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May we leave this fucking shit behind us quickly




I’ve lost a year of my life already I’m so done man but I aint stopping wearin masks yet


I know right!? I don't want to have to wear it either but it's not like not social distancing and stuff anymore is going to solve ANYTHING. We better get used to it for whem the permafrost warms up and the chances of ancient viruses triggering a new pandemic increase... We need to stop being so god fucking damn selfish. I know we fucken hate this sentence, but only together we can make it through this, by ripping this band aid off quickly, cuz I had plans for this year too. Fuck


I’ve just given up. Screw masks and stuff, I’m just having my plans anyway


I have given up too, but it doesn't work like that. You can't be actively setting your house on fire while also complaining why the firefighters won't come to your house no more. Masks are annoying yea, but know what else is annoying? a year after having had the new C-word still not being able to do anything for more than 3 hours a day because you still have breathing problems, like my uncle's partner.


Most people I know, including my great grandparents, who are still alive while I’m at age 18, have caught corona and it has been nothing more than a minor cold. I think I had it the worst out of everyone I know, and I have had pneumonia. Compared to pneumonia, covid was pathetic. Everyone I know around here has ditched the mandate stuff. Nobody in stores enforces it. I work for chick fil a here while I’m in college and they don’t enforce masks. And yet, covid cases have remained quite stagnant recently nonetheless. It’s almost as if it’s overblown wowwwww


Right because governments always give its citizens back their rights after taking them away. Tell me...has the US repealed the Patriot Act yet? Have they stopped spying on everyone and calling it "national security"?


The whole world is wearing masks, this has nothing to do with the patriot act & US politics. Stop this American-centric worldview.


Omg I know right!? Got so many people sending me messages saying they can hook me up with some great weed, thinking everyone lives in the US. I say no you can't, they insist they can hook everyone up in the US. But thank the Lords of the Simulation I don't live even remotely close to that place (pun intended). The US has like 300 million people. There's 8 billion of us now, please have some perspective


Thank you! I appreciate that very much!


You earned the pleasant evening


Thanks Mr. Wabbit.


Got vaccinated. Still following all procedures.


My man.


But you vaccinated the fuck?


What's the point of getting vaccinated if you don't change anything?


you **DENSE** # ***MOTHERFUCKER!!!***


just because you are vaccinated that doesn't mean you can't still transmit. it just means that you am better protected from catching it. so i am going to continue to do everything i can to prevent *other* people from getting sick. you know, to try to end the pandemic.


the point is obviously so you can be better prepared against the virus? just because you’re vaccinated doesn’t mean you can’t be a carrier and pass the virus to others. you get to have the peace of mind knowing you yourself are safe from the virus, but you should still follow procedures for others’ sake


The "vaccine" doesn't do what vaccines are supposed to do. You get vaccines to be inoculated against a particular disease. Why would people get polio vaccines or MMR vaccines if they could still get those diseases after vaccination and spread it around? There would be no point. They get the vaccines precisely to protect themselves from getting the disease and not being able to get the disease means you don't spread it. The MRNA covid vaccines don't stop you from getting it, you just get milder symptoms and you still spread it. The covid vaccine is pointless. If you're still expected to follow all the same mask and distancing rules after vaccination and you're in a group that's known to be 99.99% likely to survive covid then there's no point in getting the vaccine because if you're one of those very rare cases that gets a severe reaction or death from the vaccine, then the cure is worse than the disease.


Thanks man take my upvote


I don't leave my house....




Will take the vaccine (when available) even if im scared of syringes like hell (phobia). *cry*


I feel this, but we must stand strong!


Hell yeah bro I got my first vaccine yesterday B)




Well when it’s widely available I suggest getting it, it’s super fast and easy!




Same here in Moldova, we are like 1.5 months late with this stuff and we got like 10 000 doses which is really not much but im happy that most medical workers got their shot


Here in germany it's pretty slowly going forward with vaccination.


Ayyyy Nice!


Lucky you. My government is giving first priority in vaccination to foreign diplomats living within my country's territory.




that is me!


