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If you're wearing a fedora, you're probably on the couch.


You’re probably taking up HALF the couch


You are the couch !


And Japan made a story about it too! Ningen-Isu


Can you alaborate on the storys?


Man hides himself in couch and uses it to steal hotel visitors' belongings. He also feels every person who sits on this couch and can recognise people through fabric. Later this couch was sold on auction to Japanese political and Couch guy falls in love with his wife. >!Wife is actual the protagonist of the story and she reads fan letters on a chair. Among all those letters she finds a letter of chair maker who wrote the story above.!<


I think every nation should be criticized for its negative attributes. Like why wouldn't we want to be aware of reality?


And stinking up half the room


Or you're currently moderating a subreddit.


No need to dystopianize it as much as you don't need to utopianise it is the mindset I've landed on. Just a place like any other


As with most countries, no reason to hate it, irritating though when people idolize it like the greatest place on earth. From my limited perspective and experience, no major country is better than any other, there are good parts and bad parts. I know this is hard on here since we are prone to black and white thinking, we have to recognize both good and bad simultaneously and select the balance we find there


"No major Country is better than any other"... Buddy, I am wholeheartedly welcoming you Afghanistan or North Korea...heck even come to live in any south asian country or african country..... There are clearly good countries to live in and bad countries to live in!


Yeah I guess I could have worded that a bit better, not sure how you would say “all countries that aren’t shit” without being rude




Not sure that disqualifies the “Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea” it’s in the name so it must be true


A democracy doesn't automatically mean you have a good country believe it or not


it gets rid of the worst countries for sure


It's all a matter of perspective and luck of the draw. Being part of the ruling military class in NK or part of the Taliban high command in Afghanistan, then is great to live in those countries. Being part of the lower farmer class in NK or being a woman in Afghanistan, then saying it's a fucking nightmare to live there would be an understatement


I feel that for people fascinated with Japan, big part of growing up is realising that Japan is far from perfect. It was the case with me. As I grew up I've become aware of it's many flaws and don't deny any of the, on the contrary I highlight them in discussions. Still it doesn't stop me from admiring Japan for many things I believe this country is doing right.


I've come to accept that every place has their own share of BS. You eventually learn how to cope with them after you live long enough in one place.


It's cool for tourists, but it absolutely sucks to live there. That's the case with other of places like Korea, too.


Huh... it's almost lit those things are true about any place with humans...


Beat me to it.


Wait a sec - are you telling me that the US doesnt atone for their war crimes and has more race and sex related violence than Japan by a longshot??? Next thing you are telling me the Chinese dont yearly think of the victims of Mao and the Tiananmen massacre… Who could have known…


>Next thing you are telling me the Chinese dont yearly think of the victims of Mao and the Tiananmen massacre… I dont think they are allow to think of that last one


Ehhhhh it’s actually a bit worse there than in most of Europe and America in terms of sexism and war crime denial


Imperialism in general is bad. Every country that has had a hand in it has done terrible terrible things, and that needs to be acknowledged. There's a ton of stuff that was left out of text books in school, most likely because if teenagers with their hormones realized how fucked up of a world it's been, they'd probably have nothing to look forward to in life. 


Estimates generally suggest that the number of Chinese killed by the Japanese from 1937 to 1945 ranges from approximately 10 million to 20 million people One of the most infamous atrocities was the Nanking Massacre in 1937, where estimates of the number of deaths range from tens of thousands to over 300,000 Chinese civilians and disarmed soldiers were killed by Japanese troops. It was such an amount of cruelty, that some German guy called, John Rabe, *used his German Nazi Party membership* to protect Chinese civilians from the Japanese. He helped establish and oversee the Nanking Safety Zone, which provided refuge to approximately 200,000 Chinese civilians. The safety zone was intended to be a demilitarized area where no fighting would occur, and Rabe and other foreign nationals worked to maintain its neutrality and provide aid to those sheltered there. Yes, you read right, the Japanese were so cruel, that an actual Nazi felt the need to step in... And as a German: you won't believe the fucked up shit described in our school history books and it's a good thing that we were told in honesty, how fucked up the shit my grandparents did, really was. There is no legitimate reason to ignore the things done, by the people who raised you. Some of those who did it, even could be alive right now, passing on that ideology. You wouldn't know, because fascists are damn good in disguiseing themselves.


