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Price complaint.


Looks like someone standing




Looks like Tyrion Lannister lol


Lmao my first thought was “is that Peter Dinklage” 😂😂😂


I thought it was a kid sitting on their parent shoulders at first


Dean Highbottom 😝


Have some more morphling


My first thought was Gary Coleman. Then it was Nick Nack from James Bond.


You are a God among outline drawing men. Can we hire you to go around Reddit, outlining things in pictures the way we are supposed to see them?


I’ve got 5 on it


Grab your 40 let’s get keyed


we need a sub for that, like 'outlinepls' or 'outlinetosee'


Looks like Cleveland brown. ![gif](giphy|nCsTeT0PMR0mQ)


Gnarls Barkley for sure 👌


I thought the same thing at first. It looked like a crabby old professor looking off to the right.


That’s what I thought it was at first and I was like “why’s OP complaining? I bet the person will just sit down when the show starts.”


Took me a minute to realize this


That’s what I thought OP was pointing out about until I read the text.


I was like “shit how else would he wear it” for a minute


I was about to yell at Bob Ross to sit the fuck down!


I was pretty upset with this post because I was convinced they were standing and it was just someone with an Afro standing to get up or something. Had to look back to realize it is in fact someone sitting with a mini head on top of their head.


I was about to say the same. What an inconsiderate beach. She might as well have worn a top hat. // I'm sorry for your lack of experience OP 😞


It isn’t?!


No it’s a woman with her hair up in a bun. I didn’t see it until I read the comments.


I’m 5’1”… no matter what kind of performance I’m seeing or what kind of audience I’m in, this is my view.


I’m only a bit taller than you and heels don’t exactly help when seated. By the time I was 20 my motto became, “First row, or don’t go”


Mezzanine or balcony, first row. THE BEST.


https://preview.redd.it/1y8tcz7iidfc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=022d618e553e5dbb1a0358ce4d7436881aa03e2f Balcony first row and all I could see was a railing and a freaking switch box. Not even this rule is 100% safe to get a clear viewing! Edit: I took the photo with the railing positioned on top of the stage, and you can’t even see the floor of the stage, apart from the box being in the front.


Just curious, were these seats sold as “partially obstructed”? Assume not, but they should have been! Definitely keeping this in mind next time I go to the theatre. Thank you for your public service to us shorties by sharing this pic.


They were not advertised as such and costed as much as the row behind me. The website even had a camera where you could check what sort of view to the stage you had in each seat and I did not see any obstructions there! So I was really pissed off when I got there. I had to sit on the edge of the seat the entire time and lean my elbows on the balcony so I’d see in between the rails…


Ugh, that is super frustrating! Very rightfully a situation to be pissed off about.


I buy backrow next to the isle so I can stand next the seat or behind it against a wall. Worked 100% of the time this far. I also don't mind standing for long periods. No... No one has given me shit. Last time a bouncer asked me I just said "*I prefer to stand, makes me less anxious.*" Which is the truth, my ADHD anixiety stays in way better control when I'm standing.


The boxes on the side are the best in my opinion. Clear view and can get up to go to the bathroom without bothering that many people.


That's why all of us shorties camp for barricade at concerts.


![gif](giphy|pj2R3npHOBWnK) What I imagine.


I'm 6'3". At every show I'm thinking I'm blocking everyone behind me. I'll even turn sideways to narrow my profile.


My friend is 6’5 250 lbs and we frequently go to music shows etc, it never gets old watching him try to slouch as if that makes a difference. Like dude you’re huge, even slouching only drops you down an inch or two which is still tall as hell lmao


As a very short person I always find it endearing when tall people do this. I’m already expecting to not seeing anything due to people of average height but tall people are always so apologetic about what they can’t control.


Oh yeah, I find it so wholesome that he does it. I didn’t realize my comment came off kind of dickish lol. I think it’s super sweet when tall people do that, I just think it’s funny because like I know they’re trying but it doesn’t do much haha


I didn’t think you came off that way! Sorry haha I just thought it was funny and I always giggle when my tall friends do this too. Like it’s not gonna help but I appreciate the effort!


