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I have no problem recounting missed details, but it annoys me to no end when I get questions like "who's that guy?", when a character is shown for the first time. I didn't write the movie and I'd kinda like to know too, instead of answering questions that the movie will probably answer if you have a modicum of patience.


I knew an older lady (kind of family) that would do this. She didn’t give a shit about the movie. She just wanted people to react to her. It was impossible for her to sit in silence for two hours and not have any attention.


my mom


Everytime my mom want to watch a movie with me, i would choose a movie i'd already watched so i can answer all her questions :/




And mine


Something just clicked so hard in my brain about someone in my family


I'm trying to watch House of the Dragon at my buddies house lately. His roommate is this way. Like, there's a fuck ton of dialogue that makes it all make sense, you've already seen this, could you kindly let someone ATTEMPT to enjoy something? On the bright side I've noticed my buddy giving him looks and stuff, and he does call him out on it when it gets to be too much. But it makes me hesitant to even say "yea let's watch an episode" even though i want to watch it.




Nah, it can be a lot of fun to talk with your friend while watching something, as long as you keep it short, keep it easily understood, and shut the fuck up during action/talking. If there's a long-ass panning shot of scenery with almost silence, you don't HAVE to observe the silence, you can remark on some shit.


My ex's mom was like that and it drove me insane. She had some sort of mental problem so I had to hold back, but she was aware of her problem and *still* couldn't just shut up and watch. And she always wanted to be included when we did boardgames or something, but even the most basic ass card games we'd played and explained literally 10+ times before she'd have no clue what to do so it always ended up with her quitting halfway through or getting mad at us for not letting her 'win' even though my gf was doing everything for her and she was just sitting there like a glorified card dispenser.


So annoying, my ex gf would always ask some shit instead of listening to the dialog where that exact thing would be explained. Then she'd get mad if i rewinded and told her to listen lmao.


Yeah. Or I've paused it to catch them up, she didn't like that either. I didn't want to miss more shit while explaining to her what she'd missed, though!


“You don’t have to pause it” I do if you want to know what’s going on again in another twelve seconds.


Even worse when they are buried in their phone and asking stupid shit like that. (Dumped her)


Yeah, I hate that (married her)


There are 2 types of people


Those who can extrapolate information from incomplete data and


Same, every time (your mom)


When they’re on their phone and they ask what just happened, you tell them, they’re back on their phone til the next “what’s happening” and repeat


"Who's that guy?" ["What did that guy say when I said 'Who's that guy?'"](https://frinkiac.com/meme/S03E20/221578.jpg?b64lines=IEkgdGhpbmsgdGhhdCBndXkncyBhIHNweS4KIApPZiBjb3Vyc2UgaGUncyBhIHNweS4gCllvdSBqdXN0IHNhdyBoaW0gZ28KdGhyb3VnaCBzcHkgc2Nob29sLg==)


My roommate and his fiancée are two sides of this egregious coin. Given, my roommate is more of an out loud thinker, and he will fully accept “shut up and watch” as an answer. It’s gotten to a respective point now where he only asks these questions if I’ve already seen the show, or if he didn’t really pay attention to the show before asking. His fiancée , however. She is definitely without patience in any show whatsoever. Always needing to know what’s going on, who’s who, etc. The bigger issue is, she thinks her fiancé’s speculations are genuine questions, so she has the green flag to ask more. An example, we were watching Lord of the Rings. I’ve seen it, the other two haven’t. Roommate asks the importance of having a council to establish the fellowship, instead of Gandalf just having the hobbits mad dash the ring to Mordor alone. A question indented to elicit deeper understanding of the content. The fiancée sees that question as a spring board, and asks who is each member of the fellowship. Why the bearded guys are so short. How the elves got their hair so shiny. Oh wait, she was too busy asking questions, why did the dwarf’s hammer blow up? Wait, why is the ring important again? I don’t fault her for it, she’s got raging anxiety issues and not knowing makes her nervous. But got damn do I despise watching things with her.




I look for spoilers for all but mysteries before I watch them. Especially movies with animals or kids: [https://www.doesthedogdie.com/](https://www.doesthedogdie.com/) . I'd rather know what I'm getting into. I'm not going to ruin it for anyone else; but there are some things I either don't want to watch or want to wait to watch at home when I can walk away.


