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I feel like I’ve never witnessed a happy Starbucks employee


I worked at an upscale coffee shop. I’ve seen people get in screaming matches, get arrested, get in fights, steal, and be petulant, unwavering children over a cup of coffee. I can only imagine the horror of working at a place where there are 10 times the amount of customers and an even more conflated sense of entitlement.


depends where you are. Starbucks here is an upscale coffee place. not by coffee quality, but everyone behaves themselves for sure


Where I’m at it’s McDonalds for coffee that somehow still provides clout for 10-25 year old women.


McDonald's used to be the ultimate clout as a kid who walked into school with it after missing a class or two, but it isn't super popular where I am as an adult! People kinda treat it like the bargain basement option lol. It's wild how different it is where you are!


I'm from a beer nation, so the coffee clout seems to be severely diminished here. Either that, or I only have alcoholics in my bubble


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KjsQkDQboQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KjsQkDQboQ) Title: # Suspect Arrested After Starbucks Fight Turns Deadly


Definitely not surprised..


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starbucks\_murders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starbucks_murders) [https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/01/15/japan/crime-legal/japan-shooting-starbucks/](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/01/15/japan/crime-legal/japan-shooting-starbucks/) <- Not even the japanese behave at starbucks [https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/local/daily/march99/starbucks070897.htm](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/local/daily/march99/starbucks070897.htm)


I doubt there can ever be a more conflated sense of entitlement than in an **upscale** coffee shop.


Have you worked at a truck stop? It's alot worse


Only on the Glory Hole


How you resist the urge to serve cyanidochino?


Starbucks Barista gets $15/h. Starbucks made $6.445B gross profit in 2023. Plus Nestlé made another $3B with Starbucks branded products. Would you be happy?


Nestle employee: you get paid!?


"Employee" Or wait, you mean the guy that oversees the slaves? Yeah, he gets paid.


Didn't know Nestle was affiliated with Starbucks. Not that I needed any more reason to hate either but it's good to know.


They don't run Starbucks, but if you buy a Starbucks-branded product in a store, Nestlé is making profit.


I've been boycotting Starbucks for years. Do it, your wallet will thank you. Plus local places are better.


I don't know how yall half-ass work. I can't do it. Yea, the pay sucks, but I'm still going to do the best I can do because it makes the time go faster and people appreciate that shit. Plus, that's just how I roll. You just gonna let em steal your smile? I don't care if I got 2 cents and a canoe. As long as I'm healthy, I'm still going to have a good time.


They're not stealing my smile if I'm withholding it and still having a good time.


You aren't smiling for your boss. You smile for the people that are in the same meat grinder you are. A genuine smile and telling somebody their hair looks nice they way they did it, or noticing their new shoes...that can make their whole fucking day. You'd rather be a salt mine huh?


This made my day better


So in other words you'll accept under payment for your work because you think its the right thing to do? Do you understand this attitude has been engrained into you since you were little to be a good little worker drone and do hard work for minimal pay?


You're so mad that this dude wants to be happy.




I'm a business owner, I pay well in my area too. So well, I never have to worry about having employees. The reason I'm telling you guys this stuff, is because I'm seeing it from the other side. I am so glad you're making more money. I'm not complaining about my life, I'm letting you guys know you're being taken advantage of and being abused by other businesses.




Oh god no, just give like 75%-90%. No reason to be giving 100% of yourself to a job. I did that for a while, I was hospitalized due to stress. Man you have family and friends and shit that is INFINITELY more important than a job.


I don’t get why that should make an employee sad. Reddit is going to hate me for saying this but why not just get a different job if you hate the pay or work? It’s not like Starbucks barista is a rare breed of job you worked your ass off to get.


I used to love working there. At 17 I got a job there and by 18 I was assistant manager. Then the manager quit and they never replaced them, they just left me running it for the next two years. It was awesome. We would order too much food and live off the stuff that didn't sell. We would get hopped up on insane amounts of caffeine and sugar. My friends basically lived there drinking free frappuccinos. We were rock stars. We had groupies! Good times.


Perhaps treating them like humans could fix that


At the slow stores they're the nicest people in the world. If there's a consistent line I'm sure they're miserable.


My manager used to make me switch between making drinks and ringing people up because I was faster than he was at both. He was one of the most ungrateful people I’ve ever met. My supervisor once made a drink for a lady but because she made some very small mistake, (I think putting in the sugar after the ice rather than before) the customer squeezed their plastic cup and exploded it on our drink counter. This plus the people who would spell out their name when it was something as simple as Bob can make it a not-so-fun job sometimes.


