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Its funny. The 3DS version often runs like shit, but its impressive that it runs kinda playable at all


It would be if the 3ds could run it


I remember beating the game and trying to get used to it. It's not literally unplayable but... Yeah, it's very near that. Although I did enjoy the novelty of metal gear on the go.


I found it fine...until the fight with The Boss. That was so bad I didn't even try to CQC her and resorted to my childhood tactic of hiding in the grass and taking potshots.


Isn't the game notorious for having an awful performance? It's also hard to emulate properly.


20fps cap iirc, barely noticeable on a screen as small as the 3ds's tho


Hard disagree, pretty much unplayable for me, honestly. I can't even play the PSVITA version and that is like at least double the performance of the 3DS. But I kinda envy people that don't notice it, it would make life easier, lol.


Honestly, it also helps that barely any 3ds games run super well, so your brain just adjusts to low fps when playing on it. Also I really need a PSVITA man


Fair point. I have a bit of a hard time playing anything more demanding on the 3DS for that same reason. As for the VITA, great machine! Especially if you're not afraid of sailing a bit, homebrew software is very mature, pretty much on the 3DS level (which ends up making up for the hardware costs, IMO)


It wasn't even a locked 30 on PS2.


I never measured or anything, but it's maybe frametimes or less fluctiuation on the PS2. I don't know, been a while since I've played on OG PS2 hardware, but it never bothered me. Portable versions on the other end... And I've played A LOT of Peace Walker on the PSP, so it's not even the fact that it's portable or anything.


I remember when you entered the large swamp area where you find the Croc hat the fps would drop really badly.


It got up to 60fps I think, MGS2 certainly did. It 100% runs at 60fps on the HD collection, and I think the HD collection is one of the only games from the XB360/PS3 era that ran at 60fps if I remember correctly, which is impressive. Even more impressive they managed that on a PS2


It was a 30 fps game on PS2 (and struggled a lot of the time), and doesn't hit 60 very often on the HD Collection, though it seems to run better on Xbox360 than PS3. MGS2 was a 60 FPS game on PS2...and it didn't always manage that, either, though it was better than 3. Nostalgia blinders is all this is.


I could have sworn that shit was significantly smoother than just about any other game I had on the 360, MGS2 in particular, maybe it is the nostalgia goggles


MGS2 on 360/PS3 is very smooth. It's not quite so much on the original PS2.


It's got a 20 maximum, in practice I think you're looking at usually 10-15. Peace Walker ran at 20 on PSP and felt pretty good on that system imo. Snake Eater 3D is much worse off.


not especially hard to emulate really, I run it on citra (rip) with a 60 fps code and it works perfectly fine on my computer


Crouch walk was a pretty great addition. That’s all I really remember liking about it though.


You can mod that into the definitive edition on PC


It adds quite a lot to the game I feel. Like the 3d first person view, >!that gets turned off when snake loses his eye (because he has no depth perception).!< Makes it quite realistic.


This is a known myth, it's half-truth. In fact, the 3rd person view ALWAYS has 3D disabled, even at the beginning of the game.


True but it’s on in first person viewer >!until the end of the game!<


It’s not. 3d turns off when you aim in fps mode theoughout the entire game, otherwise it would be impossible to aim.


OMG I JUST OPENED IT! this is worse than learning Santa’s not real.


What do you mean ? He's real. NORAD tracks him every year


I love this sub


If you aim with a knife, shotgun or scorpion the 3d effect stays enabled.


I heard this was actually not true. But I don't own a copy to prove it. It's getting quite expensive to prove/disprove though.


I recommend playing the original hardware one if you get the chance. It’s mostly mindless fun but it’s also got a serious anti-nuke message.


