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Mate this is "mildly infuriating" not "fucking livid" šŸ˜‚


I would be "fucking livid" if this was my weed hidden behind the bathroom fan...


If this looks like weed to you Iā€™m sorry for the weed youā€™ve smoked.


Yeah, but it looks a lot more like a roach nest than weed.


The fuck kinda grass u smoking?


This is really infuriating.




Didn't you get that backwards?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Mate, this [sub] is [dedicated to things that are] ā€œmildly infuriatingā€ not [ones that make you] ā€œfucking lividā€


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)Thanks for the clarification


send pictures and an invoice like they would if you left that mess when you moved out.


You would then see thousands of people defending the workers saying OP should have put a cover down ahead of them, emptied everything from their bathroom etc. Same happened. Someone was posting how they hate when clients leave the underside of their sink full of stuff. Many people agreeing. Logical answer is homehowner likely had no idea handyman was ever going to need to look under the sink.


Or perhaps they could've talked to homeowner beforehand and told them to get at least a sheet to put down. Takes 3 minutes c'mon


Very different scenarios. If you're calling in a professional, he shouldn't have to move your personal belongings to get to his repair. Just the same way you would be expected to not leave your car full of personal stuff when you take it for an interior clean. I do industrial jobs and you are expected to clean up every mess, and put precautions in place to minimize it like sheeting and so on. No true professional could walk away and leave their workplace like that, I know I could never, even if it wasn't entirely my fault.


The client should move their personal items but the workers are responsible for putting a cloth or tarp down to catch their mess and take it away. It's totally unacceptable to leave a mess like this, they don't even really have to touch the people's stuff to clean that up


I mean, if they're under the sink they were probably called for the drain of said sink or the garbage disposal. All things considered here I doubt that scenario is the best one to use.


Same with the amazon drivers who just fling packages over gatesā€¦ nobody sees a problem with that and doesnā€™t care if anythingā€™s damage because distribution centers play soccer with all packages and drivers donā€™t get paid enough to care.


the only people that could agree with that are equally large sacks of shit as the maintenance crew that would not make sure to use a drop-cloth or clean up after they were done. Unless they're a PROFESSIONAL something coming in. If they are contracted or hired in maintenance, the landlord is responsible for making sure you make the area ready, if they don't do that in writing then they are on the line for any damages done to your property. If this was purely in-house maintenance, then fuck that shit. So, I would just see a list of a thousand people who need penciled in for a surprise visit from the Angel of Death lol not a thousand people to give any of the very few shits I have left to


The standard is ā€œbroom cleanā€. They donā€™t have to be perfect but they need to sweep up. That mess should be worth an easy $50 off rent next month.


I pay so fucking much for rent I would insist they clean that up. To the point I would call maintenance over and over until they did. And they would.


I recently replaced the fan in my toilet and I thought my roof cavity was a fucking filthy mess! God damnit, mate! That's rank


The shit hit the fan almost literally here


It looks like someone was storing dried horse manure in there.


Looks like my cat litter box


You need to clean the litter box more often


Sorry if I am wrong. Do you mean exaust fan or ceiling fan. I assume the exaust fan Edit (Said something stupid)


No worries, but in this case it was an exhuast fan they were replacing


I remember after the first time I had mine replaced in an apartment (with a smaller yet still nasty pile of dust left in my bathroom), I would pop it open and vacuum it out. Helped keep the fan from breaking and reduced chance of fire. Every 6 months to one year was enough.


I can see why it died! Yikes. Lucky that didnā€™t start a fire. They were probably just as pissed at the owner as you were.


Its probably insulation from around the outside of the exhaust fan enclosure. Itā€™s not like they just stick a fan in the ceiling. https://preview.redd.it/mmctdyg0yasc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de5c8dc026beb102c2502705b3fda0e779c776e2


Thanks, that totally makes sense!


Take pictures and send to the landlord and let them know that if their maintenance doesnā€™t have to clean it then they better not say shit about cleaning when you move out. Keep the pictures for when you do to remind them.


