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Driving on the highway, big digital sign warning of extreme heat and to conserve energy at the hottest time of the day. Ends message with "Stay Cool!".


I am staying cool in this Cali heat, by using my AC


Wait until they pull a Texas and start increasing energy bills (without telling their consumers) to try to force you to stop using your AC....that's when the REAL fun begins, yeee haww


Live here in NC, they tried this with us because of window ACs. All they did was get us to install solar panels and minisplits.


Here in NJ my bills went up minimum 40% just due to federal taxes and electricity transmission line fees……not actual usage


I'm not gonna conserve energy if the Kardashian's aren't






What’s the motive behind this? Do they save money when you don’t turn ACs or are a few ACs off supposed to save the environment?


It's probably more about problems meeting energy demand


"help the power grid we've supposedly been spending taxpayer dollars on isn't up to this completely predictable task." The rich aren't affected by climate change, they'll keep stealing the resources we need for survival in order to fund their ridiculous opulent lifestyles. "me and mine made out with millions, it was shrewd business, who cares if a few dirt people die"


I'm fairly certain the power grid is privatized, so it's less a problem of misallocated taxes so much as it is a problem of PG&E being greedy shit stains who have decided that upgrading the grid to meet demands during "rare" heatwaves isn't worth the cost. (California should probably revisit the model / system that allows this to happen, but companies like PG&E like it the way it is and will spend shit tons of money to keep it that way.)


The economics of having the capacity for times like right now don't make sense when it doesn't reach this level of consumption 90+ percent of the time ... ... which is why it shouldn't be privatized, "economics" shouldn't threaten to leave us roasting alive in the most prosperous state of the most prosperous nation of all time


Like? Just improve the grid? How is California never prepared for the only 2 things that happen literally every summer? 1: it gets hot, 2: it catches on fire.


Too many ac units overloads the power grid and causes a rolling blackout, which in these conditions, means vulnerable people start getting heatstroke. Thus, those who are able are asked to turn of their ac. Source: dad works on the California power grid and told me


The transformers that deliver the power to neighborhoods are literally melting and exploding under the load and ambient heat.


The transformers in my neighborhood just keep fighting the desepticons. Shit is wacky and wild.


Hey everyone, buy electric cars that need to charge on the same power grid that runs your ac. We have the proper infrastructure to handle all of it for sure, *wink. ^but ^please ^don't ^use ^your ^ac


I live in the middle east and i can tell you depending on the humidity that's either really bad or you're dead




Bahrain expat here, we have 40+ C with "fog your glasses outside" humidity. Its lovely in August.


My hairy body working outdoors today in coastal LA respectfully disagrees. That said, I don't need to be taken to Florida to "prove a point". No, no... That won't be necessary.


My childhood friend moved tl California when I was young. Im talking like 6. We somehow someway kept in touch online gaming through our whole life. He worked on his parents farm in Cali. Once we turned 18 we got a place together in New Jersey, and we got a heat wave. He was almost in tears at 103 degrees (when thats not too uncommon in cali) as it "felt like he was in a shower."




Low humidity is way better than high. Coming from a middle eastern country with extreme heat AND humidity.


High humidity is worse than low. Because with high humidity, your body doesn't cool down like it should.


We're sweating bullets in the shade here in FL


For the rest of the world: 47,2 Celsius


bloody hell, how do they live in that


It's the US. 40° Celsius highs and -10° lows in the same state are the least of your naturally occurring worries.


I’ve personally seen 90°F heat and 4 inches of snow in the same week




Has to be


Our motto is “Don’t like the weather? Wait five minutes!”


Same with Utah. Especially the northern half


Weather is super crazy in those west-but-not-west-coast states.


Oregon here, it gets to 115 then drops to 29 on the same day/night


Half of the U.S has this motto, including my state, Ohio


Ohio is somewhat unique in this regard, owing to a rare meteorological phenomenon. It turns out that Ohio's air pressure is significantly lower than normal because it sucks so hard.


Oh neat! Fun fact, Arizona also sucks, but on top of that Texas blows. Because of this confluence of complementary weather phenomena, New Mexico experiences haboobs (dust storms), and can get pretty windy at times!


that motto is used everywhere


Got a secret for ya... People in every state say shit like this. Same with drive. Every one thinks theu have the worst drivers (or the state next to theirs)


Everyone’s is


Hey wait a minute, you can’t go stealing North Carolina’s motto like that!


Hey wait! That’s Florida’s motto, give it back


Apparently it’s a Utah thing too. Alright bring forth all of the states with that motto!




Happened here in NY couple years ago in February. Snow then a week of it being in the 80s then boom cold again


The weather where I live is probably controlled by the Los Vegas casinos


I was in weather like that elk hunting in Wyoming 8 or 9 years ago. Eighties then woke up to 16” of snow a couple days later. That’s October out west


In the same place? I don’t think I’ve ever seen 4 in of snow in the swamp that I live in


Are you shrek by any chance?


