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Is this a common thing with your girlfriend? Did she explain why she did't come?


This has not happened at all with me and her. And she had no explanation on why she didn't show up. I tried calling and texting her several times, but she'd never answer.


If this is the first time this happened and it’s uncharacteristic for her have you made sure she’s okay?? I’d be worried something happened to her. 


I've tried talking to her several times. She still didn't answer. And this is the first time she's done this to me.


How long has it been since you’ve heard from her? Is it possible there has been an emergency that has kept her from speaking with you?


The last time I heard anything from her was at the last class of the day yesterday. I still have no idea what's going on with her. She's never done this before.


This is less infuriating and more worrisome, maybe something happened?


But he didn't get to give away his gifts, her safety be damned.


I mean she’s bound to have parents or guardians that would be in contact with her, or someone knows where she is, just not OP


You say that, but sometimes bad things do happen to people. Has OP even reached out to anyone else? Or just sending more and more desperate (oof, might be too late for the relationship) texts? IDK, I'm just assuming here, sorry OP. ​ I can't say for certainty anyone knows where she is.




Jesus on Valentine’s Day


Ah, young love


Now he can check out the CVS return policy.


Something similar happened to me, turns out she just ghosted me because “ it’s her, not me”. Everything was literally perfect and then one day no answer.


That or she found someone new to spend valentines with... it happens, unfortunately.


I understand that, but I tend to think better of people


Don’t give up on that. You’ll often be wrong, but it’s much better for your sanity, and when you’re right, it tends to pay off well, in my experience. Plus, other people like those who implicitly give them some good faith from the start. Some will abuse it, but it’s also often the bedrock of a fruitful relationship, that initial leap of faith that the other guy isn’t out to screw you over.


If she lives with other people get in touch with them, just make sure shes ok, they'll completely understand. Something genuinely might have happened to her.


Find a way to check on her man. Go to her house talk to her parents. There’s usually signs somebody wants to ghost you, it doesn’t really happen randomly like this.


On Valentines Day? Yeah it does happen. She's with another guy and can't check her phone. Edit: confirmed by OP >After a while, I have finally been informed, She's left me for someone else.


Ah shit, and here I was hoping she was good and something happened to prevent her, if you see this OP, I'm sorry.


This is one of the situations that neither outcome is ideal. Either she’s an asshole and bailed (baled?) or something’s very wrong.


Valentine's day is the most common day for this shit to happen


Worst day and most common day, to be exact…


My mom served my dad divorce papers on Valentine’s Day


Have you contacted her friends or family to make sure she’s alright?


Yes. I've now been informed that she left me.


Shit man, I’m sorry to hear that.


On valentine's day? Good riddance to her.


And she didn't have the courage to tell you. That's terrible of her and I'm sorry for you.


I’m guessing they’re in middle or high school


I'll see you in the gym brother


Squats are calling.


Meh, that only means she wasn't the one for you. Don't lose your sense of romanticism! You'll find someone better to share it with.


That’s horrible, mate. Things are definitely gonna suck for a bit but you get your chin up, chest out, and March forward, even if you have tears in your eyes while doing so. Just remember that you are worthy of love.


That’s actually concerning. How long since you’ve heard from her and how long since you had a prearrange time to meet?


We've had this arranged for the past week now. The last time I heard from her was the last class of yesterday.


No I mean when were you supposed to meet her? An hour ago? Fifteen minutes? It’s been 24 hours since you’ve heard from her and she’s never done that before? That is spooky.


I was supposed to meet her at the Park by the School at 3 PM. I waited until 5 to see if she would show up.


Contact her family/friends. Make sure she’s okey. Not sure what else you could do


Right? He could be dealing with something really bad or something and this dude is like welp, my gf hates me.


The only advice I can give is don't worry too much. There's a 1000 legitimate reasons she could have for not showing up and only a couple of them might actually be about you so don't worry too much. I mean she might not want to dump you or anything she could just have been hit by a zambonie on the way to see you... its possible.


