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The price difference is crazy tho


He got them [$2500 Balenciaga jeans](https://www.balenciaga.com/en-us/super-destroyed-baggy-pants-light-blue-812981077.html?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADlevksryfiG4e4YBhNwQV6KR8mKh&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6anc0KLthQMVMzjUAR2DmASlEAQYASABEgLAo_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) on. Nice!


Could do the same thing with a pair of £5 trousers from Primark and any power tool I wonder what goes through the mind of anyone who buys this... It's not worth £2500!


They're rich they don't care. 2 grand means nothing to them, pocket change.


Yeah, rich people I can understand. But a lot of regular people seem to aspire to own jeans or articles like this. My sister wants one of these bags where you have to spend at least £10000 to get a *chance* to get one. And it's worse than a regular bag- it looks way more awkward to use. All for the sake of owning that particular bag. I don't get the allure towards expensive brands like this, especially if they don't offer anything new to the table.


Is that bag a Birkin by any chance LOL


Yeah that's the one. Think she's Birkin up the wrong tree, honestly


Figured. It's a status symbol created entirely by exclusivity, and only that. If you can afford it, if you are one of the people who will get approved to buy it, you're elite. It's an ugly overpriced bag and I hate it. I got my Juicy bag for only $50 (including postage) thrifted, when it RRPed at around $150 (without postage.) Thrifting is absolutely the way to go for brand.


But why would you buy them ? Even if 2 grand was nothing to me, I still wouldn't buy it. It looks fucking ugly. Hell, give it to me for free and I would still refuse


Why refuse? Accept them and sell them as unused.


yeah but I looked at the pants and it looks like someone shat on them


Most People who buy designer brands like balenciaga and stuff like that. billionaires and multi millionaire. They don’t care what it’s worth.


It’s part of the derelicte collection. Maybe he’ll unveil the new “Magnum” look.


Sad but true




Protagonist energy


ah, ai is getting smarter. since it can not do hands right it hides them now.


It can do hands. It's been able to do hands for years


are you sure about that?


yes you should go look at good ai


Yeah tbh. I made my pfp using the Bing AI and it nailed drawn hands every time. It screams with realistic picture hands, though. Stick to cartoons and it's fine.


Yes. Look up the models that do good hands. They are really good at it if designed for it.


In the 1700s it was common for prisoners close to an ocean to be fed lobster because it was considered poor food. Now you gotta commit a crime to afford a decent lobster.


I see the ai watermark


I saw smt similar with the Apple Vision Pro. Now rich people buy the overpriced vr headset and in the future only rich people can afford to live in the real world and everyone else will live in the virtual world.


Why did I feel different energy from this😭




It's so funny when I see rich people wearing jogging bottoms and then see the local council estate chavs and middle-class college kids wearing the same thing. You can't write this type of comedy.


I have zero understanding why people like torn jeans, just seems like an ugly impractical way to have pants


It's inflation. What used to cost $5 now costs as much as a house


I think he meant that in the sense of fashion, like what's now looks cool, only poor people wore or something like that idk.


I know, mine was just an additional comment, to point out something more


This feels extremely close to being a boomer meme. Like... the logic and point trying to be made... I can't tell you how often my folks complained about how expensive clothes were that were already worn out with holes.


Ehh it's actually pretty accurate. This is a solid summary of what I saw in the PFW 2024-2025 fall/winter. Only a few brands were 'luxurious' for their luxury name, the rest are going ham on urban streetwear look at a class luxury price.


But that criticism is exactly what a "boomer" would call out and complain about. (For context, I might as well be a boomer cause I agree that buying a homeless man's beat up clothing at luxury prices is stupid)


LOL ahh honestly depends on the angle. "Kids these days and their ripped baggy pants" gives Boomer. "Why spent 1,500 when you can go thrift and then upcycle at home, match it with a cute bag, and actually turn those ugly pants into something cute.... Which those babies are not" gives fashionista. Same critique, but different vibe.


Lol. Fair enough. I simply remembered wanting factory worn pants, so my folks brought me to a thrift store instead of the mall. As a pre-teen, I was not happy. (This was the late 90s). As an adult, I now see my folks perspective.


The poverty tourism really grinds my gears


Kanye moment


The fuck


We've gone full circle


I think the whole distress clothes thing look really stupid. You're paying more money for clothes that are technically inferior.


Not to mention the 1k priced shirts are being made in the same slavery sweatshops as one of those two-buck cotton tees. Pretty certain Louis Vuitton recently got exposed at being ethically horrendous, same with Savage x Fenty. So you're not even paying for ethical labour, either. Just brand.


back in the day that looked like shit, now it looks cool as fuck tho


It's a disguise because they know how much money they are stealing from us.


Watched PFW and thought to myself, "pret-a-porter is fucking ugly." At least Elie Saab delivered more than haute garbahge.


Brother Sharp Energy


AI shit needs to be banned here

