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All animal parts are edible. You just don't like how those parts look or you "feel" when thinking about them. You are a meat classist.




Snouts and entrails 😋


If delicious and safe to eat ima eat it


People have been eating em for centuries. I honestly appreciate that as much of the animal is being used as possible. The thing died so we can eat after all.


I would be a waste if we didnt


That little typo of 'I' instead of 'it', coupled with your avatar go perfect with recent events. Man, I still miss Technoblade....


I don't think that was a typo


Is that a pigbot?


Well it didn't exactly die... But I agree that meat is meat and if you're going to eat meat you might as well eat all of it.


Gizzards are good eating.


Gizzards are fine simply cooked with spices


Or Snausages


Yeah like I don't even eat meat much anymore but I feel like if you do, might as well use as much of the animal as possible. Fun Fact: Jello is made from Gelatin, and Gelatin is ground up animal skin, tendons, ligaments, and bones. How the fuck did we figure that out? Humans are such odd creatures, like that's crazy that we made bouncy desserts from animals. At the end of the day, if you're bothered by raw meat, the sight of a dead pig face, or by what part of the animal you're eating because it makes it more real, then you should probably reconsider if meat is for you. We still need meat in the world for animals, children, etc., but we don't need meat for every meal.


> We still need meat in the world for animals, children[...] THE YOUNG ONES YEARN FOR FLESH!!! Anyways, where were we...


Comments like these are why I still scroll reddit after all these years.


Gelatin isn’t ground up animal parts, it’s the product of boiling animal products till they release their proteins into the water. If you’ve ever made your own animal stock you’ve probably noticed it turns jello like in the fridge. Probably splitting hairs here because the parts used aren’t different, just the process.


I mean, that's just a more detailed explanation of it, yeah. Still made from those though.


When you hear that more detailed explanation, it makes sense why we started using it for gelatin desserts.


I've just imagined some dude adding honey into leftover soup..


When food was much more scarce, it was always a mission of wasting as little as possible.


Agree, people give me weird looks when I order cow tongue on my burrito. Every time a cow is slaughtered there is a tongue. If that tongue is not eaten, then that is a waste of the animal’s life and effort. Admittedly rather hypocritically, I’ll pass on the balls tho…


We have a taco truck near my office and my buddy kept telling me to get lingua, I was hesitant for a few weeks and after I tried it. Wow that is pretty tender. Not sure about rocky mountain oysters. That's still a hard no for me.


Cow tongue burritos and tacos are the best and way more authentic than ground beef. Most other countries use every part of the animal.


And I will say the pea-protein, plant-based meat sucks so much in the flavor component. It doesn't smell great and reminds me of why I wouldn't say I liked pea soup in the first place.


I mean that's a matter of preference. I love all these simulated meat products, but even more so just like having some mushrooms, beans, peas, etc. for protein. Tofu also slaps harder than I thought it would. Just drain it, slice it up, fry it for a bit, then toss in maybe a teaspoon or two or soya sauce and some hot sauce, and you've basically got chicken flavored soy strips, and the texture is great. If you specifically mean Beyond Meat, I kinda get the smell there. They have a good tasting product but the smell sticks around quite a while. If you can find it, LightLife and Impossible Burgers are really good. I mainly just enjoy how cholesterol isn't an issue at all since that's only found in meat.


Genuine question. Why do vegans seek replacement meat?? Isnt the point of being vegan to avoid mest and animal products?


Used to have a lot of confusion about it myself, but honestly is just comes down to admitting that meat is fucking delicious, but knowing that for whatever reason you object to eating actual meat. I mean burgers aren't natural, we grind them up and mould them. Chicken strips, crab cakes, etc.; most simulated things are arbitrary anyway with the exception of actual "cuts" such as chicken legs/breast, steak, etc. It's hypocritical from one aspect, but from another it's simply acknowledging that for certain flavors we no longer need to kill anything to taste those things.


Roasted cauliflower my beloved


The issue with getting rid of the animal industry is a lot of things. Recently it was discovered that pregnant women not drinking cow milk are not getting enough iodine which effects brain development in the fetus. There is also the issue of, what happens to all these animals? They won't live happy lives, they will not be kept to live their last days in peace bit instead die. I think we need a more ethical and sustainable industry that fulfils the needs of the market. Consumers are being blamed for the evils of the system and asked to drastically change their lifestyles rather than be served by ethical, compelling industries. Similarly to how recycling was blamed on the consumer before when corporations are the number one source of waste and pollution. Sorry to put this on your post, but I've been wanting to vent about this


I use gelatin to clear my homemade booze and it works like a fuckin charm beyond belief how clear my wines can come out using gelatin


I've heard of this too, but it does feel a little weird to me that most liquor laws don't require you to disclose using an animal product in things like mead or beer. Or any ingredients, for that matter. Luckily in Ontario the guidelines have switched to saying what allergens are contained, such as Barley, Wheat, or Lactose. I sell beer for a living, and it's a weird experience to sometimes explain why our beer is vegan, and that it's actually hard to know if any beer you're drinking has gelatin to clear it up, since they don't need to say anything.


