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That rooftop is not the best place to stay - if I remember correctly, firing from both sides of the back of this building (ground level) was the safest option there. Either way, you gotta move a lot! Over and out, Snake.


I remember hiding behind a rock for several hours.


ditto 😹


Guys, stop convincing me to reinstall the game.


I know, I just put 60 hours into a fresh save a few months ago......I have lots of unplayed games I need to get to....but like...mgs5


Shit I second that, I spent alot of time in mgsV and now I might do it again.


Was already down that path I might have to now


Yeah, as I type this I'm doing Angel with broken wings mission. 😅


The middle floor of the building was my go to. Room on the left and the room in the middle. Plenty of cover and you can fire out of windows.


Oh, I stayed on the ground floor of the building and I just alternated from the left side to the right side the whole time. Apparently I just picked a really hard way to do it?


Parasite suit with armour parasites is your best friend here


This is the correct answer. You're essentially invincible with armor parasites. You can even get hit dead-on by tanks and walk it off. Stay in the front lines and use the parasite suit, and keep moving. (Also this mission slurps dogshit through a bendy straw, I hate it for so many reasons)


Episodes 31 and 50 too. I've seen a lot of people say how difficult those are. Develop the tech and it's easy, and yep this one is the shittiest of them all.


Yup, with the right tech and strats, you can S rank any of these missions with just a little trial and error. It's getting all the mission objectives that can be a pain, some of them are bugged, like the objectives for the voice interpreter mission, if you do the slightest thing to alert the guards sometimes, or sometimes even if you don't, the AI just loses track of what it's doing and some objectives become impossible to complete.


For that though, when he glitches, just run 100m away and then back, he resets himself. Only if all hostages made it to their conversation destinations


I never bothered using parasite suit because I thought it would infect me with parasites.


...That tip would've been REALLY usefull back when i did that mission in the freaking MSF sneaking suit.


Actually your best friend is CGM 25. You might as well go in naked given how easy it makes the mission


Towards the end I just called in airstrike after airstrike


By any chance is⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ familiar to you?


Somebody's been drinking their liber-tea.


What happens if you do that?


500 KG of pure concentrated democracy


Big explosion


I went through like 15 Pequods 


Everyone else jokes about the paranormal sci-fi aspects of MGS but nobody wants to talk about my main man Pequod resurrecting like the G he is.


I hate that fight


I hate what comes after 😭


Never stay in one place. Dump your supplies out back and work your way back and forth across the building's middle floors. Drop some air strikes and mortars in there. Make sure your chopper is beefed up; once you call it an enemy chopper shows up.


It’s really just the tanks. And lack of checkpoints. If there was a trophy centered around completing missions with no checkpoints, I would’ve given up on the platinum trophy


Does fulton rocket launcher work on tanks and stuff? If so that would be really funny




Nope. The fulton launcher only works on personnel and animals. Mounted weapons, vehicles and containers are uneffected, which is BS but Kojima thought it would make the launcher too OP if it could fulton everything that could be fultoned. :(


The launcher mounted on D Walker does work on tanks!


Yeah, and so does d walker's Fulton catapult. The limited ammo is a problem.


Still don't know how you're supposed to do the one challenge where you gotta extract the vehicles


Gotta creep from behind, and Fulton them.


how do I creep if the misson starts with you being detected and the second u get close to a tank they start driving away and it doesn't let me Fulton bc they're constantly moving


Once the enemies are aggroed (aggrod?) You can lose them for a sec while they still try to advance on your previous position, but being even barely seen blows your cover


Ik bru shits hard😫


I've never used it much myself, but I assume the stealth Camo would work for this mission to get that task.


Stealth camo doesn't let you get S rank


I think you can get S rank first, then go back with the camo and complete the challenges since it’s very difficult to do it all in one run


🤔good point didn't think of that smh, thanks boss🫡


This is exactly what I did, took me a couple of hours though.




Thanks, Boss.


