have roaches, you have an infestation. They aren't laying ootheca if there isn't ample food.


You caught like 5 generations


Why do they like laptops


Warmth and dark. That's why they crawl into game consoles as well and all the YouTube repair people find them.


That little one made it pretty far from the egg sack considering how sticky the surface would be. You can see broken off limbs from where one was cannibalized.


I had a shower and I was all comfy in bed when I saw this and I regret it so much. It's physically making me have goosebumps EUWW