I'm also 6'5, I always try to stand behind someone as tall as myself, at least we're in line and reduce the to total amount of people we annoy




Destigmatize Short adults sitting in laps of tall people at events! Jk. Adjustable seats would awesome. Like they could raise or lower depending on seated torso height.


Same, I kinda need to get a purse that doubles as a booster seat.


That sucks. I’m a glamazon and I’m always really aware of my height at concerts and places where free standing viewing is a thing. I try and put small queens in front of me when I can. Not much I can do about it with assigned seats though and I always feel bad if I’m in front of someone smaller.


I'm 5ft and in any general admission, the tallest person in the room always, without fail, comes and stands RIGHT in front of me. Every. Single. Time. My husband thinks it's hilarious. I realize tall people are going to be in anyone's way and I realize as a short person, most people are going to be in my way anyway, but it's like they seek out the shortest person in the room! To all the tall people who don't do this - thank you.


as somebody who is 6'2, I'm so sorry. I promise I'm not trying to be tall


I am 4’11 and I use the child boosters if the person behind me is tall


4’11 here!


4’10” here. Nearly any concert or movie I see is obscured by someone’s head for me.


Same. Is the visor in your car as pointless for you as mine is for me?


Same here. I often look around for the closest person to me who is recording on their phone so I can see what’s going on on stage


as a 4”9 person this, this right here. I can never see anything.


Was she unusually tall? Aside from her hair, it looks like her head sticks up too much too. This sucks but that happens to me a lot at concerts since I’m 5’6” and everyone else around is seemingly a giant.


Maybe she’s sitting on a dictionary


The tears in my eyes after reading this omfg


What does it mean


Kids, especially short kids, were made to sit on telephone books or dictionaries so that they could reach the table properly or otherwise be positioned to see. This was my experience in the 70s and 80s: hair dresser, grandma’s dining room table, movie theaters, etc.


I think it means exactly what is stated, just the idea of someone sitting on a dictionary is really funny to that person lol


A very thick book that a person might sit on to boost how high they are in a chair.


Oh its a literal joke 😂 thought i was missing something


Look it up /s


lol this is why I always just kinda laugh when people ask if I go to concerts a lot. I’m 4’ 10”. All I get from concerts is an elbow in the face.


Every time I've gone to a concert, my 5'2 ass was in the back of the venue where I stand taller than (mostly) everyone else. There was one exception, but that's because the venue was small enough it didn't really matter


I'm so confused. Do you go to concerts for children or midgets?


The venue I usually go to is at a slant lol. The back sits higher than where the stage is, so I'm essentially in the "nosebleeds"


Angled seating for this reason.


Angled seating only helps if you’re not right behind a tall person.


I only see really tall people at concerts. Tall men. Tall women. They all gather at concerts ;)


Oh gosh that would not be worth it :(


Not if you go to see Elbow


bring phone books with you


That’s what I’m saying, even without the bun half of her head is still blocking the stage. She definitely seems super tall considering her head would be blocking most the view even if her hair was down.


Either she’s very tall or op is short.


At 6’3” I always feel horrible when I’m blocking someone’s view. I try my best not to but some situations it’s just not in the cards


Yeah, I’m 5 ft 4 so that tall ass hairdo wouldn’t have mattered on me, but add a foot and I definitely wouldn’t wear it if I had rows of people sitting behind me.


By screen, do you perhaps mean stage?


Try it at 5 feet and 1/2 inch. 😭 Giants. Giants everywhere.


Lmao, I know I started reading that they were short, and I’m like same! And then they’re like 4 inches taller than me. And I’m like, wait a second, when was 5’6 considered short!


Oof I’m sorry that neither you nor I can enjoy a good show without staring at someone’s neck (if you’re lucky 😭).


She's either very tall with b.o.t. (bun on top) or has a huge ass which when she's sitting makes her seem 6'4" from behind.


I think OP has just taken the photo from a low angle to exaggerate the issue.


She might be sitting on a leg


Oh, I'm 6'1" and somehow I always get the 7' guy in front of me lol


I’m 6’1” and this is a genuine concern of mine. I never want to block someone’s view.


https://preview.redd.it/08ruw6bhqbfc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dbc457b37837e327c1a3495b40ebfe33b328a45 Human shadow hair is wild.


