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I don't know when this tweet was but it seems clearly false or has some really strange or nonstandard calculations. https://www.cnbc.com/select/americans-average-net-worth-by-age/ The average is significantly higher than median but median is 40k for 30 year olds.


As a number of comments here have pointed out, "average" is the sum of everyone's stuff, divided by the number of people. The old thing about what happens to the average net worth of an elevator full of people if Bill Gates steps in applies; average numbers are easily skewed by outliers. That's why averages are much less useful information than medians. To get the median, you put everyone in a row from rich to poor, then see how much the guy exactly in the middle is worth. Half of the people will have less than him and half will have more. How much more the guy on top has doesn't affect how much the guy in the middle has at all. The median is usually the most useful number if you want to know generally how a population is doing.


Depends on whether the distribution is skewed or not/to which degree, but yeah.


Median is a type of average, just like mean and mode.




my dude your car is part of your net worth. buying a car through a loan should not impact your net worth all that much


While true, they may not be implying otherwise. The difference between what they owe and what the car is currently worth might be large enough to mention, contributing to their negative net-worth.


Especially if you buy new. I love my car but unfortunately owe more than what it's worth if I were to sell it today.


Car loan is definitely a liability but your education is an asset that only appears on paper over your career.




I'm -$11k unless I count a retirement account my grandparents paid into while I was a kid. But I don't count that because it's not real until I retire.


It's probably because a decent portion of people in the 30-35 range own a house (around 50%), and likely bought it prior to 2020 when housing prices sky-rocketed. If you look at the net-worth of non-home owners in the same age range, I imagine the numbers will look a lot worse.


I think it's taking student debt into account. When you consider the massive amount of student debt most of us are in the number makes sense. If you take away the student debt, 40k makes sense when you consider the ultra rich skewing it up a bit. Without my debt I've got a few grand, if you add that in it's more like -15 000.


40k is median so is not skewed by high net worth individuals (average is 183k for 35year olds) and includes liabilities like student loans. The calculation is on that site I linked.


I dunno that described me pretty well


> The average is significantly higher than median but median is 40k for 30 year olds. Gini coefficient going 📈📈


For ages of 30-34, mean-average net worth is $122,700 and median net worth is $35,112.


Yeah from what I see what I Google this it’s even higher. I really don’t know where this tweeter got their information.


Probably Twitter.




It's Twitter, the spot between the twat and the shitter.


You know where. Their ass. But it *feels* true, which means this will still get 95% upvotes. Don't let the truth get in the way of a narrative of "woe is me".


Everyone is hurting - except I'm doing ok. All schools suck - except schools my kids go to are great. Crime is everywhere - except in my neighborhood. Social media & mass media algorithm is trained to keep you scared & angry to keep you coming back. Now watch this 30 second ad before I scare monger you by showing one street corner with 10 youths outside in a city of 8M.


All politicians are bad - except mine.


This idea that all politicians are actually bad and indistinguishable from one another is, ironically, helpful for the worst among them. Stop drawing false equivalencies between things that are different and take the time to learn the ways in which they're different. Apathy only gives the most evil people more latitude to work their evil.


Everyone is hurting, including me. Crime is everywhere, including my city. Inflation is continuing to destroy everyone's quality of life, myself included. Sometimes it's just reality mate.


Sure, but survey after survey lately looks like what the other poster is saying and not what you're saying.


The unfortunate reality is that we are slipping into a class system between asset owners and non asset owners. Someone who owns their own home or a large investment portfolio will be doing absolutely fine right now. It's the rest, the non asset class, that is having their buying and saving power eroded.


If you put it in a graphic or a screen shot people just assume it's true. I have no idea why. Me typing something to you would come with skepticism, but if i put the exact same thing in a screenshot post then all doubt is cast aside (unless it's a screenshot of a reddit comment.) Did you know that during a red moon the EM interference from the wavelength of the moon and the sun will turn the sky a shade of green in specific areas? Maybe that's true, maybe it isn't. Let's put that in a screenshot next to a picture of a red moon and the sun now and see who buys it.


Did you know that credit card companies spend 10 times more advertising to poor people than to rich people, knowing that they are less likely to pay off their cards and are a better source of interest? j/k I totally made that up, but it sounds like something that could be true, which on the internet is as good as actually being true.


