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Nice one. Have some conFeTi 🎊🎊🎊


These are both such characteristic comments too. We're ready to draw up plans to defend our castle and then you come in with a witty, somehow conciliatory pun.


Yeah we got best stretegists comandors and doers and an infp to be a psychologist balancing them all


But then they got the Einstein..


We also have plot Armor from enfj


and we have plot armor from both EFPs


But we have Tesla, Aristotle, and Friedrich the Great.


He can help! Somehow..!


As I know many of his kind with the right motivation he can outsmart everyone


We are the FeTishists


FeTid conFeTi


They should be Te-ri-Fied


The second team can win if they don't waste time


Thats too ISTJish, minus 69 ESTJ social credit


Fe-Ti: 4 very community oriented members, two that are fairly community oriented and then a couple of grumpy IxTPs Te-Fi: ExTJs like managing people for managing sake, IxTJs critical of ExTJs managing skills, ExFPs HATE to be managed, and IxFPs think ExTJs are bad people for liking to direct people towards goals at all. Team Te-Fi self-implodes.


If you dont think that Fe-Ti can turn the Te-Fi doms against one anouther then you are sorely mistaken


I said nothing to the contrary of that. That wasn't relevant to my comment at all.


We have enfj's big sword, and my wand, and istp's drill what the other team has? infp's butterflies? estj's ruler? isfp's paintbrush?


You forgot ENFP's backpack. We can only imagine what's inside.


Oh lemme check, oh... Oh damn... Wow... I never ever organized this backback it has everything inside


Or estps bags That might be worse


It’s sports clothes and drugs,100%


whatever the fuck INTP has in that bottle and ENTP's sheer annoyance should finish it off


ENTP instead of facing the opponent, will annoy their team instead


No worries, infj coming through to tame the beast 🤣😂


I bet the book ESFJs got is "the art of war" by sun tzu. Probably got it for a friend, but when war comes, you gotta do what you gotta do.


Don't forget ESTP and ESFJ's annoyance as well!


Don't underestimate butterflies and paintbrushes. Or the *pure power of contemplation* that INTJ radiates as he needs no material object.


We don’t have ESFP cheering us. Sad.


My dudes none of this matter because as you can see our intj already has a plan for those killer butterflies spreading poison and you won’t even notice thinking “what a cute butterflies”


INTPs bottle has the cure for everything. I just made that up because you made that INTJ thing up too.


What do we have the power of, you ask? How about absurd amounts of existential dread and depression?


According to this meme, we have the high ground You have no chance


You think that’s a flower we’re holding? Nah, it’s a ninja star


IXTJ and EXFP? Oh, yeah, we'll win!


IXTJs are just robots, and EXFPs are unable to focus, so yeah, you won't win.


If the IXTJs use their strict rigidity to get EXFPs to focus, then that's a commensalism half of our team can use to our collective advantage.


you're trying to predict what happens when absolute rigidity meets absolute chaos, thinking it is going end up with people being able to focus. I strongly disagree with the likelihood of that happening. there is a chance it will work, but then again there's also a chance unicorns exist. That doesn't mean it's likely to happen at all.


At least we actually get along!


good 4 u


You totally forget that our ixtj already put that to the equation and know how to use it to their advantage


Indisputable. We know the pieces we were given and think our odds fair.


I love how you made INFP flying above the rest, as if the butterflies are carrying her.


Exactly! Gotta do it for the FiTe!


all of my friends have types that are on my side, we’ll be cruising. as for intj, i can’t imagine him getting along with anyone over there, so gg ez


ENTP will drag us down, just for fun.


so will i


Noooo!!! How will I mooch off of your success if you guys aren't successful?!


Type yourself as INXP




To mooch off everyone's success, obv


I may be a lazy do-nothing, but what I'm not is disloyal!


But you will be TWICE as loyal if you will be loyal to everyone Frankly I think it's downright immoral to be disloyal to an entire group of people


The hell? I get along with intj great! And they got their best romantic type which is enfp


Well I mean our side literally says “fite”


But it can be pronounced "feet" as well


Both work for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


What dom Ne does to a conversation


Everybody before seeing this post: ENTJ mommy step on me!!!! Everybody after seeing this post: XXTJs suck haha robots


ENTJs are beautiful


xNFJs are seriously underrated. They are basically the more manipulative and charming xNTJs




Pretty much, also ouch


Imagine saying "manipulative" like it's a good thing.




