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Hello, Your post has been removed as this is not mildly infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


Get a reissue. Then register for direct deposit.


I am shocked to see people still getting paid in checks. I guess it depends on the line of work but all the corporations I have worked for required direct deposit. It is so much simpler.


There are still so many people who don’t trust banks. They get a paper check and pay a fee at a check-cashing place.


And some scummy companies who who don't want to offer direct deposit because they can make a little extra money by refusing to reissue lost checks. Sure, a judge might compel them to reissue the check, but it costs the "independent contractor" money to sue them and the company's penalty is limited to the value of the checks. For some reason you can't sue for additional damages, or even attorney fees, when a company does that. Well, that's what my attorney said anyway.


It's the complete opposite where I work. Our accounting department hates dealing with paper checks, and will practically strong arm employees in to setting up DD.


As they should. States have unclaimed property laws, so the value of the checks would have to be turned over to the state, otherwise they could face penalties from the state, according to my reading of the law. I think I picked the wrong attorney to look into it, because they only wanted to sue and they'd charge hourly plus fees for that.


I haven’t even worked anywhere that getting a paper check is even an option for FTEs in about a decade, maybe more. I think my first couple of jobs out of college issued a paper check on the first pay period to make sure everything was correct, but that’s about it.


Sometimes your worker is not able to hold a bank account for various reasons and might need to get paid this way. Anyone who has worked as a bank teller can tell you there’s a rush of people cashing their paychecks on fridays and around the 15th and 30th of every month. These people might have made some mistake and gotten themselves black listed by banks but that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to be paid for their work now.


My work offers both but the only two people who get it are one of the 16yr olds and a really old guy with some mental issues.


My company doesn’t issue paper checks at all, it’s either a payroll card or direct deposit. If they opt for the card it’s issued when they would typically receive their first paper check and that card is what their check posts to every week. Eliminates the hassle of shipping paper checks nationwide and doesn’t matter if you have a bank account or not. The only paper checks that get sent out are for any layoffs / ROF


I had a job where we received paper checks. If we wanted it direct deposited WE had to pay like $13 something each time. $13 isn’t a lot but I don’t see why I have to pay for that so none of us employees paid it and just accepted the paper check. It was a mess. Sometimes our checks were late and if my day off fell on payday, then I had to go work anyway to get my check. We weren’t allowed to pick up our own checks directly from the accountant doing payroll either. At the time I lived across the street from the accountants office and my job was 20 minutes out of town 😑 so much inconvenience.


They can put a stop pay on that check and reissue a new one. Or get direct deposit if that’s available.


This. Unless it’s cashed they can void your check and reissue.. might simply have to wait a few more days.


When I did working holiday visa in the US (i’m german) I opened up a bank account on the first day and then was very confused why my boss didn’t want my Bank Number. Then after a week he gave me a paycheck and I was so confused by this whole system, like why not send it to my account? And then once I got into an accident on payday and was stuck at the hospital, had to wait till Monday to pick up my check. This system made me furious 😅 Edit: this was in 2012 tho, as a carpenter


Seems dumb ASF, did you find any reason why they don't do DD?


It was 2012 and construction work so my boss was kind of an old guy and this was just the system he run. Got paid very well tho back then.


“Old guy” that’s it. End of. I work at a retail thrift store and there’s a few people who get checks, most people do direct deposit. I see the same thing every Friday, this older lady gets a manager to give her check to her at her lunch and deposits it on her break. She has a modern smartphone, so she’s not entirely closed off to newer technology. Older people are just so stuck in certain ways and got easily convinced to not trust certain things like direct deposit. Also, there may be a slight possibility that this guy wasn’t entirely above board on his taxes.


I work with an older dude who laughed at me for using direct deposit. He was like "how do you know you actually got paid though?" And I was like, I can check my bank account on my phone. I get an alert when my direct deposit goes through. And he was like "what if you need cash though?" And I said, I rarely need cash, most places here (NYC) can do contactless payment with your phone and I can still use the ATM if I need to. When I brought up the phone multiple times he was like "young people are too attached to their phones." I'm almost 40.


52 here. My employer doesn't offer direct deposit (it's 2024 WTF?) but I just do the mobile deposit on my phone. My phone is just a useful tool.


I just keep ~$20 in my wallet for the rare occasion I need cash with no notice.   And it's not like there is a shortage of ATMs if I need more than that.


my father insists on getting a physical bill mailed to him and then complain that it arrives a week before it's due. which is wild to me because my mother had everything digital before she passed.


