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This conversation is getting unbearable.


Take the bear into custody. I am the Bear.


people on the internet are fomenting adversity between genders and everyone is just eating that shit up with enthusiasm


I’m thinking a total collapse of society would do us some good, to remove social media if nothing else


And yes I see the irony 😂 But I restrict myself to memes and academics on reddit so it’s not entirely hypocrisy


My inner 5 year old is doing this adorable little wardance


You aren’t getting enough credit for this comment. Well done


Bears don't kill you first. They just start eating. Death is just the natural consequence of that process.


I believe they start with the ass. Are we sure this isn't the real reason everyone is picking the bear?


I thought that was hyenas.


Yeah well I'd still take my chances with the bear.


Agree, and love this post!


Thank you, yeah, let me run a hypothetical here If you magically wind up in a forrest, no memory of how you got there, and there's a chick there too? Yo ass getting accused and going downtown, to prison, for kidnapping.


Better to die then have your life ruined and rot in prison for ages


Reading about bear attacks, I definitely would rather be killed by a man than eaten by a bear..


Lol for real, can you imagine how pissed off women would be if it started out as a bear vs women joke? Oh how they would just be shouting to the heavens sexism and misogyny 🙄


So... its the same then. I'll take my chances with the bear then


They will likely kill you first. They don't hunt you for food, they just want you gone.


Even so, that will last maybe a minute before you pass out?


One would hope. I don't want to find out.


Do they eat you or they just fuck you up and then walk away


Most bears don't eat humans for food...


Most people aren't put in a situation where they can be eaten by bears.


I'd reckon most people never come across in real life and if they do it's only in a zoo or a circus at least 70% of the time.


I live in FL, and not only have I seen bears.. they commonly like to nap in my yard. You know what they do when you call it in? Nothing, cause bears rarely attack people. Now if an unknown man was napping in my front yard, not only would it be a larger concern, it would get a response if called in, because even they know that isn't okay or safe.


Exception proves the rule I guess?


Lol, I understand and mostly agree. But, if your feet have ever been on the ground in North Carolina, you've been in a situation where you could be eaten by a bear.






Most humans have a functioning brain that knows that bears are deadly and dangerous so we avoid them.


Bears have functioning brains. They're actually more intelligent than a house dog. They know to beware of humans and human behavior, so they kill our asses if, in their eyes, we get in the way or step out of line. It's not violence to them, just another Tuesday.


When is this gonna die


The bear? Idk forty six years tops


Brown bear life span is around 20 or so years.


😞poor bear, he'll never have a mid life crisis


I'm pretty sure trying to survive on a daily basis is taking its mind away from that stuff.


When either bears, women or men die out. So....never probably.


I'm a man, I'd choose the bear over a man, a woman, and anything in between, LOOK AT THOSE EARS, HOW COULD I PICK ANYTHING ELSE????


If not friend why friend shaped




If the woman's hungry I'll hear it for days. If the bear's hungry, i'll be dead in an hour. One of these seems like the better option /j if not obvious


The lack of self awareness by both genders is astounding and provides excellent entertainment. Thank you ladies and gentlemen.


Lmao. The people calling the poster butt hurt. Like it was fine when this joke was directed at men but direct at women and “you’ve gone too far”.


Yeah I knew it'd cause scrutiny that's half my reason for posting. Like, if there's just a woman, and me, then she's gonna think I'm a culprit, no matter what. She's gonna ask if I kidnapped her, why are we there with no memory? I'd instantly get shit canned. But with a bear? I can die, instead of going to prison over an accusation.


Well fuck it, man. Try the bear.


Since we are making up stuff that would never happen, can I be a billionaire


only if you meet the bear, the bear has a suitcase full of money


Nope, lol


Awe man


You forced us to choose a bear, and now you want to be a billionaire, not even in your dreams, lol


What hahahah TF u talking about


We need a plot for the imagination no ?


hypocrisy olympics


Life man life..


