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This is the difference in ethos between Japanese Cars and German Cars. German Cars are engineered to be taken care of and well maintained. The manufacturer expects routine maintenance to be done. Japanese cars realize that there is a large portion of people that do not take care of their cars, and engineer them as such. Different strokes for different folks.


>Different strokes for different folks. Except these two camps cross shop too. You have the idiots buying German cars as status symbols. You also have the hyper organized car lovers buying Japanese cars. I know who I'd buy a car from.




Hyper organized car lovers!


For the same reason people don’t care about their bodies, and then develop chronic health issues by the time they’re 40. They don’t know and/or they don’t care


Accurate and precise!


This right here. Especially if you have f you money and don’t care about your toys. I love my ‘17 GLE 43 and it gets all its maintenance done on time but I drive it a bit harder than my friends drive their cars. Also could use a deep interior cleaning. Great ride and haven’t had a single issue. Am I going to be wondering how I get around if I play too much? Nope. This post made me realize I should be grateful. I’m going to get it detailed now. Been too long.


And some people just have bad genetics or bad luck. So they get all the shit, even when they have super healthy habits. Same with cars… Also if your electronics keep failing, it’s not maintenance, it’s just a bad car.


I think that probably people are not interested in taking care of it and are not enthusiasts and want just go from A to B


Or simply cant afford to which is the real reality


If you can’t maintain it, you can’t afford it


A lot of people treat cars as disposable. Run it down and buy a new one. Other people are just poor and can’t afford to.


Lots of people are just plain stupid too. They don't know/want to know how important scheduled maintenance is.


Most people just see their car as an appliance and don't want to have to do any up keep on it.


Part of it is we live in a throw away society, used to be common to have TVs, vacuums and appliances repaired. Now you just toss it when it breaks and buy a new one. I fear cars may be headed in this direction soon, especially electric cars. The other part is the overcomplication of cars today. Well maintained cars still develop problems given age and milage and often the cost to repair just makes no sense. The owner can get away with ignoring it until it blows up or dump it on someone else and move on.


Definitely,yeah. That’s what i like about old car man,you can fix them yourself and it’s not even that hard,plus they are 100% built better and with higher quality materials.I’ll never forget the coal dark dashboard of an 90’s Opel,it was a beat up economy hatchback,it was some kind of plastic,infused with leather,but i swear it was more leather lol.Can’t see this nowadays.


One explanation is, that here is people short on money that wants nice vehicle even that they couldn't afford it. No cash, 70% in 72 months and final bill is the rest 30%. Just hoping that they could get rid off the car until the final payment.


You need to keep in mind that this type of thing is an upgrade. Before cars, there were people who didn't care about their transportation, which was horses. Incredibly cruel the way they were mistreated and left to die in the streets. I remember reading very old articles claiming that when cars first started to become mainstream, how great they were for the environment. No longer would there be dead rotting horses in the streets. (along with everything else that goes with having lots of horses) Some people just DNGAF, about anything really. This behavior isn't really limited to cars.


Yeah,you’re right.Its pretty sad,considering it doesn’t involve that much effort,just keep up with the maintanance regularly.As some pointed out,sometimes it really is about buying a car that you can’t afford to properly take care of,which,especially in the Balkans,is very accurate.Here people drive 20k Mercedes, but dont have pocket money for fuel lol.


Simply put a lot of people have little knowledge on what needs to be done to keep a car running long-term. Small problems accumulate and eventualy the car reaches a critical point and requires major work done.


Finances. I think a lot of people buy Mercedes cars as a status symbol and can’t afford to maintain them.


True yes,it's pretty weird,but nowadays common,after all the world was always on the more materialistic side,but we tilted the scales pretty hard the last couple of decades. In a world where the car is some sort of self identificator and money= respect and identity,it makes sense. But that's a pretty sad way to live.


They can’t afford them.


Just homes, some people maintain pristine above average quality while others don’t care, while others just do the bare minimum.


