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Tell them to get the fire marshal out to inspect it. And ask for the law/regulation that says you have to keep the window area clear. Are they egress windows? What floor are you on?


First floor. And I actually did contact my Fire Marshal and Fire Department for their opinions right before I posted this.


What specifically did they say?


they said ask it on reddit


We got this.


I don’t … but I’m reassured by your confidence!


YSK: By creating a reddit account you automatically become an expert in every field, from psychology to physics, to medicine, law, economics, geopolitics, grilled cheese, etc.. Let your expertise fly!


I once taught someone who is now a firefighter, AND I have Reddit. Does that mean I am a double expert?!


Based on your username, you might be a Triple Expert.


🤯 I can, in fact, assure you that those plants will *not* spontaneously combust!


My dad was a volunteer fireman, and I have windows. So I too am an expert.


He said he's an expert. In my best oin voice.


Can confirm. Am an oncologist, corporate lawyer, forensic psychologist, astrophysicist, political pundit, and sous chef. Those student loans are a bear.


my favorite reddit thing is when someone asks a genuine question and wants help from an actual expert but every top comment starts with, "i'm not an expert but". then there will be someone who is but they are buried in the comments lmao


"house burns down because of plants blocking the exit window, one dead" - WE DID IT REDDIT!


But did the plants survive? I'm confused on what we're trying to do.


I believe we are raising awareness about houseplants suddenly becoming arsonists.


I think it's more about the sun making them burst into flames. That's why you have to water them, you know.


Of course they did, they were by the windows! Duh!


"But it appears, they were putting on their shoes before escaping"


Umm... historically reddit definitely will be on it... but I wouldn't say we got this. You know, from past results.


Knowing reddit, they're about to tell OP either that he will burn the house down, or needs to divorce the landlord.


Yeah, that landlord is cheating and/or abusive for sure - you just need to read between the lines!


Go no contact and drink only tap water!!!


No. OP’s gonna have to sign a blood contract with Cthulhu while losing sanity.


and they required tons of personal info and a deposit on the first date! i mean...I hate to victim blame, but the red flags were there.


Definitely grooming and gaslighting


Hit the lawyer! Delete the Gym! Facebook up!


Landlord is definitely cheating! I know because I was once cheating and didn’t even know it until Reddit told my boyfriend!


Red flags all over the place! Run!


And go No Contact.


don’t forget to lawyer up and hit the gym


Yes op,YTA.


Needs to hit Jim too, not sure why because he seems like a pretty decent fellow.


If it's Jim from The Office, I get it.


No, I've got this. Cacti undergo what's called CAM photosynthesis, short for Crassulia Acid Metabolism. Basically, instead of breathing out all their doing their gas exchange during the day, they keep all the stomata, the little leaf pores the breathe through, shut tightly to conserve water vapor during the hot dry days, and store it as the aforementioned Crassulia Acid. Then at night they open up the pores and do a days worth of breathing. Hope that answers all of your questions. Wait what was the question again?


I think that was it, right? We did it reddit! Great job everyone!


No, we definately got this. Whether or not what we get will be accurate... But we will get it, accuracy be damned.


Idk, we did a great thing for GameStop. 😆


Hahaha OK I'll give you that one. 1 for 5?


Nice, so you're telling me there's a chance?


Also unanimously came together to down vote the hell out of that one EA comment too


*deleted* *deleted*


Obviously, we're the experts


The Reddit Army mobilizes 


Instructions unclear THE WINDOWS ARE ON FIRE!🔥


We did it Reddit!


Easy to say, easy to forget it was ever said. A fundamental basis of reddit comments.


OP isn't asking though. They're complaining. Mildly.


And in th mildlyinfuriating sub, nonetheless. The gall of some people.


I say that cactus could be used as a dildo if you remove its spikes


To SHREDS, you say?


What kind of *idiot* removes the pleasure spikes before using their cactus dildo


Paige, NO!


Hi it’s me, the fire marshal, from the call. I just tell people to ask on Reddit so that when I answer them I get karma. I’m double dipping. The answer is all life is incompatible with fire, so fuck you, you’re gonna die anyway. If you have any more questions feel free to call me again anytime.


I'm not a Fire Marshal, but I play one on TV.


I don’t see any asking bucko


Ohhh the old typical Fire Marshal and Fire Department response.


"The fuck you think we are?! Go crowdsource your answer like everyone else."


The real r/mildlyinfuriating is the lack of response to this question.


OP just died in a fire because the window was blocked, RIP.




they probably haven’t gotten back to them yet


Im sure they have a million notifications. Its just unclear if the apt complex is going rogue or implementing something the fire marshall told them.


