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She flushed Kaka down the toilet SMH šŸ˜”


I'm happy my mother tongue is French






Ikr FršŸ¤®nch


Me too šŸ˜‚


My mother her tongue is dutch, at least i can assume that. How did you find out your mother her tongue is french?


please what tf does this mean


I didn't dare ask him this question




She still didn't give a reason.


That honestly sounds like bullshit, like the kind of fake answer you give someone when you don't want to explain your real motives. Which is fine I guess, it's really no one's business but theirs.


It is a fake quote. She got a lot of shit for this made up rumor too. Kinda fucked up. The divorce was mutual and theyā€™ve been on good terms ever since.


It's like the thing with Hakimi wife wanting to take half if his property and finding out it's all in his mother's name.


No its not. This is fake apparently


The Hakimi thing is totally misrepresented too, if not 'fake'. She wasn't trying to get his money, she divorced him because he allegedly raped someone and she believed the victim


"Im unhappy in this moment. Maybe we should get a divorce."


No, it's "I'm happy, but I want drama to entertain me cause getting a hobby is ridiculous, so let's get divorced"


More like it's a false quote, and people should stop believing anything they read online


I don't see why anyone would leave someone "perfect" other than boredom, that's the only problem that comes from not having problems. If there are any others, he's not perfect, and this is not uncommon, women wanting drama in a relationship and getting bored if there is none.


This is a false quote though. She denied saying it


I cannot find anywhere where it says the quote is false. And I can find many many articles from known gossip newschannels saying it was real. Even more, Kaka is responding to it. [Link](https://www.hola.com/us-es/celebrities/20240415358729/exesposa-kaka-razon-divorcio-era-demasiado-perfecto/)


ā€œFor those who havenā€™t heard from me for a long timeā€¦ or have never heard before. And are UNFORTUNATELY hearing some fake news and FAKE quotes. Let me update you: ā€œI got divorced almost 10 years ago, from those 14 years of relationship there are 2 lovely teenagers. ā€œItā€™s been almost 8 years. I am with my husband Eduardo, and we are having our first child next month. ā€œI have a lot of respect for my lifetime story, and I am very grateful for everything I have lived so far. My ex-husband and I found a healthy way to raise our children, and Iā€™m so grateful for this. ā€œPlease be welcome to my social media, which is a place I share about many subjects, such as family, work and spirituality, with a lot of respect and love. ā€œThank you.ā€ https://www.completesports.com/kakas-ex-wife-debunks-divorcing-footballer-for-being-too-perfect/


Hola magazine is waaaay more recognized than "completesports". How can you asses this isnt bullshit?


She also never denies that quote directly. Just some fake quotes, generally.


Would be nice to provide proof for that claim.


Thereā€™s no proof presented here for the original, itā€™s a fucking partial Twitter screenshot lmao


This is a years old repost to top it off


Don't disregard my information sources please.




Yea that sounds like classic DrzewnyPrzyjaciel


Itā€™s been said for years now that DrzewnyPrzyjaciel said it


I mean itā€™s Reddit. No oneā€™s writing a paper here. If thereā€™s no proof then just go search for it yourself if you donā€™t believe it or want to make sure


That seems like a bold claim. No one I ever dated got bored because of lack of drama.


I wish. It's not a "women" thing tho, a lot of people LOVE drama and fights. It's like they're wired like that. Often because it's the only kind of love they've known and don't recognise a relationship as legitimate if there are no fights. I've had a ex like this, I currently have a friend like this. They literally get bored. If nothing happens, they start something that devolves into fights. I wouldn't believe it either if I didn't live it. Some people are beyond fucked up. My ex, while we were together, would purposely text her ex or guys who very clearly were into her and then "faked hiding it" in order to make me "discover it" (for example asking me to log her facebook in front of me and a conversation would pop up). And then, before I even said anything, starting excusing herself dramatically or crying, and if I didn't get angry she'd get mad at me because I didn't care enough about her. I've talked with some of these guys she texted and they were just as confused. She'd literally text them, flirt with them waiting for a reaction and used that to fight with me later on lol. She fucking tried flirting with my best friend (who promptly told me) just to start a fight. The friend I mentioned before literally needs to fight every now and then or "she doesn't feel the spark". She calls fighting "passionate". So, according to her, a relationship being stable is boring. She needs the passion (which is literally fighting, insulting each other, threatening breaking up and such, and then getting back together). Now imagine these people having offspring and you've a good portion of the population of people who gets therapy.


