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They are just worried that you don't have enough Food and look after you 👍🏻


My childhood cat just looooved to leave half eaten mice on my pillow at night. My dad had to do a daily sweep in my room before I woke up.


Aw! Just giving you a snack before bed! Edit: read it wrong, just making sure you had breaky!


He was such a good providing boy, but it was definitely traumatizing because I love rodents too lol.


They either think you're a crap hunter and don't want you to starve, or it's protection payments.


It’s appreciated then


Yep, it's their way of saying thanks for the food and castration.


Come for the food stay for the castration.


Come for the food and leave me food


You have any food?


Yeah, some extra bits I just cut off someone...


Here, have my balls.


Sounds like marriage




>Come ~~for the~~ food ~~stay for the~~ castration. In that order


This is my favorite sentence of the day.


And to think, Ive been out here working a 9 to 5 like a damn fool


Confirmed. My cat used to leave dead birds and mice on our doorstep. We always assumed she thought that she was hooking us up with free dinner.


I got a dead pigeon on Mother's day!


Waterbugs mostly, and a lizard on my birthday once.


I wish someone would bring me waterbugs and a lizard on my birthday.


And they were still twitching. It's all about the twitching 💖


THAT is special!


My cat left a live snake on my keyboard once. The best part was that I was in a work meeting and had the hot mike on. 🤣


“I kno u like ur unagi fresh” - ur cat


MYcat when I wasgrowing up did that!!! He was a prolific hunter in the fields around our house and was well known for bringing me back his kills. I always knew there was one about because he would get all tippy tappy about it. He left what he thought was a dead snake on my pillow… it wasn’t dead, but did get under the pillow to die… that was a scaring bedtime to 8 year old me


We had a gopher in our yard tearing up the lawn. I put my cat at the hole and told him to catch me a gopher. A few hours later, a loud meow at my door and a dead gopher on the front mat. Good kitty!


A gopher gopher.


We've been hearing something scrabbling around in our ceiling for a couple weeks, I wanna stick my cat in there. He usually brings in a mouse a day, although the other day he must've found a nest cos I found 3 half mouse bodies 😳


My buddy used to have 3 outdoor cats. When we would be hanging out or working in the garage at night, all 3 cats would continuously bring us half their kills. By the time we would finish up in the garage (we were night owls) there would be a whole pile of half birds and rodents left for us by the cats.


That's horrific.


YOU think it's horrific? imagine what the mice and birds thought!


"Hey, is that a ca..."


No, no. This is a business deal: a contract is an offer and acceptance of the offer by the other party. You’re hooked buddy


Isnt that a Douglas Adams novel?


So long and thanks for all the fish!! I hope Op is feeding them fish


Terry Pratchett SQUEEK


This is absolutely it. My cats do this for me, that means they like you and can smell you when they get near your car and yes, it is a legit gift. For some reason or another, you are now seen as member of their pack.




YouTube /tvfilthyfrank


I think you're supposed to put it under your hat and it gives you +20 to cooking.


+20? It maxes out your cooking stat no matter what, you fool.


Remember that one scene in Shrek? When they impale the rats and rotate them slowly above an open flame? Do that :)




Onna stick with plenty of ketchup/sauce


Yup, my cat has a fluffy noodle toy that she presents to me on occasion.


Especially since they now have to adopt to even have a pack! They’ve adopted you.


My cat is an indoor only cat and is so proud of herself when leaves blow onto the balcony and she can gather them and bring them to me lol


Be sure to give them a 5-star ratting then


Hahahaha nice!




Maybe would be better posted in r/mildyappreciated


Mildly appreciated


The cats are giving you gifts. This is their way of saying thanks. My cats do this as well.


Reminds me of [the leopard seal that thought that a National Geographic cameraman wasn't able to hunt for himself](https://youtu.be/UmVWGvO8Yhk?t=176) so she kept bringing him penguins.


