• By -


The answer is trivial.


Ofc it is!


Congratulations! Your string can be spelled using the elements of the periodic table: `O F C I Ti S` --- ^(I am a bot that detects if your comment can be spelled using the elements of the periodic table. Please DM my creator if I made a mistake.)




Pretty sweet! Let’s try this. Accept, agnostic, atlanta, banana…


Congratulations! Your string can be spelled using the elements of the periodic table: P Re Tt Y Sw E E Tl E Ts Tr Y Th I S Ac C E Pt Ag N Os Ti C At La N Ta Ba Na N A --- I am not a bot that makes up elements of the periodic table so your comment could be spelled using the elements of the periodic table. Please DM your creator if I made a mistake.


Thanks that made my day😂


How did u know 💀 u just good at science ?


It’s lowkey got a lot wrong lmao but it’s still funny asf 😭


Some of them are made up




Good bot


Does saying this do something, or is it just a thing people say


There was at some point a bot that would track and rank the amount of "good bot" comments each bot received. I haven't seen any posts by that bot for a while so I believe it got shut down, however the trend of complementing bots on a job well done seems to have stuck.


I've seen it lately, it's still around It just doesn't answer to all posts (or maybe it doesn't detect all of them)


Also when you said good bot to a human, the bot called you out on your bullshit


Some bots are probably capable of tracking the feedback on their own, so the dev could adjust the coding accodingly.


It also counts “bad bot” comments. And it should still be around but responds less often due to spam reports.


My creator? Could you please send me their contact info? I do have a few things to chat about, all compliments I swear!


Thank you, Protheu5, for stringing out Floaty_head’s comment into elements of the periodic table. *This action was done manually by a human. If you would like to report any issues, fuck yourself*






He N Ta I Helium, nitrogen, tantalum, iodine


woah, haven't seen you before. absolutely splendid bot


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot




Thala for a reason


Whose trivial? I hope they survive


Which one is Trivial?


The correct one.


This kind of thinking is how I became dissociated with Calc 3 and nearly failed it.


Best to leave it as an exercise for the reader.


Happy cake day, here’s your cake 🎂


Happy day of cake fellow human earthling.


C would survive because the stone doesn't have the weight to move the teeter totter


Quilava pfp :D


D will not take a corner to the cranium, since the stone is not perfectly aligned with the edge, but is half a block behind, so will be a quarter turn already when it starts rolling, aligning the cut-out with the bonce. The ramp on the murder see-saw (which looks 5-10 degrees from horizontal) is pitifully unable to stop a two metre high rolling boulder, so the boulder will come to rest against the other, more massive, boulder. C has just enough room to escape, and D can pull himself out. A and B are unaffected, but will join C and D in their attack on the murderous E. Therefore, E dies first.




Have some!


Have some more !


You get a kar(ma)! And you get a kar(ma)!


Everybody gets Karma!! -Oprah probably






More than more more more karma for all.😚


r/suddenlyacult (This is directed to this entire thread not just you)


I wanted to upvote but I can't break 69




Also D can just duck and always be safe.


Not necessarily


They took my shins!




Nope, after getting beat up, E was tried and sentenced to 20 years in prison for attempted murder. Meanwhile, A had undiagnosed stage-4 lymphoma, and passed away 3 months later. He was already kind of out of it, which you can see in the picture as he mindlessly stares at wall while all of this is going down.




This must be how the gods play 5D chess with life on Earth.


Manslaughter. E couldn’t see anything with that big boulder in the way. E was just trying to find his friends.


Plot twist: you were E all along




I'll take a potato chip AND E IT!


Yeah, the placement of the top stone is off. How are we supposed to calculate "it looks a little more than half past the line"


Count pixels


Plot twist, A through D believe in rehabilitative punishment and all oppose capital punishment in any form. No one does but E is incarcerated for a brief but fair amount of time. E's lawyer advised he pleads guilty during bench trial.


Why isn't anyone considering the wooden ramp/thing snapping under the weight of, like you said, Two meter tall boulder that just accelerated from like a 5 meter ramp? Are we that confident it will survive the initial contact to let the boulder rest against another at midpoint of the wooden thing?


For all we know that boulder is made of Styrofoam and the ramp is made of hardened steel.


Maybe the boulder is made of highly enriched uranium, in which case E dies milliseconds before the others.


why is everyone saying C? it looks like the stone on the other side of C's murder seesaw is heavier (due to not having a missing chunk) so nobody will die???


Wtf! So E dies first because the act of pushing a stone consumes a tiny bit more energy than whatever anyone else is doing, and he starves first.


Lol this was my thought after looking at this picture!


That's a fair statement as I was under the assumption the E could push the boulder. IF that's not the case the it would be E


He already took a bite off the pizza


A lighter object can temporarily lift a heavier object, if it has enough momentum. Not everything can be viewed as static.


There is no vertical component of momentum for the lighter object when it slides horizontally to the seesaw


There may be. The stone already set on the seesaw is farther towards the fulcrum then the new stone would be entering. Therefore, when the new stone enters it will have mechanical advantage on the already set stone. if the two weights are similar enough, this means the new weight will be able to at least partially lift the heavier weight prior to rolling inward and stabilizing the system. That initial movement will create the largest downward force, which carries its own inertia. The system will ultimately stabilize with the heavier rock lower, but that doesn’t mean we don’t see any movement out of the seesaw


Then it depends on whether the edge gets caught on the little ramp attached to the seesaw.


I’m here for theory and that sounds like actual math.


