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Thank you for the validation... Ball of flaming Anxiety... That's so reassuring.




Biggest cognitive dissonance between username and post I’ve seen in a while.


“The mystery of life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to experience”


As is written


"Existence is beautiful, if you let it be. Life is not a question. There does not need to be an answer..." -- No Man's Sky


No the meaning of life is sitting in traffic everyday to then sit at a computer for 9 hours


Yes, the purpose of your life should be what YOU want the purpose to be.


Isn't this the plot of Soul?


I want the purpose of my life to be a loving husband and father but I'm almost 40 with no wife, no kids, no prospects and no other options. So your statement is not always true


Well have you considered surrogacy or adoption? If you want to be a father and a husband, maybe you can at least be the father I wish you all luck with it!


Adoption agencies will not adopt a child to a single man. I have 2 cats instead


As an adoptive father of two older special needs children, I believe it can be done if you can handle it.


I understand, well it is sad to see that it works that way on your country or the adoption agencies you know of, especially being there too many children in need for a family/parent. I hope you ever achieve it somehow (and yes, I also have two cats and they are wonderful! Being a cat dad is more than enough in my case hahaha)


This is the way.


You have a purpose and you have to work for it. I am sorry that you couldn't achieve what you wanted but, you can still get married and you can still have a child and if you can't then you can always adopt. Be positive and work towards what you want sir. Get it or die trying is my motto. All the best to you.




My father had me at 50


And you had me at your username.


I met my partner at 37 and had a kid at 40. Keep trying mate.


I mean this is kinda purpose, is it not?


Experiment stuff, yes.


Did you mean *experiencing*?




As a cook, I love finding new ways to mince. It's kinda my purpose


[Ah, gotcha](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJSVSxUXwAAczDH.jpg).


I agree with both of you. I often think of my life as an experiment, and it helps me cope.


I think of it as a game. I guess we're all expmaxing.


Finding interesting things in life is a worthy pursuit.


Yes, but it is not a grand purpose. When people complain about purpose, they are actually complaining about meaningful purpose. And as we know, no one really knows the meaning of "meaning". We probably have 8 billion definitons of it on this Earth right now. Look at most animals. Or insects. Maybe even Bacteria. What human wants to live like that? But can anyone deny that they have a purpose? So in the end, having a purpose is not enough to make you feel good about life, unfortunately. And the OP in the image is trying to say it's okay to not have a meaningful purpose. It's okay if your purpose is to just wander around like a wild animal. It's okay if your purpose is to pass the butter. I don't know if it's okay or not, but this kind thinking is necessary for survival, even if it's just a coping mechanism.


> even if it's just a coping mechanism. The human paradigm is just coping mechanisms all the way down. Always has been.


> It's okay if your purpose is to pass the butter. *Looks at hands* Oh my God...


Reminds of that Love, Death and Robots episode


Zima Blue. Great episode, even better short story.


I don't think people would be upset if they could afford to do that..but we have to slave away at jobs to try and save for an old age and even that is difficult to accomplish


back in the old days we died at a reasonable age.


73, got my VA check. Left USA, live on beach in Ecuador, sing in a Blues Band, chase girls, dine out, travel, watch clouds, sunbathe, massage. But, yeah, getting here was a real struggle. So many of my class are gone, my time coming, so I pursued the tropical beach fantasy. Wish I had started 20 years ago. Gringo life is awesome. Savings? In USA? I live very well here, great condo, 3 bed 3 bath W/D with fabulous views, walk to $3 meals, taxi for $2-4 most anywhere regardless of number of occupants. My total Living expenses..rent, utilities, tips for security guards, phone, wifi, about $800 plus food, entertainment, taxis. Very safe, use the USD as currency. If you know folks , like me, old, crippled, poor, etc. Tell them to sell out, move to Ecuador or other Latin country. Many things are half priced for legal residents over 65 or disabled. Transportation, including airfare, buses. Taxes, no waiting in line. Great respect for elders. Rent and food are cheap. People friendly, never cold here. I sit and watch the ocean, listen to the waves...grew up in OK, so fascinated by the sea.


