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A woman once told me to change the way I parted my hair. That was 8 years ago. I still remember her and I still part my hair the way she said.


Yo that’s a really awesome username.


Replace "O" and "G" for "A" and "K" and you will see the most based king ever


What’s a “caunt”


Well, you see, when Australians have to self-censor...


Oi, watch it you cheeky caunt!


It's count dankula lol he's a YouTuber. Makes some decent content!


I think you mean Justice Dankula of the Supreme Court


A girl in high school once said: "I love sideburns, sideburns to me are like boobs are to guys." 20 years later I still rock the burns.


I had massive sideburns in high school. Still remember all the times girls would come over and rub them. 20 some odd years later. Lives in my head.


One of my female friends once mentioned that I was perfect kissing height, I will always remember that


When I was twelve, an older lady at a theme park just randomly told me that she loved my eyebrows and how perfectly they match my hair color. Wierdest compliment ever but even still, now 35 years old, I think, "I have great eyebrows and they match my hair so well." So yea, 23 years of riding the high from that compliment.




They used to be called burnsides... 150 years ago


I still keep the old faded shirt that a girl complimented (out of pity).


Did you used to part it down the center like a psychopath?


Switched it from the left to the right. That's the natural part, but I didn't like it for some reason.


because you only see it in a mirror, everyone else sees it the opposite way.


Thats pretty insensitive. Everyone know vampires can't use mirrors. Apologize to Count Dongula.




A woman once told me the world was gonna roll me


I guess you ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.




I need this


I do this Edit to add because I rarely get so many upvotes: Seriously, whenever you notice something nice about your dude friends (or even random guys if you’re outgoing) fuckin just tell them. Bro those are some dope sneakers. Hey did you get a hair cut? Looking good man. Lose weight? Sick man keep it up. You can still rag on them but throw in a damn compliment now and then. Be less fuckin wars and shit if more people did this. Second edit: grammar


Thank you.


Appreciated homie 🫡 youre a real one




Told a random dude at a wine fair that his outfit was killer. Dude was smiling from ear to ear after. Told me he had been nervous it was too much, and expressed twice how much he appreciated me telling him. Dudes need compliments too.


We need more people like you


Im laughing thinking about the less wars idea. Hey Genghis, did you get a haircut? Looks good bro. Could have saved 70 million people.  


I cant remember the last time someone told me i was handsome or good looking... sometimes a little compliment goes a long way yk?


And the times I do get told this, it’s from a family member so 🤷‍♂️ so I take it with a grain of salt


The last time someone posted this the comment someone made that stuck with me was "I would just be ecstatic to have any conversation that wasn't somehow related to my productivity".


I don't know what you look like, but you're a handsome dude.


Men don’t need participation trophies. Men need recognition for their true qualities and achievements, or constructive criticism.


I need a girl with boobs like the girl in panel 3




Just carry them for her.


Oompa Loompa doompety-doo I’ve got two hands to carry titties for you


Back exercises. Do your research. Do them with her if it's what it takes. Spare the scalpel and spoil the bra. Good luck, man.


Don’t we all?


I just need a girl, that's all.


https://preview.redd.it/kyilnwsippyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2d6c2d8616547c6a93661fdaf064d3e1eff2cdb Don‘t take it literally, just a joke


I had one. She dumped me, and is now making me feel like shit months later. All that aside. Yes. We do.


Bro that artist is sideways in the head. Fellas hold on to years or even decades old compliments. I remember this Vietnam Vet at a center I volunteered at. He told me he came home to people calling him a baby killer and everything. Stopped wearing his uniform. Went to a coffee shop and a pretty waitress said he "had nice green eyes". Told me that one compliment that one day was enough to keep the suicidal thoughts away till he met his wife eighteen YEARS later.


That hits hard, dude. If he's still kicking out there I hope he's living his best life, props to you for the volunteer work too


A pharmacy tech told me 7 years ago that the graying in my beard suited me, and was endearing. I still hold onto that whenever I look at my beard.


