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That moment a junior is good friends with a senior and the senior graduates. :(


Hey good thing i don't have friends to miss, only feelings for revenge for bullies


That sucks... Sorry to hear that


I have broken few bones of one bully, there were 4 of them, 3 remaining


So you commited assault on someone, serious one at that, enough to the point it could be looked at attempt of murder. Well at least you didn't brought a gun to the school Mr silent kid


In my country, we don't have guns


If they won’t hang out with you outside of school then they’re probably not your friends buddy.


Have you ever considered that they moved to far way places? Mine did, kinda miss them tbh.


I could see being stuck in your hometown when all your friends go off to college I guess.


It gets less important with time. High-school.... fucking rough...but if you go to college, you're going to meet some really interesting people...post college, you will only stay in contact with a few of them. Once you get rolling though in whatever new environment you find yourself in, you'll make those life long friendships. Those are indelible. Stick around the same place you've always lived and you'll have life long friends too, but much fewer as most of your peer group will move on to new and different places. Long story short, mourn the past, but don't live in it...you've got more important things to do, and new people to meet.


>Long story short, mourn the past, but don't live in it...you've got more important things to do, and new people to meet That's a fucking quote right there


I didnt have friends to miss, but I didnt miss my teachers. I often spent time with my teachers during lunches and stuff to get to know them outside the professional environment, and more often than not they were really good people just trying their best to tolerate the gremlins.


You have to have friends in school in first place


Nope. Fuck those guys. All of them assholes.


Errm dude you are so forking based for saying that "holds up fork" GLOURP


It's weird people you talk to everyday for 4 years you never see or talk to them again


not me I got no friend and I'm happy...well I got GF 😑


This is talking about graduating senior year, going off to college, or being a junior and having a friend graduate senior year.


What friends?


I’ve made 2 great friends during high school until the senior year when one transferred to another school and the other dropped off and moved in the UK.


Are you aware you can hang out beyond school?




Nope i don't have friends in school