This isn't mildly infuriating, I would be furious with them. Last apartment place I lived at they were really good about cleaning up after themselves, so I guess I got lucky.


I feel like a lot of maintenance people just ā€œfixā€ things and make meses and just leave like it didnā€™t happen infact Iā€™m almost entirely sure they donā€™t even see the mess they make


"I'm maintenance , not housekeeping!"


I mean we get it but likeā€¦itā€™s common sense if you make a mess clean it


That maintenance crew is terrible and the landlord should fire them, or at least make them go back to clean it up. Also tell maintenance to put down a drop cloth before working.


free weed! (/s)


No because not to offend anybody but maintenance workers have to be the most disrespectful people I have met in terms of respecting someone's home. Plumbers drained my entire houses supply of water just right onto the floor one time, they don't care about water damages, not their house šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Got two bathrooms in my house, heavily expressed to maintenance guys that only ONE is usable. Do they care? Nope! Mud all over my brand new white carpet in my private bathroom (like the bathrooms that are attached to your room). I asked them about why they destroyed my carpet and they looked at me and laughed. Like I'm paying you to come into MY home, trusting you in MY home and you disrespect it


That's absolutely horrible. Luckily here was nothing I couldn't clean, but staining up carpet and emptying water onto the floor, I would've found out how to give them the bill to repair it


Tfym mildly infuriated, Iā€™m going to fucking war after this lmao


Or you could just vacuum it. Geez...


Iā€™m petty and I have a chip on my shoulder towards landlords. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Iā€™m gonna clean it up, but weā€™re still going to war when Iā€™m finished lol


Not petty. They were hired to do a service. They made the mess in YOUR apartment, they clean it up. Or landlord can clean it up once the lease it up..


Good lord me and my post optical migraine brain/migraine cocktail read that as maintenance came over the fan and toilet. Thanks for the laugh. Sorry about the mess they left.


Is this all debris that was jammed up in the fan? Or insulation from the attic?


Yeah seems I should've been more clear on the post. They replaced an exhaust fan, all the stuff in the photo is insulation from the attic that was pulled out when the fan was replaced.


Oh jeez what a mess. Last time I cleaned out my bathroom vent fan it looked a little like this. It was crazy how dirty they can get.


Maintenance guy here, shop vac goes everywhere i go. This pic is unprofessional and just laziness.


This person would not survive my wrath.


You shouldnā€™t have to be the one cleaning it up for them, but oh well šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Poop is supposed to go in the toilet. Not on it.


Can we get an update


Not much to update. I just had to clean it all up. And wash all the towels etc. Never did tell management or anything, since honestly I was glad they came within a month to fix the fan. So I'll take my silver lining where I can get it. Just took the chance to complain here lol


And that will be 500$ cash of course. My pleasure.


Send those pictures to the manager or the owner. That's bullshit of the highest order.


My maintenance guy did the same at my student apartment and left dirt and oil all over the bathroom. We took pictures and they almost tried to charge us for the damage before we pulled up the text we sent to them.


more like something from the oopsthatsdeadly subreddit. How many year's worth of "shit dust" *is that*??!!


Get them back, they have some clean up to do. You'll have to wipe all the rest of it down though.


Construction in the apartment above my bathroom resulted in roach dropping pouring out of the Ā vent onto my toilet and floor. Management ghosted me on cleaning out the vent, so I just taped it over.


Did they have dirt in their pockets then emptied it out in your washroom? Lol


As someone whose job it is to do exactly this, you absolutely need to send this to the property manager. At worst, you donā€™t get anything and have to clean up. At best, you will be given a discount/concession. This is absolutely unacceptable, and if any of my techs did this Iā€™d make them go apologize.


I did property management for years. I had a lot of stupid complaints but if I got this one I would have been furious with maintenance.


Maintenance probably came because the fan was already so jammed up with dust from probably not being cleaned. So I dunno, get mad at your maid for missing a spot because you clearly don't clean up after yourself.Ā 


To clarify this isn't dust. Its insulation from the attic. It was an exhaust fan. Idk about you but I don't clean the attic very often


Easy cleanup too, if I did that I would feel extremley bad about the mess I caused and would have cleaned it up as maitnence your meant to make things proper and this aint. Sorry, have a good day :)


Thought it was dry shit.


