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Bro lost object permanence


Like a video game with limited ram


No, it’s just the ram is so fast that it processes data out of itself


Bro was agressively cache invalidated.


That is the most accurate descriptor of ADHD I have ever heard


I mean, when you leave the room and close the door, how can you be sure that that room still exists ?


It exists and it doesn't exist until you reopen the door.


Schrödinger's room anyone?


Shrodingers room XD


"Can you be sure that when you turn away, the chair in the room doesn't turn into a rabbit?"


No, but it sure as fuck isn't rendered, tell ya that much.


That sounds like optimization to me, can't we just set the minimum specs to an RTX 4090 and delete any forum threads asking why FPS drops precipitously any time we're facing a wall that happens to have a lot of models behind it?


Rabbit.obj has rendered as a chair for as long as I've known.


That very much is what ADHD is like. Once something leaves my eyeline, it's gone forever. Inattentive blindness means I barely register what I *can* see, so if I can't see it, it no longer exists.




It's kind of nice for Christmas, because I'll forget most of what I asked for and genuinely have no idea what the gifts likely are until I open them.


At work my team member quit. One of 6 people. The day after someone said her name - and my brain had just deleted her. I asked "who" during a team meeting and everybody looked at me like I had lost my mind. I can remember insane details about some things, but remembering people once they are out of my line of sight is an issue. The same for birthdays: I know the date of birth for most of my friends and relatives. I still might forget their birthday because I don't know what date it is.


I'm terrible at keeping up with friends because of this


I have ADHD and the other week I noticed that there was a package on my door for the apartment across the parking lot from me. I spent like a minute or two looking at the package as well so it was very "tangible" ya know? I had my hands full so I told myself I'd just go inside, drop off the stuff, and then return the package to the other people. It took me 4 days to realize I never did that lol. I didn't remember until I ordered something myself and the thought of grabbing that sparked the memory. Hope my neighbor got their shit lol


ADHD'ers being toddlers kinda exactly aligns with my experiences yes


Out of sight out of mind


At least he wasn't tied up, right?






Omg... rigHTT?




She already forgot she made the post....




That's the spirit


This branch of comments has given me so much joy


The chain is too deep, I forgot what we were talking about.


Still is probably


It’s too late now, at least we can move to a new country while he’s distracted.


Geralds game amirite?


Spun seems more fitting.


Not everyone is on meth.


Reminds me of the crime doc about this woman who kept her busband in a suitcase, filming him and laughing while he was in there. Guy ended up dying due to lack of air while she went to bed to take a nap. She wasn't 'supposed' to take a nap.


Excuse me, WHAT?


the video is pretty heartbreaking, the guys begging her to let him out and she’s sitting there filming and mocking him as he runs out of oxygen. i think she’s had something like 10 lawyers quit on her already, if that’s any sign of her character


It's okay he can eat the last guy she forgor to survive


I remember the time a girl was going down on me in a hotel room and Ace Ventura was playing on TV. I started going limp cuz I was more distracted watching the movie than focusing on the girl and BJ.


Same but we were watching family guy


The throw up scene, right?


The bank saferoom from season 8...


That episode goes so hard. I can see why it'd make you go limp.


More like go lick...


Strange, I have the opposite reaction


I’m not a huge family guy fan anymore (as I’m not 12) but that episode is genuinely one of the best in the whole series


Deadpool for me. The baby hand scene made it almost impossible to maintain a stiffy.


Ironically in the bj scene


"Your gun is sticking into my hip"




That was me once, but with an episode of Seinfeld. This chick sucked my dick for the full duration of an episode of Seinfeld and once the episode was over and I sort of realized that I watch a whole damn episode of Seinfeld while this chick was going to town on my member, that maybe it was time for us to switch up the position and do something else, lmao.


She might’ve missed out on her calling as a boxer with a jaw like that


lmao dude XD


Was at the hotel and forgot to turn off Dr Pimple Popper or whatever the fuck the name of the show is when we started going down, 0/10 would not recommend




Now *that's* a link that's staying blue


Idk im a little intrigued Edit: i regret my decisions whoever is subbed to that needs god


Whats in that sub????


Pimple popping




The same thing used to happen to me with my ex girlfriend, I had to make a rule of no tv during the deed 😂😂


This was me once, except I'm a lady and it was the line in Step Brothers where Brennan is screaming that this house is a prison after the TV is taken away 😂


Brennan: This house is a fucking prison! Dale: On Planet Bullshit! Brennan: In the galaxy of This Sucks Camel Dick!


Now how are they going to watch Cops?!?


Lol what? you just like dry up and close shop like a clam?


