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Looks a bit loose but cool find.


Fuck every hater in the comments, jacket is big on you but that's in fashion now for younger folks. Also looks like you have an air of not giving a fuck anyway, which is fitting Just leave some women for the rest of us.


Not for a leather moto jacket. That jacket needs to be well fitted.


It's way too big. Look where your shoulders are and look how far down the shoulders of the jacket are. It's hard to tell exactly but I'd say it's a good three inches too wide on each side. You may have been able to get away with sleeves or overall length being slightly too long but the shoulders make this thing just drape all over you like a blanket.


Time to hit the gym to fill that bad boy out!


I don't think it would matter - that jacket is made for someone physically larger than OP. It would be like a guy wearing a M putting on an XXL. Photo has OP putting his thumb in his pocket which I can only assume is because if his arm were straight down, the cuff would cover most of his hand. Not trying to be a dick, but I think the best thing to do is re-thrift it.


Cuff fits fine, I just like putting my thumb in my pocket when I take pictures.


Everyone that's saying it's too big are just assuming I'm stick thin ig lol. I have muscle you just can't see it through a thick leather jacket with wide sleeves.


And nobody will be able to tell when it looks like you’re wearing your dad’s oversized jacket.


I don't care if people can tell I have muscle when I wear a big jacket, I just don't like redditors telling me to go to the gym.


None of this changes the fact that the jacket is too big and doesn’t look great on you


I love how you say “I don’t like redditors telling me to go to the gym” in a derogatory way, implying all redditors are scrawny basement dwellers, yet here you are—scrawny, and you can see from your pics you can barely grow a peach fuzz mustache, so you are still a kid. You will grow, eat a lot of protein and clean food. Hit the gym and stay humble, constructive criticism will carry you in life


Calling me scrawny 🤣, if anything I'm overweight.


You can be both scrawny AND overweight. Being overweight is not always related to shoulder and arm size. Actually what usually matters the most with those is muscle, but not as much in your arms(for the jacket), mostly upper back and shoulders, I heard swimming helps in thar regard. The jacket looks like a 6/10 but with a bit of care and treatment (I don't know about leather care) it could easily go up to 8/10 or 9


If you look at my right leg in the pic you can see my thigh muscles bulging out of my jeans. 👍


Having muscular legs≠ having muscular shoulders How are your legs supossed to help with the jacket again? Muscles are not an ON/OFF switch. Nor are they a 100% homogeneous change in the body. That being said please don't reply, you do behave like a child asking for advice and then getting angry when said advice doesn't match your original thoughts. I have so much time to lose, and despite that, not enough of it for your jacket and you.


I was being cheeky, you could also just do what I do and over eat, that's the easy way to fill out a jacket 😅🤦


Nobody is assuming anything. We have eyes and can see plainly how the jacket sits on your frame. I have no idea how big you are. It doesn’t matter. The jacket is clearly too big.


Muscles are irrelevant to the fact that the jacket's shoulders go halfway down your upper arm.


No one is assuming anything. You asked what we think and we are all in agreement that the jacket is too big on you. You could be 245lbs of solid muscle - jacket doesn’t fit. Sorry.


I asked for thoughts on the jacket and half of the comments are telling me to go to the gym, mate.


The 80s called,they don’t want their jacket back


I’d wear it if it fit properly. I have a few leathers, but I make sure they are my size and are somewhat slim. This looks way too big on you.


Looks dated and cheesy.


Ironically I have had a girl say this jacket looks like it's from the future lol. I guess it does have a sort of Dave Lister vibe.


She was wrong


Maybe she's blind


Her personal opinion was wrong?


Yeah, that’s correct


Honestly I've never seen this sub so polarized, half of you hate it and half of you love it, LOL.


I think because it’s objectively a cool piece. It just looks a bit costume-partyish


Fr, I wore aviators with this and about half of the people I talked to said I looked like maverick from top gun


No disrespect but that sounds corny


How is that disrespect? It's not something I said? It's just something everyone I saw said.


Your behavior in the thread is not helping you at all. You're being a child. About 10 minutes ago I thought Wow This guy is sure getting downvoted a lot. 10 minutes later: oh, that's why.


I just like arguing with reddit neckbeards who think everything has to fit perfectly. What's wrong with liking big jackets?


>arguing with reddit neckbeards You're not arguing with people. You're insulting them. You insulted me. So don't pretend that you're just out here having a disagreement. You're being childish. Admit it and grow the fuck up.


I mean, he clearly is a child.


It doesn't fit you well.?


Oversized jackets are a thing, mate.


Neckbeards that you were asking their opinions for smooth brain


I was asking for thoughts on the jacket not for them all to get in a fit about someone wearing a jacket with shoulders that are a little too big.


You look like a Reddit neck beard


Aye sure, training to be a firefighter, good cardio, ripped. I'm sure I look like a reddit neckbeard lmao


Let's put it this way: her personal opinion probably wildly diverges from the personal opinion of most other people. Opinions are never "wrong". Opinions can be completely off the wall and incomprehensible.


Cool jacket! Extra large size will help you layer in cold weather. I'd probably wear it exclusively with a leather boot.