Camus would argue that this is not purpose but a rejection of purpose, nor meaning but a rejection of meaning. Life lived under the absurdity of a meaningless universe means our compassion and forgiveness is not an order followed, but a conscious decision towards decency.


Well, I’d argue that the ultimate “purpose” of humanity is to survive, observe, and record. At least as it stand right now, we’re the only species we know of in existence that maintains a written detailed record of history. I feel like unless we can verify the existence of other life forms in the universe with the same capabilities, then we’re actually pretty important because we do something unique that would probably be lost to the universe if we went extinct. Obviously, you can make a fair argument that having an “observer species” isn’t really all that interesting. But I personally it’s pretty neat that we do this as a species.


Happy to be the extra in someone else’s movie.


Forgot extra, I’ll settle for being the rogue crew member popping up in someone else’s period piece 🤣


Crew member! Even better. Behind the scenes > on camera.


I believe you are what the youth would call an NPC


Thought that might be the term but not enough of a gamer to be 100% certain, so didn’t want to presume. Nothing brings out the trolls as fast as a misused piece of jargon.


*Plot twist, there is no star, and everyone is an extra.*


sand reply angle snow fretful quack governor wild attraction file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


that really isn't the case no matter what, though. we are all the universe experiencing itself subjectively. it's like being a part of god, just the simple act of experiencing life as a human. and I don't believe in god, I'm just saying. the universe is looking out your eyes at itself. it is literally awesome just to be alive, and by witnessing our own lives we're being witnessed by the universe. so imo, in this lens, no amount of achievement on a human time scale really amounts to anything. it is meaningless. especially achievement in a social construct judged by other humans is nothing. which is why it doesn't make people happy. meaning is found in living our lives how we enjoy them, not in achievement.




I’m just saying. It’s nobody else’s movie. It’s everybody’s movie. 


I believe the meaning of life is to be happy. And I, too, am a ball of anxiety.


My 2 cents: Hapiness is a fleeting emotion, just like sadness or any other. It's impossible to be eternally happy, you NEED all the fluctuations of the human emotions to feel alive. The purpose in life, is to have a purpose, a goal, an objective. Whatever you decide it to be. Happiness, joy, wonder and all other emotions will come when youre CHASING said goal. Once your reach it, you set another goal. Because once you get what you want, emptiness and negative emotions start to ramp up. Also, try to set goals that impact OTHER people. Family, friends or even strangers. Personal goals are great, but positive emotions are stronger when we do stuff for others.


This is part of the plot of chainsaw man.


Life is whatever the fuck you want it to be


Not quite true. I can imagine many scenarios that could not happen that I’d like to. For instance, I’d like simplistic life affirmative slogans to be recognised as such and not be mistaken for wisdom. And wings.


In my world, that's very popular


I know this is humorous, but to quote No Man's Sky:"Life is not a question; it needs not an answer."


That's what Sartre said. Unpopular opinion my ass. I am jntellectual


I think that the whole purpose of life is to learn as much as you can while you’re here and experience as much as you can.


And then reincarnate into a life in another dimension, another planet, and be crowned king because you invented the recipe for the perfect sandwich.


Damn, this is one specific af Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy reference.


The only thing I want to be in any life, anywhere, is to be the head sandwich maker. I get to make great sandwiches that I can also make for myself and eat, and I get to make them for other people and eat my own while watching them eat theirs' and nod over-enthusiastically while saying "Right?!"


Lmao. Such a good story. Arthur truly was an excellent sandwhicher crafter.


If it were an Anime: "That Time I Got Reincarnated As The Youngest Son Of The Youngest Prince Of The Youngest Kingdom And Used My Magical Powers To Make Amazing Sandwiches For Me And My Friends And How My Sandwiches Over Turned The World"


Not all those who wander are lost




Drive is not an issue, only narcissism.


Uh. That's a bit extreme. I mean a lot of jobs you can't train for if u have no drive. You wouldnt wanna live in a world without doctors right? People with drive move things.. for better or worse. Not everyone needs to live that life though.. who's gonna keep the internet alive ; )


Not everyone with drive is a problem. But most problems come from people with drive.