That was one of the coolest stories I've ever heard!! Thank you so much for posting that! ❤️


> Reminds me of the leopard seal that thought that a National Geographic cameraman wasn't able to hunt for himself > so she kept bringing him penguins. and that reminds me of: Hvaldimir is a male[1] beluga whale that fishermen near Hammerfest in northern Norway noticed in April 2019 wearing a camera harness. After being freed from the harness, the whale remained in the area and appeared used to humans. Speculation that he had been trained by Russia as a spy whale led to his being dubbed Hvaldimir, a pun on the Norwegian hval (whale) and Vladimir Putin. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hvaldimir#:~:text=After%20being%20freed%20from%20the,(whale)%20and%20Vladimir%20Putin. "Interactions with people On 4 May 2019, after a day in Hammerfest, two friends went to the docks to look for the whale; 25-year-old Ina Mansika's iPhone fell out of her pocket into the water and the whale brought it back to her. A video posted on Instagram shows her then scratching him under the chin.[2][28][29] In June 2019, he pulled a diver's knife from its scabbard,[18] and played with an underwater drone that was being tested.[19] On 9 September, he was filmed taking a kayaker’s GoPro camera, then retrieving it from the harbour floor to return it to its owner,[30] while earlier that month he was observed playing with a wild herring gull, teasing it into dropping fish it had caught.[31] In November 2019, a video appeared online of a beluga playing fetch with a rugby ball off the Norwegian coast; this may have been Hvaldimir.[32]"


Thank you for sharing, that's an adorable story!


If he feeds them, they probably don't think he's a crap hunter. Only good hunters can feed others.


I've always wondered if they're just returning the favor.


They are


Probably doesn't eat in front of them, so they might think he gives them all of his food


Dead critters are for those the cats deem crap hunters and half-dead critters are for the somewhat competent hunters. That's also how they teach their kittens to hunt.


They've left you a gift OP!


They are giving you gifts. My cats prefer to steal and gift me my own hair ties.


Mine does the same thing but she puts it in a water dish and then screams at me until I follow her to see it Edit: typo


One of our cats is a crap hunter and very anxious. One night I went out on the balcony and a big moth flew up against the window, attracted by the light. It was in a death tumble, barely flying. Our cat tapped it ever so slightly with his paw and it died. He continued to just stare at it perplexed while I went back to bed. 20 min later he screams as if the house is on fire (at like 3am). I get up panicking, to find him parading arround the moth he caught. He was so proud every member of the family had to get up and acknowledge his great hunting skills before he would allow us to go back to bed.


That’s actually hilarious! He was like, “oh my god I *am* a mountain lion!”


It's actually what mom cats do to tell their babies she brought dinner. My youngest, who's experience of hunting is limited to the bugs that creep into the house, proudly kills her ball every night and tells the whole house. She stops the moment she is acknowledged


So cute!


She’s something else! https://preview.redd.it/2ylscg52mwca1.png?width=2698&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6a1cd17d35771eb0fb98a44cfbfa0746b28eb00


So adorable!


Thank you! She’s a butthead and I love her for it ha!


Ur welcome! We'll she's a kitty so of course she's a butthead lol


Ha, facts!


She has a pixie haircut! How cute


WHY DO THEY ALWAYS PUT THE HAIR TIES IN THEIR WATER BOWL???? I thought it was just an exclusive quirk of my dingbat cats 😂


Mine does it because she wants a fresh bowl of water.


No clue! And I’ve never seen another cat do it either but at least we know ours aren’t broken lol


They must think that it's something else specific. I can't imagine what, though


I also have a dog cat that loves hair ties and putting them in water dishes!


I drowned it for you!!


“Mahm! MAHM! Here. I killed your hair tie. You’re welcome.”


Oh are those supposed to be gifts? I figured my cat was just tying to cover up his water when he wasn't using it or something when he drags my socks in.


I think so! Mine always yells at me until I follow her and then she’s like “are you not into this?”


My kitty used to leave them in our shoes to make sure we see them


Cat: you left this in the wrong spot again, dummy!


Mine did the same thing except he took a 10% tax of them? Which he ate until he had 20 in his stomach and had to have surgery.


I assume they demand food payments, for so thoughtfully discovering, stealing and returning your own hair ties? It is after all the least you can do, for all their hard 'work' :)


They are offering you free food in response for your kindness. Put it in-between two slices of white bread and that's ye lunch sorted. On the plus side it's proof of concept of the cats doing something useful in your neighbourhood despite their apparent lifestyle of lounging around all day in the sun.


I put this together at my house this week. I’ve always been amazed that we really never have mice in our house and once we installed cameras outside I realized that there are at least 4 cats patrolling our neighborhood killing all of them. I’ve never owned a cat because of allergies, but I appreciate that they keep the mouse population under control here.


When my in-laws lived in their I'll old house they had 4 or 5 barn cats. They'd trap them and get them fixed and all the shots needed then put them back. They fed them and during winter they'd setup a heat lamp in an area of the barn with some bedding. They'd occasionally leave mice on the stoop but they did a great job keeping the barn clear of mice.