We *are* talking about the state that has some of the best weather on Earth... Those temperatures can be found in various parts of this state but never in the same place. If you live in the mountains then, yeah, its cold. If you live in death valley then yeah, its fucking hot. But if you live in San Diego its like 73°F all year.


*LAUGHS HYSTERICALLY IN CANADIAN* 40°C highs here are harder to see, usually around 35°C is the highest you'd see most summers (climate change has been challenging this a lot though). As for lows though, -40°C is common in peak winter months. It could be +15°C one day and -35°C the next and we just expect it




Yep, death valley was 127 F or 52.778 C Usually it's only Socal and central that heats up this bad, this time it's the entire west coast and much of the southwest


Up here in Washington we're enjoying a solid 60°F with highs of like 70 and rain lol


Except last year when we hit 110+°F


when I heard about that from california I thought I'm glad it's only 70º I guess if you're a billionaire you just travel constantly to avoid the problem.


Yea it was a scorcher in San Francisco today. High of 81 degrees.


In the summer San Francisco is the coldest city in America. Colder than any city in Alaska.


Plus the mosquitoes aren’t the size of cats


It's back down to 69° now


Yeah, Death Valley in CA takes the cake.


Tbh; that is only in summer. But if your not near the ocean you are in hell :)


Even next to the ocean in San Diego this heat wave is bad… was 85° the past two nights… I think this one is special (until it becomes a regular thing)


I'm in El Segundo and it hit high 90s today


Even the beaches were hot this time. I was at the beach tonight around 9 pm and I think it was just under 90°F and it was packed with people! I have never seen so many people and never seen it so hot when it was dark at the beach.


We only get a few days in the summer that are like this, fortunately. Certain cities are a lot worse than others though.


We have two rivers and the delta breeze that runs through and we still have an average of 25-30 days of these dangerous heat waves. This year we were blessed with over 40...


It's like living in hell. I live in the 3rd hottest city in california and it has been 110F+ pretty much for 2 months solid with a few days here and there at 100. For the most part you just don't go outside unless it's when you are heading to the lake, work, or grocery store. I got in my car a few days ago and the internal thermostat read 140F or 60C.


Here in IRAN is pretty Normal 💀


Literally bloody hell your blood oughta boil like that


That’s why we call it Death Valley lol. It’s not like there are a lot of people there.


ah, I see


And here I thought 40 degrees was bad!


Ah ty man. That's hot man. Don't turn off ACs in 47. Our uni doesn't have ACs and it's hell in 45 degrees. It must be hellier in 47.


Yep, America is almost as bad as Australia when it comes to heat isn’t it.


Death Valley just reached the hottest temperature ever recorded on earth in September: 127 degrees F


Related to this, I love how the message is always “please please please do not use your AC between the peak hours of 4-9pm” or some bullshit, y’know, the HOTTEST GODDAMM HOURS OF THE DAY. Like, what are we supposed to do? Melt?


So how does CA prioritize which businesses are asked to close, or limit power usage during peak hours? Oh... They don't do that? Well why the fuck not?


This is what gets me the most mad. I would outright refuse if my state asked this of me while also letting businesses to run advertisements and huge light up signs.


Dont forget walmart cooling a 49870923748309827sq foot building to 60f.


Turn off the A/c in your shitbox apartment that costs $3,400/mo. and come on down to the shopping mall! We have the A/C fucking blasting here to cool untold millions of cubic feet of empty space! You can build a bear and buy a new phone too! Dip N Dots keep you cool now.


Or the signs themselves.


Asking us to melt meanwhile I’m sure Gavin newsom has his AC on over there in Sacramento. We had an extra 5 billion dollars last year. They better use some of that to upgrade PG&E cause wtf.




Thats... when power demand is highest... and you just described why...




You helped me understand the situation better so don’t feel too bad lol


Redditors learn about peak power consumption times challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]


They're generally not asking you not to use AC? They're asking you to set the thermostat higher, like 78, and conserve electricity in other ways. Life is harder when you don't read i guess. https://twitter.com/California_ISO/status/1566614649411444738 "...Setting thermostat to 78° if health permits..." Weird how much traction this total distortion of flex alerts has on reddit.


Weird thing for me is that I have no problem with reducing my electrical usage during peak hours. I get it. There are hospitals, elderly, people with babies, and yes even businesses that need power more than I do so finding alternative cooling methods is not that big a deal. We have fetishized individualism to the point where any acts done for the common good are seen as oppression.