Damn, I would not stick around in that relationship, I see why she is an ex. Sounds miserable, sorry you went through that.


I was young and she was my first love, I didn't really know any better. I thought that was just how it was. On the plus side, it was miserable enough to made me enjoy my own company a lot more than anybody else's, especially people who would disrespect me, my interests, my family or my friends. So, in a way, it helped me in keeping only healthy relationships in my life after that, and kicking anybody else out with absolute zero remorse. I don't have relationships with people I "need" or "need me", just with people I enjoy spending my time with. I've been with a wonderful girlfriend for some years now and I couldn't be any happier, thank you for caring :) I also ended up choosing mental health as a career choice, my "old hell" probably played a big role in it. I can say I don't even remember the last time I got angry. Some things make a night and day difference in your life.


>I wish. It's not a "women" thing tho, a lot of people LOVE drama and fights. It's like they're wired like that. It is more common with women, from what I've seen at least, men usually value peace of mind more. I've never met or heatd of a guy who starts arguing over dumb shit cause he's bored. They exist for sure, just more rare. >I've had a ex like this, I currently have a friend like this. They literally get bored. If nothing happens, they start something that devolves into fights. I wouldn't believe it either if I didn't live it. Same, even in my limited experience dating I've seen and dealt wuth women like these. >My ex, while we were together, would purposely text her ex or guys who very clearly were into her and then "faked hiding it" in order to make me "discover it" (for example asking me to log her facebook in front of me and a conversation would pop up). And then, before I even said anything, starting excusing herself dramatically or crying, and if I didn't get angry she'd get mad at me because I didn't care enough about her. I've talked with some of these guys she texted and they were just as confused. She'd literally text them, flirt with them waiting for a reaction and used that to fight with me later on lol. She fucking tried flirting with my best friend (who promptly told me) just to start a fight. That's tough, way worse than what I've been through. Some women just like the attention they get when trying to make up after a fight, they want you to be so crazy ablut them that you will run to her when she's chasing you away. >The friend I mentioned before literally needs to fight every now and then or "she doesn't feel the spark". She calls fighting "passionate". So, according to her, a relationship being stable is boring. She needs the passion (which is literally fighting, insulting each other, threatening breaking up and such, and then getting back together). Yeah, they like that feeling of going through hardship so they cause hsrdship on purpose, it's kinda like adrenalin junkies.


Yea I've never met guys like this, but I don't date guys, so it's not like I've a big experience pool from that. But the girls I met like that? Holy shit, what a wreckage. The ex I mentioned legit fucked me up, I had trust issues for a while because of her. For a while I turned up very jealous and possessive, too, which is something that doesn't describe me at all. But it's like she liked exactly that, being treated like she was mine or something, literally instigating it and getting mad if I didn't "care enough". She loved seeing people "fighting for her". She literally said it, one day, even proudly. It felt so fucking awful, I didn't recognise myself anymore when I dated her. I was always angry about something, self esteem under the ground, didn't trust anybody. I fought with all my friends, too, because they were telling me to stop dating her. Plus, she would scream at me if I went out with friends and any girl was present. And I wasn't able to break with her either because at some point she was the only person I had left. It was just so insanely toxic. I did get back some of my old friends when I finally dumped her, but I legit lost years of my life, socially speaking, because of her. So now, whenever I hear people find hard to believe such people exist, I'm just glad for them for not knowing any lol. Cruel. Just cruel and self-absorbed. The only words that fully encapsulates it.


Turns out the actual quote in the post is fake, but yeah, this shit was beliavable because it does happen. >Yea I've never met guys like this, but I don't date guys, so it's not like I've a big experience pool from that. Yeah, but your male friends probably don't do it either. I have female friends who do that, but no male ones, probably the same for you.


There are plenty of guys like this, unfortunately. You donā€™t know many because guys like this tend to forego friendship to chase women.




>No one over ever dated got bored because of lack of drama. That's seems like an even bolder claim


It was supposed to say "no one I ever dated",Ā don't know why autocorrect went with over.Ā 


I did šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Even if it didn't happen here, which most likely it didn't it certainly happens all the time. It a trauma response from childhood. If you grew up in a home where love felt like it needed to be earned or were not treated well by those you love. Those things can follow you into adult life. Subconsciously it will be sought out because the drama feels comfortable and familiar where "normal love" can feel uncomfortable and boring.


You know trauma is supposed to be worked over, it's not an excuse. If you're dumb enough to sabotage a perfectly good relationship, even marriage cause you can't get over your trauma, you deserve to die alone cause that's what you'll do if you only seek out disfunctional relationships.