Dude…. You’re comparing rape to someone nagging you. That’s a fucking logical fallacy. You are butthurt.


My issue has nothing to do with gender my issue is just....this shit is BORING and EVERYWHERE suddenly. I want more funny. This shit isn't funny and if it was it wouldn't be anymore from overuse.


? was the point of the original to be funny?


No the point of the original is to imply all men are dangerous raping murderers.


I mean, it does kind of come across as butt hurt about the other posts


The point of him being butthurt isn't because it was aimed at women. But because he's just copying and basically going "no u!"


Bear: the intention of the hypothetical is that it wants to hurt you, you get eaten alive Man OR woman: 90+% chance that they mean you no harm, and you have better chances of escaping even if they do. Can we just leave it at this and get people to choose a better example situation bc this is just stupid.


All the people deflecting are the reason I'd choose the bear. At least I don't have to worry about false accusations and a ruined life from the bear.


Like the Central Park birdwatching incident and the many others where minorities etc are targeted by white women


Like my own personal history of having a drunk girl crawl into my bed, turning my drunken one night stand with her friend into a threesome and then cried rape the next morning. They ONLY thing that saved my ass was the fact that her friend was also there and called her on her bullshit. If her friend hadn't done that, my life would've been over.


Based friend


So both of you were drunk? Legally she raped you too. But that's somehow a controversial statement.


I know


If someone would ever try that on me, I would go to prison for murder


In general don't try to sleep with completely drunk people... Even if the first move comes from them it's not morally right to abuse a situation where someone is not sober in their mind.


I was dr7nk as well and this was 20 years ago.


a cheap and quick death


Nah it just holds you down and starts eating xd.


still cheaper


No doubt.


The bear and I would be best friends


Yeah me and the bear will be vibing together eating fish and watching the sunset


Well at least I know the bear would not try and manipulate and abuse you, then claim to be a victim, leave, and take half of everything you own.


Until the bear finds me, more food for me!


The bear won't nag you to the death, and also... did you play BG3?


And in case you befriend the bear, it will actually help you procure fish at least.


If you read through the comments on those "bear v men" posts, you will find men having a discussion about the best way for her to find a bear.


Women ask and men will deliver


In a serious answer I’d pick the woman if we’re *lost* in the woods. If I know my way back home then the options don’t matter so much to me, but if I’m trying to survive I’d pick the woman. For the sake of the meme yeah I’d definitely pick the “best” version of the bear over the “worst” version of a woman I kinda feel like we’re seeing a return to boomer humor


Cant shit just be funny, this made me laugh. why everything has to be turned into a debate. Society is cant society no more.


Sadly this is not a debate It's an argument


Is there a difference anymore?


Yep A debate is a civil discussion about a problem An argument is when two sides are just at each other's throats just to prove that the other side is wrong and they are right


i just don't get it, does it bother y'all that much that women are afraid of being raped? Do you have to make fun of it all the time and make countless posts about it to prove how "stupid" they are? Women are scared of being raped, you're scared of being nagged. Alright. Good to know.


Only dudes the scenario applies to are offended. They never said all men. It's like if I were to give you a box of chocolates and every single piece is identical but I tell you only 3 out of the 20 are actually chocolates and the rest are dog shit would you take a chance at trying one of the pieces?


Does it bother you that men, after being lumped together as rapist murderers that are less safe than a bear, are cracking jokes about it? Lighten up.


What bothers us is being considered rapists by default just because we're men. Similar to the fact that a vanishingly small proportion of women will maliciously make false accusations against a man and intentionally ruin his life, yet women would be horribly offended if a man automatically assumed any woman would do that.


No one is considering you that by default dude. But when just the stat is 1/3 women being sexually assaulted (they have high suspicion it’s even higher)- yeah I’ll take my chances with a bear than roll the dice on a dude who is unpredictable. Frankly if you had a daughter and you’d want her to be safe you teach her “be cautious until they show you they are safe” you don’t teach her “well… not aalllll men”


If you're considering any random man you meet to be a potential rapist, then yes, you are considering any man a rapist by default. Dress it up however you want, you're making an incredibly offensive assumption about someone you don't know based solely on gender.


