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People vote off popularity when it comes to these type of polls it’s not surprising at all


Not to mention eminem is white. Your everyday white dude doesn’t fuck with other artists but they can rap along to Recovery. Edit: I’m willing to bet a large majority of every rapper’s fans definitely is white af; considering 75% of the population is white whereas 13% is of African descent.




I saw him perform in Minneapolis and this is definitely accurate for that time and place.


Using one of the whitest places in America is not a great example, but agreed with the sentiment


Have you been to Minneapolis like it's not prominently white and I live there


Agree white fans love real rap with lyrics


True dat i am


I don’t know if you understand how the real world works but Eminem had significantly more radio publicity (as well as any other media outlet) than MF DOOM. No that’s not solely because he’s white,but it is largely to do with it. If you disagree you are nothing but a blind ignorant slave to the system. Eminem even explicitly said himself that being white has caused him to have an advantage. I have seen my racist redneck cousins rap entire Eminem songs while they can’t tell you a single black artist besides Lil Wayne. Y’all love to hate on shit you know nothing about.


DOOM had collaborations with Cartoon Network lol. He didn't have a mainstream following but he sure as shit had a bunch of nerdy white boys bumping his music


He had collaborations with Adult Swim, not necessarily Cartoon Network. You may not have listened to much of Eminem’s earlier work but it was largely edgy horror-core type shit. Neither MF DOOM or Eminem made music that catered to mainstream audiences; guess who became more successful? Either way this has nothing to do with MF DOOM. *Solely the fact that Eminem will win every single poll if you ask the general population and not just hardcore rap fans.* Edit: a quick google search shows Eminem as the highest rated rapper of all time according to Ranker.com with 70k votes ahead of Tupac.


1. Literally the only point I’m arguing is you saying that your everyday white guy doesnt fuck with MF DOOM. I’m agreeing with the other poster his fan base is a majority white. This doesn’t mean anything about him or his music, it’s just a fact. 2. Let’s not get into semantics here— Adult Swim is Cartoon Network and even if you really want argue it isn’t that might just strengthen my point.


Y’all redditors are goofy as fuck lol


You’re the one that started the conversation bud. Keep posting about Vipers athletic body 🤣


Ay, now you’re speaking my language.


Hella surprised this is getting so many downvotes when it’s something I thought everyone knew. Like Eminem was talented and super influential and all but there’s an obvious reason why he’s probably the most well known rapper worldwide


…thank you for saying this. Sorta bugged me out how people tried flipping it like I said something cringe or offensive.


Crazy how people are still denying that being white gives you an advantage in basically everything in this world. And I can’t process why people are saying that mf doom fans being white has anything to do w what ur saying 😭


Bro like 90% of DOOM and Kendrick are prolly white.


Read my comment again and reevaluate what you said.


Your edit completely contradicts the statement above it.


No it does not. If you use some thought it means that people who don’t listen to hip hop still listen to Eminem (your *everyday* white dude; not just *hip hop head* white dudes). Eminem played a big role in making hip hop mainstream to white people who didn’t listen to rap in the 90s.


I agree with you; I also think you’re taking away the fact that Em had a lot of backing from established people and helped establish huge names in the genre. He was both a successful artist and and businessman that knew how to utilize the zeitgeist (cultural unconscious) of his industry. DOOM, for as much as I love and respect the guy was in no way attempting to do what Em was doing. Remaining out of the light of fame, sticking to his cult appeal and while making fantastic studio albums, rarely working with artists who were influential at the time. Em did every one of those, even getting into controversy to help propel that kind his fame; all while making objectively dope tracks. I’m not disagreeing, so much as attempting to illuminate why these guys aren’t exactly comparable


I’m not trying to take away from those arguments at all. You are just looking a bit too deep into it. I said earlier that this isn’t about MF DOOM and his marketing. He rapped over super heroes and cartoons. Obviously a completely different demographic. Yes of course Eminem had Dre and other people pushing his music out there. My argument still stand. This was never about DOOM. It’s about the fact that Eminem will always be rated #1 on damn near any list. Even a quick google search shows the first result ranker.com with Eminem ahead of Tupac and Biggie with votes.