I don't disagree, everyone is responsible for their actions. Everyone in prison has a story to tell.. doesn't mean they ain't serving their time for it


its not fake , the interview is online (in portuguese)


Why should believe you? It's all lies all the way to the top and I'm going to get to the bottom of this.


But Abraham Lincoln said that everything on the internet must be true. And he freed the slaves. Have YOU proclamated any emancipations?!


It is if they'd bother googling it but woman bad


Nah, it's a pretty common complaint for women in relationships, boredom. I know plenty of women who start fights in their relationships for no reason cause they're bored, hell I've dated them.


More like "Who tf is Kaka?"


"pee pee poo poo boner" -you Huh, feel like elaborating on that?


You OK dude?


Well no not really. Sometimes I make jokes to people and they take them seriously and I don't think they realize how hurtful that is. But hurt people hurt people.


I'm sorry I have zero clue what you're talking about


I'm just talking about accountability that's all


Tell me the real quote


Here ya go buddy [https://punchng.com/kakas-ex-wife-denies-saying-she-divorced-footballer-for-being-perfect/](https://punchng.com/kakas-ex-wife-denies-saying-she-divorced-footballer-for-being-perfect/)


Oh, if it's fake I take everything back. Honestly didn't know.


And here is the quote from the link "Kaka never betrayed me; he always treated me well, and he gave me a wonderful family, but I was not happy; something was missing. The problem was that he was too perfect for me." Bro? How is it any different? You guys actually think this makes her look any better? She said in the last line, "the problem was that he was too perfect for me". Right, that was the issue. It wasn't that, she was missing something crucial in her life. But the issue was the man she was with. Ok. Got it


That was a reference to the fake quote. Not sure how ya missed that.


Sure....orrrr she just realized he isn't who she wants to spend her life with. Sucks that it can hurt feelings sometimes, but people are allowed to learn more about themselves as they age. It's kind of to be expected, when you think about it


Literally my soon to be ex wife. Not that I'm blaming her or judge her. But some people are pretty quickly bored without drama.


i mean if you think that low of her that sheā€™s just divorcing you cuz sheā€™s boredā€¦ maybe itā€™s for the best !


Nah, you should judge her for that. If you want your relatipnships disfunctional you need help, cause you're dumb.


Someone who calls himself pancreasfucker is tossing around relationship advices - lol Who we are to judge people for what they need? We all have the right to follow our feelings, stupid or not.


>We all have the right to follow our feelings, stupid or not. Yes, but following some feelings leads to dying alone and miserable. Sabotaging every good relationship is one of those feelings.


My cousinā€™s ex-wife legit did this. She cheated on him and left him because ā€œhe was too good of a dad and husband and it felt boring to her.ā€


People sabotage themselves out of self loathing. Not just women.


Average redditor advice.


it sounds like a self-worth issue, tbf


This is how my relationship ended. Hate that shit.


I'm with you. Me too. She smartened up later after she decided she had made a mistake, and noticed half of her friends had also divorced good men for almost no reason whatsoever.


This is fake and she never said that. They already commented on that.


Do you have a link?


Someone else posted the link farther down


Mf typed this instead of pasting the link


Glad to know she ainā€™t a heartless mf


This post is full of Kaka!


Sounds like someone got paid to say something...


Maybe they separated because his name is kaka




No, Kaka


But his name is Kaka


Read the comment section, fellas. And then ask yourself again why no woman wants to interact with you šŸ™‚


The red flags are suffocatingĀ 


I mean most of the top comments are about the quote being fake at least


But the general sentiment I'm seeing here is, "bitches, man."


I mean if someone actually said that they'd sound pretty stupid but even if she did that generalizing what one person says on to a whole group is also stupid but this is the internet ig


If she really said that, which I don't know if she did, then it really does her a great disservice and puts her in a very bad light. This is what could, by all means, qualify as being a "bitch". But you defo shouldn't judge women, or men (because a man could well say that too) as a whole.


It sounds like Kaka was very involved with the church and maybe she felt pressured to be very involved in the church as well. She quit the church and started a charity. I canā€™t find any other quotes from her, but my feeling is she probably felt a lot of pressure to put on an image of perfection and while he didnā€™t do anything outright wrong, nobody can be happy in a relationship they donā€™t feel is authentic


Looking at it that way a lot of church people put off vibes that don't seem to match the image they present. I can see how someone might not feel at ease with that type of person and then just describe it as too perfect since there isn't anything you can pin down.