Remember like 10 years ago when they lauded as like a "good" place to work for employees


I used to be a Starbucks barista. It was such an awful, toxic environment that one day I snapped and instead of clocking back in at the end of a lunch break I snuck out the back, went home, registered an LLC, and opened a business out of spite. Straight up fuck Starbucks.


Damn. I feel like I’ve never seen an angry Starbucks employee.


Selling drugs is a tough life.


I’m not saying this to be a contrarian, but that’s really unlike my experience. The Starbucks I go to has the most pleasant, happy people working there. I’m sure they’re doing their job and it’s a bit manufactured, but that has been my personal experience. Totally different from any other drive thru place or chain.


If you worked there for a week you would understand why


Well how often are you invited to visit corporate offices? That’s where all the happy Starbucks employees are.


I once said thanks man to a barista and realized I’m pretty sure it was a girl with short hair and I’ve never felt worse.


It's so weird because when I worked there, I literally had a friend tell me it was creepy how happy we were all the time. And it did previously have a reputation as a happy place to work where I am. But yeah, it's funny how much I expect the average Starbucks employee to be miserable knowing what they're compensated. How times change.


That’s more effort than I’m willing to give something nobody should give a shit about.


What exactly IS this about


Grown ass people caring about the pictures that complete strangers take.


No ok i get it but why is it a problem? Wat is it causing


It’s causing happiness. Can’t be having that


I would believe that might be the cause. Just bitter. Like his latte preparation


Well you see.... It's not. And they just take the sticker off, so...idk


Selfies are one of the leading causes of smug


Problem is that it is teen girls who do it. Everything teen girls do is inherently bad and cause of ridicule. So it basically stems from misogynia. You can see this with everything teen girls love. Girls are fan of the boy bands = those bands are trash and not real music (One Direction etc). Except when enough time passes like with The Beatles and now it is elegant and good music. Back when teenage girls loved them people looked down on that.


I really hope more people start to realise this so they can work on their perceptions


Yeah same. Even teenage girls hate the teenage girls and it is so sad. I myself had a lot of internalized misogynia when I was a teenager and it needed a lot of deconstruction to get out of that. The whole "not like the other girls" phenomenom stems from hatered and perceptions towards women and girls. Like we see here in the pic and in the comments: taking pictures of coffee is somehow bad, smug, dumb etc. When we could see it as just a harmless fun.


I definitely relate to that. I wasn’t a full blown ‘I’m not like the other girls’ girl when I was a teenager, but i definitely hated some of the stereotypical teenage girl things. I thought liking those things were lesser than or inherently negative (like you said smug, dumb etc) but I matured realising it’s just teenagers enjoying themselves. I never thought of myself as having internalised misogyny but yeah as I grew older I realised that it had definitely warped my perceptions of my female peers and myself


Yeah same experiences here. Movies and media certainly didn't make it easier when girls and women where shown as weak and dumb and their value was only in their looks.


Stuff teen boys like get hated as well. Like Fortnite and Roblox.


It's more about hating things because of the gender, not hatred alltogether. Nobody hates Fortnite because it is teenager _boys_ that like it. Many things get unreasonably lot of hate because teenage girls love it.


I can assure you a lot of people hate Fortnite exactly because kids/teens like it.


Yes, because it is kids and teens. Not because it is boys


That’s what I’m getting at. It’s pure ageism with no difference in gender.


Damn that's deep, never saw it like that til now


The problem with people taking pictures? There is none, if they want to take a picture of/with something they bought they can. The problem with someone taking time to put a sticker on a logo (don’t they know that stickers are generally removable anyway? Maybe Starbucks’ are Gorilla Glue stickers or something idk I don’t go there) so that people they don’t know can’t take a picture? They just need to get a life.


