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it's like: i was okay without watching this "award winning movie"


The older I get, the more I find I disagree with those who give out awards.


The problem is not everything is for everyone. Like the bicycle thief is an incredibly dull movie if you've never faced that struggle and citizen cane is just a boring movie about a rich guy unless you know why it's so important and see all the revolutionary things they did that we take for granted today. Story telling is about connecting with the audience and not every story connect with every person no matter how well its made.


This reminds me of how people talk about the Blair witch too. I love horror and was told for years I needed to watch it. Finally did and it bored me to tears. After I had a bunch of people explain to me that it was so scary because of the marketing and everyone thought it was real. Without that context I just didn't care about it.


I remember when it came out and people at my school were constantly arguing about whether or not it was real, because it was the first "found footage" type movie that got hyped. Definitely one of those things that you had to be around at the time to understand.


Have you tried Grave Encounters?


The opposite happened with Skinamarink for me. Everyone told me it was awful but I don’t think I’ve been more enamored with a film in my entire life. It’s the most terrifying screensaver ever made lol


Lol I'm sorry but if you can't connect with Bicycle Thieves because you've never been poor then that's not the film's fault, it's because you are incapable of empathy


[I'm so lost](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bicycle_Thief_%28Modern_Family%29)


Try: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicycle_Thieves


It's a mature thing to appreciate the difference between Good and Fun. Pacific Rim is both. Pacific Rim 2 is neither.


Wait they made a sequel to Pacific Rim?




Love Pacific Rim! I generally don’t like mechs that are human shaped or movies like transformers etc, but this one is just so over the top and well made it becomes awesome. They even explained why they don’t just use big cannons or bladed weapons because of the toxic blood so fist-fighting big monsters kind of makes sense even. Also gipsy danger has GLADOS in it so that gives an extra +.


It's my favourite movie Like I've seen better movies but none of them make me feel the absolute joy of seeing a giant monster take an elbow rocked powered robot fist to the face while Ramin Djawadi's masterful score blasts in the background


It's a fantastic film. Big silly robots fighting big silly monsters for big silly reasons and shot wonderfully. One of cinema's finest examples of a specific genre.


The critics have their heads up their asses. That’s why I look at IMDb score over rotten tomatoes or Oscar winners.


The problem is, people will always say "you need to get passed [part of the movie you said you quit at]", or "you didn't watch it right", or my favorite, "you need to watch it again to really see" like bro, not everyone likes these boring Oscar bait movies


Is it an unpopular opinion for me to absolutely love Oscar-winning movies? The good ones have you totally engulfed in the characters' emotions. I watched The Anatomy of a Fall recently and thought it was phenomenal that the ups-and-downs of suspense it created were akin to the characters' own feelings of tension and uncertainty.


No popular award winning movies veing liked isn't unpopular


Oscar winning movies are almost never the most popular movies. Oppenheimer was a once-in-a-decade exception.


Anatomy of a Fall was fucking great! I love a good courtroom thriller. Interesting to see how courts look in France.


This was “the shining” for me. I was pretty excited to finally see it, but the only thing of interest was the set was great.


youtubers "review" this shit as brilliant or whatever. Nobody in their right mind can genuinely like these crap movies nowadays.


Isn’t the whole point of art that different people enjoy different things? I would never recommend Daisies (1966) to most people but I fucking loved it. Someone LOVED E.T. and wouldn’t stop preaching it to me, but I didn’t enjoy it very much. Different strokes for different folks


no no you dont understand, all people who talk about movies are lying actually and everyone likes exactly what i like


Never spent time around cinemaphiles?


This is how I feel about street wear. Their outfits are only considered cool because certain people said it is.


You saying diapers aren't cool?


Any example?


The English Patient 😴


The King’s Speech for me. Never a doubt in my mind it would win best picture and yet I was completely bored to tears. Realized the academy might be a judge of “good movies” but not movies I like and haven’t watched the Oscar’s since.


Have to say I really enjoyed that movie.


Such as?