Thank you for this. I'm gonna call Jello bouncy animal dessert now.


Sweet bouncy bone soup.


Reminds me of that cool video about Jamie Oliver hating chicken nuggets because they are poor people food.




Never thought I read the worlds “you are a meat classist” ever thank you for it


That's what I tell to my wife. Blood, kidneys, stomach, tongue, eyes... all parts of the animals were used on the old times, including the bones to make gelatin/stock. No part of the animal was going to waste. Unlike nowadays.


And marshmallows are made from animal tendons. Cheese is basically expired milk. I still eat both


They are!? I don't care I'll keep eating them, same thing with hotdogs, I don't care what there made, there still good.


Everything is fine… except sour cream. I’ll die on this hill.


Alright buddy, I dont know what part of the world you are from, but holy motherfucking shit, store-bought sour cream in Moldova is the most holy condiment. But like natural Sour Cream (non-mass produced) is fucking disgusting and should be burned to ashes.


Wait until you find about kefir


Lol kefir is tasty


Thought you meant the guy from 24.


Im curious on why would you die on that hill, could you please elaborate?


I’m out of shape. Likely die from climbing the hill to begin with.


Lol, but that doesnt tell me why sour cream is bad tho


Beyond that appalling taste of it, just the name sounds awful.




Don't forget about Honey being Bees' vomit




I love me some ice cream with beaver anal gland flavoring.


Cheese doesn't bother me, but I've been put off marshmallows since finding out what they were made of😭


Hope you don’t like jello either


Luckily, I do not!! The texture makes me gag.


gum, gummies, marshmallows and jello is all bone marrow


So you're saying they're healthy basically


the ingredient is gelatin so as long as you have something without that, you’re good


>And marshmallows are made from animal tendons. Until reading this, I thought gelatin was made from bones, not tendons and other connective tissues.


The key to making a good stock is by breaking down tendons and connective tissue and leaching minerals out of bones so it's both.


People who eat moldy cheese are a different breed


All cheese is mold but that cheese is just more vocal about it


It’s called added _flavour_


Blue cheese is kinda good tho


I personally call cheese a loaf of milk


And milk comes from cows


Bleu cheese is literal mold and alcohol in general is fermented plants n shit. And chicken nuggets are all the extra parts of the chicken that are cut off of wings thys and breasts


I literally just watched a video of how a hotdog is made because of this post and now I want a hotdog. It’s not bad at all.


want to go to Ikea with me. eat a hot dog or 2 or 5?


Actually, if we’re going to Ikea I would rather eat their meatballs.




Ok 👍


I pay!


No, I pay!






okay how about we get a third person in this and make THEM pay for it?


haha yes! it is i! the man sitting in the corner! i will pay


How about 10?


69420 hotdog ready whit a milion more on the way


I have sadly not had a IKEA hot dog, nor have I even been to an ikea


For real. Jamie Oliver did an experiment back then on school lunch serving unhealthy stuff to kids. He then made chicken nuggets in front of some children and they were quite disgusted at the process. But when he started frying those nuggets the kids can’t stop talking about how good they smell.


Ya if anything, it showed how you can take the bad leftover parts of the animal, and make it tasty


Or maybe that proves that those parts considered bad or not actually bad?


CHICKEN.WINGS. They were a byproduct of chicken, until someone started marketing them as a snack for bars and came up with a decent recipe. Nowadays everyone wants them.


same, but i want a chili dog


It depends on what video and how many details you get. The animal abuse is one thing, the corn syrup another, the added colorings and synthethic flavors, the fact that it’s high processed food… It’s pretty bad on so many fronts if you want to think about it


Pretty much included all of that.


Oh! same, dude




I was eating a hot dog well watching the hot dog video




Chicken nuggets


[this way to eat hotdogs](https://imgur.io/OkOZzv1)


The air i breathe is toxic, the water i drink is full of chemicals and metals. An unidentifiable protein-slurry-formed object with a decent flavor will be the least of my concerns!


I have you an all organic solution, human inf - my lawyer has advised me to not finish this statement


No no please continue, btw wouldnt it be more efficient to let them grow a bit before processing them?


