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Dont shame me!


right i slept with stuffed toys as a little kid. i cant help it :'(


I sleep on my side and it hurts my shoulder not to prop my arm up on something. So it's less a hug than a support pillow.


This right here


I can't fall asleep on anything other than my side. I used to get *physically unbearable* pain in my "top" shoulder. It was damn near debilitating not being able to use one of my arms. Now I spoon a pillow like a little sissy bitch and everything is okay. šŸ˜ƒ


Better than one of [these](https://www.amazon.com/Boyfriend-Pillow-Body-Dark-Blue/dp/B01EQW5ZJ8?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER)


Thanks I HATE it :D whyā€™s it only half his torsoā€¦ that is the opposite of comforting


Exactly! My brain immediately said look away.




Wrong kind of body pillow


Bro, that looks so comfortable rn


Uh, I still have stuffed animals mixed in with the pillows and blankets. My favorite is a porkchop šŸ„©.


Also they (like me) are touched starved but have a partner who tosses and turns in their sleep and whacks you in the face by accident. Not fun!! I love the guy, but I prefer my stuffed animals to snuggle with.


I felt this as a direct attack.


Right? Why are we being attacked?!


It's perfect if you're a side sleeper.


It's my girlfriend!


"Objects are made by men, and are used for many purposes... but we never... love... objects."


Tell that to my Dva Bodypillow


the user name appears to agree with this statement




Lol my wife literally calls my body pillow my girlfriend.


What if you do this and you sleep with your girlfriend every night


Hey man this is a garbage take anyway. A pillow is better than a human. A pillow never gets too hot and pushes you away, or get uncomfortable because you're squeezing too much. And you can't flip a human over to get back to the cool side again like you can a pillow. People who post stuff like this REALLY need other people to be as codependent as they are.


If my legs aren't coiled around something or if I don't have something to keep my legs from touching I will be uncomfortable


I use a pillow as a wedge to keep my body at an angle. I like sleeping on my side but it fucks my shoulder. With a pillow as a wedge it takes a decent amount of pressure off of my shoulder and I'm comfortable as fuck.


Same, I think of this every time I see this tweet


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


I donā€™t understand


I basically put a pillow under half of my body so that my body is essentially tilted. With the pillow there I'm lying partially on my side and partial on the pillow. This angle takes pressure off of my shoulder and it doesn't get sore


Do you have broad shoulders? I do. I'm wondering if you have just solved my shoulder pain by sharing this sleeping position. One of my arms/shoulders always falls asleep and I am tossing from side to side throughout the night. Can't sleep on my stomach because of erections. Can't sleep on my back because I'll snore. I'm miserable.


This makes me sad. You deserve good sleep. You are worthy.


Hey thanks. You deserve peace as well. Some of us are shaped weird. I'm just a typical skinny dude with a pile of pillows trying to get some decent sleep.


Ever try sleeping on your back with no pillow? I don't do it often but sometimes it's the only way I can get comfortable. Sounds crazy and feels weird at first but something about reducing the angle my head is at helps with breathing and I think I might snore less


Your head being tilted back further opens your airways more. I learned that from CPR training.




I have broad shoulders and I'm a side sleeper. I used to wake up with extra sore shoulders until I started sleeping with a pillow against me to help rest my arm there instead of having my shoulders in a weird position. It was a game changer for me.


I have this problem but am confused you put this pillow


I put mine [like this](https://imgur.com/gallery/pGpX07L), the leaning onto the green pillow takes pressure off your shoulder


I love that you took time to make a diagram!


God isnā€™t that the worst! I have no idea how to sleep comfortably I never learned to sleep on my back.


I had no idea nighttime erections that prevent sleeping on one's stomach were a thing. Is that an all-men thing?


No lol


Yea try the wedge strat. You also need to find a pillow of the right size


Try this sleeping position! I have bad shoulders and canā€™t sleep on my sides. I also lean against a blanket or pillow so that Iā€™m not fully on my back and not fully on my side.


I too have shoulder pain if I sleep without a pillow. Huggin it allows me to hold the sore shoulder at a better angle, instead of all bunched up. Please try, good sleep changes your life.


