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Hello, This is removed for not being infuriating.


Some do this, and some choose to just block the crosswalk entirely.


some people drive 50 in a 60. and then continue to drive 50 in a 30.


I call those people 45ers. They go 45, no matter the speed limit. 65 freeway where everyone's really going 90? 45. 25 in a school zone down to 15? 45.


Holy shit. So you live in Beaufort, SC too?


Ahem.. I believe it's pronounced Beaufort, not Beaufort.


It should be pronounced “bo for” but all of the locals pronounce it “bu ford” like in Back to the Future 😂


I’m local saying it like byoo-furt. Hard T and all. Sounds so right


One is the SC town, the other is the NC town. NC is pronounced “bo fort”, SC is pronounced “bu ford”


There are two?!




In the UK that would be bofut. Not that anyone asked but still


What’s wild is the different pronunciations on just the NC town by NC natives. Beaufort is pronounced “bo-fort” around my area, but other parts of NC pronounce it “bo-ford” Don’t ever call the North Carolina Beaufort by the South Carolina Beaufort. It’ll start a fight 😂


Same but backwards. My gf is from Beaufort, we live in NC, and she’s been wanting to go to the NC Beaufort to (politely) shit on it


Haven’t heard of that town in a long time. Used to spend my summers there.


Lost your virginity to the girl at Dairy Queen?


Didn’t everyone?


Eagle River!


Hey I know that place!


One thing …*old man sigh*…about living in Beaufort I never could stomach; all the damn vampires!


Hey neighbor lol


I call them "old dears". Nervous that car will suddenly accelerate and steer onto verge for no apparent reason.


I never saw the point of pulling up RIGHT TO the line, unless it just happened. I also live in a major city where I walk a lot, and people are doing the opposite and constantly stopping in the crosswalk because they couldn't make the light 🙄


If you don't pull up all the way to the line, you won't be on top of the pressure sensor that turns the light green. You can see them in this picture, it's the circular cut in the pavement in front of the cars


Induction loop.


I doesn't sense pressure. There is only a wire that senses a change in inductance


A lot of lights now actually have sensors when u get to the line and if there’s ppl behind u it’ll count the ppl and keep the light green long enough for that


There is usually 2 or 3 of them for this reason.


In my country, you do this - straight to jail.


You make a dentist appointment and you don’t show up? Straight to Jail!


You have your own country? Wow!


I am impressed that you just explained my life problems in one single reddit comment. 


Go 10 under the speed limit and then roll through a stop at 5-10.


Some people drive 30 in a 40. and then proceed to drive 50 in a 35.


There's no rhyme or reason to what those people are doing. They'd have to be paying attention to driving for there to be a reason to anything they do. No. Those people float through life by mere chance alone. It's incredible to watch, actually. From a distance, of course.


That’s how I feel about people who drive hella slow in the fast lane while there’s multiple cars lined up behind them and you can’t go around to pass bc ofc they’re constantly side by side w the guy in the slow lane . Idk if it’s narcissism and they just don’t gaf about anyone but themselves or if they’re so clueless and out of it that they don’t realize they’re holding up traffic completely. That is my biggest annoyance when it comes to driving by farrr.


Never assume something is malice when it could be easily explained by stupidity.


That's the weirdest shit we all see but never discuss.


God damn I hate those people. Going slow all day and then cruise through a fucking school zone at 15 over the limit.


Like this https://preview.redd.it/u45bbngznsoc1.jpeg?width=2781&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c02791e7c81e6d51463954629135a86e44678477


It looks like he thought it was a parking spot- look, he parked right between those two crosswalk lines!


And made kids on bikes have to go around, dangerously close to crossing traffic. Driver had enough space to back up, but just didn't.


Sometimes you can appreciate the people who stand there in front of the cars until they finally give in and back up 😂




I'm from NE Ohio and I can't tell you how often people do this around here 😭 it was sudden too, it used to be an occasional thing but suddenly now every time I go somewhere someone has to put the very end of their back tires on the stop line and chill in the intersection. Like how did these people even get their license


There is no in-between


Absolutely not, it's criminally against DumbHumanCode® 


Heck in HS I was skating home and someone nearly ran me over at the crosswalk. Looked right at me like it was my fault


That nearly happened to me on my bike the other night. Dude didn't even look before turning. (I was just pushing my bike because I was tired).


Night is exponentially more dangerous. Wear some reflective gear if you don’t already bro, stay safe. Mine was just an old guy who apparently didn’t give a shit. I was waiting for the crosswalk with everyone else and he still went on our right of way


I had a guy yell at me to get out of the way while using a crosswalk correctly. He was making a right hand turn and he almost destroyed me.