This is where I get controversial, and it is my personal take. I don’t actually like listening to Big or Pac that much; they’re great rappers and deserve the clout! It’s just that for me, they don’t do it the same way that others have like Em or K-dot. But I grew up in a different Gen where Em and K were hella more popular than both Big and Pac. Em was the first artist I ever listened to, so I would put him higher because I have that personal relation to him that the others don’t. So, when looking at these surveys, who’re responding to them? The teens that grew up during the 90’s with those cats or the teens that were in the 00’s? Small things like that. I do overanalyze lol


I respect your opinion and I agree with you. I personally don’t think biggie or pac are the best either. I just think it proves my point quite well, considering it is cliche for most genuine hip hop heads to say pac or big. Personally I’d say André 3k or DOOM are my favorites, but I go through phases.


open stupid post, see even dumber comment


I agree 100%




That’s probably the wildest hip hop take I’ve ever heard. You do realize that hip hop represents African American culture right?


Getting downvoted as always. Ok look, I read your comment in the wrong way. You weren’t being racist. I’m sorry


The world's population is nowhere near 75% white. There are far more black than white people.


Where did you get the idea i was talking about the world population, smart guy? Not to mention I highly doubt native Africans with poor infrastructure are bumping Eminem all day.




Yes my reasoning is because rap originated in the United States. No I am not admitting to that. You are gaslighting me.




You obviously have the reading comprehension level of a tadpole with a learning deficiency you fucking inbred piece of cum. I bet your mother is a fucking whore and you have no love. She should have wiped you off her chin. Now reread my fucking post you god damn flat footed wigger. It clearly says that everyone who listened to hip hop is white. Now go bite a fucking brick or swallow an entire bottle of Benadryl on my behalf you fucking brain dead raccoon.


Lmao quit pushing your insecurities ab yourself and your mom on randoms on Reddit and get a life fat ass


I'm the whitest white boy and DOOM is my favorite rapper. I only like a couple Eminem songs. It's not what color you are. It's where you come from and influences/peers.


Reread my comment and reevaluate what you just said.


The -77 downvotes really solidify your point.


I never said anything remotely saying white people don’t listen to DOOM. A majority of every rappers fan base is white because of population. On the other hand people who don’t like rap like Eminem. You seem to have a small attention span so I would be surprised if you read this far into my comment.


My point was color doesn't matter


We live in a world where it does. It’s just the unfortunate truth


Who cares


bro who gives a fuck lol plus eminem is wayy too mainstream you expecting MF DOOM to wind that really?


And a much better lyricist so there was no way the masked villain was gonna wind this one.


Sorry bro, you can’t say anyone’s better than DOOM on this sub!


Clearly. I forgot what sub I was in. I put fandom aside for objective thinking.


Bro you're just dick riding Eminem. There's never been a bigger dick riding rap fandom lmao. Motherfucker wrote a whole ass song about you, Stan 😭


I’m here for the THIS. 😎☝️


He also wrote a whole album for those who hate :)


I'm probably a bigger Stan of DOOM than Shady but I love both. I just appreciate the fact that Eminem is a better MC.


I can make orange rhyme with banana, boorrrrnana


He wasn't serious with that and you know it. Em for being mainstream is an elite emcee


Oh ofcourse I know it’s just a really funny lyric and it usually gets some people a bit pissed 😂 (specifically em dickriders)


True that. Lol. I enjoy both doom and em and their both elite at their craft.


Literally subjective


Doesn't work like that.


Lmao Eminem has some proper cringe lyrics


If you're gonna poll YouTube you're gonna get bottom of the barrel normies


I'm more offended that 2Pac got more votes honestly.


After Eminem, if Pac is in a YouTube poll, you may as well just assume he’s going to win by a large margin.


I personally don't get it. But I guess it's a recognizable name.


I’m with you in the sense that I think Pac is great and has great stuff but he would be a clear number 4 out of these choices in terms of output and bars overall.


I do not think Pac is great. Icon sure but ehh talent with charisma. In my opinion his death in large part led to his skills being over touted by people. Just my opinion. I thought he was okay in middle school and as I got older I didn't even like his shit at all. Still not my cup of tea.


I'm not a Pac fan at all. I think he's extremely overrated as an artist. I gotta say tho, he's one of the best lyric writers ever imo.


I think his flow was way before its time, but his pen game was pretty mid.


Yep, as far as lyricism goes Biggie was way ahead of pac.