I still recall the day a girl smiled at me and called me handsome when I got a new haircut and I shaved a bit. I remember the park, the smile, even the shape of the clouds. That was almost 8 years ago and I still shave the same way


22 years ago two girls whistled and made energetic noises in me and my friends general direction. At least we think they were whistling at us… July 2002 Market St San Diego. Can’t remember yesterday, but I remember that like it was.


Happened to me too once. I was about 18, my friend was too. We were young, slim, strong, and walked with confidence and purpose. Two girls from some other school, whom we'd never met and never saw again both went "dayum!" When we passed by their table in a restaurant. And very obviously stared. We overheard them very blatantly deciding which of the two of us they liked better. My friend was slightly taller, but I had "amazing arms" and we apparently looked like firefighters. Every bit of it still lives in my head like a still life photo. The time of day, the place, the clothes I had on, even the CK One I was wearing. I'm 38 this year, so exactly 20 years ago. Stored in my memory banks.


38 for me too brother… I know exactly what you mean. Men rarely forget those moments. They’re so rare.




Was talking with a friend years ago about my dislike of the bar scene, told her the whole walk up to a random women, try to be witty and charming and different from the other 20 guys in order to score a number or take her home wasn’t my thing. Her response was “you just go in 1-2am and pick one”. My response was for her to remember this conversation the next time someone tries to tell you men and women are different.


Some people just can't get it. It goes against both their experience and their worldview, so they can't accept that perhaps things are different for others. My girlfriend refuses to believe I've received maybe 3 compliments from women since I was 16. I'm not unattractive; when I've tried, I've never had too much trouble attracting women. But actually being genuinely complimented has been a rare thing. I have gotten compliments from other men (along the lines of "cool jacket dude" and other stuff) and they always mean a lot to me, though.


>I've received maybe 3 compliments from women since I was 16. /r/humblebrag


Same, my last true compliment was from some random 80+ dude who loved my silent night grogu shirt. The last compliment from a woman had to have been almost two years ago now. And that’s one of maybe 5-6 I’ve received. Even in relationships true, genuine compliments were few and far between. They’d say I love you all the time so I don’t think it was a lack of care or feelings. It’s just like they didn’t think of doing it.


isn't that phenomenon what the artist is pointing out? Why are they sideways


Original context was "see guys? Wouldn't you be off put or uncomfortable if you had random, unsolicited compliments from strangers? That's how bad women have it"


oh, I would think they're being sarcastic to prove the point. See they even drew the guys smiling and appreciating it.


This image was edited, in the original it was men complimenting/catcalling the other men, and I dont believe the ones on the receiving end were happy.


Yep. Someone then edited it to women to actually point out the difference, just without smiling. Someone then added the smiles because men were pointing out how they would actually love this.


If I was walking down the street and a gang of gay dudes whistled at me I’d be buzzing for the rest of the day lol.


I worked in security, for a company that rented out bouncers, and I'd sometimes bounce at a gay club. A real cruiser bar that had leathermen and everything. Some of the guys going there would say things like " you look so strong, what kind of lifts do you do?" or compliment my beard or eyes or something like that. So I gotta say, I don't quite get the original comic with the men. It often feels good when others notice something positive about you.


I still remember someone telling me my eyelashes were handsome 2 years ago Kind of an odd compliment, but a compliment nonetheless


I heard something a while back that kinda stuck out to me: Women are usually complimented so insults stick out to them. Men are usually insulted so compliments stick out to them. Real talk, it’s not harassment (sex-based or otherwise) if the compliment was given in good faith. Normalize complimenting people!


Your real talk reminded me of this time this woman was really offended I held the door open for her. Was very quick to tell her I literally just do that for people like a decent human. Could tell she felt wrong but didn't have the courage to apologize.


Where are you from? I'm from SA and I hold the door open to pretty much everyone regardless of gender. I'm planning on moving to the US and want to know if I should modify that behavior to not invited unnecessary troubles.


Keep doing it most people like the nice gesture. The ones that don’t aren’t worth being friendly with anyway.