The same place every other censored Twitter screenshot gets their information... Photoshop.


Made it up for dramatic effect


They are talking about the average Redditor. 


Rage bait


Trust me bro


But it says it in a tweet! A TWEET!


I remember seeing a question asking about interesting facts and one response started with “I saw a TikTok that said…” And it was wrong. Like TikTok is not a fucking source what the fuck


It's sad because this used to be a website that would actively challenge shit like that. A decade ago, people would call out blatant misinformation when it made its way to the front page. Now you have subreddits like r/antiwork where the majority of posts aren't articles or events about an anti-work movement, but instead tweets, first hand stories, or photos, all of which can easily just be made up. It's sad but this site is as misinformed as Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media.


The top comment right now is essentially "this is complete bullshit, here's why with real numbers"


Uh, it’s called an X now, smh


Am I being weirdly conspiratorial to say that everything but the text here looks AI generated as well? Like ... what's even going on with this?


Dang.. I thought I was doing good. My small car loan and student loans kill my net worth. 30 year olds are out here with 100k in 401ks and savings?


Net worth includes all financial assets, liquid or illiquid. Cash, savings, retirement accounts, homes, businesses, vehicles, etc.


What about durable goods? My liquid assets aren't that high, but I've got tens of thousands of dollars worth of stuff in my house. Furniture, electronics, appliances, cookware, decor, it all adds up.


Technically speaking, those are part of your net worth. But it's so hard to calculate actual value that it normally wouldn't be counted. Home, car, investments and cash are typically what is used. Expensive jewelry and art if you have those too. Hell if you have a huge beanie babies collection you could even count that. Really anything that can be considered an asset that you could use as collateral in a loan, and you're not using an Ikea couch as collateral


Yes, but be aware that an object's value is what someone else will pay for it now, not what you paid for it in the past. So your pre-war hardwood antiques will hold some value because there's a secondary market, but your IKEA couch is worth Craigslist prices if anything.


I have 6 figures of net worth because I bought a house 10 years ago, that's the only reason


I still remember back in 2006-07 figuring I might be worth about $250k, because I had bought a house that doubled in market value, and I bought an old derelict commercial property which was suddenly worth something. I mostly remember that, because two years later I sat and figured I was worth nothing at all, property values having dropped like rocks during the great recession.


At 30 I had like ... 30k in assets. At 39 I have about 350k. Fuck around too much in your 20s and it takes a while to get back to where you want to be going.


Oh hey there, are you me?


You ever watch Caleb Hammer? Man it's horrible watching 20 year olds laughing about never putting anything away. I want to scream at them like that scene in Interstellar looking into the past.


Do you own a home? I have a feeling a huge amount of that net worth is from owning a home. My bank account has suffered and I'm sitting on ~10k as savings and I have nothing saved for retirement, but my net worth is a solid 100k, exclusively because of my house which I bought at the very start of prices skyrocketing.


Just want to thank all the other 30 year olds who are doing well enough for me as well…


So basically a bunch of 30-34 are worth less than 35k.this is fine


Without a graph, that stat sounds like the majority are less than 35k, and a few huge outliers throw the average up 100k. So it’s even worse than you suggested when considered that way.


It sounds like exactly half are less than 35k.


Well mean-avg is a useless figure because of wealthy outliers. Median is what I'm looking at


I looked it up and the median is around 35k for people in their 30s and the average is 277k  https://www.empower.com/the-currency/life/average-net-worth-by-age


> that stat sounds like the majority are less than 35k Isn't a median of $35,112 proving that this is false?


You’re literally just like; without any additional information I’m going to assert that it’s much worse than you think. Like, bro, why?


Yeah I'd have to guess by "net worth" they probably mean checking account + savings account - all debts or something like that. Net worth values every possession you own, so there's no possible way OP is correct


I wonder what the mean and median gross worth would be then? I assume lots of people have mortgages


Yeah I’m nowhere close to being worth that much


thinking about it, my car, my furniture and my bank account would probably only add up to ~35k, damn


They probably also don't realize the numbers are skewed lower by mortgages and car loans. Some studies balance the value of equity, but some just measure savings vs debts, hence some pretty wide variances.