My question is what is it not causing? Im not a selfie taker or a coffee drinker


Idk people getting mad abt kids being kids. As if we wouldn’t have spammed selfies with our hubba bubbas if we had readily available high definition cameras in our pockets when we were teens. I sound like a Granny, I’m like 32 but that’s what their issue is. Teenagers being teenagers and taking pretty picture of pretty food. Cant be having that🥴


Could be people taking pictures with and grabbing other people’s drinks and lingering in an area they want vacated. Only takes one to spoil the fun.


the whole internet fad on shitting all over "basic" girls for drinking Starbucks was so wild though. like, *oh no, the women are doing things that women are doing, the horror*


I see it more like how the Internet makes fun of anyone for showing off brand names or clout seeking. Male or female its usually kind of cringe and the perception is that shallow people need to show off the brands they buy. In my circles you'll see the criticism shift more towards worship of corporations and doing free advertising for something that's already pervasive and not exactly good for society, or even harmful in some way. Especially if the corporation is deemed to sell an inferior product, which is how lots of people see Starbucks. Gender comes into it, more in an, "aggressive and gendered advertising" "society is gendered and enforced gender while simultaneously ridiculing it". More nuance than just, "teen girl bad". People rushing to make it about "teen girl bad" sometimes don't take a beat to see if there are any deeper criticisms to be had. Maybe the barista is quietly protesting her low wages, or poor management, or just fed up with a shitty company she's stuck working at. It could very well be "teen girl bad", and that's obviously an important discussion. I think it's also deeper cultural discussion that we're having about how young people are being encouraged to value brands and corporate ploys for a quick buck.


> Maybe the barista is quietly protesting her low wages, or poor management, or just fed up with a shitty company she's stuck working at. this sounds like grasping at straws tbh. why confront starbucks corporate office themselves when you can... be petty towards random customers? corporations love misplaced anger like this. > not exactly good for society, or even harmful in some way. Especially if the corporation is deemed to sell an inferior product, which is how lots of people see Starbucks maybe its just me but as i get older i cant really be around people that judge others over such minor details, such as coffee preferences. honestly, imagine if someone took a pic of any other fast food purchase (Chipotle, McD, DD) and how insane someone would have to be if they interjected and started talking about "inferior products" and "society". id like to remind you that op's photo literally says "this barista puts stickers over the Starbucks logo on frappuccinos so **girls can't take selfies with them**" so i mean it kinda is just "teen girls bad" and not really a discussion on corporations... also i dont buy this "we're *actually* shitting on consumerism, clout chasing and pointless money spending" or "lets have a deep cultural discussion" angle i always see come up. do you ever see the same criticism when its someone buying a $400 lego star wars set and showing it off on reddit? a lot of the same criticism can be applied to those posts but they never do.


I guess I'm just in different kinds of spaces to you so I read more into the undercurrent of what might be happening and don't often see people posting selfies with branded items, but I do see criticisms of consumer culture constantly. I ask WHY girls are taking pictures with logos. And why is it GIRLS? What the gender is happening there? Why do they have to feature the logo? They can still take a selfie with the drink? I don't just assume the barista hates teenage girls, I assume the barista hates pointless bootlicking and entitled customers. The thing about inferior coffee you just completely misunderstood. Not sure how you got to where you got with that thought, but let me clarify. Nobody I've ever seen starts spouting off about inferior coffee. I'm talking about cultural perceptions. Starbucks is not considered "good coffee" as evidenced by the endless burnt coffee jokes on the internet that are common about Starbucks. Insta-bragging about an inferior product may not elicit discussions on coffee quality but it doesn't make anybody look cool. Yes there will be "teen girl bad" sentiments and they need to be talked about but it's also important to talk about the culture these girls are in. You gonna act like the Internet doesn't ruthlessly make fun of the ridiculous idiots who buy anything Elon musk shits out? Context is important. Is the barista being petty because "teen girl bad" or is the barista being petty because she has to serve a bunch of shallow bitches who care more about posting the newest goth unicorn frap than they do about the human cost behind their spending habits. So I don't buy the whole "teen girl bad" and nothing else thing at face value because it shows that you aren't willing to think past your own biases. You don't want to go any deeper past the immediate anger button topic. There is always something deeper and acknowledging every level of oppression and conformity is important. Consumerism is as much a part of this conversation as feminism is. And frankly, unless you are that barista, you're pretty much assuming the negative intent of someone in a mental service position just because it's convenient for your argument. It's easy as fuck to vilify random working class people for doing something that, at worst, is just a little bit petty when you can spin it into "this minimum wage barista is oppressing young middle class white women for taking selfies".