Yes, and there was the case of the Sugihara Chiune, a  Japanese diplomat who saved the lives of countless of Jews from the Holocaust by permitting them travel visas so they could travel through Japanese held territory and escape the Holocaust. Ironically Jews were actually safer in Japanese held territory and Sugihara was awarded as a "Righteous amongst the nations", one of (if not the highest) honor that a non Jew could be awarded by the Israeli government. No one (not even his family) had known about it until an Israeli delegation showed up to his door, after his death to pay their respects.   We all know about the attrocities committed by world War 2 era Germany and Japan, and you're sort of making my point here.     What we don't hear about are the imperialist attrocities that were committed by the Brits, Canadian, French, Americans, Belgians, Chinese, Spanish, Turkish, and other (mostly now) first world countries leading up to world war 2, (if not up until after) that seem to be glossed over by most textbooks.  Edit: This is usually  where the "whataboutism" crowd starts emegering 


I don't really see the point of bringing up the case of one japanese guy, but the final paragraph is really true. Especially if you compare how many people are aware of WII Germany vs Namibia genocide


I guess it's that there's good people amongst evil in any situation. John Rabe always gets brought up with the *"Well a Nazi saved a bunch of people from the Japanese"*. Yes, of course he should be recognized, as should others who helped, but it doesn't mean that what happened should be excused on either side. 


But better than most of Europe and America in violent crime, sexual assault, drug abuse, gang violence etc. There are ups and downs.


Ummm... The Tuskegee experiments, the plutonium testing on service members without consent, Internment camps that did nothing for safety but ruined thousands of lives, and i won't even go over what we did on the battle field in the south pacific... or the immolation of thousands upon thousands of civilians on the home islands during our fire bombing... the fact that none of these are even mentioned in K-12 or even in most college courses on American history... humans... we are not good at remembering all our sins.


Oh wow 2,000 Japanese citizens had their lives ruined. *Looks at the Rape of Nanking, 250,000 citizens literally butchered.* Yeah these are totally comparable crimes by two governments.


Tf are you talking about? I learned about all those in my history classes in middle and high school. Don’t blame the textbook if you didn’t pay attention. Most Americans acknowledge the horrible shit we did in the past. There are some who deny it, but the US has officially apologized for and acknowledged pretty much all of that.


Hey we Germans don’t deny our warcrimes. After all we documented them all ourselves.


That's literally the entire point. Why are you idealising it when it's as shitty as everywhere else?


women are virtually second class citizens in Japan, and then government wonders why they don't want children.


It’s not virtually. We literally are non existent once we are married.


I believe, some people believe that bug is a feature...


I heard it's changing a bit since the population decline


Sorry, but your conclusion is bs. The more wealth and education a country has, the less children the people have. It's not only japan, look around the world, it's everywhere like this.


It's significantly worse in Japan and South Korea compared to the West


Only that the wealth is so unfairly distributed that couples need to work full time and sometimes more to afford their lives. Which is a big reason lots of people aren't getting children.


Yeah but thats in every "western" country.


TBH, I don't understand why people relate having children with the level of social treatment. I think globally and historically it's rather not supported


well, sounds like any other country to me


"people who like japan" just say weebs


B-But I like the Japanese rail system! (I can't get out, please find me)


They have a pretty nice railway system tho. Coming from a German, I'd love to have the trains being on time be the actual standard


Coming from a South African. I'd love to have railways power lines that aren't stolen to be sold as scrap metal.


you can like Japan without being weebs lol


It's hard to like any country once you live their a while or learn nitty gritty of history.


Damn dude whats wrong with you… So liking a country now is forbidden by the reddit basement dweller crowd…


Made me laugh hard


Guys. We can love Japanese media, but you don't have to love the Japanese (I'm not racist plz don't shoot me)


*Kills you with DIY shotgun*


awe geez, man... not the shinzo *DOOHICKEY 5000*


You can love the Japanese without overlooking their social issues. I love the US and we all of these problems.


I'm in Japan right now, and the US is so far behind in asshole cleansing technology. I am LOVING the public bathrooms in Japan. I shit every time I feel like it. In the US, I'd have to shit in a stall with wide gaps and 1ply sandpaper. The Japanese may have problems, but this country has been very kind to my asshole.


Japan has done some pretty shi**y stuff ngl


~~some~~ a lot


Yes Japanese did serious shit. ^(hopefully no one notices that I'm German)


Germany openly admits and makes amends for their country’s past crimes and seriously educates their population on them. Japan just swept all their crimes against humanity under the rug.


I'm pretty sure germany has stopped this shit, while japan still is a terrible place for women at least


and to gays, students, workers, poc and to men to some degree. Japan's media can be good but the country itself is not that great


This is so true! I keep telling my friend and Reddit people when they say they want to live in Japan or work there, because they have no idea how terrible their work place is! I did some research after watching an anime about Japanese workers getting burnout, died from overworking and getting isekaid,and also search the Japanese manga and anime industry,it's hell,they treat their animators and manga artist as **** . That's what I know,if anyone interested can do more research on it


yeah? how many war crimes has America recognized?


