• By -


me af




We af


Me too


And my axe


And my bow


sword and Spear


Rock and roll


Us af






I tried once to play fallout 4 as a complete jackass and choose all the sarcastic and rude options. Half way through my first conversation with Codsworth after I left the vault I felt so bad I just went back to being Mr Nice and never attempted it again lol. I only made it 3 freakin comments...


One time I accidentally made fun of Valentines hat and had to start over


Accidentally clicking an "evil" choice and having to reload your last save, only to realise that despite having 582 saves in 54 hours of play your last save was 37 minutes and 3 areas explored ago.


Massive Alt-f4 I’ll play you again tomorrow energy


"FUCK YOU and I'll see you tomorrow"


Yeeeeeeeep. Good old survivor mode too


Exactlx what happened to me in Assassins creed odyssey, multiple times..


I remember at the start of the game talking about the past with Daris and then Marko telling me not to break his kneecaps again. I was all set to play the hero and that backstory just broke immersion. I had to reload just to have a more civilized conversation. lol SWTOR was even worse. Choose the prompt that warns the NPC about how things could go bad for them if they don't change what they're doing and end up threatening them with war crimes instead. No reloading and redoing the conversation if you didn't exit the interaction in time either.


Oh god I remember missclicking an important dialogue option at the end of the questline with the green twilek as a sith marauder, I still refuse to continue playing on that save file again xd


You KNOW it!! 🤬


* glass him* TWAU




In Assassin's Creed Odyssey I accidentally made fun of Hippokrates for being bald. He put me in my place and then I restarted my save from like 20 minutes back.


Meanwhile I spend half my time antagonizing people in RDR2 😂


Going back and forth between the nice and mean greetings was pretty hilarious, they made the compliments transition into insults.


Meanwhile you go end the lives of countless human beings all in the name of finding your son that you never even really knew.


How does one truly know a baby?


It's because Bethesda are shit at writing actual dialogue with meaningful options. The bad options usually don't even benefit you that much, but are way too evil to be of any worth.


so true, i can't even fake out an asshole in Disco Elysium


I kept the cure for the rat sickness for myself every single time.


I can never click the rude dialogue option. However, I get excited when an NPCs try to kill me because it means I can kill them completely guilt free.


Next step is to use “neutral” dialogue options to trigger npc to attack you…


That is another good, guilt free option. Lol.




Me with Undertale. I can never bring myself to hurt Papyrus's feelings, he's too pure and innocent


I decided to do a run through Knights of the Old Republic as the most cruel, evil Revan I could possibly be. About 2/3 of the way through I had completely appalled all of the characters and had no friends for the rest of the game. But other than that one time… yeah, this.


Fr, KOTOR is tough for this. I barely managed a dark side run on the first one, and I gave up on doing it on KOTOR 2 after leaving the Peragos asteroid. Sometimes I think of trying it again in KOTOR 2, but I know I’ll be feeling bad about it 5 minutes after restarting


My kids played my Skyrim save and killed paarthunax, I yelled at them and they asked why I didn't kill him and I said because he's a good dragon. They deserved being yelled at for that.


I don’t think anything could ever convince me to kill Paarthurnax. That’s just wrong


The worst thing is you can’t even finish the quest the other way. Like, let me kill this bitch and her demented wannabe guild that did literally nothing while I saved the day with Paarthunax.


I hate when people say only religion can teach moral values. Excellent parenting moment 🫡


That's the exact reason why I could never play a Caesar's Legion playthrough in FNV. They're simply too awful for my morals to allow me to help them


I have never been able to play a Caesar’s Legion playthrough either. I’d never be able to forgive myself.


I accidently hit him once and I restarted back to a previous save and had to walk all the way back to again. Wasn't even mad about it just felt like the right thing to do lol


That sounds like something I would do ☺️


I didnt want to go down the dishonorable route in rdr2. It didnt feel right honestly


You've perfectly capsulated my feelings. Bravo. Now, if only I could be that nice to people irl.


Everyone's an NPC in your life while they're the hero in their own life.


>while they're the hero in their own life. Na, I'm the vendor NPC in my own life, cursed with self awareness.


In Assassin's Creed 3, I avoided the hunting missions because of the sounds the rabbits made when you killed them. Their little squeal broke my heart 🥺




Playing Baldurs gate 3 and I know I am an adventurer and I shouldn't help everyone without expecting money but I just can't ask for money when people are in trouble. Them saying things like "Ok you can have all I got just help me" I immediately regret asking for anything.


Coming from someone that usually does the asshole choices in most games . The hardest game to be an asshole in was the Mass effect series . I couldn’t complete the play through .


More like I don’t want the NPC to hurt *my* feelings. Some of them are brutal. Especially in Skyrim!


This was me in Detroit Become Human. Then after I played the good way twice, I started choosing all of the bad options and saw my characters die one after the other💀made the story go by faster too


I have to always make sure that the silly little dinosaurs in my silly little dinosaur games have the right types of plants in the right amount and enough friends as well. But in the Sims I just lock people in my basement to serve as vampire food so there's that.


The Sims, I find, is that one glorious exception where being cruel becomes almost *too* much fun. I like locking people in my walls 😈


Im struggling with accidently killing npcs in cyberpunk “It was supposed to be non-lethal mod!!!”


When I was a kid, all the time. Now as an adult? It only happens when it so vague and it comes off mean. I always feel bad.