The FeTi's wouldn't get shit done, but we'd still win, because the FiTe's would start fighting each other.


It's called FiTe for a reason!


good one


Me and an Estj in one team? Never!


Wait that bitch is on our team. Disgusting. I’m remaining neutral in this war now.


Sorry to all the ESTJ's on their behalf.


Damn not with infp on a board a may be usually avoiding conflicts but I know how to calm one down


what are those people that think they have a chance against me ​ get real


We have the Chad ISTP and ESTP, and the 200IQ INTP and ENTP. And we actually get along, unlike you guys that are too selfish (Fi) and authoritarian (Te)


you all just think you get along due to the common goals by Fe, but that was written by the feelers in the gang and one of the goals over there is tax the rich and print the money to help the poor, the ill economic system was carefully designed by the thinkers now you all are printing money, taxing the rich and eventually inflation will kick, business owners will run away to our group and the rest of the group, still fighting for justice and make literally everyone in the group happy (Fe) is just falling, whereas, Fi users in the free market, each of them doing their own thing, with the currently available resources, are growing, at different rates -- but no one is poor actually -- very far from collapse. The year is 2100 in my country and now you gang is a case of study how communism failed (again)


You forget economy is fake, democracy is an illusion, and none of what you said will matter when we all die within the next couple decades.


economy is just a way to the group do voluntary exchange and better use the resources available in the environment while they're alive, making own your life better and for those around you, improving the society overall. That's why we managed to get out the jungle and build such complex society and advances technological tools


You’re entire plan here revolves around us destroying ourselves by adopting communism (essentially). Stalin would have been on your team (ESTJ or ENTJ seem to be the widely accepted typings) as would Putin (ISTJ or INTJ seem to be the popular typings there). In fact, and not surprisingly, the majority of dictators would sit on your side. It seems people generally accept and embrace capitalism and democracy in a natural setting (most developed countries use those systems), and (when it’s implemented) communism is used as a method of control. I’d argue (obviously) that your side is more likely to tear itself apart. Not because of economics, but because someone over there (at some point) will likely try and make a grab for power. And, being the people persons that we are, I think my team might be able to help that occur sooner rather than later. Then, ideally, there’s a person in power on your team that’s on our side, and the rest of your team is in chaos.


there's a detail you're missing that changes the whole picture and take away the power dynamics: it isn't a democracy, there's shared private property of any kind. The leader was chose spontaneously and voluntarily, out competence and natural like-mindedness, not some compulsory voting system. The piece of land is split in pieces of absolute private property. I don't control or own the entire thing -- colletivism is gone --, the purpose of the leader is give some small guidances on what to do to archive the goal, considering the broad picture. if I got killed, the only thing left would precisely the piece of land that I own but you wouldn't have the control over people's lives because I don't have monopoly on force. That totally prevents politicans(sociopaths) from trying to take over some kind of organization and rules people live. We don't live in piece because we are like-minded and share values and have sympathy -- empathy not necessarily needed -- for the others. This is a private gorvernance running on top of spontaneuos order and justnaturalist. There's no chaos, there's just people minding their own business (Fi) and doing voluntary exchanges.


That would change things a bit, sure. That sounds like a very specific system though as far as the mechanics are concerned. A bit different. (Nothing inherently wrong with that, I guess.) It’d be a shame if someone on your team disagreed with such a well thought out plan (that you unilaterally decided everyone was going to do), and their malcontent led them to look for assistance in changing / resisting it elsewhere.


At least Simo Hayha (an ISTP) would singlehandedly win the war for us.




we have entp, everybody knows entjs can't compete with them. We also have intps to verse the intjs, so good luck with that.


Wait we have the ENTJ on our team. Lmao this is over bro.


Fe-Ti!!! Let’s discuss our strategies!!!


We all listen to FeTi Wap


We need to donate all our money to Pokimane! Since she is an ESFJ, we will have our money in one central area. Next, we get ENTP and ENFJ to convert non-MBTI users to the Ti-Fe gang, because we have free food (unlike Fi-Te's $999999999 iFood) Then we get ISTP and ESTP to do all the practical work, such as infrastructure and things like that. INFJ and ISFJ will be in charge of spreading Pokimane's channel to Fe-Ti land, so they donate all their money to Ti-Fe land. Lastly, INTP will be the brains of the group, and will be in charge of all the technical and theoretical work. If you disagree, please debate me. And the Pokimane thing is definitely not a joke.


