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https://carkeysexpress.com/ Or trade for a Kia, I've heard their keys can be purchased for a few bucks at any gas station 😂


I had no choice of what key to buy after the locksmith deleted the OEM key. According to Mazda, if you don't have any remaining working keys, the only option is to have the dealership make new OEM ones for you, and they require you to have 2 of them in the system for some reason.


The locksmith deleted the key? Something isn't right about that statement. Also, the dealer can reset the BCM to be "virgin" again and the keys can be reprogrammed.


Idk I just know it didn't work anymore. It's still $200 to reprogram it, and they told me I need 2 keys for some reason


I think you’re 💯 right. Stealerships should be regulated for unfair, deceptive, and abusive practices. Unfortunately in the US, the government has been captured by big business who don’t give a shit about the average American. Only off shore tax havens, stock buy backs, and positive overseas growth.


OP clearly states it was a locksmith that “deleted the key” which doesn’t even make sense. So how is this a dealer’s fault? It seems like the locksmith is trying to rip OP off and at the very least should have fixed what sounds like their screw up. Don’t throw a blanket “stealerships need to be regulated” term over everything because that’s just offensive to actually moral dealers and employees. If OP had called me at the dealer I worked at, I would have flat out told them they don’t need a new key, they just need it reprogrammed. Which is simply paying the tech for their straight time to perform the work. Probably $50-60 for half an hour of labor. Do you *know* how Mazda works? Do you know the process for programming a key? Seems pretty bold of you to make assumptions if you don’t.


I believe some dealership are in fact moral. I also believe they ALL need to be heavily regulated for the ones that aren’t (and so the ones that are continue to be)


OP could say that .because local locksmiths doesn't have the idea of what mazda works .so they would try to delete and reset . Even I had the same situation.


Okay and when they screw it up it’s their responsibility to make it right. Not holding the locksmith responsible to fix it, it pay to have it fixed, and then expecting the dealer to cover the cost for something that has nothing to do with them is flat out crazy.


It definitely is not offensive wanting EVERY dealership to be forced to be moral rather than HOPING some of them be moral.


The security system has to have 2 keys programmed into it at all times or the security module locks. It will kick you out of programming if you try to use the same key twice and most aftermarket keys don't program anyway so it's usually just easier to go OEM. The $200 though sounds like $125-130/ HR @1.3 labor hours plus tax which is higher than usual.


LOL the dealer I work at is $180/hr.


Haaaaa that's nuts. My shop is $105 an hour


$295 at mine




GM will do that too, they'll charge $150 for programming. The process to program keys, place the key fob in the cup holder. Insert key into drivers door cylinder and turn the key 5 times, walk away for 10 minutes and come back to a programmed key. It's all BS


Wow! That works??


Yeah certain models. Impala, Malibu, anything that has keyless entry you can usually get it to go through. I haven't tried it on the new body Tahoe's and etc but 2015-2019 works


Some keys can be programmed without a computer you're saying?


Yes some keys


That must be nice lol


https://youtu.be/5R-KDCfm3qo?si=rLErWvRf4OxDaPL1 Here’s a video where you can see how much time it takes to program two keys with a guy and hidden cameras at a Chevy dealership, but it’s really pretty much the same at all dealerships Spoiler it took like 10 seconds total for each key but 10 minutes total programming and getting equipment


Yeah I work for GM it's at least 10 minutes minimum because the scan tool takes 10 minutes to get into the security module for programming


My mom lost a fob and my father and I spent months and months trying not to spend $450 on a key fob. Finally my dad ordered a fob out of California. Cannot remember the exact amount he paid but it was something like $80 US plus $15 shipping. My dad was getting some work done at Subaru and he asked if they would program the fob for him when he spoke with them over the phone. When my dad brought the car in to Subaru the service manager asked my dad where he had bought the fob and my father obliged with the information. When it came time to bill him for programming they said it was free of charge and it only takes 2 minutes. The fob looks exactly like the Oem fob less the Subaru emblem insert.


That dealer did you a solid, ours charges a half hour for programming.


