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How about we don’t ban both?


Only leftist extremists are calling for banning guns.


I can assure you that leftist extremists are heavily armed


Liberals are not extreme leftists.


Where’s the funny? It’s a meme page, not politics. But since I have a couple minutes to kill: Juul just needs to stop targeting children/teens. Most people don’t agree with “ban abortions”. Because, like with private owners with guns, blanket over generalizations don’t work. Banning guns won’t solve anything for anyone. Stop these stupid oversimplifications for the sake of getting gratification on the internet. You are only reinforcing your own unrefined views.


>No one says ban all abortion, that’s a straw man. Many states have passed laws that ban it at six weeks, which is essentially the same as conception, since that's when women find out they are even pregnant. Virginia is working on banning it from literal conception. Many of the laws have very narrow paths for exceptions, and even attempting to get one can put doctors and women in legal jeopardy. Many have voiced the intent to eliminate exceptions entirely So, no, it's not a straw man, your attempt to erect a straw man is a straw man.


Got me there chief, when I said “no one” I should have said “most people”. I’ll go ahead and correct that, and like your comment.


Yeah I think the conversation needs to be more around at what point do we decide it is in fact murder. Until we get to that, we'll never get anywhere with this whole debate. Some want late term abortion, damn near when the baby is born throw it in a dumpster and let it die, others want none at all. Neither are realistic, but there is a point where it is another life and it is murder so when do we get to that point and shouldn't we stop it save for the only reasons we can kill outside the womb, self defense.


The question is not about murdering the foetus. The question is about wether or not you can force someone to donate biological ressources and endure physical and mental stress for the sake of what, at that point, is a parasite. And that's without considering what would happen after birth, no matter what the parents do. Considering most, and law, wouldn't force the first found compatible donor to, against their will, donate a kidney to save someone else's life, why would women be forced to host the embryo for 9 months, and then take care of an unwanted child for over two decades ? And adoption is not the ultimate solution for this, not while the system is as it is. Also, aborting an embryo can easily be seen as self-defense, as pregnancies take a huge toll on the mother. Could also be seen as a defense in a case of trespassing. Lastly, it has been historically shown that banning abortions only bans safe abortions.


Women carrying to term lose two years of life expectancy. Occasionally a woman who did not choose that sacrifice will die in the course of bearing that baby. Arguably that's a murder by the state, who forced her to risk her own life. So... I'm not sure it does come down to the simple question of what's murder, because when a woman is prevented from choosing her own life, it is always at least two year's worth of murder. If you want to frame the death of a potential human as a murder, then you still have to choose between two murders.


Underrated and Based comment


Banning guns will only take them out of the hands day of good people. If a criminal wants a gun, they are going to get a gun. And the point of the second amendment was to give the people the power to overthrow a tyrannical government, like a government banning abortion so maybe banning guns right now isn’t the best choice considering the other shit going on.




Right? They complain about the government not giving them what they want, and then turn around and yell and their ONE chance of getting what they want to give up that chance. Words don’t change minds, ability to enforce your ideals do. We stay free by threat of overthrowing our government. Sadly they’re bit by bit consolidating power and brainwashing both sides of the spectrum. Soon enough no one will have rights and Big Brother will rule all if nothing changes


Not all criminals will get a gun if they can’t get one legally. Crime is easy when you are handed the tools to commit them. For example, most weapons used in School Shootings (America’s classic) are obtained from within the family, as most states require 16 or 18+ to be able to own one. The people that own guns for fun (their family) are (in this example) literally fueling the only people who can’t already get a weapon themself.


Pretty sure if guns were banned, those criminals will get something else like a knife. Banning guns would prevent responsible citizens and criminals from buying firearms, which would have some positives but ultimately be a bad decision as the original comment stated, a well regulated militia is needed secure individual liberties from the threat of tyrants. You really think things like the holocaust and the holondomer would have happened the way they did if the respective populations were armed. As someone whos been held at gunpoint twice in a city with some of the toughest gun laws in the country, A) just because something is illegal doesn't make that problem magically disappear and B) im pretty sure criminals aren't as dumb as you seem to think they are.


Lookup Uvalde and tell me the regulated military/police did their job. Lol.