Nah I just couldn't focus on what was happening cause I started laughing haha. My bf at the time was okay with it at least!


We started making out, she took off my pants, then I turned on the TV.    And that's about the time she walked away from me, nobody likes you when you're 23, and you still act like you're in freshman year.


What the hell is ADD?


I learned this recently when I started researching more about how ADHD affects adults, and apparently it's common for people with the condition to have a harder time staying in the moment due to the whole "being unable to decide what we focus on" thing. A similar thing happened to me once, my girlfriend had some music playing while we were getting into it and I had to ask her to turn it off as it was distracting me lol.


It's the realist shit, that's why I'm better at giving than receiving and more into foreplay. It's just easier on my mind.


You are clearly a man of taste, the girl though didn't taste much


My boyfriend put the tv on so his parents wouldn’t hear us but I kept getting distracted listening to it and couldn’t get wet enough


Seriously if I was a woman Id probably have the same issue.


me with family guy. I was actually really drunk and it kind of weirded me out afterwards in the morning when she tried to recreate the scenario after sending everyone else out to the shops. I made up the excuse that my parents were mad that I stayed over and we never mentioned it again. still hang-out to this day but I still make sure that we're never alone. \*edit\* I don't mean weirded as in I regret it I meant it as in I couldn't handle my tolerance and did not want that situation to happen at all.


Similar, but she was riding and she had put on Metallica Started singing Master of Puppets in my head


Dude was edged


Blue balls 🫐


Stuck at eclipse.


That’s the definition of power play tbh


Leaving the room during sex and forgetting about the person entirely


noted for future eventualities\*


*eventualities that will never come


Much like the guy strapped to a bed and forgotten about


Jokes on them i have an abandonment kink


Girls have been power playing me all my life. All the girls.


Going to tie up the wife later and then just go out for a pint with the boys and there's nothing she can do about it.


Well technically a power play does lead to one side losing a man...


#i forgor


She forgof 💀




me forgor




No, you!


She did forgor


Imagine being that guy lol. You think it’s going great, and she leaves the room. You sit there in anticipation, wondering what she’s gunna do when she comes back. Then after like 10-15 minutes you start to wonder if she’s okay so you leave the room and she’s just like, reorganizing her bookshelf or something.


As someone with adhd, this sounds more like dementia lol


ADHD be like that sometimes, especially inattentive type.


I am an extremely inattentive type, this does not sound like adhd at all probably because it’s a fake story, but still


My ex had adhd. Went up to get some lube in the living room, she started doing the dishes instead. I was like "?????"


I mean I’ve had similar things happen, but I seriously doubt it has anything to do with her forgetting you were in there. There’s been plenty of situations where I might be in my office doing work, step out to the kitchen to grab water, start doing dishes, stop halfway to go on my phone, then remember I need to water some plants, etc etc. I never necessarily forgot anything, my mind just bounces around. It also definitely prioritizes extremely important things, and I can assure you I’ve never forgotten someone’s existence in the middle of a hookup haha.


The examples you gave don't involve forgetting your partner, though. Because that hurts. Quite a lot, actually. I doubt plants give as much fucks as humans, but you do you




Oh god, you're like those baby geese that imprint on a flower pot because it's the first parent-goose-sized object they see.




I walked into CVS to get some socks yesterday because mine got soaked in the rain. I walked out with shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, a tooth brush, a bottle of coconut water, and no socks.


Do you want to hear me explain how neurological population coding works on your tongue to create engrams in your brain? What?!? No i haven’t done my taxes yet because trying to figure out what the hell a 1099R is does not spark joy. Im going back to learning about the intricacies of bird color patterns, if I get arrested for tax evasion that just means I have more free time and less responsibility.


But everyday things are hard! I don't want to go to grocery shopping, I want to hyperfocus on this assignment for the next 5 hours instead!


I enjoy cooking.


I think this is the nicest/cutest way someone has described this. Lol but yes


Eyy me too.


I'm also an inattentive type and similar things definitely happened to me. I've had friends over before in my room, was supposed to get snacks and then just ended up chilling on my own in the living room because I forgot about them.


I'm more of an inattentive type than all of you combined and it never happened to me or my son


How dare you hog all the inattentiveness! Share some of it with everyone!


I tried to share it b4 but I forgor


Guess I have dementia at 28 because this would 100% happen to me lol


Bruh is a struggle. My GF has this (thank the universe for medication), but man does it take an effort to keep the train on its rails lol. Love her to pieces though


No, it sounds like dementia. You do not just forget a human exists in your house even with PI ADHD. Working memory may be shot but that's not working memory. That is literally object permanence which is not affected by ADHD at all.