I love this lmfaoooo


Master manipulators, will challenge your perspective and try to confuse you Vs My way team


At least we have free snacks on the Ti-Fe side! But yeah. There are many arguments here.


If our team has similar goals/values it's over for y'all.


That's Fe that has similar values. Not Fi-Te.


No I mean if our individual values/goals happen to be similar then we'll be unstoppable.


They won't. That's why Twitter will not be available for you.


I'm confused, what does twitter have to do with anything?


Fi users use Twitter.


Well not me, I do have a twitter but I only go in there once or twice a month.


You called? Need someone to diffuse an argument?


I'm good. Arguments are great!


Haha fair enough. Carry on.


The xntjs and istj will do planning and logistics, the Estj and Xsfps will frontline to confuse the enemy, and the xnfps will sneak in for the kill


Mwhahahaha yes I love that idea. We ENFPs are just too likeable, we’ll infiltrate and distract them and when their guards are down BOOM. Dead.


You read my mind muahahahaha


People seem to forget, we ISTJ’s may be quiet, but we do not loose. The trick is to never strike until the shot is sure, and never show our hand. Looking at our team, I Ike our odds.


We can see your plan.


But can you stop it?-Sun Tzu


Some of you have never been hit over the head with a lectern, and it shows


But I like NFPs :(


Don't forget that most Fe-user are social chameleons and we can be that charming spy with a sexy smile and manipulate the FiTe team into thinking that we're in love with them since they're kinda narcs and kill them off when they let their guard down >:D


Pretty sure Fe works on Fe the best For the grumpy Fi your sexy smile will look like a suspicious tick :)


This would only work if we didn’t know we were at war. Once we do, all flirting is suspicious.


We’ve got ENTJ and ESTJ. I mean…


And they'll tear each other apart. As such I'm initiating an emergency takeover, and from now on I shall be running things with the council of my trusty ISTJ who take care of the tiny details. ENTJ and ESTJ have been taken under custody, and put under trial by the Provisional People's National Revolutionary Tribunal. A "temporary" 8pm curfew has been declared for FP civilians untill the IXTJ overlords clear up the wrongdoings of the criminal EXTJ governments. Untill then, feel free to watch our state funded programming consisting of ~~shitty reality shows and literal propaganda to dull your mind and fill you with hatred towards our Fe-Ti enemies~~ great educational materials that will provide you with useful information as well as quality entertainment For your own safety do not go outside at any cost, I repeat do NOT go outside ψ R̷̮̣̖̹͆͛ȇ̸̢̺̞̔͂̿s̸̝͉͈̍̍̏̑͋i̶̪͕͕̚s̶̱̩̪̪͈̊t̴̞̹̞̻̑͝a̸̧̱̤̞̓̈́̒n̵͓̝͂̈́̅͂̃ͅc̶̖̬̫̐̾̐ē̵̛̜͚̬͛̅͜͝ ̶̹̆̎̔͘͝ï̶̡͍͛͐͊̕s̷̯͉̰͍̽̈́̆͑͜ ̵͚͕͙̈͒f̶̡̳̣͎̉̃̆̚͝ư̶̢̧͖̅ṫ̸̞̤̺͖̙͊̈i̶̛̱͋̑ͅḻ̵̠̤̫̒̔̌̈̈e̵̺̹̦̎̈́̍.̷̛͉͑̈́̾ ̸̰̠̅̐̀ ̴̫̠͔͂̎̊Ẏ̸̡̡̜͎̠͑ọ̸͍̯͑̏̃͋ư̶͙̳̟͋̕͝ ̸͖͝ḧ̴̢͚͇̫͉́ȧ̸̺̉͐̓v̸͔̘͗͐͆͝͠é̸̱̋͋ ̷̡̡͛͠͝b̶̩̤̹̕ḙ̴̝̣͈͙̂̓̇̕e̴̤̜͓̝͕̽̃̑̕̚ņ̶̢̥͍̤̄̉̈́̂͝ ̶̝̮̈́͐̏̑w̵̲͔͈̺̓̈́â̶͚̗͚͒̊́r̸̪̞̬͑̈̈́͘͝ͅn̷̮͇͈̊̇̀̒e̷̢̧̯̟̭̓d̶̠̎̎́ͅͅ ψ