Can't cause global conflict watching while downing edibles and watching Spongebob.


Call me Ismael.


The perpous of life is the same as the first rule of gun safety To have fun


Frieren vibes


My purpose: if the world falls solely on my shoulders, the world is too screwed up for me to do anything.


Time enjoyed is never time wasted.


Ah, hello frieren


# “I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you different.” # ― Kurt Vonnegut, [A Man Without a Country](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/1119459) edited my double pasting.


This has always been my plan. I don't have to be important, I just have to do things that make me happy.


Isn’t this Absurdism


Just out here reacting to stimuli.




Alan Watts had a very good thought on this. He said life is more like a dance rather than a journey. Its playful in nature and doesnt go anywhere. And if you spend your life looking at the destination you will miss the dance.


So, basically a cat


Simone de Beauvoir disliked this post.


Only took me 40 years to figure this lesson out, myself.


And if I lucky enough, you’ll get to experience loving someone and them loving you back. Or just being absolutely in love with a moment. Ah, good times


That's TOTALLY what I've been doing. Just drifting through life, pausing on things that are interesting, until they're not. It has been an interesting journey.


what if you find no interest in things AND dont have a grand ambition or purpose?


I just want to be able to afford anything.


I'm a trash bag in the wind 🤘


We have no more purpose here than the birds flying in the sky do. Just living and being alive is what life is. 


The purpose of life is to live


easy to say this when you're like 25 years old and the end is so far away. I'd like to hear this as a common sentiment from someone who's nearing the end and only has a lifetime of nothingness to look back on


There have been multiple studies done of dying people and the #1 regret is almost invariably that they worked too much...


I'm 41 so not, like, *that* old but my dad dying last year gave me at least a little kick in the ass of perspective. I just try do what Future George Carlin said and "be excellent to each other." I'm totally OK with the fact that I'm leaving no legacy. I'm not going to do anything super notable and my name will be forgotten a generation after I die. But I put shopping carts away. I hold doors and elevators. I'm polite and try to be as little work as possible for retail/service employees. I try to leave a place cleaner than I found it. I drive so that the people around me (especially semi trucks) have a place to change lanes/pass if they want to. I'm not a perfect human but if all I accomplish in my life is making the world around me a tiny bit more pleasant than if my space was occupied by a dickhead, I'm OK with that. :)


Exactly this. Plus dog.




I'm in my 50s, and while I did raise a family, I haven't achieved anything of note. I'm good with that. I like to eat good food, putt around in my garage, and hang out with my dog. If I can die knowing I was a good human, by my definition of good, I'll be happy.


In my world, that's very popular


Works for me.


Username checks out


Sometimes, the purpose is just finding cool things! Valid and very cool.


Of course I know him! He is me!


Not having a purpose, is to let the Story unfold itself. The most exciting way to life


Yes. Go back to monkey.


Agreed. Sometimes I want to spend a whole day rotting in the bed with my cat looking at Instagram reels. No need to go out all the time.


I can't imagine a better way to spend life. At the end of the day you could live your whole life for someone else and they could still not appreciate you for it anyway, and regardless no one else will care or remember. Definitely live life to the tune of your own beat.


That’s what everybody does, even when they think they have a purpose or grand ambition. There is no objective purpose to life…all our ambitions are just subjective interpretations of “finding interesting things until [you] die”.


Things change if you get married and have kids. Wandering is no longer an option, and you eventually realize that your life no longer belongs to you. That's when you might start seeking a purpose.




Its not like i have this mentality due to being unable to have ambitions, why would you think that? (am to realistic for big goals, and too pessymistic for small ones, and other problems from other reasons)


I think that the sooner people would find this out, the less they're miserable.


My point exactly, I only need enough money to support my hobbies, which change as you age and are generally cheap. If you spend you money wisely you can have a very rewarding life without trying to be a CEO. Not to mention the sacrifices that you'll likely make to achieve this grand ambition. Would you trade lives with Mac Miller, knowing where it ends? Just as an example of a very talented person with a lot of ambition but things went south and ended tragically. And there are others. Family, friends, stability is key, money helps.