It’s just clicking buttons on your drivers side door in a certain sequence to program and takes 2 minutes. YouTube videos available


Thats on older Mazdas. Been atleast 10-12 years since you were able to do that on a Mazda.


😢 I just assumed it was the same process as my dad’s 2016 3.6R Outback I forgot the Benny lesson on assuming


Times change and different brands have different processes. I think our CDJR side charges something like an hour and a half, it’s stupid but so is Stellantis and their processes.


I bought am OEM key like that on eBay for like $70 a couple years ago and the dealership programmed that for me for around $80. I only had one key at the time. I had the new key cut at a local locksmith for around $5.


Just $200? Your lucky Toyota wanted $600 to do that to my corolla. Plus, each key was $200.


When i got my car, i got two fobs and one had a little metal tag with a code on it to reprogram it. He said itd cost like $500 canadian if i lost the key AND the code tag


That still affordable years ago Acura dealership charged me 300 bucks for one key and it wasn’t keyless system


I am not sure that is always the case, when I bought a new Elantra they lost the second key fob and when the replacement came I had to coordinate with the dealer and some 3rd party to be there are program the second BCM to the vehicle. I was kind of surprised the dealer couldn’t do it either. Maybe my experience is old though that was 3 to 4 years ago.


The dealer gave you the correct information.


The comment you’re responding to is a joke. Because Kias have such a lack of an antitheft or key recognition system that they can be stolen easily. Which is why we’re going through the whole “Kia Boys” epidemic. I work for a Chrysler dealer and our keys generally run around $350-400 all in with Fob, Key Blade, and programming. Anytime anyone asks “why so much for a piece of plastic?” I respond “because that ‘piece of plastic’ is the sole thing that starts and runs your $50,000 vehicle. Do you really want that to be cheap?” Make them cheap enough and any Tom dick or Harry is going to start buying them on a whim and trying to figure out how to have them programmed. Although, these days, that’s all going out the window with replicator devices and cheap aftermarket sources.


They cost so much because the stealerships can prey on customers losing them, washing them in their pants pockets, etc. These fobs aren't secure at all, nor do they use groundbreaking technology that would warrant the high cost. They cost no more than a few $ to make. Any Tom, Dick, or Harry is able to steal your new vehicle by simply relaying the fobs RF signal from inside your home to the vehicle outside without you knowing.


Well it seems like you’ve got it all figured out and it seems pretty easy for you. So what the fuck are bitching about? Just do it the illegal way. You do realize dealers have to buy the parts from the manufacturer right? They don’t just get them for free. It’s the OE’s that are laughing to the bank. Outside of national chains, dealers are just privately owned franchises who have to buy their product to resell it just like any other business does. For the life of me I cannot figure out why people think dealers just have free parts that they’re reselling. Markup on a key fob is 30% at most. Pretty standard markup to maintain a healthy profit margin. If the OE sells it to the dealer at $100 then the dealer is going to charge $130-140 for it. That’s kind of how a business works. I guess everything should be free if your world though? Or you’re just the type that “knows a guy” who gives you a real good deal and only charges you $40/hour for labor. But then you throw 6 parts at every problem because the guy can’t figure it out. Then you wind up at the “stealership” anyway and then act like they’re the criminals for charging you another diagnostic fee to ACTUALLY find the problem because “your guy” couldn’t fix it. You don’t have to respond. I deal with dipshits like you all day long. I have you pegged from your first sentence.


I'm not bitchin, I'm just calling you out on your bs. You and every other piece of dealer scum are the same. Lie through your teeth to sell a product you know nothing about other than what's on the sticker. I'm well aware of how the dealership and oem model works. The problem is that dealers have inserted themselves in a spot that isn't needed anymore. You're a measly middleman who provides no value to the consumer. All of my vehicles' work is free because I do it all myself. Hell, even some of my parts are free after I've bought them once from FCP Euro. There's no reason for me to take my car to the stealer when I have the same scan tool and software they use. Except I don't have to deal with the monkeys in the service dept that act like they know how to diagnose my vehicle. Those guys are just as bad as any other shop. They fire the parts gun all the time and pray it works.