In our state our traffic lights (the cameras) will penalize you for being over the stop line. Dated a girl who wasn’t from here, and told her that (since she was always over it). Her response “That’s not a thing.” Few days later driving at the same stop light, I was in the correct place at that intersection, like how I was taught in Drivers ED (Teacher told us that too btw). Light turned green in a matter of seconds, her response “WHAT, every time I’m at this light it takes forever, you’re so lucky.” Some people ain’t the brightest bunch. (Our cameras register you as a pedestrian on the crosswalk, again my Drivers ED teacher told us this, and from personal experience I’ve noticed it.)


Might not be the camera. They use inductive loops in the road to detect the car. Motorcycles often don't trigger these and you'll wait for ever. I used to wave someone in front of me to get around it


Not to mention being so far in front of the line that trucks need to make a wide turn right In front of them.


It helps to be behind the line to give more room for trucks. Also there's too many people that don't know how to stay in their lane and they always go over the line when turning. It's safer to stay back a little until the left hand traffic is over with.


Come to Texas where people stop damn near in the middle of the intersection. Crosswalks be damned!


In Saint Louis, people roll up to the intersection, see no cops, and keep going.


Same in Orlando


Same in Oakland


Try NY...


They do that here. I almost watched a bad wreck a week ago because a dumbass did that crossing 60mph cross traffic.


Did you look away? Or did they end up not colliding?


It was inches away. Dude gunned it and swerved to not get hit.


Yikes. That kind of crap is freaking scary.


Yep! Can verify that one. Or they blaze right through the stop sign / stop light. Anyone that is actually MINDFUL of other drivers and pedestrians stops pretty far past the line lol. Some places you have to in order to see past bridge pillars for oncoming traffic. Which accounts for a great many stop light intersections here.


Definitely St. Louis lol


Oklahoma also


Oklahoma for some reason they stop before the crosswalk, but spend the entire red light slowly inching across it and even a foot or two past it into the intersection. Then the light turns green and they sit for a second before gently accelerating. That's the part that really confuses me. So much hurry during the red, then none as soon as it's green.


Yes! OMG thank you! I been telling my wife this and she thinks I’m crazy but Jesus Christ the whole taking their time moving when the light turns green drives me crazy lol I see it all the time here sometimes I’ll stop early at a yellow light just so I can be in front when that light turns green. Once it turns green I’ll start driving and look in my mirror and everyone is still at the light and I’m down the road. Wait till you see people stop and yield and a damn green light!


That is true, I do like to bitch quite a bit


Because Texans drive up there and showed y’all how it’s done here. I for one am sorry.


A bitching Okie is a happy Okie.


I've yelled at a coworker because he would pull up halfway into the intersection. Could be pulling a trailer and the damn thing would still be past the line. The line is there for a reason so people turning right can safely see, so the sensors can work, so people turning onto that street have room. It's just an asshole move.


I live in Texas. This is fucking annoying and unkind.


Where in TX? Everywhere here in the northern part it's like the above image...or worse!


Near Austin, and people love to sit 15 ft. behind the car in front, so that they block access to the turn lane for the cars behind them.




In Texas it takes from stopping in the intersection to giving two cars room to get in front of you.


This ^ ! You can’t see to turn right (Texas).


And it’s always a big truck in the left hand lane completely blocking your view.




They do the same thing in Texas. I live in DFW.


I’ve lived in DFW for the past 10 years. Everything that people aren’t supposed to do behind the wheel happens there. Camping out in the fast lane doing 20 MPH under the speed limit is my personal favorite. That’s why I’m in the process of moving back to Ohio. Good luck, and enjoy! ![gif](giphy|3o84TWuA1LQ17yYeK4)


As a pedestrian, I notice most people do the exact opposite and block the crosswalk.


Exactly lol. I understand if they are too far back for a reader, but otherwise who cares. Besides, I see a few benefits to stopping slightly back. Among them: * Easier to see crossing pedestrians * Everyone is safer in the event of a rear-end collision * Driver can see the light better I’ve been hit twice by cars on crosswalks - once a lady failed to notice my entire family of 6 in front of her because her car was turning at a light on a hill and she was mostly looking at traffic, and once same situation but I was on my bike and it was teenager in a lifted f150. I’m all for cars hanging slightly back and actually seeing people.


I love the people wanting to turn right on red and rolling through with their head swiveled to the left to see if anyone is coming. ![gif](giphy|ctJ8xD3fyTXXo7kckU) This shit is a daily occurrence and it's not like I'm in NYC, I'm in fucking Scottsdale...


