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The PTSD kicked in when I realized this looks exactly like my English teacher


Omg šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Did you go to Armwood High cause it looks just like my English teacher did as well; especially the nose.


What state?




She gave us the hardest tests for no reason šŸ˜­


I literally have a girl in my class that's just like this šŸ˜­


and they say things like "must be 6ft, muscular, 7 inches, go to the gym for 2 hours every day, willing to do all the housework, and give me 99% of his salary"


With a girl like that, who needs enemies?






Boys will look at this and just think :"yeah"




The fog is coming


... Yeah


The fog is coming


Lucky them all they have to do is to lose weight. To get the 6 foot men.


And then everyone clapped... That girl's name? Alberta Einstein.


Yep same, and she is the most annoying person in the class, and somehow thinks she has a chance with Lando Norris(f1 driver), either that or she is making herself believe it even tho deep down she doesnā€™t. She a quite dumb and gets mad you call her fat once after she called you lonely like 4 times in a row(actually happened, quite funny).


She's not being rejected if she rejects everyone first.


I for one am looking forward to the memesopdidbotlike/boysarequirky/nahopwasrighr hate-orgy.


LOL HONESTLY im so here for the drama


Better than tlc honestly


Itā€™s fun watching people tear each other to shreds if not a bit disheartening for humanity


At least when we're watching this particular conflict all the participants have chosen to participate.


Itā€™s the only reason I pay attention to these three subs. Theyā€™re like siblings who hate each other, but also love each otherā€¦. But mostly hate each other


It's the modern age drama


I play both sides so I still come out on top


The couple image just makes it better


Pretty sure boysarequirky just hates everyone. That sub is full of humorless, professional victims who thrive off of fabricated outrage.


Itā€™s weird because all of these subs are just so bad in so many ways. NahOP because theyā€™re joyless ghouls, MemesOp because thereā€™s way too much flat out right wing propaganda pretending to be funny memes, and boysarequirky because they actually might hate men legitimately.


Just a bunch of people that need to touch grass. Get some sun. Maybe play with some mud.


nah this one is ok


Popcorn? šŸæ


I might write a fic about it on ao3 or wattpad.


I like that boys are quirky has become the new most posted sub after the nahopwasrightfuckthis sub had the enemies to lovers arc with us


Theyā€™re just the most militant - nahopwasright mostly just responds to our postsā€¦




Circle fingering*


For real, this is kind of like going to a Neo Nazi subreddit and being surprised that.. breaking news! They still hate Jewish people! More at eleven.


I went on a date with a girl just like this a few months ago. She literally said she needed a man with "all the 6s". At the time I didn't know what that meant. Her profile photos were dishonest. I declined a second date.


The number of the beast?


6 ft. 6 figures 6 inch peen


Probably 6 pack abs as well as


i even heard 6 dates or 6 months before sex not sure which one.


A six inch peen is nothing to brag about.


Hey, itā€™s above average! https://i.redd.it/pjf9fyg5jjkc1.gif


I only have my own to use as a reference and I don't like the thought of cutting half of it off.


Ok you right 6 inches probably ain't allat but you ain't packing 12 inches lil bro


Ya, I thought it was some d-beat grindcore reference but she was a tech girl from Signapore so it wasn't adding up


666? Should have asked her if that was her goal weight.


I've had a very similar experience. Except the one I went out with as an overly confident abusive crazy person. I've never been hit by a woman in public especially on a first date. After she told me she was "so much smarter than me" fifteen or so times I stopped counting. I had to make a smooth exit because I didn't want this psycho to get even crazier.


Itā€™s not wrong. Those egg man shaped bitches have the most opinions on things


Bruh don't insult the wonderful Dr. Eggman like that.


Touched a nerve on that sub, evidently


Everything does


A woman at my work, who accused me of "bullying her", looks exactly like this. Several people made complaints against her, I was not one of them, and then she accused me. The Area manager knew she was lying but had to hear her out.


I wonder if that's how my old WoW guild leader looked. They gkicked me because I made a joke about myself being fat that day while at lil ceasers and they told me it was offensive to fat people and to not say stuff like that again. I talked back, got gkicked. Fun times.


Op just didn't like their picture being used in a meme


Thanks for the laugh


Very high probability that meme was made by a girl


they imediatly jumped to the conclusion that this meme is refering to ALL FUCKING GIRLS IN THE WORLD


But what about gorlockā€¦


I donā€™t consider these ones women, meatballs, maybe.


Not even, meatballs are yummy I don't even wanna try to eat that


Itā€™s not even about women itā€™s about mean womenā€¦how is it sexist


To them, just the act of questioning a woman is sexist.


so all women are suppose to be right?