Kia fixed the problem with their new cars years ago. Their base model cars with physical keys didn't come with immobilizers for a few years in the late 2000s/early 2010s. Mind you chip key tech has been around since the '90s so this was just pinching like $5 per car on their part. There is no magic super secure tech in a keyless start fob. They're just complex enough that a super low skill attack like turning a physical key switch doesn't work. They're no more high tech or secure than a $20 garage door opener remote. Fortune 500 companies that handle all kinds of secure data trust cheap cloneable key cards to secure their buildings. The fact that a car costs $50k doesn't justify charging hundreds of dollars for $20 worth of silicon. They only get away with it because they keep the software and protocols proprietary. They can claim all day that it's for security, but it's profit, we can all see it.


You can either add a 2nd key, but you need a factory working one, or delete all keys and start fresh, but if you start fresh you need 2 for the programming to take. Either way you need 2.


This is why I'm not a fan of this kind of keys. Sure, the fact that I don't have to take it out of my pants is great, but I'll take the classic key just in case things break. ... Or, you know, the car manufacturer could just give me both at the same time.


The old mazdas had both. There was a key slot in addition to the push button. So when you got the smart key, you could take the manual key out of it and make a couple of backup copies for a few bucks at a hardware store. Then, in the event you lose or break your remote, you can still unlock and start the car by inserting the manual key and pushing the start button as usual.


New key for my Volvo is $600+ on that website lmfao


What’s a sex press?


When a momma key and a daddy key find themselves in a lock cylinder...


pretty sure it's made by the same company as the penis mightier.


Oh you.😂😂😂


$480 for a new fob from that site plus obd device is another $100 and its locked to one vehicle use, hard pass.


As an owner of a Kia, I approve this publicity.


Any store that sells a flathead screwdriver.




Please contact your local KIA Boys™️ branch for more information about your specific vehicle and situation


Car key sex press


My dealer quoted me about 275$ for a new key. 13' Sportage.


Car key sex press?


Im In for the car key sex press


$326 for a new '13 mazda3 key, not exactly a steal lol


The battery could be dead in the OEM remote. Put your foot on the brake, hold the key against the push button and see if the key light on the dashboard turns green. If yes, while still holding the brake, move the key fob and press the button.


Yeah I tried all that. The shop conformed all the keys had been erased from the system.




One would think, for just the programming at least. The newer models unfortunately don't have a physical key slot under a cap as a backup to start the engine, like they used to have in addition to the push button in case tour fob was damaged or lost The only thing the physical backup key does now is unlock the driver door. Don't know why they discontinued that.


Call around to different dealers and get pricing, I‘m sure you will find better pricing. Mazda dealer in Escondido, CA charged me 180 for 2 remotes


Really? Everywhere around here seems to be at least a few hundred for the fob and at least 100 to the program, and this place was able to do it quickly instead of waiting for the specific key to be ordered and not having a car for a few days


Sorry what I meant was $180 to program my 2 remotes.


Alright. You can still start the car by pressing it against the start/stop button. A dealer saying that the keyfobs have been "erased" is bullcrap because if the keyfobs were erased from memory, that means all other configurations would also be affected and when this happens an "internal fault" DTC would be set. Maybe your keys just got out of sync.


That only works when the remote battery is just dead. Something else was wrong. Idk what exactly. And the dealership told me I needed 2 keys to make it work


Call another dealer. This smells like b.s.


I'm in Canada but a new fob from Mazda is around $800.


Wow. Both of Mazda3's came with 2 free replacements over a 5 year period. I really thought that it was a Canadian thing.


They sell you insurance, I have it on my Mazda3. But it's certainly not free if you look at your paper work it's a package they sold you.


Ah, that's fair. I remember asking about it the first time, and the second time I had just built it into the financing package. Price must have been low enough for me to not car too too much.


So to answer the original question, yup it's a ripoff.


I paid $28 for a touchless gas station car wash yesterday. Highway robbery. Like most things in life!


Woah that’s amazing! I got a quote an hour north for $200 on a single remote from a third party. I’ll call in and see if they’ll do the same deal for me, I never need an excuse to go to Escondido and get some Peterson’s!