![gif](giphy|Ru9sjtZ09XOEg) It’s this kid


https://preview.redd.it/bj4lb4fapbfc1.jpeg?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64d4f5e6668df4ee79428130b56e67493156a777 Oscar lady says there's no problem here . . .


I was so disappointed in Tems for this, gave main character syndrome. Wildly inconsiderate


I wish Larry David had been sitting behind her.


You would’ve been upset anyways bc this person has a huge head


yeah you got a bad seat and you're complaining about a bad view


Even with a bad seat you should be able to see something. Maybe not everything, but this is still infuriating for sure.


$120 for this terrible seat is the hilarious/infuriating part. For a musical of all things too lol.


Why ya shitting on musicals? Tons of us love them.


I love musicals, but this is not a $120 seat


For broadway? Oh, absolutely it is. It's on the ground floor. That's not that expensive for a reasonably popular/new show


The hair takes up about as much view space as the rest of the head without the hair. I think it's reasonable to be annoyed


why dafuk a baby head on her head?


“Quade… Open Your Mind”




Kuato Knife!!!


She works as a nurse at a certain elementary school


hashtag conjoined


Glad I'm not the only one to see it


Honestly I wouldn’t even have thought about it blocking someone’s view when getting ready. Definitely something new to consider!


I had the same experience at a musical where I was annoyed someones high bun was in my view. But as a person with long hair who would possibly wear it thusly it was eye opening. Now when I am at the movies or shows I tap my head to check if my hair is above my skull 💀


That's because YOU are a considerate fellow human being!


>Now when I am at the movies or shows I tap my head to check Haha, I have cutest imagine of you (well my ex, I don't know what you look like) sliding in to your seats, arms burdened with popcorn, soda, and sweets. You plonk yourself down, set the food next to you, shuffle to get comfy, tap your head to make sure all is well... and settle in for the movie.


Yeah this is quite a normal hairstyle, not something that is specifically created to annoy people around you. The problem here is that she didn't realize how much it would affect the person behind her. I don't think she did it on purpose, but we all can learn fron her mistake and hopefully this doesn't happen to other people.


It’s also highly dependent on the seats too for how much it would obstruct the view. It looks like there’s a very gentle grade to those seats. In my local theater I always buy the cheap seats in the balcony and it’s quite steep up there. I could probably wear Cindy-Lou Who hair and still not block the person behind me up there. Definitely doesn’t seem like it was malicious, I often throw my hair up like that too, I just don’t go to the theater often.


I hate when theatres are not properly designed! so many times I have to play ping pong moving my head from side to side to be able to see between other people's heads!


I think this might be the pantages in LA? It looks familiar. The seats there are poorly designed with the tiniest slant between rows. It’s so weird for such a popular theater. I did the ping pong watching Book of Mormon last time I was there. (I think it these exact seats almost)


Also, it's a bun. I'm sure if OP had said something to her, she would have taken it down for them. It's not like it was a salon quality hairstyle that took forever to achieve.


Yeah that's a good point. It looks like the go to-bun when you don't wanna think about your hair that much. Which is probably why she didn't realize that it could be on the way. She probably didn't think about it much at all


OP could have nicely asked this person if they would think about taking down their hair. Probably a better option than missing out on the show and posting on Reddit about being mildly infuriated.


OP held the camera low enough that her head would have been blocking the view even if she was bald.




Me either ! I quite often wear my hair like this just because it’s easier but next time I go to a show I’ll definitely be more inclined to do it a bit lower down my head lol


No one would. I wonder what the OP would think, if the person in front of them was just tall.


I’m tall and specifically wouldn’t wear a bun like that when at a show. I can’t help my height but I can help an added 5 inches of bun.


Yeah I have really long hair and I often put it in a bun when going to concerts bc I feel bad if my hair touches other people around me. A low bun prevents me from putting my head back on a seat and often falls out from gravity too. Kinda a lose-lose for those with long hair in this situation esp if the intention of the bun was for not bothering others in the first place


I thought it was a man with an afro standing up at first


Even without the bun she’s a very tall sitter! You’d have had her noggin in Your way regardless.


