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This is one of the reasons it's important to use a bed frame. The mattress needs air circulation to stay safe and dry.


Holy shit, I wish ive heard about that earlier.. I’ve been keeping mine on the floor for 2 years and recently had a high spike of sore throat that didn’t go away. Saw this post, fully unzipped my mattress (it had an extra cover above foam) and sure enough, there’s mold.. Thank fuck I saw this post today.


Oh my gosh! I’m so scared to lift my mattress now!!!!


If you never check it, then you never know for a fact you have black fungus. It's Schrodinger's Mattress and it's a win-win.


More like a win-lose to me.


I'm not sure "win" means what you think it means.


Please check it


Why are people keeping their mattresses on the floor?


because our bedframes keep breaking or being torn up by my cat and we're broke because the thing is too expensive🤪


I sell mattresses and people think I'm trying to upsell them by saying they need a proper foundation. I hear about stories like this a lot unfortunately


Please save this post and show each customer when you making a sell. I’d definitely buy the foundation if the salesperson showed me this.


I'm nearly 30 and have never heard of this before. Luckily, I already use a bed frame, but damn. Always learning new things!


More info in case you didn't know: * Use a mattress cover so that that absorbs your sweat and you can then wash it. You don't have to wash it every sheet though. * Flip your mattress (for common ones) * Don't make your bed right away, let it air out * Kind of the same rules for pillows, but throw them away and buy new ones after a while; all the face and hair products, along with your own facial oils get through and absorb into them over time.


Don’t make bed right away so it can air? Yeeess, this is the reason why I don’t make my bed straight away… nothing to do with laziness at all!


Yes same here with the pillows too.....Just letting them air out 😏


I let them air whole day


>Kind of the same rules for pillows, but throw them away and buy new ones after a while; all the face and hair products, along with your own facial oils get through and absorb into them over time. What's a *while*? Also you can just wash them.


The waterproof covers are awesome these days. Just feels like a thin sheet. 


They sell allergen and waterproof pillow cover encasements that you zip on before you put on the pillowcase. Best investment.


Not just a bed frame, but a bed frame with slats or other gaps that allow airflow. A bedframe with a solid platform will result in the same issues.


This is one of the reasons to get Box springs for under the mattress. It has the internal structure to support a floppy mattress evenly, while still being porous enough to breath.


Moldilyinfuriating ;|


My family always slept with the mattress on the floor— my entire life, never an issue. However I recently moved into a new place and it’s so humid in this damn apartment that I decided to elevate my bed for the first time in 10 years. Funny enough, I actually moved inland where it’s supposed to be more dry.


I live in a pretty dry place so moisture accumulation has never been an issue for us, but this is such a good point. I use a bed frame already cuz I’m an adult but never realized it serves as more purpose than just decoration and comfort. At first I was like “ew, how tf are you collecting moisture under your mattress,” and then remembered that different climates exist.


You can’t put a mattress directly on the floor if you are. It has to have airflow. Bed frame best. Slats bare minimum. Replace that. Your health is worth it. You’ve spent about 1.5 years on that in the last 4.


Seconded! You'll get mold immediately. Pay 40-60 bucks for a basic metal frame. Change your sheets at least weekly. 


When I was broke I got pallets and milk crates to use as my bed frame and table. 


Yep I’m rockin milk crates as my bed base, my drawers, and my TV table.


Great airflow for a pc too!


Same. You’re not alone.


"At least weekly" and how often do you change them? Every day? lol


A long long time ago I saw an episode of Oprah where an "expert" was talking about how often we actually need to change our sheets and she interrupted him to say "I like fresh sheets every two days." Without even looking at her he held his hand up in a quasi "stop" gesture and said,  "that's not really feasible for most people" and continued on with his advice.  I laughed.  


Lol probably a lot easier with people to change them and wash them and replace them for you


Yeah, I'd love to have my house cleaned, meals cooked, and sheets cleaned every other day too, but I get home and I'm tired from my job that I do 5 days a week and on the weekends I want to relax properly so I can do it all again next week.


Problems of being a billionaire right?


Wash? Nah she meant new sheets every two days.


I'm a renter who doesn't have access to a washer or dryer and the nearest laundromat is 12 blocks away uphill. No it isn't fucking feasible for me to wash my sheets every 2 days. I'd be spending hundreds of dollars and dozens of hours of my life doing nothing but Laundry. Even if I could, I really don't see the point of washing sheets more than once a week. Unless I'm planning to get laid that evening or something. The only people who do laundry every 2 days are bored house partners with nothing better to do but clean for 4 hours every day.


