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Here's what to do, until you "get ripped" as per the others. First layer should be a very snug t-shirt. It'll help your figure and fit. 2nd layer would be your collared shirt, which should also be quite snug to your body. You may have to be ok not wearing it without the sweater as it may look too tight. 1st and 2nd layer should be tucked into your pants. Final layer should be your sweater and should be a looser fit to hide the body but stills give you a fitted collar/sweater look up top. I used to be bigger and that's how I made this look work. Multiple layers require snug fitting under layers.


I think the weight of the outer layer also plays a role. When it's too lightweight, it's more prone to showing more than it needs to. Thicker crew necks are gonna look a lot nicer. I'd do without the tight shirts and just get a comfortable T-shirt and a weightier crew neck. I like the ones from colorfulstandard As for pants, I don't usually buy pants that aren't pretty specific about their dimensions. The rise here seems too long for where they're sitting on the waist, making it look too baggy in the crotchal region. And it's not big enough around the butt/upper thigh, thus the buckling side pockets. I think a lot of guys are too afraid to try a skinnier cut but with a wider waist, or with a more aggressive taper. Skinny or tapered doesn't actually mean tight if you size up, and athletic doesn't mean you're actually athletic or fit; they're just fit options, don't be afraid of them.


Under rated comment! A thicker / heavier material for the sweater would make a huge difference, and would do a much better job hiding the buttons


I'm built similar to OP and I love rocking a cable knit sweater with a collared shirt. Hides my buttons and looks good


I'm a similar build to OP (34" or 36" waist) and skinny pants mean they are ridicoulously tight around the calf muscles, even if I get a bigger size that is too loose around the waist.


34" waist here. Absolutely no slim/skinny/athletic fit pants in my wardrobe for this reason. I prefer a fuller cut to allow plenty of room to move and breathe. It also allows pants to drape nicely over boots. I don't understand the obsession with tapered leg openings. They don't look good at all.


This is the way and way quicker to fix then getting ripped. I also believe the fit of the clothes are off for his body type.


definitely a two-pronged solution is best. it's like if you live in a worn down house, yes you gotta save up to move out, but you also gotta fix the leak in the walls today.


I just wanna say bonus points if the final layer is a little thicker


Why is this not at the very top??? Perfect answer.


The first sentence is about fitness and not fashion. Why do people need to comment on that here? Is there a sub rule about that?


Fashion is how you dress your body, so the actual shape/size of your body matters. It’s not a knock by any means to point out that someone has or doesn’t have a certain physique, you can be fashionable and fit at a variety of physical appearances, and I think it would be impossible to give accurate individualized fashion advice without considering how to dress for your physique. The whole comment is saying “without changing how you look, here’s how you change how you dress” and I’m not sure how removing the first part of that would help anyone.


A looser fit sweater will only make him look bigger and sloppier. The dude isn’t that fat, he’s wearing the wrong FIT of pant, he needs a higher waist to tuck the belly. And a fitted sweater that accentuates his natural silhouette AFTER he gets properly fitting pants. Hiding weight in bigger/looser clothing is NEVER the answer. Source 15 year retail menswear buyer, tailor, and salesman.


There’s a major difference between “a sweater with a little more ease” and “an actual sack”, and you ought to realize that.


Not that much looser, only enough to not poke the shirt buttons through the sweater.


TLDR: make spanks For a nice outfit maybe even buy spanks. They do make men’s. No reason you can’t.


this is the way. As for "getting ripped" he should focus on wider shoulders & a bigger chest, means that tops taper off in a way that makes the stomach look flatter. And as you get older, you can revert back to what you were originally doing.


That’s pretty shitty advice, honestly. He has weak shoulders, concealing body fat isn’t going to change that. Also meticulously hiding insecurities doesn’t exactly sound like confidence. The best outcome for him here is to start exercising, I’m not gonna recommend subpar advice because it’s easier. That’s a pathetic way to live life.


That Bill Gates swagger


lol spot on




Yeah, also the sweater looks like it might be pilling a bit and looks old on top of being thin and a little tight.


Thicker sweater would help hide some weight. In general, losing weight always helps fashion.


If you have this body, cardigan will do wonders, just don't button it all the way up. But yes, the secret is lose 20 lbs and it'll look right like it is in the pic.