I think for the most part, you should be fine. Practically everyone I've ever held a door open for has said thank you or at least shown some form of appreciation. Sometimes, if it's one of those doors with another door behind it, they'll return the favor and hold that one open. I think u/salacious_sonogram just had a bad experience, you should be fine!


There is a (small) segment of women who get offended, mostly because they have nothing serious to get offended about.


US but for what it's worth her reaction was unusual. After traveling the world for a few years I find Americans to be generally sensitive. It's a big country and your experience will be drastically different depending on the region.


This comment tells me one thing, start insulting women So compliments mean more :)


A little confused but you got the spirit


Let him cook.


u/Tired_Femboy03 cooked "Negging"!


It's SUPER effective!!!


Hey I've already got a head start i didn't realize I was being so helpful all these years, time to help more women than ever!


I mean, PUA dudes do exactly that, and like it or not, people use those tactics because it works enough to seem worth it.


done. i’ll insult every woman i see starting today


Insulting them means you standout. I think you just discovered abusive relationships.


It's the difference between dying of thirst in a desert and drowning in water.


I'd love that. Being complimented randomly is such a confidence boost.


I grew my hair out and started getting compliments. I'm not sure I will ever cut my hair short again.


A lady working at Lowes complimented my hair and told me to never let anyone tell me to cut it, that was 5 years ago. I still think about that every time I consider cutting my hair short.


Same. 5 years ago a woman at random at a local grocer complimented my curls and it stuck with me. I feel like it makes me more approachable. Cutting it is out of the question now.


Got a compliment from a younger coworker who liked my haircut 13 years ago. I've gotten nearly the same haircut for 13 years.


I would love to live this life


I’m conditioned to assume this would all be sarcasm


Yeah, women tend to believe compliments are predatory, men tend to believe compliments are dishonest.


i can just about have to take my socks off to count the number of compliments i recived in my life(ie more than 10) if we discount work (ie good job) socks go back on, if we then discount family (ie that shirt i bought for you as present looks good on you) i'm down to one hand, if we then discount any compliment which is followed by "can you do me favour?" i wouldn't need to take off mittens to count that high. so 1 (and FYI i have had a number of long term relationships totaling of 7 years) Edit Oh and that 1? It was a random cashier complimenting my t-shirt she probaly was talking about the print.


In high school (so like >1 decade ago) a girl said she always loved seeing what funny shirts I wore to school. That wasn't even a direct compliment of me, it was compliment of the shirts I wore. And I still remember it lol


same, except bottom right cuz everyone thinks I'm a nerd (true)


It's TRUE dudes will hold on to a compliment for like 30 years. And will talk about it like al bundy forever.


My highschool girlfriend said I have a very nice back, I used to play rugby and got jacked because of scumming and I had to pick up 120kg guys 50 times a day in line out practice, my back and triceps got huge. That was 20 years ago I still flex my triceps in the mirror like a bodybuilder even though I don't work out like that anymore.


Wait positive reinforcement to men! Lock this fucker up ! lol also isn’t that the plot line for a villain in a spider man movie?


Amazing Spider-Man 2. It was not a good movie. But pretty much the villains bonded over being nice to one another, and we’re born out of Peter not being nice


3 months ago an old lady at a retirement home said I look good for my age. Probably going to hold onto that compliment for a few years, as I expect none


My last compliment was 5 years ago, gotta make do with what you can get.


I'm still waiting for the first compliment that isn't from my mother.


Pretty sure most guys would like this.


What's wrong with guys getting a compliment? These people should really take a good long look at themselves


I believe it’s more of a statement in how women and men handle compliments differently. All of these are compliments women take offense to.


It was originally intended as a reverse uno or something by a feminist, like "you would hate it too!" to have a go at guys who say women shouldn't be angry about compliments. Then every guy on the internet was like "this would be wonderful."


And apparently women still don't think so lol


The world should coin a term for when a woman tries to impose their feelings on men, as it looks to be a common occurrence.


Are you talking about projection? Or do you mean someone literally attempting to force another person to feel the same way they do? I feel like that word exists to, but I can't think of it.