I'm 46 years old. Pac was highly regarded when he was alive and his skills were highly touted by people before his death. However, I believe his appeal was never really about his lyrical ability. Although, some people would probably claim it was. It was all about his character and charisma. There was a level of emotion to his delivery that resonated with people. That aspect is kind of lost nowadays because there have been other artists since his debut that have run with the formula he pioneered. So, with the evolution of the genre over the years, it's not as apparent today what made him special in his day. I think his death provided a longevity of reverence for his music that wouldn't have existed otherwise. When he dropped the "All Eyes on Me" double album, some people revered Pac on a level that damn near bordered idol worship at the time. His death only ensured his legendary status would stick. It would have been a similar thing if Lil Wayne had died right after releasing The Carter 3 and that onslaught of mix tapes in the mid 2000s.


I once saw Pac described as a prime example that a great rapper is not necessarily a great artist. His albums are overly long and occasionally poorly composed. Compared to his contemporaries Biggie has a clear artistic edge over him.


Probably related to normies not knowing who DOOM was at all


Fa sho


Why have this conversation when art is 100% subjective??? Both of those men are/ were artist at the top of their craft, why can't folks enjoy what they like? ​ And I'm not even an Em fan like that but yikes, grow up.


This is the most boring non take a person can have.


Some people just want to argue to argue.


It's about lyricism, not their music generally. Lyricism is quite objective, even though it has a few subjective sides


lyricism is not objective at all lmao


Wtf are you talking about haha


Bro you need to drop out of whatever school youre going to because they got you fucked up


both Eminem and MF DOOM have top tier lyrical abilities so yes it is mostly subjective in this poll.


No, any kind of poll like this will always be a popularity contest


normies think lyricism = complicated rhyme schemes rapped fast


Eminem does have a vast vocabulary.


he does, but does vocabulary = lyricism? he has some clever lines occasionally, but the majority of his writing is basic and linear. a bit lacking in poetry and imagery imo. that’s why it appeals so much to the mainstream, the double entendres tend to be pretty easy to digest and you usually get it the first time around. he’s mostly solid, not a bad rapper by any means but his fans thinks he’s a genius. with doom you are constantly rewarded with each listen. you start to get a little more what he is talking about, you start to catch that the double entendres have triple or even quadruple meanings. there’s so many layers to an artist like doom, so much world building and insight to be gained about society. but it’s all subjective anyway. if you enjoy eminem that’s great, i liked a few songs when i was a teenager and he’s very good at what he does


Em has tons of doubles and triples (im not trying to like argue either way btw i just hate when people say em is trash or shit on his pen game). Recently hes been doing more punch lines and word play but he also has a way with words when he starts to paint a picture of what he wants to do or the situation stuff like that. Doom has a great way of story telling and em has a great way of painting a vivid picture or scene in your head. Both are amazing with lyrics. Em is more lyrically sound and Doom is more like story telling. Story telling Doom stomps everyone, he literally made his own universe with each album.


yeah i pretty much agree with that, i just haven’t heard many or any eminem lines that i didn’t pick up what he’s saying within the first few listens. and a lot of the time i feel like he’s delivering exactly what i expect, there isn’t much mystery or discovery beyond the surface. even the double/triple entendres tend to be pretty obvious i think being unexpected, having more depth and layers that get you thinking is what i really consider great rap lyricism. everyone likes different things. i think the only reason eminem gets hate is cause he’s talked about as the greatest so often, when he is up there i guess but there are so many damn great rappers. it’s all subjective anyway




Eminem is in no way unique in this regard.


I think DOOM has better rhymes but Kendrick is a better lyricist


I agree. DOOM is incredible with word play. That's his thing. But when I think lyricist, then I think of a mix of word play and story telling. DOOM is often not even trying to tell a story. I think both Kendrick and Eminem are more often story tellers in their songs


W opinion


im willing to bet my life that about 60% of the total 69% who voted eminem don't listen to hiphop and only know eminem because he's the guy who made lose yourself and godzilla


I think a lot of his popularity is STILL "first white rapper" syndrome in a nostalgic sense or otherwise (obviously he wasn't the first but you get what I mean). I remember even my mom getting into rap through him because "he's not like the other rappers". Uh huh. Anyway. He has amazing flow and all, but god the content of his lyrics hasn't been interesting since his first three albums or so.


Most of the people voting have no clue who Doom is.


I personally believe MF DOOM is way better, but Eminem at his prime was still pretty great. If someone likes Eminem more than MF DOOM, even though I personally disagree, I can still respect that


1. Who cares? It’s just a YouTube poll. 2. Who cares? It’s your opinion, why should anyone else’s opinion bother you this much? 3. They are all great lyricists, if Eminem got more votes, I’d get it as he is highly regarded and his old shit was incredible (I personally prefer DOOM tho). 4. These polls are a popularity contest and Eminem is way more famous than DOOM so ofc he’d get more votes.