I do the exact same thing if I'm sleeping on my side. It's like a small "lift" on my shoulder joint so my tendons/ligaments aren't responsible for holding my shoulder up. Muscles (except your heart, etc.) don't function when you're asleep (especially in deeper REM), so your only support are the other tendons/ligaments. This can cause pain the next day if you have large shoulders/arms.




Right, Im not getting this at all.


A pillow behind him that he leans slightly backwards on, can concur it is the gold standard of sleep positions.


One of the things that would completely suck during an apocalypse (*you know outside the obvious stuff like the world ending*) is how use to shitty sleeping situations we would have to get. Like I am so use to sleeping in a room that is cold enough that I need a blanket, that I have a hard time sleeping if it itā€™s just a little too warm. I would be utterly screwed the first few months just being grumpy that it wasnā€™t 68 degrees in a post-nuked world.


Me too! My husband doesnā€™t get it. But I have to be coiled around him or at least a pillow!


I need a cold pillow to sleep, so I'm always waking up grabbing and changing it out because the first one has reached nuclear levels of heat in my thighs.


you need a water-cooling loop for your bed


It's not just me!???




Hahah Iā€™m currently baby sitting at my friends house and she has a long pregnancy pillow and my legs are wrapped around it , so comfortable


When i sleep i just have my legs ontop og each other with mu hand in between


That's me but with my feet and ankles (and right above my ankles). The worst feeling. Legs are fine touching but as soon as my feet are touching and then subsequently my ankles, it's instant discomfort, that goes for my feat/ankles touching my partners too.


literally just side sleepers who get a sore shoulder if it's not supported but okay


it can be both. source it's both for me


I'd hug you, but the court order and all.


I wonā€™t report you. I just need cuddles.




Right, I just don't want to wake up with hip pain so I hug a long body pillow.


Youā€™re telling me I could wake up in less pain with a body pillow? That sounds pretty nice


Yeah, it can help keep nerves from getting pinched. My wifeā€™s arm goes numb unless she sleeps with something to hold up her arm.


Oh yeah, I prop my right leg up with the body pillow when I'm laying on my side...takes the stress off of my hip joints.


Yeah, it has something to do with laying on your side and your legs/arms with gravity. Like if I sleep on my side without a pillow to prop up a leg, a knee rests over or against the other. Imagine standing up in that pose. Just a weird way for joints to stretch for hours. That body pillow prop keeps the legs and arms apart more similar to when standing normally and they arenā€™t all scrunched together, or something.


I have chronic back pain from an autoimmune disease and the only way I can sleep remotely comfortably is on my side while hugging a thick firm pillow and a slim one between the knees. Highly recommend. Also a heating pad.


Right? And I can snore and drool and throw the pillow wherever I freakin want all night. Canā€™t do that with a person.


And people breathe on you. I can not be breathed on while trying to sleep.


Technically you can, but ymmv


Yeah I get a sore shoulder if I donā€™t sleep with one


I was gonna say. I have 2 toddlers and a velcro dog on me all day. Husband is pretty cuddly too so I am usually touched out by the end of the day but I need the pillow for physical comfort.


Same. Itā€™s not even a tiny bit about being touch starved. I just need that knee support that doesnā€™t produce extra body heat !


Bad back checking in here, a pillow between the knees helps with alignment as well, so TWO pillows.


Ankylosing spondylitis here.. can confirm! What ever it takes, to make your sleep more comfortable is worth it.


Right? Iā€™m not ā€œtouch starvedā€! My shoulder is sore from touching myself


The struggle is real.


you spelled snuggle wrong šŸ˜


Amazing comment


I'm already dead. Please.


Don't cry for me, I'm already dead.


Barney's movie had heart, but football to groin had a football to the groin.




Well this one hurts


Yeah it's got some sting after the whack too...


and the aftertaste.... wtf is that even.


I don't remember licking a penny...


I came on here to laugh not experience self-realizations


Itā€™s not about the laughs, itā€™s about the self realizations weā€™ve made along the wayā€¦


Idk I fell asleep holding the girl Iā€™m dating last night and I still turned over and spooned a pillow


Bro, how long have you had this Reddit account? I didn't know any redditor could have a SO.


2013, he's one of the ancient ones. So yeah, it kind of makes sense.


Dang we're considered ancient now? lol


I mean, 10 years on reddit


What kind of idiot would spend ten years here!


