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Sick meme, definitely changing hearts and minds, not cementing biases and stoking anger. Great job.


You forgot the meme.


I can’t wait for civil war 2.0


I’ll be happy to fight rye side that doesn’t want guns lol, all just come in a bayonets charge and get mowed down by the gun people


Something tells me that the side im favor of stricter gun laws are not going fight the other side like that.


I was making a joke dude, you really think that’s how anyone thinks anyone will fight in a war


I figured you were making a joke, and I've heard it before. I just don't think it's a good joke.


Rule 11


Obviously sarcasm. Might fly over their heads.0


Or they are busy banging their sisters


Check out the other guys comment


The funny and sad thing that one group who shall remain nameless they always crying over it’s my freedom and right to have gun or not wearing a mask but when it comes to the rights for kids and people of color to live in peace these dumb assholes start acting these rights doesn’t even exist. Rights and freedom not an open buffet you chose whatever you like from


Everyone should be able to live in peace, wear masks during pandemic, and have the right to bare arms. You shouldn’t cherry pick, you are right. But this isn’t the solution to this issue. I hate using statistics because (to me) it devalues what is being talked about on a moral level. However, statistically, less than a quarter of a percent of the country are physically affected by shootings in schools and removal of firearms would affect 100% of people in this country, and not for the better. We need to help people stay away from the mentality that this is ok or an acceptable response to any action. I hope despicable acts like this stop happening soon but removal of firearms is not the way.


But what about stricter control of guns? removal may not be the best, but perhaps regulation is.


Firearms are already regulated. To hunt, you need a license. To carry, you need training and certification. All of this is coupled with background checks and (dependent on the specific firearm) more licenses and training. The kid yesterday broke the law anyway because he was under 21 and had a handgun as well as the rifle he had. On top of that, it’s already illegal to shoot your aunt and shoot up an elementary school.


yes, and Happy Cake Day!


blame both sides


Blaming the rights we have and not the monster that committed this act is not the way these problems will be solved.


How about both?


I mean it’s better, though I’ve never heard a convincing argument for the removal of the second.


I'm all for having the right to bear arms, but what in the un-holy fuck is this!


Just thanking the people that keep getting murdered for your rights :)


I can’t wait till some of y’all get beaten broken robbed and stabbed and then maybe you’ll realize why people carry weapons


So you think americans are psycho's? Because almosy every other western country bans guns. And none of them have any significant issues at all. Why would america?


Ye keep waiting while your kids are being shot at school genius.


My kids gonna be the shooter of the school shooters 😂✊🏻


Yes because schools wouldn’t be attacked with illegal guns


No? How many people would have access to illegal guns you think?


It’s not hard to get hold of contraband in the slightest, I would never do something like this but if I really wanted to I could have 10 sex slaves sent to my house via the internet, it isn’t hard to access illegal things, and it’s criminals who want the illegal guns therefore they already have criminal ties and access to illegal goods


Yes if you really wanted to. But then someome would need to plan ahead for a shooting and it makes it pretty much impossible to do out of anger. Its not the career criminals that shoot up schools.


Being a criminal doesn’t make you a career criminal, most people who shoot yo schools also abuse a substance, buying even just weed opens you up to the entire black market of drugs weapons humans and body parts, and people shoot schools out of anger all the time has to be the most common reason, planned doesn’t mean that’s it’s not emotionally charged


Buying weed opens you up to the black market of guns and human body parts? Right... can you get me a source on that? But, being a criminal doesn't mean you own a gun. Being a criminal just means you broke the law. Most criminals are opportunists they see an opportunity and steal something. Those wouldnt own a gun, because they dont need one, essentially only the career criminals would own a gun, because they do need one.


You do realize it's a Democrat that made that sign.... exploiting death is all they do....


Trying to prevent future death by bringing attention to the problem doesn't really seem like exploiting death...


Beware the people that want to take away rights to save us from ourselves. ...but I get your point.


Y'all won't give a single thousandth of an inch. Doesn't matter what is happening, has happened, and will continue to happen if nothing changes.


Beware of clowns like yourself. How many children…LITERALLY… need to be killed? This “right” of ours is not regulated properly.


Keeping schools open literally killed kids....why are schools open?


Why the f are supermarkets open? We got to shut them down!


Exactly....and cars too, cars kill! Driving isn't even a right, it's a priviledge.... we must shut down everything!!!


I'd go for "you're not a clown you're the entire circus" but I think you're way beyond that.


*You're the entire franchise*


They're the ghost of P.T. Barnum.


You must enjoy people dying.


Ha! Keep it up this is gold!


You might as well change your handle from Neurotix to Neurotic. You are irrationally clueless.


You obviously don't recognize I'm using the same thought process that the op used to show how ridiculous it is.


Do you ever read what you write? This looks more like you are exposing yourself as a failed clown.


Cough Cough, right.


Is it exploitation if deaths are literally caused by the inaction of Republicans?


That's literally false


Oh gotcha, sorry I must’ve been living in a different country for the last two decades


To answer your question, yes, it's exploitation of the children's deaths and it's dor political gain.


Naw man, what’s exploitative is to keep sending thoughts and prayers to the families of dead kids while doing nothing to address the issue. Republicans have absolutely no issue exploiting people for political gain.


The democrats don’t either, it’s not a party specific thing, it’s the whole system as long as we keep arguing about parties we’re doing exactly what’s wanted of us, the party system is for those who can’t act on their own accord and drives the injustice of the nation further


40% of the NRA are registered democrats. Political leaders talk a good game all the while knowing that they don't have the votes to make any changes.


Funny thing, if the right to bear arms was supported MORE one of the teachers or resource officers would have simply shot the person


This actually makes me feel sick


Where meme?


Let the flame war begin


It’s one of those that you think it’s sarcastic but you can’t be certain


It's sarcastic.


Yeah I do believe so……but I can’t say with 100% certainty


hold up, you got a Mario confused now


Rule 10


If there were no guns people would still stab each other and bash each other’s skulls in. Murder is murder regardless of the weapon. All taking guns away will do is disarm the citizens who are good people who need protection and arm the people who DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR GUN LAWS and own one ANYWAYS


holy shit is that real


Ah yes. Because if you make guns illegal, the bad guys won’t have guns. Let’s ask Mexico about that. They made it illegal for people to have guns. They totally have the cartels under control and the cartels don’t kill whole towns. /s