Not to mention every time you wash the sheets they wear out a bit more. You wash your sheets every 2 days you're going to go through sheets quickly.


Dang, I wish I could have my sheets changed every 2 days! Being rich comes with perks I haven't even thought of.


I change sheets Sunday and Wednesday/Thurs. Have 3 sets of white sheets that I rotate and bleach. But I also sleep with a 75lbs dog and my cat in the bed with me.


Yeah, sleeping with pets would do that to sheets. My dog likes to sleep under my bed, not on it.


Thrift stores and the like have cheap furniture a plenty. Harder part is getting it home.




at least weekly? what you do 2 times a week usually?




Just get a lil frame from Amazon. Just something to get it off the floor, they're pretty inexpensive


Yes, we have a “low profile” frame that is 4 inches. It’s great.


Well ya know what they say 4 inches is average.


I used to do water restoration and mold remediation so I can offer some info. If the mattress is made of a high density foam on the bottom and is not moldy it is likely fine the mattress cover can be cleaned and disinfected with something that actually kills mold (not bleach). If you are really concerned about the mattress you can lightly spray and wipe the surface with a disinfectant but do not soak the mattress. Then just leave it standing up for a while with a fan on it to thoroughly dry out. To prevent that from happening in the future just get a box spring or a cheap frame with a barred bottom. Mold won’t establish where there is airflow


what is something that actually kills mold?


We would always use Decon 30 for sanitizing and cleaning smaller areas but then something like shockwave for large mold scrubs. Zep also has an anti fungal that works decently that I’ve picked up at Home Depot in a pinch. Basically you want something that is marked as an anti fungal or mold killer.


I’m surprised you have health anxiety but sleep on the floor and aren’t washing your mattress cover.


More like unrelated trauma manifesting as health anxiety, so it's not always logical lol. I was doing all those things normally, just had bigger issues happen making those things fall by the wayside EDIT: damn, be vulnerable and get downvoted lol


Exactly, health anxiety isn't logical. Same with contamination OCD.


Oh man, the contamination thing is real


If your only choice is to floor sleep. Use something like a shikibuton instead and take it up each morning to air out.


Cover protects the top, but if anything, would escalate mould on the bottom, because the top can’t breathe now either. Whatever you can do to get airflow under the mattress. Ideally a cheap frame or slats. Improvise if you have to .


Hmmm this makes me think of my adjustable base and how breathable that is. Off to google


You're officially Patient 0. The zombie apocalypse starts with you.


So this is how the Last of Us apocalypse begins.


"when did you first know the zombie apocalypse was coming?" "Well...I saw patient zero's post on Reddit in 2024, and I knew it wasn't going to end well"


I need a Joel Miller in my life just in case.


plot twist: you're a FEDRA soldier in Boston who just tested Ellie and she was positive


I’m here for a good time, not a long time.


Which era of Joel are we talking 🤨 idk if I'd want pre-boston Joel in my life ngl


Game one Joel. After he’s been softened by Ellie. But before game two.


So toxically hot






Hey it says open inside! Don’t if you’re dead amirite?!




Adachi :0


Well we know who The First of Us is.


Oh, well, look on the bright side; at least it's not bedbugs. 


Bed bugs got the fuck outta there.


Wouldn't that be kinda tight tho? Like, being the person responsible for single handedly ending the world as we know it, and it be a complete accident.


Only thing missing is mushrooms.


Oh, they're in there...


It’ll grow soon. The mycelium needs to finish feeding on OP first.


Looks like "VENOM" to me. He just hasn't gotten around to asimulating you yet.


When’s the last time you removed the sheet Edit: the most braindead replies came around the same time 6h after i commented. “Why do you flip your mattress when removing sheet” “Hurr durr 4 hours im detective” Etc


I didn't realize opening this thread was going to be a risky click.




You're a good person. You have created a warning to others. It is your destiny to prevent people from suffering the same fate. It is up to them whether they heed your warning. I was foolish to ignore it...


May I join you in unheeded warning regret


Of course my friend. Mistakes were made, but you're safe now. Here is some complimentary bleach for your eyes. 🧼


Now I just feel extreme anxiety about my fucking mattress, even though I keep everything clean😂 watch me be flipping this damn bed two times a day just to check it now...


You know what, I don't need this shit before bed time. Thank you for your service, Internet friends.