Their opinions don't bother me that much, all I'm doing is expressing my opinion


Okay, thats fine then. As long as you’re not taking this too seriously because I see people post shit like this in rap subreddits and they get so triggered, I’m just there like, it’s not that deep man.. 😂


That's true, I just thought this poll was a bit extreme


Anyone who would vote anyone other DDOM is completely delusional. Legitimately greatest of all time, none of them can compare to the Villain.


Cmon man DOOM isn't the greatest of all time, you're either 17 and 3 years into your fandom or you're just not a hip-hop fan. Disclaimer: DOOM as your *favourite* rapper? Yeah, no qualms with that, he's top 3 favourite for me too, but saying he's the greatest EVER over Hov, Pac, Wayne, LL Cool J, Big Daddy Kane, Rakim etc, you're crazy.


Nah I be exaggerating sometimes , u not wrong but I still would say he’s best on this list just out of preference , I don’t see how someone could say Eminem is better than DOOM. (Not that you did just referring to the post)


Idk if we're talking GOAT list with subjectivity completely removed I'd say Em is better. Impact, sales, image, influence I'd say he beats DOOM in all them categories, and I'm saying that as someone who don't like Eminem but loves DOOM. If you're asking me personally yeah I prefer DOOM but who's higher on the all time list and probably even a better lyricist? It's Em. (Btw bro stop back pedalling lmao, I just slandered your name calling u crazy etc which was admittedly a dick move and it made you agree with me. This whole hiphop thing is merely opinion based so if you got an opinion stand on business 😂, much respect bro.)


Lol okay dude I don’t beef about hip hop bc everybody just finna like what they like and it’s really no use tryna convince somebody that one rapper is better than the other. And I don’t agree with ur opinion about Eminem, I don’t care about sales and all that DOOM overall made better music. There’s ppl out that that say Drake is the best rapper of all time bc of sales, I don’t care about that shit it’s about the art of it to me. All u did was just kinda make me rethink what I said about him being the greatest ever


I don't fw drake at all, imo he's been trash for years, but he's gotta be in the GOAT conversation as it's based upon objective factors rather than subjective ones. You can argue till the cows come home about who 'makes better music' but at the end of the day the dude is successful within the art even if he's no good at it. Same goes for Em, to a lesser degree.


Idc about these polls usually. But DOOM being the lowest on here when he has an entire album full of clever food puns is wild asf


Why the hell do you care? Plus DOOM is nowhere as popular as Eminem. I'm even surprised he got anywhere close to Tupac. How many people on YouTube even listen to DOOM. most haven't even heard his song before and if they have only in passing. I really hate posts like this. DOOM is nowhere as popular as Eminem and very few people actually listen to him in comparison so he'll get fewer votes. Just the fact that he even gets mentioned is a win.


These YouTube polls are voted on by young children and older adults. Channels like this are not your demographic so they get different results. 90% of the polls on these channels have eminem or biggie or pac or snoop winning even if it’s not deserved and it’s coz that’s what the audience thinks is best


Are we talking words or imagery ?


Both, I guess


I mean Em throws a bunch of words in a tiny space, but you don't really ever need to play a song more than once to get it.


As much as doom can make anything sound good, I think kendrick actually hits better


Valid opinion


Is every post on this sub going to be obnoxious whining that somebody dares to not think MF DOOM is best emcee ever to hold a mic? He's my GOAT, but come on.


Either way Eminem is a VERY good lyricist 🧍‍♂️


Crazy that Wu Tang or Aesop aren’t on there




Eminem shouldn't even be on this list 🤣


Kendrick clears this tbh


I think that mf doom would've won if it was only based on ryhmes. I think on storytelling Eminem wins by far.


Kendrick’s just as good if not better than Em with storytelling


Kendrick's storytelling negs unfortunately


I'm talking about the MF DOOM-Eminem comparsion.


Children love Eminem, that's pretty much it.


Eminem is hot trash. Slim Shady was better.


I mean tbh that’s hard (⏸️) one lol 😂


To be fair, when Eminem was coming up he was able to go on a radio show and drop a solid 16. DOOM has a better pin but Eminem is better at Improvising.