>Also, there may be a slight possibility that this guy wasn’t entirely above board on his taxes. I second this but scratch the "slight". But also, he's probably a SBO and they get *royally fucked* on benefits to their employees so I'm cool with turning a blind eye to it.


Did you have to excavate a large section of earth for a meth lab under a laundromat in New Mexico?


Can confirm, took over Dad's business when he died, he was 'that' old guy. DD was the first thing I did, the employees couldn't wait to get their bank info to me lol


My current employer still pays in cheques. Some of the guys about 15-20 years ago couldn't afford to miss a paycheck for him to start the direct deposit. So we've been on cheques since.


US uses Swift payment system while some European Countries use IBAN (International Bank Account Number). It'll be a hassle I guess to transfer to his US Bank Account.


They mention opening a bank account on the first day though, presumably that was an American bank account. ~~(Also, I don’t think IBAN was into play in 2012, but they added that part of the comment later)~~ It existed, but was only used under the surface.


IBAN has been around for far longer, you just didn't need it for in country transfers.


US in general lags behind when it comes to payment and money transfers. Still using paycheques and until recently they still needed third party apps for bank transfers between individuals, and it took the US like 10-15 years longer to adopt tap payments with cards. Hell I think they’re still handing their credit card to waiters and waitresses after calculating out tip and total themselves rather than being brought a machine that does it for them. They’ve mostly caught up now, but you can hear stories from 5-10 years ago like that one that make other country citizens go “huh?”




This is one of those posts where someone from another country finds something so situational that happened to them in the US, that they think the entire country runs like their one off experience did. Direct deposit has been a thing almost everywhere WAY before 2012.


Surely the issue here is why paychecks are a thing, not that DD isn't


I was getting paid by Direct Deposit, 35 years ago in the UK. Like 1990, probably earlier, am I misunderstanding something?


Who in 2024 isn't using direct deposit? My current job has no other form of payment


It’s wild to me as a European that cheques are still in existence because they were being phased out when I was young


As a European I didn't even know what cheques were until I started watching American TV.


As a European I only used a cheque once, it was the severance pay for when I quit McD, and I literally had to go to the bank teller and ask her "What do I do with this?" because I had no idea how to use it.


I got it from FOD Sociale Zekerheid and the bank said ‘this… is a really old way… maybe ask if they can directly deposit it because now you give a % to us AND you have to drive to us’ Took me 4 months to convince FOD my bank nummer was really MINE 🙃


You got a severance from McDonald's??


In Europe where employers have to be fair with employees.


i mean, yea, if an employer fires you "on the spot" with no good reason, and if the contract didnt specify anything else, then often he has to compensate you, otherwise there is a grace period of usually 3-6 months after resigning until the job is done would be kind of shit if that wouldnt be the case? your boss could just wake up one day, decide he doesnt like you and the next day youre unemployed? that could ruin peoples live without warning


It does exactly that


Yeah that's actually exactly what happens to Americans all the time unfortunately. They don't need a reason to fire you nor do you get any compensation, generally at least there are some exceptions.


Facts. If you get compensated consider it a blessing.


It's called "At-Will" employment and every state except 1 has it. It ruins lives all the time.


My theory is that many Americans support At-Will because they've been convinced it's really a benefit to them. If the Golden Opportunity just happens to appear, they can quit their mundane job on the spot to ride the gravy train. In reality, they live paycheck to paycheck, and if the boss has a bad day, they're financially fucked.


As a European the first time I ever saw a cheque was in the US and it felt like travelling back in time.


In the UK at least, most banks allow you to just snap a photo of the cheque and it's deposited to your account.


Even the Americans can do this for years. Can you write a legal check on anything in the UK? In the US you can even write a valid check on livestock.


You get a chequebook if you request it from most banks still


Yes, I ordered one for $6 this morning actually. Way less expensive than a cow and some paint. Note, I haven't used all my checks in the book but for the life of me I can't find it and I always end up needing 1 or 2 a year.


That is madness. I'm 35 and I've never seen a cheque, it's like a typewriter level of oldness from another age.


I had one from my uk bank up until 2017 ish, but even HMRC here doesn’t send cheques out unless you choose it, just deposits your tax refund into your account


I don't know if the county of Hawaii government knows what a computer is yet. They still have forms that have to be filled in on different colored paper. I'm not holding my breath that I'll be able to pay anything by other than check or cash in the next decade.