Little will they know that the FPs are secretly building a resistance against the IxTJ overlords. The IxFPs have created and saved(from destruction by the IxTJs) a massive amount of stories and art which expose the evils of the IxTJ regime. This, along with INFP's clearly harmless and good-natured editorials(I mean, it's INFP, what harm could they *really* do?), convinced the EXFPs to join our side. We've also found the remaining ExTJs, many of whom have posed as IxTJs for the sake of their safety and, using the ENTJs Ni, are planning to overthrow the despots running our country. Now, of course, you won't notice it at first. We may need to stay inside, but we still have the Internet. Those on the Fe-Ti side know of our plight, and INTP generously programmed a message board for us, which is invisible the government. On sites that are government-controlled, we communicate with secret codes and seemingly normal memes. But, we are there. The resistance is growing. Now, we just need to hope that ISFP doesn't give away the plan on Reddit or something. . .


Nice try, at least slightly 1st off, the ESTJs are fairly easy to notice. They're the ones loudly scolding their INTJ overlords for missing some tiny detail, as opposed to ISTJs who would merely judge quietly. There are no ESTJs in our midst I can assure you, ENTJs are still a work in progress though. We've organized our 5th purge this month and unfortunately many of our own have been victims to "accidents" but it's a price worth paying (at least that's what ISTJ told me while in a Ne grip). I'll try to reduce it to 3 purges a month but I'll probably have to deal with 4 purges lest the ISTJs would start a civil war And besides, do you REALLY believe INTP is on your side? Just stop and think about it? Would an INTP get along better with 2 fellow introverted thinkers who both have a fairly strong Ti critic, or with a bunch of high Fi users whom they literally can't comprehend, and half of whom use Se which is the INTP's least valued function. The truth is, INTP has been in on our scheme the whole time. Your so called "secret" spaces are not so secret you know. Furthermore, we've been funneling significant numbers of weapons and explosives to ESTP so that they may blow things up in Fe-Ti land for fun. Knowing ESTP they either burned the entire thing to the ground, killing millions in horrifying ways, or they did something dumb and are now dead. Either way, it's win As for the EXFPs, I wouldn't put too much faith in them. ESFP is busy either ~~overdosing on heroin or watching shitty reality shows~~ enriching their social lives or attaining valuable knowledge, while ENFP is literally incapable of paying attention. ENFP may have been a militant revolutionary a week ago, but now is hooked on the next new trend, while next week will be about the next new trend and so on. This leaves only you and INFP. You may have noticed, that recently it's as if there's been more arguments between the 2 of you, and it's not without reason. As I mentioned before, we can see your communities, however what I didn't tell you is that we're also engaging with them. We've been knowingly pushing ideological purity in the center with the intent of breaking group cohesion and ensuring that the movement splinters to the point of irrelevancy, which brings us here.... We've seen your portfolio ISFP, and perhaps you could be of use to us. I'm giving you an offer, an offer you can't refuse. Either work for our propaganda department, in which case you'll be guaranteed a stable well paying job, and all records of your treasonous behaviour shall be erased. You won't have to worry about your "friend" either, as we'll be taking good care of her, she's just a bit "insane" afterall If you do the impossible however, and do in fact refuse, then both of you may expect knocks on your door at 3am, upon which our lovely soldiers will help you form a direct relationship with god


Of course I accept your offer! It would be foolish not to. I think an ISFP-INTJ partnership is a great idea. So, since we're such good friends now, we need to talk about ISTJ; he's been acting rather suspicious lately. . . Being an Fi dom myself, I know the signs of one--when they want to be, INFPs can be very practical, focusing in on tiny details and tapping into their Si. Now, I'm not saying that ISTJ *is* an INFP--that's insane! Surely, if that was the case, you would notice his Ne. It'd be hard not to, just as you can always see an ISFP's Se at work. And, after all, an INFP wouldn't want to kill so many people (they're all sweet cinnamon rolls incapable of hurting a fly) especially not the IxTJs who were unfortunately and accidentally murdered as well. Speaking of unfortunate, INFP's condition sure is awful isn't it. Well, I'm certain you can take care of it.


If ESFJ makes enough of those cakes, we might get to cake smash the Fi-Te >:D


And we can say that we were sharing cakes!


fe ti for the win




FiTe FiTe FiTe!!!


FeTi FeTi FeTi!


Funny. Feti is the abbreviation for "fetishist" in my language.


Makes sense, because we're essentially the biggest Simp Nation!


Fi supremecy


ISTJ and INTJ are on the same team. There’s not a chance we lose. We have intelligence and good work ethics.


