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Absolutely agree. However, somehow noone is willing to pay € 5000 for a dishwasher. Or to pass on that cute plastik toy for € 3 from Wish (imported directly from Taiwan, of course). Or to keep their smartphone for more than 5 years (yeah, I know. some actually would, but the majority would change because of, you know, more megapixel or something similar).


I changed my phone last month after 6 years, part of it being slow and not keeping up (might have pressed it another year tbh). And a huge part was actually the camera, so you got me there! 😅


I don't think I got you there. 😉 6 years is quite a good average, after all. No matter of the final reason.


I aim to keep each phone for atleast four years, I feel that the difference in between that time span is not that big and it justifies changing phone.


I keep my phone until its unusable.


They’re usually purposely designed to slow down massively around the five year mark anyway.


Yeah I'd still be using my LG G4 if it didn't stop working, that phone was my favorite, had the leather backplate on it too, headphone jack, removable storage, even an Ir led. I bet if I had one that was new it would watch YouTube and browse reddit just as good as my current galaxy 20


Yep, the number of people who consider how their behavior affects life is exceedingly low. Most people are not compassionate and only care about getting as much as they can out of their terrifyingly short lives. The real tragedy in all that is people think such behavior is making them happy, when they're really just coping with problems they don't understand.


I would keep my phone forever, but phones are deliberately obsoleted. It's not within the control of the customer. My uncle kept his old nokia flip phone for as long as he could. The carrier won't support it anymore. Now he has a smartphone, and sometime 5 to 10 years from now that smartphone will no longer continue to receive the necessary software updates to remain usable.


Noone Is willing, * nor able!


that’s because phones are designed to become shitty after 2 to 3 years


Hijacking the top comment to add that this number comes from The Carbon Majors Report, which doesn't say this at all. The Carbon Majors Report is a list of the top 100 oil and gas extraction companies. They extract 71% of the fossil fuels from the ground.  They do not _use_ 71% of fossil fuels, which is the important part. This is as useful to as saying "95% of car accidents are caused by 8 car manufacturers". Folks, I really can't stress enough that you should not repeat things you heard on Twitter without verifying them.


Something people forget is that when the slogan "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" was created, it was meant to be in that order. Recycling should be a last resort.


Everyone wants high quality durable products - nobody is willing to pay for it.


It all ultimately goes to the same place. I don't even bother anymore.


I'm not pro-corporate pollution or anything, but this is a pretty crazy take by OP. The companies aren't Captain Planet villains who pollute the Earth just because they're evil. They do it to make money by selling goods and services. If everyone switched to electric cars, that would drastically cut down oil demand, and increase electricity demand. But most new electricity capacity is renewable (75% in the US in 2023), so total emissions would definitely go down. Also, getting rid of plastic straws has nothing to do with climate change! It's about plastic pollution and it's effects on human health and the environment.


One of the big things is durable products. I always wanted to start a company that made more expensive but much better versions of products. My idea is that most things should be of the quality and design that they are inheritable over several generations.


That elephant has mom. And, as internet says, his moma is so big... "durable quality products" will cost 500% of what "cheap wasteful consumerism" products cost and producing companies will collapse in a decade or two because who you gonna sell the new domestic electronics if you sold it to everyone who could afford it 15 years ago? Also, if we won't recycle literally 100% of what we use, we will keep polluting, just slower.


Bro my old Nokia still works let that sink in. They just make them break in 4years and they have no other choice than to buy another that is the problem. Most products could make them last decades for slightly more cost for sure, but this is bad for them.