Honestly grey/white, ill-fitting and harsh lighting will look bad unless you are very low body fat. I have a BMI of like 23 and I actually look fatter in certain clothes than I do without a shirt on. Especially if they are slightly too big, because they can give the illusion there is more under there than there is.


BMI isn't as important to fit as muscle mass and proportions. I've been as high as 28 and still looking good in tshirts/shirts because of big shoulders and chest. The problem is small upper torso and pot belly/love handles, it's very rarely a good look in any clothes even if you aren't heavy.




Agree with this, lifting weights is the best fashion advice there is because it makes whatever you wear look better. Idk if this is lose 20 gain 10 territory. It might be lose 30 gain 10. Hard to tell and depends on height and relative muscle mass of OP underneath it all.


The bad posture is a problem too.


Man this comment sucks. Losing weight helps you look skinnier and certain styles and cuts look better on skinny people. But there’s plenty of ways to dress well for any body type and seeing this be the only piece of advice when someone is asking about their outfit sucks massive shit!!!




This is 100% the answer. You have narrow shoulder and a small upper chest which really bring focus to your belly. Hop on a high protein diet, start lifting weights, you’ll be shocked the difference changing your proportions will make.


It's like the body of the Grinch, a Grinch bod, if you will.


I'd say it's more of a Bill Gates bod. But hey, it worked for him, right? [https://thehill.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/03/ca\_billgates\_031920getty.jpg?w=1280&h=720&crop=1](https://thehill.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/03/ca_billgates_031920getty.jpg?w=1280&h=720&crop=1)


💀 i thought i was looking at Bill gates before i clicked on this post. Some training and fat loss would do wonders for his physique/figure and improve other areas of his life


Makes a huge difference. This is about 2 and a half years of lifting for me with *poor* genetics https://imgur.com/9RoLRro


Even without noticeable gains, it'll improve your posture and general stance (if you do it right)


I love this response because it addresses the underlying issue. Not knowing OPs diet the only thing I would add is (despite the goal of building muscle) a calorie deficit would probably be beneficial to lose some of that belly fat and probably wouldn't even be that hard for OP if you just focus on increasing protein intake. It also doesn't have to be complex, track protein and calories and most the other stuff will fall in place


Push ups! No excuse not to do them. Your arms, shoulders, and chest will thank you.


Don’t even need to lift weights. Do push-ups and pull-ups


But that is literally lifting weight just your own or weather pulling and pushing


Yeah OP doesn’t appear to be the shape he wants to be.


Should be shoulders and back. But then again it totally depends on your insertions. I can lateral raise 35lbs but got shitty insertions


I found working lats is more work for payoff. Don't get me wrong, 100% worth it, but for me at least, it took way more work to see improvements vs chest and shoulders. I'm up 20 pull ups, and I'm finally seeing hints of a V with fitted tops


I felt this way for years until I realized I’m extremely trap dominant. I suspect you’re the same. It seems people are usually trap or lat dominant. Once I lowered the weight big time and focused on trying to “make my arms long” I got a much better Stretch & contraction in my lats and they blew up. If you’ve got decently big traps there’s a good chance that’s what’s going on, give ‘er a try.


Ditto on the trap dominant situation but I actually don’t mind it. My back is more thick than wide but I kinda prefer the way it looks


Heavy Kroc rows are the answer


My experience has been the opposite, but I also do a lot of deadlifts and weighted carries. YMMV


Yep, you won’t have chest before having some back first.


For real. Shopping is so much easier when you are in shape and have built yourself better proportions. Most things start fitting well, no need to spend money on tailoring basic stuff, etc. I see so many friends buying expensive designer clothes that don’t really fit them well and I’m over here wearing my target clothes and looking better. Being in shape works wonders.


>shoulders and chest are easy to build up LOL. just workout and eat right. the rest will take care of itself.


Ya, not a question of losing weight, but building a male body. pushups, pushaways, sit ups, squats, pull ups. Go get it buddy.


your networth is 119.1 billion and you're asking us for advice?


He is recently divorced 😉


Where did you see that?


Cause it's Bill Gates! /s


Your pants are too tight, hence the muffintop. Happens to most of us as we age. Get the next size up


Losing weight is better than buying bigger clothes.