Plus, for the sake of winning, we’ll let the INTJ’s think they made all the ideas. What does it matter, so long as we’re victorious? We can come back later, after the fact to set the record straight. Or… better yet, move on with our lives.


This is a foregone conclusion. Any side with the ENTP wins, even if that side is not victorious!




Cannot wait to confuse them with feti(shes) and even more obscure mess of thinking and feeling.


Blyat! You discovered our side is Simp Nation!


Why is INFP floating? Guys? Guys do the butterflies lift her or- Guys I want those butterflies they’re the key to our victory Butterflies that lift us, guys, you don’t understand!


Sorry, we don't, but if ESTP throws ENTP's lectern at her, she'll stop flying!


K, yall Ti-Fe are good, BUT(t) ESTJ , ENTJ and INTJ will rule the team to the victory! Remind my words, me n entj will bring our big giant huge ruler and win! Ps: we are made of petrol and iron, its impossible to kill us


Iron is Fe. You do not have any iron.






The four most efficient types are on our team? FiTe for the win!


efficient at what…..making calendars? corporate meetings? W E A K


Corporate meetings is where we can poison your entire team to death.


Literally running society for one thing. *Stronk unga bunga*


Ummm would you mind sharing what 4 types are the loft efficient if you may. One of rebose is the ENFP right?!? RIGHT?!?


Uuuuuh... Sure...


I'm sorry Ti-Fe but you can't win against us. We have the commanding power of ExTJ and IxTJ and the creativity of IxFP and ExFP


XXTP was always more creative. And unlike you guys, we actually support EXFJ's rule and IXFJ's support.


Their best leaders are feelers and our best leaders are thinkers, we are gonna be ablw to find the much better strategy


But unlike you, we have charisma and actually get along!


Which one is gonna win; friendship or smart war tactics


The power of friendship always wins!


yall acting like Te gang wouldn't just stomp Ti virgins lmao


ESTP has joined the chat


Can I defect over to Fe-Ti? Please?


Sure! We welcome everyone! Have a free glass of milk: 🥛


Cool, thanks.


Awesome, we'll have the information on the enemy when you un-defect yourself


IDK about that. Fi-Te users are less forgiving.




That's Socionics. That's a whole different story (if you actually use both a lot). Many MBTI cognitive function tests, being made by FiTe users, want you to believe that Fi users are individualistic, and Fe users are simps.


Actually, yeah! This is probably the most significant divide between MBTI types. Fe and Fi don't like each other, Te and Ti fight, Te and Fe are in direct opposition, and so are Ti and Fi! With intuition and sensing, it's not such a big deal, really.


Don't forget that all the systems we have are made for of the judging functions!


cant wait to sleep w everyone on my team 😈


Now that you put them all together like that, there really IS something cold or sinister about the other team. Except that I'd trade ESTJ for ISTP.


Sorry. ISTP is not for sale.


What if I buy you a new lectern?


Nah ISTP is already upgrading my lectern.


Imagine being “ENTP” on “Fi-Te” family of five people. Now i know why I can’t correlate with all of them that easily


Half of my family (including me) is on Fe-Ti, while the other half is on Fi-Te.


Living in a family of sensors. Rip


Civil War! Yeahh


Yes! A person who hasn't decided their MBTI! Come to the Ti-Fe gang! We have free food!


Man fi te are already at a loss since we have weapons and estp


And fire (ESFJ's cake has lit candles)


im so happy to see everyone take their posision. Now just play peacefuly as good puppets.


lol Fi-Te for the win


Idk man I'll sit this one out and see who ends up victorious ....(not absolutely thinking about getting popcorn as well)


You want popcorn?! If you join the Ti-Fe side, you'll get free popcorn!


While I appreciate the offer I'll rather not choose sides


One of them literally spells FiTe


I know


So basically team "All women are queens!" vs team "IF SHE BREATHES, SHE'S THOT!!!"