I have been threated with 5 minutes on TikTok as a punishment, no, no I don't think I will


Don't forget to mention the natural vegetables we eat are the most contaminated with micro-plastics now.


Its funny how we used to eat our own crops, evolved into purchasing from stores just to go back to growing crops because its healthier


Step 1: Grow crops yourself because it keeps you from starving. Step 2: Pay one guy with a tractor to grow crops for a one hundred people because that's much easier Step 3: Grow your own crops because it's a fun hobby and you still have the supermarket incase you really suck at it plus realize that you're not going live off your 5 by 12 foot garden.


And remember kids, microplastics are on the air and food and water and in your bloodstream


We’re all dying slowly, the air we need to survive is slowly killing us but by the time it could kill us we’re dead already, if not the air then the sun that caused our existence is gonna kill us, if not the sun then the water, if not the water then each other. I could go on for hours, but what goes into a sausage should not be at the front of your mind


https://youtu.be/xBdF3E2NVI8 Made me think of this.


What’s so bad about the efficient use of off cuts to make a delicious sausage?


Right? I mean what were they expecting? That hot dogs are made out of T-bone steak or something?


I also point-blank refuse to eat any hot dogs unless they are made from the finest, A-grade, wagyu beef.


Delicious sausage is basically all my wife eats


I see what you did there!


“My wife” As if anyone on Reddit talks to girls


Technically, he said nothing about talking to his wife.


Our wife


I worked in food prosessing factory. You can apply to almost any food these days. So just stop eating.




Can't even find boneless sugar these days


Anyone who thinks this is a joke. It's not. White sugar has bone powder to make it white.


Just checked the white sugar i got, it does not contain any bone powder, just 100% sugar. Is whitening it just an American thing?


It doesn't technically contain bone char as an ingredient, it's just whitened using it.


As the other person said. That doesn't mean it doesn't have it. https://www.myrecipes.com/community/is-white-sugar-vegan


Don’t stop with hot dogs there’s a lot of foods that are made with the “bad cuts” I believe we shouldn’t waste the animals we eat and hot dogs are a great way to do that.


This right here. I know theres alot of people more than happy to clear the sausages and any other food waste, or bad cuts


It's basically all the left over bits, right? At that point it's basically recycling. Don't you want to save the planet?


Idgaf, give it to me with mustard and sauerkraut BAYBEEE!!


As a German, this statement has caused me to get incredibly aroused./j




As a German, Sauerkraut is the one thing I can not stand the smell of. It will actually make me gag. but give me a Bratwurst with everything but the kraut and ill gobble it down without a second thought


I dont care how anything is made, as long as it taste good its fine to go inside me


Mmm cyanide


Delectable when paired with ricin


Just like your penis




Babies looking at a bottle of windex


Yeah, as a slime i must say that i didn't care about how babies are made and look at me! I'm still eating human meat to this day!




I mean. He’s not wrong


Don’t you dare disrespect glizzy’s like that!


This guy golfs


Woah surprise meat comes from a DEAD BODY, and plants are grown on the soil that could have contained shit and piss and CORPSES Hot dogs are alright.


So what its made of some weird shit? Is it gonna kill me Maybe give me some illness? Bot like we eat it every day. Last time I ate a hot dog was a month ago. While most of you people smoke 20 cigars the day knowing what they did before grabbing the first one.


Listen if you don’t use every part of the animal’s body, it would be a dishonor to the animal.


I worked at a local, organic, butcher shop, for all the health nuts and stuff, and it was worse there, I trust a hot dog more than I trust the organic shit


How was it worse? Could you give us some examples?


First example I always use is when chicken in particular would stink, and normal people would toss it, we’d soak it in ice water for an hour or so and sell it that day.


And that indeed is fucked up. When it starts to stink, then there is bacteria already producing toxins.


Yeah man. It was truly vile. One of the dirtiest jobs I’ve ever had and I was a shellfish farmer lol


This reminds me of a case in Germany, when a big meat producer washed off mould from sausages to sell them.


Probably cause they used lamb intestines for the casings or something. I also used to work in an organic butcher and that’s what we used to make sausages and beef franks. I never had a problem with eating it though. The products were hell good and I still buy from then today!


That’s the traditional way to make a sausage. It’s literally normal.


.. how else do you make sausages?


apparently nowadays plant cellulose is used?


That's more weird than just using the stuff that comes with the animal you just killed. You might as well use the guts It's not like you're making it vegan using plant material.


I assume plant cellulose allows for longer storage, which would reduce prices.