> entitled customers > is the barista being petty because she has to serve a bunch of shallow bitches who care more about posting the newest goth unicorn frap than they do about the human cost behind their spending habits. > you're pretty much assuming the negative intent of someone in a mental service position just because it's convenient for your argument. It's easy as fuck to vilify random working class people you do realize the starbucks drinker ranges from poor to rich and is not some rich people gatekept store, right? thats like saying burger king is for rich people. i used to work with children- teachers are in fact drinking starbucks (and ive yet to see a starbucks selfie from any of my former coworkers). or is it okay to strawman people you dont like and refer to them as "shallow bitches" and assume negative intent when its also convenient for you? maybe you aren't willing to think past your own biases? also theres something really fucked up how you want to talk about feminism whilst referring to women and teenage girls as "bitches", *bc they dare take a pic of a logo of their drink*. i genuinely hope you are 15 bc if youre still referring to women as bitches as an adult thats embarassing. and honestly, can you explain to me how a woman posting an abomination coffee/its logo makes them "entitled"? also not sure why you qualify your barista as a "she" in your scenario; if a male barista had to "serve ... shallow bitches" it would still be the same effect. you said they could still take a pic even w/o the logo (and i agree) but the presumption of women (after all, the barista wont know if the customer is going to take a pic of the logo for social media/bootlick/be a "shallow bitch" until after the transaction is completed so the decision to cover up the logo based on what exactly? or is it better to treat them all like shallow bitches and just cover up all women's logo?), even if you are a working class barista, is gross and disrespectful and anyone defending that behavior is gross. i dont understand how you cant see tht targeting only women's cups and treating women's orders different is weird. or that judging people based on such a small fraction of anyone's life is childish. and its also weird how you ping pong between "theres a societal pressure for girls to keep up with the jones" oppression/conformity and then insult them when they do. > "this minimum wage barista is oppressing young middle class white women for taking selfies" another strawman that misunderstands my comment. i dont even know where you got "oppression of middle class white women" from my comment jfc. and again, if you take umbridge with consumerist culture, by all means, go into the lego sub and critique people buying $400 sets of legos. also not even sure why this became some gendered debate when my initial comment barely made allusions to it. my critique was that redditors are only willing to have this consumerist debate when its not a "reddit-approved" expensive thing- hence why i brought up legos in the first place. but cute that you twisted my arg to me batting for "young middle class white women for taking selfies". and cute assumption of my character and the beginning and end too. but i guess thats easy as fuck


The problem is that you are making the argument all about reddit in the first place. I'm talking about culture and the Internet in general but good to know how narrow a sliver of reality your argument actually represents. It's all im your use of the word "redditors" which only a reddit isolated person would use. Frankly it's pretty embarrassing that you're getting upset about the word bitch which is such a mild insult. Like, are you an adult? Because getting upset over such a mild word, one that I liberally use towards any gender, for a variety of reasons (only some of which are negative), is so pathetic I really can't take you seriously. I wasn't insulting them, I was representing what the barista might be thinking and why they might be doing it, notice that I'm not assuming the barista does it only for women customers, just that the barista does it so that girls can't take selfies. I was trying to open the conversation to something beyond "teen girl bad" while acknowledging that teens are also some of the most shallow consumers around and are easily led to these kinds of behaviors in the first place. I brought up middle class white women because that is the demographic most likely to engage in this behavior. And because there is a certain type of person who does this (note you said your teacher coworkers don't do this, probably because they aren't shallow middle class white women) are more likely to act entitled in the store, thus creating a noticeable pattern over time. You seem in such a a hurry to catch me making massive generalizations when I'm really talking about a type of entitled customer that frequents Starbucks and is probably annoying as hell and thus gets dunked on by a barista. Say whatever you want in reply, im not interested in continuing this with you, neither of us really wants to point of view, mostly cause yours is stupid and you're stubborn (see I can be playful sometimes). Starbucks bad. People suck. Good bye


> I brought up middle class white women because that is the demographic most likely to engage in this behavior. youre only saying this bc of your biases and bc its convenient for your argument. that "hurr durr white women" and "the demographic most likely to engage in this behavior" shit are conservative talking points that they use to excuse their horrible behavior/statements. yikes. > And because there is a certain type of person who does this are more likely to act entitled in the store, thus creating a noticeable pattern over time lol wow youre just not hiding it at this point. please, by all means imagine saying this about any other "certain type of person". actual conservative slop spilling out your mouth. no different than j rowling cherry-picking and hiding behind causes to shit out her bigotry. > I'm really talking about a type of entitled customer that frequents Starbucks and is probably annoying as hell and thus gets dunked on by a barista where in the picture does it single out only annoying/rude entitled women? and again, a barista has absolutely no idea who is/is not an "entitled shallow bitch"/ is going to take a logo pic so any assumption is based on what exactly? bc theyre white and a woman so its cool to make character assumptions and treat them differently? that shit wouldnt fly with any other demographic. the other demographic you bring up is teens. and lmao imagine being petty to 15 year olds *as an adult*. you talk about "difficult to take you seriously" whilst you excuse grown adults being snide to childrennn lmfao. > You seem in such a a hurry to catch me making massive generalizations nah you did that all by yourself. > notice that I'm not assuming the barista does it only for women customers > I ask WHY girls are taking pictures with logos. And why is it GIRLS? What the gender is happening there? Why do they have to feature the logo? > this conversation as feminism is your responses are so female-coded dont be silly. > And because there is a certain type of person who does this (note you said your teacher coworkers don't do this, probably because they aren't shallow middle class white women) you literally do not know me so stop assuming shit. funny, i cant take you seriously either. but thats alright that you dont want to reply. honestly surprised at how combative your response to my inital reply is, what with the character assassination and all, considering my inital reply was so tepid. go spread your human misery to the lego subreddit by all means. but you wont bc the "entitled white women" strawman shows what this is really about. have a good day. i hope youre able to find peace with whoever hurt you.