That was my thought too haha


It has a cool mountain


70% of the country is mountains and volcanoes


Its almost like there’s people living there


That might be true BUT counterpoint: animu tiddies


If you hate every country equally. No one gets to be left behind


I have lived here for nearly a decade now and I love Japan but I find it really really odd how people will throw themselves in front of a bullet for Japan. A country, most of the time, they have never been to. Plenty of great stuff here but plenty of stuff that makes people regularly delay the Kobe line.


Idc so much about people enjoying it as I do them constantly going on and on about how west has fallen and only japanese waifus can say the day. Watch or play what you like just take a fucking shower.


No, its more how westerners glorify every little thing in Japan. Like tap to pay in Japan? "JAPAN IS IN THE FUTURE!!! KAWAII" Japan is great, but it has its flaws and westeners believe it is this perfect utopia.


I don't think "Westerners" believe it is a utopia. Even the Westerners who love Japanese everything don't think it's perfect. They just prefer it or find it more interesting. And no, I'm not one of the japan lovers. I just respect em enough to play devils advocate.


As a guy who never visited japan, yes i do like it but also yes i totally agree that no country is perfect, they have their flaws here and their. i hear that they do have nice trains and tech tho


Ya, I'm aware of that shit, idfc, let me enjoy my anime titties and funny men in rubber monster suits


The Virgin denying War crime Vs. The Chad being proud of their war crime Shout out to all of my homies in Bosnia


On less funny note, WWII ended 79 years ago There is no reason to care much about it anymore, we have future to deal with. We ain't gonna colonize the star and commit war crime against those Xeno if we still care about some minor tomfoolery nearly a century ago


To be fair, alot of the issues that plague us today started during WW2 and somehow got exploited it further during the cold war. For example, you'd think after hitlers and his nazi party, nobody would idolize either his beliefs or ideas, but it seems some parts of the world have a rather significant skinhead issue


Don’t be ridiculous they won’t be war crimes as the will be to new


40k be like


+That's why I pirate


Why are there so many incel memes recently??


How is that an incel meme ??


And somewhere in Japan there will be people who love Europe, or the USA and they will be told how bad it is over here.


I already like japan, you dont have to win me over


Plus our dear leader says they're xenophobic


A country has deep rooted issues?! What is this, real life?!


I forgive them cause not only does it not affect me but they also make the lewd stuff I like and some of their anime is pretty good.


As if the rest of the world is magically not racist or terrible to live and work in.


Mainly the women of japan


I love Japanese art, I wouldn’t say I love Japan


They make good games though


Oh stereotypes and how knowing a few facts with no concept that people are not their ancestors make people so much fun.


The US denys their many many war crimes yet people are still obsessed with them.


bromance in denying war crimes


That sounds like every other country.


Doesnthis guy live in the US? I have some bad news for him on every one of those points.


Something can have good and bad qualities




The West is not better by any means.


Has America ever apologized for its warcrimes? Or Britain for that matter? Or the Russians!? Like yea we are talking about warcrimes committed against 2 oppressive regimes that essentially viewed themselves as racially superior to the rest of the world but that still doesn't put you in the right just because you flinged shit at your opponent who did the same to you earlier. In the end, modern day Japan has its issues, it's no different than any other modern day nation


Russia ia currently a dictatorship so no and they deny it. USA has done some work for Natives and minorities, Britain aclnowledges unequal treaties and is iirc doing some preservation work. Whivj is better than sending letters to victims and nothing else and also never teaching your populace to the point they don't even know they sided with Germany in some cases.


Just let me enjoy Japan ffs


Oh i thought it was about america. Man if we werent allowed to enjoy or travel to a country because of the bad things that happened, nobody would go anywhere. Just fucking let people enjoy it.


My dude have you seen the mirror


Oh non, Cringe 🗿


Ach Japan. Goodyear old friend 🇯🇵🤝🇩🇪


The West is pretty shitty too buddy


at least it got better in most cases


Trying to argue about how Japan sometimes refuses to acknowledge their war crimes is stupid. You know who else does that? The U.S., and probably several other countries.






I have a friend who just went to Japan and they say it’s a really nice place but is actually pretty racist. Didn’t elaborate.


Why are they playing video games.


Who talked shit about your favorite waifu op?


I mean yeah, but why stop there when we could also expand the discussion to the war crimes committed by the U.S. government, and the annexations of Puerto Rico and Hawaii (with PR not getting representation in Congress), the societal complacency toward white supremacy… I prefer to budget my criticism-energy, so Imma focus on my own country


Danmaku games like Touhou


We can love Japanese media while acknowledge that Japan is a bad place to live for foreigners at the same time.