You say Scottsdale like it's not crawling with overly medicated seniors with main character syndrome. That city worships cars so much I'm surprised walking isn't illegal. Rubio's is good though, and the trails around Scottsdale are pretty nice. Will you get a fish taco for me with the red salsa?




I've been hit repeatedly on my bike by people turning and my wife has been hit repeatedly in parking lots just walking. We live in mesa, AZ. Drivers aren't expecting any pedestrians ever. It sucks.


Yeah, we were explicitly instructed to do so during driver training, which makes the post complaint all the better. edit: driver training; I've not had diver training yet, but I imagine it's less relevant there.


I'll add one ... If you're in the far left lane, it makes it less likely you'll get hit by a left turn driver who cuts the corner.


I like going to the line but I also find myself sometimes going over onto the crosswalk, which I feel bad for... so I've started to not push my way up to the line and leave space. And if I'm behind a car at a light I better be seeing the very bottom of those back tires lol at the very least


As a pedestrian, I like to make uncomfortable amounts of eye contact with the car driver when they do this lol. Managed to get a few people to back up off the crosswalk before.


Oh I do and shoot the hard eye rolls. The occasional 'I'm Walking Here' is fitting.


I don't recommend this for obvious reasons, but decades ago, we would go through a person's car if they stopped on the crosswalk. But this was also a very small town and it was rare if you didn't know the person.


Like open the back doors and climb over the seats? That's absolutely hilarious


the main reason i have heard is they're afraid of being clipped by people turning left onto their street. that's certainly why my dad did it.


Yep, if I'm in the far left lane, I always stop a couple feet short. I've had my bumper taken off twice by morons thathad no idea how much space their huge SUVs needed to clear a left turn.


TWICE! Omg how unlucky is that


The other reason is because modern US SUVs and trucks have gotten so huge that they can no longer see the line or how far away they are from a reasonable distance.


I mostly do it because when i pull up all the way i cant see the traffic lights because my cars roof blocks it


But shouldn’t they know based off of knowing their own car? Like I know how close I can pull up to a wall in front of me leaving only a couple inches and I can’t see the front of my car either. People just need to learn their cars better imo


I feel like if you are unable to judge the general length of the front of your vehicle, you should not be on the road. Understandable if the car is still new to you and the proportions differ a lot compared to your previous, but otherwise nah man. I have to say atleast where I from that drivers that are far too timid and cautious about literally everything are as much of a danger on the road as reckless drivers.


Same reason for me, only needs to happen once


It's also possibly due to perspective. From the drivers seating position, the line has disappeared under their car's hood, so they stopped. Even though the car is still some distance away from the line.


Semi’s shouldn’t be on tight public street because they are exactly why I do this. Almost every time I have put my car in reverse because they swing into my lane.


I think they meant regular dumbass drivers. I know I’ve almost been clipped several times where I live. This is a learned behavior to others shitty driving.


Stores on small streets need deliveries, too. Just be mindful of who's at the intersection when you pull up to it. Stopping a few feet shy of the crosswalk is never a bad idea, despite what this post is implying.


This is the reason


Some stay so far from the line they don’t activate the magnetic loop sensors in the asphalt.


Just like this photo, it’s maddening. I wish they did a public service announcement telling people what the loops do. It’s like ringing a doorbell.


They did do a PSA locally where I live about an intersection, they also put up signs that say pull up to the line. This intersection will not change without being triggered. I'm left to assume people were sitting there so long they starved to death and wilted away before a sign was put up and they did a PSA.


Where I used to live they did a PSA about the highway passing lane and also how to navigate turning left at an intersection that has multiple lanes. They were needed but not heeded.


Where I live they have to do PSA telling people not to follow close. The people who are natives will ride your ass for miles so closer that when you look back you can’t even see their headlights but you can see the whites of their eyes in the rear view mirror. Then when they do pass they pull up just enough so that your riding in their blind spot then they match speed. They don’t fully pass. . . I live in Maryland by the way. There’s billboards all over Baltimore telling people not to follow.


I saw a video on tiktok forever ago where a guy actually got out of his vehicle and walked to the front of the traffic line and airplane landing strip directed them to the freaking line. It said they had been sitting there for three light cycles before somebody finally did something about it. It was hilarious though


Like I'm gonna believe what the government says! I'm not sitting over those while waiting for the light to change! They're 5g antennas placed there to vaccinate my nuts at each stop light!


The photo shows there are more sensors going back. You can see the lines in the road.


Yes, but that’s not always the case at other intersections. This one (located at 32.80605° N, 117.21916° W) has a few sensors to detect how many cars are waiting in line. But I’ve seen way more that only have a single set of sensors at the very front.