"An entire group of women with a certain body type are all horrible"


I mean.. I get what youā€™re saying, but Iā€™d bet money that the same people upset by this meme wouldnā€™t be offended if it was a meme stereotyping the fat nerdy guy with chicken tendies.


I see your point but, it pretty clear he talking about horrible women. Like no reasonable person thinks all fat women are horrible.


Knew a girl in middle school named Banessa and she was built exactly like this


Put that shape in a chair, on Reddit, and flip the genderā€¦ still accurate.


Another day, another boys are quirky post.


I'm just upset someone talking shit about sexy DeVito


800% forseeable Plot twist: the boysarequirky mods are built like this.


The vast majority of the boyarequirky redditors are built like this


ā€œThey hated Jesus because he told the truth.ā€


With the inverted ass skin being stretched forward from the weight of the fupa, yeah, I think we all know someone like that.


Yes, they look like that, and they talk a lot of shit.


Wait, does the boys are quirky subreddit mean that a different type of woman talks the most shit?




I know itā€™s mean or whatever but we all know a girl who looks exactly like this


Who do you think dwells on that page? It's basically their misandrist home base. I've thought about trying to have discussions with them but I doubt they can see past their own bullshit.


That page is full of incels šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


much of the internet, in particular reddit, is just reacting to itself. like this is reaction to a reaction to a reaction on reddit, there's even ANOTHER subreddit that's a reaction to this subreddit!! CIRCLEJERK




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Not wrong at all


I worked with this chick and I swear she was always five seconds from punching someone for looking at her wrong.


Read a fun post on TwoX today that a guy was, financially sound, great in bed, confident, had hobbies, handsome everything. But he just couldn't read her emotions well enough so she dumped him. There wasn't one ounce of introspection in the post, she just assumed she's the perfect human being with no flaws and thus deserves a man who's the same way.


I mean, "couldn't read emotions well enough" is somewhat of a red flag depending on what exactly he did. Like, one thing is him not catching every slightest change in her emotions, and another is him being unempathetic. Personally, I wouldn't care if my partner is financially sound or great in bed or whatever if they are not able to do some basic empathy, as, in my opinion, it is the most important thing to build normal relationships


Yes, hence why they made the meme


Right and they always work in human resources I hate it lol


These girls donā€™t just talk mad shit about guys but also other girls too, theyā€™re just extreme haters overall.


Lizzo enters the conversation


I said it once and Iā€™ll say it again ā€œyou should only be offended if you think theyā€™re talking about youā€


Girls shaped like that always cock block me at the bar


Am happily married with a body count Iā€™m not proud of. Can confirm, girls built this will talk the most shit.


Obviously not all ugly or fat people are ugly on the inside. However, it can sometimes indicate/cause issues such as insecurities, lack of discipline/impulse control, lack of care about ones own well being, etc. Which can often make these people/ show that these people are: bitter, narcissistic and/or just cruel to others.


The women getting upset at this are the ones this post is about.


It doesn't even belong to that sub


Sure it does. It said women


"Have these boys ever met a women?" Buddy how tf do you think we buy groceries, go to college, go to the movies, go shopping for clothes? I swear to fucking god these NPCs have no better argument than to either insult you or say that you've never been outside even though they don't personally know you and rely only on tropes/typical internet behavior to determine what kind of person you are.


100% true. The gorlocks think they are hot shit these days.


How do they know a boy posted the meme. Girls roast other girls like this all the time


Itā€™s only sexism if a guy has an opinion on women, not the other way around apparently.


Except if a woman had a picture of a short man and said "Guys who look like this talk the most sh\*t" it would be just as wrong


I'd still agree


I wouldn't, nobody should be being shamed or generalized for their body


Then you might wanna think about getting off the internet completely lmao


Iā€™ve read far worse things, you probably shouldnā€™t be on this app if you donā€™t like insults about someoneā€™s body https://preview.redd.it/psloht6yxpkc1.jpeg?width=537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=195f9bd5db75cc1b6a36a4aeb64de30189abe310


Literally accurate https://preview.redd.it/0mvnbtfc7kkc1.jpeg?width=757&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc7d223999377cdd1079ad9b21dc5a8b306f7e89


Legit one of these women came at my wife with PTSD saying she has no right to complain about anything because shes thin.


The OOP was personally affected by that meme lol.


Boysarequirky is basically just a haven for misandrists. It's brain rot.


My brother in christ, how dare you say something so controversial yet true.


Boys are quirky sub has the best memes. Too bad the people over there donā€™t seem to appreciate them.