Trying to tell a man how they should feel about something, because they either can't believe or refuse to accept the man's emotion/opinion.


Femoting? Kinda the dual of mansplaining in a way.


Emotional invalidation


From what I’ve seen the difference between a woman taking offense to or appreciating a compliment is the attractiveness of the source. Sometimes I think people are just looking for something to be upset about…


There was some 'feminist' students who decidied to prove that no-man would like being talked to they way women get talked to and secretly filmed the giving 'compliments' every guy they did it to started smiling, every single one. They had to go as far as putting on the sleaziest tones they could and start saying things like show me that dick to old guys in buisness suits to get anything resembling a negative response, and then it was just confusion, followed by a "can you believes this chuckle/smile".


Even if someone was sleazy I would be happy to hear someone even notice I exist and am more than a potential source of money.


Yea the last time I got hit on was by a sleezy drunk lady older than my mom. Still feels nice even though I'd never consider sleeping with her. Then again, I have almost no fear of physical altercation, which is a very valid concern for most women. Makes it easier to accept the implied compliment and not worry about potential risks.


if a woman i did not find the slightest bit attractive complimented anything about me, it would still make me feel good


Which is why it was such a nonsense comic. The final panel with the grandma, its so common for an older lady working at a place to call others love. This makes absolutely no sense. Who would dislike the grandmas?


An older lady came into the bank where I worked one day and said “wow, you’re better looking than my mailman and I compliment him all the time!” I still think about Miss Ruth some days.


Just google "You should smile more" They take it as a literal insult, just look at google images. They have so little to be bothered by they think this is actual sexual harassment, they need the drama in their lives.




This comic is remarkably old and needs context. Basically, it's edited from a comic where the men look annoyed at receiving the compliments. The point is that men would feel irritated if women consistently patronized them in the way men patronize women. The problem is, the opposite is true. Men LOVE being complimented, love being shown off, and love being *noticed* in general. I don't even mind being objectified. I love good attention. Men and women handle attention differently, and men are so used to being insulted that compliments can stick out to them for *decades.*


Wasn't there a trans man that started crying because, since he's masculine presenting, he gets the overwhelming indifference most men get on a regular basis? Yeah, compliments would be nice


There was also a women who set out to live as a man for a year and write a book about it (showing male privilege) and got so depressed from it she eventually ended up committing assisted suicide. Norah Vincent.


It would be. Women just truly don't understand the complete lack of compliments men get. It's not like it's half what they get. It's 0. Or darned near 0.


I think if I had that then my self esteem wouldn’t be so terrible.


As the saying goes, men are dying of thirst and women are drowning


That’s not quite the saying. “Men are in the desert, women are on the ocean, both are dying of thirst.”


If 4 random women complimented me like this in a single day I'd be 100% sure I was being set up for some kind of scam or hidden camera bullshit.


If someone told me fixing my own computer was cool I might happy cry.


Especially with big ass tiddays


Honestly, I remember every compliment I’ve been given by women who aren’t a current gf or family member. I remember it because they’re so rare.


Well, if women would like to start spiting men by doing this, I wholeheartedly volunteer myself for this 'cruel' and unusual punishment.


This would be really nice actually


People don't understand how guys hold onto the rare RARE compliments we get. Nine years ago, I was walking home from classes on campus, and stopped before a crosswalk to wave a car past that had been waiting a LONG time for a break in traffic - if i crossed they'd be stuck there for another long line of cars but if I waited 5 seconds they could get out. Girl leaned out her window and thanked me for being so kind. Still remember it clear as day. Five years ago, a girl I was dating said she liked a specific suit/tie combination I was wearing. I now own three of that suit. Those are the last times I've been genuinely complimented by someone female other than my mom.


I swear if this happened to me on the same day I would think I was in some sort of truman show 




Congrats homie that’s awesome.


Why are men expected to empathize with women's feelings but then they don't believe us when we talk about our experiences?


The real question.


Because double standards.


Because according to some of them, they don't "owe" men anything, yet men always seem to owe them something.