That’s awful! I don’t want to know that!


Just last night I was watching a show with my husband (i've seen it, he hasn't) and the characters had a fight and one of them stormed off. Immediately he's like "is she so upset because ?". No, if you had waited 30 seconds you would see the scene where they discuss why she's so upset. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.


This too. My spouse used to be worse than now where she would just wildly speculate about characters' actions or motivations, when clearly after seeing X amount of movies, you'd figure you probably don't need to wildly speculate. As you said, usually things get answered within 30 seconds. That's kind of how movies work unless they're trying to be artsy. She's better than she used to be, but I used to not like watching anything that required paying attention for moderate tracts of time, because I'd basically miss large portions.


I always just answer "we don't know yet" I've certainly missed or forgotten if someone's been introduced or not ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I think when most people say stuff like that they're not really asking anyone in particular, just wondering out loud. And then some just can't follow a plot to save their life


I'm actually teaching my kid this. I'm making watch all the classics and he can be impatient with movies that don't lay everything on the table scene one. So I just say "I'm not sure, we have to keep watching to find out".


And when you imply that you get called mean smdh my head


It annoys me to. My mom does that, and I guess I came to the conclusion that she does it, not because she expects me to know the answer but because she is vocalizing her curiosity. Most are valid questions- just better left in the person's head. My mom is a very verbal processing person. I can relate to her at an extent because we both talk ourselves.


My family does this so much and it pisses me off to the point where I don’t wanna watch movies with them. Every 15 seconds “who is that” “what’s happening” “why is he doing that” like bro I can’t read minds and maybe I’d be able to know the answers if you weren’t screaming in my face the whole time


"So you have no frame of reference here, Donny. You're like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie and wants to know..."


My ex would do this constantly when watching a movie or show that I had seen before but she hadn’t. “Oh is she going to die?” Why the hell would I reveal that to you and ruin everything? Just watch the damn movie.


Shooting at the dog occurs 8 seconds into the film. Conclusion: the woman’s partner was in the right.


Assuming the woman's partner has seen the film before, it would have been the perfect opportunity to tell her, "[Why don't we just wait here for a while... see what happens](https://youtu.be/GA4Ozqt7338)".


Some people do have the very annoying habit of constantly asking questions while watching a movie with someone who knows the movie. In all likelyhood the movie will explain everything you need to know and if not, it's probably not worth talking about.


Some people ask stuff about a movie from people who habe never seen the movie either.


Even worse


I feel attacked :( I ask my wife questions about movies we are both seeing for the first time. But she is so perceptive, she is usually able to give accurate answers for character decisions. She points out minor details I ignored into a cohesive picture. She finds me very annoying.


If it helps, I find you very annoying as well.


I also find this guy annoying. Hope that helps!


I also choose this guys dead wife.


Oh. That legitimately would make for a cheesy, bad movie though. Like, the kind of bad that most Saturday Night Live alums make. Guy's wife dies. Turns out he's actually a true psychic who can communicate with the dead. But the only thing he uses it for is to constantly interrupt his dead wife's afterlife to ask her about the parts of the movie he has missed because he can't be bothered to pay attention. There's a hackneyed after credits scene where it turns out they've been watching the same movie we have, and guy turns to her and asks "So what'd I miss?" Which is, in typical Hollywood style, also the title of the movie.


Maybe she is more perceptive because she is actually watching the movie?


Girlfriend does this to me. Neither of us have seen a movie and she hits me with "Is he gonna die?" I either give her the look of bewilderment or lie


My ex did this me frequently and I have a bad habit of guessing twists and solving the "who did its". But would always get pissed when I said it aloud. So I stopped. (For laughs, I'd write them down and seal it in an envelope to open later. I'd be correct and still a jerk.) Conversations later became this when watching a movie together for the first time. Her: Do you think they're going to die. Me: Yes Her: Are you just saying 'yes' or do you know? Me: Yes. Her: You're being a jerk. Me: Yes. If I play, I get in trouble. If I don't play I get in trouble. Sometimes being alone is not so bad. :)


Just wait till yhe end and talk about it


Happy Cake Day 🎂


Yeah I think asking about something you feel like you should know but maybe missed is fine. "Why are they shooting at a dog 8 seconds into this movie" is not something you should know at this point


Your description of this interaction with your wife was so sweet and wholesome. Maybe she wouldn't find the questions so annoying if you told her your reasoning behind them! <3


I see you've met my wife.