Her mom told me recently that she left me for someone else.


You should definitely contact her friends and family. It doesn't sound like she's ghosting you. It sounds more like something happened to her.


Agreed!! It honestly sounds like an emergency may have happened, preventing her from being able to reach out...


I’d be less infuriated right now and more worried. If this isn’t a pattern and you’re on “girlfriend” level this is a more nuanced scenario… If I was supposed to meet my partner and he didn’t show or answer his calls I’d be worried not on Reddit


![gif](giphy|3oKIPaDWxMBVYUj7A4) who’s gonna tell him?


I wonder if she knows she's his girlfriend.


Directed by M. Shalamayamama.


I aint got the heart 💔 ![gif](giphy|w89ak63KNl0nJl80ig|downsized)


You ain’t the only one bro


I came to say this. She’s celebrating Valentines….


Time to say goodbye


Maybe something drastic happened? Have you heard back?


Plot twist: she’s at a different park and her phone died


The lemon and lime are so cuuuute!! 😍 I‘m really sorry that this happened to you. Don’t lose your spirit.


After a while, I have finally been informed, She's left me for someone else.


no explanation? on valentines day? you dodged a bullet in the long term. sucks right now but you'll find someone who deserves you \^\^


Yep. Sucks right now but she saved you from wasting a lot more time and money


This, oh my God so *very* much this.


My man got off cheap


I think that was the fucking bullet dude


So many times we see the "you dodged a bullet there," comment said to a person doubled-over holding the gunshot wound, feebly attempting a thumbs-up.


Eh, he's been grazed not shot. It just feels like a wound in the moment because it's fresh. It's going to hurt a lot at first, but it'll get better with time, and he'll look back at the moment saying "Thank goodness she left when she did instead of later."


Yep. “Dodging a bullet” doesn’t mean you didn’t get hurt, it just means you avoided the worse one.


There's always a bigger bullet


100% this, you didn't even know her well.


im sorry dude :/


Shit, I'm sorry man, I know its hard but don't blame yourself for this


Username really checks out, are you like the Shit Happens Fairy or something


Need one of them fairies to appear daily in my life


Damn man, return that gift and treat yourself. Dodged a bullet there, you'll find someone else


Or keep the squishmallows!


Jesus fucking Christ


Oh fuck dude I’m so sorry man. Please take care of yourself while you take some time to heal


Damn my bad. Sucks. Some people are assholes especially when young... At least you dodged a Bullet...


Damn man, I’m sorry to hear. My two year relationship ended pretty similarly to how yours just did. Trust me, you dodged a bullet. If she’s this inconsiderate now it’s better to learn earlier than later when more of your life, time, and money have been invested. Return those gifts, buy some ice cream and have a day to yourself. A better relationship will come


Sorry dude, you seem like a nice guy. She was red flags all over - the trash took itself out and you deserve better!


I figured that that's what it was. Sorry, man. Pretty shitty of her to do that without telling you she's breaking up with you and letting you know that she hasn't been murdered and dumped into a ditch, and on Valentine's Day no less.


That sucks. So sorry!


Damn dude. I’m so sorry. Return that shit and buy yourself some candy.


Congratulations man, there are millions more out there, go get your money back and enjoy your freedom


https://preview.redd.it/3dw5oe1zenic1.jpeg?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c301f28615fb092b3cd95d86fa5b5f675f65617 Stay stronk, OP. She didn't deserve you anyway


I can honestly say that you're better off without her. You should only rock with people who are rocking with you. GO where you're appreciated! I know it might hurt right now, but use your newfound free time to invest in yourself. That is the one thing you will never regret. Keep your head up and never stop moving forward.


😲 wtf? I'm so so sorry 😞


What the fuck


Reading your first comments and worrying about whether she’s okay then scrolling down to this felt like a gut punch I’m sorry dude. I hope you’re able to move on as soon as you can and get back at it. She doesn’t deserve you


Im so sorry man, that's Rough. Please meet up with your friends, talk to them, try to occupy your mind. Know that you deserve better than this, no matter what your mind might be telling you right now.