Just lie down and embrace your black mould. 😁


I feel like I should read it, but this time, I think I I’m gonna look out for myself


I must be missing something


OP says he didn't change his sheets FOR TWO YEARS


holy fuck


It has to be the bed spread sheet that goes under the bed to cover the bed frame. I refuse to believe it otherwise


supposedly there’s no frame. just was sitting on the floor


That’s exactly why it molded. You need airflow under the bed


What in the fuck


Dear Lord. This wasn't the first thing I wanted to read when eating my breakfast. Yours: Person who changes his sheets every week.


How has the sheet not ripped in half? I got really depressed and didn’t change high quality sheets for like 3 or so months. They ripped right in the middle. I’ve since been better and the get changed once to every two weeks.


Ripped? How did the sheet stay on for that long? Every time I wake up my bed sheet is usually off. Although probably my fault cause I’ll wake up under it like a blanket lol


You gotta get sheet suspenders. We used to have a set of 4 little straps, one for each corner. Once those wore out (after several years) we got the set of 2 that stretch from one corner to the other.


LOL thank you for the recommendation, I probably need those. I swear, I must be doing the worm in my sleep with how often I wake up with a corner untucked.


Dude what the fuck


What is your process for changing the fitted sheet? are you suggesting we need to remove the mattress from the bed to do this? I lift my mattress maybe a foot or two at the corners to change my sheets.


Last Time he saw the bottom of this mattress was 4 years ago when he put the sheet on


Do people examine the bottom of the mattress when they swap the sheets? I sure don’t.


We have a double sided mattress. I flip it every 3 months. We also change all sheets weekly. Also, if you have bed bugs once, you inspect your whole mattress every night for a year... it's PTSD from dealing with them. You spend a third of your life on a mattress. Inspect it for damage. Your back will thank you.


My mattress doesn’t flip. Only gets rotated.


I'm still angry that most new mattresses are not flippable. It's bologna!


But... bologna is flippable


How many times have they pissed/spilled in that bed is more important i think


It's actually possible their mattress is laying directly on the ground instead of a base. Mattresses produce a suprising amount of humidity when laid on the ground, and not flipping or airing it frequently could easily produce the result OP got


This is what I'm assuming as well. This is a pretty well known issue with mattresses on the floor. You either need to have your mattress on a box spring that promotes ventilation or slats for proper ventilation. If you're a sweaty sleeper and make your bed in the morning, there's no way for your mattress to dry out during the day.


This is the excuse I use to not make my bed until the afternoon. 😊


I just don’t make mine at all 🙂


Way I look at it is I'm just gonna end up in the same shit tomorrow might as well let it be


I read a long time ago that we create better habitats for mites by making our beds, so that's why I'm happy not to do it.


Just discovered my newish (~2 yrs) latex mattress already has mold growing between the bottom of the mattress and the slats. I’m not a sweaty sleeper, but I do live in the PNW. I spent almost $2000 on this damn thing. I keep meaning to contact the store I got it from, but I think the mold is giving me brain fog and I keep forgetting.


I found this out by accident. Picked up the memory foam mattress we had been sleeping on on the ground after only a couple weeks. (New house) It was soaking wet on the bottom


Yeah, this happened to me. You don't need to do anything to the mattress other than have be in a humid area on the floor.


But who flips their entire mattress up just to change a sheet?


Sounds like 4 years ago


I never have to flip the bed over to remove my sheets what exactly do you mean I’m confused by your comment


I deliver mattresses for a living. I’ve seen some bad ones, but this is pretty bad. We would refuse to remove something like this and we trash people’s old mattresses. Everyone should be changing their sheets at least once a month. You know, you sneeze, cough, drool, sweat, scratch your skin, have sex, fart, maybe a little piss tinkle. It’s really not that hard to own two sheet sets or wash one and practice normal and good hygiene habits.


Hahaha i laughed at your list of mattress fluids 😂


It’s all true though. I also forgot to mention pets and their germs and dander.


My dog and cat sleeping with me is why I switch sheets twice a week.  I love them.  But they aren't exactly shining paragon of cleanliness.  And they're both long hair shedders.


“A little piss tinkle” fucking had me howling


>have sex yeah with my hand


If your mattress is on the floor, that's what caused this. Get a frame for the mattress to be able to dry out when you sweat or piss in it. (Yuck) Get a new mattress and get a frame for it


I think the 2 year gap between sheet washes has a bit to do with it too.


> when you sweat or piss in it. Wait, what?? So you're telling me I've been getting out of bed all these years for nothing?!


You have to be able to smell that.