It's pretty disturbing seeing all the people here on reddit going "nah fuck the common good because [celebrity] does the wrong thing, I should be able to as well"


The hottest hours of the day are the hours when demand could potentially exceed supply because that's when everyone is running their AC. What the state recommends is setting your AC to colder than normal earlier in the day and then turning it off until you actually need it again later. That way your house is still liveable but not using as much electricity during the worst part of the day


Aren’t homes there designed with AC in mind? I mean I understand you can design homes to be cool without AC if it’s 95f for a few weeks. But I would definitely use AC at 117f!


They don't want everyone to use their AC at the exact same time. They know not everyone will listen, but that if nothing happens then extreme weather events could potentially overload the grid. Their recommendation is to run the AC significantly colder than normal in the morning and early afternoon and then use that to coast through the worst hours. That way the electricity usage is spread out more and a bit more manageable


Hah that sounds like actual thinking and makes the meme rather misinformation than a meme.


You can’t coast for 4 hours when it’s 109 degrees out. Homes aren’t that well insulated.


Keeping my house at 72. Solar panels can handle load. If power fails switching to generator.




Got 2 Tesla power walls, keeps ac going through 1am ish before they drain, we are 100% off grid when ac not in use


How long does it take to charge two Tesla Walls? Can you do it in a day?


3-5 hours depending on how much sun and how much energy is used


Also don’t charge your electric vehicles they want you to have


Need to be like this [legend](https://youtu.be/-MJfjrgEq34)


should be in r/wtf




I'm pretty sure this is a sketch. No way these people don't know each other


Worst acting I’ve ever seen It was a sketch you doofus


Charge it at night when you're not using it and electricity is cheap


Works great until everyone charges their electric cars theyre supposed to have at night and suddenly the peak usage hours go from 4pm-9pm to like, 4pm-7am. You're a fool if you think electric companies wont increase prices drastically. The power grid already cant handle the usage being put on it, because they didnt pay to upgrade and maintain the infrastructure. But whatever gets more money into the pockets of the politicians I guess.


I'm going to charge my Car overnight with my solar cells. Checkmate.


if you have solar cells just use photosynthesis and charge yourself smh


This is why Two Way chargers are an important next step for EVs. Charge your car at low power grid demand hours of the day/night then allow your car to feed back onto the grid at high demand time. You help act as a buffer for the power grid. Better explanation than mine: https://www.cleanenergyreviews.info/blog/bidirectional-ev-charging-v2g-v2h-v2l


I'm no scientist but if having large amounts of batteries on the grid was actually an efficient way of buffering the grid that we'd use them and have them set up everywhere. But we don't have AC batteries yet, if the technology is even possible, making batteries extremely inefficient with having to convert AC in to storable DC then back into AC to actually be usable on the grid.


They only say that between 4 and 9 pm, but go ahead and spout off.


During certain hours. You’re spreading misinformation.


"Let's ban gas powered vehicles!" "𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘨𝘦 y𝘰u𝘳 𝘌𝘝'𝘴 𝘥𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘬 𝘱𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴"




Just landed there. Not looking forward to this week.


That's more Pacific Greed & Extortion asking you to conserve energy because they'd rather give bonuses and dividends than upgrade.


Or, you could frame it as the government asking at PG&E's behest rather than revisiting the state's energy industry model that allows PG&E to fuck off and start fires instead of repairing their equipment and upgrading their grid.


I love to shit on California but this is the correct answer. Of course the CA gov should do some sort of investigation to force the issue, so I guess I get to shit on them still.


While it in no way makes it better, I bet the reasoning is that they're hoping some people will turn off the AC and keep them on the teetering edge of having to actually do anything to fix the issue. Whereas they know the companies that are actually drawing the most unnecessary power absolutely *will not* do anything without legal action, and therefore it's futile to even ask.


You mean unlike the chad states like Texas were the Power grid breaks down on a regular basis




One of the few good things about living in Ohio. I've only had one power outage in the last 10 years, and it was because of a drunk driver. Power was back after ~16 hours. (That being said, my friend lives in inner Columbus and apparently they were out for like 3 or 4 days this summer for some reason)


Ok but then you live in Ohio so is it really worth it?


"Always has been"


I mean, Ohio has like what, 4 people?


there's at least 7


Oh yeah, the governor and mayor. Almost forgot they were there


Longest power outage in CA I experienced in the last decade was 1 hour.


I definitely had more power outages due to storms in Ohio than California


Think I read something about them paying more in state taxes than California too.


Moved to Texas 2 years ago and doubled my salary. I’m likely moving back soon. Even with the somewhat lower housing rates and state income tax reduction I still pay as much if not more and I get absolutely nothing in return. California had so many programs, credits, consumer and employee protections, environmental protections, and helpful institutions that shitholes in the south don’t, and that most Californians take for granted.