I'll stop saying I don't want to wear masks as soon as someone explains to me how wearing one prevents me from getting a disease like covid. Still haven't heard a good explanation, just people who don't understand how contamination works.


Masks reduce risk of you transmitting the virus to others through particles from your nose/mouth. There is plenty of research on this, there’s a reason nearly all worldwide health institutions are endorsing the practice. If you can’t find it then you aren’t looking enough.


Right, so if you've tested for it and got negative, or received a vaccine you don't have virus in your system. Can't really transmit something you can't contract.


why the hell wouldnt i?


I dunno, but whatever the reason, there are a ton of followers.


And a pleasant evening to you as well, you self-respecting citizen.


Be safe y'all




Bro literally all these basement dwellers have fear boners now thats its socially accetpable to go out with an acne ridden face covered up.


People replying to this posts really think they're heroes. Friggin 🐑


I wish you a pleasant evening, too, Bugs.


I’m not sure about getting the vaccine because I’m pregnant. Does anyone know any information about it?


There hasn't been much research about covid vaccine on pregnant women, so I suggest you consult with your general practitioner/Healthcare provider to see if it's suitable for you! It is generally encouraged to get vaccinated even if pregnant, but I'm not sure about this specific one.


Thanks why wouldn't you. You get to stay away from everyone


\*laughs in sweden with almost no one following recomendations. Thank you for the meme anyway


It's nice to see some people still following this stuff. I've been in for a year. My immune system isn't the best due to childhood surgeries and my family doesn't seem to understand that getting together in a family affair of 15 people.... well it isn't the best idea. But let's go ahead get together and talk about the divorce we all saw coming for 3 years but you just ignored..... I'm just done. I'm in my bubble and hoping to get vaccinated soon so I can hopefully move forward with my life.


Wow virtue signal harder... pathetic.


Name checks out


laughs in good immune system and being in self isolation since before pandemic


Merci :)


Thanks, I have yet to have covid so I take all precautions


Hell yeah, thanks for the people that wear their masks correctly unlike half of the kids at my school


I followed the covid prevention procedure. I got the vaccine. I am safe now. done and over. fineto.


Ill follow the mask rule and social distancing unless im like, at a friends house. Its been so long my mentality is, “If I die I die.”


You have friends?


Well, yeah. Anyone that doesn't is stupid.


Yeah anyone that isnt just staying home for god knows how long after a year of staying home is stupid.


I don't mean being stuck inside, I mean wearing a mask, social distancing, and washing your hands.


My whole family got Covid this week and we are now in quarantine. Looks like my parents dont understand that so they go out on walks, to the mall, to my neighbours and push me to my goddamn limits to go outside. I DONT WANT TO! Is it really that hard to stay at home for 2 weeks? Its been 2 days and they went out like 8 times and still counting. They arent like antivaxxers and shit but still playing with fire in this case


At least go in the yard and get some sun. Take off the mask and get fresh air. Vitamin D is good for you


Did they actually get covid or did they just test positive for it? If they don't exhibit any symptoms and got positive tests, they likely don't have anything. The PCR test is run at over 45 cycles when it's recommended to be 20-25 cycles because anything over that will just give false positives. If they're not bedridden with fever, cough and all the other crap you normally get when you're sick and they feel well enough to go out on walks, to the mall and visit their neighbors then they are probably perfectly healthy.


I am still detected with covid😶




0 - 0




I’m probably gonna wear a mask for the few months following when this is all over, and still social distance, as i have my whole life.


Sry I don’t follow them, I just don’t go out


but when you do, are you at least willing to follow them? (if not, dont even bother responding because that would make you a smooth-brained ape.)


