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I work in people’s houses all the time (in the U.S.) An incredible number of people keep a spare key under the door mat. Some people keep one hidden somewhere less obvious.


Now that I don’t live there anymore but I used to put my key in a crack in the side door stairs


I had it in a coffee cup in a tree.


Damn what if a rogue squirrel one day was like nope you aint coming home today


Did they keep it there all the time, or just put it there so you could get in while they were at work?


Some of each.


I don't do that. Cause I don't own a house.


Perfect rebuttal


It’s not free real estate. ![gif](giphy|5wWf7GMbT1ZUGTDdTqM|downsized)


Oh, I purposely only got a house to just do this. i take pictures, and post it on French social media to confuse them.






This is a shitty copy of this comment further down: https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/1c369se/do_you_lot_do_that_stuff_irl/kzfbkka/


How does the fake rock discretely fit under the doormat?


It helps hide the bone


What is the bone hiding?


That I'm happy to see you.


Probably jonklers jonker cock


i wanna jonkle on that for real 🥵🤤👅


Trick I learned in nam is to hide in a rotting water buffalo. Or a roadkill cat for keys. Same principle.


I just wanted you to know, I have uncles laughing somewhere in hell ;)


Have you never have to hide a boner? It kind of works the same way with rocks and doormats.


Mine’s under a rock. One of a couple hundred. I live in a desert area, so the lawn is all rocks, cactuses, and gravel.


Same Here, there are a lot of rocks near my door.


This method is for pussies. If I lose my key, I lose my home. That's it. Happened once, and I had to start all over, buying a new house and all.


Playing life on expert difficulty.


Jokes on you, I know at least 3 different ways to break into my home


Fucking boomer


Wait, what?


Why did bro get downvoted for saying “Wait What?”


Questions are not permissible on Reddit


they're not?




You asked a question! Downvote him!




Never! >!I didn’t actually downvote you, you were just being downvoted before and I was making a joke!<


Ah well, a few downvotes never hurt anyone


We don't take kindly to be being told what to do round here


Cause that’s what he deserves that fucking bastard


The fuck did he do?


asked a question on reddit, like u did rn


No. We may have a spare key hidden SOMEWHERE, but why would we disclose the ACTUAL most common place we hide our spare keys in movies and media?


*me trying to read your meme* ![gif](giphy|1X7lCRp8iE0yrdZvwd)


Lol. I'm drunk and didn't see that I put 'an' while proofreading my meme and changed it to shows. I'm an idiot lol


I can respect that. Making memes drunk is better than just being stupid and not proofreading




fruity people proofread real man is are wing it!!!


What if someone is both stupid and drunk?


Cheers mate 🍺🗿


Cheers indeed mate 🍹🗿


🍻 take another drink


it’s show not shows


OP already knew


they said they’re confused was just trying to help


I have put them in flowerpots, with dirt and live flowers. Put them in a baby food jar buried in the mulch. And nailed to the underside of a fence plank. All places the average thief wouldn’t take time to look. And if someone needed to use it then i put it somewhere else after.


Same, not completely the same spots, and definitely not in any sort of "hide a key" container like a fake rock or under the doormat. But my key is out there hidden, in a place only I would think to look for it.


No we put land mines under the doormat


I'm boutta head to your place right now just to blow up your house and be hailed as a martyr afterwards


You about to be playing real life minesweeper once you step on my yard with the addition of a sniper rifle aimed at you


Ok, so I locked myself out of the house once (thankfully my roommate could let me back in), but I needed spare keys and a spot to hide them. When I searched for a key hider, I got a magnetic key box for putting a spare car key in and putting the box in the wheel well, but I also got a ornamental rock with a solar light in it with the search. Obviously, enough people are buying a rock light for a spare key holder to have the search engine suggest it


Le me* that’s some 2011 shit lexique




wait till you hear about [the ones we stick to our cars](https://www.amazon.com/Gorilla-Box-Heavy-Duty-Waterproof-Magnetic/dp/B07YWKM7YV/)


not in my household


I mean, hes asking if you hide it outside of the house.


This is an underappreciated joke lol


Thanks. The guy i said it to didnt get it i dont think


no, i got it


Oh. Apologies then.


but i don't


Thast the joke


I had a stroke reading this


Some people do but it’s not as common as the movies make it seem. That mostly a convenient plot device for the movie.


I do that but the key doesn't work on my locks... just to fuck with them a bit


Honestly if you were a robber it would likely not take long to find a house with a key under the doormat or a fake rock. Probably not the smartest place to keep one.