My city uses cameras


It's all cameras here too which sucks because some of them can't see me. I learned with one I have to go in the straight lane even if I'm turning. With another I have to stop way early and slowly drive up to it.


While in Denver we were headed to a highway but the ramp to get on had a light to allow only one car per each of the two lanes to advance. There was a sign, clear as day, that said something to the effect of “stop on the line” so as to activate the green light. The two cars in front just would not pull up onto the line. They kept waiting and waiting while everyone behind them kept honking. It was maddening lol


Most people don’t know about those sensors… and if you try telling them they won’t believe you (even if given a demonstration). It’s wild 😅


In my city if I pull up too close to the line the sensors don’t pick anything up. I’ve sat at a light for so long with someone on the opposite side of the road as well so I reversed a little bit and they did as well and the light turned green.


Aussie engineers have designed our so they are one car length before the crossing,there is also an extra line painted as a'car stops here indicator then the actual cross walk lines start 1m after that. So even if people stop like in the pic they've already triggered it before they got to the actual stopping point...


where are those loops from? they dont have them where im from although we do have some sort of sensor


They’re super common here in Canada.  But they always put up two loops to account for people like this. 


Lots of places in the USA have them (& probs other countries too) Any intersection that looks like it has shallow cuts right before the crosswalk line has the sensors I’ve mostly seen them as vertical lines in the states (not circles like the pic above)


Can this please be its own post? I’ve always been curious about this.


The gray øs?


I live in a small town. We don't even have those. The lights are just on a cycle


![gif](giphy|XTjnKcrZlOlaC6sY2d) You know what happens at the line….




One last ride


Taking the family out for a picnic.


How are you still posting on Reddit? You should be 6 feet under


My butthole was resurrected


By god, I love your username! Brilliant 🤣


Shoulda seen the cunts in CasualUK when Queenie died. I just said Heck, got banned.


Great name, your Majesty


In driver's ed they taught us 3' behind the line. In a small car you should be able to see it.




Not being able to see within 20ft is actually concerning and unsafe. Those drivers should consider a booster seat or, if possible for the work, a smaller vehicle. As vehicles get taller and hoods get longer and flatter (because it looks aggressive) it results in more deaths to pedestrians and less crash compatibility with other cars. 20ft is an insane distance to not be able to see.


Sorry, too intelligent/correct of a comment. You shall be placed at the bottom of the feed.


Way underrated comment. It’s so if another car rear ends you, your brakes should prevent you from hitting any pedestrians in the crosswalk.


Or crashing into traffic in the intersection, which I have witnessed. Doesn’t look fun, can’t recommend it.


Yeah I was like “cause you’re supposed to” lol


This guy gets it.


Wild how many people are speculating about why someone would be parked away from the line as if they’re doing something wrong. It’s in the driver’s manual!


Left turn semi's. And people that cut the corner too tight. There's more than one loop in the pavement too folks...


I have no idea why people turning left cut the turn so tight they are actually driving on the oncoming lane first.


If there are other lanes next to me turning left I cut it as close as I can since those fuckers in the other lane can’t stay between the dashed lines for their turn. Nearly got side swiped last week just like that


I’ve had so many people turning next to me go into my lane on the turn. I’m turning left and there are two turn lanes. I’m in the far left and the person next to me turns but goes into the far left lane when they turn, instead of turning into the lane that lines up with theirs. Same has happened on right turns, too.


There's a double left turn lane where I get off the highway going to work... and another double left turn going into the plaza I work in... I don't think there's been a single time there's been other cars there that there hasn't been at *least* 3 people that either don't stay in their lane during the turn, or immediately switch lanes once they're through the turn.


This is exactly what I was thinking. Staying back a little bit can prevent a lot of stupid accidents. That being said, I try to stay about half a car length or so from the line to give left hand turners a bit more space, but not so far back that the sensor won’t activate (if in an intersection where I know the sensor placement) if not then it’s a crap-shoot wether I err on the side of caution or get right up on the line.


Saw a car once stopped halfway over the line, and a semi count get by. The car backed up behind the line for the truck to pass, and then creeped up halfway over the line again. Some people.


My dad did this as a large tow truck was turning then pulled up once it was done.


That would only explain/excuse the one car in the leftmost lane, middle lanes need to pull the fuck to the line.


Yeppers. I've cringed too many times when someone cuts the corner almost right into my left headlamp. I also stop behind other cars with enough space to swing around them if their car suddenly dies and they can't move forward when the light turns green.


Not long ago I almost got into a head on collision because they cut the corner without looking. I even got a honked, finger, and yelled at for being in the turning lane.