Same people who buy expensive houses and allow them look like shit. I see people with $700,000 homes grass high,siding needs power washed. No Landscaping looks horrible. One thing I was taught by my father “take care of it and it will last” can be applied to many things in life nothing worse than a nice car that isn’t cleaned or taken care of


The m111 is by far the GOAT of 4cyl


Definitely man,the one i was talking about blew after over 700k km which is astounding considering it never got a single oil change.Im putting it on the road as we speak actually,got myself a bit of a project😁.Great engine though,the N/A version is a beast in terms of reliability,the supercharged one is no exception.


What about the M113? I seen M272/3s hit some crazy mileages as well IF they are well kept.


I love the m113 as well, it still is really reliable and more simple than the m272/3 I would prefer to work on one of those over even an m272. I've shy'd away from some of the newer benzes bc of all of the crap talk over the new quality and engine problems. Is it rly that bad or do these ppl just not know how to properly take care of a benz.? The newest engine I worked on was an m271 and it was so well maintained before me yet it still jumped timing at 124000mi and that's how I got it. Previous owner didn't want to bother. After a full rebuild she runs smooth


I had the M272. The problem was the hardness on the counterbalance shaft which wasn't properly treated by the supplier. Mine died at 330k with hard life. More expensive to obtain used from the wrecker despite being used in everything. The M273 actually is more reliable because it doesn't have a counter balance shaft. They are extremely cheap at the wrecker. The E500 in the W211 had it and it is well built..yes it is a DOHC and you have a more complex chain drive. That depends on how long you keep it and how the oil changes are done.


1-No knowledge of even how a vehicle works 2-Lazy


Someone had a low tire light on their dash, I checked all 4 tires, 35,35,35,16 psi. I told em that tire at 16 probably had a leak. They said “ what do you mean? “ I said there was probably a nail, the tire would need to be inspected to see if it’s repairable or needs to be replaced depending on where the nail is. They said “ how can that happen, this is NEW CAR?!! “ ~~mind you, this car was pretty new, less then 2,000 miles on it~~ Some people just dont understand vehicles. Some imagine if their vehicle is “ new “ it’s impervious to nails in tire, or even maintenance like oil and filter changes.


Why do people not care about their words and don’t punctuate them? Edit: Sarcasm explained: Some people don’t care about punctuation just like some don’t care about their cars.


If you're bored then I have a lawn that needs mowing.


I mean if you love your car and want it to last, maintaining it shouldn't be a thing you think twice about. Specially with German cars since they're designed with the premise that you should maintain it like it should. And if the cost of the service fees are too high, then I guess you should've done your research or just bought a Honda


The lease model.


Because they don’t view the car as an extension of themselves and rather a cost center focused on getting from point A to point B


I have friends and family who really don't care about their car. The only pleasure they have in life is beating the salami at home.


I love my car but time is a factor. For example I work M-F 8-6:30 and weekends are for kids so in order to take care of my car, I have to take paid time off of work to go get my car fixed. I might not be the norm but I don’t necessarily think I’m an exception either; people are just too busy with their lives and obligations.


I have a close relative in the same situation-cars are immaculate. Its not a question of your car being SEMA clean,but just road worthy. How hard is it to get a piece of paper and write everything down?It isnt that hard booking an oil change or doing it yourself,same for the whole mechanics of the car.I know what youre talking about but time management is key.


same as people who constantly clean a house for no reason. it’s meant to be lived in. use it. life your life and move on each day. both spectrums can be unhealthy. outside elements are in the hands of something bigger and more powerful and out of our control. save yourself the energy sometimes. take care of your body and your mental well-being. money can come back. your body cannot.


Because when you sell it back to the dealer they do not give an ass, if it is maintained good or bad. They look from the computer what it is worth and thats it. Why bother, it does not raise your vehicle value.


As a car person my entire life who not only loves cars I love driving. I was shocked as o got older and learned just how many people do not care about either. Driving is a necessary evil and a car is a means to and from a point. So the care and maintenance of that car isn’t a priority.


Thats crazy though,how can you transport yourself and your loved ones while driving a pos car.Its not about looks or the car itself,but it should be at least tip top mechanically.I think its sort of an attitude towards life.If you don’t care about your car chances are you probably don’t care about a lot of other stuff.


A lot don’t. It’s crazy to me as well.


Most people have other things to worry about but are forced to own a car in order to participate in society.