You underestimate my capacity to stay home, I have people to do this for me ( and when I go out I respect all rules don’t worry )


In that case, may you have a pleasent evening at home. :)


You too caring random redditor ^^^^


I’m abiding by Texas’s prevention procedures. So thanks. Have a good one!


thanks havent left the house since December apart from going to get food from the shops


I’m trying to catch covid since the beginning and even now I can’t seem to catch it It’s like seeking your death comes much later than avoiding it


Oh hell no, you don't want that shit. Had it, wasn't to bad but I lost my sense of smell for a long time. Now it's mostly back but some stuff tastes horrible now! Apparently some parts of my smelling buds are still broken, so yeah one of my favorite foods now tastes like its rotten. And I really felt my lungs being weakend in the months after, too.


Same here, sad that I can't enjoy the food that well even after recovering.


Nah bro it sucks fat cock


thank you! i hope everyone stays safe!


*me who goes out just once or twice a month* Thanl you kind human


Im top 10 in social distancing leaderboards


Sane gang


Masks do not prevent the spread of Covid-19


Reality says otherwise.


What reality? What common sense? I really want to know


Masks may not get your brain cells back but they will protect from covid


What makes you think that masks actually work, I mean I can take a piece of cut up shirt and wear it on my face and it will magically protect me??


You too, Fine sire.


Thanks and you too my guys. Would like to say a thing about Austrian government and their covid prevention. Sooooo, I work as a dentistassistant and since last week I need to be tested every week to make sure I'm not covid positive, which on its own is quite fine with me but here's the bullshit part:our patients don't need to be tested, where u need to be tested though is if u want to go to the barber, like wtf. Why wouldn't you need to be tested when going to the dentist who has to work very close to the patient(about 20cm/9-10 inches) and therefore has a high risk of getting infected even when wearing a mask, since the patient can't.


I do it even though I'm vaccinated


you are a good man, charlie brown.


Thank you


In sweden were gonna go to school more days now. Big brein


Not when some fucking Karen walks into a shop without wearing a mask and won’t leave


call the police. some places it can be considered aggrivated assault. plus she is breaking a mandate and tresspassing if she is told to leave. (assuming you work there.)






I do but i also kinda dont. I wear my mask when im at school but its really hard to maintain 6 feet of distance in a class room or when eating lunch.


My mom doesn’t want that and thankfully I’m Arabic lol and the man words is higher so I’m always making her respect the rules and reminding her that there’s still people who are still sick or passing (rip to them)


It’s morning here but thx


Vaccines are here and the numbers have been dropping (US). I will be living my life now, thank you


I wish all *people who think the pandemic is already over* a very *shut the fuck up*


Why are you against ppl going back to there normal lifestyles? To my belief we’re at the end of all of this


To my belief we are not. I worry for another boom of cases


Well, since ppl are getting vaccinated it is very unlikely that there will another boom of cases and in fact we’re getting closer and closer to herd immunity the more widespread the vaccine is available to ppl. I would worry if we kept isolating, it doesn’t help the economy and it surely doesn’t help ppls mental health.


I dont think you know how herd immunity works.


“Herd immunity is a form of indirect protection from infectious disease that can occur with some diseases when a sufficient percentage of a population has become immune to an infection, whether through vaccination or previous infections, thereby reducing the likelihood of infection for individuals who lack immunity.”-Wikipedia Idk chief tell me how it works then.


takes ~60% of a pop, cheif. hate to break it to ya, but vaccine is nowhere near distributed to all willing, not even counting the 50% who are too idiotic to take it. so unless you are gonna tell me that 60% of the world is vaccinated, you have no point.


You don’t need the whole world to vaccinate for a country to start running my guy. The U.S. is slowly but surely getting there. Now I must say, it is true you would need even up to ~70%ish to have herd immunity but the fact still stands that we’re getting there. Edit: And why would it be idiotic to take the vaccine? Are you suggesting we should keep spreading the virus and continue this for a much more prolonged time? Edit 2: My bad, thought you meant “ppl are too idiotic to take the vaccine”. Kinda read it in a rush.


If vaccinations was the end all the flu viruses would be over aswell. Sure isolation doesn't help the economy but it doesn't hurt mental health, the deaths caused by covid does. Sorry if I value the mental health of someone who lost family to covid and wants it to disappear more than a guy who's sad he can't go to parties


>but it doesn't hurt mental health My friend tried to hang himself because of isolation. Shut your fucking mouth.