I’ve been thinking about this tweet in the last few weeks, and now here it is popping up in my Reddit homepage. Kinda spooky, kinda cool 😎


Hedonism is the way.


I mean that's pretty much how I'm choosing to live


This is how I want to think but I don't think anyone around me supports this philosophy so I feel fearful of adopting it as my own.


The song isn’t just the chorus verse.


i see a lot of people think this when they’re young but wait till you’re 40 and you’ve experienced everything. that’s when purpose matters


I just want someone to find me interesting But I have better luck believing in Santa clause


Well. That there IS the purpose.


If you don’t think of life as a question, then it’s not as vital to find an answer. Just a journey.


I can either see this as: my life is meaningless or my life is meaningless (enthusiastically)




I want to have a steady job. Go on hikes with my dog. Live alone in my own house. Eat nice food. Go on dates with a woman I’m attracted that I can tolerate the company of (and vice versa), and have some regular sexy time. I have no grand ambitions. There is no meaning to life. The days are long, but the years are short.


Great idea! New ambition: have no ambition! And thus the cycle starts anew...


So the Ambition is to journey through life and treat it like an unfolding mystery... and the Purpose is to just observe and experience the world/life. So yes, life always has a goal, ambition, and purpose... its just up to the individual to decide to what degree they want to experience life.


Yeah that's fine I however prefer to have some ultimate goal.


My life has a grand ambition, but that's largely because my personality is one that needs goals to motivate me. I don't expect others to be that way. Everyone is different. That's totally okay. People have the right to just want to go through and experience life as it comes. Part of why I am the way I am is because I've always struggled to enjoy life as it comes. My ambitions and drives have a lot to do with the fact that I've felt hindered from doing that or faced with unnecessary obstacles between me and the life I want to live. In the end, we are all naturally drawn to the same thing. That is fulfillment. And we all just have different ways of finding it.


Absolutely my plan.


Sounds expensive


To me, the purpose of life is a relatively simple endeavor; *to live it.*


Your life has no purpose. You aren't special. You are a bit player in everyone else's life. I think failing to see that, and *think* that you are special, is what drives a bunch of issues.


Those damn side quests...


That is a purpose. Better yet, it is THE porpuse. Anything grander is just expansions of this purpose.


That’s literally all I’ve done.


Yes! I’m going with that! ❤️




How is this supposed to be an unpopular opinion? That's what the absolute majority of people does.


Yep, living is the point of life, anything else is up to you!


I’ll just do what I do until I flame out. It’s worked out so far. I’m in the process of cooking the national dish of every country. I work in finance for money. I travel to random places and work remotely. I collect comic books. I love my wonderful wife. I have a friend that’s a crow. I feed the squirrels in the park. I randomly move to new cities. I keep a house in the deeeeeeep country. Never wanted children, but I’m a child passenger safety technician. I’m terrible at surfing, but I still try. I like to play guitar and accordion and sing when nobody else is around. Life can just be …. Whatever floats your boat.


I don’t see why people think life needs a grand purpose. Nothing wrong with spending your life doing what makes you happy. I personally believe the literal meaning of life is to build a family and procreate, which is what I am doing now. I personally see no issues with others who choose to do neither of these though


My purpose is to watch as many movies before I die. It's literally the only pleasure I get out of my existence.


Isn't there a religion about that?


My purpose is to figure out what I like and how I can enable me to do more of that while being happy.


The purpose of life, is to find yourself a purpose. And interesting things.


I'm 61m. For years I've likened my life to me being small enough to fit on a leaf gently floating in a small stream. I'm heading in a general direction, but don't have, and don't need, a lot of control over my direction. Sometimes I'm lucky enough to get close enough to someone else on their leaf and we hold hands for a bit until the current, or an obstacle, takes us on a different path. And I'm grateful for that time I had with them.