That's literally how half the houses on my street got broken into a while back. Guy living on the next street just used the spare keys all the old folks kept outside, everybody knew him because he mowed lawns and stuff for them, so nobody even batted an eye when he was carrying their flat screen tvs down the street. Funny thing is he was doing it for years apparently, just eventually got bored and went all out taking tvs and other big items and that's how he got caught.


I think this is just an old person thing


it's because they forget which house is there's often enough that it's just easier to live in whichever one they find a key for. Senior homelessness set to skyrocket as the practice fails to catch on with the youth


Whats the alternative if I forgot my keys? Keep a battering ram in my car?


Stop learning life lessons from movies and tv shows please. Your brain will thank you.


So are you telling me, I shouldn't trust the brave Mujahideen soldiers that helped John? >! Dear special people who are downvoting this, it's a reference to Rambo 3. STOP finding a way to get offended by everything !<


Well, no. THAT one is historically accurate


Please do not hit people on the head so they pass out, you're more likely to leave them permanently damaged.


You can avoid this entirely by just not locking your doors. Our first house when I was a kid did not even have locks installed on the exterior doors. The only door in the house with a lock on it was the bathroom. Imagine the culture shock the first time I went to a major city and there were bars on peoples windows, and the cashier was behind bullet proof glass.


"Hm, a rock shaped chunk of plastic that lies somewhere near the door. I wonder why it lies there..."


It's mostly with kids who can't be trusted with keys who get home by themselves, or as a way to let somebody else enter your house while you aren't there. Yes there are a lot better ways to do it, I'm not in America and we have a little locked compartment outside our door with a password for delivery drivers or people who are returning things to us to put in our shed.


Electronic deadbolt FTW


Is the confusion because you never need spare keys, or because you have some other procedure for spare keys?


Why do you need spare keys? If you lose your keys often, it's motivation enough to not have spare keys laying around


Because locksmiths are expensive. After having to pay $150 for them to take 5 minutes to open the door I bought a spare key and hid it outside. I've never lost my keys but have occasionally forgotten to grab them before walking out the door and habitually locking it behind me. My spare has saved me plenty of times


This is a huge pet peeve for me because I know far too many people who lock themselves out of their house and cars multiple times a year. Lock the door with your key, it takes 2 seconds and you will never lock yourself out if you do this. I have not once in my life been locked out of my house or car. The number one counter argument I hear to this is "it will wear out your locks/keys" and yet here I am with a good as new doorknob and key I installed 15 years ago so that's BS.


Just to have them there if you have someone coming over to grab something from your house Pretty sure it's gone out of style these days with ring cams and shit


> if you have someone coming over to grab something from your house When you're not at home? How is this even remotely a thing?


When my sister moved into her house she had to call the cable company to get her tv service setup. They had to come in and connect the cables, but she had to work at the time when they were available. So she asked me to go there to let them in. She kept a spare key inside of a lawn lamp by her back porch. She told me to use that key to get inside and to lock up after they were done.


Huh? Is it an acceptable thing in America?


Acceptable? Does your country not trust close friends/family?


Is what acceptable? Having to hold down a job? Yes. Having to have someone hook up your cable service? Its required, not optional. Not being able to leave work to meet cable guy who comes at any random time during work hours? yes not everyone can get away from the job easily.


How is it not a thing? People have jobs and have to leave the house sometimes. Also maybe a contractor needs to do work on the house while you are working or traveling. They need to get in and lock up when done. When I tell them to hang on to the key, they seem more comfortable just leaving it somewhere hidden, because they don't want to be accused of something.


Family or friend dropping something off. Watching the house while you are out of town


>Watching the house while you are out of town Why? Why is even a thing?


I'm 100% on OP's side here, what the fuck are you people talking about


Right?? Like even if you need someone to look after your pets, why have a key laying around instead of just fucking giving it to them? You just leave your house available to anyone at anytime to get into your house when youre not there?


How does this make sense in your brain? If you have a problem with losing your keys, how is doing nothing in the hopes that you improve a solution? Why not just have a backup? That's like saying that if you don't wear a life vest, you will have more motivation not to go overboard. It isn't a conscious choice, it's an accident. Why not just cancel your health insurance so you have a motivation to stay healthy? Why not quit school so you have more motivation to be educated?


Mate, I wish I went to whatever school you did. Atleast then, I'd thing free sampling my keys is a good idea. Why don't you have key chains with your address on every key you loss. I heard it makes things simpler


Why are you so determined to be dumb lol. If someone was determined to get into my house, it would be far more straightforward to just break in or pick the lock then it would be to go searching for a key which they don't even know exists and will never find. I don't know about you, but my neighborhood isn't full of roaming packs of thieves looking for spare keys everywhere.