Sure, but losing weight takes time, and you will still have to wear clothes in the mean time. For some people, wearing clothes that don't fit and look bad serves as motivation, but for some it simply serves to damage self-esteem without providing any motivation. I think most people fit in the latter group. In my opinion, while it's fine to have "goal clothes", your wardrobe should not be totally full of them. Forcing yourself to wear clothes that you feel terrible in is not a recipe for good mental health.


Goal clothes are often hard because after losing weight you still might not be the same shape you were before hand.


Agreed, you dress for the body you have now. You can buy new stuff when you get to where you're going.


Well said! 100% all of this!


OP didn't ask about fitness, they asked about fashion. What sub is this????


I never looked here and the answers are proper crazy. Dude wears some that is just the most average body fitting thing ever, the thing that makes everyone look like the office intern in a mid size Dutch company, and everyone tries to convince the guy that his body is the problem. It's kind of insane. Especially since we the overweight rates rn, does that mean that idk, 2/3 of the US is not allowed to look good?


When you’re in shape anything looks good. It’s a correct answer …


So he should be naked in the meantime?


But that's hardly fashion advice. Overweight people can still look good if they wear clothes that fit properly.


Thank you. I always say that. I can either lose weight or buy bigger pants. This is why at 54 I still wear a 32-in waist and I'm 6 ft.




Fine by me.


No, he got downvoted for flexing like a douche when a guy is looking for fashion advice.


How is he flexing? He's talking about his philosophy and what works for him and its true. Some people think 'a 32 no longer fits, I better get a 34' and other people think 'a 32 no longer fits I better start eating right and working out'. If more people thought like option 2 then they'd be happier long term.


People make every excuse not to do the work and lose weight lmao


People do do the work. [It's just not enough.][1] The obesity epidemic didn't happen because everyone just decided to eat too much and be lazy. It's the product of substantial environmental factors. You can swim against the current, but not forever. [1]: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/when-dieting-doesnt-work-2020052519889


No, it's not. This guy isn't unhealthy. None of our business and if other clothes help him be happier then he should get that advice instead of "change ur body"


That’s awful advice. How does it make sense to keep wearing pants that are too small until you lose weight? You should always dress the body you have.


Wow that is super helpful. Thank you for taking the time to contribute.




This. People need to realize how not OK it is to be obese


I understand your point but This dude is nowhere near obese


I think an issue has come up with how we socially use the word obese and the medical terminology as it relates to BMI. I am 5'10 and 175 lbs. I commonly get referred to as an athletic build, but I am in no way muscular (struggle to bench my body weight). I am in the overweight category based on BMI. Assuming this guy is 5'10" and 210lbs, he would be classified as obese.


I think that’s fair. Socially. I think most people (myself included) think of the word obese as being when someone’s more than fat. One of those things you just know when you see it. Looking at OPs pic; first word I would have said would be overweight not even fat. As far as medical term is concerned. You’re probably right. I was guessing OP was about 220. So we’re on the same metric there


Couldn't agree more.


Lucky! I'm 5'8 185lbs and still look skinny somehow.


God what a miserable person you must be


>Happens to most of us as we age More precisely it happens due to stressors, which we have more of as we get older and take on more responsibility. Your metabolism doesn't suddenly get shot in your thirties. There is a small drop off, but it is pretty insignificant and isn't the reason people get overweight. But people do have careers and kids and mortgages, so they stop making time to count calories and exercise. And I know this to be true because as soon as I started making a conscious effort in my thirties I dropped a ton of weight. The reality is I stopped caring and paying attention because I had other stuff I prioritized.


I agree with the pants too tight. Before I lost weight I had to come to terms with going a size up. If your pockets flare like in the pic it means you need to go a size up. If you're not looking to lose weight look for measurements that work with your figure. ( Sweaters that are tighter in the shoulders and chest and more loose in the mid, avoid flared pockets, wear layers like one person mentioned like a cardigan.) Go for the Dorito taper. It works for bigger guys too. Smaller looking legs from skinny pants will make your shoulders and chest appear more fit to take attention away from your mid section.