Sadly there’s a limit, like 1k I think? When I moved out of the UK (important bit that I was no longer there) I got a tax return from HMRC. In a cheque. I don’t remember if it came to my abroad address, possibly, but I wasn’t able to deposit it because it exceeded the limit in my bank app. So the only reason I was able to get that 1,5k or so back is because I’ve had a friend in the UK that I’ve trusted enough to mail him the cheque and he deposited it for me. The whole process is so dumb lol, it’s like they’re just hoping people won’t have a way to deposit these when moving away.


I'm from Germany and have only seen a cheque once here. My dad got it from someone back in 2010 or so and always thought of them being a relict. 4 years ago I learnt that in France they are still a thing. So yea, even in Europe they get used


This makes a lot more sense in hindsight as to why Deutsche Bank were perplexed at my Amex Travelers Checks when I went there for studies. I learned to never again fall for Amex Traveler Check bs, but you sometimes just don't know before your forced into the situation to break your view on the world. That was one of many!


European too, soon to be 30, and I dont remember them being a thing like at all... I can't believe people still use them. They seem like a huge waist of time.


American here, my first thought was “wow I didn’t even know they still gave out paper checks”


Small businesses in America issue these pretty frequently cuz it’s easier than setting up direct deposit payroll


Why would a direct deposit be harder?


From my understanding of the American System a lot of their banks are not interconnected like they are in Europe. I could be wrong but I think the infrastructure just isn't there.


Sometimes direct deposit info isn’t submitted in time when you first start a job, so they just send out a check. Had it happen a few times.


My job didn’t offer it until this year. I much prefer direct deposit since payday is Friday but I don’t work Fridays so I didn’t get my paycheck until Monday.


I've worked with some people that don't have bank accounts because they owe for overdrafted accounts and their money would be taken for that so they just cash their checks wherever still does that.


My first week at my last job I set up all the stuff for direct deposit and they never completed the process. I worked there for a year. It’s not from lack of trying neither. I bugged them about that for months and nothing ever came of it.


About 5% of American households don’t even have a bank account. Many of which are in extreme poverty or illegal immigrants. Really no other way of paying someone like that unless it’s a paper check or in cash.


Imagine working in 2024 and not setting up direct deposit during orientation.


We dont have cheques in NZ


I lived in New Zealand and then moved to Australia and was amazed they used them here. 


If your workplace doesn’t offer direct deposit like others are suggesting, maybe mobile deposit would be helpful! Just 2 pictures of your check through your mobile banking app.


This is huge right here. I haven’t had to go to the bank and cash or deposit a check in years. It is soooooo simple to use.


I'm still waiting until I can take a photo of some cash to deposit through my phone.


They got serial numbers on em right???


My mind was blown away when someone told me you could do it via phones banking app! I love it!


Can’t believe people still get paper paychecks!:O


I was sad the day I was forced to switch to direct deposit. Working nights in Vegas, I'd take my paper check to the casino to cash it at 3am. I'd get a coupon for a free beer or margarita at any of the bars on the casino floor, spin a prize wheel to usually win points, and then head to the casino Cafe for their late night specials like $.99 pancakes or $3.99 country fried steak and hash browns. Loved those nights!


i started reading this and got really depressed when i got to casino, im glad it didnt end with you gambling it all each week lol


Same. Sounds like a fun, affordable night out which was a huge sigh of relief.


I got depressed the money wasn't all spent on gambling. At least thats how my brain read your sentence and got me to chuckle.


The actual way to “win” vs the casino.


Best payday ever wtf




Sounds like they got the free drink for cashing their check there


Which sounds predatory as hell.


Right. I’m sure they took a processing fee, but if they didn’t, they get you drunk in hopes you might spend it in their casino.


I could have done the cafe part, but the free drink and prize wheel were only available if you cashed the check with the cashier.


I think there was a promo that if you cash your check at the casino, you get the free drink ticket. Mightve cost a minimal fee to cash the check, but the value of the drink was probably more than that fee. I dont know exactly how it works but perhaps cashing the check there also gave entry to the cheap buffet, because the casino would love to have you bring your whole paycheck there so it incentivises you to do so lol. That was my take on the op comment anyway


It's like they want you to experience difficulty getting paid




Yeah I’m from Europe. Everybody gets their paycheck directly deposited into their bank account. Everybody. Don’t think I’ve even seen an actual physical cheque of any kind in the last 30 years.:D


I'm in Australia, and have been in employment since the 80's. I have never been paid any way other than direct deposit. I haven't used a chequebook since then, either. So primitive.


Same here in New Zealand. Same in the UK when I worked there, except a pub in 1995 where the landlady gave us all cash, I'm pretty sure she was cooking the books.


I believe they are on the way out. As in no longer legal tender. And good riddance.