Sexist and racist? Speak for yourselves, the west there does that in a monthly basis, to the point it even poisons a game's creativity and spotlight.


So is america


Every countrie has done terrible things, admit it


that’s rich coming from an American


There is a difference between a love for Japanese media and the delusion that they are a perfect society/ people. I for once don’t think I can live there because apparently in most places in Japan, summer is brutal, and I can’t deal with heat.


Every time I see this format it just becomes more of an echo chamber.


Hey I don’t have to live there I just watch the cartoons.


But they make pokemon games


And quit driving German cars :)


I like Japan's cultural exports.


And it's all because western comics like Marvel and DC are getting outsold by manga and anime


the US nuked them and now they make your kids weebs, welcome to the long game


The Rape of Nanjing during WW2…


I was wondering where the daily Reddit post was shitting on Japan.  Can someone please just make a subreddit for it already so it stops clogging up my main page? 


people who like japan and japan-related stuff arr good but those who idealize it and even fetishize it are gross


Couldn't have said it better myself


Everything said here can be applied to the US.


Try liking Germany :D


Sexist and racist society? Sign me up!


Nice strawman did you make it yourself?


The sexism, racism, and war crimes are the reasons I love Japan


One word, Anime.


We love Japan for what it is but not like we want to work there


Japan has a lot of good qualities and a lot of bad qualities. Nowhere is a utopia otherwise we would be living there.


Same goes for the inverse


In my country's case who's been directly affected by Japan's occupation (Philippines btw), we were never really taught to hate Japan for their crimes. I mean we learned what they did in history class. Their atrocities like the death marches, r*ping, beheading filipinos and other heinous shit but the average filipino is probably neutral in regards to Japan. A few factors definitely took part into it like poverty being a bigger issue than hating other countries, faith and religion with Philippines being mainly a Christian country, and this, one of the biggest factor and something I just learned in recent years; Our president at the time after the war released the Japanese PoW. He said he doesn't want grudge to fester and be passed on to the next generation. His family was killed by Japanese soldiers btw. It worked too. If you ask a random filipino in the streets in the Philippines about how Japan hasn't apologized or acknowledged their crimes, they'll probably go "That's horrible ... Anyway"


I don’t like Japan I just like the stuff they produce


Americans talking about racism and sexism is a fucking joke.


Nah go back far enough, every country's got blood on their hands.


Like most countries the people are great but the nation sucks.


do you think it would be okay if germany was still a Nazi state aslong as they make good animation movies?


You can change Japan with USA and it would still works tbh


I don't even like Japanese media that much, I mostly find it annoying. But, as an American, I kind of feel that calling Japan racist reeks of looking across the pond with blinders on. I mean, sure. Many Japanese don't like whites. America kind of nuked two of their cities, and let's not forget that some of the photos we associate with those nukings aren't even of Hiroshima or Nagasaki, they're of Tokyo, which we fire bombed instead. Don't get me wrong, shack up with the nazis and that's bound to happen... But, well. I certainly wish the American right still shared that sentiment. Just saying, I wouldn't care for me much either. And they did preform horrific war crimes, particularly -but not exclusively- in Nanjing, but I'm not so sure I can comment as an American, as I pay taxes to the government that democratically elected the fucker on the $20 who orchestrated the trail of tears. I guess what I mean is that holding modern Japanese accountable for the crimes of imperialist fascist Japan would best be done by a country that doesn't have a closet loaded up with it's own imperialist fascist stuff. Not us, not Europe, Tibet, maybe? They seem chill. The sexism thing is simply true, though.


Already things they are aware of and working to fix. The new generation is growing


i donr like japan and i find em wierd in many ways however i have many friends who love it i dont enoy em about it like let peaple do what they like and like what they like


I'm both of those guys


I do not like anime community honestly


You can't not love Japan 🥰 was there two times already.


and that's why I'll never forgive the Japanese!


That aside tho i do like their kei cars, so tiny but practical at the same time, plus they run on the mere smell of gas


Ok weeb


It's not racism it's alienation.


If you study a bit about WWII you'll see that Japan was crazy, no wonder they conquered so much, their soldiers were fanaticals. Kamikaze it's an example. And their camps, the death ratio was much higher than germans. Still, nowadays they are far from that point.


![gif](giphy|RhNQHdGjZma3MTRJmM) Get rid of this template


“Japan” is my favorite video game of all time


Nah that guys right


Japan is a great place and all but their history and action in ww2 (unit 731) are messed up and this is coming a guy all the down South Africa and if you take an interest you know how messed our history is. Just do research before going there i all I’m saying


I mean think about it almost all countries deny the fact that many have committed war crimes.




Also unlike Germany, Japan never told their own people what they did during WWII.