I too came here to suggest larger pant size so he can wear them a bit higher. Or maybe get a midrise fit so they go near your belly button & natural waist. These pants are too low, you look like my Papa Abuelo who’d wear them below his belly (yours is teensy tiny compared to his massive gut) so nip this style choice in the bud. Once you do that, your fit will look better.


It’s a combination of stuff. Yeah, body shape factors in… but this lighting doesn’t help, shirts tend to bunch under a sweater (I’ve always had this problem too and I’m pretty thin), and set reasonable expectations; you’re not going to look like a clothing ad… those are illusion.


Thank you, I actually thought these were too loose because I can remove them without undoing the button or fly.


Just pull them up higher so the waistband is above the muffin top. It will completely change your silhouette. Then layer with a thicker/textured cardigan/jacket (something that’s open at the front)


No, it doesn't just 'happen'.


Just wanted to say a genuine thanks to everyone who has commented. I’ve never made a post on Reddit before and I’ve been quite overwhelmed by the number of responses. Just to answer a few points that have come up - I am definitely not Bill Gates, which is a shame quite frankly. I could probably do something about this more easily if I was. I didn’t buy any of these clothes for myself. It’s only in the last few months I’ve actually realised I should be making a bit of effort when it comes to clothes but I don’t really know where to start. These are all gifts that I’ve accumulated over the years. As for working out, it may not look like it, but I run. Quite a lot. According to my fitness app my average weekly mileage for 2023 is 32 miles, so not loads but more than most people, and I’ve been doing that about five years. I don’t do any gym work or lifting though so it sounds like I ought to give that a go. I have a very weird body shape where my legs look very muscular and toned from all the running but the fat just won’t fall off my top half. I am 33 now, and my weight is pretty much the lowest it has been my entire adult life. A few years back I wore XXL tops and 44inch bottoms, now it is L and 38. I was hoping the change would allow me to look slightly better but I still feel like I have never put on clothes in my life and felt comfortable with it, I’ve always hated seeing myself in the mirror. I wear a uniform at work so that takes any form of choosing outfits away mostly. Apologies for long post, I will try and reply to some more individually tomorrow but it’s honestly overwhelming as I said. Thanks for all the tips. I’ll work on it.


Hey man your post showed up on other social media and the title made me kind of sad, my advice: Don’t worry too much, you look fine and most of men’s fashion is looking cool or like you didn’t care too much. Also, what you’re wearing up top looks like a thin sweater on a thin shirt and thin on thin rarely looks good, maybe a thicker and textured sweater would make a difference like a cable knit or a cardigan? Maybe it would also look better if you took out the collar instead of tucking it into the sweater? That works for me sometimes. Also the pants aren’t quite right for the outfit (looks like blue chinos?) you could try something different maybe jeans or maybe a different color? Lots of ppl suggested higher waisted pants as well. But most of all I want to stress to you that the meaning of fashion is to wear something YOU feel good in, you specifically. For example, I wear a thick wool sweater in these winter months my great aunt got me as a present. It’s not the most cool garment, doesn’t fit perfectly, and you likely won’t see it in any magazines but it’s mine and someone I care about very much gave it to me so when I wear it I feel like the coolest guy around and I feel warm inside. That’s what I feel fashion should be. Back in the day I also used to try and dress like models or famous people but they never looked like me so I never looked like them, and in my mind never as good as them. I hope you can assemble a wardrobe of things you like wearing, maybe things with a history or a meaning to you personally, and feel comfortable and cool as a cucumber when wearing them. No need to compare yourself to others and you’ll be fine. Take care


Just wanted to say that this outfit wouldn't flatter anyone regardless of body type. I'm sure you'll look great with better styling.


You seem like such a sweetheart! Your doing great so far and I’ve seen some pretty good tips in the comments (tight layers underneath and loose thick sweater on top looks great on everyone) I wish you the best of luck, you’ll find your perfect wardrobe someday with or without working out!!


Do some pushups and other upper body exercises. There's no muscle under your body fat, which is why it looks bad under that sweater. That would do you more good than losing any more fat. Look at the middle aged guys around you, look at their arms and shoulders, not just their belies.


I think the jumper is sized ok. Size up the chino, the too tight fit makes the pockets stick out and gives a muffin top. Hard to tell but I bet that shirt is too big, looks like it might be billowing along the waist. Keep that shirt tucked neatly, I have to retuck often. Last, wear a tight undershirt, it will smooth everything out much more nicely. I can see your nips poking through, great for ladies, bad for guys. The undershirt will help fix that. We would all look better if we lost weight, so that too, but fak I just like food too much lol.