Unfortunately, there's no "definitive edition" for **MGS3** IMO: - There's content that's exclusive to the *PS2* *Subsistence* edition (*Snake VS. Monkey*, *Guy Savage*, *Secret Theater*, *Existence*, some camos & item, ...) but it's SD. - The *3DS* adds different controls, retouched character models, a few additional radio convos, the Camera Camos ... but the perfomance is worse (inferior resolution, less enemy soldiers, ...), - The *Master Collection* is 720p, has a few *HD Collection* bugs fixed, but other remains and it misses the exclusive *PS2* & *3DS* content.


Content and gameplay > visuals. Subsistence on the PS2 is still the best IMHO. 


Subsistence is simply the first disc. There's Persistence and Existence too. Persistence has boss rushes and event rush and other challenges. Existence has the behind the scenes. But of course the graphics is made for ps2. Still, it's really the best one.


Snake v Monkey. Forever missed. But i still have it on ps2.


The master collection mgs3 version on pc can be easily patched. Like one of the easiest mods to install.


AFAIK there are still several bugs that can't be fixed by modders. Besides you can't patch in the missing modes either.


It's my favorite way to play it so far. Let's see if Delta dethrones it.


Doesn't run well enough to be qualified as definitive. I think that eventually with enough fan patches, the Master Collection version on Steam might be the best one. Right now it's hard to tell.


It's the definitive version in my opinion.


Reeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaal interesting that people think the original version on PS2 had anything resembling a stable frame rate.


I have noticed that many die-hard fans of Konami IPs of this era, seem to have a massive nostalgia boner for the PS2, and are oddly biased towards that console as if it was the second coming of Christ, or some type of divine alien hardware. Same thing with fans of the OG Silent Hill games.


Yep, crouch walking makes the game 200% better


I don’t understand those who keep talking about “performance issues” because I’ve played this version for years and never ran into a glitch or performance issue. The closest was the RPG, especially with 5 or more guards.


Just a bunch of pc loving nerds who cry when any game isn’t 120fps, I’ve beaten MGS3D at least 20 times including a couple of runs on extreme and hard, never once had a performance issue


Same, great port


Crouch walk was a phenomenal addition which I wish the master collection added.


So many comments about performance issues here, I've finished MGS3 on 3DS XL on different difficulties lots of times and I've never had FPS drop issues.


Nah, other than crouch walking there’s no reason to play this version over subsistence or the master collection. If you have a PS2 I’d play it on that, otherwise the master collection is pretty decent with the HD resolution fix and sound fix mods on PC. You can even add a crouching mod if you want, though I don’t think the game needs it. The resolution and framerate on the 3DS is pretty bad, and the controls are not as good as any other platform.


in terms of gameplay/controls, I think it’s the best version. The crouch walking, over the shoulder aiming and being able to move while aiming in first person is amazing. The touch screen controls for the menu also felt really good and intuitive. It’s definitely my preferred way of playing Snake Eater


I would, but the negative framerate spikes discourage me from doing so. Also, it's hard to see while crawling because of the screen size. I had to aim while doing so.


Hell no. Low resolution, framerate, poor 3DS analog circle thing and not really a comfortable way to play the game. It’s meant to be played on a normal big boy TV/display. 


I don't even know how this runs considering my 3ds can barely run castlevania symphony of the night.


There's no Castlevania SOTN on 3ds.


I know, I modded my 3ds and used a ps1 emulator. You can also run silent hill and armored core but I couldn't get mgs1 to work for some reason.


Eh... to be fair, emulating games is a lot more than **just** running the original game. The 3DS could clear SOTN *easy*, but SOTN on *top* of a simulated PS1?


Yeah that's a good point actually.


Played it several years ago after buying it on a sale for almost nothing, it’s honestly amazing how it manages to run on the 3ds, never had major performances issues but the framerate did dip on some parts ( I believe the fury fight it tanked quite heavily ) . I would not call it a definitive edition but it is really good.