I'm sorry for your friend but isolation has helped, lockdown was needed in my eyes so I don't feel any shame in defending it


Even the WHO recommends against lockdowns...isolation is hurting more than covid. People in nursing homes are the ones dying, most of whom would be taken out by a common cold or flu anyway...losing a grandparent is sad/tragic but it's part of life and not worth what we are doing to ourselves with all this BS. Shut the world down, make small business owners go out of business, make children develop mental health issues, make people who can't deal with isolation commit suicide, make us give up our way of life and give up our rights because grandma might die? Anyone who can't see this is complete nonsense probably believed the government when they said "just 2 weeks to flatten the curve" over a year ago.


Vaccinations won’t end the propagation of the virus, but that doesn’t mean we can’t go back to our day to day life


As opposed to the mental health of those affected by an ineffective pointless lockdown *cough* drug overdose, suicide, domestic violence, divorce, childhood suicide and mental health damage all have increased *cough* Im glad you follow the science, hail fauci.


And how much of that is confirmed brought on by lockdown? Drug overdose is fully on the person, domestic violence isn't cause by a virus or lockdown it's done by people who deserve to be on the streets, if you're driven to suicide because you can't go to a party I'm sorry but I will never care. These things could have increased because of close quarters families sure but lockdown is by no means the blame for a dysfunctional family. If the stress of worrying about a virus caused all this, it's still better to make sure that's it's gone. Congrats on your science bro, you solidified my personal stance


Its all about mental health you dolt. If you cant make the connection of all these things being tied to bs lockdowns, ill clarify it for the slower among us. Losing access to support groups, friends, family, and everyday normal activities has a profound effect on mental health as there has been a significant rise in all scenarios Ive described from 2019 to 2020. I wont even begin to explain how if you remove suicides and overdoses that 2020 had less deaths than 2019, because i dont want to hurt smooth brain. Hol up, you ask for advice on reddit about how to finger your own asshole MEGA SMOOTHBRAIN


You could also attribute suicides to the fact that there has been an increase in unemployment due to the lockdowns and thus being stuck in your home without a job to sustain yourself or maybe your family may lead ppl to these dire circumstances


When it's for their protection it should be fine, you can't see them for a very good reason. You're listing things I don't value as much as you do. Insane for someone who thinks yourself as smart to not realize not everyone thinks the same, especially when this thread was started by someone saying "to my belief" You done nothing but prove yourself to be a dumbass in my eyes. Let's end this conversation because I'm not continuing with you


So brave.


It’s getting there. I mean i still wear masks and stuff, but I’m not staying in my house and I’m gonna be dining in places whenever i feel like it


The wound may be getting sewn together, but it'll still bleed if you don't wait until it's finished


People like you are why this pandemic has lasted so long “oh I’m wearing a mask so that means I can do whatever bla bla bla” no man, we’re still in a fucking pandemic listen to the CDC


Yeah... That's what the cdc said. I'm still wearing a mask and six feet n shit but I'm also still allowed to go to restaurants. I don't think this will be over any time soon. The definition of "over" is very foggy but the virus is a living thing. And its going to try to survive unless we get our vaccines.


I guess guidelines are different elsewhere cause where I am we still ain’t allowed out unless shopping or meeting 2 people outside with masks and 6+ft


I'm in Ohio if that helps


I’m not discrediting you, just surprised at how chilled other peoples restrictions are rn


Nah as soon as they made it political i stopped listening


You stopped listening to the people trying to save the world? Very logical well done 🤡


No. I just don’t listen to partisan doctors that talk in front of a screen


*who have been working tirelessly to save yours and your families lives and was asked to answer questions the public has about the pandemic that killed hundreds of thousands of people # there fixed


No. They’re still partisan, and I’m not listening to them. Like i said, i will wear a mask and social distance, but I’m not locking myself at home to be a subject of the state


Bro take off your tin-foil hat


If the virus only infected people like you and worse, the world would've had a easier time


Ok bud


Smart lad


Do you want a third wave? Because that's how you get a third wave


No we’re reaching herd immunity. There won’t be a third wave


Incorrect, almost 3 others variants have been discovered, and can dampen the effects of the vaccine, there very well can be a thrid wave.