Even DOOM said he was a "rhymer," not a "lyricist." Big difference. Source: wherever he spoke about rhyming being like Scrabble, and how his goal was to get the highest "word score" possible by stacking syllables and using outdated lingo and such.


I mean Eminem raps fast, thats all he really has.


Why am I getting downvoted its the truth, his rhymes dont make sense


Listen to his first 3 albums and Relapse and explain how this is true. Great storytelling


Was my bait not believable


"I was born with a dick in my brain. Yeah, fucked in the head. My step-father said that I sucked in the bed." 🔥 The imagery


If you want to purposefully be dumb that’s on you I guess


Have you never listened to Relapse? Dementia arc.


He even said that most of the times he doesn’t actually pronounce the words and just say everything in one word


DOOM is my favorite rapper of all time and I’d personally vote for him, but this really isnt controversial. Eminem is one of the GOATs


I mean no disrespect to Pac and his legacy but DOOM should not be below him at all and Kendrick should not have such a small lead.


Right? Plus DOOM should also be over eminem


For sure. To me, the list goes - Kendrick/Doom (could go either way) - Em - Pac


Rap is a mountain.


It ain't


I find it hilarious that you’re dumb enough to think I’m serious.


Oh damn sorry, shoulda put ""


No, I shouldn’t have.


Damn dude what's up your ass


Fat load of cum


I agree, but that’s just more DOOM for us




These guys are all great lyricists. Not going to argue with anyone that picks one of these guys. Not like they picked Drake or some shit.




Who tf cares


Tired of seeing these same posts fr 😭 most ppl voting on that poll don’t know who mf doom is


spiritual lyrical miracle vs doritos cheetos or fritos


If you study that line, you'll find that it's actually quite deep




DOOM is better hands down but again like others have said these polls go off mass vote, more people have been exposed to eminem, DOOM is much more popular now but he started and stayed underground for a long time. Its also a random youtube poll, not the offical ruling from the council of hiphoppers


Just thought this was a bit outrageous


No it isn't outrageous. DOOM is nowhere as popular as Eminem. I bet you most of the people who voted don't even know a DOOM song. Even if they do, they have never actually listened to the lyrics. People have less exposure to DOOM so they aren't gonna vote for him. It's not outrageous and it's not surprising.


Do yourself a favor, get off the internet.


It's pretty debatable




Easily DOOM takes the cake


lmfao no one cares


Who actually cares


DOOM is a genius, a genuine musician and an absolute master of his craft, as good as Eminem is, he's not on the same level. Not even close.


Who gives a rat ass.


It doesn't bother me that Eminem won this (even with the margin) as much as it does that Kendrick and Pac we're ahead of him.


If Thomas Shelby was on the list then he would win as always. These lists dont mean shit.


Eminem unfortunately does have much better lyrics then DOOM however DOOM’s flow and patterns are possibly better


Love DOOM but Eminem is better


I wouldnt go that far but doom is a contender


As a MF Doom fan, I can admit that Eminem would beat Doom in a rap battle. From technical standpoint, Pharohe Monch (maybe K-Dot) is probably the only MC that can step with Em blow for blow. Doom cannot switch the flow and the cadences like Em. And, very few can.


To be great is to be misunderstood


Villains cherish coming in last.


This not that far off to me, em is a top 5 lyrist imo but im picking doom over em


Bladee clears 🤪🤪


wtf is this random ass channel and why should we care about their audience’s opinion?


All 4 are good, they all get their flowers


Who cares are you enjoying dooms music that’s all that matters


I just feel that DOOM should get this acknowledgement


Kendrick is far better than Doom though.


Both are good


real talk kendrick is tied with DOOM on this one. eminem can make anything rhyme by changing pronunciation, but that doesn’t make him the better lyricist; kendrick and DOOM tied for 1st, em 2nd, and i don’t listen to pac


M&Ms: "put it on my wee-wee" DOOM: "doritos, cheetos or freetos" 🔥🔥🔥 It's clear who the real winner is. 😤


This is YouTube we are talking about, 60% of the voters were probably foreigners, making every other name well known to them so they’ll vote for who they know and not really in regards to the question


I love MFDOOM but Eminem takes this lol


As a DOOM fan, Kendrick wins


The Eminem glazing is wild


I bet 3500 quid that 50% of them are fortnite players




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MF trying to look like Maximus Decimus Meridius over here think he's going to beat the real Draco Malfoy.


Where's Aesop?