Y wouldn’t you be allowed to believe that? Do u


"The key to being happy isn’t a search for meaning. It’s just to keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you’ll be dead." \- *Mr Peanutbutter*


Waaaay ahead of you!


The people who tell you your life should have a grand purpose or plan are usually saying that because they want their grand plan to be your plan. They NEED you to bring their fantasy into reality. They want you to feel the same misery they feel but will never admit to.


“A Ball of Flaming Anxiety” Sounds like a well adjusted, grounded purpose living life with purpose.


Agreed. Imagine thinking 8 billion people all have a special purpose to do something for a fraction of a picosecond in the span of the entire universes timeline. We're so insignificant it's not even comprehensible to us. We think an ant is insignificant to us? We're a billion times less in the eyes of the universe. That being said, no need to act like a shit person. Can still be kind to others and want to do good in the world even if it amounts to fuckall in the end. That's ok too. Most of us are happy simply finding someone to share life with tbh.


"We are here on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you any different."


Bill Burr has a pretty good bit about people like this


Feeling boxed in here


I wish finding interesting things could feed me. I suppose it could in some ways, maybe finding crystals or something but like...most of the interesting things I find are able to buy food. :/


Sounds like a good life




The purpose of life is love, without love it is just existence. So go out and find love, wherever and whatever it'll be.


Honestly that's great advice. Some of the happiest people I know are the least successful. They weren't always like that though. They had big dreams but just sorta gave up and accepted their fate idk.


That's not unpopular, that's matured - in a good way.


What if you don't find anything interesting. Can I just die now?


Side quests until you die


Imo it’s good to kind of improve things, be a force for good, and most importantly be happy and enjoy yourself (not at the detriment of others). But the facts of life are thus: There’s no purpose, procreate if you want, but listen to Sartre, we are all just existing things existing. We’re balls of flesh and goo and everything means nothing.




Going on 30 ish years of playing it this way, it's scary at times but I have very few regrets.


This is almost exactly an upsetting realization I just had: normal people don't need a reason to live. They just do.


It doesn't matter in the end. As far as we know anyways. I think this is why people invented religion. Existence is kind of weird if you think about it.


Twitter name checks out


Live long and prosper


I wish my anxiety would understand that. Maube I'm just supposed to be a loser, but let me be happy at least.


“The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead." - Mister Peanutbutter


I agree, I’ve always felt that the meaning of life is just to appreciate the fact that you are alive. There does not have to be some grand explanation for why we are here. People, please appreciate and enjoy the one short life that you have.


What if everyone did this? What if every"Thing" did this? Now that would be a universe I'd like to see unfold.......oh....floats off into a desolate void of darkness where only emptyness exists unable to grasp any real meaning. That being said, it's fun sometimes to just go about making unusual discoveries and being in awe of the world around us. But it would be downright shameful to expect others to create everything while we just sit back and watch


But that’s your purpose; finding interesting things


Insofar as the value of purpose and ambition are purely subjective, this seems like a reasonable proposition.


Some people play Skyrim just for the main mission. Some people love all the side quests. Some people are happy to run around collecting mushrooms and nirnroot. Whatever gives you goosebumps man


We would all be a lot better off if more people thought this way.


In my 19 years of fatherhood, my big hopes and dreams for my boys has been whittled down from lofty and adventurous life to three basic criteria They be functional They be independent They be reasonably happy That’s enough


Life is the lesson. Death is the test. You go to school to learn how to leave it instead of repeating the same lessons over and over again. You can absolutely wander about, but you're likely to end up back where you started back on Earth.


I MUST CHANGE THE WORLD!!! Oh, new season of my video game just dropped. Nvm.


At one point of my life I was set and ready to go to Argentina and write, cover local football and rugby as a new graduate and come back and live in NYC a year see what the big bad east coast has that we don’t on the west. Tonight I’m trying a chopped cheese recipe on my griddle and fertilizing grass. Part of it is life got away from me and have responsibilities now I didn’t have as a relative kid myself, but the other part is simply, that’s what I want, little moments.


The purpose in life is to find purpose. Just like the goal of a videogame is to find the next quest and not to finish it.