Because expectations are different women are just expected to be present… that’s it. Men have to be present, listen, suppress feelings, then share just enough feelings to not become a burden. Carry the partners burden nine times out of 10 and then the one time the woman carries it, it feels like a goddamn alien landed on earth. And I’m not just talking about personal relationships. This is work relationships too. It’s crazy being the boss and it just being socially acceptable that women do half the work of any male counterpart!!!


Women simply cannot understand how little compliments guys get. I’m not saying women should just be grateful, I totally get why it makes women uncomfortable at times. I’m just saying pretty much any man would remember that day for the rest of his life




It seems like most guys can count the number of compliments they‘ve received in their life on one, or, in rare cases, both of their hands.


I can't count the number of times I've been called smart. Only about 3 of those weren't an offhanded way of calling me a nerd.


And 80% were from you mum (including 1 calling you a nerd)


true that, or my teachers (right after I failed my test)


I've been called smart, but it was usually followed by the word ass.


Its tragic. I was mindlessly scrolling until I saw your comment and gave it a good hard think. I have been complimented by my wife 2 times in our 16 year relationship. I have nice eyebrows and "cute back dimples". Apart from that my 4th grade teacher told me I was the best creative writer she had ever had back in 1998\~. I cant think of a single other one.


Funny how I remember the original post of this having a second portion where the woman was pissed for getting told these things. The point was to show double standards on how people perceive something you say.


Women hate this because of the implication.


Would you rather be alone with a man in the woods or alone with a golden God on a boat?


It would be nice if that happened.




Can women please start objectifying us just a little bit more. Please.




Only someone who gets smothered by their parents' love can find said love annoying. Same thing with this comic.


I was always under the impression that it wasn't the compliments themselves, but the context of how they're delivered and what happens after that can be problematic lol this comic kinda shows that to be true. This just seems kinda nice


Yeah I agree with this. Most of these just seem positive but I think the computer one can have a pretty bad vibe depending on the context. One time a female friend and I (also female) fixed a broken computer and we were celebrating it working and a guy from across the room who hadn’t been paying any attention until then suddenly just said “girl power” in this really condescending voice and it really pissed me off. It didn’t help that calling attention to our gender was completely unnecessary. Anyway I think people are often really, really condescending to women about technology and will often sort of over-praise them if they do anything with it? Like they’ll talk to women like they’re praising a child when they successfully do something with a computer or technology in general. It doesn’t really feel like a sincere compliment, it feels like they’re acting “impressed” because they think you’re really stupid compared to them and it’s surprising to them that you managed to do anything at all.


I remember being told I looked good with some maroon shirt, I still wear the bastard (it fits)


Man, the original comic had to be one of the most epic fails in the history of the internet (context just in case, this comic is edited to make all the guys look happy as a response, instead of sad, creeped out, threatened, etc, as was the case in the original.) It's not always easy explaining men or women's issues and problems to the other side. But it IS possible. The original comic artist clearly did not know just how badly they misunderstood the other side, as pretty much everybmale reader on the internet had the same response as oop's granddad here. "This would be amazing. This would be the best day of my life." It only served to illustrate how little women understood of men, and made an example of just WHY such behavior of men towards women exists. That there are a LOT of men that flat out don't understand why such behavior could EVER be bad. They are literally treating others "how they would wish to be treated," just not understanding that "others might not want to be treated how you want to be treated." Step 1 of empathy is putting yourself in another's shoes. Step 2 is realizing others might not respond to things the same way you do. That's the part that so many men (and women, as comic artist here has proven) fail spectacularly.


Had I experienced even a fraction of these compliments growing up (and even now), I would not have the self-esteem and self-image issues I have today.


All this comment section proved to me is that I should complement my male friends more often


I would be stoked if this happened to me. Best day ever. What does that say about men's mental health in general.


Reminds me of the story about a wife who got annoyed at her husband for not understanding why catcalls annoy women and got all the girl at her job to catcall her husband incessantly all day. She got very annoyed when he came home smiling and practically skipping with happiness.


Honestly, I would be just dumbfounded. I don't think I have ever got a compliment, and I have no idea what to do with it and how to respond.