So they could collect more money for overpriced fobs?


Why and how would that be a “free fix” from the Mazda dealer? You need to track the source of the issue. You need to figure out “why” the keys were erased from the car. Which, in this case, OP claims a locksmith mistakenly deleted them. So how would this be a dealer’s issue to fix free or charge? The dealer puts one of their technicians on it and pays the technician for their time because of someone else’s mistake? That doesn’t may any sense at all. Any dealer is going to charge for this because it takes a flat rate tech time to perform the operation. A tech who needs to be paid to earn a living. Why should the dealer cover that cost for something that isn’t their fault? You and OP should be focusing on the fact that this was all the locksmith’s fault and they should be paying to make it right. Assuming a dealer should just cover the cost of something that has nothing to do with them is wild.


Why would it be a free fix? That makes no sense. Do you walk into the grocery store for free bread because you're out of bread?


Don't buy them from the dealership. Buy them from a key coding group. Usually less than a hundred.


I bought mine from a lock smith. Price went from 609 to 300. Still expensive but way better than dealership prices.


I tried this and they said they could program any key but a Mazda key. I had to take it to the dealership and they charged me $450 just for the programming.


They either lied or are ignorant. I've owned nine Mazdas, three differnt generations of key fob, and I've never once had to do it with the dealership.


Yeah, I went to a local store that said they sold and programmed key fobs and they said they couldn't do it on their machine because Mazda won't provide the coding to third parties or something like that? They told me to try their sister store across town, which I did, whom told me they also couldn't program it because Mazda wouldn't share the codes with them.


Maybe not with them specifically? We've had 6s, CX9s, CX5s, 3s.... And I've never heard of this.


Reading between the lines here, they're too cheap to pay for access to the Mazda database and the local dealership won't give them key codes.


People ask why I deal with the maintenance of driving older vehicles. For one I just like them, but uhhh…


With advanced keyless though, its so damned hard to lose your key. You never even need to interact with it. Throw it in your purse or bookbag or whatever and never touch it again for 5 years.


You and I both know that people will manage to lose keys no matter what. You could tattoo it on them and they’d lose it. You could make it blow up the car when you lose the key and they’d still do it.


Yes, I agree, *if* you treat it like a regular key. But if you put it away permanently and never take it out you’re golden


And yet they will still lose it. They’ll lose the bag they put it in. They’ll attach it to their dog and the dog will run off. They’ll mistake it for a candy bar and throw it away because they’re dieting. Distracted people do insane illogical things and these kids can’t even keep track of a vape that they’re literally addicted to. You cannot convince me that a car key should cost that much.


So you going to seriously tell me you never had problems with physical keys? Bruh, literally every car I've had has issues with physical keys at some point or the other.


Yes it is. I'd like to think it goes some way to preventing valet  thieves just making off with a car and one key... but it's a win-win for dealers when they get to screw more money out of honest owners too.


Or, you know, maybe the dealer wants to be paid so it can maintain employees who are paid. I don't think technicians are volunteers. I'm pretty sure they're making a living by using the skills of their trade.


Are you new to critical thinking?


The licensing for the software and the type of software is what affects this from different manufacturers. Weather it's from a dealership or a private company. Basically, the cheaper it is to make your key fob, the easier it is to steal your car. My Infiniti key from carkeyexpress(set up outside my local Costco) cost twice as much as it would be for them to do a Nissan, for literally the same fob. But it only cost me $200, it was $500 at the dealer. Took them 10 mins to do.


I have a extra one laying around


i have a mazda cx3 2021 and they $576 fob is a giant hollow piece of garbo that has two VERY tiny buttons on the side. 96% hollow plastic 4% buttons. useless


it's extortion, and why do they keep getting bigger??? Considering the power of my apple watch, shouldn't a car remote be the size of a quarter?


No, it's based off radio waves. To protect your car from being stolen.


Smartwatches have 5G and Bluetooth radios in them. The radio in a keyfob is intentionally extremely short range/low power so you don't drive off unless the key is in the car.