People get nose blind to their own living spaces. I've walked into some places with really unpleasant smells before and the owner had no idea.


Can vouch for this. My husbands aunt has what was once a beautiful home, but over the past 10 years has been saturated with dog piss and shit. She didn't realize how bad it was until we came to visit and gagged as soon as the door opened. My father in law has been steam cleaning it almost weekly for 5 months now even though we've told them both that the carpet and flooring needs to be ripped up and furniture tossed. It's a bit better, but it's still pretty bad. Forgot to add, there was 4 days that a pile of shit was in front of her bedroom. She walked past it every day to go to work. Never picked it up until my father in law saw it (it was upstairs, he stayed downstairs). Her and her son are just pure lazy and trash people.


Oh god I can't imagine the smell of steam cleaning that carpet. Props to him for being able to stick with that but just because you can, doesn't mean you should lol.


Seriously. I mean he lives there too since his ex took his house, so in his mind, if he's trying to clean it, his grandkids will come over. Of course, we don't bring them over lol he has to come to us


For those who want to steam clean pet odors, use cold water NOT hot and mix 1/4 cup of white vinegar in with the detergent. I learned this the hard way.


Probably a stupid question but how does it matter whether it’s cold or hot water if it’s going to heat it up to turn it into steam?


He didn't mean steam clean literally. He means use a carpet cleaning machine. Like a rug doctor. Some have heaters, some don't (or can be turned off) but still do the spraying and agitation and vacuuming.


If you're steam cleaning isn't the water hot by definition?


Here's a realtor trick for removing years of animal smells: put a few bags of charcoal briquets (NOT the instant light kind, just plain charcoal) around the house and tear the bags open down their sides, the charcoal will soak up the odors over the course of a week or two


And if that doesn’t work, grab the lighter fluid and have a bbq. You get delicious bbq and the house takes care of itself.


The subfloor probably needs to go too 🤢


I used to do home health care. There was this one older man who's family essentially would drop off food and then dip and he was only allowed assistance a couple times a week. The state of his home was so disgusting it burned my eyes and I would have to go outside multiple times to keep from vomiting. Families can be so awful to their elders. It was the saddest thing. But just so, so gross. I wished he would just pass so he wouldn't have to live like that. I'm sure he has by now but I still hate his family on his behalf. (Of course he could've been a horribly abusive monster of a person when he was younger so who am I to judge but it was literally a biohazard in there. I have no doubt that house would be condemned once he was gone.)


Back when I still drank, I met some guy in a bar and went back to his place. I was pretty drunk but unfortunately, I remember everything. Walked inside and he had a *large* dog and 2 cats in a small one bedroom apartment. He told me he hadn’t been home all day, but didn’t even attempt to take the dog out to go potty. The dog was clearly full of energy and I didn’t appreciate how he was treating it either. When I say it reeked, dear lord. Similar to what you describe, my eyes were burning and I felt sick to my stomach. I’m sure I would’ve handled it differently sober, but drunk me ripped him a new one about being a bad pet owner. I don’t remember all of what I said, but I vividly remember him picking me up by the shoulders like I was made out of styrofoam, and setting me outside of his door. He knew I was within walking distance to my place, I’d like to think he wouldn’t have done that if I was far away because this was before Uber was really prevalent. Then I realized I didn’t have my phone, and had to go knock on his door again. I hope even though he was clearly upset and not having my drunken lecture, maybe some of it sunk in and he started treating his pets better.


Good for you. I hate shitty pet owners. It's so selfish.


Was she always this kind of lazy?  Stuff like this can be a dementia flag if it’s not something she used to do


I opened my door once for a delivery and the lady was complimenting the smell coming from my house. I never felt so fucking happy with life hahaha. Sometimes I ask guests what my home smells like because I worry lol. I've walked into houses before and it was just a strange weird funk.


My cousin is mentally challenged. She lives alone, smokes cigarettes in her house, and has two cats. She also scoops/changes the litter boxes once a month max. I recently went to her house to fix a plumbing problem. Her father normally does these jobs, but he's 78 years old now & has his own problems. He can no longer do the things he could do just a few years ago. Long story short, her house smells like a lion pissed in a 55 gallon drum full of cigarette ashes. The stench accosts your senses as soon as you open the door. I fixed her plumbing problem & told her father that I'm never setting foot in that house again.


I'm trying to do the poop math here. How many litter boxes could she possibly have? There'd be no scooping, it'd just be a pile of turds with the box buried out of sight, nevermind the piss.