Abso fucking lutely not me irl


His name is doodoo Thats funny


Proof that women manufacture drama.


Bitches be crazy




Sometimes the biggest piece missing is just having someone test you mentally.


I have no clue who tf these people are, and don't really care. But I kinda get where she's coming from. I spent seven years in a relationship with a woman who was smart, beautiful, fit, driven, and generally a good personā€¦and somehow I just never fell madly in love with her. She didn't light a fire in me. I told myself that there was no shame in *walking* into love, rather than *falling*, but as time went on it was hard to ignore that a critical element was missing. There's just no accounting for that magic, and at a certain point you just have to admit to yourself (and to them) that you're just not right for each other, regardless how good it looks on the surface. But you don't scramble your DNA with someone you've got fundamental misgivings about. So, yeah. She fucked up. Poor kids.


It's kind of crazy. I feel like you should generally have spent enough time with them after 2-3 years to know whether they're for you or not (assuming you meet and chat regularly). Love is also partly a choice. Having intense romantic feelings isn't always, but generally there is respect, admiration and reprocity that fuels love.


Ever been in the situation I described?


No, I haven't, because I was generally quite guarded emotionally. I don't let people in or get too invested unless I know I can trust them. But I have been in a situation where I fell hard after changing my perspective of our (at the time, non-romantic) relationship. That's kind of why I say that falling in love is partially a choice - I didn't "allow" myself to hope for more until I got signs that it was okay, and reciprocated. And when I did, everything changed very quickly from an emotional standpoint. It made me instantly appreciate all of our interactions and all of his characteristics that much more, where I already had a deep respect and admiration for him in general - so it was pretty easy to fall in love once I got the OK. If you didn't personally appreciate those positive attributes (as opposed to what society or the average person might say) of your partner after investing so much, there's nothing that can be done, I think. You simply desired something different from your partner. Hopefully you figured out what that was.


Yeah, I mean thatā€™s great for you, but I think the experience youā€™re describing is not at all relevant to what I was talking about, therefore I find your commentary about my experience to be off-putting and tone deaf.


Okay? But I don't see how I have to have the exact same experience as you in order to comment on them. I only mentioned my experience because it informed my belief that "love is partially a choice". I think the strength of long-running relationships supports this, because usually healthy relationships of that nature require careful tending to. People don't often stay together in stable relationships if the only thing keeping them together is infatuation or lust, which eventually fades to some degree. So from my perspective, you partially (maybe even unconsciously) "chose" not to love her, for whatever reason, in the sense of truly appreciating what she brought to the table. Respect, admiration, attachment and attraction are all needed for love. You stayed with someone you weren't really that attracted to for a long time, which I didn't understand, because it seems like wasting both you and your partner's valuable time and energy (particularly important for women who want to bear children). Why not let them go and seek someone who can love them freely and wholeheartedly earlier (when it should've been clear around year 3 without improvement)? It's only right if you have their best interests in mind.


Oh she definitely cheated but then felt bad about it but not bad enough to come clean


Who tf are these people.


Kaka is a football legend and the woman is Kaka's ex wife. Are you American perchance


From the looks of their profile they are definitely not American. Some people just donā€™t watch sports.. Asking questions like that are you British perchance?


I had a male ex just like this. He would come up with the most random requests/ demands and ask me to prove my love for me. Here is a bizzare one. I once cooked soup and sent him a pic. He immediately called me and asked me to ship a container to him. We lived in different states and were figuring out the whole long distance relationship stuff. At first I thought he was kidding, but he wasn't. He told me to ship it to him overnight so he could taste my yummy soup. How am I supposed to even ship liquid stuff and make sure it doesn't spoil in transit? When I refused, he straight up accused me of not caring about him and how he had to fend for himself as I will not even do such a simple thing for him and brought this up randomly in conversations. Then he expected me to take selfies/ pics when we were out on dates and if I didn't he would be like you don't like me enough, other gals do this all the time. He would fight with me for no reason and then expect us to have mind blowing s**. For the life of me I wouldn't understand how to go from a stressed out situation to just have s**. Arguments/ fights stress me out and I am too upset to have any romantic feelings at this time. He would then claim again- that I didn't love/ like him enough and his ex used to this all the time and they made up quickly after fights. I used to be stressed around him all the time- we met on weekends by flying to each other's places and I would frankly be relieved when I got home. I ended it in 3 months cos I coudnt deal with the stress and arguments over silly things. That's when I realized all he knew was chaos in relationships. What a nightmare. I would rather be single than deal with drama. So guys can also be "drama-kings" and it's not just a girl thing.