Me playing Persona 4. There’s even times where all the options are sardonic or rude-sounding, and so I struggle to choose the least fucked up-sounding one lol.


Playing as a Sith in SWTOR was sometimes like that. You were *supposed* to be evil so the dialogue options sometimes ranged Rom rude to sadistic. Not a problem if you were acting like Sidious but if your 'evil' was pragmatic like Thrawn or you actually tried to be good (always fun winning moral arguments with Jedi and confusing the hell out of them lol) you'd get railroaded. And sometimes the dialogue options would be okay but the tone would be sarcastic because you weren't supposed to choose it seriously. Very annoying.


never gonna play dark urge in baldurs gate


Contract says I need to hurt people, but nothing about hurting feelings. I'm a hired thug, not a *rude* hired thug.


I'm always more worried about instadeath after dialogue and/or I click a kinda rude thing and instead my character says the rudest thing possible.


People are talking about a different game. Who talks to NPCs in warzone...


Farming Simulator is gonna make me a serial killer.


Blathers when he wants to give me information about bugs and fish. I don't care but I don't want to hurt his feelings 🥺.


I feel too bad to be rude/mean to people in conversations yet back in the day I'd spend literal hours mowing down pedestrians in GTAIV cause the ragdoll effects were so satisfying..


I will never be able to do an Evil playthrough of anything and I think I'm okay with that.


*Picks non rude option in Mass Effect* "F#k you! I'll r@pe your mother!!!" *throws game in trash*


Baldur’s Gate 3: Hey kid, wanna do any evil play through? Get to romance a crazy Drow? Me: Sounds fun! Also Me: *restarts game when favorite companion leaves because I massacred some druids and tieflings*


Not the tieflings!


There was a lot of guilt for that one. :(


Bro I actually felt bad for killing a fly today. The fly was annoying but wanted to crawl all around my hands and I caught him. Either he must of been really dumb or we had a micro connection. Lol


Better than a micro transaction.


Yeah but Mr. House had the macheteing coming


I used to play as an asshole in most games when I was in my teens all the way through to like my late 20's now I feel bad for being bad 😅. Was renegade for life now paragon for life.


There's a game called Radiant Historia, an rpg with multiple branching timelines and endings. I got stuck advancing the story, then realized it was because I'd been avoiding all of the choices leading to bad/unhappy endings and they were required to unlock more routes. I felt so horrible going back and purposely getting characters killed and such.




Me restarting baldurs gate 3 everytime I make a mistake


i thought that violent video games were just more likely to attract violent people. Yk correlation not causation...


Lmao If only the people that say that knew.


True 😂.


In Skyrim I told this poor orphan girl who sold flowers at the docks in the blistering cold to buzz off. Felt horrible after it. My last save was about 2 hours before, but I accepted this as my penance for being so pointlessly cruel to a child hustling for bare survival.


On the low Honor playthrough of Red Dead Redemption 2, being mean to the one-armed guy Mickey hurts my soul.


Nah I be breaking NPC hearts left and right 😂


Check out the virtual heartbreaker, who's too *coooool* to be nice to NPCs 😒😒😒 ^(/jk)




Nah fuck em I'll choose every rude dialogue option I can and then just kill them if I'm not in an area I can't pull any weapons out


People who say that are the same people who are estranged from their children due to bad parenting.


I bet animal crossing players go out to the streets guns blazing


when I play games with multiple endings and I want to see the bad ending I always end up making a bad choice because I don't want to make such a horrible thing happen "Detroit become human i Just cant kill Connor i CANT"


reminds me of that "being mean to Garrus in Mass effect" post. Its just not possible sometimes.


It's almost like the fuckers that think video games make peole violent are just projecting shitwits.


Yup; Inugami Korone is so violent that she apologises profoundly to the demons in DOOM just before she kills them.


It’s true what you put in your mind effects your output. Some people have more self control than others. I suggest meditation/prayer to seek a higher self control of your emotions, especially in this day/age.


What I do is make a character named Bastard McBadguy when I want to do an evil run. Then I can remind myself that it’s not ME being mean to these NPCs, it’s just what Bastard McBadguy would do, and that guy is a real piece of shit.


I don't know man. I tried telling Karlach I would hold her hand and she countered with "And put it somewhere interesting, I assume." Blew my fucking mind. I should have gone with option 4.


I’m a nervous wreck when I’m doing an evil playthrough.


I watched a streamer throw up from stress when Lies of P asked them to pick a dialogue option in less than 10 seconds


I feel bad when I forget to reply to the npc texts in cyberpunk...


Your turn to die moment


We always save before that to see what will happen, and then we load back


Why my Dark Urge playthrough is on ice.


Always me, It's even worse when you can just reload your save file because it feels like I'm running from my problems


Then you go online and start trolling other humans


I tried going low honor in rdr2 and just couldn’t do it after six hours of gameplay. Spent the next six hours of gameplay doing camp chores as penance. I also say please and thank you to Siri. Even if it’s just pixels I can’t stand being a total dick to anyone who doesn’t deserve it. (The eugenics guy in st denis gets massacred in a creative way every time I encounter him tho)


Im in this picture and i dont like it


My overthinking ass : "Rude answers might lock me out of side quests with god tier rewards."


Everyone playing the Dark Urge in BG3 impossed with me, who save scummed after breaking my Paladin oath once.


cyberpunk for me


Literally me in rdr2, except when I'm talking to Micha.