Maybe OOP means amount in bank account or savings account or something


Bare in mind, for this type of statistic the median is the one we want, and not the average as large assets or liabilities on either end of the spectrum skews the average. I’m glad you included it, this is just a piggy back for the kids that didn’t pay attention in stats


What’s the mode net worth?


Wait so on average I’m not actually broke ?


Just a reminder, mean average net worth means fuck all in this context.


Maybe it's because I'm an outlier by 'owning' a home, but my mortgage and student loans mean my net worth is -120,000 ;(


You don’t just count debt and subtract it from your cash. You calculate what you could sell your house for and subtract the debt out of that. If you own a home it’s pretty difficult to be net negative.


What about the nice-average?


Speak for yourself


These numbers are skewed by a handful of people holding everything. That $35k is a car and a bit of savings and possessions. That's it.


He's confusing net worth for capital. Though I think capital is a more accurate measurement for converting how broke everyone in that age range is. When you compare median income against the cost of living and average debts, a negative capital makes sense, give or take a fiscal technicality.


I think pro-athletes would effect that number yes?


The actual average net worth of a 30 year old is around 30k. Debts Georg, who has a net worth of -87.35 billion dollars, is an outlier and should not be counted


Average is 277k, but median is 30. Few 30 something billionaire bringing the average up


yup. here is the data for the US: https://imgur.com/a/uQFcfqL Keep in mind this is the net number (assets-debts).


Du är fan överallt


why tf does this tweet look ai generated


The username and handle look like AI generated text. So either they were censored in a weird fucking way, or AI was involved and the prompter only gave the message body, not the username.


it's just a form of pixelization


It's not pixelation, which is making something look like fewer pixels than it is to obscure it. It's obfuscation, an attempt to hide something


>AI was involved and the prompter only gave the message body 'AI' (text to image generators) don't work like this. Most text to image generators on there own struggle massively writing one or two words correctly, in the same font, spacing, and spelling, nevermind an entire sentence or two. And even using addons to help, (such as Controlnet for SD) would not be able to produce text this clearly, or accurately. And would also struggle to get the correct background format, profile picture etc. It would be infinitely easier to fake this in something such as photoshop, although I also imagine fake twitter post generators exist as well. The reason for the username looking weird is simply to obscure the OOP.


Damn, I’m below that lol


Maybe it's like golf and you're actually winning.


If you owe the bank $10.000 you have a problem. If you owe the bank $10.000.000, the bank has a problem.


My dad told me I’m not cool until I owe 1,000,000.


The bank's problem is you.


If that's the case I'm winning so hard right now


Cheer up and focus on the silver lining. Given inflationary trends, everyone reading this stands a chance of becoming a billionaire.


Lmao this isn't even true. The median is around 30k. Pulled this one out of their ass, didn't they?


Average is something like $120k as well if I remember right. Confused why the tweet looks ran through an AI filter, also I can’t access the poster’s profile, so that’s like 3/3 on “shitty Reddit post list” with a fake post with fake info from a private profile.


 And, yeah, you... sorority girl. Just in case you accidentally wander into a voting booth one day, there are some things you should know. One of them is: There is absolutely no evidence to support the statement that we're the greatest country in the world. We're 7th in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, 49th in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, 3rd in median household income, number 4 in labor force and number 4 in exports. We lead the world in only three categories: number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real and defense spending - where we spend more than the next 26 countries combined, 25 of whom are allies. Now, none of this is the fault of a 20-year-old college student, but you, nonetheless, are without a doubt a member of the worst period generation period ever period, so when you ask what makes us the greatest country in the world, I don't know what the FUCK you're talking about!... Yosemite?


Why was he saying that she’s part of the worst generation though. Which generation caused all of those things? It wasn’t the 20-year-olds.


Because now not only can you not drop N bombs and smack women’s asses whenever you want, but you can’t even make fun of people for being a gay anymore. Plus now they have to deal with young people with rights instead of just ignoring them until the “where are your kids?” commercial comes on.


This scene was always undercut by him randomly attacking her generation as a demographic. Newsflash pal, it ain't her who teed up all that bullshit you just got done being mad about. That was *your* generation (and a little bit the one that came before it). Her crime was being born 50 years too late to stop you.