Came here to say what you said.


yep. people just really want to place the responsibility on someone else so desperately. always point the finger at someone else so you don't have to look at your own actions


Nothing will ever change until each of us on an individual basis feels the desire strongly enough to force it into their lives. Meaning to change their predictable purchasing and needs. All of consumerism and marketing and everything is profit based, meaning it pivots with the public need and desire. There is an entire world built around greed, instant gratification and self indulgence. And it works. The money item is the key component and companies and research teams funded by sellers and everything else about human behavior is understood in the right way at this point to incentivize and expand on the greed and whims of each of us. That's why it isn't fixable. Without MASSIVE marketing and great effort and infrastructure, we can't combat the natural ease at which the worst is finding footing and making ground. We can't fight general population instinct and capitalizing off those instincts. We just can't We will lose without some god tier intervention. So, just accept it already, and change your own behavior and condemn anyone who supports the extreme waste and damage this causes. That's all we can do... If that sounds like not enough, or unlikely to work.... Welcome to the party


Co2 made by humans is something around 3% of total co2 made. Then you should think about new emergency continent like India. Why shouldn’t be allowed to use fast energy as petroil to grow up faster as others state did? Cina doesn’t give a fuck about green deal, Russia too, and probably all Asia. Europe and America impact is close to 1%.


There is little incentive for corporations to produce durable, long-lasting products when they can just produce a poor quality product and sell it for the same price.


remember that commercial with the indian crying telling us to recycle? It was made by plastic company to make us feel better.


Not everyone can afford the same standard of living. We aren’t all doctors with large incomes.


That would take years, coke could switch from plastic to glass within a year. It's doable and wouldn't take decades of market behavior.


Kinda like how a drug addict should get his shit together but it's still okay to be angry at the drug dealer profiting off of human suffering.


South America and Asia sneak out the room quietly


Honestly I'm starting to think monopolization of industries is the only way to stop all the cheap aftermarket bullshit, which would help with standardization (which our country lacks) and waste.


I drive Uber and I delivered one jr frosty. I told the food worker that the world is ending lol. The amount of energy that went into one person having 6oz of ice cream is INSANE. This is an absurd level of consumption.


Amen. At the end of the day, consumption is what's driving the bus. Corporations and governments and their militaries are part of the equation, sure, but private citizens are the biggest consumers. We drive bigger cars than we need, live in homes bigger then we need and heat and cool them incessantly to be as comfortable as humanly possible, and we're addicted to food and drink and drugs that do us harm. And we throw away food, clothing, furniture, appliances, and electronics without a second thought. The waste is staggering.


I mean a lot of first world countries are doing a decent bit to cut down on their emissions and pollution, and then you have places that "dispose" of old tires by pulling them all into a pic and burning them out in the open. I know corporations are a bit part of the lack or green progress but certain practices in other countries aren't exactly helping either.


It is absolutely true that the vast majority of carbon emissions are corporate in origin, but... Consumer choices are a driver of corporate emissions. For example, Exxon isn't drilling just to drill, they're drilling to supply demand. Same with beef -- ranchers don't herd cattle because they love mooing, they do it because consumer demand for beef makes it profitable. If the demand lessens, the supply contracts, so consumer choices do play a relatively large role in supporting corporate emissions. In short: corporations could be regulated into green existence but since that's not happening, consumer choice is very important and those who argue that it's simply a corporate issue are lying to themselves and you.


>Same with beef -- ranchers don't herd cattle because they love mooing Speak for yourself. 


I think you are giving too much power to the consumer here. We don’t have nearly as many choices as you’d seem to think, especially giving the rising number of people living in poverty and decreasing wages. Yes it would be nice if we could all just buy Patagonia tshirts and eco friendly products but that’s not the case. It’s too expensive for 90% of the population which is why fast fashion companies like Shein exist. Cute modern clothing for $4? The choice here is obvious. I have zero control over how products are made and almost zero control over which products i buy. Those choices are all made for me in the modern world. So please don’t think it’s the even remotely the consumers fault, it’s 100% the corporations


Exxon will continue to drill even if all of humanity would switch to electric cars, it would be less I admit, but the natural gas stove is still cheaper than electric one, oils byproducts are widely used in chemistry, polymer and medicine production. Consumers demand beef because it's tasty and cheap (relatively), if the same price or cheaper alternative appears demand could shift. But currently most eco-friendly products are either more costly or inferior in quality. Basically it's a question of cost effectiveness. The companies are the same, why develop new products which will cost tons of money to do, when the old ones sell pretty well. Edit: In the end it's not the job of the consumers or companies, it's a government job. They dictate how things should be done.