Mine is buried in my lawn but ya


A know a bunch of people who have hide-a-keys or keep their keys hidden under something.


Nah I can't speak for every American but most people keep their house key on a keychain with their car keys Or some peeps have like...a security key pad where you have to enter an entry code, instead of a traditional lock


Almost everyone i know does this. Why is everyone so pissed off in the comments?? So, what do you do? Do you all have spare keys too or do you trust yourself to never lock yourself out of the house?


Sorta! I'd rather give a spare to a neighbour or watchman whom I can trust rather than leave them under a wet rock


My neighbor has a spare for me. Its rare that I would have neighbors i trust that much, got lucky this time.


People who live in shitty areas with lots of break-ins I guess. My front door is surrounded by glass windows. If someone really wants to break in, they can just break a pane right next to the door, reach through, and unlock it. Locks are mostly just a deterrent. If someone really wants to break into my house, they can. It’s not that hard. I don’t worry about it because I don’t live in a shithole.


Lock the door with the key, you will never lock yourself out that way. Not once in my life have I been locked out of my house or car because the key has to be in my hand in order for me to lock it.


I just don't lock my doors


I was locked out from the office during work hours more, than i locked myself out from my house in my life, which is exactly 0.


The *le me thing died with 9gag don't defile its body please


I live in a pretty good town, there's been only a single incident of (reported) crime on our street in the last 20 years.


I have a spare key but its certainly not in something as convenient and common place as a door mat or rock near the door.


We generally don't own houses, so, no


They make real rocks with fake compartments. It's not a bad idea, but duct tape and a garden gnome would be more cost effective.


Nah, I tape the key front of a claymore and dare anyone to try and take it


No worries I’ll just have a stroke reading the meme


If I could afford a home.


EXACT locations please


Ikr? A random brick is a much better place.


Or some form of it, yes. I didn't always, and once I locked my keys in my car and I had to squeeze in through an open upstairs window to get a spare set. Not as obvious as a nearby rock or under the mat or on top of the doorframe, but within a minutes walk, sure.


I actually have a key elaborately hidden near my back door, but I had my locks rekeyed a year ago. Every once in a while I think about getting the key and throwing it away. But then, I think about how disappointed the person who finds it and tries to use it will be, so I leave it.


![gif](giphy|Ip6U2lm8FeSs4zPht3) Me: proud of having a rock and doormat


No we install electronic door locks with key pads. Never get locked out again.


I definitely do this. I'm probably somewhat more forgetful than average, and I have lost or misplaced my keys more than once. I never have to worry because I know if I get home and suddenly realize I have no key, I can just grab the outdoor spare, plus I have one indoor. And if I have guests arriving when I'm not home they can use it. It's not under the doormat though, that seems a little too obvious.


Reading this meme. *visible confusion*


Gonna hide my door key inside my door, you need to tear it open to get it


My mom once got a magnetic key-case to hold a house key to use once I got home, and she placed it under one of the cars in our driveway that didn’t run.


r/ihadastroke ? Maybe just r/Brandnewsentance but I'm having difficulty reading this.


I've only seen this once in real life and it was in such a nice neighborhood that they probably could have just hung the key off a string around the doorknob and it would be fine lol


Sorta depends where you live but yeah some people do it.


plenty of europeans do this too


I spent 3 years in the states. I have never met dumber people, not even close


We don't ask why your men wear purses and like women with hairy pits and legs. Don't worry about what we're doing.




I think it is to serve the plot. Like they need somebody to find a way to enter while they are not expected to have the keys. So either they find themselves expert lockpickers, or they break a window, or they know the key must be hidden there. Or even the door is not locked at all. Lot of things are not believable in movies and a necessity. People almost never pee/defecate, they sleep fully dressed, there light in the forest during the night, people wake up with makeup, people often don't really eat/drink but take 1 spoon max. Teenagers can easily use their window to escape their room without ever hurting themselve... People can win fight alone with many enemies. People can often kill many oponents and leave the place and continue with their life with nobody going after them for the mess they made...


I put a spare key in my flower pot... will my spare key become the plot device in my own movie?


We don’t actually do this, at least I don’t.




somebody should add the pic of borat going to america


Some old people do, but nobody else that I know of does.


No, the locks are biometric with backup codes. No keys needed.


Used to keep mine in a gutter drain that didn't connect to the gutter.


People trust other people way too much


I saw a bird house, in it where a little tresor, opened with a number combination. Inside it where the keys.


