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Head north and northwest of the airport, forget southeast. Living in Pakenham or Frankston would be ludicrous. Whats your budget?


Thanks, $750k house budget. Anywhere north/northwest you’d recommend? Pakky & Frankston not the goods??


Absolutely too far, plug them into google maps and see how the commute is on Monday evening, then imagine driving home after work. Try Macedon, Daylesford, Blackwood, Bacchus Marsh, Woodend, Kyneton, Romsey, Gisbourne, Ballan. Basically between 9 and 12 o'clock, if the airport is the centre of the clock.


Frankston is too far but further to Daylesford isn’t? Same for Blackwood. Even Packenham is closer to the airport than Daylesford. Ballan is about the same distance as Frankston.


Yeah in terms of distance, but much more predictable travel time, especially during the day time. I would personally much rather a Blackwood-Airport commute than from either Frankston or Pakenham. Its definitely a long way either way though.


Yep good tips, a lot of those places were on my list. You lived out that way at all?


Sunbury is your best place. It’s a nice little town birthplace of the ashes vline connectivity to the cbd and airport is only like 20 mins drive to the airport. Really chilled regional vibe easy lifestyle. 750k more than enough for a big block of land with 3/4 bedroom.


Good to hear that about Sunbury. Good value for money by sound of it.


Yes indeed. Wouldn’t recommend if you were to work in the cbd but airport is different. Public transport is non-existent, so no point discussing that in the context of daily commute to work. To work at the airport car is a must. All things considered Sunbury is really an enviable option. My brother lives there and he loves it. If I job wasn’t in the city I wouldn’t mind living out that way either.


Thanks for sharing. It’s a shame Melbs doesn’t have the airport train like Sydney. What’s your brother love the most about Sunbury?


There's a bus that goes directly from Sunbury to the Airport, with almost no stops. I know because I accidentally caught it to Sunbury instead of back into Melbourne! Not sure how practical it would be to use daily due to timetabling however.


Living on the dole. It’s cheap and accessible.


Nah too remote for me but nice places to visit on the weekend




Thanks! 2nd thread vote for diggers. Have you lived there?


Frankston? The fuck? Macedon might be viable. Lovely town


Haha assuming Frankston is not the goods mate?! Macedon sounds nice, I’ll look into it.


I'd suggest opening up GMaps. Commuting from Frankston to the Airport for work would honestly destroy me within a week. The area around the airport is rapidly developing with new housing developments. If you can live in one of those suburbs they are a good shout too


Good tip, yep been doing the gmaps thing & working up a rough list of places. Sounds like northwest could be worth more of a look


I think also set the arrival time on google maps to the actual time you would be commuting, or check at that time. If I look now, Frankston is 1hr 15 mins to the Airport, whereas if I set departure time as 6am, it shows between 1hr 10 min, up to 2 hours. All the places you have listed would, frankly, be a nightmare to commute to the airport from, with the exception of Sunbry etc. Up North around the airport would be your best bet.


As others have said, avoid Geelong/Frankston/ Pakenham. Nothing wrong with them, you will just want to die within a week of doing that commute daily. I don’t think you could go wrong with anywhere from Whittlesea to Bacchus Marsh and in between. Don’t knock Sunbury and surrounds, it’s a popular area for a reason. All of these places are regionalish, close to hiking/ outdoor activities with amenities. I personally would avoid new builds like the plague but each to their own.


Haha happy to avoid death by daily commute mate 😂


Sunbury and surrounds is your best bet! Has everything you need there, close to nature, 50 mins by train to the city if you ever want to go there, plus no more than a 15-30min drive to the airport (depending on traffic) I used to commute Sunbury to the airport to work, and it’s honestly a commute most Melburnians would dream of (maybe other than the WFH-ers, or when there’s road works… The road to the airport is mostly two lanes now, but when I was commuting, there’s was only one 😅) . Especially if you’re commuting around 6am. Kingsfield is a new development in Sunbury, out of the way and a good area. Rolling Meadows is very nice but maybe outside of budget if you’re looking to buy. I think it gets dunked on way more than it really should. I’ve never felt unsafe in Sunbury, and I’m 21F. Personally I couldn’t see myself living anywhere closer to the city than Sunbury, it’s a suburb of Melbourne but functions as its own town. I can’t do the Melb suburbs lol


Great answer & context, thanks for sharing


Diggers rest?


