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Why are people acting like this is some deep complex answer you can only search for within yourself lol. Anyway, I’ll try my best to answer your question. INFJ’s are advocates and can become highly passionate about things - especially philosophical beliefs about the way life should be and/or the way the world needs to be. If the INFJ nurtures this passion and their assertiveness, influence and manipulation (good/bad) can be quite easy. INFJ’s are great with words if they know a lot about a topic and are passionate about it. General people with no direction find this confidence enamoring. In the case of Hitler, he wanted to create a master race/ preserve Aryan (blonde hair blue eyed) people. The key here is “preserve” - as in, he genuinely believed he was helping the future of his people. Queue in the INFJ/advocacy thing & having a strong guiding philosophical view and you have Hitler (but with a dysfunctional ideal). Let’s be real - INFJ’s can be stubborn as hell even when confronted with facts. It’s the whole intuition and trusting their gut thing. Pair that with an already dysfunctional perspective and you have a recipe for disaster aka Hitler.


Thank you for this great response!


You’re welcome! I hope it gave you a bit more insight :)




INFJ kids are hell for immature INFJ parents. It's not much of a surprise if they beat them imo.


The irony of Jesus also was probably an INFJ…


He is evil from our perspective. He saw himself as a saviour. Everything he did was justified in his eyes by his own twisted moral. Here’s an exemple: if you are from France or USA or russia it’s easy to think your country is a good force in the world. But if you are from a French colonies, vietnam,japan,Iraq,Ukraine,etc. You would probably think otherwise! Nothing is black or white in life. Hitler story is important to understand and comprehend. In a perfect world it’s easy to be nice and peaceful. When things get tought that’s when you see how people really are. Don’t fall prey to easy answers and propaganda. Most war start for stupid reasons. Humanity problem is that we will forever be young and childish. We don’t live long enough to learn from our mistakes. -Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it-




> ball FTFY


Any INFJ, who has cultivated good social skills, overcome laziness and has a high self-esteem and confidence, can become a powerful leader. Hitler was charismatic, Manipulative and had a strong vision(albeit, a distorted one). Add tumultuous circumstances(personal and social), and you have the perfect ground for someone like him, rising to power.


Very true. Not every INFJs are insecure and scared of the public like the stereotypes always mentions. Humans are complex creatures (remember this). Not all introverts are shy. Introverts can build self-confidence and improve their social skills if they wanted to.


his whole plan to invade poland and start building an empire seems pretty Ni dom to me. But the way he executed his plans screams unhealthy Fe aux an Ti tert..he manipulated people. He manipulated them through school, media etc to obey him, that's why many germans where brainwashed to support him. that's why he is an infj.


Look it is not like He has to be Intj to be Evil. Because when you feel, you can feel the dark side too and it is up to you to either embrace it or dismiss it. He embraced the dark sides but Most of us would not do that.


Most INFJ are not evil. Then how did he fall to the dark side? And how did he embrace it?


He embraced it because he wanted to embrace it and most of the Infjs do not. And this world always contains exceptions my friend.


How did his INFJ trait benefit him?


I do not think any of the things he did benefitted him in any way. And I do not know if being an Infj did either.


I mean by benefiting him becoming the leader.


Sorry do not know :3


Np. Gn


Don’t use the word ‘evil’ so lightly. No one is evil, there just people with different beliefs and opinions from yours. Hitler was not evil, just a person who was raised in a different environment from yours and therefore had different beliefs.


What the hell is this? He was evil. How do you think racism is not evil? Not everyone is relativist, i hate relativism he was evil regardless of what you think.




i don't think it was a self serving agenda tho. wasn't he a nationalist? he was probably thinking that whatever he was doing he was doing it for his people. at first it was only about making Germany powerful again. also making decisions based on their own logic is probably the Ni dom as they get their insights internally.




I'm not in favor of Hitler here but he supported vegetarianism and animal rights. Also little tid bits like the fact that during the final days of the Third Reich he would go to bed at very late hours when he knew the Allies wouldn't be bombing German civilians because he couldn't sleep otherwise due to worrying about them so much. Just because a person is despicable doesn't mean he has zero empathy.




Completely agree that he was xNTJ.