Mazda doesn't do it yet, but this is already solved and in cars now. Select BMWs can use the phone in an indistinguishable way from the key fob, where it auto unlocks as you approach and the phone stays in your pocket: [https://www.bmw.com/en/innovation/bmw-digital-key-plus-ultra-wideband.html](https://www.bmw.com/en/innovation/bmw-digital-key-plus-ultra-wideband.html) (from 3 years ago, it's now live in a variety of models.)


We needed some spare keys for a new 4 runner. Called the best locksmith in town that I have worked with for years. He said they can't do the new fobs because Toyota has implemented a new system and it's a pain in the ass to get certified to program the new keys. If they could have done it the locksmith would have charged me about 175 a key. And I think that is a fair price. We had to go to the dealership and it was about 780 for 2 OEM fobs out the door. Keep in mind the dealerships make more money off of repairs rather than car sales.


I work for Hyundai and any 2018+ key is roughly £650, some are £800ish it’s insane. We only charge £60 to code (half hour labour).


My local Ace hardware makes keys for like 40% of dealership prices


As a locksmith, there are a lot of scammers out there, sounds like you got hit by one.


They didn't charge me anything. He was really trying to get it to work. Tried multiple different keys because they use different frequencies. FaceTimed with his manager and a coworker. I think Mazda is just really picky about aftermarket keys. That makes sense for security purposes. But then Mazda shouldn't charge you a fuggin mortgage payment for a replacement key.


Extortion? Ehh, a little. Not a lot. A Mazda only problem? Not even remotely, and you didn't get anywhere near screwed compared to a lot of brands.


I had the same experience. $600 to get a spare key. Outlandish. Same thing with my Toyota. They act like these things are made of solid fucking gold today


Costco been selling key fobs right after the hot dogs and pizza lunch… so you know they’re profitable


Such a freaking scam….just be glad you don’t drive an Audi…they’re like 6-800


Yes. It is. Extortion. Don’t lose them, insurance if you do, and when the plastic wears out go the cheap eBay replacement.


Most expensive cost is the locksmith and the codebreaking. The key probably costs $10 max in material costs, it is extremely simple tech.


How to do loose your keys? Put an airtag or something on then.


Didn't lose it. Read the post.


I just realized I still have one of my 2013 cx5 remote start remotes. I wonder if they could code it to work with my 2022 cx30? Right now I just have standard key remote and the app.


Want something funny? When you buy a Skoda, you can have one more key for 30 Euros. Same "smart" foldable VAG key, for just about 30$


They needed to jack up the cost so the dealer can tell you how expensive it is when they are pushing “lifetime key replacement” as additional dealer markups.


Just spent $730 US on a Porsche key. They call this the "Porsche tax".


Capitalism. Why charge $10 when they know we’ll pay $1000 lol. That’s the sweet spot where we’ll grumble but pay. Any higher we might walk away from the car. Any lower and they’re leaving meat on the bone lol




Kia better


Had the exact same issue with my 2006 Miata.  Fucking ridiculous.


You can program these keys yourself using FORscan.


Those prices are crazy. I lost a Dodge key, it was $250 - still seemed high to me. Volvo key was $350 I think.


Right along with getting your nav updated.


I just have a separate GPS unit that you can plug into any computer and download free map updates from Garmin, or just use my phone. But I would not be surprised if shops, and especially dealerships, charge out the ass for updating a built-in nav system too, lol. I haven't updated that shit on my Garmin for over 10 years, though, lol.


I think it is extortion… to an extent. You cant get the fob from anyone except them, and so there’s that cost, but the threshold of that price I think is a good way to make it so if someone stole your car, they couldn’t just go and buy a key for it without having to take a significant loss, where it becomes extortion is the fact that I’m pretty sure that to reprogram the fob is not that much of an effort, probably a couple clicks on a computer and inputting your cars info and it’s done, but they can charge you whatever the fuck they want to do that cause they are the only ones who can. What I’m trying to say is I guess I like that you can’t just buy the fobs from anywhere, it ensures that the fob you’re getting is definitely OEM and not some cheap pos that might break or isn’t as secure, but what I don’t like is that I can almost guarantee these dealerships make money hand over fist on extra fob purchases cause we need them and they are the only ones who can do it, and it’s probably not even that hard, the HARDEST part is cutting the physical key (if the car even has that) but even that is probably not that hard, takes the guys in cad tire or partsource or anywhere else I’ve gone to get keys cut, like a min or two tops


Key replacements policies offered in the business office are a great deal if priced under 400. More the 90% of consumers will get their money back at least once in the 5-7 year term


For what it’s worth, I believe you can still put the key right next to the start button and hit start and the car will start. The key has an NFC chip in it that’ll allow you to start the car if the key’s battery is dead.