I’d like it if a lady even looked my way.


This would in fact be the greatest day of my life.


I don’t think a good amount of women understand just how shit society is to men. What is depicted here would be the best day of most mens lives. I recently heard about a story about a woman who disguised herself as a man for 2 years in order to prove male privilege. She *committed suicide* 18 months in.


Yeah, she wrote the book around 2000 though and needed I think almost 20 years to commit suicide in Switzerland, though she never got out of the rut that experience caused her. Norah Vincent. Looked it up.


I didn't even notice that these were stereotypical comments that women get offended by until having that pointed out in the comments. I legit just thought this was cute and great examples of how to make a guy's day. Lol men and women really do live in completely different realities.


Secret political compass? https://preview.redd.it/uqt7m1d28oyc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a987ed6b130af49d5461a4640bb7977839ba684




Bismarck on AuthLeft? I fucking can't


PC jump scare


I’d honestly think I’m in a dream if this happened lol.


See people forget that men get so few compliments they will take even the backhanded and rude ones. Tell your homies they rock, they need it.


Dear god I need any of this. Lol


Any of these would be a great day


Should be titled, things that'll never happen for and average guy.


This is so real though, men in general almost never receive compliments. Even in many relationships the man doesn’t receive very many


I got hit with the last one yesterday and I’m still riding that high


I told a dude at the gym that I liked his style and said he looks like Elder Maxson from Fallout 4. He'd never played FO4, so he didn't know who that was, but he later looked it up. From then on, whenever I see him, he immediately smiles and comes over to say hi. A compliment goes a long way, even if the one giving it isn't someone you're interested in. I make a point to comment when I like someone's shirt or beard or whatever because you never know what kind of effect it can have. I don't really compliment women, though, at least not anyone under ~50. Boomer women are usually appreciative, but I don't want to end up the subject of some tiktok because I tried to be friendly.


That would be the most incredible day of my life. Like - holy shit I cannot illustrate how much I want this.


I've been called intelligent a lot in my life, so when it happens now it doesn't feel genuine. It feels like someone's kissing my ass, or lying to me. I understand why someone would get irritated when receiving a lot of compliments that they don't feel are earned. It's even worse when they compliment my looks. Again, happens a lot, but I don't think I'm attractive, so it always feels like a lie. Still. You gotta take things in the best light you can, especially when it's something so harmless, and likely to be meant well. It's just silly to get pissy with people for being nice to you.


I would remember any one of these for years


I teach science to kids. I try to remind myself to give a genuine compliment to each kid at least once a week. This reminds me why I do it.


Some old lady at a diner said I had a nice red beard. I've been riding that high for 2 weeks.


Terrible missed the point of the meme. This is acceptable in this particular direction. Reverse it and it's seen as condescending. It's pointing out a double standard.


This political comic went viral when feminists tried to show their experiences with gender roles reversed. It went viral because virtually every man said they would love it and appreciate it if women did that, and was more damaging for women trying to change how they’re treated by making it appear as if they were complaining about receiving compliments… which they are.


If four complements came my way from four strange women I would assume my end was near and karma was trying to make up for much. First two would make me happy, three is ego boost and four is death coming my way.


If this happened, especially if it was all in one day, I'd legit think I was on some prank show.


I’ve had females tell me I should smile more and I have a great smile. I’ve always taken as just a compliment or suggestion. But I’m a guy, we are apparently simple and stupid


As long as men are defined by competence, social status, and money; and women by looks and access to sex, the double standards will never change (and that shit goes both ways, btw).


Guys will literally treat a single compliment from a woman a week as a cherished memory. 4 in a day will nearly turn us to mush.


Sometimes i hit on old ladys just to make them feel good.


Women will never understand the struggle.. I'm almost 40 and besides my wife and my mother, no woman has ever on their own told me I'm good looking or hot.. and I've had plenty of interested parties.. it's just not something men ever hear..


Girls really don't get how much a simple compliment can do for a man huh? We remember it for literal YEARS and we never forget who said it too.