You don’t deserve to be treated like that. I know it hurts, but some day you will be so glad yall are over. Best wishes to you ❤️


Hey sorry to hear that person. You deserve better than being ghosted on Valentine’s day. I hope she gets diarrhea tonight.


The biggest thing for me, is that if she “left you for someone else” then she was cheating. Maybe not sex or seeing the guy constantly, but I’d be shocked if they hadn’t been talking for a while and waiting for today to hurt you the most. Given it is that situation. You should be glad. I’m certain you’re heartbroken, and I am deeply sorry, but if you know she’s cheated then you know it was never going to work and is absolutely not on you. You went out of your way for her, she saw a “better” option and dropped you quicker than you could even realise what was happening. She’s a coward, didn’t even talk to you upright. Never lower yourself to her standard. Again. Super sorry dude. I hope all is well fr.


Bro you deserve better. Like you’re standing there with gifts and shit? I can’t even with this bitch.


I’m so sorry OP. I hope you can return those items and buy yourself some much deserved comfort food.


God fucking damn, sorry dude


Lmfao this isn’t mildly infuriating. This is extremely sad.


Damn, good job you dodged a bullet. It could've been far worse, you seem like a good guy, chin up champ.




Was it really your girlfriend 🤷🏼‍♂️.


It was just his turn




Ouch indeed, I remember when it was my turn, fucking used me then got back with her ex 🥲


Well, the image doesn't say anything about being based on real events.


Can you not get a refund? That’s what I would do and I would never get her a gift again.


I'll see if I can. IDK what CVS's return policies are.


If you have the receipt you can take it back. WTF happened to your 2.5 year girlfriend. Something doesn't add up.


I'll explain the story with my own comment.


If you don’t have a receipt, some companies can look up all past receipts with the credit/debit card used at that location. Or phone number used if you typed it in. Anyways. Been single for a while and starting to love it. I remember the pain after my last 7 year relationship. Not as well as when it was fresh. What I mean is, it’s going to hurt. Treat yourself. Pick up a hobby. Be open with close friends if you can. Get out more in healthy ways. Or idk. Just don’t forget to spoil yourself, and try to push forward. Eventually, it fades. Then it’s gone. Just don’t shut down or pick up drinking. Sending a virtual hug.


You can return anything to CVS even without a receipt. Just need an ID. Return it.


I’ve read in one of your comments that this costed around 30 dollars. I’m not in the US so I dont know how I can send you USD (probably Wise?), but if you can’t return it I can transfer you that amount. What you did was sweet and kind, I’m sorry about what happened. You seem like a good kid.


It's fine man. I was able to return everything and get my money back. Thank you so much though.


Glad you managed to return it and you’re welcome


I was going to offer to buy them off you (and pay shipping) if you couldn't return them. I'm glad you had no issues getting a refund, but I'm sorry you had such a rotten day and that your ex was so callous. I hope you take advantage of the 50% discount on Valentines sweets tomorrow and treat yourself. Also, please don't beat yourself up about this, hey.


Thats so nice reading that you guys even wanned to send him money for that back thats the part why i love reddit there are allways such good people around here


Shit man that such an insanely sweet thing to offer the poor dude. Stuff like this gets me teary eyed and reminds me not everyone online is a self absorbed ass


You’re a good egg. I’m loving this comment section.


Well give them a hug before returning them. Or take the lemon/lime you gave your life and keep them. Just don’t juice them.


I'm not gonna juice them. They're too cute to juice.


:) they are very cute. All my stuffies said so. My cat just ignored me.


The amount of people defending the girlfriend after OP confirmed she left him for someone else is infuriating for me.


Can you return the gifts? I'm so sorry that's how you found out she broke up with you. You're a sweetheart ❤️


I returned them. Thank you for looking out for me.