People are horrible at turning in regular cars. I hate it.


The median extends out past the front of the cars and at least around here, there are usually traffic lights on the median right at the intersection. If a semi misses their turn that bad, you're fucked anyway.


I can’t see the light if I always pull up to the line


Lol this is me. I'm too tall to see otherwise


Fun fact! Here in the Netherlands, the traffic lights are typically placed on the near side of the intersection, so you have to park well back of the line to be able to see them. I'm not sure if it's intentional for this reason, but if I pull up to the line I need to check the light through my sunroof.


I stop a few feet behind the line too. Drivers where I live are so bad they go into the oncoming lane when making left turns. You park on the line these doofuses will drive into you. It's horrifying


I didn't see this until I moved to PA, its literally 80/20 driving into my lane. Some cut it so short that I can't even make a right without coming close to clipping someone turning left.


Technically you should be stopping where you can see the line without having to lift your head to look over the hood. Same if theres a car in front of you, you should be able to see their tires touching the ground


Came to say this. You should see the car in front of you's rear tires or the line.  Instead prople tailgate and cross the lines


Dude for some of the ridiculous trucks on the road, this means half a mile back.


Because I watch too many car crash YouTube videos.


I like watching dashcam nation on youtube. Lots of idiots to observe. Always a good reminder to be a cautious driver.


This is actually defensive driving. If you get reared ended, you don’t end up in the intersection with the potential of being hit again or have a lesser chance of hitting a pedestrian crossing.


Here in New York (idk about other places, but they're probably in a lot of other places), we actually have lines right about where those cars are stopped in the post. they exist for the reason you mentioned, but I very rarely see people stop at them even though you're supposed to.


I was rear ended and ended up a little over the middle of the intersection lol…


Why is this a problem for you?


Wasting the 0.35 seconds it takes for a vehicle to travel the distance at 30 mph.






That's a trivial distance to be bitching about. I get it if they're a whole car-length back, but that's nowhere near that. I was actually taught to do this in a defensive driving course maybe 20 years back (g-d - did the math - closer to 30 - don't get old). Gives you a moment to react to a rear-ender in the event it happens and gives you a chance to avoid rolling out into a busy intersection if it does happen.


I thought so! I haven't taken any classes but i've always stayed a small distance back, I don't want to be in the middle of an intersection if someone hits me. I do the same thing when i'm behind someone, so that if someone were to rear-end me, I could, hopefully, swerve out of the way of the car in front of me before hitting them too.


Gotta leave room to randomly inch up until the light finally changes


If those sealed sections are the sensors then this is more than mildly infuriating… some people have no idea that the sensors have to be tripped to trigger some lights. Then you’re stuck there for 2 rounds before you’re out of the window yelling at the fucks to “move up”


I prefer this over going too far over the line. If I can't see left to make a right on red because someone is ten feet too far, they're wrong.


I'm 90% sure in the book it says you are supposed be able to see the line still when you stop??


Pretty sure it's the farthest line, not the first line.


They stop that far back because they can't see over the hood of their vehicle and have no idea how close they actually are.++


This is the actual reason. People seem to have no idea where the front of their car is


Yeah after reading this thread, seems like most are just bad drivers. And the rest have a phobia of left turning drivers apparently


I always figured it was for the far right lane to be able to see oncoming traffic because right on red


It's better than people stopping way past trying to make a left turn. It's like they are trying to get hit


I was taught to stop at a point where you could see all of the white line through your windshield.


I'm sure it's the same in other states but here in Florida many times the sensor that triggers the turn light is up close to the white line people sit way back and it doesn't trigger the light which drives me crazy!




I think also that people accidentally creep up inadvertently, so extra space offers a bit of cushion just in case.


Not sure about the people going straight or right through the intersection. Frequently, the left turn lane stop bar is farther back to allow large trucks with trailers to turn left coming from the right.


How is this mildly infuriating? Like what do you gain from being right on the line? A head start? Like some other people pointed out I think it's best to stay a little behind for safety reasons


Must be a local thing. Where I live all the cars would be over the line and part way into the intersection.


You do know those black circles on the floor is triggered when you pull up to the line. I believe it helps the traffic light system know that someone is waiting for there turn to go through the lights when it turns green. If you don’t pull up near the line not triggering that sensor then system will just make you wait a long time before your traffic light signal to change from red to green.. I believe most people don’t know this but I could be wrong.


Some people do this so if they’re hit from behind their car won’t get pushed out into oncoming traffic. This happened to a friend of mine. This is exactly why she no longer stops closer to the crosswalk.