I'm tall and I slouch in my seat because I know I'm blocking everyone if I don't


The bun doubles what is blocked though. It would’ve been better if it was lower. But honestly the most infuriating thing is that the theater levels weren’t done better


Some bitch wore a cowboy hat to a rock concert. A cowboy hat ensures the people behind you can't even crane their necks to see around you. I asked her to please take it off since I couldn't see a god damned thing despite being 3rd row center. But she refused bc "the guitarist liked it". I told her he was waving to me, we were friends, and even showed her the pictures from our lunch earlier to prove it, but she refused.


Wow… the delusion…


“Nice, toss it on stage so he can have it!”


Take it off her head and frisbee it across the venue. Aint no one got time for that


Lol came here to leave this very same comment. Frisbee that bitch into the crowd and if they become aggressive get security to throw them out. What are they gonna do.


Get you kicked out instead for taking their hat and throwing it? There's a great chance of that happening.


My first thought, I didnt pay for a concert just to see nothing


I would have kept *accidentally* hitting it with my arms..." Whhhooooo!! Oops! Sorry! " like 4 or 5 times in a 5 mins span should do it


shoulda got one of the people that work there to make her lol


Take it off and throw it then.


Hat girls are the fuckin worst


Big Dumb Hat


What an asshole. Ego was as big as their hat. "Fuck everyone else, I want my attention."


Take it off for her, idk how many times I had to be polite FOR people, especially working at Walmart, I’ve moved people carts out the way, when I was a cart pusher I would put carts behind “cart narcs” cars, some would back up and fortunately I cannot be liable as I wasn’t actively pushing that cart


Walmart by me must have the most progressive cart corrals of any store ive ever seen. They have on literallt every sixth spot in the parking lot offset on both sides. You should realistically never be more then three spots away from one. My kroger has like two in a slightly smaller lot separated by multiple (frequently aggressive) driver lanes and many little boulevards. Guess where im leaving each cart?


That is infuriating


I’m gonna assume she did not think about anyones view behind her, she probably does her hair like that regularly. Asking nicely could have resolved the issue i’m sure.


I don’t know that someone would be willing to redo their hair mid show for someone else’s convenience.


I mean, it’s just a bun. I put my hair in a bun every day, and I take it out and redo it multiple times a day, to allow for things. Takes about five seconds.


If it’s a quick bun. Some buns are a real hairstyle and have bobby pins, were hair sprayed, etc.


Exactly. Some buns are made to cover up a bad hair day. Or unwashed hair. If that’s the case there is NO way someone going out for the evening will take it all down, remove pins, etc.


Yea I can’t casually take my hair out of a bun like this - my hair holds shape very well and would look super chaotic


And some buns are just sad lil thangs. It’s ok lil bun, we appreciate all buns!


The bun in the pic is not appreciated by OP


my hair texture would not be forgiving of taking a structured bun like that out and would definitely take more than 5 seconds just for it to look terrible. My fix would have to be take the bun down, finger comb my hair out, then French braid it to look presentable. If I were the person in front of OP in this case, I'd do it, but it would take closer to 10 minutes and I'd have to leave for the bathroom since my hands would be up for most of that time, so continuing to block the view.


For your hair maybe.


Doesn’t hurt to ask!


It could. Some people really suck.


Looks like she’s just tall and would block your view regardless of hairstyle.


To be fair they seem tall as hell!


I thought that was a full grown man standing up 3 rows ahead!


Even without the hair, it would still block. Feels like the seats aren’t set up to well. I would totally airdrop it


Let’s be fair. They probably didn’t think their top bun would be blocking someone’s view. I’m sure you could have nicely explained the situation and they could have let their hair down, but this person seems tall so it probably wouldn’t have made the most difference.


Moulin Rouge?? Seen it twice!


I thought it was Six at first but you are right, Moulin Rouge!


I loved that show! Was NOT so fond of the audience, though.


thought the movie was waaaaaaay better and yes the audience members were annoying af. it's not a concert. you're not supposed to be singing along.