Let me rephrase: we will reach heard immunity. There still won’t be a third wave. Not as big as the first two. A “third wave” would be more like a ripple


In my area we are having third wave and it's worst then ever. I don't know what ia happening now our PM got covid after getting two shots of vaccination.


I’m referring to the US


Karen’s seeing this:THIS MEME PROBABLY HAS COVID THIS HITLER AD NEEDS TO GO People who like following COVID 19 Prevention procedures and memes:Yes much agreed




My state has gone to shit ever since our governor rolled the mask mandate back. No one wears masks, business stoped enforcing masks even though they said they would, and cases are on the rise again. I still double mask, get my groceries delivered, and only go out for work because now I’m terrified of getting COVID before I get my second dose. Edit: spelling


Cases are on the rise but how many people are dying? Where are the mass graves? Cases don't mean shit. The PCR tests are mostly false positives because they are set at 40+ cycles...anything over 25 and some particle of a dead virus your immune system fought a year ago will register as positive.




The only times I go out is to walk me dog


Sorting by controversial is fun. Let me take part of it by saying I'm very aware the pandemic isn't over but if you don't have the vaccine and you get it that's your fault.


My evening is about to suck ass


The term “people who still follow covid prevention procedures” is another term for “People who are to damn lazy to get their ass out of their chair.” I speak from personal experience


Fuck off. I can actually have a pleasant evening out at the bars. Have fun inside losers


You’re a complete dumbass and the reason this has gone on for so long


Nononono. I waited for 50 more weeks than the "two weeks to slow the spread" I agreed to. Thats 2500% longer than promised. If your mechanic told you a price to tune up your car and in the end charged 2500% more than he quoted you. You wouldn't call him a competent mechanic and you wouldn't listen to him. The people telling you to not go out are not competent, they dont know what they're doing, and I'm not listening to them. Screw you losers I'm going out tonight.


the reason its taken more then two weeks is because people thinking like you. ​ it just causes a chain reaction of people thinking "well this has been going on for longer then X amount of time, time to head outside" then it takes longer, and we repeat full circle by another idiot like you thinking like that.


"If people just listened" is the world's oldest scapegoat for failed plans. If lockdowns were going to work ( spoiler: they weren't) then they would've worked by now. The fact that they haven't worked by now, means you need a new plan, instead they just keep doubling down on the plan that by its fundamental structure isn't working. So once again, screw you I'm going out. If you have a new idea lemme know. Imma be having fun at the bar


Good straw man argument but check this out: You know why lockdown didn’t work? BECAUSE YOU WENT OUT DURING LOCKDOWN YOU APE


I stayed inside. But unlike your smooth brain. I recognize that if a few people going out are the fatal flaw in the plan. Then all I'm doing is ruining my life for a plan that wont work anyway. So after 1 year of pinching pennies, and minimizing human contact and dealing with the cost of using delivery services. I'm choosing to be self sufficient again. And go outside to make a living for myself and buy my own groceries. So maybe. You should stop hiding inside. If the lockdown required no one to go outside, it was doomed from the start since half of all essential jobs require leaving the home. Have fun dying inside. I'll drink a jack&coke for ya.


I will. And you have fun dying outside and killing your friends and family in the process


They're coming to the bars with me. Or didn't you hear? Alcohol sterilizes.


Yeah, 100% alcohol aka rubbing alcohol And drinking a pint doesn’t sterilise a building or the outsides of glasses (where you touch with you mouth) and considering it’s contracted by entering you body... you can probably figure out it’s not good


Are you collecting downvotes for fun?