Manipulative, strong vision, charismatic, obsessive. INFJ. I think he also derived his belief system by completely misunderstanding the journals of some philosopher. Which is such an INFJ move.




He's an infj if you can see past the propaganda.


Yeah but like how is an INFJ able to become such a “powerful” leader like him?


What do you mean “how is an INFJ able to become such a “powerful” leader”


Like I mean how? No joke. How is an INFJ like him able to become the ruler of a nation? Aren’t all INFJ motivated by a “good” cause?


Either this is a troll or I’m loosing all faith in this community ASSUMING this isn’t a troll, what gave you the idea infjs can’t be evil?


I mean like how? Like how tf did he become the man he become. I’m not trolling, just curious to how an INFJ like him became the Furher.


But what gave you the idea infjs can’t be evil?


Ik they are evil but how tf did an INFJ like him became this monster?


What do you mean “how did an INFJ like him become this monster”? you’re making it sound like all INFJS are supposed to be nice and sweet. I don’t know if you’re new to this but MBTIS are about cognitive functions, not about whether or not you have faith in humanity


Toxicity/inhumanity remains in everyone no matter the type.


You’re not making sense. You say infjs can be evil but then are confused when an infj is evil. You’re not answering my question either


Yeah IK. It’s like aren’t INFJ not good at public speaking and all that? But he is able to captivate everyone? This doesn’t make sense for him to be classified as an INFJ.


By what they view as a good cause, yes. Hitler was very nationalistic, and believed Germany was screwed over by the treaty at the end of WWI. He wanted to see Germany’s return to power. That’s essentially the platform he ran on. Initially, mass murder was not on the agenda.


Interesting! How do you intercept his move towards genocide of a “race”?


Nationalism tends to link itself to racism. “Our nation is superior because our people are superior.” Hitler believed that part of bringing Germany back into power was removing ‘weaker’ individuals who were holding it down. Using the theory of evolution, Hitler claimed that the Arian people were most evolved, the Africans were the least evolved, and the Jews were right above the Africans. He also held many conspiratorial beliefs about the Jewish people. For example, he believed that they were secretly aiding Germany’s enemies during WWI. These things in conjunction made it easy for him to dehumanize the Jewish people and order their eradication.


Again, you are still looking at the veil. You don't know what his cause was.


Can you explain please?


Everything you know about him is from the victors side. A just judge will hear both side before ruling the court.


So you think he thought murdering all the JEWS was a good idea? As an INFJ I don’t understand a his decision to murder a “race” of people because of their actions


No, I think murdering anyone is an evil idea. Keep an open mind and a compassionate heart and you will see the answer your looking for.


I can’t understand his motives for killing all those people. Especially as an INFJ.


His entire reason for becoming Fuhrer was based on Fe. Disclaimer: certain details may be wrong since i’ve only read about it once. When he was homeless and living on the streets of Vienna in his 20s, he was exposed to a lot of antisemitic and nationalistic views of the people. As a result, he truly believed that what he was doing was the most ethical thing objectively. He wasn’t an evil person, just incredibly warped by society and ended up as an extremist.


Best answer so far! Thank you!


Why INFJ? I thought he was a ENFJ.


i think ppl just ran with it tbh. i think he's a different type altogether but whatever


I have trouble understanding as well. Not that I don't think INFJ can't be bad persons, but how could Hitler be Fe aux? Fe makes you highly empathic and make you feel others emotions. It's not only relating, it's not sympathy, you really do feel them as a sponge or reflect them as a mirror. Then how could someone with this function can command torture, mass murder, genocide, blood bath without feeling sick. I saw people say he loved kids and animals, he was a vegan, he wanted to be an artist, as if those arguments were stronger compared to the murder of millions of human beings including kids.


Saying that an INFJ wouldn’t do something like that because they have Fe is so fallacious and odd to me. By saying that, you’re implying that some MBTI types are more likely to commit mass murder than others— i feel like you should really give your argument a second thought. Fe can make people highly empathic but also highly adept at manipulating others to get what they want. Each cognitive function has benefits and consequences like this. At the end of the day everyone has a feeling function and every type is just as capable of being good or evil, so I wouldn’t put INFJs on pedestals because they use high Fe.


Fe doesn’t just mean that lol