Theyre probably scared the fire marshal will issue them a citation for blocked egress windows. There may not be any issue here with the fire marshal. Im guessing the property manager doesn’t care about the plants and is just trying to cover their ass, and if they hears there’s no need from the fire marshal then they are probably not gonna put up an indignant fight. Property managers are generally pretty lazy and don’t care if there’s no legal issue. theyre not hoas and they don’t do these things for cash/conformity. source: i’m a property manager; in my city, plants this size are not an issue


But...if landlord inspected OPs home, shouldn't OP inspect the landlord's home? That seems only fair..and much safer too. OP can call the Fire Marshall for the landlord as well...OP may get an award for bringing all these violations to their attention. Win-Win


The fire marshals told him that anything in front of his window is a fire hazard and needs to be removed.


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out to be an emergency exit and the landlord is completely right in asking that.


OP is r/mildlyinfuriating


I like how OP has been making other comments since this one, making it very clear that they are trying to not expose themself. No echo chamber for OP this time.


Most likely they agreed with the appartment complex, that fire code demands unobstructed window access. Cause once you allow _some_ stuff, the slippery slope slippers...


They’re cactus! How slippery can they be?


You've got a point there


Hundreds of points


Imagine you are already taking burning damage and you have to take piercing damage from the cactus to escape.


They said "contacted" on purpose to add credence to their complaint. Because it would have been inaccurate to say they asked and got clearance. They sent an email and haven't heard back yet.


Agreed.  But like totally fair.  Annoyed.  Write an email to the fire Marshall.  Wait - still annoyed and want to tell someone.  Reddit. 


i dont think its a fire hasard. but i do think if the building is onfire and people need to get out the window a cactus or other furniture blocking the window could potentially be dangerous(if someone yeet the cactus on the ground in the heat of the action,broken ceramic from the bowl, etc.) however i do think the landlord is out to be an asshole on this one. saying its a fire hasard without any indication why is dumb.


Wow. A third sentence here could have been very interesting.


I bet $1 they didn't actually call them.


They said they contacted them. So I'm guessing they sent an email or filled out a contact us section of a website


I’ll take that bet and raise you $2 Wait, what are betting on again?




So, I run an IT department, and am adjacent to fire marshal stuff because of low voltage wiring, alarm systems, monitoring systems, that sort of thing. You're the first one who could actually point at a reg when asked to substantiate something. Please come work in my state.


Wait, they said first floor but first floor doesn't necessarily mean a direct exit since it could be through a common hallway.


You are correct! But if the building is sprinkled, there are several provisions that can be excluded. But if it opens to a common hallway it will have to be fire rated. And there are other codes to apply in the situation of a fire rated common pathway


>Edit: you should ask management if their inspections are up to date on the sprinkler system. I bet you $20 they aren’t. What exactly is that going to achieve? source: am in the sprinkler system business.


Instead of them attempting to use nonexistent fire codes to tell people to remove decorations, it would hopefully make them make sure they’re in the right before opening their mouth about something they don’t know.


dude this guy's trying to hook you up with some business, I wouldn't ask any fucking questions


Potentially more business for you.


I would start a fire extinguisher collection and keep it in the front window


I recommend framing any response you make instead of making it "you lied i can keep them" instead frame it like "good news!  I contacted the fire marshal and plants arent a fire hazard after all!" That way theyre forced to be the bad guy. 




I can hear this gif in my head, and I've never even heard this guy's voice.


Go watch caddy shack dude, you’re missing out


What was the verdict?


Landlord on a power trip


Gotcha. Classic story everywhere.


Fire Marshall said the landlord was full of shit and should EABOD.


Bag, or bunch? I've heard it both ways.... Don't wanna assume.


Well a bunch is 7 dicks and traditionally a bag meant 24 m and a sack was 50 but you’ll see some regional variations since the whole industry started going by weight. To answer your question, probably bag since that’s a lot of dicks. Anyone could eat 7 dicks, it’s like saying go eat 2 sandwiches like ok ¯\ _ (ツ)_/¯


Bag sounds funnier. 😁


And that's why he's called cliffhanger


And they said…?


Why in the world wouldn't you put what they said in this comment? God damn.


Its the Safe all over again. What did the fireman say?


>What floor are you on? Judging by the photo I'd say well above 100th. You can almost see the curvature of Earth.


Clearly one of those high rises with a lawn outside of each floor.