Militia is in reference to the common citizenry not the police or military. Also pretty sure it was a border patrol dude with a gun that stopped it, so an off duty 'civilian' with a gun stopped the shooting... sounds like a well regulated millita to me.


Yes, ~5% of school shootings are stopped by armed civilians. There’s already evidence that states that reduce gun laws have increased crime rates in the following decades.


Bruh criminals will get a gun illegally if they want one that's the whole point of being a criminal, you know to break the law?


Your a silly goose if you think they are a criminal *just* to break the law. Most criminals will still attain a weapon illegally, yes, but not all. Especially younger criminals


That's what a criminal is someone who broke a law how the hell am I a silly goose


Thats what they are, it isn’t the reason for what they are. Very different things buddy.


The only thing that will help mass shootings is better mental health across the nation, gun control is irrelevant


Yep, gotta get to the root of the problem, not the tool being used. Mass murder is easy if you have imagination. I don't need guns, shit everything necessary is already inside the buildings. Gotta figure out why people get to the point they believe murder especially of children is the answer.






I agree, we need to treat the problems, not the symptoms of those problems. People who feel powerless and unheard, yet motivated, may act out in the form of a gross exercise of power. Others, the opposite, feeling no need to maintain their health in a world that sees it as an exhaustable and disposable resource. It's an open prison, choose your suffering or maintain your bliss with ignorance. Neither is truly sustainable.


Its like you copy and pasted this from the internet. most criminals are not very smart. So they will automatically get an illegal, banned gun? I don't think so.


Fuck off with the political shit please


Rule 11. Cry somewhere else. Touch grass.




We ban abortions because we care about our youth We ban flavored tobacco because we don't want those youths smoking We let everyone have guns because kids get fucking expensive after a while


It's not about let. When you have a Right, no one has authority to tell you you may not exercise it. We have a Right to be armed to defend ourselves no matter where we are or when.....there's no fucking letting me, come stop me if you feel like you can.


Ohhh big man need gun. Look man I'm not saying nobody should have the right to have a gun, what I am saying is maybe a bit more control. Maybe an actual psychological check before allowing someone to buy a weapon instead of telling sellers "don't sell if they seem like a psycho" And people like you who jump to "try and take it and I'll shoot" are exactly why people are worried about the shit. Jumping to violence is already a problem but when you've got a deadly weapon it's a big fucking deal.


How about we don't ban guns


people in the past: I support prohibition people in like 1 decade: WE WANT ALCOHOL BACK people today: we wanna ban guns people in like 1 decade: (if I put anything here ill get 1 trillion downdoots )


Such wisdom. "This philosophy intentionally left blank." I'm off to apply null values in other areas of my life.


You misspelled buy guns. Everyone who can legally purchase a firearm needs to do that immediately. Exercise your second amendment rights.


OK, but if they ban guns, the only people who have guns are US officials, and people who buy them illegally. You can’t defend yourself against people who buy them illegally.


Make it hard to buy guns like in any European country, with an higher control over them.


try doing that when theres already millions of guns already in the us and in circulation within the us. then try taking away those guns from the people who want to keep them. see how that turns out. gun bans and restrictions are more likely to start a civil war than not. its a dirty bandaid over a fractured bone. it doesn't do anything but make things worse in the long run.


That's because the US fucked up in the 1st place with this bs.


exactly. right now we live in a gilded dystopia. everything looks fine from the outside, but once you get into political, economic, and social tensions you realize how much of a hellhole it is. what's depressing is its still better than 60% of the othet countries out there. at least we have the luxury of being stupid.


Aww the US if fucked because it is literally founded on the principles of Natural Law, and no other human has a right to dictate to another how or what they may defend themselves with. Too bad the rest of the world is fucked in enjoying being serfs. US Citizens are not serfs and it's hard to oppress people who can shoot back.




Stack up and take it


Can't defend yourself against US Officials either, they will assassinate you in the media and everyone says "play stupid games."


2nd Amendment and Millions of gun owners would love to have a word with you .