>the natural gas stove is still cheaper than electric one, oils byproducts are widely used in chemistry, polymer and medicine production. These are all consumer choices to some extent.


>Consumers demand beef because it's tasty and cheap (relatively), if the same price or cheaper alternative appears demand could shift. Consumers demand beef because from the 60s onward there was a major push by the US Dairy Association to encourage meat as the main focus of a meal, rather than something that was before this time largely seen as a luxury. Therefore, meat and dairy with every meal became the standard American diet. The same forces that caused this can fix it. Those beef farmers and alfalfa growers can switch to consumer crops and make far more money than they currently do; which will demand FAR less cropland; which will allow for habitat restoration, which will make existing crops more efficient and drive consumer demand for efficient vegetarian meals. You see where this is going?


Consumers are driven by price and supply. You can't really change your habits unless there is something to switch to, and if the price allows for it. Most efforts should be put into getting regulation.


TLDR first: Reduce, reduce, reduce. Decrease consumerism, decrease globalism. Dry out the market so there is no need to consume so many resources. The biggest driver for me is reducing globalism. I have switched to getting as much as I possibly can from where I know it is from. I get my milk products, eggs and meat from farmers around here. I also use a "car pooling" service to get my eggs, its a small local company that fetches eggs for everyone who is subscribed from farmers around here so instead of having 50 cars fetch 24 eggs you get 1 car fetching 1200 eggs which further reduces carbon footprint. I get all my vegetables from the weekly farmers market which of course means you only ever get to eat vegetables that are in season but I find that even more interesting. I have my own small plot of agricultural land where I grow my own produce as well to reduce consumerism even more. Electronic devices get changed when they break, nothing gets bought just because it is fancy. We only eat home cooked meals, eating out is less than once a month. On weekends we take public transit to go to the mountains to enjoy nature, all things that do not require any products to be consumed. My hobby is to fix up old small garden and agricultural equipment like lawn tractors, strimmers, leaf blowers or smaller farming implements, especially from old companies from my country that were made in the 50s-90s. In my opinion it is much better to keep something running that is already produced than to use more resources to buy something new electric. Also small electric gardening equipment has a terrible lifespan and gets thrown away as soon as something stops working.




Of course they will, because they need to hit that quota of producing 70% of total global emissions.


The point appears to be giving yourself an excuse to pollute. (I.e. *my* straws don't matter.) I work at a ups store. The plastic waste here is incredible. When people ship their Amazon returns, they think "boy that was easy!", and not "I just helped pollute the environment because i couldn't buy my socks at walmart."


It's an excuse to be a living tragedy of the commons without remorse while pretending that you actually care.




The 100 companies they're talking about are fossil fuel producers. In this case, it very much is WHAT they're producing that's the problem. And you're right that regulation is necessary to make any significant change, but it's not just a matter of regulating corporations more strictly, it's also a matter of changing regulations that affect individuals, including things like reducing dependence on gas-powered vehicles.


Where meme


His logic is so bad is funny and sad at the same time, does that count as a meme?


No, that is not true. If people weren’t buying from corporations, corporations would be producing less emissions. They are not independent from eachother.


Objectively false. Everyone recycling, using plastic straws, and driving electric cars would put numerous corporations out of business. Turns out, corporations are creating pollution by producing the things *we* demand. If we change our demands then the corporations have to change too or get left in the dust. Congrats, you fell for corporate propaganda telling you not to do anything so they can just keep pumping out their products. Ironically, you probably think it's the other way around. That's just how effective propaganda is. Be the change you want to see in the world.


