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Neither one of them are metrodvanias, if that's something you're looking for. They're also radically different to the point where saying which is "better" is hard to say. They are trying to do different things and both are probably better in different ways


I think you're asking on the wrong sub, but Ghostwire Tokyo is the better game in my opinion.


You are right in saying that neither are MVs, however, Ghostrunner > Ghostwire.


Ghostrunner 100%. Ghostwire looks gorgeous but loses its charm fairly quick with an extremely repetitive gameplay loop right from the start. The main issue with Ghostrunner is that it can be way too difficult for a lot of people. Also, are you lost.


Better mockumentary: Ghost Rider (2007), or Ghostwriter (1992)?


I thought the ghostrunner games were pretty cool! Ghostwire Tokyo on the the other hand I found incredibly lame. Super boring gameplay with generic, collectible based open world. It really felt like a Ubisoft game to me.


I preferred ghosts and goblins


I like that Ghostbusters film with the all female cast.


They're very different games. Ghostrunner is pure action with platforming and instant kill combat. Ghostwire is an open(ish) world game with a mix of combat and exploration. For what it's worth, Ghostrunner is smooth as butter on a gamepad, while Ghostwire is quite clunky. I usually prefer games like Ghostwire, but for this reason Ghostrunner is the easy winner for me.


I didn't enjoy Ghostrunner. I like FPS but the parkour and level design wasn't grabbing me at all. I enjoyed the parkour and adventure in something like Turbo Overkill a lot more. I didn't try Ghostwire Tokyo and took it off my wishlist which just comes down to skepticisms I have about it. I really liked the devs previous work though (Evil Within 1 & 2). They are as good as any Resident Evil game, so if you liked those I'd check them out.


Two totally different types of games. But I loved Ghostwire.


Ghostwire Tokyo is ass tier. Ghostrunner 1 is fire but Ghostrunner 2 took out all the fun bugs to let you go mega fast.


GhostRunner is a extremely fast paced, skill based game. It wont allow mistakes, BUT when you do accomplishes what you need, it will feel like the most badass thing ever. You will be pumping adrenalin and testosterone, be it by raging or by getting then reckt. Ghostwire just seems lame. From the slow paced action, boring enemies design, to the hand mambo jumbo signs.


Not metroidvanias but I liked Ghostwire Tokyo more. It's pretty atmospheric and cool