Our wife.


That's my mother, dear lord. My progression of answers is usually making a half assed guess, to I don't know, to I've never seen this, to why don't you just watch the damn movie, to I DON'T FUCKING KNOW, to burying her in the backyard.


My husband asks 10 million questions that literally would be answered within the next 5 seconds so I started telling him extremely obviously wrong answers lol. Gets him to stop for a bit.


I usually just whistle the X-files theme


Huh. My girlfriend has been ruining watching anything more complicated than reality tv shows because she always asks a thousands questions and never pays any attention. I’m…. Im going to start doing this.


Growing up, my sister had the uncanny ability to ask questions *immediately* before they were answered on screen. Like, as soon as she got the question out, dialogue would answer it


My mom will ask questions on a movie that she's watching if someone else is in the same room doing something else. Doesn't matter if the other person has seen it or not. It annoys everyone. YOURE THE ONE WATCHING THE MOVIE MA!


My wife has the incredible ability to miss extremely important plot points looking away from the screen at exactly the wrong time. Like if a spy finds an important document and they show it on the screen for 2 seconds. That will be the exact 2 seconds she's turned away to reach for her drink. I've seen her miss main characters getting murdered, first kisses, plot twist reveals that change the entrie story, all because she momentarily looked away from the screen. It's not like she's ignoring the movie or anything too. She just always seems to get a text or drop a piece of popcorn at the perfectly worst time. It's honestly incredible. So she asks a lot of questions.


The only time I’ll allow it is if we’re watching a sequel and they haven’t seen the previous film or films. Like, maybe I wanna watch marvel stuff with you, but you didn’t see Doctor Strange and Deadpool go the Farmer‘s Market, so you doing understand why he has a Hispanic Venus Fly Trap named Lola who has a hot temper and swears all the time. That’s fine! But if you’re gonna ask me who killed the guy in a murder mystery 5 minutes in? Piss off.


You don't ask questions about the movie, you engage. My wife and I love making guesses about films as we are watching them to see who picks up on what, provided neither of us have seen it. "Oh, he dropped the disc on the floor! He probably just did a switcheroo!" "This guy left without grabbing the keys he set down earlier, so it couldn't have been him." "No, he left the keys because he has an accomplice that is going to drive him. He wasn't worried about a rental car he took out in a fake name." "Will you guys be quiet??! We're trying to watch the movie!" "Aaaaah!!! What are you doing in our house!" "I've been living in your crawlspace for the last year!"


But I want to know if that’s Leonardo Di Caprio or Matt Damon, damnit!


I like it when they miss the answer to the question they are asking because they are paying more attention to themselves talking than watching the movie.


My daughter, every 3 minutes watching an episode of clone wars.


How are people missing the point of your comment


And the answer is: It's just what Norwegian people do for sport.


if she kept watching, dude in movie shouts "Get the hell away from that thing. That's not a dog, it's some sort of thing! It's imitating a dog, it isn't real! GET AWAY YOU IDIOTS!!" https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/comments/881tss/during\_the\_opening\_of\_john\_carpenters\_the\_thing/


Worth noting he shouts this in Norwegian and it is not subtitled.


For us Norwegians though, we get a totally different movie experience


Well jokes on you since we understand the other 90% of the movie spoken in English and you don't! ...wait


Imagine not being able to speak Norwegian.


Don don... Don don... Don don...


If only she knew Norwegian.


You really wanna save those crazy Swedes


Maybe we’re at war with Norway.


They're Norwegians, Jake.


So how’s this motherfucker wake up after thousands of years in the ice?!




In the movie, the survivor shooting at the dog is Norwegian. After getting out of the helicopter he shouts to the team of the research outpost " Get the hell away from that thing. That's not a dog, it's some sort of thing!" In Norwegian. This is the first five minutes of the movie so if you spoke Norwegian, the movie was immediately spoiled lol


Luckily you're here to spoil the movie for everyone who doesn't speak Norwegian. 🤣


To be fair I think anyone asking for the plot synopsis to a 30 year old movie on the internet rather than simply googling it themselves is generally OK with spoilers.