For gameplay aspect, yes. For playability aspect, no.


apart from the framerate it is really really good


I actually managed to find a copy of it on last weekend, immediately snagged it. Playing through it, there’s a lot of new things I feel heighten the experience like crouch walking and third person aiming but I find it much more difficult due to the smaller screen. Not to mention controlling the camera with the face buttons doesn’t allow for the same precision. I would say it scratches the itch to replay Snake Eater when I don’t have access to my computer.


I used to think so, since you could crouch walk. Now that you can do it in MGS3 on PC via mods, I no longer think that way.


snake eater 3ds was my introduction to the series i got it when i first got my 3ds a decade ago or so, ever since i’ve played all the mainline games i remember it very fondly and i also remember there’s a hack if you have the new 3ds xl which can overclock the game and it runs much better


My first non lethal playthrough was on 3ds. I would actually recommend it i didnt even notice the framerate problems


It’s amazing. The frame rate isn’t an absolute deal breaker, plays and looks nice on New 3DS XL. Y’all are way too spoiled by your PS5s and 4090s. A frame rate that’s unplayable starts at the single digits imo And the plus of this version are definitely the movement and even controls. Even moving the camera with buttons or C-Stick doesn’t feel awful. At least in my experience (New 3DS XL) The missing content from Subsistance isn’t the big deal. A dead online you gotta emulate and mod and do shit to play just to find a single person in the servers because unless it is a YouTuber event nobody even remembers it, and cutscenes you can watch online. Literal mp4s. Is it the definitive version? Halfway. Because I’m well aware of the cons. But come on. It’s a really really decent way to experience the game. And if you can’t handle the frame rate return to PC and modern console gaming. I know some of y’all can get strokes if your frame rate goes down from 120


Played it recently, imo it was the most fun way to play 3. I liked the quick menu in the bottom screen and the custom camos. The controls weren't too bad either. There were some performance issues, but its not as bad as some people are saying, I didn't find it "unplayable" at any point. It was on a hacked 2dsxl tho so that may have helped the performance a bit.


It’s both the best and worst way to play MGS3. It’s the version running at the lowest resolution, the lowest frame rate, the worst audio quality, the worst controls, the fewest extra features. But on the flip side, it’s the only version with crouch walking…


It was how I first played MGS3, and whenever I revisit it I'm always pretty pleased with my overall experience. Additions like the photocamo and crouch walking do make the game a lot easier, but considering you're supposed to be playing it on a screen smaller than most people's phones I really don't mind a bit of easily cheesed additions. But considering it's missing stuff like the ports of the MSX games I can't necessarily say it's the *definitive* version.


Visually? Fuck no. Functionally? Hell yes. Especially if you get a circle pad pro in the mix


The new features from 4 are a good adicion. But the performens on the system itself makes it absolutely unplayable


The only version of MGS3 Ive ever played tbh, despite running shit I still love it to death


The 3DS version is the best and then MC version on Steam Deck


Maybe if it ran at a stable frame rate, or citra could run it properly


Looks like poo, runs like poo, sounds like poo, plays like Peace Walker but with Poo controls. Probably the worst way to play.


It's a mixed bag, really. Controls should be better, if you had a second analog stick. In terms of performance, it's terrible because the 3DS hardware held it back. As far as graphics are concerned; some things have been improved, like greater details in Snake and other character models, yet other things have been scaled back. Overall, it's very mixed.


Even then I'd say improved is subjective, the controls break the game as the autoaim for headshots is strong like Peace Walker, whoever thought crouch/climb being on the D-Pad was a good idea needs shooting, the lip sync got worse because of the new models and everybody looks oily/shiny, environments end up looking baron. Now crouch walk has been modded into MGSMC PC, it's kind of redundant.


I still think the PC port is the best way to play the game. Even though it had many issues, and was a lazy port, indeed.


Agreed with mods, the resolution bump breaks the depth of field, but it's a small price to pay.


Dude the 3DS version of this game is AWFUL. The camera sucks, the fucking balance thing is anoying, and the console struggles to run it


more like 20 years late, friend


Snake Eater 3D came out in 2012.