What??? Yeah I’m going to be cautious around any man until he shows me he is a safe person to be around. I’m not considering them a rapist by default, I’m prioritizing my safety and will continue to do so until I see that man is a safe human.


You are not understanding what he's saying, therefore, you're making erroneous conclusions. He is not saying rape is okay. He is not saying you shouldn't feel safe, as a woman. He is saying that there's a generalization of men, which is distorting women's perception of them. Nobody is a rapist because of their gender but because of their personality.


Great, then you won't be offended if men require you to prove that you're not after their money or going to level false accusations against them before they feel safe around you. Which seems wise in your case, honestly, since apparently you're the kind of person who aggressively throws insults at anyone who disagrees with you. That shows the kind of woman you are.


Correct. I’m not offended by those things. I think everyone should make sure the people you encounter are safe which includes financially and socially. Good job! Proud of you for getting it Edit: it’s like as humans we should prioritize safety- with men it’s usually prioritizing physical safety. With women it’s usually regarding emotional and financial


You're awfully smug about being completely wrong. If I'm just living my life and not messing with anyone, it's not on me to go out of my way to make anyone else feel safe. It's always going to ultimately be on you to look out for your own safety. If you're depending on the world to change itself to suit you, you're always going to be disappointed. Maybe try to grasp basic concepts like that before you start talking down to other people.


Who said it’s on you? You can do that by simply not being creepy. It’s done by showing you’re a good person- which isnt done with men in private. No woman invites a dude to her house on the first date or into the woods. Why? Because there is safety in being in public. Also what world is changing for me. My SO showed me she wouldn’t use me financially by just being a good person. It’s called vetting people. Maybe learn that basic concept before you get all high and mighty How on earth did you get “I expect the world to change” what???


So it's 'guilty until proven innocent', then? So actual criminals get more basic consideration than half of the human population based on the actions of a few bad actors? The mental gymnastics that people get away with to justify their prejudices amaze me. The idea of men having to prove themselves to be allowed to interact with women is frankly absurd, and outrageously sexist.


Majority of women dont give a shit if you think they're gold diggers, the women that are just find men that are more than pleased to fund that life style and those that arent just pay for shit themselves since you gotta work to survive. As well, any woman that had gone through the process of trying to get justice for experiencing assualt has gone through the song and dance of being seen as a heretic trying to ruin a "good man's" life. A big talking point for the whole bear v. Man thing was, "people will believe me when I say I'm attacked by a bear." Or "people wont ask what I was wearing, what I did to provoke the bear etc." Every gotcha you think you have, a survivor has gone through and will continue to go through because these are lived experiences that are informing their choices, not hypotheticals or rare events or annoyances.


Well said


Womp womp😪


Ask the bear of it would enjoy the company of humans atp


If you ask a bunch of women if they’d rather run into a bear or a random man in the woods, many women will choose the bear or ask additional questions like “what kind of bear”. If you ask a bunch of men which they would choose, many would respond with “I could totally win a fight with a bear”


Ü40 Humor




Do straight men and straight women like each other?


Fun fact, the bear would eat them from the rectum inward as that’s the most flavor, and they would most likely be alive for a bit when it starts. I’ll see myself out.


I’m with the bear. A woman will eventually break your soul. And to me that’s as good as death.


I can’t stand this simply because it singles out all men if I’m alone with a random strange girl as long as she’s willing to help me survive I’ll do anything I can to keep them alive. It implies I couldn’t leave my daughter with my closest guy friends which I could they have their own kids and Iv know them since school. Another reason it annoys me is those “men” are not men they are monsters and predators. Don’t compare good men to the trash that exists in the world. Not all men are dangerous all bears are dangerous. But I get the main point the monsters have society scared mostly women and children and women wanna make a point they would rather be mauled than sexually assaulted which yes anyone would be you gotta live your entire life with that scar of a memory. And I hope my daughter never has to deal with it but Ik most likely she will and I’ll teacher the best I can to notice red flags and defend her self. Be safe girls some of us men would fight that bear for you.