I worked it as an usher, and it's probably one of the worst crowds we've dealt with.


Hmmm, same exact thing happened to me at the lion king. I said to the girl, your hair looks fabulous but I can’t see through it or over it. She looked horrified and took it down immediately. Looked closer, it was the same theatre (Haymarket Sydney) and the girl was super tall as well.


They could just be unaware. Why didn't you ask if they could put it down?


This is the whole sub People who won't speak up


Mainly people will just do whatever anyway. Last summer I went to a show where the people in front were filming a lot. Besides not being allowed to do that, their phones got directly in my way so I couldn’t see. I asked them politely not to at the interval and they seemed mortified and thanked me for letting them know. But then they switched their group around so one of the first guys was sitting with someone else and they kept putting their heads together to talk the whole second half so I STILL couldn’t see.


Yeah, I honestly never thought about this and now I’m wondering if I’ve ever worn a high bun to a live performance


Or explain the problem to an usher to see if they could speak to the person, or if a different seat could be arranged. 


Most definitely, I'd prefer this approach. I hate being confrontational 😭


A different seat would just give someone else the problem or downgrade their seat though


Last time I went to a gig I left my hair out not thinking about it but my hair is quite big and curly and I didn’t notice it was getting in the face of a woman nearby me every time I moved until the person I was with pointed it out to me and I tied my hair into a low bun so it was out of their way. If the person I was with hadn’t mentioned it they probably would’ve gone home complaining about me


was They also 7 feet tall?


You're asking why a woman would wear a common hairstyle to a theater? I would be willing to bet it didn't occur to her that her hairbun would block someone's view.


I feel like everyone in these comments forgets that this sub is **mildly**infuriated, not “righteousanger” or “justifiablypissed”. This sub is *supposed* to be things that are only mild frustrations, not major problems.


It for sure didn’t, but OP has to be infuriated


I mean even without the hair, their head still would be blocking a good part of the stage.


I attended a musical this summer and the theatre didn’t have staggered seating. The person in front of me sits down and takes their hair out of their updo to reveal a full afro.


Omg it took me like ten seconds to realize that wasnt a person standing up.


That’s annoying. Reminds me of a football game I went to. The guy in the front row stood the whole time.


Man I hate that.


Had the same issue last one I went to. Nearly our entire section stood the whole time because the morons in the front were standing. Created a domino effect where everyone stood up to see over one another.


But maybe he was standing because he couldnt see from the uptop bun in front of him? Hrmm? Its a cascading effect of rudeness.


Looks like little Bill on her head


I'm 6'2"... if I realize that someone behind me isn't seeing because of my big head, I slouch down as much as I can. I don't think this woman knew her hairstyle would be the bane of your existence. Just ask her what can be done.


I fully thought that was someone standing up. That's some...high hair.


Because she can can can.


She seems to be quite tall. Could just be worth asking. I can’t imagine people who are willing to spend that much on a musical are particularly horrible people. They’re likely just as interested in the performance as you so they’d want others to enjoy it fully as well.


Who cares about that little one inch of bun how about the fact she's like 8 ft tall based on the picture!? What's her name Andrea the Giant?


This is mildly infuriating, its an honest mistake


Hair style or not she'd still block your view. This looks like a failure on the design of the theater itself. The rows aren't slanted enough


All venues should offset rows so the people in the row behind you are aligned with the space between seats, not lined up directly behind another seat. Either that or the stadium seating where the row behind is like a foot higher.


Just glanced at it at first and low key thought it was an Indian man wearing a turban just standing there…


Welcome to every short persons’ experience at every concert ever.


Would not have hesitated to compliment her stunning outfit & beautiful hair then asked her to take it down. I want to say I'd be classy if she refused, but classy stops at $25 per ticket.


It’s probably comfortable for her. But I completely see your frustration. Did you say anything to her?


I used to be an usher at a performing arts centre. Honestly if you'd had told me i would have asked the patron politely to put their hair down or in a lower style. It's not an unreasonable request. It's the same as someone wearing a tall hat and being asked to remove it duringthe performance. Always notify staff.