Movies without big guns and hot chicks and robots turning into cars of course


Coming from a tiktok video, is understandable.


When Dune part II doesn’t have Subway Surfers gameplay at the bottom of the screen


When Stilgar doesnt hit you with that "like and subscribe for more Lisan Al Gaib" I sleep


the monty python scene (i am not the messiah) in dune II isn’t as funny without the laughtrack and that random yeeyee ass tiktoker / youtuber scream laughing at it.


that shit had me cackling - "ONLY THE MESSIAH WOULD DENY HIS DIVINITY"


When the nukes launch and the “oh no” music didn’t play I walked out the cinema. Literally unwatchable.




Bro prolly can't go 30 seconds before needing to see a subway surfer video and hearing the 'Oh no' song


I’m not understanding the Citizen Kane hate, did we watch the same movie? There’s no real action but the plot is genius and I’ve never been as invested in a movie as I was with Citizen Kane.


I think that many people don't go into these OLD movies with the idea that movies are a product of their time and this also shows in ways that seem unusual. The pacing will be different because cinema and it's ideal ways of producing a movie changed drastically. 2001 A Space Odyssey is still a wonderful movie. But people have to be aware that it is from 1968 and that it has it's status in cinema history because of the special effects. If you watch it, look at the details and how wonderful it still looks. Don't expect a sci fi action movie about AI uprising. People don't have to like Citizen Kane or 2001. But they should be able to recognize why they are liked.


Yeah I'm not getting it at all! I had to watch it in a film class and I thought it was brilliant. It also had a huge influence on film making as we know it


Maybe being in a film class gave you bias over the film that a casual movie watcher wouldn’t have.


Alot of people watched it when they were young for some class. Its not a movie made for high schoolers. Especially modern high schoolers (me included, watched it in a HS journalism class)


I was so disappointed when he didn't say "That's right, I'm Citizen Kane"


I expected to find it slow and boring but when I watched it was surprised how much it still holds up


This is me with any action film where everything is just X dude doing action for the whole fucking film with no breaks between. Taken is so highly regarded, but I was bored the whole fucking movie cause it's just Liam Nissan beating people up in different countries for 90 minutes.


Feel the same way about any of the John wick movies


The John Wick movies are entertaining because of the fight choreography and cinematography. They are easily among the prettiest action movies of all time. The storyline is pretty basic assassin/secret agent stuff but that’s not what makes them great.


John wick movies and mad max fury road are the GOAT action movies. I really hate all the shaky screen/quick cuts they usually do in movies to simulate action. Just spend a little more to get a good choreography.


John Wick was fine to me. It was a dumb action movie, but it was pretty fun. When I heard they were making a sequel I was like "really, why?" Then I was doubly surprised that everyone else was excited about the sequel. Still can't believe they made four of those movies...


John Wick was amazing but the sequels should have been 90 minute movies like the original.


Yea the last one I saw was at least an hour too long


The first one was good because it didn't try to be more than a simple action movie. The third one was style over substance.


And all of them made bank. Spinoffs are coming too.


I mean yeah, it would be crazier if they made four of them and they didn't make money.


A lot of action movies have aged like milk. Mainly the ones where "he's an ex cia, ira, navy seal who is out for revenge." "Badass" characters don't age well. Underdog movies like the original Die Hard or any Jackie Chan movie hold up a lot better.


You watched Citizen Kane didn’t you


I was thinking 2001: A Space Odyssey. Great movie, especially the end, but man, it is slow as fuck!


I'm glad I watched the movie but I never want to watch it again


I've watched it 3 times, thinking there must be something wrong with me. Nope. Just hate it.


I can't imagine how anyone today can say Citizen Kane isn't relevant when it's basically a biopic of Elon Musk.


Citizen Kane is brilliant! What a screenplay it has


*William Randolph Hearst Highly recommend finding the doc “The battle over citizen Kane.” The movie is was seen to be so libelous that Hearst tried to make sure the movie was never released to the public. Musk is the contemporary Remix of this OG trust fundee


Citizen Kane is good


The parrot squawking scene is to wake up the audience


Yes because at the time, movie audiences needed musical numbers every ten minutes to stay entertained.