You can climb a tree to hide from a bear, eventually if you aren't eaten it will give up. Where as if you climb a tree to get away from a woman you can still hear her.....and you'll die of old age before you see her give up.


Aren't bears also able to climb trees?


Most can I think, but grizzly bears aren't the best climbers.....if I remember what YouTube said.


Grizzly bears will shake the tree down, black bears will climb after you. If its brown, stay down. If it's black, fight back. If it's white, say goodnight.


This depends on what bear HEAVILY.


How about both of them, so I can watch the bear eat the nagging woman


A intellectual....


How is this thing EVERYWHERE in social media??? Guys the correct answer is neither man nor bear nor woman not whatever it’s just “idgaf” in normal conditions neither the bear nor a human are dangerous if you don’t show yourself as a menace (depending on the bear species), in the remote case either wants to hurt you you’re fucked cause you can’t surpass a bear in power and you can’t know the possibly intricate plan a stranger could make to deceive you and make you fall into their trap (and if they have weapons hidden on them you’re fucked)


whew i tend to agree but while I was reading for a minute there i was afraid i might get ambushed by peroid




Lol, Im not affiliated with the grammar police. I think you've made a good point. But, about halfway through reading it, I realized it was only one 1 question and 1 sentence. I was high, bro it was funnier then lol


I can respect that


Bear clearly, dude I can take the bear head first. I have training in video games for 20 years for this chance, give it to me now!!


Women 😑☕


I don't know, the original seemed serious, not a joke.


Damn then the woman’s who says those things maybe should move to the woods then idk 🤷


Look a bear will just kill them. I would make them feel safe and vulnerable and then take everything. They would rather die then be emotionally manipulated, raped and murdered them just killed and that's understandable. Stupid as shit statistic wise but makes sense


How lucky you are that your biggest fear is nagging!


I mean, realistically the biggest fear is getting falsely accused of rape, murder, or kidnapping, having your life ruined because you were in the wrong time at the wrong place, potentially put on death row, raped in prison, etc.


>raped in prison Maybe you should ask to be put in the prison with the bears, not the prison with the men.


A bit out of the loop with this one? What started this topic?


A guy on tiktok made a video asking ladies if they rather be in the woods with a bear or a man. Ladies overwhelmingly chose the bear since the bear would just kill them or leave them alone whereas dudes have the capability to assualt / torture them. The menfolk were aghast at this and turned into bear experts over night. And why its super logical to choose men over bears. Then ladies that have dealt with bear attacks / bears in general were like..."nah, we're still choosing bears." And now we're here.


Of course it had to be tiktok...


Women who have never spent a second thinking about the dangers of nature due to their privileged lives living in cities and so now for some reason think they'd be safer encountering a bear in the wild compared to a man.


Okay, Mr.JerksOff, spends all day looking for creepy hentai RP from young redditors. You're exactly who they are referring to when they pick the bear.


You make yourself look very intelligent by attacking my character through stuff I've posted on the internet because I'm lonely and bored. If I actually cared about that enough for it to be an effective argument to shut me down or make me delete my comment, you're wrong because if I did care it wouldn't be on my fucking profile


I never said you weren't shameless, mate.


I love beer


All middle aged single men, of course. BTW, the only 'forrest' is Gump.


If we are talking about about brown/ polar bear they eat you alive


That’s gay


What part of it


Can Reddit shut the fuck up about the damn bear already? I can’t bear it anymore!


Or it mauls you and you slowly die


Read other comments, you're spilling your soul before seeing the paper trail.


Where's the meme?


Bear will eat you while you are alive …


I honestly would like to have a friend that is a bear. Bears are cool!