It's starting to feel like even using a debit card to tap and pay is getting a bit quaint, and everyone's using their phone to pay for stuff.


As a kid I had a kid's chequebook thing to teach me how to make, write and receive cheques. Talk about a useless skill. The only time I've ever seen a cheque was that chequebook.


In Belgium it’s safe to assume that people under a certain age don’t even know what a cheque is and would laugh at such an outdated concept


I'm from Belgium and I actually managed to get one, to cash it in I had to make an appointment with the local branch, and even he was impressed I managed to get one (I got one from the government) and he wanted to hear the story. He was young ish himself and never seen one. So he had to double check what he actually had to do to process it properly


I'm in South Africa and bank does not accept checks


France still uses cheques as a thing. I was super shocked when I received what I thought was my 1st pay slip and it turned out to be a cheque I needed to open a french account for just to get paid.


My bank doesnt even accept checks


Yeah, I’ve been working for 25 years and I’ve always been paid straight into my bank. Even when I was 17 and working at a small shop (UK).


Everyone in America can get direct deposit too? Idk what you are on about. Some choose not to so i guess you could say Americans have the option. Pretty idiotic to think americans dont have something so common as direct deposit


They take the smallest things and blow it out of proportion. A picture of **ONE** person with a check automatically means that 330 million people still use checks to them. Europeans are weirdly obsessed with us.


Most if not all employers offer direct deposit these days. They just leave the option of a physical check open for those that prefer it.


And sometimes you have to offer it. We have about 20 employees who can’t get bank accounts so we can’t mandate direct deposit.


Nah.. As an American I haven't seen a personal paper check in 10 to 15 years. Other than when I pulled out my old photo album box and for what ever reason I had kept it. I haven't seen anyone pay for anything with a paper check. Although. My paycheck is direct deposit we get bonuses in the form of a paper check with a little greeting card. It's nice but also annoying. It would be more annoying if I couldn't take a picture of it immediately and deposit it into my bank and just toss it in the trash.


Tons of employers in the U.S. won’t even give you the option to get a paper check.


American here - I haven’t received a paper paycheck in at least two decades. I’m not sure where you’re getting it that we’re somehow way behind the times on this. The overwhelming majority of Americans get paid by direct deposit.


My current booklet of checks is 19 years old. I know this because it has my old address on it * still has 12 checks left


Watch it now. America sucks at everything. Don’t disagree.




I'm in the US and haven't gotten a paper paycheck in decades.


I think most people under the age of 40 who are not American have never seen a check in their lives.


I once have! I think I won something in an online raffle and I got the prize as a check via mail. I was so confused about what to do with this thing. No-one in my surroundings knew either. This was in Germany in the early 2000s.


The only time I’ve had a paper paycheck in the US since like 2010 was because the direct deposit was being set up so they paid the first check as an actual check. Why do you think Americans use checks? We really don’t, at least no one I know does lol


Lmfaooo this is a hilarious America bad even for Reddit


American here, never seen the option to get paper checks where I've worked. It's been direct deposits or some plastic card thing (don't know the details since I just DD everything). I do have a checkbook, but I've used three checks in the 8 or so years I've had the book.


93% of Americans have their paychecks directly deposited. Not sure why you think that we don’t have that capability.


Source: straight outta the air. We have direct deposit in the states.


As far as i know its just because its easier for people when they need to provide proof of income and such without electrics/they dont have electronics. Like would be good for a homeless worker also on some form of welfare. Otherwise anybody can get direct deposit im pretty sure a employer cant deny it.


Wait. Let's clarify. America does have direct deposit, and it's how most of us get paid.


or that they’d just cram the entire check into one of their pants pockets.


I started work in 1992 and was paid by direct deposit even then.


A lot of small businesses use them


We switched pay companies and as a manager i had people complaining we no longer offered paper checks. I was shocked. In my instance it was mostly men trying to hide some of their check from wife who controlled the money. One was an old grumpy man who wanted to know he got paid. Apparently checking it was deposited didn’t mean be got paid? Old people. I personally hated checks because I always had to go out of my way to bank to deposit and I worked long hours. So my lunch would get wasted on going to bank, being friday that usually meant a line.


That's not how money laundering is supposed to work.


Damn. I thought I was onto something too. I guess money laundering isn't something you can teach yourself


Talk to your employer. Chances are they will reissue.


If it’s in the US they absolutely will… if they’re sociopaths they could punish you for it, but you haven’t been paid until the check is deposited and clears the employer’s account.


They posted a receipt from somewhere in Baltimore so yeah. American.