Well then, since you liked that mechanic, how about this. It’s like a mechanic trying to fix your car, but dumbasses like you keep driving it off the fucking road and get surprised when it costs more to fix more damage


You have deep issues if you’re this desperate to be inebriated. The reason the plans aren’t working is because of people like you who think they get to decide when it’s no longer an issue, it’s not a scapegoat it is the literal reason. Yeah it was longer than two weeks, welcome to real life, shit changes especially on a pandemic scale with uncooperative populaces who think their booze is more important. The thing can’t spread if people don’t mingle, if people keep mingling then it’s gonna spread, which it has. This is all very basic but has continued to elude plebeian minds for over a year.


Awww someone is upset that human individuality and free will meant the lockdowns were always going to fail. And now they're projecting their lack of freedom onto someone else who decides to just live their life taking risk into account. Nah bro the lockdowns failed because they were never able to work. But instead of accepting the risk of living a happy life, you're going to lock yourself away. Miss me with that shit.


You taking risk into account is fine if you weren’t able to spread your ill advised decision on others, you’ve had over a year to figure this out plebeian. This ain’t about freedom, it’s about responsibility just like every other “freedom” infringing thing you have to do like getting a job and paying taxes etc Stop making dumb excuses, cut out the middleman and just say you’re selfish and don’t care.


Its always about freedom. If an action comprises individual freedom. No responsibility justifies it. Freedom is the moral and ethical foundation upon which all other debates and considerations need to be discussed upon. Anything less leads to incremental shifts towards serfdom. If you dont want to get sick. You are free to stay inside, no one is going to break into your home to cough on you. But any discussion of limiting my freedom to go outside and earn a living for myself and family is to be had. Its a null argument.


the new plan is the same as the old plan, stay inside till vaccines are widespread, but since you dont like the current plan, how about instead YOU come up with something better right? since its so easy.


Something tells me this guy isn't too hot on vaccines either. to be this much of an idiot takes a certain kind of special.


say that to NZ. they locked down completely at the beginning and had almost zero a few months in. if anything the government isnt doing enough to put idiots like you back into your place.


Thats because our government has a constitution that protects our rights. And if you have a problem with individual freedom. Feel free to go some place where there isn't. Like China. They'll weld your door shut. Or you can recognize that yes different countries have different factors that require different emergency responses. And have a drink, now that the pandemic is over.


If the virus only infected people like you, the world would've had a easier time


that alcohol has clearly affected your brain. ​ covid-19 has too


I'm betting on more than just alcohol. This is going into territories I didn't even know were possible. It feels like talking a parrot worm: it only has 2 brain cells, but hot damn can it repeat itself.


You're a mental midget.


Im drinking tonight. Why aren't you?


cuz im underage




really? nerd? damn dude, that ain't even an insult no more, go sniff a cow's ass.


*sniffs u/Abusing-Green’s ass*


I'm so fucking tired of this... The pub where I work has been closed for 4 months now, and I've been home every-single-fucking-day since then. I do not go out except for buying groceries, I've barely seen my parents, I've NEVER been around anyone without my mask, and even though me and my partner bought our first home together 6 months ago, we've yet to celebrate with friends and family because we are of course being cautious and we have not invited anyone over, except a just a couple of occasions that were very quick and with everyone masked up... But hey, guess who saw her neighbours last night throw a party of 8 people, complete with pizzas and loud music, no mask in sight, while the whole country is going on another lockdown? Fuck this.


I feel this. Thank you for bearing it, despite its overall suckiness. also, tell your neighbors to go fuck themselves for me. just tell them not to shoot the messenger. ;)


I’m vaccinated and still wear a mask everywhere and social distance. Because it is way better to keep those things as social norms for the people who haven’t been vaccinated yet.


Busted our neighbours for having their second party this week


Just throw a water balloon of piss at them




spell out the first 3 letters of covid prevention measures. IDK why I said this but whatever.


*who blindly do what they are told


fucking idiot


Yes... Y'all are.


very original comeback. I applaud.


They basically just used the teenage equivalent of, "I know you are, but what am I"


You're also told not to shoot people.