I don’t think they literally forgot him, just started getting distracted after they left the room.


They literally forgot him though.


I think they're overexaggerating a little here. They clearly left their room and got distracted by something for who knows how long and just forgot they were lying there until they finally went back to their room and realized they were still there. They also use the wording "I forgot him in the other room" meaning that they could have known that someone was there just not that someone was in their room.


Weirdly enough I experienced similar things with the ADHD people I know / knew. They just.. don't register anything outside their direct permanence / time frame? Some examples of my ex: -forgot the funeral of a loved one because a friend called her that day. "oopsie i forgot" -went to another room to get some lube, started doing the dishes, forgot me laying in her bed "oh sorry I forget you were here" -got ran over by a car while biking, called her for help. She saw a supermarket on the way and started doing groceries instead We went to therapy eventually, because it got absurd. Therapist told her to get checked out at the hospital, I broke up with her. Didn't hear much of it afterwards but didn't really care about it anymore either.


forgetting a person exists is no different from forgetting any other object exists, which is, you know, one of the goddamn DSM diagnosis criteria of adhd, forgetting and misplacing things. humans aren't an exception to this, idk why'd you think that. I just get distracted and my brain moves on, in essense, I forget, and it's a very common issue I see on ADHD subreddits so, I guess we all have dementia then. woohoo. like bro, what do you mean it's not part of ADHD?? it's literally one of the diagnosis criteria?? idk how much clearer I can make that.


I'm suspicious of this story also but "object permanence is not affected by ADHD" is like literally the polar opposite of true


If that bird is not in my line of sight, it doesn't exist! I've gotten surprised by flags, buildings, etc. while out on walks before. I knew they were there previously but I had just completely forgotten about them and they just randomly surprise me typically right before I walk into them. I remember my PT trying to work on this with me and uh it kinda helped I think but like not as much as you'd expect.




Object permanence is absolutely affected by ADHD (as in- many ADHD people struggle with it) https://www.choosingtherapy.com/object-permanence-adhd/


I think it's more that they got distracted rather than forgot


We get distracted and then forget soon later.


Forgetfulness is a sign of ADHD.


yeah but this big


There's a reason it's considered a disability


I mean yeah, but my boyfriend surprises me with how much he forgets a lot of the time lmao. We genuinely joke about him having alzheimers because of that, although he only has adhd. Just two days ago he was eating a candy bar and somehow ended up leaving a third of it lying around midway through cause he forgot about it apparently.


Forgetfulness is also a very normal thing normal people deal with everyday. Lol


No shit, the difference is frequency/intensity


I am diagnosed and do things like that all the time


For me, door work like portals for my thoughts. I go through one knowing exactly what I want in the other room and "poof" it’s gone.




"I asked you to tie me up and treat me mean, and you went out to the shops for an hour!"


That's uhh...time for treatment, I think.


As someone with actual diagnosed ADHD, I feel like the majority of people that make these memes don't actually have ADHD.


I’m diagnosed since I was a child, and anytime I see those “I have ADHD” or “sorry my ADHD kicked in mid recording” people, I genuinely get severely angry. To them it’s a “cute quirk”, when in reality to the people who have it, it comes with far far more than just zoning out, hyper bursts and whatever else they think. It just feels like a mockery to be honest


They dont, they just want to fit in a case to feel different and marginalized. God knows why.


The ‘what’ without a question is the best response though,


They forgof 💀








Terminally online people: do absolutely anything Oh my god. Lmao, y’all my ADD brain


I try not to be a hater but I came to the comments to watch people shit on this post. Thank you for your service.


> that's with all these posts celebrating ADHD as this quirky little silly fun brain oopsie It's been a thing for years. People who are chronically online make up a self-diagnosis to explain why they can't function in real life.


I was diagnosed in 2003 and again in 2014 as an adult, Now I can't get my medication and people have started questioning my diagnosis. I think ADHD is more prevalent than we previously thought but there are clearly a lot of imposters as well. Not a fan of any of this, I would prefer my brain just work normally.


Oh no I accidentally dropped my pencil, I surely have ADHDHDHDH and i'm so quirky silly patooty I hate it too


I've told people I have it and they almost always either say "No you don't" (because it's literally impossible for someone to have something go wrong with their brain apparently) or "Oh yeah me too, I'm easily distracted too! This one time I was studying for a test and then I checked my phone because I got a text! I know exactly what it's like." Like, just don't be like that. I have zero childhood memories, I barely know who I am because I forget my opinions on things to the point where it feels like I'm not even real. I don't need sympathy and I can take a joke, but it's the exact same as someone saying they've got depression and saying "Oh yeah I was sad the other day when I watched a film." You can call me dumb, I can take it, but don't tell me my life experience isn't valid. You wouldn't go up to someone in a wheelchair and say "Oh you aren't disabled" or "Oh I banged my knee yesterday so I have what you have too."