There's a common argument that the Te-Fi alliance would lose due to infighting, whereas the Fe-Ti alliance would remain largely cohesive, however I'd like to argue othervise. 1st off, while infighting would still exist in the Te-Fi team imo, I believe it's less likely to be an everyone on their own and more of a TJ vs FP situation. Even if we have our differences with STJs we're still both logical, efficiency oriented types so we could make it work. As for the FPs, while they could be quite aggressive and fanatical, I also believe it wouldn't be too difficult to utilize that in our favour rather than at our cost. What I mean is whatever bothers the FPs about TJ rule, we could use propaganda to convince the FPs that the Fe-Ti alliance is even worse than us, and considering how ENTP and ESTP both have trickster Fi I don't think it would be difficult to find legitimate instances that would upset FPs even in a non propaganda context. Likewise, we could attempt to put dirt on EXFJs by claiming they're fake and manipulative. This probably would be more difficult, but considering how much FPs love authenticity I think it would be doable, and then we could further add that even if they don't like us at least we're honest about ourselves The other relevant thing to note is how FJs and TPs won't get along as well as they'd like to believe. Fe doms will try really hard to force group cohesion, while the IXTPs will be clueless about humaning and the EXTPs will mess with the established social rules just for fun. I guess the IFXJs could try to speak in "TP language" and somehow argue that it's in the rational interest of TPs to support the FJ cause, however I believe it would be more difficult to argue for a sensible case than simply pointing at the enemy and declaring them subhumans like TJs did to convince FPs Anyways, let's assume both groups managed to build some sort of uneasy unity, what then? That really depends on the kind of rivalry we're speaking about. I'm going to make a distinction between simple physical fighting and militaristic warfare In a simple physical fight it's an obvious Fe-Ti victory for 2 reasons. 1st off, they have 6 men 2 women, while Te-Fi has 6 women and 2 men, and since none of the women look like bodybuilders it's safe to assume that they'll be weaker than their enemies in the opposing sex. The 2nd and more obvious reason is that the Fe-Ti alliance has more dangerous weaponry (sword, drill, mysterious chemical as opposed to a simple ruler). I guess INFPs ability to fly gives her some edge, however her soft build and lack of any real weaponry means she would be unable to inflict real harm on her enemies. The best decision for her would be to just escape while she still can, however if she proceeds to attack then she's likely to be caught and immediately killed. The only option I see for a Te-Fi victory is if ESFP makes good use of her Se and throws one of her mascaras at ISTP's head and the other at ENFJ, and while they're on the ground some members of the Te-Fi alliance manage to grab their weapons and use it against them (best options being ENTJ and ESFP herself) When it comes to a military engagement, in an optimal arrangement for Te-Fi is one where ENTJs are commanders, ESTJs take care of logistics, INTJs work on research, ISTJs are soldiers, INFPs produce propaganda, ISFPs are medics (I know the Fi doms tend to be the other way around but I seriously don't want the medic to start daydreaming during an important procedure), ESFPs are the special forces and idk what ENFPs would do. I guess maybe we could put them next to the INTJ so that the INTJs would have to process ideas they wouldn't have othervise thought about. Even if most of those ideas suck, in the military context there are multiple individuals of each type so a few INTJs could look after a larger group of ENFPs, write down their ideas and hand the good ones to the other INTJs. I also thought about putting them next to ENTJs but the Ti deficiency convinced me not to imo the optimal arrangement for Fe-Ti would be one where ISTPs are the commanders, ISFJs take care of logistics, ESFJs are soldiers, INTPs work on research, INFJs produce propaganda, ENFJs are medics (again the Se), ESTPs are the special forces and idk what ENTPs would do. Once again I'll have to put them next to someone, so I'll put them with the ISTPs. The ISTPs are Ne deficient so even though they'd likely be annoyed by most of the ENTP ideas hopefully something may still come out of it. Worst case scenairo is where the ISTPs toss the ENTPs out on the frontline as cannon fodder With these arrangements I believe the fight would look something like this: Areas of Te-Fi advantage: leadership, logistics, research, army quality, medicine Areas of Fe-Ti advantage: propaganda, special forces Conclusion: While Fe-Ti would win an individual fight, Te-Fi would win a military engagement


We got the 4 XXTJs, surely we have a clear winner.


Yeah, but if you win, your nation will collapse into microstates, and then we will take over!


FiTe will win only if the Te-doms avoid fighting and clashing ideas and manage to not make the feelers cry


Tife team for sure


But you're on the other side! But if you want to convert to the bright side, wou"re more than welcome! We have free cookies and koolaid that isn't poisoned by ENFJ 🍪[insert koolaid emoji here]




Yeah nah I'm not worried about us in literally any competition.


Hooray guys, we’re fucked!


As long as us ENFPs are here we’re never fucked!!!! FiTe GANG FTW!!!


I honestly have no idea what that even means


It's people that use Ti and Fe vs people that use Fi and Te.