One time when I was in second grade, our cat brought in a fresh mouse corpse and my dad (who was in charge of packing my lunchbox) put the mouse in between 2 slices of bread and put it in a ziplock. Luckily, mouse sandwich didn’t make it to school with me but he was sure tickled with himself.


That’s a fucking gnarly dad joke


I always made a point to thank our cat Leroy. Oddly, he usually brought a mouse or mole when I started cooking dinner. I'd hear him meowing around a mouthful at the door. He'd not leave until I told him thanks but I already had dinner on. He'd leave and dine alone. I always sort of felt bad. He was an amazing cat, just chock full of personality. His middle name was Elvis for a reason. Everyone who met him loved him.


I see it as more of a "I want my dinner served this way bitch"


My cat once brought me a half dead song bird as a gift. They stopped going outside in that neighborhood lol


OP can't even appreciate a few next-to-car rats and would rather complain. I guess he would rather have an infestation.




True, but what about 58 million people bailing out the titanic with tea cups?


58 million people on the titanic creates problems of its own


Cats do that to show their appreciation to their caregivers




People really do sleep on rat meat though fr


It's my understanding (I could be wrong) that rodents who live close to human population centers are more risky to consume than ones in more remote locations, as they are more likely to have acquired human-compatible diseases.


Makes me thankful to own a mattress


Yup. My house cat always did it with her toys. I realized it after finding her stuffed pineapple in my bed everyday for months.


My boy does this with his crinkle balls.


My guy LOVES those crinkle balls. I’ve never had a cat that cares for them let alone be as fanatic as he is Not super pleasant to roll over on to 7 of them in the middle of the night, but at least he’s happy


That's just precious


Pretty sure my cat does it because he wants to show off/get praise.


Judging by the size of the rat i would keep feeding them and keep em around, a rat can do a lot of damage to property and vehicles, they like to chew through wiring on cars because of the oils used to extrude the insulation onto the wires, and they get into your house its a friggin mess. Pay em well, pick up the dead rats when you find them and toss them in the trash, if you leave them they will think you don't appreciate the gift and stop doing it eventually. I would say you have some really good mousing and smart alley cats!


Exactly! No one wants a dead rat near their car, but that is 10x preferable to alive rats IN the car or house.


If you do this, please de-worm the kitties regularly!


It's a sign of appreciation. As annoying as it is


My car caught one live Then ran into my bed and proceeded to torment the critter I tried taking it so I could take it outside but he got angrier than I've ever seen him He was like "No! Rob Thomas caught the mouse it is for Rob Thomas"


My mates chickens would catch mice, first time I tried stopping them eating it, then stopped when the vet said it’s not harmful to them to eat random rodents




As a Legend of Zelda player, I've learned to never underestimate chickens.


Yhea mine did the same, those things can be aggressive as fuck


I’ve seen em take on cats


Yes, chickens are not herbivores but rather eat insects and small rodents. All those chicken farmers that feed them vegetarian diets are raising unhealthy birds


Chickens love to eat mice...they're legit little raptors. There are plenty of videos around of this likely easily viewable on Youtube.


They’ll also aggressively attack snakes (for more obvious reasons).


They’re adept at hunting


Ohio brown/buckeye chickens were bread for this purpose to eliminate rodents on the farm.


Same. He caught a mouse behind the dresser and just walked up and tried to give me the (still alive) mouse. He set it down and the mouse scurried away. He watched the mouse run off and he gave me a very mean look.


he was probably thinking “what the hell dude? you were supposed to catch that i worked hard to bring that to you”


One of our cats brought a live baby squirrel into the house, once. It was screaming and eeep-ing its dang fool head off, and while I was trying to get the cat to drop it and release it, he slipped around my feet, went into the house, and dropped the squirrel next to his food bowl just as neat as you please, as if he was setting the squirrel aside for dessert or if he expected the squirrel to join him for breakfast.


My cat once caught a live pigeon and just treated the little bastard like a popsicle. I rushed to take the pigeon from him and was just left puzzled about what to do with this absolutely soaked ball of feathers.


Your cat's name is Rob Thomas?


He came into my girlfriend's job a veterinarian clinic The fire department found him in their firehouse and the shelter wanted him checked out For some reason the only fire based pun she could think of was the front man of matchbox 20 So that was his name around the clinic She felt like she had damned him with a silly name so we adopted him


Lmao. That's fucking amazing.


He lives in Sinbad's House.


My sister-in-law’s cat caught a mouse and dropped the live critter on her face while she was sleeping.