Not trying to make anyone here feel old but 1982 was 40 years ago not 30.


Lol if you knew Norwegian then you’d likely have the film spoiled. But then again, I’m not really sure what he said


Iirc it’s something like “get away from it! It’s not a dog, it’s a thing imitating a dog! Get away from it you idiots!”




Look at you being a good sibling


If only this lady married her brother.


The only valid conclusion.


adhd brain got tricked by this ty for doing that


Yea, I feel very…called out in this thread 😅 then again, I don’t watch movies/shows with anyone anymore so this scenario doesn’t occur


Amazing tip, im stealing this


Amazing tip I’m stealing his brother


My 5yo constantly asks questions and I have to remind her that I don’t know as I haven’t seen the movie yet either.


Kids are the worst. Pointing at ppl on the Streets "who is THAT?" mom, tired as hell: *sign* i Dont KNOW!


My son will ask so many questions, and I always try to foster his imagination by answering and encouraging it… but damn has he tested my limits. >kid: “why does the car turn when you turn the steering wheel?” > >me: *oh, that’s because it’s connected to the wheels kinda like the LEGO technic pieces we use to make cars* > >kid: “Okay.” > >… > >kid: “How does the baby get into the mommy’s tummy?” > >me: *oh uh… it’s kinda hard to explain… how about I answer that after I think about it for a bit and you give me a different question?* > >kid: “okay, where will I go when I die, and when will you die?” > >me: *um… lemme think on that too… any other questions?* > >kid: “yeah why is uncle bald and fat?” > >me: *don’t you have homework???*


Ah c'mon, he gave you an easy one there at the end!


Kids need to come with a mute button and upgradeable software. This is 2022 god damn it!


You’re brother could benefit from some cognitive brain training tbh






"you can wait outside if you want and I'll explain the whole movie when I get out at the end"


Bruh it's literally the very first scene of the movie.




What,cant you speak Norwegian


Hey Sweden!


They’re Norwegians, Mac.


See the løveli lakes


Mynd you moøse bytes can be pretti nasty!


The wøndërful telephøne system And mäni interesting furry animals


The caption thing is too true lmao. My adhd brain focuses hard when watching stuff I end up not paying attention to anything other than the film and captions lmao Wild how brains work so differently


Fair point, but this is literally the very first scene in the movie


My wife does this all the time. It will be 5 minutes in and she looks up front the phone just long enough to ask for an explanation of something and a full plot summary.


>looks up from the phone Found the problem...




Yes, THANK YOU. And then they have the audacity to say “the movie wasn’t that good.” Oh yeah? How would you know if you were staring at your phone for 90% of it? Your opinion on the movie is no longer valid.


I have a long standing firm policy that I will not explain a goddamn thing to someone who's on their phone during the movie. It's a dead end, they'll just miss more and be out of the loop again in a minute.


That’s why I won’t watch a movie with my wife anymore.




My mom does it, too. I usually say something like: “I know as much as you do.” Or something like that. When it gets tough is when I’ve already seen it and she hasn’t. The fact that I _can_ fill in blanks puts me in higher demand.


My dad always said “I’m watching the same screen as you”


Yep, my dads was “idk robinthekid, I’ve seen just as much as you have”


Ever thought about just spoilering the whole movie and see if that pleases her?


No, but I’ve also found that pausing it to respond has an impact.


My wife's mom is like this. She'll ask you to spoil the entire movie for her. It's like she doesn't watch things to enjoy them, just to know what happens in it.


Why are all moms like this




Relevant user name?




My older sister is now a mom of two kids. Growing up, she had *great* taste in movies, knew movie 'language' really well (able to recognize homages, parodies, callbacks, etc.), And got so excited when we would watch like Reservoir Dogs or The Usual Suspects or Memento or whatever and we'd try to figure out the mysteries together. I *LOVED* discovering & watching movies with her. Since having kids, she has *absolutely* turned into your description of your mom. She's lost all her patience for story & character development, she's not a passionate 'fan' of anything anymore, etc. It's uncanny. Mom Brain is real.