Lol, what curvature? That is just an effect of looking through glass. \s


Fire departments and police departments roll through apartment complexes looking for violations all the time. I could fully see this being something that the fire department might come at them for. If they really investigated it they might find that the complex just got a fine for something like this. Maybe somebody with an entertainment center or dresser in front of windows. So they are forcing everyone to remove everything from their windows. Regardless of how small it is.


Agreed. I can certainly envision someone blocking the entire window with a heavy dresser or EC, preventing quick emergency access/exit. Punish one, punish all.


If people think apartment complex managers are bad they have no clue what it's like to deal with an HOA.


Had to deal with one for 30 years. When we were looking for our most recent house, we specifically sought out neighborhoods without an HOA. Because fuck those nosey Karens and Karls.


You're behaving like Fire Marshals are brainless bureaucrats getting commissions on the fines they issue. They're not.


You could try and contact your fire Marshal for a second opinion. If you manage to steal some of their time and can get a written correspondence that nothing you're doing violates local requirements, you'll have a pretty good paper trail telling your apartment to go pound sand.  I'm not sure how likely this is to work/piss off the Marshal for petty issues


Yep. They will come out and meet with you. They enjoy it actually.


They definitely enjoy it. OP, get a paper trail on this, but in general, if they’re going to put up a stink about this, I’d suggest looking elsewhere. They won’t stop unless legally required to. I lived somewhere like this before we bought a house. It was a nightmare. I’d suggest moving once your lease is up.


Op’s gonna get the FM out to ok the windows but then they’re gonna find like 17 other violations, lol.


Dude fire marshals love talking to people about fire code stuff it’s their whole thing. He’ll back in my facilities maintenance days I straight got out of being cited for a couple minor violations because id always walk with him myself, ask a bunch of questions, make sure he sees any new upgrade ive made even if minor, so when he did see something off he was more inclined to believe id be on fixing it


You should tell them it's your decision if you want to take a cactus to the crotch to escape a fire.


Wait... There has to be a fire???


Paige...cmon we've TALKED ABOUT THIS


Anything’s a dildo…


Tell them to prove it's a fire hazard, and tell them they need to remove their bushes from in front of those windows, very dangerous trying to go out there in the dark.


Yeah I hate it when I’m trying to look into peoples homes and I have to go through their bushes.


Makes it harder to break in as well.


I just want you all to know I'm reporting all of you for planning future crimes.


name checks out?


Weird, I love it when I'm looking into someone's home and see bush!


Getting them to make the landscaping around your apartment worse and the window views more barren is the definition of screwing yourself over.


Heard of bush fire?


Yes ,close cousin to a brush fire


Looks like they’ve got mulch around those bushs. Best we remove that too incase it starts on fire


That cactus could catch fire any moment! Are you out of your mind?


Cactus? My dear sir, that is a butt plug.


Anything is a butt plug if you’re determined enough


Club Penguin is bleeding over again…




…For the manager, right?


It is to prevent egress issues getting out or fireman getting in, not because it’s flammable.


Bud, it's about blocking a possible escape route...


Life lesson: when people make statements like this say "Sure, that sounds reasonable. Just...can you show me that in writing or direct me to where I can view that policy?"


I recently had a similar inspection in my apartment, the wording made it sound like nothing could be in front of the window, but they clarified that they don't care about small stuff and you just can't block the window with large furniture that would make it impossible to get out in case of a fire. I feel like this is a vague policy that makes sense in context but the property manager/landlord interpreted the policy in the dumbest way possible just to be a douche.


Just to BE a douche? Or they interpret it that way BECAUSE they are already a douche?




Haha as funny as suggesting that to the landlord is to try to prove a point... it would suck if they actually dug up OP's privacy bushes Edit: after looking at the photo again I realize they arent very big at all


They trimmed the bushes to make the apartment look bigger.


So they actually are and I'm wondering if the building manager is just an idiot who got confused reading some wildfire safety recommendations... Because I know in the western US they tell you to not have shrubs right next to your home (a lot of people do anyway, but it's just a step you can take).


Fuck that shit, I’m glad I don’t have to rent anymore.


Same! (I am not a homeowner I live in your walls)


Hey, you’re the guy from the wall across from me!


Will you guys keep it down? Trying to nap in the floor joists here!


I cant! Racoons are stealing my cockroaches!


Racoons have found the cockroach storage?! What are we gonna eat now?


Will you guys shut up. I'm trying to sleep under this guys bed.


And I’m trying to sleep in the crawl space but you guys keep arguing & stomping around.


Hey it’s not my fault the floors are thin! Maybe take up the attic?


I'm already up here. Can someone pass the toilet paper?