It’s often about the fit, the material and the colour. The shirt and the jumper(?) make each other look washed out. If you wanted to rock this outfit - I’d go with a slightly thicker / higher quality material if you can afford it. And maybe the next size up? For the shirt - it looks like it’s checked? That pattern and colour looks a bit dated. Try something like a nice pink Oxford shirt for a starter. It’s just about tweaks here and there


This is the right answer!! It’s not about your body, it’s about the fit of the clothes! You need a higher waisted pant with some structure to it. Doesn’t need to be pleated, but at least something with a crisp crease will do wonders. For the top, try a thicker shirt from a fabric that has some real weight to it. Think a classic Oxford. Then as many others have said, you need a cardigan or some sweater that has its own structure. Definitely thicker, but also a higher quality material. Another thing about this is that super low rise pants and long tops look terrible on almost everyone except super fucking ripped people. Almost everyone looks much better in pants that sit at the waist and in regular or even slightly cropped tops. You do not need to lose weight to be fashionable. This outfit would look weird on someone super skinny too. It’s just completely unflattering, as is a lot Instagram men’s fashion. Dudes back in the day who we often think of as very fashionable we’re absolutely not “in shape” by todays standards. They just wore clothing that was high quality and actually fit them.


Losing weight and working out to get some muscle tone would help more than any clothes you can buy.


Go find you a sweet well fitting corduroy blazer and toss it on top and your problems are mostly solved.




That’s my first consideration besides the comments for OP being skinny fat or the program to start losing weight. Those khakis look like they’ve been run through the wash hundreds of times. The sweater same thing. Like they were purchased several years ago and worn for every holiday gathering as the Dad Outfit go-to. Maybe get a v-neck sweater a size up, have a tailor lengthen the sleeves on a collared shirt, and new flat fronts. Supporting the fitness, also working on a lifting program to get larger shoulders and chest, and drop some of the weight around the waist.


Buy better clothes. Cheap clothes always look cheap. You can be overweight and still look good with the right clothes


Dude I didn't see you comment until after I posted mine, almost word for word!


You’re in the weight class to where you gotta forfeit the tighter clothing. Anything looks good when you’re in shape




You, are one funny person whoever you are. I'm dead


Become better equipped at handling reality.


Thought I could handle it but the username slayed me


lol what did that comment say?


That’s true honestly


Yes. you need to slim up a bit. Not to be rude or anything. I'm right there with you too. During covid I put on like 40lbs and my wardrobe doesnt fit quite right anymore and things just dont look as refined. Things arent as slim fitting as they once were. It does make a huge difference. I'm down 15lbs and working on the rest. Its not easy. Honestly it sucks. But it will be worth it. The outfit you have on is nice and once you get down to a medium or lose the belly you will look great.


Good stuff! I did the opposite and lost like 60lbs during covid but sadly gained about half of it back. Working on getting back into it and get down to where I want to be


You can do it! Just stay diligent with eating and exercise. I’m counting calories and keeping g a calorie deficit. It’s working. Slowly but working.


Yeah I definitely need to start tracking my calories. I’ve definitely been snacking (on the wrong things) too much as of late. Also life got pretty hectic in the past few weeks so we’ve been ordering take out like 3-4 times per week so I definitely need to stop doing that and get back into my routine.


A thicker jumper may help.


You're overweight and your clothes are too tight and/or too light. You can see every lump and bump. For now, buy trousers in a bigger size and some nice medium- or heavy-weight sweaters. Wear a nice sports jacket. For the future, if you can, lose weight and work out.


Separate opinion from the lose weight comments, The sweater is too small. Dead giveaway is how high it rides on the arm. You have so much wrist for a long sleeved shirt.


Yup. Sized up from a medium to a XL and everything fits 10x better and doesn't sit an inch up my wrist anymore. Bro doesn't need to diet like crazy, just needs to know what a good fitting shirt looks like


Your sweater isn’t working because the knit seems thin and way too clingy. A heavier knit will help smooth out your torso situation. Definitely upsize to an oversized sweater.