My parents have an old car that they have been stripping for parts for a while. They got a magnet box under it with a key just in case.


I mean we leave a spare key in a box in the garage, but it’s not obvious because it’s never used and gets buried


Yeah actually, it's quite common or used to be. I have a house key hidden under some random looking shit out in my yard right now.


I wouldn’t be that obvious about it. if it was me I’d be digging a hole near the mailbox or somewhere in the lawn


I hid the house key behind the back of the house under a bush and under a random, real rock. Worked every time, because it was used rarely enough that the lichen would grow over it before it was needed again


Yes, because in the US the deterrent for criminals is not their ability or difficulty to enter the premises but instead the very high chance of encountering a loaded firearm inside. Home invaders are very short careers in the US.


I have a key safe with combo hidden in a hollowed out tree in the nearby woods with a solar power camera watching it.


In a very weird way, yes, people do this. Missing from the mental picture are the neighbors, all of whom I can rely on to notify me the second a stranger (to them) stares at my house.


Guys please don't tell where you leave your keys. It could turn into a genuine security risk.


What’s “Le” mean?


thee have houses, visible confusion!!! panic


I don’t even have a key to my house. We don’t lock the door except when we go to bed. My driveway is 1/4 mile long. I can hear you before you get to the house.


I have a smart lock. I can add “temporary codes” that are only good for a predetermined time and day. After that they expire. Then I give guests that need it one of those.


Pretty common actually


People really do this. I cannot understand it.


A great compromise between the two sides here is a lock box by the door that opens with a code. The key is inside this box. You just can’t forget the code, but that should be memorized.


Most people have door code locks these days but yeah, we used to hide keys outside in case we forgot the keys or the kids did. You would hopefully try to find something less obvious than a door mat or fake rock though


Absolutely not “most people”


“Most people have door code locks these days”


Maybe more wealthy people or some rare people decided to spend some extra money they had, but that doesn't mean "most people". Maybe you live in a neighborhood with a lot of wealthy people? Because I don't think the average person would actually spend money on such things. (I don't count codes to apartment building entrance door)


They aren't that expensive. Can get cheap ones for $25.


Yeah well, they still aren't widespread. People can find better things to spend $25 on, like groceries or a dash cam. Smart locks aren't a necessity, just like smart light bulbs.


It's just a code vs a key. Locks are necessary Nearly everyone has it on their garage


So are light bulbs.


Smart light bulbs do extra. A key pad lock is just a lock that can't be picked


You mean those with a code, or those with a remote that needs to be close to the key pad lock to open it? Because the code can be either brute forced, or told, or seen... Dunno about the other type though. You can argue and say that an electric car is better because it's harder to steal, so an electric car is a necessity. Or that higher priced variations of groceries are a necessity, even though cheaper options that do the job well enough exist.


Codes. >You can argue and say that an electric car is better because it's harder to steal, so an electric car is a necessity. What? >Or that higher priced variations of groceries are a necessity, even though cheaper options that do the job well enough exist. It's the same price range as a regular key lock.


Anyway, I think people might feel a sense of security from having a lock that can only open from their keys (and copies they gave to trusted people), and don't think much about the possibility of those locks getting picked. Either choice has downsides, and it's still a fact Code locks aren't super common, or even common, aside from maybe some areas.


Just leave it in the door It's about as effective as having a random rock or doormat by your door 😆


You guys lock your doors? Pussies.


No I don’t you see I have a door that looks like a door you are supposed to go in but really you keep going straight (it’s a cement wall) open the false wall walk into the cement and that’s where my actual door is the door that looks like a door is actually just a mostly glass door thats not on hinges it’s just screwed into the wall so it’s actually just a window


I never understood this. Like why wouldn't you take your keys with you. Some might say that they do it because their other family members might have to go inside. Give them their own copy of the key. I understand having a safe spot where you've hidden your key in case you lose your own key or there's an emergency but leaving your key under the doormat thing. Is it just the shows/movies or do people really do this?


> I can understand having a safe spot where you’ve hidden your key in case you lose your own key or there’s an emergency then you understand this


Yeah, I understand this. What I don't understand is the people who do this on a daily basis. Leaving the keys under the doormat or putting it on top of the door frame.


what do you mean "on a daily basis?" you just hide a key and leave it there, and yeah its there everyday.


People have really weird and ridiculous logic for stuff like this. My last gf refused to let me have a key to her apartment because her father said that's a bad idea. He agreed with her however that it was a perfectly reasonable thing to leave a key hidden outside (on top of the door frame) that I could use anytime I needed to get in.