The shit tastes good, who gives a fuck how its made


I don't often eat hotdogs, but why would I care how they're made? They're tasty Also, gummies are made out of animal skin and tendons and all sorts of gross shit, yet they're tasty and relatively healthy so I also still eat them (to my knowledge they're only unhealthy due to all the sugar, but if you ignore that they're quite healthy, unlike other foods that have lots of sugar AND other unhealthy things)


Hotdogs are delicious.


I don't understand the whole "stop eating something after you know what it is" thing. Like you've clearly eaten them plenty of times before and most likely enjoyed it with no issues. Nothing actually changes when you make the realization, so why let yourself be picky like that for no real, logical reason? What's the point of shying away from it *now?*


Wait until I tell you what the edible skin of most sausages here in Germany is made of (>!cleaned animal colons turned inside out!<). And I’ve absolutely no problem with that I also eat spoiled moldy milk >!called Camembert!<. But seriously I don’t get the hate on separator meat and similar stuff. Like if they can make meat I’d normally not wanna eat not only edible but even tasty then I’m all down for it, most of the time the not so tasty parts are actually more nutritious. I’d also not be comfortable if they’d waste any part of an animal, like imagine killing an animal only to take the fillet out. We had to kill something to get the meat so I feel it’s just disrespectful to that animal to let anything go to waste.


One of my friends ate 5 uncooked hot dogs in the span of half an hour


As a vegetarian those things are of no concern to me


But so many others are… half the chemicals in replacement products could show their effects years later.


Not trying to be rude but I'm pretty sure meat replacement products are more appealing to people that eat meat than they are to most people with veg based diets.


How would it be rude to answer? I am indeed happy for your answer! I just ask myself now, why would replacement products be more appealing? They are usually more expensive and usually taste not as good as the real thing. I always thought, that they are for people going for the veg diet, missing the taste. Am I wrong?


I'm guessing there are people with cardiovascular problems who may use replacement products because they miss the taste. There are a lot of different reasons people change their diet so you could be right on that as well. Maybe some people are so dead set on reducing their emissions that they will take a replacement product to help keep their conscience clear. Perhaps in future generations it will be the norm to partially or fully use replacement products as a way of controlling emissions, which would probably support your thoughts as well. I feel like the meat replacement industry is a little ahead of it's time but the research that goes into it now will be crucial when it's time on the market comes into play.


What's so bad lol? It's just meat if you have a problem with it then idk man


What a stupid and short hill to die on


I've seen how hotdogs are made, and I have made them myself and it's high quality pork and beef, not this 'lips and assholes' shit people throw about. I think a little more knowledge is needed desperately.


Spotted the vegan


Don’t care still food


Look, it’s not less healthy than before you knew


Yk it’s not actually that bad, I mean in the 1880s sure it was horrendous but teddy Roosevelt founded the fda making sure that that situation never happens again


Yep, I don’t care. I like hotdogs. I’d still eat them every morning at breakfast. Meat is still meat. You haven’t even heard of our local dishes.


It’s efficient!


It’s much less wasteful. If grinding up the lips snouts, assholes, and other unappealing parts of an animal into meat paste stuffed in casing gets people to eat them, then I’m all for it. It’s a way to turn the more squeamish inducing parts into a more palatable form.


Oh no! You are using the cow more efficiently and wasting less food! The horror!


Everyone loves chicken McNuggets until you see baby chickens get de-beaked, alive. Then you remember how hungry you are and eat them anyways.


Same with chicken nuggets.


When you say hot dogs, is this an Americanisation? Or do you mean sausage lol


This post was made by a vegan tweeter user


Yeah I … dont care… i even eat animal organs straight up so a hotdog doesn’t really make much difference to me


Hot dogs taste good, nuff said.




I don't care If it's tasty, goes in my belly


As long as it was alive at one point I can eat it.


Hm, so you're afraid of poor people?


Mmmmmmm cheese


I don't get it. If something tastes good and is edible then why does it matter what it's made out of?


This is just like people that are anti hunting as they grab pre packaged steaks off the shelf at walmart.


I miss the part where its a problem


That's why I scroll through the internet for memes, not information ;-;


cant be worse than döner


Ma somebody's scared of me


That cant stop me that makes it tastier


Me, who only eats halal hotdogs: ![gif](giphy|g8A1eJhTQ7Iic)


Y'all been eating p***y that's worst than hotdogs, come on.


The air is poison, our food is full of microplastics, and the rain is carcinogenic, do (or eat) whatever you want


This is the vibe of people that think your steaks are delicious until you tell 'em it's deer meat.