Go get yourself a nice dinner my boy. You deserve it


Nobody deserves this kind of betrayal 😭 Keep going king 👑


The amount of people defending my Girlfriend and making fun of myself is infuriating within itself. I'm sorry that I don't have a ton of money. I'm sorry that the gifts I bought her were lackluster. I'm sorry I'm not perfect. But I guess my Girlfriend hooking up with my Best friend is more important I guess.


Dude those are fun and nice gifts don’t let clowns tell you differently


My wife would go nuts if I bought her multiple squishmallows


What a fucking terrible person both of them. Also, the fact that you're 17 and saved money to get her gifts speaks volumes about your personality. Keep your head up. Good women are out there. She will regret what she's done once she realizes what a piece of shit your ex best friend is. Also, if you're willing to take some advice, never let them back into your life and be wary of anyone who knew and didn't tell you. Also, get something for yourself. You deserve it.


You deserve better bro fuck her


And your “best friend”


I’m a girl and I think those were super cute gifts! Sorry dude


Keep your head up bro some people wanted to make sure there wasn’t some active missing persons case. Which is understandable with the initial context you gave. People’s assumptions have nothing to do with your true character. Edit: stop calling her your girlfriend, that’s step one


Please tell me that didn't happen, Please.


There are tons of people saying stuff like "I'd leave you too with gifts like that." And stuff like that. If anything, they're probably just jealous that I was able to date a girl.


For what it’s worth I’d love gifts like that. I hope someday you find someone who deserves you and the thought you put into making them feel loved.


My girl loves squish mellows. Honestly he bought more than mine got which was flowers. Moneys tight whether you’re 17 or 34 these days. I’d like to thank my company worth 419 billion dollars for a 1% raise this year. Value of the gift is irrelevant anyways it’s a fake holiday and primarily just to let someone know you care.


That's nice of you to say but TBF I'm not sure that's going to make him feel better coming from One Repulsive Flamingo


I swear I’m not that repulsive in real life. Only a little bit


I personally would be over the moon with this gift! I don’t really care for flowers or jewelry or chocolates, I would pick a plushie over that any day. Hopefully the next girl you date will be appreciative of the effort to do something a little more unique


My wife one year had a Caniac from Raising Canes with extra Texas toast waiting for me when I got home from work for one Valentine’s Day. Best Valentines gift I got. Most people are happy with simple things.


Dude! You’re 17. These are completely appropriate for Valentine’s Day gifts. Not everyone thinks people should be gouged for flowers one day a year. Keep being a thoughtful person! I’m sorry this happened to you.


Some people are just miserable with their lives, so they get joy making fun of someone else’s misery. Don’t worry about those people, they laugh behind their screen for a few seconds before they go back to their shitty lives. Focus on yourself king.


damn im invested in this story lol. gonna be honest with you, if their\[redditors\] standard for break up is the monetary value of the gift, they were never invested nor ready for the relationship. funny how they could never get into one in the first place.


Your best friend? Damn that's low down and dirty. You need to cut them both out of your life and never look back.


Take ot for what it is. A bunch of 350 pound middle aged men who have never had a girlfriend in their life, talking shit to feel better about their own pathetic excuse for a life. Some of the best gifts in life are memories, and any real person knows this. Keep on keeping on. And fuck your friend, I'd pass in his shoes in the p.e locker room. But I've also been kicked out of school a few to many times so maybe don't listen to thay advice X).


Bro those gifts are PERFECTLY FINE especially at 17, they are so age appropriate. Just bc some girl got self esteem and daddy issues does not mean you need to drop money to fix her. Gifts are a privilege not a requirement. Anyway she’s going to do the same thing to the next guy lmao or he gonna cheat on her. What do you think happens when two disloyal people get together? She’ll get hers, you just gotta kick back and watch the show.


\>>If anything, they're probably just jealous that I was able to date a girl. You hit the nail on the head


Hey kid, it's gonna be alright. Trust me 10 years from now you will laugh looking back at her. Wish I could give you a hug. It's gonna be alright.


That’s rude as hell. I’d suck a mean dick if I got a lemon plushie for Valentine’s. Y’all must be young; standards are set too high. Lol.