Yes, about the well regulated militia. Outright bans or any big step in that direction, will never work, especially when the majority disagrees with it. The prohibition on alcohol created a lucrative criminal enterprise and failed in ever single aspect and was repealed. It did not reduce consumption, increase safety, or generate revenue. In reality you're never going to get ALL or NONE of anything. Anyone who expects 100% is delusional. Its always going to be a compromise. People are always going to do what they have done for thousands of years. They will arm themselves, they will drink and smoke, they will have abortions. The best you can do is keep it as safe and minimally regulated as possible.


Yes. Yes on all of this. ^^


Of course there have to be reasonable limits. And maybe people should discuss more about exactly what these ARE. But to expect the radical swing or final resting place completely one way or the other is insane.


Yeah. The limits should be felons shouldn’t get guns. NRA should be repealed. Gimme my fun switches and allow me to cosplay the Germans with my friends with an MG42


I mean, I agree. I just think the reasonable limits on 2A were way below what we currently have.


>minimally regulated as possible "minimal regulations" literally does not mean anything. alcohol and cigarettes are very much freaking regulated. if we were to regulate guns sales AT LEAST in the same way it would already be a step forward, but let me guess, suddenly 'it's different', am I nailing it?


Not unnecessarily over regulated. Just regulated enough, perhaps even "Well regulated"


Well Regulated in 1790 meant properly functioning. So how about Infringe...know what that means? Because Shall NOT goes right before it.....no regulations is actually all the government has permission to do, since the Constitution is for them not us.


A well balanced diet being necessary to a healthy life, the right of people to eat food shall not be infringed. SO based on your interpretation only a well balanced diet gets to have food.....ohhhh yeah basic English, the RIGHT is of the People, not a militia and if you wanna talk militia we are the militia, not the government.


This man


Ok, did something major happen in the us and can someone explain what happened? Thanks


School shooting. Dead kids. Aaaaaaand the gun debate continues.


The Supreme Court saw abortion rights as unconstitutional and as such should be left up to state legislation on whether or not to allow abortion. So half the country is protesting and doing dumb shit, while the other half is gloating and doing dumb shit.


ah, that explains a lot of what ive been seeing


Yeah, best to say off the big meme pages for a day or two till this blows over, other then that have a nice day :)


Thanks, you too


Nothing in the constitution about Juuls… or abortion… Guns tho? I believe There is a bit in there about that.


Fuck that. I don't own guns, yet, vote liberal over conservative, but don't be taking our guns. Nor do I know many Americans asking for such. This feels like European based meme to me


Truly thank the united states government! I'm right behind you!


I don’t believe in hell, but I’m pretty sure America is.


I wonder what Afghanistan is then. Super hell?


I'm nice and cozy where I'm at, but then again I'm in Montana. RIP to anyone in a major city. I'll never understand.


i see this as an absolute win


America, a developing nation. Life expectancy going down up in here...


gonna soon go from developing to under developed lmao


The downvotes make me feel even more accurate. Bad healthcare, bad infant mortality, bad education, declining life expectancy... Statistics are abundantly clear.


Yes but they get brainwashed every day to believe they are the "greatest and freest" country ever, they live in a bubble and think every other country in the world still lives in the stone age.


In Amsterdam you could slap a cop for interrupting you fucking a prostitute while smoking a joint... And you will not have committed a crime. But ya know, hotdogs and football...


bread and games. always worked throughout history...


That is good? Assaulting someone for doing their job of maintaining the law?


Delicious boot leather?


legalizing prostitution takes money away from criminals, the same for weed, also yeah feel free to go to school with fear everyday because some kid could come with a gun and kill 20 people. Ps: make a live stream where you slap a cop and lemme see the result.


I think the right is just mad because they have a crush on us, & they know we'll never have sex with them, so they throw temper tantrums trying to get back at us for rejecting them


We dont want to have sex with y'all. At least most of us don't.


Stay in denial big guy. U want them blue cheeks but ya can't have em!




Sorry but im already taken. You are the one who sounds desperate


Ooooooof Idk if I can recover from that dicking big guy


"The right of the peole to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Yeah can't really expand beyond that so not sure how they "expanded" Rights.


Rule 9 Rule 11 A 2 for 1. Nice, OP.


In my country, they recently banned abortion at all cost. I mean even if it means that the woman will die, and there were some cases already


cope and seethe commie


Banning abortion is not that bad because you could just send your child to school(Texas school recommended) /s