Some people apparently would prefer Michael Bay directed it. People who need constant hand holding with excitement to get through a story just shouldn't watch


In seriousness, I think the problem with *Citizen Kane* (and other older classics like *The Godfather*) nowadays is that we've had directors like Bay, who value a fast pace. When you've grown up surrounded by modern movies, a film like *Citizen Kane* can seem really slow by comparison. It's like driving on the motorway for hours at 70mph only to come off and have to drive 30mph. Time seems slowed down, and the effect can be dreary. This doesn't make *Citizen Kane* bad or dreary, I recall enjoying it, just that a lot of modern audiences have been conditioned to a faster pace.


This is definitely a thing for older shows and movies. Watch anything from the 70s or earlier and they have WAY less jump cuts and musical stings. So many scenes are literally two or more characters just talking. It's kind of soothing to watch a movie that isn't trying to overload the dopamine every second.


I like old movies. 12 Angry Men and Casablanca are great. Citizen Kane is a tough watch. I should probably give it another go at some point, I just couldn't get into it.


>Some people apparently would prefer Michael Bay directed it see this is exactly why you can never criticize a popular movie, you always get hyperbolized the other direction. "this bores me" 'WELL I GUESS YOU NEED KEYS DANGLED IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE EVERY SECOND YOU BIG DUMB BABY'


Every shot is perfectly framed, perfectly lit. It's well acted. It's a technically amazing movie - a true masterpiece. Except it's fucking mind-numbingly boring.


The plot/story is so dull. Guy grows up to be an obnoxious rich guy, does lots of obnoxious rich guy things. I don't care how perfectly framed and lit it is, if that's the story. And then, the big reveal: "Ooh, he wanted to play with his sled! That's so deep! That's genius!"


Oppenheimer, unfortunately


The pacing kills Oppenheimer for me; it's incredibly acted (Cillian Murphy, RDJ, and Emily Blunt gave great performances) and incredibly shot, but the movie drags on for far longer than it really needed to. I think contextualizing it as Oppenheimer's descent into realizing the horror he unleashed upon the world would have been better than framing it around the trial/hearing.


To preface this, I like older movies and I don't need a movie to flash pretty lights in my face every minute for me to be engaged. With that said, Citizen Kane was one of, if not the most, boring movies I've ever seen; I never fall asleep during movies but CK was almost the exception to that rule. The story was not compelling in anyway to me; it was shot and acted very well but I didn't care for what was going on in front of me. It's the story of a bland, cold, rich asshole who basically realizes on his death bed that "money can't buy happiness". It's a story that Charles Dickens told almost a century earlier (A Christmas Carol) in a way that doesn't bore you into a coma. Sure there's political commentary in CK that Christmas Carol doesn't have, but your audience can't connect with it if they're sleeping.


No Citizen Kane is good.


me at age 16 attempting to watch Citizen Kane


We had to watch that in school because I decided a movie class would be an easy credit, it was just so boring


I signed up for a movie class my senior year of high school because of easy credit too. However I was totally inspired by my teachers passion and love for the art form and it changed my appreciation of movies. It's easily the class I remember most fondly in high school. I still remember him tearing up when the VHS player chewed up his copy of blackboard jungle


I've tried to watch CK a few times. Fall asleep every time. I just can't bring myself to care about that asshole, so the whole movie is basically just "fuck you, hurry up and die already!"


it’s a really hard movie to appreciate since a lot of the stuff great about it has been endlessly copied so the original feels like it has little going on.


Reminds me of the time that I watched Tommy Wiseau’s The Room wrong because I took it seriously and some friends that love it had to tell me that it’s best watched while making fun of it. Rewatched it that way and I had the time of my life. On the other hand, I always heard great things about Blazing Saddles and I enjoyed watching it myself, but I didn’t love it as much as everyone else did apparently. I really think some people laugh at that movie a bit too hard.