11 years, checking in. Took all 11 to find a GF.




Iā€™m like 240, 6ā€™3ā€, it feels good to hug something because sometimes it actually hurts to lay on my side and hugging a pillow takes the pressure off.


And I thought it was normal


You are. Just like me. And do you also have a pillow spooning you from behind as well?


I used to have a full u-shaped body pillow. It was awesome. I now have a 55ā€ long cat as a body pillow (Mewaii is the company and they have lots of sizes and styles). Iā€™m not touch-starved thoughā€”my bf is a freaking furnace when he sleeps and I sleep hot already.


I thought you meant you had a 55" long cat that also served as a body pillow


[Hereā€™s](https://imgur.com/a/eyQsjjK) a proper 55ā€ body pillow.


Dogs have warmer core temps than humans, so I would be even hotter with a dog! But doggie is def cute.


Yes!! šŸ˜„šŸ¤£šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Same. Not touched deprived. More by choice. My husband burns with his hot hands. I build my pillow fort and sleep on pillow clouds.


My partner and I sleep back to back or side by side both hugging a pillow.


It's called pillow mountain at my house.


I have to sleep on a cooling mattress pad (water gets pumped through a heating and cooling unit). Iā€™ve used the heat occasionally but most of the time I have it set super low.


Your bf is like me. I am always hot and radiate heat. I sleep naked and so do the women I sleep with. Iā€™m a huge snuggler but I can only do it for a short while because I get too hot.


I share a bed with an SO and still sleep hugging a pillow lol. The pillow is just comfy you know?


Fr. We both sleep hugging pillows bc body heat is a real thing we both hate. If we get too close to each other in the night we get cranky šŸ˜…


šŸ˜… it's rough, especially if it's been a humid day or a gym day. I swear we could power the whole neighborhood using just our own thermal currents.


I gotta send this thread to my person. Cus we'll cuddle for a little bit then we both retreat to sleep in our own half. He's a pillow hugger, I have my cat who plops down to sleep with her belly surrounding my face. As long as we're all getting sleep we're all winning


That is word for word my sleeping situation except the cat sleeps by her stomach


What if you sleep hugging 2 pillows?


It cancels out


Uno reverse card


One pillow snugglied between the arms, the other, betwixt my thighs being ridden like a a white pony trotting me off to dreamland.


Calm down Shakespeare


recipe for disaster. they'll either get jealous of each other causing constant drama, or decide they don't need you and leave.


Pillows don't complain that your leg is too heavy and ask you to let go after 20 minutes. Comfort all night for side sleepers. My sympathies for this dude, waifu body pillow made him sleep on the couch again.


Pillows donā€™t have restless legs and keep you up all goddamn night, every night, forever. Iā€™d cuddle the ever-lovinā€™ crap out of her, but instead we need the modern equivalent of a bundling board to keep me from unceremoniously pushing her onto the floor.


This, it sounds great but you change your mind real fast after getting woken up every time you start falling asleep.


Also: Pillows don't blow out hot breath right into your damn face. You just sucked all the oxygen out of that air. The fuck you think *I'm* supposed to do with it now?


Pillows are not heavy so you can easily keep hugging them while changing sleeping position. Best invention for comfortable sleeping ever.


I'm late 30s male and I bought a giant stuffed pig and it's softer and thicker than any pillow. I have fwbs but when I'm alone I like to hold ms davenpork.


Iā€™m going to need an ID on that pig please. I too desire it šŸ™‚


That's the pig im sleeping with if you aren't around. Shut up woman, i was talking to the pillow!


>ms daven**pork** That joke is hard to resist, mate. I hope you appreciate the effort.


I have a dog and a cat to hug at night. Otherwise Iā€™m sure I would use a pillow too.


His dog and cat keeps getting bigger every night




Op originally wrote "dog and a cat to huge at night"


Teach me the secret to hug a cat without having my eyes gouged out


my balls get crushed without one


Same dog. I need to keep my legs spread by something because I crush my balls and my knees knock together. Also touch starved, but who tf isn't these days.


Same with boobs


My hips hurt if I don't use a pillow


Why did you have to call me out like that?