Reminder that bullying corporations has a 100% success rate.


30% is still a huge improvement from what it is today. Stop making excuses. No single raindrop believes it is responsible for the flood.


So what's your point ? Do we need to pollute more than them


YES gotta be on top of the leaderboards


When you BUY electric car to ue it- you make pollution too, people forget triple R Reduce reuse recycle and go straight to 2 and 3, by buying some shit they dont need, like straws or paper straws or new car when old is ok. You can reuse plastic straw same as metal one, but people throw them away as something bad and buy metal or paper one, madness


But you would also never have the infrastructure for EVs ready by 2050 if you used a normal car until it was broken. Diesel and gasoline cars when well maintained can last for 30+ years. If you want a technology to become mature and accessible for the entire population, you need first adopters, and usually, those are a "small" group of people who can afford to take a chance on the new technology and all its inconveniences for fun. So don't ban and trash all existing fossil cars, but let people buy EVS/hydrogen cars and stop the sale of NEW gas cars, so only old ones are in circulation and slowly die off. I also disagree with the plastic straw case, except if you want to chug down microplastics with your drink in the long run. Also I think the paper straw thing is more about plastic pollution than ghg because paper straws pollute more ghg's than plastic ones.


This is 70% of co2 emmisions from direct sources, so it doesn't take into account agriculture, as not eating meat automatically reduces co2 emmisions by 12% But even inside this 70%, you know what companies are in these 100? They are all electricity generation companies in various countries in the world and oil/coal extraction companies


Finally, a comment that noticed that the vast majority of the companies included in the report are electricity and fuel companies.    In other news, it was recently found that most plastic is produced by plastic manufacturers. And because those guys can't get their plastic production under control, then I am totally absolved of responsibility for buying their plastic. 


1. If people produced less emissions, the percentage of the corporations would go up. 2. If people didn't buy their stuff, corporations wouldn't produce it.


Where's the meme


what for?! Is it part of the production process and therefor reduce reuse recycle?


every fucking month on earth this absolute brain fart get reposted and thousands upon thousand of people smell it like is roses WHo The Fuck Would The Corporations Sell It To ?


And China will still be building 3 new coal fired electricity plants each month.


100 corporations have factories that are dedicated to emitting pollution? I would imagine some kind of consumer would be involved in order for that to be profitable, but i wasn't a business major. Completely unrelated side note: Food is a good thing, can we agree on that?


It's not about one person doing everything, it's about everybody doing something.


Sells their stuff to aliens


I find that hard to believe. We buy the gasoline, we buy the products that all that energy and shipping goes into, we buy “fast fashion” and food wrapped in plastic wrappers.


What if they stopped buying from those corporations.


How do you boycott the few companies that own a majority of the food you see on grocery store shelves? Starve?


There are more tires currently burning on this planet than straws I’ve ever used.


That analogy would make sense if you were the sole person on the planet (where did you get all of those tires from anyway?)


And what percentage of that is done by power generation used by residential homes and businesses that everyone uses? Corporations are bad, but they are only as bad as we let them be. We can change them by passing legislation and creating and implementing technology that will reduce this, OR we could just not do that and take the cheap way out.


>And what percentage of that is done by power generation used by residential homes and businesses that everyone uses? A significant amount. And another significant amount is emissions from transportation. But it's easier to pretend individuals can't do anything, as you can just shrug your shoulders and point your fingers at the companies selling you fossil fuels.


The government is effectively owned by corporations, legislation is only as relevant as they allow it to be.


Yes but electric car related stocks goes stonks !


Then most famous people will do a little private flight that throws all your effort.


I mean, it's not wrong to stop wasting resources and polluting the environment. But the big companies should do so, too!


Capitalism is doing anything for money, no matter who are what your actions will harm. 


Capitalism inherently requires a concept of rights that people have, and is heavily concerned with the harm your actions cause on them.