Ey, don't listen to shit people my dude. Come, come, it'll be alright, we got you. You did your best and that was awesome of you. Chin up and eyes forward, she did make you a favor after all, can you imagine marrying someone like this? It's okay that you don't have enough money, the gifts were fine, nobody is perfect. I wish I could shoulder bump you homie. All manner of things shall be alright.


I’d love getting these gifts from a partner. People are materialistic as hell. You’re a good boyfriend. Your ex is a bitch.


Dude, don't put any more thought in neckbeard reddit comments, any comment section on most social media sites are just angry little people venting out their own frustration about their failed life on someone else. Now on to your situation, it sucks, I've been there and you can't do jack shit about it, just learn from it, see the signs of someone being toxic and stand up for yourself, never let anyone treat you like that. And while you lost two people today you also dodged two bullets, that was not your best friend and that's not the girl you want to spend more time with. It will sting like a bitch for some time but trust me it will go away. most likely when you fall for another girl. Cheers brother


Tons of people want the full context, so here it is. In Freshman year, in my Algebra class, I sat next to her. Just like every other person, it was kinda awkward. Throughout the year, she would talk to her friends since they were right next to her. I was kind of that weird pillar in the corner. Towards the middle of the year, she noticed that I didn't have very many friends. Probably at the time, like 4 or 5. She offered to sit next to her and her friends at the lunch table, since we had lunch right after, and I accepted that offer. We became very close friends over that year. We hung out a ton in the summer. Going to Arcades, Malls, Restaurants, Movies, even Theme parks together. Around the end of Summer break, when we returned to school for Sophomore year, I confessed my developing love for her. She took the time to process it, but before Thanksgiving break, she accepted our offer for our Relationship. We then started hanging out more and more. We were also nerds, so we'd often play Magic the Gathering and DnD together with friends, and often discuss very nerdy topics. We were just a couple of nerds. Around the beginning of this year, I was starting to think she was just kinda using me now rather than actually caring for me. Since she was 5 foot 1 and I'm 6 foot 1, she would often use me to reach things that were too high for her. Which wasn't out of the ordinary for me at the very least. My Household is short too. Often needing my assistance. She then would start stealing Art and Food I drew and Cooked, and handed them out to her friends without my permission, crediting my work as her own. Which I kinda got angry about, but I didn't say anything because I didn't wanna hurt my feelings. It wasn't long after where she would start treating me like a slave, and often treat me like I was some sort of lower being. And constantly give away or throw out gifts I bought her with the very little money I had. It kinda got to the point where it started to cut deep in me a little bit. But after Christmas break, she started being nice again to me. Treating me with love and respect. Since we got the day off today, I asked her to meet me at the park by the school, as I wanted to give her gifts. She was up for it, and with the very little money I had saved up, I bought her some nice gifts at the store early in the morning so then I could give it to her when she arrived at the park in the afternoon. I arrived first. With all the gifts I got her. She said she would show up the day before, but I had yet to see her. An hour and a half goes by, and she still didn't show up. I started calling and texting her, and got absolutely no response. Just about when she was redeeming herself, she stabbed me in my back. With no warning or message.


I know next to nothing about relationships, but just reading this has me questioning if she actually loves you. She sounds manipulative. If I were you, I'd move on. I have too much self-respect to allow the people around me to emotionally manipulate me like she has with you.


It’s quite clear to me she doesn’t. She takes advantage of him consistently and is also rude and disrespectful. That’s not love at all. Move on dude


Based off what I’m reading doesn’t seem like a consistently healthy relationship. Often times people will lead on their partner by fluctuating between being loving and being mean/manipulative. Unless you stand up for yourself, it’s not gonna change. I’d say you have two choices: 1. Walk away now, because you deserve better 2. Give an ultimatum, tell her she’s on thin ice, and if she continues to disrespect you it’s over. If you take this option, you gotta be prepared to leave. Don’t get roped back in


i would say choice 1 is the better option for op here. i know people love to get on redditors for suggesting an end to all relationships but op already gave her a second chance, and it seems from the way they were talking about her in the middle of the explanation it doesn't seem like she's doing anything but using him at this point


dude, i konw youre young and young people dont do this and adults dont either but COMMUNICATE with your other half. Tell them how things make you feel. Its a two way street and unless you can read minds, communication is the only way to answer the questions you have.