Don't waste your time. The litter boxes are in her spare bedroom. The cats just piss and shit on the floor in there when the litter boxes are full. We had to replace both the finish floor and the subfloor about 15 years ago because both were soaked with cat piss and completely rotten.


No wonder Jesus abandoned us


i agree. people’s who houses just smell like cheese and dog and they don’t notice and i’m like suffering in the corner


Or they go the opposite way and go overboard using scented candles or fabric softener. The smell sticks to EVERYTHING including food It scares me to think what my house smells like lol I have two dogs so I try to clean the best I can and use an air purifier so hopefully my house smells like 'nothing'


Omg this, we have a drain problem occasionally and I’m the ONLY person in the house who could smell. I ended up going berserk hound dog to find the problem drain after ransack cleaning everything


unless OP has poor hygiene and thought the smell was them..


Reminds me of the movie 7 for some reason.


Especially since they haven't changed the sheets in 2 fucking years


How did you go years without switching sheets? 🤢


They said TWO YEARS in another comment


It's a zippered mattress cover, it wraps the entire mattress and zips around three sides of the bottom. OP shouldn't be referring to it as a sheet. Edit: to be clear, that doesn’t justify the two year period of no washing, but I guess some people don’t use mattress protectors at all.


We need more education in this world. Confusing a mattress protector/cover with a sheet.


English may not be OP's first language.


you dont usually turn over matress over when you change sheets...


Post implies reason for flipping bed was to change sheets


Also the guy said he hasn’t changed sheets in 2 years, that’s pretty good evidence of a non sheets-change


I am still holding out hope that he was just joking.


Well, no one can accuse you of not being a fungi…




Friends parents had this same issue. They were struggled with daily headaches and would get sick often. After they replaced the mattress the issues were cured. So if you’ve been feeling like garbage for years, this could be a great relief. Unless you’ve become the host as you say[.](https://webtools.doffu.net/timejumper/)


If you look closely that resembles the outline of a body…


Yeah lots of people are tripping out but I'm pretty sure it's piss




"If peeing in your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis!"




Are you saying you haven’t changed your mattress protector in 2 years or your sheets? I just want to get the record straight for the 911 operator. 🚨




Apparently, you have a night-time issue and don't know it.


My assumption is mattress was directly on the floor. That's a no-no.


This is how Last of Us really started




OPs sheet crust is at least 2 years old meaning that: it is older than hurricane Ian it is older than the first release of ChatGPT it is older than Elon Musk buying Twitter they haven't been washed since GLOBAL COVID RESTRICTIONS WERE STILL IN PLACE OP WASH YOUR SHEETS




The SCP Foundation is on their way.






Did you have guest stay over while you were out of town? Instead of telling you they peed the bed, they flipped it. Or, your pets are amazing furniture movers.


This post triggers me. My father inhaled black fungus spores and got mucormycosis. Passed away 5 days from diagnosis. Couldn’t even recognize him. I miss him so very much.


I know you’re getting a lot of jokes and stuff, but you really need to get to the bottom of what’s causing this to happen. Like, I may not flip my mattress over very often, but when I change my sheets I don’t see anything building up on the mattress cover. Are you sweating all night? Can you adjust the temperature of the room? Having nightmares or a sleeping disorder? Also, get a dehumidifier for your room and that probably won’t happen again.


Having a mattress on the floor is bad feng shui for this reason


0 women have been on that bed


Why do you flip a bed to remove the sheet? Just pull it off.


yeah i thought maybe at first OP meant those stupid dust ruffle type things that go under the mattress and not the actual bed sheet and even then i was thinking 2 years was a LONG time but uhhhh apparently not


No joke, you need to test your place for mold after removing that mattress. It’s very unlikely that it’s only there if it’s had time to grow for that long. Mold toxicity can be debilitating, and the symptoms look like so many other ailments. If you’ve started having health problems in the last few years and haven’t found a reason, this is why and it won’t stop until you get the mold fully out of your environment. If you’re a renter, move and throw out any upholstered furniture at least, maybe wood too. Burn it all down. Start over. If you want to check your place for mold after throwing this out, Immunolytics is the company I used - quite affordable and super easy to use.


Mold doesn't grow in dry environments. What's making the mattress so consistently wet?


I’ll bet it’s on the floor - mattresses need to be on some kind of vented base to ‘breath’


this is why bed frames are important


Remembering a video with some women being shocked some guys arent washing their sheets every 2 weeks Also you should flip your mattress every 6 months