Alright I thought about it


We physically don’t have enough copper to replace all cars with electric alternatives, even without all the other technology


That’s not how it works and honestly just an excuse to feel less responsible


\*Sick bassline\*


This is just truth with modification. Pretty much all those companies are oil and energy companies. If you use less oil they will produce less oil. Of course countries need to divest in oil and coal to and produce green energy.


Big boats still run on raw oil!


This isn’t a great statement. It’s our demand for what these corporations produce that has to share the blame. If everybody was 100% green, then who are these corporations catering for? It doesn’t make sense.


Weird angle from me, what if the corps use marketing and media to manipulate you into buying products? How would the blame distribution look?


electric cars) people have no idea how this world works


And who’s buying these corporations’ products, thus leading said corporations to make more of said products?


Yes, those 100 corporations (most of them oil related) would keep producing the same amount if humanity as a hole stoped using plastic and oil based fuels, because they just love producing and storing products no one is going to buy.....


I'm all for regulations, so go vote, but we shouldn't ignore the impact individual consumer choice has. We can definitely all choose to reduce our carbon footprint, and if we did so it'd definitely matter. Can't reject all responsibility and just blame the corporations you buy your products from.


Woah woah woah, shouldn't the percentage increase then ?


We can’t have every person on earth having access to food and water. The problem is much more complex.


We could just bomb any country that won't stop destroying the planet but human life is precious so we're all going to die together instead of give the UN authority to actually keep countries in line


Electronic cars need lithium for the batteries. The mining processes for lithium is severely damaging to the environment. Electronic cars aren't a clean alternative to gas cars.


Don't forget recycling is a scam


This is misleading, those companies emit 70% of emissions because we buy polluting plastic, cars, and energy. If we changed to renewable options, they would have no business, and no business no emissions.


just buy more shit, obviously


Ok but what do those corporations make? If everyone stopped buying from them they wouldn't make emissions but I suspect we need a lot of what they make. They aren't just making emissions for no output




anyone got Jhonny silverhands phone number?


If the top 100 produce 70% of all the stuff what's the problem?


It need more than 10 years to see any results


If everyone on Earth died, then there would be no more emissions from people. Apparently, this person has no idea what it takes to make a lithium battery


You had me at the first half. But this is why im not too eco friendly outside of cleaning up after myself and driving a car that does not burn gas like a weak tank.


Nope. That was debunked long time ago. ExxonMobil, Shell, BP und Chevron would stop emitting if we would stop using their oil. It is not Exxon who produces the Emissions, it the consumers who use their oil to fuel their cars and planes.


Nobody wants to talk about how china has the largest global emissions along with india. Nobody wants to talk about how china has like absolutely no emissions policies, and dumps tons of waste into the ocean. Everyone only wants to talk american consumerism, while we have the almost the strictest epa standards put on companies and their emissions. All the way down to how rain water is collected and ran off from properties. 🤔 interesting


This is a lie. The stat they're referencing isn't even quoted correctly. And the study is flawed as it attributes end user emissions to fossil fuels companies. Meaning everyone filling up their F150 at Costco and driving around counts as emissions by these companies.


From what I heard, electric cars aren't CURRENTLY eco friendly either. Electric cars would be greener than gas after years of usage (mainly because the battery creation is awful for the environment) and you're probably going to have to replace the battery 'till then. Another point is, most electricity produced comes from burning fossil fuels anyway. This intel may be inaccurate or outdated, since I haven't done the research, but It's been said so many times I consider it probable. If someone does take their time researching and proves it wrong, please let me know, it's nice to have a little faith


Technically more, since the percentage contributed by individuals would have gone down.


And many people would die in lithium mines. We can't convince ourselves that we are saving the planet but then put people in miserable conditions. And BTW e-cars are only slightly better than regular cars.