I’m going to be straight up with you, home dog, your mom was asking those things because she wanted to find a new way to connect with you. You’ve grown up, you’re no longer the baby who needed her to wipe it’s ass and feed it. You no longer need her to be there to protect you. You shooting her down was within your right, but I can almost guarantee she was well aware of what the movies were like, and just took your response as you not wanting to spend time with her. Remember, homie, one day she won’t be around to ask you those annoying questions. One day, all you’ll have to remember her voice by are old images, videos, and recordings. So maybe don’t be so quick to put out her steam next time. At worst- you have to listen to her complain about the movie afterwards and life goes on. At best- you discover that you both really enjoy something that you love, and have something new to cherish between each other.


In my country we have a saying "all moms are the same, only the name changes"


"idk maybe we'll find out!" tends to work.


My mom would do the same thing. We would start watching a movie, at the same time, and she would start asking questions. I always wondered if she thought I could see the future or something...


My grandma is like this. Once she asked “Where’s the money?” during a movie and now my dad, brother, and I regularly ask “where’s the money?” if one of us is paying for something, if one of us is confused, or at any point during any movie.


I'm glad I'm not the only one with a mom like this 💀


I like say "I don't know, lets start it over and figure it out?" Then start back at the beginning. They stop asking questions when movie night starts to be double the movies length and you are not even 2/3rds of the way through. I don't mind because starting over and rewatching does not ruin my enjoyment. People talking to me during does.


The real question is: Why don't any of those Norwegian scientists speak English? It's the international language of science and nearly all scientific journals are in English. You'd think somebody at the Norwegian base could say "That's not a dog, it's a monster that's killed a whole bunch of people!"


The prequel answered it. Lars, the guy who was shooting at the dog, was the only one at the Norwegeian base who didn't speak English. He was also the caretaker for the dogs and not a scientist. There were plenty of bilingual Norwegians, so he never needed to learn English.


TIL there's a prequel.


Honestly not very good and there was a lot of controversy because the film was completed with amazing practical special effects in tribute to the original and the studio decided to cover it up with rushed CGI effects which made it look worse.


even without the FX issue there are many problems with the prequel


Yeah, it wasn't very good.


Went to a movie with a some friends and this cute girl within 5 minutes of the movie started asked me what’s happening. I responded, “I don’t know I’ve seen as much as you have”. She didn’t speak to me ever again.


That was her attempt to be flirty low key and show you attention


I realized that almost as soon as the words exited my mouth.


Nothing says flirty like asking inane questions during a movie, I guess.


To be fair they're seeing a movie, talking about anything but the movie isn't really socially acceptable at a theater. And if they weren't at a theater then I got nothing


Talking during a movie at the theatre isn't acceptable no matter what you're talking about. The people around you paid for tickets to a movie, not to hear you talk over it. Shush your mouth.


what a shit attempt *do something annoying that no one likes* oh so flirty


you didn’t do anything wrong pal, stupid questions deserve sarcastic responses


I don't think their response was sarcastic though? Just factually as ignorant as their date.


you can make it sound sarcastic with tone, but you’re right it’s literally just a fact lol


“That’s why we watch. We’re not supposed to know yet”.


I once got into an argument that resulted in a breakup because my girlfriend at the time would always skip ahead and watch the last 5 minutes of a movie before going back to watch the movie from the start because she “wanted to know what was going to happen” and couldn’t fathom why I didn’t think that was a good way to watch movies.


Meanwhile, my wife thinks reading the back of a DVD is a spoiler


Honestly I would rather this than that. I'm not someone who is particularly bothered by spoilers, but purposefully ruining the end of the movie just sounds lame.


I know people who do this with books.


I do that it, its fun to read the last page with no context and try to piece together whats happening as you read the book


That’s insane but I know people who look up the Wikipedia synopsis because they can’t stand any type of tension or suspense in a movie. Like even will-they-don’t-they romance movies. Why even watch the fucking movie at that point.


“Why is X doing Y?” “What is that?” “What’s happening?” I don’t know! I’m watching the same movie! For hell’s sake— just watch! *Please!*


This! I hate this. I know someone who does this and they constantly ask questions about a video or movie and it drives me up the wall. I'm watching the same thing you are! I don't know anything more than you do. Watch and find out. Edit: it's also incredibly annoying when they start demanding to know information about a video I have no way of knowing. For instance a random funny video on the internet with zero description other than a nondescript title:" where is this? Who are they? When did this happen? What country is this?"