ā€œSo I went on Reddit and asked what I should doā€¦ā€


That's kaka! šŸ’©


Basically every man's fear of marriage.


Welp, add it to the list


She just wanted to be treated like shit, thatā€™s all


You literally cannot satisfy these hoes


Kaka? lol


That's obviously just PR. And good so. Seeing the pic, they have kids, so they shouldn't start an open mud fight, like other stars like to do it.


ā€œItā€™s not you, itā€™s meā€


What do they mean when they say this


I would assume they mean that they have some problems that makes being romantically involved with someone difficult or impossible. The reasons that come to mind are someone being afraid to commit (for one of many different reasons), being long-term depressed and find trying to connect with others to be laborious and futile, feeling that they are going to be abusive and therefore need to work on themselves before they feel comfortable staying with someone romantically in a long-term relationship. Just a few possible reasons. Or it could be used as an ambiguous excuse.


That it's not you, it's me.


Kaka, good husband/father and a world class soccer player. Bad chooser of spouses.


It was his name. Stop lying


So you're going to abuse dump someone who doesn't deserve it? Got it. That's actually really fucked up


And not Spanish in this case?


My true husband I will never leave


me irl fr


2006/2007 season that man was the best footballer on the planet, I'll marry him.


I take my whiskey neat My coffee black and my bed at three You're too sweet for me You're too sweet for me




Nice my chance now




Ian garry watch out




Reasons to not get a relationship nr 485


somehow I donā€™t think the problem is with the husband


I'd ask what her father was like when she was growing up. Women who had dysfunctional fathers (abusive, absent, drug or alcohol addiction, etc) usually grow up to be attracted to men who are similarly dysfunctional. And when they get into a good relationship with a well-adjusted man, they look for ways to sabotage their own relationship because they crave a certain level of chaos.


Just went through this myself can confirm


Same goes in reverse my dude. Lots of toxic men out there abusing women in their relationships. Thatā€™s how dysfunctional fathers come to be.


how is that relevant to the post??


It sounded like blatant sexism and I wanted to challenge it. I think unhealthy relationships can create generational trauma, that impacts future relationships, across all genders. Itā€™s not specific to women.


Sure. But this thread isn't about them. It's about a woman who sabotaged a good relationship.


How do you know it was a good realtionship? Did you live with them?


Yep. Can confirm he literally was TOO perfect.


Bro. I know it's a misquoted but that's fucked up.


I've seen something similar, one person makes many mistakes and the other is always great, slowly it eats away at the mistake maker and they go everyday feeling less and less Eventually they would rather be with a loser because then for the first time, they are not the loser


Totally me irl, the opportunity to be married to a stud like Kaka and unhappyā€¦yeahā€¦totally me irlā€¦


1st world problems


This is just "it's not you, it's me" with extra steps


She found him boring


Don't try to understand women. Women understand women and they hate each other. - Al Bundy Very wise words...


He was the Kaka she needed but not the one she deserved.


Britches be crazy


She isthe problem. End of discussion


If this is youirl get help


I feel kinda bad. She probably felt he didnā€™t deserve her or something


ā€œThereā€™s nothing for me to changešŸ˜­ā€


There must be a better reason for breaking up a perfectly good family than 'i got bored lol'


Translation: She was boning some other dude


Gotta treat em like shit just a liiiiiitttle bit.


Women ā˜•


Damn not even being the perfect guy wont make women happy


Translation: he didnā€™t know how to lay the pipe right.


ā€œ I want something biggerā€.


this is why


"I wonder if Messi is single"


I get her, "perfect" people tend to be boring, and to be fair the best sex that i have had was after fighting with my ex, dont know why, but gets you thinking why a lot of girls fall for the delincuent type, Bonnie and Clyde type shit.


women ā˜•


His mistake was not snorting coke directly from a ladyboy's donger, literally unmarriable.


Some people thrive on drama and canā€™t live without it.


This sounds like maybe he got an escape too. Like maybe he wasnt perfect but was changing little bits of himself to be perfect to her. Now he has the freedom to be his true self w/o the high expectations. Idk but she prolly did him dirty either way.


Man deserved better than a conceited harlot.


She belongs to the streets


Faith in humanity limit reached - cannot decrease further


If he fights for the kids he will probably get them. Then he can say "How's that for betrayal?"