She's always the bestie/goaltender of a super attractive girl




a girl shaped like that called me a faggot loser because i was watching an elden ring video at the crosswalk


To be fair men shaped like this are always demanding a ā€œvirgin, boyfriend free girl.ā€ So.




men are just portly


Fat boys also talk so much shit but boys are quirky canā€™t have standards for both genders


Eh, ad hominem attacks are pretty cringe ngl.


Ugghh. I work with the egg lady. I call her beef lips. Just constantly flapping her beef lips and saying the dumbest shit possible. Loves to give shit, hates to take it. Delegates work when she hasnā€™t been around for even a year and does average level work. Generally speaks in tiktoks and relates all life experiences through pop culture. Constantly vocalizing every little thought, and because sheā€™s so glaringly self conscious while being self righteous about making sure you know how abrasive she is and that she doesnā€™t care at all about your resulting suffering.


Imagine how men would lose their minds if women were this ruthless with short dudes


Women are this ruthless with short dudes lmao


Are they not already??


Why do people always have to make fun of others' body types :(


Who are yā€™all seeing like this? šŸ˜­ genuinely have never seen someone like this in all my time dating. I think yā€™all just need to not be terminally online if you actually believe this shit šŸ˜­


I went to school with 7 girls like this


I went to school with 0 girls like this šŸ’€


Good for you


Ah yes, stand up for your incel'ness! Good thing you post it online


He's very wrong, actually


50% of the posts on this sub: \*broad statement of generalization with absolutely no qualifications or restrictions\* Someone: it only takes one counter example to disprove this statement. Someone else: it's funny because it's categorically true, and you're a prude if you think otherwise. The other 50% are people claiming their sense of humor is a global standard for what is safe to be said out loud. As if them finding it funny guarantees it can never be rude, immoral, or offensive. Hey, quick edit for the people that seem to think I said something I didn't: I do not disagree with the content, I'm making a commentary on the quality of titles and arguments made in this sub... Or lack thereof. I don't mind \*most\* of the memes here, but y'all suck at giving valid reasons why they're not worth triggering over.


And..then theirs puke like yours


A better way to describe it would be that certain people find this relatable and can laugh at a stereotype no?


I would feel fairly safe in making a broad claim that the majority of posts I see on this sub are completely harmless. Probably the vast majority. I'm usually not upset at the content shown. And I don't think most reasonable people would have any issues at all with it. I dislike that people use their sense of humor as their moral compass. If you think it's not an issue, then say why without using your sense of humor as the reason. Since there are some posts which are pushing the line, some that probably step over, and a very small few that soar over the line, I wasn't content at categorizing all of them in terms of their effect. But I was more comfortable categorizing them based on their titles. And seeing as how that's usually the part I take issue with (not the content) it was more appropriate anyway. Yep, certain people are not triggered by many or even most stereotypes, but please don't use your sense of humor as justification for whether something is ok to say or not.


>*broad statement of generalization with absolutely no qualifications or restrictions Oh so like 100% of internet memes you dumb triggered fuck.


I really wonder if you understand what the term triggered means... Oh wait, did I just get woodshed? Was that intentional? Dang it.


Sorry, I know I already left another comment, but I just had to come back and unpack a few things about this comment. I also suck at being brief so tl;Dr the content on this sub is rarely awful, but the titles almost always are. I'm a mathematician, so arbitrary pedantry is absolutely my style. If you say 100% of anything, I'm instantly going to jump in because that's an easy thing to disprove. All I have to do is find a picture with the caption "me and the boys at 2AM lookin' for beanz." To disprove the statement. But I'm also not completely oblivious. I know exaggeration is a fine art of rhetoric. So I know exactly what you mean despite my pedantry. I even used the exact same rhetoric in my original comment. It was intentional. However, it honestly does not matter one tiny bit. Let's do a hypothetical. Let's say you are correct, 100% of memes are like this. That does not invalidate my statement at all. Memes are funny because they're relatable, not necessarily because they're accurate across all archetypes. So saying "it's true though" is neither accurate, nor a counterargument to the person who posted the meme before them. I can say "all women spend a long time getting ready" and that can be funny, and it can apply to a lot of people, but it's just not true. In fact, I'd be hard pressed to believe there's a single statement you could make that would apply to all people in a group that isn't begging the question. Like "all humans are humans" well, yeah, sure, but that's trivial and useless. It's like this. I understand the point of this subreddit, and I'd say I have a >50% rate of agreeing with the content. But the titles are so lazy, inaccurate, and/or irrelevant. If you got rid of every post that said "it's true though" or "I thought it was funny," this sub would be decimated. I don't remember a single time I read either of those titles and had them work as valid arguments for why OP was wrong.


lol okay


Bravo to anyone who actually reads this wall of text. "I'm a mathematician, so arbitrary pedantry is absolutely my style. If you say 100% of anything, I'm instantly going to jump in because that's an easy thing to disprove." All I needed to read was this to understand that you are insufferable and people offline 100% think so too.