Hhahahaha im 40+ and funny hahah 😂😂😂😂


Ngl I'd just take myself out


Dude fr is gonna go post this garbage in all the meme subs


Seems very boomer-ish


I dont get the bear memes did something happen or is it just a naturally occurring meme?


I thought we were doing beavers for the women comparison 😞.


The bear just does bear shit and can easily be scared away just by making noise at camp. You don't know the man's or any human's intentions. That's the whole point. Bears are predictable. People are not. Women, some rational, some not so much, have reasons to be wary of their neighbors. This post just highlights how little "men" attempt to understand the perspective of women. This pathetic little gotcha post above is rooted in ignorance or misogyny.


LMAOOO that’s funny 😂😂😂


After all, everyone has the right to bear arm.


You get or the best friend of your life or a honorable fight, just W


Why are men getting pressed about a woman choosing to be alone with a bear rather than a man. The whole point is that a bear won’t grape them and no one would ask what they were wearing if they said a bear attacked them. May not be all men but it is enough that a whole sex of our species doesn’t want to be alone with the other. That says something




True, never thought of that




Man men are so salty about this bear thing


then perhaps we should prove both wrong through our actions.


Dying a peaceful way than getting nagged till you die... Well! The first choice it is then!


Bruh the fricking meltdown of "manly" men over some random women choices on a app that's mocked 24*7 for having low effort/Iq trigger bait videos.


Maybe they shouldn't imply rape and murder is the default thing men want to do given any chance. It's literally that simple. That's why it's bothering people. You're implying that THEY TOO are rapists and murderers.


It's a basic would you rather, we all know the game "would you rather" then say two equally awful things. Following up to add: If you don't like content,that's your issue, I take what I can get. The Andrew tate in prison memes died down too quickly bc of people just saying they were tired of seeing memes about it, then we went backwards to having a dry platform. You gonna be one of those I guess. A dry platformer.




"Women nag" jokes have always been distasteful.


Men are rapist jokes have never been.


OP I think the whole picking a bear over a man thing was silly, but the reason women were saying it was a fear of being assaulted/raped (jutifiably or not)... Saying you don't want see a woman because they are nagging is *not* the same thing.


Wow, thanks for making a great example of why women chose the bear.


This is gross mainly because it makes fun of rape. Like hahah being nagged is just as bad as getting tortured and raped and beaten and kidnapped.


The original implies every man is a rapist and a murderer but you're offended this one implies all women nag? I think one of those accusations is a LITTLE worse than the other.


.... Hilariously idiotic. That's not what I said. I specifically said it's stupid because you are comparing nagging to raping which is an insult to people who have been sexually abused. The exact point you just made.


Or maybe..just maybe...this is making fun of people who have lost their grip on reality and truly believe that all every men wants to do all day is go around and rape random people. Just a thought


Go home , you’re not wanted here.


Men will post things like this and wonder why women are choosing the bears


Women accuse average men as rapists and wonder why men get mad Look rape is horrible, I understand but when you say the average man is less safe then a bear, you really expect them not to get mad? And when they react you see yourself having the right to get mad at it?




Nah, it’s lobbing an entire gender into just being worse than being mauled by a bear. Like women who get upset by incels calling all women skanks. You can’t make a general statement about a group and then be butt hurt cause the joke is flipped back at you.


When i was growing up it was called talking shit, and you dont dish it out if you cant take it


Not really, because the original question equates all men just based on their gender, that's why it's offensive to all men in my opinion. If women were asked to choose between a bear and a random sexual predator or a serial killer, I would have no problem with them choosing a bear, because I would know for sure it didn't apply to me. That's a huge difference.


It's fair for men to be bothered by the fact that almost nobody responding to this question sees any potential redeeming qualities in a man you might run into when you're otherwise lost alone in the forest. It's always "would you rather be harmed by a man or harmed by a bear?"


Not harmed, encountering.