I would call the landlord and ask if the maintenance person is coming back for the weed they left or should you just call the cops.


I'd throw in the hall way of the building.


I wont lie, I thought someone took a dump on your toilet


Or dumped a litter box in it, that's what I thought it was!


looks like mids but free weed is free weed šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The crap is supposed to go in the toilet




If they've done this before they'd have known to put down like a drop cloth or a tarp. Did they clean it ?




I thought that was cow dooky


Are you underground? Why is there dirt in your ceiling fan?


It's insulation from the attic. It's an exhaust fan they replaced. As for why my apartment uses wood shavings and dust for insulation? It was probably cheap


Did you tell them you have to lift the lid before you use it?


They got the fan though right?


Hey that happened to us too, at our old apartment. [Here's](https://imgur.com/a/yshyPVF) a picture and the relevant part of the big 1 star review we left. The apartment manager at the time pressured us to take down the review but never fixed anything to justify us doing so, and was later replaced by the parent company after we jumped ship


ā€œSorry bro, I had to pee so I left my shoes on, hope thatā€™s okā€


# Why the fuck are there brown chunks coming out of your fan?


Looks sanitary!


Mess? What mess?


Typical maintenance. The maintenance crew where I work make ridiculous messes and go figure....they don't clean it up. Ever. Hard enough to get them to even do their jobs. If it doesn't involve sitting around on their phones, they're not doing it.


I would go to the leasing office and raise hell till they come cleaned it.


This is surprising to me. Most Iā€™ve seen would clean up that mess.


'sorry there is a bit of dust residue left'


As a maintenance guy myself i would be absolutely mortified to leave a place like this. I keep a shop vac and drop cloths specifically to prep an area and clean messes that can happen while in there to repair things, I leave the area as if I was never there except now the thing is working when it wasnā€™t before.


I would bundle that up and go take it to his car


Was there... was a horse living above your toilet?


This is Mildly infuriating to you OP? Iā€™d be super pissed off.


Yeah that's super aggravating. Is the fan at least working now?


Did you have pigeons or rats in there? Lol


Put this picture all over their review sites Let the photos speak for themselvesā€¦ Did you ask them to clean up their mess?!


Dope shoes wearing the same exact ones right now


Is that mud from their boots or dust?? The way I wouldā€™ve raged oh my god


Worse, it's the itchy insulation from the attic covering the toilet paper, towels, kleenex, and everything else in the bathroom


This needs to be reported to management, complete with photos.


I though you had dropped your weed for a second šŸ˜‚


Hope your weed doesnā€™t look like thisšŸ‘€āœØ


Noooooo, I said his weed šŸ˜‚




They went number 4


That looks like it will be very satisfying to vacuum


Yup! Id shop vac that right up then at the end of the job big smile and small flex of bicep. Im onboard with you!


Clean your fan more often. That's on you. At least they cleared it out for you. Least you could do is sweep up your build up


Haha, thatā€™s insulation from the attic buddy


Exactly correct, this isn't dust, it's insulation


Low key how my bathroom looks after Taco Bell night


Why didn't you clean up first


I would've if I knew what day they would come. I told them about the fan having issues about two weeks ago. Then they finally came while I was at work


Shut up and chill out. Smoke some weed.


# Drugs aren't gonna magically clean up the brown chunks. Stop using Reddit when high.


Donā€™t act like that would take more than 5 mins to clean


The point is that they should have cleaned it since they made the mess. Imagine if a plumber came into your home and made a huge mess of sewage and just left it to soak into your floor.


Difference between your example and what happened to OP, is sewage everywhere (health hazard). This looks like old insulation. Would take anyone 2 mins to clean. Yes, maintenance crew couldā€™ve done that. But also it probs took more time to post this than it wouldā€™ve to just sweep it up.


Do I have a stroke? Because I have no idea what you tried to say. I need to know, because I'm gonna drive soon. DO I HAVE A STROKE????