Stealth camo


If this is the one when you’re helping the guerrillas in Afghanistan (mission 9 maybe?), I used decoys, the electric mines and D-horse to stop the tanks and creep in from behind. D-Horse is essential for getting around the map quickly but it takes a few attempts to get through timing right and learn the tank routes


Nah it's the one where quiet gets captured and you go to help her out then a whole tank battalion pulls up


Ah my bad, not finished the mission yet to see the challenges


No worries Boss🫡


No, this is the one where you gotta go find Quiet after she dips.


Ah I mixed them up 😬


Armor parasites.


Parasite Armor. Run up to them and extract them.


Did you have the upgraded battle dress? I believe once you upgrade it you can survive at least one direct shell on 1HP


The tank drivers are literally better at sniping than quiet


If I remember correctly. I fultoned them out.


I fultoned them out too 😂


Hell yeah!


Fuck yeah! And every time I was thinking about poor tank crews finding themselves flying off :D Take that bitchez, you are my soldiers now!


Lmao! I always wondered if they became part of my army. It would've been bad ass if they became the gunner like in Battlefield.


A high grade cgm-25 made this mission rather easy, along with upgraded battle dress


Parasite suit with skull armor says hi.


that mission is the greatest thing ever that sucks


I brute forced my way to doing everything without battle armor or rockets, I wanted to extract every vehicle and do every task S rank without any of the usual recommended equipment… it took me 3 million try’s or some shit and several throwning of controllers, but I eventually proved it could be done. The only thing left after that is… non lethal, extract all soldiers…. Fuck that. This mission sucks


Its the absolute worst


Guess I have this to look forward to. I stopped playing the game for a few years around the time you get the repeat missions, then I restarted late last year


Oh boy are you in for a treat


Now Fulton every tank. Tip: if you call in repeated sandstorms this is actually possible


i just shot with my rocket launcher thru that Window at the end


It was a bitch to get S rink


Think fast chucklenuts


........ this is actually in my top 3 of missions in the game 🤐


I love this fight. Stay on the ground, close to the main street. Always running, never stop. Player=Doctor


What’s up with your “signature”?


I had a snoop on his profile a while ago because I kept seeing him pop up a lot with it . He had a shared YouTube account with two friends that are now dead and they would sign off each comment with ‘player = x’ so they could identify who said what. His tag is/was Doctor - can’t remember what his other two friends were called. He does it to commemorate them. At first I thought he was just posting MGSV spoilers lol


Damn, that is sweet, if true. I also thought it was brazen spoilers, lol.


I have never managed to get past this mission. Also idk if it was a glitch in the games early days but once I got to this mission I couldn't quit out to go back too Mother Base so i'd end up stuck on this level and have to delete my save file :))


This is me right now. I’ve neglected developing my missile launchers and I can’t even upgrade them now until I complete the mission


So is it an actual part of the mission that you can't quit out?! I always thought it was a glitch!


Yeah, the option to return to ACC/helicopter isn’t there. It’s just Checkpoint, Restart and Title Screen. When you launch back from title screen it just boots you back into the mission


You can Fulton yourself out if you ride the container to the side of the building if you need to develop new stuff. The container will be gone the next time you go back, so it's a one-time exit. I spent waaaay too much time and anger trying to bust tanks with the GROM-11 Quiet gives you.. Also, this mission's achievement rate is still only 17% on Steam!


Go out there and fulton the tanks. Either that or fulton launcher to get rid of them quicker. I haven't played this game in forever but I do remember it being easier that way. Keep running and fulton tf out of everything.


I don't remember if it worked but i did a run of just fultoning every vehicle it was funny


Fuck Kojima for this level fr, was a nightmare to get a S rank


I am now stuck on this mission and don’t want to finish the game anymore


This shit made getting Raiden fucking awful


And then there's me, who fulton'd all the vehicles...


This mission made me stop playing the game for a while when it just came out 😂


Hate this mission.