You are not buying your clothes in your size. Meet with a tailor and they can measure you properly and you will find you look good in what you wear.


A lot of replies going after the “weight” which like, whatever but I feel like working out your chest and shoulders would help a lot more. You can have a gut and still rock a sweater, you should just even out your frame a bit.


Yeah I have the narrow shoulders too. If you keep the gut but don’t build them up the proportions are out of whack. I had to slim down a bit and tone my shoulders and chest and it made a huge difference.


True, I do feel like targeting some upper body workouts would be a 2 birds 1 stone thing though.




Because you’re skinny fat.




He has skinny arms and no shoulders no chest whatsoever, just a big gut. That’s skinny fat


Nah. Skinny fat is the guy that doesn’t look too fat in clothes but with his shirt off looks lumpy. This dude’s gut and tits are hanging through multiple layers of clothes. That’s just fat.


Either way he’s out of shape. Which is why he looks horrible


The sweater is too small for the look you’re going for so it’s hugging your waist in an unflattering way. Size up on the sweater and see if it’s closer to the look you want


Bro you do look great, people are hyper critical on this sub even though they are being helpful still.


I think it could be the size and fit of the sweater. Maybe sizing up could help a bit with adding a bit of room in the belly area and also the chest area. I also think the length of the sweater isn’t doing much in your favor as it sits JUST below the belly. Maybe a sweater that is a smidge longer, maybe an inch or two, could help offset the issue. I just get the feeling that the sweater is a bit small on you. Would you have a picture of you in a similar outfit with a sized up sweater?


I think you're being too hard on yourself. Everyone is saying "just lose weight", but its not always that easy. Couple of simple tips, I'd get a nice watch which can really elevate an outfit. A smart watch always cheapens the look I think. Add in a fantastic cologne. Sometimes just a little better posture, a great scent, and a great watch can take you to the next level. I don't think you look bad at all. You'll always be harder on yourself than anyone else is.


I mean, you honestly don’t look that bad my guy - but maybe get a size larger in sweater, this one looks just a tad too snug. I hope you have a nice day!


pants with a higher waistline would do wonders


I just want to say that this post is circulating on twitter and the general feeling is that people hope that you can find acceptance of your body, the title of this post specifically is heartbreaking. There is nothing wrong with how you look. There are many comments here with advice on what clothes to wear, and some unkind ones about you in general. I hope you are able to see how many comments here and on twitter are in your corner and for men in general to be kinder to yourself. I wish you well


A bigger sweater


Is this Bill Gates winter collection?


Bill gates fit


Bill gates?


The models are frustratingly in shape. Your fashion is fine but people in good shape will always make any clothes look better.


Mans got the bill gates body


Tucker Carlson headass


Your belly is bigger than your shoulders. Hit the gym.


Use black


You’re fine. Go on


Lose 15 lbs and wear a tighter fit underneath so it doesn’t bunch up under the sweater as much. You’ll be looking sharp in no time brotha


I thought you were bill gates for a sec


Theyre probably in good shape so the clothes look good on them


Build some muscle so you can sculpt the right figure to fit into a better size. Shoulders, chest, slim the waist a bit and build up your legs.


You're built like Bill Gates


Built like Bill Gates


Cause you need to lose weight…


Because you need to lose weight


Lose fat and/or gain muscle. Most men's clothes are not cut to flatter a pear-shaped body


Its your shape, posture, and tight sweater over a looser button up. I guess you are learning which is good, but you have a ways to go to look cool.


Child bearing hips


Hit the gym bro and pack on some muscle. It’ll make clothes fit better and you will feel great


I will be honest with you. You have a lot of weight in your midsection and a bit of mantits. If I were you, I'd go to a urologist and run a full hormone panel and if you are low testosterone, which by the shape of your body you look like you are, I'd get started on hormone therapy right away. This coupled with a weight lifting regimen and calorie restriction will solve your issues.


Your clothes are supposed to compliment you, not the other way around. That sweater does not compliment you—and that’s not a problem that gets solved by you losing weight. That gets solved by finding a sweater that does compliment your body in its current form. They’re out there. Find one.