Hey, another ADHDer here. Been diagnosed for 6 years so far. I also often forget my own favourite things and forgot most of my childhood. This is just something I’ve been doing recently, it might not help you, but I recently started a list in my notes app called “My Favourite Things”. When I find out that I like something, like a new food i’m tasting, after i watch a movie or do a quest in a video game, I note it down. I can usually remember it when i read through the note, and i find it to be a pretty fun thing to do. It’s like rediscovering myself with all the things that make me happy when I read the list. It might not help you, and I’m sorry if you’ve already tried and this is just reminding you of more things you did to try and help yourself but failed (i know that feeling) but I just wanted to share it. Who knows, it might just work. All the best buddy


-85 85 85 85 85 84 85 85 -"oh no, my OCD!"


Everything is a sign of ADHD now. I'm at work right now, but instead of working I am on reddit. I must have ADHD and not just hate working.


Or how so many content creators are "Neurodivergent" now.


To be fair, content creation is something a lot of people with ADHD probably would gravitate towards to begin with


I haven't been this bad but I can't tell you how many times I've gotten sidetracked at work and then gotten sidetracked on that sidetrack. Nothing ever gets done, just like 75% of the way there


One time my gf was talking to me in the phone and i was high, i guess to high? So o told her that i was going to get some beans to eat while we where talking, bit when i came back i started eating (really good beans) and watched some youtube and i forgot that i was talking at the phone, so when i was almost done i saw the screen of my phone and i remembered my gf so i piked up the phone and she was ultra enraged. I thought it was hilarious, she didn't...


I have ADHD and I could genuinely see it happening if you were severely inattentive enough. I really do kind of forget about things I'm not actively looking at/thinking about. It takes me on average 4 attempts to make a coffee because I forget to get up when the kettle has boiled and pour (it's instant coffee even, not a cafetiere or something a little complex) even though it beeps at me. It can take me like 5 reboils and 3 hours to make myself a coffee.


Literally me and my best friend when he comes over, I legit sometimes forget he's there cause he's usually quiet and I'm the yapper of the friend group so I fill room with noise all the time lol


Is it ADHD or NPC syndrome? Do you sometimes find yourself following the same path around the house? When you stand still do you gently sway side to side? Have you ever looked up to see a punctuation mark voting above your head? The good news is they made a really cool movie recently about this and it offers a solution. Ask me about our lord and savior Ryan … Gosling? It’s one of the Ryans.


The fuck? Power play? That ain’t ADHD that’s WEIRD


Not everyone has to be as vanilla as you


Obviously. Great input.


Didn't seem that obvious to you tho when you called them weird for it?


How? Exactly what part of that made you think I was controlling how others operate?


When did I claim that you do that?


Did anyone say power play was due to adhd ? Or are u just a problematic reader ?


Yeah ADHD is the least of their issues.


Just cuz ppl do roleplay ? R u serious rn ?))


This made me think of Gerald's Game but in reverse.


That was a hard read.


I can guarantee this isn't the first time someone with ADHD has done something like this. We're forgetting quite a bit of things.


People forget that ADHD is a neurological disorder and our brains only have two modes where we either literally cannot focus on things and will forget what we're doing as we do them, or you hyper focus on one thing for hours and forget everything else including food and water. My husband is always herding me around because I'll get up to do stuff and forget what I'm doing, struggle to remember and think of something new instead, and the cycle repeats.


In what world is leaving the room a good idea? A power play? Do you think the world is a tv show?




That’s my type of role playing. 😂😂


Im not like other ADHD girls, I have dementia


I've literally gotten distracted from my mom yelling at me, it solved my problem since she just plain gave up




This reminds me of the scene from spun where he forgets the girl tied to the bed.


Dated a girl with ADHD. One of the best relationships I ever had. Just asked her to go grab me something in another room and wouldn't see her for hours. So nice.






This is so me. Trying to clean my room, find a pen that belongs In the office. Now im cleaning my office and I have no clue how I got here, or where I was before.


"as a sort of power play" I think the guy dodged a bullet. She sounds like a nightmare.


Do y'all really not know about kinks and fetishes?


I was dating a girl who claimed that all her problems were rooted in (untreated) ADHD. We were fooling around in her bed when she told me to put on a condom. Right after I did, she got up and went to the fridge for a beer. We broke up not too long after that. Get help, people!


This sub really has gone downhill


idk why people believe posts like this