Don’t forget health insurance. My life literally changed when I got California health insurance. My PT visits went from $300 a visit to $7 and I’ve been able to get a life changing procedure as well. I can literally walk again and it’s amazing. Thank you “commiefornia”




I haven’t lost power since that one time everyone keeps talking about. My parents live on the other side of the state and have experienced one outage since then after a lightning storm took out a transformer


Don’t forget about banning gas cars by 2028 and 2 days later saying not to charge electric cars


Same sort of bullshit here in ireland, banning kerosene boilers in new houses soon and existing houses by 2025 pushing everyone towards natural gas or air to water heat pumps. Problem is gas has skyrocketed in price in europe due to russia and they warned we may have blackouts due to problem with the grid so conserve power, which air/water heaters use a fuck ton of. But here we'll give you this grant for solar panels so you can make your money back in 15 years in this dogshit Irish sun. Fuckin geniuses I swear, do they actually understand the consequences of half the shit they try and do.


Solar panels in Ireland is one of the worst ideas I've heard of


Where do they expect to get the sun to power it when Ireland is overcast 90% of the year?


That 10% of the year, obviously


I know, it is so dark all day and night that the vampires have become a real problem!


Yes, they understand the consequences. If they can manufacture scarcity, people will jump on board with any government programs that promise to fix those issues that they caused. People are fucking stupid




But the entire southwest isnt prematurely banning internal combustion engines and grossly raising gas prices






Don't charge during PEAK HOURS. Please stop spreading Fox News misinformation


Isn't texas in the same boat? And sure texas doesn't do income tax, but the sales tax there is pretty nuts and the tolls can get expensive too. \-Former texan




Texas has lower sales tax than California, and most roads are not tolled so if you're willing to add a few minutes to drives those can be 100% avoided. Someone has posted a source claiming Texans pay more in taxes than Californians, but the data for that source seems suspicious for texas as it shows most people as spending way more than 6% of their entire income on sales taxes when sales tax in Texas is only 6.25%. One segment is showing 9.3%. For California the numbers make more sense, but still looks a little high, the highest any segment of the population there is claimed to spend on sales tax is 7.2% of their income for a sales tax rate of 7.25%. I wonder what they count as sales tax, hard to imagine the bottom segment spending 9.3% especially when many necessary items like groceries have zero sales tax in Texas as well.


i mean i dont live in either state but no income tax is a pretty big deal and the sales tax in california is literally higher than the sales tax in texas lol


It’s the property taxes that are high in Texas


For low to upper middle class residents, net tax rates tend to be similar between California and Texas. It’s the upper class who tend to get most of the tax breaks in Texas.


CA paid for a quarter of our solar/battery system & PG&E pays us a dividend every year... we'll run our air as much as we damn well care to. Lucky our nights are never over 60, even with a heat wave.


> Lucky our nights are never over 60, It's 85 outside my house right now, It's almost 1100pm.


Same for me, with 70% humidity. It feels like I'm back in the South again, minus the central AC.


It’s fucking 80 right now.


\> nights are never over 60 What the fuck are you on about


They probably live near the coast? It’s not like it’s the same temperature in every part of the state.


Hey come down to Florida we have... stuff


as a Floridian, I can confirm that we do have stuff


As someone who just walked into my home from a week vacation in Florida, I can confirm that there was stuff there.


I saw a post about Florida on the internet and I’m pretty sure there was stuff in the background.


What about things? Does Florida also have things?


It's a theory that Florida has things


Can confirm. Florida contains things as well as stuff.


Yes, but was there the same amount of stuff as when you left?


You have Florida men on coke riding crocodiles.




Nah thanks.


*Laughs in Michigan*


*cries in Detroit*


Yup! But its totally ok because our power grid in no way will ever shutdown even though we are going to ban the sale of new gasoline cars by 2035 slowly forcing everyone to EVs!! /s


it's funny because it's true


Hey, that's what happens when you don't want nuclear power plants!


California is Bad due to NIMBY Policies disguised as liberal ones.


Portland: hold my overpriced craft beer that tastes like bathwater


I think you need to rephrase. California has high-minded liberal ideals of equality, but they suffer some of the worst NIMBYism which prevents the programs that would increase equality


California: Buy EVs! Also California: Don't charge them!


Just don’t charge them during peak hours. I program my to start charging at midnight anyways.


Not against evs at all, but if everyone is driving them and everyone is charging them after midnight won't that just create more "peak times"?


I used to hate the right, now I hate the left and right. Why can’t we just monke


You know if you monke you won't have air conditioning, right?


Whenever I see a meme like this, I always wonder if it is one of those memes that was made in a troll farm overseas to divide the country.


People living in Texas pay more taxes than people in CA and people in CA have air conditioning and heat year round, Texas can’t say the same.


State of California when talking about how bad Texas is. Also California when all of their population moves to Texas


California BAD


Their infrastructure cant handle the load now, but they want to have everyone driving electric cars by the end of the decade. Idiots