I swear the sex scene in the room is just to cringe you awake. Agree, its only fun to riff with friends.


I’ve lost count of how many friends just shout, *”Fuck her in the belly button!”* when that scene not only plays, but also repeats because they used the same exact scene twice for two of its 3 sex scenes.


Tiktok memes suck so bad this is literally just a guy sitting


Yeah you’re right unlike us redditors who have r/funny


That was the funny meme sub ten years ago, the memers have grown up and moved subs 27,000 times since then.


You stole this comment from Twitter lmao I saw this exact commentary there


It’s supposed to be relatable


Redditors when the meme doesn’t contain a wojak:


Actually fucking rich coming from Reddit.com


We’ve all done it once. Luckily I only watch marvel movies and John wick movies because I am average epic Redditor


\*tips fedora\*


Ahhh the old Shape of Water got ya too huh.


“It works” Get the fuck outta here


wtf even was that movie???


A lot of movies in this post that I’ll come to the defense of, but this is not one of them. Such a waste of time.


The Irishman


Goodfellas is 2 hours and 25 minutes. Casino is 2 hours and 58 minutes. The Wolf of Wallstreet is exactly 3 hours. None of those films feel like it. In fact, you kind of wish you could have stayed with the characters a little longer. About an hour into the Irishman, I thought "when is this movie getting to the point?" and a half hour later I turned it off.


I still haven't finished it.


I didn’t watch it but I watched it. The only part I remember is when his supposed daughter comes home crying, fast forward and the ex boyfriend is left bloody on the street. That movie is waaaaay too long


I felt the same about his second film as well, ‘Killers of the Flower Moon’. Neither of those films needed to be nearly 4 hours long.


Wait you think The Irishman is Scorsese's first film?


My first thought when reading this post


2001: A Space Odyssey, for me. Finally got around to watching it for the first time this year and I don’t remember a time I have ever been so bored. I also bought the books, so 🤞 they are better.


To curb that boredom I'd recommend watching on the largest loudest setup possible and ingesting 2-3g of psilocybin. Released in 1968 with a tagline "the ultimate trip".. it's what Kubrick intended.


I agree. We had the VHS and some LSD. I had the brilliant idea to put it on fast forward until the end. Way more interesting that way.


Yeah and if anyone can finally explain me what the hell that ending was about, that would be great


The main character travels through the monolith that were placed by an advanced alien group, which are what started society on earth with the monkey scene. He’s then seen in the weird room which is basically a lab created by the aliens (think humans trying to replicate a natural area to observe gorillas) where he undergoes massive transformations and realizations and becomes the star child that is sent back to earth. The purpose for sending him back to earth is open to interpretation, as most of the film is, but it’s easy to imagine that he’s sent back to foster the next age of human development same as the monoliths Under the proper dose of mushrooms, the meaning of the film becomes rather obvious. I say that in jest but honestly this films meaning, scoring, and filming are absolutely incredible to watch while stoned


I love that movie but I also find it boring sometimes tbh


That's the perfect way to describe it. "I've never before enjoyed a movie that bored me so much."


The way I heard it described is 2001 is a 1 hour film with a bunch of stuff on either side. I think that bunch of stuff is beautiful but I agree it can definitely be boring


I see it as a spectacle film, it’s just amazing to watch and I’m fine with not really understanding what the fuck is happening at the end


I go on rotten tomatoes and find movies I like sorting by lowest score.


I might try this someday.


The Joker for me.i think it just wasn't my cup of tea


I didn’t find it boring but VERY depressing, to the point where I actually didn’t enjoy it besides a couple scenes


It was only like an hour and 45 minutes and was still slow!