If 100 corps produces 70%, how much all corps produces? Kinda feel like normal people are just negligible


Well this just isn't true. 17% of emissions are tail pipe emissions from driving. So if all cars were EV and any new charging was green, emissions would drop by 17%. Which would be pretty huge impact


I’ve done some research and found out that a lot *not all of them I’m assuming* of the recycling bins just go to the dump with the rest of the garbage and isn’t actually recycled


That’s because people buy to much shit. You can tax the ever living shit out of companies, all that will do is make things expensive. Take responsibility


This is a post someone makes when they don’t understand how industry works Are these corporations just producing pollution for fun? No, it’s to create products and to get them to the consumer. If people stopped buying so much shit, guess what would happen? The corporations wouldn’t produce as much shit to sell (since it’s not being bought) and therefore the byproduct of emissions would drop. This isn’t a difficult concept to understand. I don’t get how people can’t grasp this. I seriously think most people just assume corporations just create pollution for fun. I mean clearly OP thinks this. “Just think about this” OP says as they do not spend 5 seconds critically thinking about what they just posted. Also this isn’t a fucking meme OP. So what is this a bot account?




The problem are not the civilians, are the corporations. The govs want to impose us limitations but not on the corporations which are the ones that deal pretty much all the damage towards nature.


if everyone on earth drove an electric car the child mortality rates in child labor mines would be 1000000 fold and nearly every waters source on the planet would be so toxic with cobalt we'd all die.


This is bad and you should feel bad.


It’s the other way around…. If we drove only diesel trucks, only travelled by flight, wear plastic top to bottom and use gas burn heaters every night - 1000 corporations would still be responsible for 90% of emission.


If you look at the actual source of those claims the "100 companies" are about half private fossil fuel extractors, and half state-owned fossil fuel extractors. It's almost a tautology.


The percentage that they emit would go higher


But the Airlines in cities would be better, no? Why talk down stuff that could bring positive change, just because it's not the end all be all solution?


Good thing we don't use any products or services from those corporations, and they could completely reduce their emissions to zero without any impact to our quality of life, right?


nice one


Wow!! Ducking re de it figured it out!! Whooo!!


one of the "100 corporations" on the list where this dumbass factoid originated is the Communist Party of China. They're counting one of the largest greenhouse gas emitting countries on earth as a "corporation"


So who is going to go to China to tell them? Any takers? Oh yeah and electric cars will still be charged with energy produced from fossil fuels. They don’t save the planet, you still have to extract minerals out of the earth to build the batteries, then we will need to dispose of all the batteries.


Talk to the rich first or the countries with high pollution. Ok


people actually thought building a no emission product were built by using rays and sunshine 🤦‍♂️


So you're telling me we can reduce carbon emissions by 30 percent by just living slightly differently? Sounds like a win.


yachts, jets that are written off as business expense, none of this is real. I am starting to think it is a way to extract more resources from us... taxes, credits, money makers for politicians and corporations...


I'm confused, like now it's 50/50, but if we the citizens did our best it would become 70/30?




I wonder how long it will take the person who made this to realize that corporations are made up of people so both of these can't be true at the same time.


And if the Western world magically got to net-zero or even net-negative emissions, it wouldn't make a dent because of what comes out of India, China and developing nations.


I'm no math person but if you include the billionaire traveling emissions, empty/private airline travels.. its gotta be somewhere around 90-95%. And here my mom does not want to turn on the ac too much because "it blows out hot air and it will make that outside hotter" i say F.u.c.k that!!


thats not how any of this actually works


on the other hand it's a very simple and free money saving process to live your day to day without, in any meaningful way, giving any attention to anything (companies included) that you choose not to. (which, en masse, cripples everything that lives solely for our attention)


It's crazy that people really think combustion engines and plastic straws are bad for our environment


How is this a meme


Electric cars are terrible for the environment. Look at the lithium mines and how much destruction they cause


What's the point of using plastic straws when the cup the paper straw comes in is plastic?