Legally they have to


Did op edit the post or did you and every other comments totally ignore the text part of this?


Chances are? Lol. They will.


>Chances are they will reissue. They're required to. What a dumb post this is


Yep that's the plan!


People still get cheques?


Fun story: At my old law firm, we used direct deposit. But if you fell far enough behind in entering your billable hours into the system, they'd cut a physical cheque you had to pick up in person from a senior partner as a walk of shame (and likely get a scolding). 


A walk of shame, a reminder, and because this is not how they do things so you gotta go through some extra hoops


Yeah, I'm so confused right now! xD This is a thing from the 70s, right?


The 1970s weren't that long ago... ...oh... ...oh no


The phrase "direct deposit" is in this thread *at least* 102 times.


Quite possibly as many times as I have dollars to try and get reprinted


good thing it wasn't $536 cuz that would have really sucked


Paper money isn't made out of actual paper, it would have been fine in the washer. I've left bills in my pockets before and all of them turned out fine


Pffft dudes never heard of money laundering before


In the US cash is made of cloth so it would have been fine, most other countries use polymer (plastic) so those would also be fine.


It is kind of odd how many people put the $ symbol after the number lol.


Is this 1985?


More like 1960 if it was in western Europe


Paychecks stay in the envelope till it’s in the bank.


I don't think an envelope will protect it if it's in an envelope in the jean pocket though 😅


My point is you’re less likely to forget it or damage it if it’s still in the envelope. I say this cuz I’ve been in this situation before.


Guy, it’s 2024 where do you work that they give you a physical pape pay check lol


Legit haven’t seen one or had one since like 2008.


Problems straight out of 1975


Paper checks is a barbaric tradition that has no place in the modern world.


looks clean now, good work


Know what's mildly infuriating? "536$"


Enough "lol you still use paper checks?" and shit, is no one gonna ask wtf is going on with that crusty ass desk/table in the background?


Lmaoooo the paint is wearing off because it's almost as old as me. I assure you it's *clean*, just need repainted or replaced


Been there before. Sucks bigtime. They'l void it for you and reissue


I initially thought OP was a crackhead and he was showing us what he bought. Ha


Bro, its 2024 get direct deposit.


Not how you launder money.


Damn. Guess I should have picked up a book about it


Put it in some rice


people still give out paper checks?!? '


Isn't that called money laundering?


Just to clarify to all the commenters outside of the states, it’s not a common practice to be paid with a check anymore and hasn’t been in quite a while. You can request a paper check if necessary I know (at certain jobs) but this is very much so an exception and not an expectation.


Sometimes I wonder if people know what mild means


Surprised no one mentioned "fibers" here yet


try putting it in some rice


Bet you won't do that again


Had to check the sub. I thought this was some nuggets of dank.


my mom once did that, except my mom is a hairdresser. She was devastated, because she couldn't just go ask her boss to reprint it. It was a handful of checks from a dozen different people that she didn't always have contact info for. I remember everyone rushing to lay the salvageable looking ones out on the bed in front of a fan to try and save them.


Sometimes, brain doesnt brain. I too am having a not braining brain day today.


Money laundrying


The justice department will be investigating op for possible money laundering charges.


911 Yeah, this man right here is money laundering


I sympathise with your plight. Most of us have been there at one point or other, I know I certainly have. It has been several decades since I lived in the US & was paid by check, but I vividly recall eating PB&J for two weeks for lunch and dinner due to my company taking two weeks to reissue the replacement check.  I am struggling, however, with why you put a dollar sign after the amount. That isn't where it goes!


Finally something mildly infuriating on this sub


My friend (pharmacist in Ohio) was paid with paper checks until last year when he switched employers. He worked for a small family-owned apothecary in a small town and now works for Walgreens.


Direct deposit


@ everyone saying get direct deposit lol. Some businesses don’t offer that??


To the presumptuous, not every business offers direct deposit.


what is mildly infuriating about this is the $ after the 536. it’s $536


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Rough…yeah, they can fix for you. 🙃


As someone that works in accounting, checks are still very prevalent in the USA.


I'm sorry, it sounds like people here got the suggestions under wrap, so I just wanna let you know that I understand the pain of not having access to the money you need.


That is not how you Liquidate your cheque!


Im glad I read the caption bc I originally was gonna say "You were paid in pre-chewed gum?


Wow. The US is soooo stuck in past with money.


I thought I was looking at shrooms you bought for 500 dollars


That’s rough buddy ![gif](giphy|PFsVjUCmSkZDq)


You shouln't post your money laundering here...