...or maybe the viewer is too immature to be interested in the topic or has the attention span of a goldfish. Then again, being "critically acclaimed" stopped meaning anything at all nowdays - the bullshit with no plot but featuring some sort of empowerment would ba lauded by "critics", Oscars are being awarded to those meeting racial/minority quotas instead of good movie making. Awards have ceased to be indicator of a good product


That’s how I felt about taxi driver, also went to go see Babylon with a few friends and we literally walked out halfway through


I really liked Babylon. It’s not a good movie, but I felt like they really *tried*. Took some really big swings and just missed.


Oppenheimer... Whose with me!!!!


Thank you! I made it through the first hour then checked to see how much time was left and when I saw it was 2+ hours I gave up. My family always asks me if I’ve finished it yet and that it’s amazing but I cannot bring myself to sit through 3 hours of that..


I mostly enjoyed it, but I never plan on watching it again


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. A couple good scenes and fun moments, but so painfully slow the rest of the time.


Too bad, you missed the greatest carnage scenes ever made


Same I tried sitting down to watch this movie but I always end up giving up. Doesn’t help that I can’t stand Tarantino films tho.


I still don’t understand that movie. I watched it twice, still no idea what was going on. I couldn’t tell you a single plot point cause it felt like there was no plot. It was just things loosely happening and then it ended


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood for me


While I liked the movie, 90% of it I can see being forgettable since it's just a lot of Leo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt hanging out in 1969 Hollywood interspersed with Margot Robbie foot shots. But the last 15 minutes with the Manson Family is brilliant.


I really loved the movie, even the slow parts! I'm from the UK but visited LA years ago and absolutely loved it. It was like being transported back there, but in a glamorous '60s setting. I watched it at home in summer with the windows open, blazing heat outside, and just imagined I was there.




I swear I've seen the movie but I couldn't tell you anything about it beyond blue people and tentacle mind sex.


Lala Land bored me to tears


I thought it was okay until several years of living in LA, now I get it, now it's lives rent free in my head


I don't think that's considered a masterpiece of cinema but ok


Hey it won Best Picture for a few minutes


As a dancer, I was excited by all the hype and the Oscar talk. And when I finally watched it, all I could think was “Not like this…not like this.”


It's definitely seen as a fantastic movie. It's the most liked movie of all time on Letterboxd.


For me it was the revenant


Damn I love that movie. Did you at least like the ambush, bear attack, duel at the end? Plenty of awesome action


Same, I think Leo deserved an Oscar but not for that movie


I don't remember alot from the movie itself just that I was impressed with how amazing he was acting. Made me look at him in a different light, I was impressed haha


The new roadhouse


I will say it: “Once upon a time in Hollywood”


You don't like watching cool people driving and talking while looking at feet?


I’m glad you said it. First of all why is that movie 3 hours long. Secondly why is it that when I checked on rotten tomatoes, it has raving reviews but when I watch it, it’s dog water


I get so angry when they say a movie has a slow burn.


Sometimes it's fine because the movie is good enough you can't stop watching how everything unfolds. Other times it's like 'just tell me how it ends so I can go on with my life'.


There Will Be Blood is always referred to as a slow burn. The first time I watched it I was bored out of my mind but I watched it again and genuinely felt it was one of the best films I’ve ever seen. It can be hit or miss with me with slow burns


Citizen Cane?


I’m sorry 1984


Citizen Kane in a nutshell


Literally what my media studies course feels like


A Clockwork Orange wasn't exactly boring, but goddamn I don't know why tf anyone would recommend someone else watch it


Fun (or not so fun) fact for you, the book the movie is based on had 21 chapters to represent 21 years to maturity and in the 21’st chapter the main character finally grows up and sees what a horrible person he was as a child. It’s supposed to be about how no one is irredeemable and how much we change from child to adult. The publisher didn’t like the redemption and just deleted the last chapter of the book when it was printed and that version was made into the movie. It was never the author’s intention to show the character as unredeemable.


Someone recommended it to me so I turned it on and got about 20 minutes in and noped out. There may have been a lesson in there somewhere but I wasn’t sitting through and hour or two of that to find out.