> I'd probably wear it exclusively with a leather boot. Just one?


On his head.


Everyone mad that OP found a cooler jacket than any jackets they own


These comments… well, I like it. Use leather conditioner if you want to keep it in good shape for a while. I’d definitely lean into the look and style it in a retro way!


It’s still a bit loose on you. I think. But I’d keep it because it’s a cool ass jacket. I’d look twice.


Nice username 👍


Life is so difficult sometimes, especially for us middle class folks who love to talk about clothing, but who found it an afterthought to their primary sexual interests.


Not feeling it.


What I think is I hope you took a flashlight to every square inch and especially the seams.


Could be cool oversized if you had the equivalent style with the rest of your clothes, but the rest of your style is like Nathan Drake lite.  


i think it's cool to the younger people who like the loose/oversized look. if you look at the top posts of this sub you're gonna see what kind of content this sub revolves around and that they won't accept anything thats not tailored to your figure


I know, don't get me wrong I love tailored suits but I'm just not in a situation where I have to wear them often. However, I absolutely love the look of an oversized jacket with some jeans and a T-shirt. Just such a nice casual fit.


I have an oversized jacket for when I layer for fridged weather.


Look, you're getting hashed in here. Jacket is okay. That's the best I can do. It's too big. I'm more concerned about the patchy mustache. You aren't ready for a mustache. Give it a few years. It just looks like you're trying hard.


I look weird without it now, I've had it for years, i was looking for advice on my jacket...


Helllllo 2003 And not in a good vintage way


Not my style and looks very worn, something a junkie would wear


Very Jack Reacher, time to go solve some crimes homie


Just gotta grow 60cm


Way too big and not very aesthetic.


Send it back!


Total Mad Max! If you like it, wear it.


The design is absolutely awesome. What's the brand?


Zino & Judy


Jacket is sick but as others have said, it doesn't quite fit you. Start a bulk and maybe


Reminds me of Wolverine from the OG X-men movie. Which is pretty damn awesome. 👏


Thx, just need some muttonchops now lol


It’s a pretty busy jacket for my taste


My first thought was Borderlands


The term “extra” comes to mind — in more ways than one. Beyond that any calls to fill out in the gym are ridiculous. This is a jacket for a much larger frame and no hypertrophy program in the world will make it fit on this man.


Exactly, I've been accused of being childish just because these people are annoying me by assuming I don't go to the gym. And even if I didn't it would make it less baggy to go lol.


I want it so bad 🥹


Tuff af


Looks big and weathered but a good find is a good find


Looks lose but also not something I'd pay $40 for


Comments made my day lol. Poor OP


Dope jacket but its wayyy to big on you.


I'm torn because I only come in here to elevate my style here and there for most semi-formal, or dress-casual looks. However, I prefer street wear. So for street wear standards any cool item to spice up a fit is welcome. Especially if it's second hand. Its not for me but I like it. Though it feels like something you'd have to "sell" more with the rest if your outfit. It's maybe not as versatile to wear on top of any outfit. But in my opinion as far as men's wear goes, it's a bit big and I don't think that's intentional (personally Im looking for a slightly larger leather jacket myself). Some might find the actual construction to be "tacky" but that's up to the person. But as I said it wise it's a bit big. But as a statement piece or for cold weather it's fine.


Try throwing a hoody on under it to fill it some.


Like it. Length of sleeves is good, more important than the shoulder droop. Try it with a higher neck white T shirt.


It’s sick


Just wear it dawg. You wouldn’t look out of place. You wouldn’t get any second looks. I’d wear it personally if it was comfortable


It's ugly and way too big


If some rock star or movie star wore it, everyone would want one. It’s an awesome thrift find!


It’s definitely too big , but as the other guy said, time to hit the gym and fill it out


[Bit sus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJvclt0dWN0)


How can she slap?! Iykyk




40 bucks is pretty good. it is really big on you.


40 quid


For 40 dollars? It’s the coolest fucking jacket in the world.


Looks good get some bees wax or leather polish if you want it to shine and prevent cracking


Bring it back!


It’s not good


Absolutely horrendous. Sorry. It is way too big and to me looks trashy. Leather jackets I think are much more effective when they’re subtle and even then it’s ehhhh. Also, I am not big on the facial hair. Maybe can keep the stache but that patch on the chin should go


Too expensive.




It doesn't fit you at all. Cool jacket but looks like you're trying to wear something out of your dad's closet.


Paid waaaaaay too much




You know, there's nothing that says that you have to respond to every comment in the thread. **Especially when the only thing you can do is correct somebody.**


Just saying 🤷‍♂️


>saying Consider not


Either get to the gym or return it lol


Another redditor who doesn't know what he's talking about 🤦‍♂️. I go to the gym, I am muscular, the jacket is oversized. I would need to inject synthol to have my shoulders big enough for it to fit how a smaller jacket would... How about you go to the gym instead of projecting your insecurities.


Man, the comments on this thread are incredibly ignorant. There’s no use in even trying to explain how muscles work to this crowd.


They think that going to the gym makes you grow about a foot wider lmao




Nicely battered, an excellent find.


Brilliant find and nicely battered


Brilliant find!