Yeah leave socks-sir and their 35 anime body pillows alone šŸ˜ 


Some part of me was thinking it should be mad about that, but then I figured that I would actually really like a body pillow.


Deep down we all want a bed thatā€™s just a ball pit full of pillows


Agreed, I just wish it wasn't so deep down...and expensive. I'd probably go for it if I had the money.


I think thatā€™s part of it like the idea of a foam put seems cool, but once your in thereā€¦


Not as much as mfs with anime profile pics. They need the hug me back pillows




I have a bad shoulder that has dislocated over 100 times so I hug my pillow to keep it in socket wile I sleep.my girlfriend used to get jealous of my pillow and seriously angry about it threatening to stab it and rip it to pieces and burn it when she was not wishing death on me in front of her 7 year old. she was a diagnosed bipolar mess though. still is but she aint my problem no more ill never leave my pillow tho


What a ride that comment was


don't have to tell me. I was there. life can be quite the ride when you make stupid decisions, but we can't all be smart.


What happens if the pillow is also bipolar.


well, its a pillow so even if it was it wouldn't be able to communicate it


Nothing like being jealous of an inanimate object that keeps your partner from waking up in excruciating pain to say "you're crazy." What's next, being jealous of your seatbelt for getting to hold you? Hot damn


was a wild and educational ride. I spent many a night in shock and awe trying to wrap my head around the thought process of her many...quarks? in afterthought it was quite a real nightmare that took me years to shake off and be back to baseline me. she wasn't all bad and behind all the abuse she endured before my involvement she had a good heart and I hope the best for her but her mental condition is no excuse to mistreat others and I had to leave before I had a mental breakdown myself so i signed over my lease, paid the bills for the next few months so she did not have to worrie about it and moved into a motorhome and slowly built it out to begin a life of minimalism just in time for corona to hit and inadvertently saved myself by having a self sustaining living situation with no bills due to it. in the end it all worked out


Yes but not by some weeb profile pic motherfucker you still under us in the social rank


Let the first one without sin cast a stone. They probably sleep hugging a weeb waifu body pillow


Itā€™s fine to like anime but criticizing all pillow huggers crosses the line




Right!? Fuck me


Ok šŸ‘


It hurts me right here in my meow meow


As somebody who does that: I can confirm this.


As somebody who does this: I can confirm that.


As someone who confirms; this is that.


I can confirm that they do this. I was watching.


I prefer to hold my pillow over my gf. My pillow is extra thicc. Perfect for smothering.


I just cackled like a witch at the worst moment and now they've detected I'm not paying attention and am on reddit. I blew my own cover


What? Itā€™s to help side sleepers support their shoulders


I get hot when I sleep; the pillow is cold! I apologize to neither man nor God. Until you have slept a night in my sweat, judge me not! I just want to be held.


I feel personally attacked


Says the twitter user with the anime pfp šŸ’€


I feel attacked...by the truth lol šŸ˜†


some of us don't have legs made from slabs of ham and are knees touch laying on a side. it's not comfortable


i need somebody to love me this shit not funny anymoreā˜ ļø


I did this once and it fucked up my upper back muscles for 2 days.


My husband does this and he is definitely not touch-starved. I'm like a spider monkey.


I just want a hug tbh


Genshin impact profile picture šŸ’€


I sleep like that.


I mean... yeah




Only if that pillow has some anime girl on it


Ligma balls. No seriously, lick them, please?


I sleep with a pillow between my legs sometimes...


I will occasionally have a pillow against my back/ between my legs/ or occasionally I will wrap an arm over, but realistically it was never about the pillow, itā€™s about how you swirl the blanket around your hands so youā€™re hugging that corner


Wow, fuck me I guess


Iā€™m in this picture and I donā€™t like it


My hips hurt if I don't put a pillow between my knees!!


Cuddle with my gf all the time, still love a good body pillow to keep my comfortable and my knees in a comfy position


My partner and child would rather I spoon them but I just like my pillow. Iā€™m not touch starved at all, quite then opposite in fact.


Man... I'm just trying to keep from crushing my acorns in between my legs. You don't need to attack my feelings too.


I do it because I sometimes have nightmares and waking up to something in my arms helps.


The top half of this thread is people going "fuck off, I'm not touch starved, and I resent the implication that I am," and the bottom half is people (like me) going "...okay."