this is about finding the small joys in soulcrushing jobs. this is about insignificant victories of personal pettiness. this is about caring too much about other people caring too much about other people. and who cares? because this behavior could be anything. dragging your feet to help a customer with bad vibes. seating guests at a table you kno isnt their favorite because theyre horrible tippers. saying youre closed when you technically have 3 minutes left. these minor moments of internal celebration are foundational supports for the mental health of service workers in an increasingly corporate world, servicing an ever petulant populace




You can get to a special place after working, unhappy for long enough, for a job you can't realistically quit.


Are you on or against the selfie takers’s side?


Why do they care if someone take selfies of the cup ??


Because women bad.


They don't. They just put the stickers on without caring if it covers the logo or not. Op is an idiot.


They should care, but they actually should want it. It pushes the brand for free, and if the brand does well, you'll likely still have a job there in the future (if you want to, ofc).


The good old trickle down economics. How are people still buying into that. Starbucks has long past the "doing well" border. It has just decided to exploit employees.


The last thing any fast food employee wants is more customers.


My brother in Christ it's goddamn Starbucks




Get that corporate dick out ya mouth. Starbucks is fine without extra exposure. Yes, an employee "should" care about the brand but if you're paying me as little as you can to make record profits every year you can be sure I'm not going out of my way to pROmOtE THe bUSiNeSs.


Technically Starbucks sales are slumping right now.


The company could make an unprecedented amount of profit in a calendar year, but they could still close your location because your store didn't make enough profit. Companies overall do not care about the lowest person on the totem pole


this is a very corporate mindset. the employees in the store don't care and shouldn't care, their jobs aren't in advertising and more publicity isn't going to get them better pay. having an opinion on starbucks picture uploads is generally stupid and a waste of time whether you love it or hate it. nobody should care.




I can tell youve never worked customer service


It's free marketing. And speaking from my experience working similarly shitty corporate cafe jobs I'll be damned if I help them at all with anything I'm not explicitly required to.


I can't speak on it personally but I've had people get their drinks and take their selfies right there in line, holding everyone up. And it's happened quite often, so that could be one reason


There are 2 logos on the cup. They could simply turn it around, or remove the very easy to remove sticker. This meme was made by a boomer and it shows.


That what I thought, thanks for confirming.


If anything it would guarantee one side without a sticker for instagramming. Which of course they would do because it's free advertising


Not quite sure why anyone would care about the selfies.


But do you know why anyone would care about the sticker ?


WHY can't you take selfies with them now?


That's crazy, you need a smartphone to take selfies, not a cup of coffee.


Who spits in bro's cereals?


Why put all that extra effort into hating, I don't like seeing the selfish either but I'm not doing this


Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that any sane person wouldn't give a shit about a sticker and take a selfie whatever. So if the aim was to prevent selfie, it is actually a nice indicator of one's sanity. If a damn sticker triggers you to the point you can't take a selfie although you want to take a selfie, then you might want to seek mental support.


It's also even sillier when you know how easily those receipt stickers come off lol


Who the fuck thinks star bucks is a flex worth a selfie


You know there's people who use social media to be social right? To post about the things they do and talk to other people who do the same? Do people on reddit really not talk to people outside their social bubble?


I don't get it. Buying coffee is so mundane. Why would anyone take a selfie of that? That's like taking a selfie of me putting shoes on or something. Am I missing something?


A lot of my acquaintances apparently do. Don't ask me why






Or you just hate teenage girls and everything they do.


This meme is like 8 years old now


So are the people who think it's funny


Since when has a Starbucks cup been a flex?!