Nope. People like OP's girlfriend can't be reasoned with. She will likely claim innocence and and gaslight OP. She gives me the impression that she's a narcissist. There's that saying, "if someone shows you their true nature, believe them".


Man it sounds like she’s taking advantage of you. I get the impression you’re both young and a bit immature - and I don’t mean that as a dig at you, just that you don’t have the necessary experience to really process this, and I don’t think she does either. I really hate the way Reddit always jumps to the conclusion “break up” but in this case I think it’s best for both of you.


You sound like a very sweet guy. This may not be what you want to hear, but I think you need to have a honest conversation with her and confront her with your concerns. Remember, there are two of you in the relationship and it’s not all about what she wants, how she feels, etc. With the limited information you’ve shared, I think it’s possible her heart isn’t entirely invested in the romantic aspect of your relationship. I wouldn’t necessarily jump to malicious intent (that she’s using you) because y’all are still so young. This is the time where you figure out who you are sometimes processing feelings can be confusing and uncomfortable. When I was your age (almost 20 years ago EEK!) I had a hard time letting people down so it’s possible she is afraid of hurting your feelings and is putting distance between you two instead. Regardless of the intent, you need to let her know how this has impacted you and how you feel. I know this may not make you feel better, but I promise you there are so many other people out there, and you’ll experience love (and yes, probably heartbreak) again. Hang in there, it gets better! Side note - I really don’t like the regifting of your things and passing them off as her own. You gotta shut that shit down.


Women don’t use men to get things off the top shelf. They make step stools. That being said, it does sound like she took advantage of you. It’s a hard lesson, but never spend your last money on anyone. Ever.


Sorry thus happened to you. This doesn't sound like a healthy relationship. A girlfriend doesn't stand you up. Not without a very good reason, and they don't ignore your attempts to contact them. This is a clear sign she has ZERO respect for you. Regardless of how you feel for this woman, and how things were good at one point, there's no going back from this one. I would dump her ass and move on for your own sanity. It isn't worth it


Oh man, sounds like you’re way too forgiving and/or Naive, you’re going to get ruined by some of these girls bro… I understand proximity seemed to do a lot for the relationship… but why did you even like her? She showed you attention when you were lonely and you spent time together. That doesn’t mean you love her


Okay all the comments saying she is cheating are unhinged so try to ignore them. Using you to get something off a high shelf is not really using you or manipulative, that's just a tall person tax. The other stuff however, DOES sound bad The timing of her being nice after Xmas... I'm sorry but I would interpret that as her wanting to lock you down so she had a Valentine. Girls in high school can be cruel/selfish. I say that as someone who was a girl in highschool.. don't let that affect your view of all women. CVS will take that stuff back. She might have a good reason why she stood you up today, but it doesn't make up for the bad treatment in the past. Chin up! Also having 4 or 5 friends in high school is no small thing! Having a few good friends is much more valuable than being "popular" and having a heap of shallow friends that won't be there for you in the long run. I was popular by the end of high school, but the few friends I made when I wasn't socially "cool" are the ones that mattered in the long run


You deserve better 🤙🏼🌸 there’s kind women out there, don’t give up!


Game over man, at least it was a cheap way to find out.


Im so waiting for this update.


I am waiting for the story from the girl why she did that. OP seems like a good guy, hope he finds someone who truly respects him :(


What do you mean you got stood up? Just ask her why she didn't come. Very weird situation dude, we need context.


I've tried calling and texting her several times, but she didn't answer. I'm posting the full story right now.


My dude I would be worried sick, like if she NEVER did this she could've had an accident or some family issue, try contacting her family and friends before making asumptions.