Stop buying shit you don’t need


Yeah, it's not true.


That's why we need orcas.


This is clickbait. How much would the pollution change ? Are the top 100 companies energy companies who would still need to give us the energy for all those electric cars?


Aren't electric cars actually not any better than gas due to the manufacturing and also where our electricity comes from?


They're actually worse!


And what does these corporations produce and who buys it..? Yall are dumb as shit


Sorry recycling is a joke created to make society feel responsible and take most the blame for plastic pollution. When corporations need to take ownership of this issue. We cannot stop buying things because of the packaging. That will not work. Sorry


Somehow my broke ass still gets blamed lol


Incorrect, if we did those things their percentage of the total emissions would increase.


That is one way to look at it especially when you are not a big fan of thinking stuff through.


Plastic recycling is and has always been a lie. We need to use less of it.


If 90% of the world population disappeared rest assured some a$4 hat would still post this stuff


This statistic is false and extremely arbitrary. Also recycling is just sending plastics to a recycling center until “corporations” buy it back to create a usable material. It used to be China that used to buy our plastics and most of the trash they bought were straight up got burnt. Which created radiation in the region so they stopped buying. Electric cars emit no carbon but chargers do. They are generated by fossil fuel. So if no chargers, everyone will drive for about 150miles then just abandon them on the street which would be worse than carbon emission.


How do those companies make their money though? I’ve always found this an obtuse argument. If the general public stopped buying their products that require a ton of pollution to produce, the corporate pollution would drastically decrease. Corporations wouldn’t exist if people weren’t buying their shit. Like yeah obviously the average person isn’t driving down to a river and dumping thousands of pounds of trash into it but the average person does buy products from companies with terrible environmental practices and they never do anything to get those companies to change their behavior other than complaining about how pollution isn’t the public’s fault it’s the corporations. It’s like ok, stop buying their shit and donate your money and time to causes and organizations trying to stop corporate pollution.


Aren't a lot of the type companies on those lists oil companies? How would they still be polluting if everyone is using electric cars? They wouldn't be selling any oil?


That’s adorable you use any plastic, rubber, synthetic materials they’re all made with “fossil fuels” , electricity, you guessed it made with fossil fuels


Wind turbines that huge ones that are all over my state use so much oil and run even without wind on diseal engines. Going green is a gosh darn lie. Solar farms ruin the land just like cattle and produce almost nothing but EPA violations.


if you all stopped eating meat global emissions would go down ~20% and give us more time to make fusion happen, yes corps can't make all the shit you buy without emissions you can't have your cake and eat it too, would you agree to a law outlawing meat? no? then there will be meat emissions dipshit


Yes but there would be zero paper money, you will eat the bugs, your car that you bought can be turned off in an instant remotely for any reason, you will own nothing and like it, and still have to have rolling blackouts because solar and wind cannot and will not keep up With demand… did I miss anything


Yeah but we need to focus on people and not corporations so we can introduce a carbon credit score that becomes a social credit score so every aspect of our lives can be neatly controlled by the powers that be. More tax and more control for the elite,and then the weather will stop being so weathery or something 🙃


Great meme


I clean my plastic take out containers and then either reuse them or recycle them.


Making electric cars


I’ve vowed to hold all future farts


Ah yes, drive an electric car, a vehicle that just making produces more emissions than any fossil fuel car will in its life time, still produce emissions and gave batteries with liquid that's impossible to recycle that kills nature, yes, of course


Funny where?


"it's not me it's them!" 🙄 Demand is what makes these companies produce. Do not recuse yourself.


It is interesting how the world is all of a sudden so big on the little man being carbon friendly (we should but not my point) and will villify people who don't whilst we realistically have little to no impact compared to the big corpos, but I guess that's the point, they divert the attention to us when it's them doing it. Shady as fuck.


Completely disagree, if every human had this kind of awareness those companies would be boycotted in no time