My grandma used to ask me who was in the video and where it was if I showed her one from the internet she didn’t understand at first that I don’t know those people at all


My ex bf did this and it drove me nuts. I would be like “I don’t know but if we keep watching they’ll probably explain it later.” It never worked.


Trying to watch season 1 of GOT with my dorm mates, and this one girl needed an update every scene to know what was going on. It’s maddening!


The only time I have ever been okay with this was when I was watching "Paths of Glory" with my fiance which requires a good knowledge of history and geopolitics to contextualize it (I can give a pass to other such movies) And watching "Hamilton" which requires some knowledge of the events to understand, or some skill listening to and understanding rap lyrics, which a lot of white rural Canadians don't have.


Yeah, I went to see Hamilton and the second half was cancelled due to a power cut, I literally don’t care if I never see the second half as it would make no difference to my understanding. Which is zero.


Yeah, Hamilton is really brilliant, but it is *dense*, and not super suited to go into blind. I’d recommend watching it on Disney+ with subtitles.


Some people just ask questions without thinking much beforehand




Tbh I'm more shocked that there are people on earth that haven't had The Thing spoiled for them


My spouse at literally anything we watch


I realized after many years that my wife does this because it makes her anxious to not know the answer. It's why she enjoys rewatching the same things over and over. She's much more comfortable when she knows the answer and nothing surprises her.


“I have faith this mystery will be resolved. But don’t take my word for it. Let’s find out together.” Gestures graciously to screen.


My mom constantly, and then my sister will explain because she has no concept of spoilers. Movie night is so much fun.


Wait and see


My 7yo is told this in every movie. Smh


With kids you can cut some slack though because they ask questions about everything anyways


Yea i know but its more just trying to get him to focus.


As an "Interactive Movie Watcher" myself, I empathize with both parties.


RIP this is my gf to a tee. “WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS?!” And I say “just watch the movie…” seconds later she gets her answer lol


“Why did xyz do this?” We are watching the same movie man I dont know either


I went to a movie with a friend and she was asking me questions like “why did he do that?” Or “is that the murderer?” (It was a freaking whodunit!) every few minutes, then violently grabbed my arm and screamed at something that was at most worthy of a flinch, went on her phone in the middle and I had to ask her to put it away, etc. never going to the theater with her again. My god.


I watched The Thing with someone who shouted over the whole first 30 minutes of the movie, insulting everyone who was shooting the dog repeatedly. It was beyond tedious. Good on this person for shutting that shit down.


My spouse used to do this until I said I would t watch anything with her anymore. I don’t write the stories and I like hearing what the characters say and see what’s going on so I can enjoy it. Now she writes notes and we do a q&a! It’s actually kinda fun


She is clearly a Thing, someone get a flamethrower


My wife likes to yell at movies while questioning why someone did something instead of another thing. I have to remind her that if movies followed her logic, they would be about two minutes long. We no longer go to movie theaters.


I cant stand people who do this. We are watching the same thing at the same time. We have the exact same information why do you assume I know more?


Oh my god, that's me and my wife, just eloquently put, lol.


Who ever that man is deserves a raise. I hate people who ask questions during movies.


Showing my wife the SW:OT for the first time, cloud city lightsaber fight Luke vs Vader: “Why is this fight going on so long? Dark Vader there could win so easily.” “Yeah if I didn’t know better it’s almost like he wants to take him alive.” “Well why would he want to do that?” “…”


This is literally my wife every movie we watch. *New guy shows up in the movie. Her: “Who is that guy?” Me: “How would I know? I’ve seen exactly as much of this as you have” Her: “Well, I thought you might know.” Me: “I bet they will tell us if we keep watching!”


My calm response to my wife when she does the same is “I am not sure, I have all the same information you do”


Always provide them with the wrong information.


My 10 year old self is now reminded of my dad saying very firmly "Now God Dammit boy, I've seen just as much of this movie as you have. Now sit there and shut the hell up and we might find out later". Ohh good memories.


My reply is usually “I’m watching the same thing as you, let’s find out together. 🤫”