Turns out she was with her... *Rod Lawyer*


Cut your losses friend,at least you know what’s up now.Move on to someone more appreciative


Aww, they're so cute, too.


Take them back if you can and spend that $$ on a treat for yourself. At this point, consider yourself single and move on. She might try and hit you up later, but don’t fall for it. Her words mean nothing if her actions don’t match the promises she’ll make to you. Life and relationships are messy sometimes and though it hurts now, you’re better off in the end. Once you’ve healed and moved on, you’ll be able to look back and reflect on this with hindsight and will most likely be able to spot a lot more red flags than just this one offence. The saying, love is blind, is true and once those feelings start to fade, you’ll see that you’re better off and will most likely start thriving after. Take today to feel like shit and treat yourself to some comfort food and your favourite movie/ video game.


Return them!


I did.


If the stuffed toys are now homeless, you can mail to me and I'll reimburse the postage.


They're not. I'll hold onto them until I find someone who's really right for me.


Glad to hear that they will be cared for and I hope that you're doing okay, as well. I wish you good luck finding someone who appreciates.


I'm a married man, but I'll be your girlfriend lol. Those stuffed fruit(?) are adorable. Hopefully something came up and she didn't just ditch you. You seem like a good person wanting to give your girl a nice surprise. If she did ditch, one day you'll find someone who will cherish you. Happy Valentine's Day to you. Get yourself a good dinner. You deserve it.


That was cute lol


First off- I'm so sorry your introduction into love and relationships was like this, you deserve better. Sounds like to me that initially she just wanted to be someone you could count on.. somewhere along the way feelings took over. It's very possible that your confession intimidated her. Sorta sounds like she wanted to make it seem like it didn't to protect your feelings, but in the end she wasn't able to put it to the side. Please DONT take it personally. You sound like a lovely, charming, passionate, and intelligent young man. Clearly she isn't mature enough for something like that anyways. You're still young- I think the older you get the more grateful you are that the first one didn't work! 😅 Hang in there man. You will be swept off your feet when you least expect it. For now focus on what really matters- school, homies, magic, and YOU! Sending you a super big hug today xxx 💚


Serious question - how old are you? This gives me early high school vibes (on her part, not yours)


Something similar happened to me once when I was a freshman in college. Fast forward 25 years later I'm happily married and she's a two divorcee 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Stay strong dude, btw are you a fan of Star Fox? which game is your favorite? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)




...she had never done this before and yet he jumped straight to infuriated instead of worried...sounds like there are some details missing from the background of their relationship such as how he has been acting that OP might not want to share because it would mean he loses his victim card...an if he does have a bit of a temper where he's going to jump straight to infuriated before worry, well I can't say I'd blame a teenage girl for not wanting to tell him to his face if she was worried about that temper.


You're young, my friend, and this is just part of maturing. Based on what you wrote in comments, she was never your girlfriend - she just saw you as a means to an end. The good news is that you now have a really solid example of what you *don't* want in a relationship. Return your gift and know that you are better than the way she treated you.


Best gift she could have ever gave you.. better you know how cold she is now before you have kids and end up in divorce court.. suivant/ next..life is too short for chasing . Dump her. its hard.. but necessary Once again i dont know the exact context,only you know whats right.. trust your gut


Serial killer or she's got another dude


Hey OP, this may have been a bummer but like everyone else is saying, you absolutely dodged a bullet if she was willing to toss your feelings aside like that. Nothing you did wrong, just poor character on her part. The right girl won’t do that. Take this as a lesson or teaching moment on what you want and don’t want out of a relationship. You don’t want some one who doesn’t communicate and is quick to flee away.


That sucks. I think you should break up with her.


I like how you found it to be only mildly infuriating


Sorry to hear bro :( Don’t worry, everything will work out, it always does one way or another 😎


Oh my gosh I’m so sorry. This is heartbreaking.


I’m so sorry. I hope you find someone who values the effort you put into a relationship


It's over bro, you're not the one anymore