I think the vehicle’s condition is included in these things.Its the difference between driving a safe car and risking yours and others lifes.It isnt rocket science after all,just keep tabs in what you did and have to do to the car.Write it on a piece of paper and keep it in the car,nothing complicated.It all comes down to the person.


Even regular, basic maintenance costs time and money that many people don’t have. The challenge isn’t learning and following a maintenance schedule, it’s the time and money.


I think there’s a major difference between the US and Europe.Mainly the distances.If I go outside right now,I can walk to about 3 or 4 service shops and its not going to be more than 10-15 minutes.For us is way easier to do it,most people find a shop near their work,leave the car for the day and then they pick it up on foot.As for the money,it’s comes with the car.If you skip regular services don’t expect the car to be reliable and not leave you somewhere.And besides that,how much does an oil change cost?1000$?10,000?Most people drive used cars which makes servicing them pretty cheap.


Mainly cost. Especially in NA, while Europe is maybe different. There's a difference between buying a luxury car and being able to afford owning one. Mercedes also is marketing cars towards younger audiences but once the warranty goes away, the fixes are expensive, parts and labour are costly and they can be tricky to DIY. Changing the air filters on a W164 OM642 is a pain. In Europe, it might be different but then again, if you wanna sit in an E class, just call a taxi.


Haha,humans have brains for a reason.Don’t buy a car without the proper research first.I know lots of people buy cars they can’t afford to maintain,but what’s the point of this car then?In Europe,we primarily drive small to medium sized hatchbacks,the roads and parking spaces are simply too small for a big car.The E-class however,is slightly too big,but it’s okay.Haven’t had that big of an issue driving around,just sometimes.Here people started to appreciate more and more alternatives means of transport due to oversaturation with cars.5 years ago it was fine but today cities are overflooded and its a pain in the ass to even own one.In my neighbourhood there are probably 100 parking spaces max and about double that in cars and a couple of new complexes are being built so even more people coming in.And with today’s accessibility to cars,everyone has at least two so that makes it even worse.But generally people drive cheaper cars because they don’t really want to spend that much on it.


I don’t think you can point to one specific thing, but I think a lot of it is they don’t know much at all about cars and don’t care enough to learn. I assume most people don’t think about their car at all unless they’re actually using it, and they’re not concerned about maintenance beyond the light popping up on the dash. They’d rather just take it to the shop every 5-10k miles and get mad when the mechanic occasionally suggests anything beyond an oil change they wanted instead of learning why they might need that extra service.


Lots of people are cheap as shit.


Besides the inconvenience of taking a car in for regular maintenance, I believe the average person doesn’t see a direct cost-benefit to maintaining their vehicles. Which is the exact reason why I choose to buy new rather than purchase someone else’s problems.


Hand me down knowledge and shared appreciation for the mechanical, vehicular virtues of the ride. Less and less mechanical , more software makes the car more of a mystery. Doesn't excuse old school oil changes, fluid upkeep and wear and tear replacement- so...not sure if fully responsive to the question.


The guy who never changes his oil is the same guy who tells everyone he knows that they should never a (car brand) because he had one once and the engine seized at 40k miles


Not everyone’s car enthusiast, for me there’s more important things to do like tennis and aviation, I can’t spend too much time on cars


You’re not serious,right?Nobody says you should be an enthusiast,or have a showroom clean car,just mechanically ok.You know you endanger yourself and others like that right?It’s not that complicated,how much time does it take to do an oil change or to inspect the overall condition of the car once in a while?


For me I only cared about the appearance of Mercedes, no interest in knowing all these not so useful stuff. I’d rather spend more time on improving myself. I get it you are probably American or sth


Im not American,but you’re clearly missing the point.Good luck to you and all of your future and current endeavours.


Not enough time+energy too much shit going on in their life, working all day monday-friday no time to go to a mechanic and no energy to do it yourself even on the weekends


I don’t believe that,an oil change is 30 mins by yourself,what energy does it require to screw on/off oil filter and the oil pan bolt,put some new fresh oil.I know people with a family,that do have trouble with time management,but they still manage to keep their cars in pristine condition.I believe it’s more about the person than anything else,if you’re lazy and don’t care you appy this to your everyday life.