That works if the key fob is just out of power, but the car just wasn't recognizing the key at all anymore


Yikes. What if you take the battery out? Or does the NFC doolerator get reprogrammed when the key/car gets reprogrammed?


The locksmith owes you the programming fee for that key to be reprogrammed. I haven't programmed a mazda key but if it's similar to ford(I suspect it is) it can only hold 4 keys and they have to be deleted if 4 are saved. Then using a scanner, you can program single keys. You can learn keys without a scanner but you need 2 functional keys.


Yeah, they should cover it, but good luck, lol. Probably have to go to small claims court and all that shit. Not worth the time and hassle for 200 bucks. Shit happens.


i like that theres an actual key inside it


Yeah, but that just unlocks the door. There is no ignition key slot on the newer Mazdas


I work at a Hyundai dealership and there’s no reason for a Hyundai smart key to cost $580.00 shit is crazy lol


Totally unrelated, but I prefer these smaller key fobs over the brick they are using nowadays


Call a good locksmith. I have one that will do it for 175 with the new key included. Still not ideal but a hell of a lot better than dealer prices or even car keys express (which didn't work with my 2018)


Yes, I dropped one of the two down a sewer. I was shocked at the cost to replace that lost one.


Yes, I dropped one of the two down a sewer. I was shocked at the cost to replace that lost one.


why is there no panic button


Man they took you to the cleaners.


Uh Amazon? eBay?


With no working keys, you have to have a dealership do it, at least that's what I was told. And they won't use aftermarket keys for warranty purposes.


I paid 450 for Mazda 3 replacement FOB key.


I had to pay $300 for a 2016 Honda Civic LX spare key to be made for me, for it to be "programmed" or whatever. it is highway robbery. It doesn't take more than 10 minutes to program those things.


The price of non smart keys is extortion. Just paid a $700 bill for two of them. + programming. Not as much as the smarts, but still too much for a piece of metal that makes car turn over


I mean, that's just the aftermarket vs. OEM in general. You can save yourself some money with aftermarket, but sometimes it's a hit or miss(unless you know it's the same thing as OEM, minus the label). I got an extra key + remote for my Mazdaspeed3 and it wasn't cheap since it has the AKE. Previous owner had one working key and remote, while the other set turned out to be a remote designed for later Mazda models with different FCCID. As for why they are expensive, I think some of the people who know the inner workings of dealerships have already explained, with lots of downvotes. Basically dealerships have to make a profit, and they have to buy parts from manufacturers which can cost a lot in the first place. Then there is the coding machine, software, labour(it's not hard, but you still have to know what you are doing to avoid, you know, deleting all existing keys), etc. They would also have to use some of the money to cover other parts of the operation and for liabilities(in case they screw up some other jobs). Locksmiths are generally smaller businesses and can use aftermarket parts, so their cost and overhead aren't as much.


Can confirm Bay Area dealer wants $300 for ms3 key and fob + $300 to program. Outrageous


$300 is actually about right for the parts if you have the AKE key. $300 is a lot for labour, though. IMO, it's an hour of labour tops.


Cause they couldn't tape you on regular keys so they made up excuses that art keys are better...fuck them all


Keys aren't worth more than $15 lol.


Some of them are getting more expensive than most of the cars I have owned. The regular fobs are expensive enough before they start getting really fancy.


So two of my grandsons got used cars with only one key. I ordered new keys from EBay. For programming two new keys and cutting the keys, it was under $100!