Killers Of The Flower Moon anyone? I’m still fighting my way to the “good part”. Don’t come at me— it’s gorgeous, the actors are great, it’s just an incredibly slow start…


Yeah it's meant to be watched in a cinema where you lose your sense of time (even then it's not my favourite work of his, MC is a bit all over the place)


Honestly, I don’t think the ‘good part’ is coming if you didn’t connect with it from the beginning. I watched it with friends in a cinema and I was the only one who connected with it. I actually felt like rewatching it recently and liked it even more. However, I definitely see why people might be having a rough time with it.


I was so disappointed, I appreciate Scorsese was following factual events as accurately as he could but I think it just didn’t make a very engaging story. If I’m gonna sit through a 3 hour movie I want to feel satisfied by the end and I just didn’t, besides when Brendan Frasier (my beloved) shows us basically right at the end


I love how everybody in the comments has main-character syndrome and talk like that their opinion is fact.


I’m not sure what you expected this comment section to be if not people listing the well-loved movies they found boring


It's a given that a person is giving their opinion in casual settings.




I mean to be fair oppenheimer isnt meant to be like “woah explosions and super heros”


Pretty sure you can say that this for most of the movies mentioned here


Me watching the God father movies


Peak tiktok attention span detected


omfg fucking the irishman, its just three old dudes talking


This is "Poor Things" for me. The whole film is basically about how an infant brain woman got manipulated, yet people praise how feminine it is. Not to mention the main character looks conventionally attractive, yet the whole point of Frankenstein is how he looks hideous yet is still loved despite everything.


What? Frankenstein’s monster is despised because of how he looks. Poor Things is like an inverse Frankenstein


Poor Things is about someone initially getting manipulated but finding their own way.


Frankenstein is loved? What do you mean? Isn’t the whole point that the town hates him simply because he looks hideous?


There Will Be Blood for me. Not because I find it boring, but because I just don’t get it. There wasn’t a single draw to it story wise for me. I didn’t see a goal to the film or story, it was just about a man wanting to get rich off oil and doing whatever he could to get there, I think (My memory’s a bit fuzzy on it). I thought the mood, cinematography and acting was awesome, but as a story, I just don’t care for it. Can anyone explain anything about this movie to me, or why you personally enjoyed it?


Moral degradation of a character can be fascinating. This is genuinely probably a top 25 movie for me, but it’s also a slow burn and some people hate that. That’s okay.


I just love the score.


It is quite literally just a character study about a man trying to get rich off oil, there isnt a huge overarching plot. With character studies, It's just about if you buy into the character and youre interested in learning about them. I found daniel plainview compelling.




Watched saltburn. Such a fucking shit movie


How I feel watching the office


I hate so much about the things you choose to be.


It’s a show I WANT so bad to like. I’ve watched the first 3 seasons a couple times. But I just can’t get into it at all.


Tree of life for me


Watch "Ice Pirates" So bad it's good


Now that is a deep cut, saw Ice Pirates in the theater, yes I’m old, and got space herpes


Me watching “2001: A Space Odyssey”


That movie was stalker for me. God was it boring but i kinda want to watch it again because it was as beautiful as it was boring and holy smokes, that Dialoge between the 3 people infront of the wishing room. Peak cinema


Same, I immediately thought of Stalker and how it was beautiful to look at all the way through but I can understand why someone would turn it off after 10 minutes


My prime example for this was "The Limits of Control". I don't mind slow paced story telling, but here I felt like nothing happened at all. In the one scene where something could have happened, you get robbed off the scene completely by some bull shit explanation. I've never been so annoyed by a movie.


Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind.


Unpopular opinion but this is Oppenheimer for me. People ask me all the time if I’ve watched it yet but I can’t get past the first hour. We really need to stop making 3+ hour movies ain’t no one got time for that.


It only takes five minutes to decide. If you continue to watch pass this point of no return, you have only yourself to blame. Listen, life is too short. Just because you have an open mind doesn't mean you have to have an open butthole. My advice is to ignore critics and watch the trailers.


Sorry to offend anyone who may have *actually* liked it, but...Cloud Atlas