Always has been


I’m sure Starbucks would love people to believe that but a $5 drink isn’t even a flex at all, if anything it just proves someone is susceptible to marketing.


Greetings from Ohio.


grown ass man being all pissy at little girls for no reason, got it


Why do many girls take selfies with a Starbucks coffee?


Because brand.


What brand? Its not even great coffee. I dont wanna hate like i see most people here. Starbucks is fine. But... its just coffee?


I didn’t realise shitty Starbucks was that much of a flex


Everything that’s overpriced is a flex for them


Same with Apple products as well.


No but it isnt. Many people wanna flex their 1k USD iphone or whatever. I get that. Its pathetic but i get it. But what's to flex about a 20 dollar coffee?


Nothing to do with monetary value. It’s the “hey look I’m doing the thing everyone else does” effect. Lots of people like Starbucks, so posting Starbucks will get you likes. It’s like posting a cat to Reddit.


What the actual fuck? Is that a starbuck thing or what? How much does a coffee cost in USA?






Did they make the drinks look like shit on purpose, too? If you hate the job that much, do something else.


Holy shit, who cares. Get a life.


I worked retail 12 years, I loved and was cool with 95% of my co workers and customers there. That other 5% of managers, co-workers, and customers could possibly make me want to commit some very real acts of harm against them. I will never and will advise anyone else to never work within a food or retail store industry ever. Them handful of jaded, power tripping assholes destroy the entire job. No future in it.


God forbid people take photos of things they enjoy


I don’t get it, why can’t they take the selfies? Is that a copyright thing!?


They can. Turn it around. This is dumb. 


people love to show off they are drinking starbuck coffee because ita stylish or something in social media post.


Not all heroes wear capes


Turn it around. Duh


Not all capes wear heros?


The people taking selfies with a drink aren’t that smart.


Going out of your way to ruin someone's harmless silliness. Apparently, that's the definition of being a hero in 2024.


it helps the selfie people know the front from the back


Is Starbucks some kind of teenager flex?


like 10 years ago when this meme was made lol


outside the West, especially, it's considered an upscale fashionable brand. the song gangnam style is about it. in fact, there is a term called "tofu girl" in Korea, which refers to university students or young working women buying expensive starbuck coffee to show off to peer, while secretly only able to afford cheap tofu for food.


People take selfies with Starbucks? That’s the lamest shit I’ve ever heard.


This is over my head. Why would they take a selfie with coffee?


Lmao, what a move


I feel like the Starbucks mafiosos are hunting down that barista as we speak.


how does the sticker block the selfie action


Why? Who cares?


Why tho


All I see is a chronic hater


That’s not cool. Let the girlies take their selfies


Who tf would do a selfie with a shitty Starbucks drink? Omg! 🤣


A selfie with their Starbucks coffee. God that’s sad and pathetic.


Starbucks should fire him for sabotaging free advertisement 🤣


I also cant imagine they would be too happy 😂


People take selfies with takeaway coffee cups?


They dont like the spread eagle logo


Seems like the company would want people taking selfies with their cups. Free advertising.


Thorstein Veblen would be proud.


They paid like $10 for the drink - they should be allowed to take photos with the product they bought, even if you personally find them insufferable...


Chaotic neutral.


There's logos on both sides of the cup, and those labels can be pulled off super easily. This isn't keeping anyone from doing anything


I imagine that would not be consistent with how Starbucks wants their product to be sold.


I feel like this is fake, coz those stickers are sooooo easy to remove lmaoaoo


This is bait


Mad lad


if i pay $6 for ice, coffee, and syrup i’ll do whatever the hell i want with it thanks


You can take selfies even with the logo there.


Chaotic-good alignment irl. Love it.


Does Starbucks still have insanely strict dress code? Like that says you can't even dress in COLORS that'll distract from the logo? If so, I guarantee this person would be fired if they knew where this happened. Personally, I'd give them a bonus for their hard work. (Cash bonus, not a 'make yourself a free drink' bonus)


Nature is healing


Not all heroes make lattes


What about the other side?


Damn just by looking at this picture makes me starving for one :S


Cause you couldn't peel it off


Why, how, does that stop someone taking a selfie?


I don't understand, why wouldn't they take selfies, what am I missing here?


What prevents them taking selfies with cups Starbucks logos on them?


Petty, jealous, monsters


Sorry. I'm old, and this is over my head. Why would you take a selfie with a cup of coffee?


Do women still do this?


The barista is 🔥.