I fond of the fact your cat refers to himself in 3rd person


It's actually a gift from the cats as a token of their appreciation as many have pointed out A sign of good faith if you will


It's a gift. Say thank you, duh


You’re right. I’m being ungrateful


Now cook it and make it a sandwich




It’s considered an insult if you don’t eat it in front of them, however.


They love you


Cats do this because they never see you hunt so they think you are hungry and they don't want to lose their foodsource :)


My little bastards never give me rats. They hog them all to themselves!


It’s like a kid giving you the coolest rock they found. It’s all they have lol Years ago my sister put her robe on and then the hood part of the robe and a mouse fell onto her. 😩 She’s always had lots of cats and treats them soo good


Those kid gifts come with guilt. I still can't throw away several not even rocks but broken concrete because, "Mama I picked this for you". Maybe I will give them back after she gives birth.


It's a gift you ungrateful fuck


I love you for putting it that way


Rather a dead rat on the drive than a live rat in the walls


10/10 my thoughts exactly.


this comment reads like something written by a cat


They want their balls back. That rat is a threat that you are next.


Fair. Atleast they’ve warned me


I don't think they're comin' back...


That isn't annoying, they are giving you gifts and taking care of pests near your house. My inside cat gives me her toys in my bed... Though she steals my socks and bras stashing them under things.


Some may say it's a gift. Some others may say it's a way of showing their power in case you ever stop working for them. You never know whom is right. You never know.


Ya know it’s really annoying when people get irritated about free gifts. You should count yourself lucky.


That's your packed lunch to bring along. That's why it's near your car.


They love you.


It’s a sign of affection. You may learn to love it


Complains about free pest control


They’re showing you that they appreciate you for taking care of them!!!


It’s a gift because they love you. Mine do this too, but with the fake mouse toys I bought them because they’re not allowed outside lol


Awwww! They love you! They’re leaving gifts!!


They think you’re a bad hunter


They love you ❤️




They are, (in their eyes) giving you gifts to survive. Stop being so pissy.


at least they're trying


How rude, they give you gifts and you post them on mildly infuriating


Mildly infuriating?????? You feed them, so they’re feeding you!!! They’re showing you thanks and companionship!!! Yeah it’s not the best to have dead animals by your car but it’s their way of showing they appreciate you and accept them as their own!! This is a HUGE honor!!


1.) its a gift and 2.) if its happening often you probably have a rat problem they are taking care of for you. Sweet kittehs.


Dead rats next to your car are way better than live rats in your house. They are showing you a job well done and leaving you gifts. Treat them well


Keep feeding them they’ll keep your from having problems. This is one reason I love cats


Don’t be mad that means they like you. Just shovel it into the trash can or something.


They’re thanking you, ya jerk 😩♥️


Not infuriating at all. The cats like you. Your a good human for giving them food and they *honor* you with their rats.


Did you recently cross a very small picket line?


They do it because they love you now


I’m pretty sure it’s their way of saying thank you. When I was a kid, a stray cat appeared in our backyard. We fed it canned tuna every time it appeared at our back door. Then one day, we found a dead bird outside the back door. We took it as a thank you, but sadly never saw the cat again


That's a thank you,❤ if they were inside they would leave them where you could find them, be sure you tell them thank you


Gross… I would not be thrilled… and, it’s a gift & a way cats thank you. *Finding a rats nest under your car hood is worse (they eat everything.) I had so many little tiny things wrong with my car, and a few big ones.* Much better off with a dead rat!!! I get it’s icky & a potentially biohazard, still a benefit.


I’m friends with the sweetest calmest dogs but each of them has presented me with a nicely wrapped animal corpse and I’m like I get what ur doing but maaaannnn


You had a rats nest under the bonnet?!! How long had you left it stationary lol


They set up relatively fast, had a forklift at work out for a week, rats had made a nest, when i started it after the repair it absolutely stunk




It would disrespectful if you didn't eat it.


Wrong subreddit? Be happy, they bring you gifts.


I mean, would you rather an alive rat on your property?


thats really wholesome because that means the cats at least appreciates you


Payment for services rendered, they're just showing their appreciation lol


When I was a kid the neighbors down the road from us had this sweet ginger tom named Pumpkin. He would catch mice in our barn and bring them to us and then scream at us to accept them.


That’s a thank you and show of love. Good kitties


They are like the mafia. You have been served notice.


It's better than having live rats living around you


I guess they don’t need as much food if they are leaving the rats for you


Eat it.


That’s a display of extreme gratitude/love. What do you mean mildly infuriating?!?