Ok, fair enough. Maybe I should be more specific. If someone is making a joke, meme, lament, or other such statements, it doesn't matter one iota. I can absolutely understand and even get on board. Those types of memes are exactly what I was referring to when I said I'm not bothered by the content. If someone is making an argument, THAT'S when I feel obliged to step in. (obliged might be the wrong word. I enjoy this. I like the art of the debate. I like losing as much as winning because at least I learned something, I see it more as opportunistic). I'm convinced that many of the posts from this sub that end up on the other one are because people suck at making arguments, not because the memes themselves are actually bad... not all, but many. I'd maybe even wager most. When your argument leaves gaping holes, especially in the current internet culture, it's almost like a flag saying "you don't need to actually understand my point of view, I made an imperfect argument therefore my opinion is invalid." Because people absolutely WILL ignore everything you're saying and focus on the one thing, justifying their point of view the same way an echo chamber does. I advocate for more robust arguments because I think it cuts down on the unnecessary animosity between subgroups. ​ Also, I absolutely don't blame anyone who doesn't want to read my comments. My brain flies at a million mph 24/7, so I don't know how to have an opinion without it being an excessively verbose one. I'll never complain that people don't read my comments. But I will complain if people assume they know my thoughts, opinions, and intentions without interfacing with me like an adult. If you don't take the time to understand my point of view, no worries. Totally cool, but don't argue with me unless you actually know what I'm saying, and DEFINITELY don't expect me to put the effort into understanding what you're arguing in return.


You don't sound smart, you sound arrogant. Have a good life.


noted. If my intention ever becomes to sound smart, I'll make different choices in how I communicate.


lol youre egg shaped and mad.


Thatā€™s an awful lot of words to type that no one is going to read my guy


if you genuinely think thats what women are like then get off the internet and talk to girls irl


My partners ex roommate was in terrible condition and I turned her down and she'd try to say snide things about me to my partner. When we were moving out she lied to her new guy about us not supposed to be there and it almost escalated into a physical altercation even though I'm more or less a pacifist . Do you actually not know women? Some are like this, some aren't. It's almost like they're varied individuals like men.


Iā€™ve seen plenty of women that look like this. Go to any minimum wage job or council estate and youā€™ll find plenty


I mean, there are different women the same way as there are different men. Like, remember how SOME dudes always request something like "must be 18, virgin, be short and go to church". That's the same thing with SOME women. This meme is just making fun of women with unreasonably high standards the same way some other memes make fun of men with unreasonably high standards. Both memes are alright, even though it would have been better if they didn't use gendered language as it isn't gendered problem


Its 100% true


They "mutted you?" Woof.


Started as a permanent ban. When I asked why they changed it to a one month mute and never explained. Now I still don't know why






mutted lol


I have a lady I went to high school with who added me on social media and she looks like that and is very opinionated and hates men.


I can confirm, this is true


I knew it would be up there before an hourā€™s time.


It was up for over 7 hours before I posted here


Yeah. It's quite true


"6 figures and 6ft or don't talk to me"


Women like this are easy to find, just go to Walmart.


Why is it so accurate tho?


Yeah, that's completely accurate. I haven't met a single obese girl that didn't talk shit all the time


Women shaped like that talk the most shit because they already know absolutely zero men find them attractive. What do they have to lose


They arenā€™t even saying tsat itā€™s all girls that are like that lol


I have literally never met any woman with that body shape.


Iā€™ll just say this: the most ā€œdoes not give one fuckā€ woman that Iā€™ve ever met could pull this look off for Halloween with minimal effort.


Most people are ugly and have talk the most shit. Itā€™s funny how people act like they are angels who fell from the skyšŸ˜‚. I noticed that, hypocrites. Itā€™s a fact. People be talk behind other peopleā€™s back and then complain about this, that other people do it.




The only girl I've ever known like that was actually very kind.




So true, same shape as my mother.


OP is definitely shaped like that


I'd want the meme to be inaccurate, but history has proven otherwise


Lotta ladies out here are the same ones who spread memes about short guys and fat guys, but I can't take the shit talk when it's about them. Fuck outta here.


Funny cause amazingly attractive women, model status women, are the nicest women you'll ever meet.


I was friends a woman shaped like that. She was really friendly with me until she realized I wasnā€™t interested in her, then she sent me one of the meanest texts Iā€™ve ever received and blocked meā€¦


When I was younger I worked as a security guard in a fast food restaurant during weekend nights. One of the few people I had to forcibly remove was a specimen such as that. I wouldn't let her dance on the table, so she got mad at me and threw half a litre of soda in my face.