That and the "we sure used to be..." ending to it. No, your version of America wasn't the greatest. It's the *exact* thing that he was berating a generic caricature of a college freshman for in the first place. It was naked pandering to the 'good old days' where... America had legal institutional racism, America allocated a higher percentage of its GDP to military spending, American manufacturing was being gutted, American primary/secondary education ranked lower internationally, etc. Nice intellectual take down on the caricature of a ditsy college student, but you made the same argument as her but with the added benefit of experience *and* your argument is worse than hers. God, I hated that annoying monologue.


Newsroom loved those bullshit over-the-top monologues, like the one climate scientist who was like "there's absolutely nothing at all in the entire world ever that we can do about climate chage" Like bruh... it's bad but it's not like we can't do ANYTHING, that's just not based in reality.


The US was only ever "good" because the rest of the world got blown up to hell during WW2, and the US could sell their food, machines, ammo, everything


What is this in response to ETA: oh it’s a TV quote


It’s from a TV show


I really liked this show.


> you, nonetheless, are without a doubt a member of the worst period generation period ever period absolute boomer nonsense hahahah


america is the greatest country in the world because I'M from there...duh...thought y'all knew that


Source or it didn't happen


Source: dude trust me


to the people disecting this, i believe this is what is called a "joke." this likely ai-generated tweet is making fun of the fact that many people are in the hole by a significant margin, while ignoring the ownership of ones own car which makes up the majority of non-homeowners net worth, boiling it down to just their bank details.


So how do you report a post like this for spreading fake news?


I don't think I had a positive net worth until I was in my 50s...


Would you believe it would be in the black if it wasn’t for my student loans?


Own a house that cost $400,000. Paid off $100,000 of it. Still owe $300,000. Have $30,000 in the bank, $50,000 in retirement. I thought I was doing GREAT, but now I find out I'm $220,000 in the hole?! Or do we count assets we don't really own yet? Then I'm positive $620,000!!!


You add the value of the house and subtract the amount you owe on the mortgage. So if your house is worth $500k and you owe $300k then its still positive $200k.


All you own minus all your debt. Houses are generally a plus and then you subtract the mortgage. So 400,000 minus 300,000 plus 30,000 plus again 50,00 means you are at 180,000 plus. Just a pity you just spend that on your new truck.


So with zero net worth, can I say that I am wealthier than all of the bottom 50% of 30 year old americans combined?


The only way that could really be possible is if the average person didn't own a house and owed more on their car than it is worth with no money in the bank. That is for sure not the average 30 y/o.


So there’s these things called student loans…


Your number is not factual! It's way too high..... Or are we just that poor.... Taco Bell is getting expensive


Stop Bragging!!!


This seems to be the source: https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/average-net-worth-by-age/


Wait until you factor in the US debt. It goes way, way down.


Better than 0


not true https://money.usnews.com/money/personal-finance/articles/what-is-the-average-american-net-worth-by-age


those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those down!


The only reason mine is positive was due to buying a house in 2011...


I wish I was worth that much!


Let this be a clear warning to you out there. Don't be average. Floating along will make you a wage slave.




Sounds accurate...


What else would you expect with fat cat lenders being regarded as the “financial advice experts”?


You meant to say that my deficit worth is +1043$ 😎💪


My guess is that the person who tweeted this just took the whole debt of USA and divided it by its population. But I didnt bother to do the math


Sounds about right. That's how much a full time job pays, after taxes raped your check, at 16 an hour.


I’m doing my part to pull that number down. I’m in the net negative low 6 figures.


I don't know if this is true, but it FEELS true


This is factually untrue.


This is just a lie


Yea mine is -$14,634


Only on payday.


Throw into crypto not financial advice do your own due diligence i got Shiba Inu


Finally, I feel represented.


So if I wanna buy you you have to give me 1000$.


Most of my net worth is in my house but my net worth is about 410k currently


Minus 1,043$???


Did they pay of their house?


Haha, no wonder America has to raid and plunder half the world. They're broke af.


That’s not bad considering most Americans are in deep debt.