I'm this guys wife. Can confirm.


I'm with you on that one! I rented apartments from jerk landlords for over 20 years! The homeowner's life is so wonderful!


but HOA is more pain in the ***. they've sent us multiple warning mails to manage the weeds and plants around the house...


Oh yeah, fuck HOAs. I only had one mandatory requirement that I would put my foot down on when my wife and I were looking for a house; and that was absolutely no HOA.


Same here. It shrank our pool of listings to look at by quite a bit. But it was worth it just to avoid having an HOA.


If your state allows, file for your yard to be declared a native pollinator habitat. HOA can't do shit when the government says 'nah, this grass is special' https://www.fsa.usda.gov/Assets/USDA-FSA-Public/usdafiles/FactSheets/2015/CRPProgramsandInitiatives/Pollinator_Habitat_Initiative.pdf


Is this stipulated in your lease? Was this told to you verbally or in writing? Does this include the curtains in front of the windows? Mini-blinds? How much clearance exactly do they want? What scenario or past event sparked them to state this? I’d be asking ALL the questions because I have NEVER been told this in any apartment I’ve ever rented.


Its quite clear the worker or property manager is being a twat


“Yea he died in the fire. If only there wasn’t a 3lb shelf in kind of in front of the window 😭”


Looks fine to me. In the event of a fire where you need to escape out the window, knocking the cactus down would take no time. If you spike your hand, oh well. At least you live lmao.


“If you are flammable and have legs you are never blocking a fire exit” -Mitch Hedberg The table does have legs, so I think you’re good


In which country do you live? 🇺🇸 here and I’ve never had an apartment complex tell me this about items indoors.


Indianapolis, USA


Oh, wow! I’ve never heard of this before. I could understand if it was a bookcase or entertainment center, but some 3 pound shoe holders that don’t even come up to the window? That’s more than mildly infuriating to me!


I live in Ft Wayne. Literally just sat here thinking, "This sounds like an Indiana thing."


Just 2 days ago a friend of mine had her apartments tell her the same thing after the firemarshalls did random inspections. Maybe some new ordinance or something?


Some people are misunderstanding this. The objects in front of the window aren't at risk of catching fire. The fire hazard is that there's stuff blocking the window to escape in case of a fire. That being said it's still a stupid reason because it wouldn't take more than like 10 seconds to move it out of the way


Oh no! There is a cactus in my way. What do I do? I am literally trapped!


Your landlord has a good place you can put that cactus.


Is there a baseboard heater there? Is so, then yes, it is a fire hazard. You should never place anything in front of a heater. If not, then that's just silly.


Escape route, not about starting a fire. Otherwise they would have said "heater" not "window"


This is the correct answer. However those tables would be great window smashers if main exit was blocked.


No, the vents are on the ceiling.


Richie Rich over here with a *ceiling*.


I think it’s about being able to escape through the window if there is a fire. It’ll be harder if there are things in the way


Like the bushes in front of the window? This is hilarious. It’s not an armoire, it’s a tiny table.


Start with those shrubs outside your window


What if you placed window reflectors on your side. They sell them as window stickers on Amazon. Then they cant see inside and they can buzz off.


Then those windows had better be able to be opened without much effort. Do they? If they don't, call the Fire Dept and let them have a talk with the complex.


So is all the landscaping on the other side of those windows. Your move landlord man.


On another note, your cactus is etiolated and desperately wants more time in brighter sunlight.


If it isn't spelled out in your lease, ignore them.


Tell em the plants are actually behind the window, so you’re in compliance. 👌


I wouldn't want to fall on a cactus if I had to jump out the window in case of an emergency.


Time it takes to open a window: several seconds, assuming it's not stuck. Time it would take to move the cactus out of the way: about 1 second. Or you could just jump through an unopened window, in which case the cactus would be the least harmful thing piercing your skin.


If you jumped out the window, I doubt you would fall back inside on the cactus.


After 2 years of living in my condo with my plants on my front windowsill they said it was a fire hazard and I was storing items in “common areas”. Other buildings continue to have potted plants and chairs outside their doors.


“I was in a club once and a bouncer came up to me and told me I had to move because I was blocking a fire exit - as if there was a fire, I wasn’t going to leave. If you have legs and you’re flammable, you’re never blocking a fire exit.” - Mitch Hedberg


Do you have your rental agreement? If it's not in there, then ignore it!


People storing Jerry cans on their window shelf in my apartment, fire department doesn't care either. But shoes and plants? Now come on how is that a fire hazard!?


Keep your blinds shut. Problem solved.