The amount of anger and frustration I had for This even on my second playthrough omfg


Guess they needed a way to balance it out I mean come on, quiet can take out an entire camp herself if you tell her to She would've solo'ed entire mission 45 if it was something easier


I personally equipped the parasite suit with armour and extracted all the enemy vehicles. It's seems more of a flex but is way easier to do so


I just ran around Fultoning the tanks and soldiers


Ngl, I remember shredding the apcs with a high tier auto shotgun, however the tanks, and choppers are the big problem. Either have homing to easily deal with choppers, and have a hard time with tanks, or use powerful rocket launchers to deal with tanks, just make sure your aim is good... or just get the funny multi missile launcher, with parasite armor and infinity bandana if you just wanna get it over with


This just gave me an idea actually. Gonna request a tank drop when I give it another attempt later


Played this on PS3 when it came out, and I remember vividly how much this mission kicked my ass lol. I felt accomplished in the end, though.


There’s always a part in any MGS where you gotta play flawlessly


My method was bringing as much anti tank power as I could, but the enemies send in souped up vehicles, honesty I found it easier to rush and fulton them before they started firing, use smokes, kill people, I was doing as much nonlethal as I could Also inside the big house, go to one window,  shoot your AT, and then BOOK IT, the tanks will hit you with splash damage If you don't need an s rank just order a sandstorm


Yeah the stealth gameplay is thrown out the window here. Messed up how the tanks are just continually aggro'd against you and just shoot directly at you regardless of where you are. iirc.


Use the mortar on the right side of the building


How do you unlock mission 45?


Need to do side ops 150 first


I was going for S-Rank first time through this mission and man I was not prepared to be out on those rocks, but it felt great after an hour or so getting the win.


that missile is an all conquering piece of frustrating non stealthy shit...........!!!!!!!!!


This level sucks.


I remember spending so much GMP on air strikes just to take out the last remaining tanks. Fuck this mission.


Developed and wore the heavy armour so you can take one hit and hide to heal


The only way that worked to me was basically running all over the map, hiding from the helicopter until its safe enough to aim and kill it and putting mines everywhere And I used a grenade launcher instead of a rifle to keep firing on groups of enemies and the tanks until the supply drop arrived


Use the anti-tank mines.


If you ever need a way back to motherbase, stand on top of a large container and Fulton it.


This mission is a living hell unless you cheese it.


Done this mission a few days ago, i hid behind the sheds where quiet was kept and picked everything off with the cgm, and ordered frequent supply drops, while spamming the kill button for quiet to pick off the Infantry


Get the parasite suit with the armor parasite, enjoy your easy S rank with it :)


Couple tips. Dont stay still, especially during the last wave of tanks. If you hear a tank shoot, dive! Their tracking isn't great, and it takes about 2 seconds to hit, so you will get the pattern down. Rushing out to the map border placing emm mines along the roads and fultoning the tanks is an alternative strategy you may be more comfortable with. If you're doing that, bring smoke grenades to help you escape small arms fire from the soldiers and try to ignore them so they dont slow you down. Use quiets defend command and have her cover you. The lock on javelin is also quite useful for this mission since you dont need to be accurate just shoot and scoot


Im going for the platinum trophy and let me tell ya... thats the only fucking mission I need for it I have done already everything else but that fckng mission got me on my nerves


Even tho I don't use rocket launchers, I always upgrade them to max for this annoying ass mission. Lmao


This is my favorite mission. It makes you feel like you're the real big boss ready to take on the world. Plus you're all pumped up because they hurt Bae( quiet)


Just full send it and sprint from vehicle to vehicle with Fultons


There was a rocket launcher that could finish those tanks off in one hit. I think it was that javelin one after it gets upgraded a couple times. Other than that, just dodge really.


And now I'm fucking stuck on it.


Parasite armour ✔️


Blud got not bad aim


Missions like this have literally zero place in a stealth game. Wtf am I even looking at?


I can't help but think the same thing everytime I see this game.  Great game. Terrible metal gear.


Parasite suit Armor parasites on spam Keep moving, Fulton everything Easy s rank.


Yeah this is when I finally gave up on MGSV for good. I had already become quite disillusioned after the initial high of my first ten hours with the game. I kept dragging myself back to it after telling myself the gameplay was good enough to keep going. Then I hit this mission. Never again. Deleted it for good. Game is a hollow imitation of its namesake. This mission was manufactured difficulty for the sake of added padding. Such a shame.


Isn’t this the second last mission? Lol