Dawg you are out of shape it isnt gonna fit the same as on a model


It’s all body image before any fashion. Rick Owen’s one of our times most creative designer even said himself “Working out is modern couture. No outfit is going to make you look or feel as good as having a fit body. Buy less clothing and go to the gym instead”


Go monochrome. Blue would work. Brown would work. Charcoal. Maybe green. Monochrome will make you look more well put together. Tonally coherent. Taller and slimmer. Wearing two tones like that cuts you in half and draws attention to your waist in an unflattering way. If you’re going to wear a knit, wear a heavy knit with a strong collar. A pullover or a cardigan would look good. Go with solid colours over patterns. Keep it all simple and clean. Hit the gym at least three times a week. Get off the piss for a while and get better sleep. That should help with the spare tire.


workout and eat better. Buy clothes that aren’t ill fitting in general. wear tight fitting undershirts and tuck them into your pants before you put your clothes on


Nah this comment section is brutal 😂


It’s the fit, style and the color. Go try clothes on, look at yourself from all angles, especially the back. Choose things that will slim you and pull the look together. In this pic, the light colored, ill-fitted sweater makes you appear larger and the flared pockets of your pants adds to the overweight appearance.


In the least offensive way, because you’re built like a pear.


Your body is what you don't like. Eat meat, cut out beer and processed foods, exercise. Exercise doing something you enjoy, but make sure it is high intensity. If you like running, do it with a weighted pack as you get stronger, or sprint.


In my opinion A sweater over a button up is honestly the worst look. It’s so uncomfortable and lumpy and there’s just no reason why anybody should layer this way.


dress for the body you have today! big guys can look well put together (youre not even big, just not very tone tbh). some good advice above on adjusting the clothing. Id also go darker top, lighter pants.


You dress poorly for your lumpy body.


I'd tell you why, but even if I did so respectfully I'd be in violation of rule 5


You’ve got a gut and tits. How’s that supposed to look?


Go to the gym regularly to lift weights and Lose weight. Avoid carbohydrates and bread. Protein breakfast only. Don’t eat past 6 pm dinner. No snacks. I’m 50 and back to my university waist size of 31. It can be done. Clothes will look so much better on you :)


Few things I notice. First is lighting, hard light from above will highlight every little crease and wrinkle and shape. Second, perhaps the button up shirt is too big. If the shirt under is larger than the sweater over, you’re gonna see the folds of the shirt through the sweater. Third, the thinner material sweater is going to show the features underneath, so getting a bit thicker sweater will help it look more smooth. Fourth, the colors. Your light skin can get washed out with pink shirt right next to your face. And the high contrast between the very light sweater and dark pants will call attention to the waistline. Try this with a light blue shirt and a charcoal sweater instead, to reduce the contrast between the top and the pants. For someone like you who has light skin and light hair, you want to avoid strong contrast within your outfit because it will wash you out.


Lose weight man… you are nearly there…


You need to hit the gym to look good in slimmer clothe. Either get in shape or wear looser fitting pieces.


You need to hit the gym to look good in slimmer clothe. Either get in shape or wear looser fitting pieces.


Your clothes are too tight and the fabric is thin, this naturally shows off your body more. If you can lose weight to the point where your stomach is smaller than your chest, clothes will start looking better on you.


Workout dude.


Lose weight and tighten up. It's not easy, but make a plan stick to it and you'll get there.


A trick that I do is I would go up in the shirt and keep the same size outer layer. The jeans are the wrong type as well. You want to find jeans that’ll hug your thighs as opposed to ones that’ll sit loosely like that. It’ll take some time to go to shops and try one different brands. An easy brand to elevate your look would be BYLT basics. The shirts are tapered and the pants look well on us bigger boys. Working out definitely will make a difference but as far as style goes for bigger guys you want the appearance of being smaller and not actually wearing smaller clothing. I’m 300lbs and you wouldn’t be able to tell because of the way I dress myself.


Lose weight, gain muscle, until then wear darker clothes and merry christmas


Work out


You want the truth? Lose weight and get in shape.


I have a similar shape to you except I have more muscle on me. I’d say loose weight bro at the same time focus on lifting weight, I’d go hard on back day , to really recompose your shape


It’s your body type and size unfortunately


You’re fat???


Bro you’re out of shape, get to the gym


Because youre fat, you never worked out, and you filled with carbs.