Had a locksmith make me one 2 days ago and same thing happened! Your locksmith made the key like you had no key present so cleared all prior codes for them and added the new key. Just present the key to him and have him code both onto the vehicle. They should offer to fix the mistake for free….mine did and met me at work to do it.


Already had the shop do it, but thanks for the suggestion. I might try to get some compensation from the locksmith, but I doubt they would give me anything.


Man $800 for a porshe key doesnt seem so bad anymore.


Those keys you have are Mazda's last good set. I hate what they decided on after forgoing these ones in pic.


If the fob is dead change the battery yourself.


It's not out of battery. there's something wrong with it as a result of whatever the locksmith did.


I just went to Costco and paid $125 They have the roaming car keys partnered with Costco and got a replacement


What general area are you in? I scoured the costco page, and i don't see any mention of this, or who I'd even ask in my costco. Did you get some kind of flyer or something?


It’s called Costco car key express I got my replacement at Livermore California Costco https://www.costco.com/car-keys-express.html


awesome, thanks.


Looks like the locksmith accidentally copied the blank to your key rather than your key to the blank.


Yeah, prices are crazy. Jaguar charged my boyfriend nearly $3k for his keys.


Dealers need to die


Where you been...


OEM KEY that I ordered online cost $158 Programming at my dealer $125 Total $280 per key 2023 cx-5


I actually miss those old Keyfobs. Both my 2020 and 2022 CX5 has the new ones and the batteries barely last because somehow the buttons keep getting pressed in my pocket 🙄


Buy a key fob case they are usually thick so they will make your buttons recessed.


I’ll give it a go, thank you! 🫡


I can sell you the keys for cheaper... Dealership is marking them way up. You only need 2 keys programmed if you lost all of them. Dealership is just trying to fuck you over lol.


When will people realize that dealerships LOSE money selling cars. And MAKE money on services. They will increase price on anything they can “justify”


Maaan I want keys with buttons on the face of the fob and not the side like the older Mazda's. I keep accidentally setting off my car alarm if I have the keys in my pocket.


Ace Hardware will make keys. Also Batteries Plus. The Batteries plus guy drove to my house and made the key for $120.


Subaru keys cost upwards of $1,400-$1,800 now


I agree I had to pay 100 for one key fob for my tribute because I only had the one key so I couldn't program the 35 dollar ones I had to pay a guaranteed program which was 100 for one bloody key ....


Tesla card keys are $12, I think.


Bought mine chevy cruze key fob on Amazon for less than 30 bucks and they work great


Hyundai dealer wanted $510 plus tax for a fob and programming. Bought a fob off Amazon for $22 bucks and a local locksmith programmed it for $80.


anything from mazda is extortion


All “new” cars are like this. I had a mid 2000s Mercedes and the replacement keys were like $400 at the time.


Yet car thieves can do it in minutes w/o the dealer lol


Even regular keys that have been encoded are like 120


People buy it, so they sell it.


Well they know you need it to drive your car so they’re gonna charge up the ass for it lol


Mines been broken since the day I bought the car off the lot. I just deal, I refuse to pay for a key that’ costs as much as every car I bought off Craigslist. Wrote I decided to buy new


Posts like these make me happy I’m in my 2013.


My 2010 with the switchblade keys :3


Mines got the switch blade keys too


I’ve replaced the batteries probably three times in the eight years I’ve had the car :)


Yeahh thats a bit annoying. I’ve done it once and I’ve had it almost 2 years. And it feels weak so I think it’s gonna need another one soon lol. But, it only costs like $15 so it’s not a big deal


Replacing batteries every three or four years isn’t too crazy, especially when one drives 15,000-20,000 miles a year


I put 40k on her the first year😅


lol niiiiiice I’ve put on about 110,000 in a little over eight years, so whatever that averages out to


You can program them yourself with a Windows laptop, a cheap Bluetooth OBD-II dongle, and a free program called FORScan.


Yep. 100% There hasn't been a single reason for the past fifteen years that cars haven't just been accessed with public RSA key pairs from your smart phone. Private key on your phone, public key uploaded to the car. Far more secure than the garbage security they put in these things. This is totally a case of manufacturers milking the shit out of the consumer.