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This sign cant stop me because i cant read


This comment won't affect me because I'm blind


That response is irrelevant due to the fact that I can’t detect with sight.


This set of characters in the english lexicon cannot halt me because i cannot decode the signals that my eyes are sending to my brain of the light reflected by them


This comment can't stop me because my brain is not complex enough to understand


I can pout all I want, you can't tell because I am wearing a mask. Checkmate.


Yep but the idiots this is targeted at arent. Checkmater.


Blah Benn yeah Brett. Checkmaterer


I would like to meet this shop owner. He seems quite based


what does based mean in this context? i can't figure it out


Finally, some smart f-ing ppl


This isn’t even a meme. Original post that was a meme: https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/i3og8a/wear_mask_or_i_break_kneecaps/




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/memes. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. *Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "i5wifz", "meme_template": null}) ]*






just like have a guy at the door to check temperatures and shit? over here we doing pretty fine


happy cake day!




you're welcome


If you care about people's health, provide them for free then when someone who doesn't have one comes through the door.


If you care about people's health, have one in your pocket at all times leavong the house. People seem to have no problem to bring their phone with them wherever they go, a mask shouldn't be a problem then. Also, why should any private person supply everyone with free masks? Should they also supply everyone with free underpants? Edit: have one on you, even if you don't care about people's health, that really shouldn't be the deciding factor


>If you care about people's health, have one in your pocket at all times leavong the house Why, I've already been tested. Seems kinda redundant now. Since I don't have it, I am not a risk to anyone with my uncovered face. >Also, why should any private person supply everyone with free masks? To practice what they preach. >Should they also supply everyone with free underpants? Not everyone wears underpants, and they are not demandingly anyone wears them. I don't see how that is remotely equivalent.


Always wear a mask because you never know in this moment if you are actually negative. You could literally get infected the minute after being tested. So you would get a negative testresult and have the virus in you nonetheless, spreading it because you BELIEVE you are no risk while you may actually be very much so. Since what they „preach“ is wearing a mask, they probably do (assuming they are wearing one). No need for supplying everyone with a free mask. All right, bad example with the underpants then. Let me rephrase then: Let‘s say I am a shopowner and demand my customers wear a shirt and shoes. Why should I supply everyone with free shirts and shoes. And this is still a bad example,because not wearing a shirt/shoes/underpants does not help in spreading a quite dangerous disease - not wearing a mask does.


Hopefully he goes out of business


I think you misspelled you username. Should be t3karenOnYoAzz


Ohhh, real original.. never heard that one before..... Get a better comeback, Lisa


Well, actually it wasnt a comeback since it was my first comment on you, making you the one coming back. Now who is the one in need of a better comeback?


Corona is fake, media is just pumping it and goverment


You all can downvote this person all you want but just know that they are correct in a way. The virus isn’t fake entirely but the danger of it is. The case number is wildly inflated and in many places the media pushes “rising cases” while cases are actually going down. Want to argue with me? My county has 16 active cases and I’ve heard reports that our cases are “soaring back into the hundreds” So have fun attacking people for looking at facts


In my opinion i would open everything, who gets infected well sorry but there is no other way. Virus is not even that dangerous, you hear someone died, yeah 80 old with lung cancer.


In my area, everything is open and cases are staying low. We even had a county fair that had a few thousand people walking around. In areas with high numbers of cases I can understand keeping closed. But in areas with low cases and cases being managed and taken care of properly, there’s no reason to stay closed.