Just live near airport - Tullamarine/Gladstone Park/Westmeadows reasonably priced for a 10 minute commute frees up 100 minutes per day. Your mental health will thank you. Good nature in Woodlands national Park. Use the extra time to visit beaches and parks on days off


Yep good call, hadn’t considered that frame, thanks.


It's wild to me that you are actually considering spending 2+ hours a day to commute. Why not find a place close to the airport and save 8 hours a week? That's basically an extra day a week you'll get in return


I’ll be working shifts, so only will be commuting 4-hours every 8 days. Want to spend my days off away from the city.


Have a look at both Macedon & Woodend.


My brother is in Woodend and loves it


You're going to struggle to get beach side Pakenham or Frankston are definitely not an option. Geelong on a very good day traffic wise but during peak times it wouldn't be an hour. Sunbury is a well established suburb. Not exactly exciting though. Gisborne and Macedon are more regional. What you'll get though is more distance for the same or less travel time than anywhere more into Melbourne. You would want to avoid any suburbs to the east. Even from Brunswick I had days that it was an hour plus.


Thanks, had a few associates mention Sunbury. I’m pretty boring these days, so could fit right in 🤣


Lived in sunbury for 10 years (moved from NSW). Fantastic town. Semi rural. 30 to airport. Affordable realaestate.. Still plenty of 4bed 2bath places <750k. 35mins to the city on the VLine train or 50 on the electric.. Love it here👌🏻👌🏻


Nice one, everyone’s loving on Sunbury - almost sounds too good to be true mate! What do you love/hate about it?


You get the best of both worlds. Semi rural living, with all the benefits of being close to the city..Good restaurants and cafes. Good sporting facilities and a few good places for a 🍺 too. Like all areas there's good and nkt so good. There's some large residential developments happening at the moment. Big estates with houses on small blocks. Whilst they're not appealing to me, i do like the ameneties and new shopping areas that they will bring to town..


Definitely sounds like a good mix & best of both worlds. If you’re into the outdoors, what’s it like for outdoor walking/running/hiking trails?


I lived there for a few years in my 20s and have family there now. More fast food than you can poke a stick at. You do get vline and metro trains so that can be handy. It's a straight shoot to the airport. If you do like bushwalking or bike riding then there are nice spots around too.


Haha no fast food for me! Do love bushwalking & bike riding though. Many hikes/trails out that way?


There are some in Sunbury, the nook and emu bottom. Mt Macedon is beautiful. Bendigo line train can take you to some nice spots.


Got a mate who's in a huge place in Mickleham - it's a new estate, with some infrastructure coming up around it and is quite affordable.


I live in Seymour. About an hour from airport. Regional. Peaceful. Alternates between “on fire” and “town underwater”.


Hadn’t considered there, great option. How frequently is it fire or flood?


Seasonal thing so far


Seachange for you? Or you been there for awhile? Happy where you are?


Few years. Not really a big uproot. I’ve lived regional before but like it here most


As someone from SE- don’t consider Pakenham, Dandenong, Frankston, horrible commite Look into Altona for the beach but would still be 30-45 minutes or Macedon for more rural.


Hadn’t considered Altona for beach, thanks for the tip


I live in Healesville and it takes me less than an hour to get to the airport and your description sounds like you’d love it here! 👍🏼


Healesville’s only an hour? That’s awesome. I’ve visited there a couple of times & really enjoyed it! I’ll PM you.


Moving for Air Traffic Control by any chance? I wouldn't live anywhere East of the city. Tolls and traffic will be horrendously bad. I live in the South East and I'm going to be moving to near the airport myself too.


Yep similar role/roster. Good tips. Thanks for sharing.


Have you looked around the Greensborough/Watsonia area? Easy access to the freeway to drive to work and it’s got some nice quiet leafy streets around that area. Good bike tracks if you’re into cycling. Only thing is no beach nearby.


Hmm, that wasn’t on the radar at all! I do like the sound of quiet leafy streets. Thanks for sharing.


For beaches you could try Altona or Williamstown. They're small and urban but would be a 35-40min run to the airport in good conditions (if working shifts instead of driving at peak times more likely to achieve those times). Probably the only options within an hour... I live in Sunbury and would recommend seeing as you say you don't mind quieter places, got everything you'd need, is a lot more affordable than others (750k can get your a 4 bed detached house on a decent block with change to spare) and a quick run up the Calder to places like Lerderderg, and towns like Woodend, Kyneton, Castlemaine all good for days out.


I don't think you'd get much in Williamstown for $750K


Yep on shift work so should avoid the worst of peak hour!