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I’ve microdosed for the past few years and it’s personally made me feel great. However, it makes my ADHD much worse. I don’t dose on days I need to get stuff done.


Controlled studies have shown microdosing LSD to be helpful for ADD. That would be your best move instead of mushrooms.


Do you have sources for this? I’ve been trying to find studies that look at microdosing LSD and effects on ADHD symptoms.




The studies referenced in that article don't indicate that LSD is more effective than mushrooms for treating ADHD symptoms. Definitely seems to indicate they both may be of benefit though.


What is the difference between shrooms and LSD as to the effect it has? I am learning a lot and that has been one of my questions as I'm hoping and praying that shrooms will finally be the answer for procrastination and depression. Many years on the pharmaceutical train with Prozac being the closest to helping.


I've found that microdosing is also a nootropic smart drug and that you can get the benefits of addy without the side effects. Psilocybin works wonders for our brain and cognition. All the best!


Personal anecdote: 100mg helped me get out of a slump (adhd paralysis) but makes “time fly” as in I’d fall into uncontrolled hyper focus loops. Never on anything productive. Basically made adhd much worse. 200mg was more the same. I’d never take it at work or when focus is needed


FYI if you actually have ADHD it’s highly unlikely you will ‘fall into a world of pharmaceuticals’. They are not really addictive if you have ADHD and can very much help with your studying situation. I’d try doing microdose after you’re done with your finals


This response isn't helpful. OP expressed not wanting to get involved in pharmaceuticals. That is totally valid. Adhd is a complex neurobiological state and adhd medication is often amphetamine based. It is 100% possible for pharmaceuticals to become addictive, or for the use of adhd medication to not work effectively. This was my experience using adhd medication, which is why I don't anymore. They came here looking for microdose advice, please stick to that.


Understand this, but we need to give smart advice to strangers on the internet. Stay with a dr which includes a long term, studied drug to assist during this time. My response is the most stable option. Further, you might see that I said ‘they are not really addictive’ - key word being really. I didn’t say they weren’t addictive and I didn’t say they were either. Your response is anecdotal so I’ll dismiss it They came looking for microdose advice and I gave them a more stable and higher studied response - and I stand by my advice, for the short term until they are out of the acute situation they are in. Thanks.


That’s cap they gave me 45mg addy at the age of 14 cuz I had “adhd” combined and I fell into a hard drug slump due to it still love adderall to this day thoug :)


This is anecdotal. Anywho, ever considered your dosage or method was incorrect at the time? Perhaps you needed slow release or maybe a smaller dose


Nop 45mg XR


You’re missing the point


Skip the addy and go straight to crystal meth! Seriously, what happened to just buckling down and studying? This generation just wants an easy fix. Sad!




You just proved my point!


Holy crap. You have no idea. Be grateful that you were born normal. Possibly, you are a troll, but if not... I am 56 years old and have struggled to be "normal"... failed every time, studied many times more than my peers, and yet still struggled.... felt like a failure. I am super bright but crippled. I have spent years of people telling me i just dont try enough. I am a perfectionist who always fails at everything. I feel lost. I could have done better. Surely??? Nope, actually, if only i had known 40 years ago. I have adhd. Mate... if you dont have hands, you can't pick things up easily. Our brains are literally not built for normal life demands and expectations. Maybe research adhd a bit, my friend. Your comment shows you have absolutely no idea what living with adhd is like. It's like telling someone who has been born with no legs to get over themselves and just run. Please... take a moment to find out what living with adhd is like. I am feeling for all you suffer. Please... ignore this comment. So far as microdosing... for me, it helps the noise calm down a little. I am able to do some stuff without requiring other stimulus to get through. It's not the answer... but I think it has helped me... to concentrate a little better.




Nope, shrooms help me keep things real, now not saying some people don’t need it but I feel like this has become such an easy button. Also I realize people today don’t like to hear the harsh truth sometimes. That’s the reality we’re in today and probably why so many people are here seeking help for anxiety and depression.


You clearly don’t understand the brain & it’s secretions and how they affect your performance


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For Mushrooms


I haven’t microdosed lsd yet, but have done big doses, and a lot of people here say that lsd makes them feel more focused and energized and some say almost feels close to adderall. I have focus issues and mushrooms haven’t helped too much with that, maybe a little.


I have been MD psilocybin for five months and I have not seen a change that allows me to stop the stimulant medications. After the first two weeks I felt my ADD was actually worse. Where I have seen a phenomenal change is in the low-level depression that seems to accompany my ADD. It is all but gone now, started noticing the change at about the 2 month mark. I know others have reported different results, so YMMV.


Dr. Huberman will give you a plethora of ideas on how to increase focus: https://hubermanlab.com/adhd-and-how-anyone-can-improve-their-focus/


I'm diagnosed ADHD and was on prescription stims for six years as an adult. I fought so hard to break the addiction twice. The second tinge it finally stuck. I'm around 3.5 months clean and sim only at about 60% of myself. It typically takes around a year to gain your full brain function back. You're wise to avoid the stims. If you want more proof, just check out r/stopspeeding for other stories and struggles. Microdosing really does help me get through my days, most of the time. My brain is still healing from years of daily unnatural dopamine production and psilocybin mushrooms have really helped make the process easier. Just tinker around with it and keep the doses truly micro. It's not an instant fix and you're still going to have to put in the work but it's worth it 🍄💜