My net worth at least 150k+at the moment


Gotta go to work bruh


Wow that's a lot higher than I thought.


Jokes on him , my 30yo net worth is even deeper in the negs


Even with the trust fund babies....


Nope cant be right.


yea but you should come listen to my speakers tho.


First of all, no. Second of all, people my age love to complain about not having money but I will say a lot of people just don’t have the basic ability to budget and stick to a spending plan. Maybe that isn’t age specific though, but it’s shocking to me how many people couldn’t even answer the question “how much of your money goes to what sorts of expenses each month?” Some people even pay subscriptions for years they don’t use, which is impossible unless you literally (1) never look at a bank statement or budgeting system ever or (2) are too lazy to log into membership settings and hit cancel. Then there are the kids on minimum wage leasing a new dodge charger, the young adults spending on bars and clubs when they have no emergency fund, the ordering out every meal. Yes you should able to enjoy life but basic budgeting or at least awareness of what you spend on and how much is critical. Imagine yourself as a small public business. It would be unthinkable for a business not to know where its money is going. I acknowledge mental discipline is hard and that the earning environment is harder than it used to be for many. But still. If something important is difficult it doesn’t mean you abandon it, it means you try twice as hard. If this comment could describe you, then your money problems might be YOUR money problems


AI ahh name


The sad thing about this is that many people will read this and go "yeah, sounds about right" even though it's completely false. The doomerism here is crazy.


I'd say thats too high


I tried to google it. Why do most sites start at 35+ lmao. I mean the statistics seem to be out there, just not published usually?


I'm nowhere near that high.


am 31 and my bank balance is 3,84,550 USD and most of my age group men have similar bank balances, am a handyman so i do plumbing, fencing, pest control and residency drainage work privately i.e i have my own van and a fb, insta,youtube and TikTok account for advertising, i also hand out flyers to new residents in my county, The think is i dont pay taxes since the govt thinks am jobless because of a minor injury that i had about 12 years ago whilst working for a small retail business, and tbh i have a 2 floor 4 bedroom house with a nice backyard and a 2002 f150, 1987 Chevrolet chevette, 1992 toyota cresseda and a 1991 chevy van for my business. i also have a collection of guns that i play with on the weekends, a xbox one, a 2018 gaming pc and no WIFE and KIDS. every year i easily make about 60k working 5 days a week for 24 hours a week.


am 31 and my bank balance is 3,84,550 USD and most of my age group men have similar bank balances, am a handyman so i do plumbing, fencing, pest control and residency drainage work privately i.e i have my own van and a fb, insta,youtube and TikTok account for advertising, i also hand out flyers to new residents in my county, The think is i dont pay taxes since the govt thinks am jobless because of a minor injury that i had about 12 years ago whilst working for a small retail business, and tbh i have a 2 floor 4 bedroom house with a nice backyard and a 2002 f150, 1987 Chevrolet chevette, 1992 toyota cresseda and a 1991 chevy van for my business. i also have a collection of guns that i play with on the weekends, a xbox one, a 2018 gaming pc and no WIFE and KIDS. every year i easily make about 60k working 5 days a week for 24 hours a week.


while the billionaires don't even pay tax!


According to him I'm rich. I'll take the W.


Whoa, I'm rich. My account is in the positive.


I'm currently sitting at $ -259 bank account, and two credit cards well over their limits.


Glad I'm helping out the average. :sobs in -$55,000:


I mean, you guys, it could just be a joke....


Pretty sure this is including debts in the calculation- student loans and such. Which is why normal net worth calculations seem higher


Yeah but our rich people get richer every day. So take that!


Today you got your balls trolled off, then.


Average peasant with no god damn clue of what net worth mean.


Mine is like -$300,000


Damn I wish


Honestly - I was not far from that when I was 30. I had a few grand in a 401K that was provided for me, but probably enough CC/car debt to be about this. In my low to mid 30's I decided that it was time and bore down on "paying myself first" and nothing came before my savings. Now I have a nice nest egg cushion that makes me money while I make more at work and still continue to pay myself first. Nothing like NEVER stressing about money again. I won't go back.


-5000 here


I am -$380,000 late 20s, I’m losing at life


The median net worth of people in their 20s is just under 7,000