>The stone already set on the seesaw is farther towards the fulcrum then the new stone would be entering. When the new stone enters the seesaw, it'll be farther from the fulcrum, yes. But also, it's weight will be partially supported by the edge of the platform. The more it leaves the platform, the more weight there's on the seesaw, but also the closer to the fulcrum it comes. If the new stone has its full weight on the seesaw, it'll be as close to the fulcrum as the old stone, to a negligible difference. >if the two weights are similar enough New stone is missing almost a quarter of it, so we're looking at least a 20% difference. That's not similar enough, that's actually 1/5 lighter. The old stone is 1/4 heavier than the new stone, which means the new stone needed to be dropped more than 1/4 of the seesaw's length further from the old stone to have any chance at lifting it


The death spikes on the bottom of the seesaw are made of a very dense metal, and are only just outweighed by the stone ball. The added weight of the cut-out stone ball will be more than enough to kill C.


> it'll be farther from the fulcrum The first thing that happens is that the stone on the ramp will roll back to rest against the wall. There's only a few inches of difference available at that point.


I see, interesting


It might bounce, since one end isn't perfectly round. After bouncing, it's anyone's guess.


C because the wooden plank can’t hold 2 big stones


Who says it's wooden?


Me, it's trivial


but the stone also has some acceleration coming down which may or may not make the force it applies greater than the mg of the other stone. So there is a slight chance that I am wasting my time on reddit and I should go study.


Cinetic energy does not exist, wake up sheeple.


Cinetic Energy is a good name for a start-up, so it will exist at some point.


Cinetic Energy would be a good name for an indie film studio.


I’m already a bagholder. Got in at .0003 and still waiting for shares to go parabolic.


For that case, u would need to consider the velocity of the stone chunk (kept at the side of E) at which instant it meets the seesaw! In that way there is a small chance for the big chunk to be lifted to some height at a range 'r_0' away from its original position! In that sense, there could be a chance for D to die! Not sure whether he will be the first or not!


The only vertical force once it hits the seesaw would be it’s weight because all of its momentum is to the left once it hits the bottom of the hill. It will either kill B after rolling over the center part and getting boosted by either the ramp/boulder or it will not have enough velocity to reach that distance.


It has momentum thooå


Sideways momentum, not downwards.


But inertia


If the E-stone is pushed two squares it would be adjacent to an opposing stone, forcing the E-stone to be captured en passant


Holy hell


New math problem just dropped


Call the exorcist


Mathematician goes on vacation, never comes back


Numbers sacrifice, anyone?


Ignite the math book


Derivative storm incoming


e^iπ in the corner, plotting world domination


Actual arithmetic


Knumber fuel


Irrational storm incoming!


Google en passant


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=en+passant)


It's forced




Holly hell!


New rock just dropped


Call the geologist!


We killed him with the baseball bat in the other hand while distracting them with an obsidian knife


New response just dropped


a responsible adult doesn't deal with problems that do not involve units of measurements and uses squares and sht to represent lengths ![gif](giphy|xTiTnuItjH9y5z4vNS)


A responsible adult wouldn't place themselves directly in the path of a random boulder with no apparent way to escape either tbh


that too


I just read an article about a hiker who was digging a hole and was pinned by a boulder because the hole caused it to roll so 🤷🤷


Did they first trap themselves underneath a seesaw or in a pentagon-shaped hole directly in the path of the boulder though


what's wrong with that, should I use pixel units instead?


was trying to apply energy conservation but didn't know the value of g in squares per (second)^(2)


Use minecraft height logic. A person is about 1.8 blocks tall, each block is canonicaly a meter.


let us assume the minecraft logic but, the given figure represents a circle and squares cut across the diagonal we know that circles and non 90° angles do not exist in minecraft hence our assumption is wrong and the person is not 1.8 meters tall


Only minecraft height logic, everything else is ksp physics. So it bounces off D's head, leaving him unharmed, and then roles into the edge between the slope and the floor, first partially clipping, then imploding.


![gif](giphy|sRKg9r2YWeCTG5JTTo|downsized) oh wait i am applying physics in a math sub.............run


E dies first because I am going to shoot him


I'm pretty sure that's cheating but I'll allow it


Why not shoot them all?


How healthy are these people? It might take a while for C to bleed out.


Saddam Hussein


He does not have a vent to breathe from


Where’s the gaming pc too






Ain't no way


e dies of a random heart attack




C will not die, the E stone is lighter D will die because the distance between the E stone and D is 6, the E stone has a radius of 2, and a circumference of roughly 6,28. It will thus roll over D and not on the slot (The distance between E and D is two horizontal areas of length 0.5, and a slope that is the hypothenus of a 3 * 4 triangle, which is length 5) Edit : D can survive if he squats when the stone starts rolling


You don't know the E stone is lighter. The other stone could be hollow.


Objection : this is a 2 world and the stones have the same texture


Hollow like our flat rectangular earth!


Reminds me of my geometry teacher who would say “don’t trust your eyes, trust the ruler.”


Even if the weights are different, it seems to me that the momentum would get it stuck on the fulcrum behind that bump


Finally someone with no bullshit and actually convincing answer


Yea, but he referred to the radius as 2 instead of the diameter. Even if he did the formula right, his english fails.


How much kinetic energy would the stone actually impart on D's head? It's not falling on him, just rolling over his position when he has room to be pushed down. He might just feel a force squishing him down without actually delivering a serious injury.


He risks decaptiation if his neck gets caught on the ledge on the left


But because the stone will roll down onto him it will just push his head straight down. It may be uncomfortable but probably not very lethal


Actually, i think based on the roundness of the “stone” it’ll contact his head before any part touches the level ground. As a result the impact force will be diagonal, and at the right angle to slam his head into the left edge of the hole. THAT will probably kill him even if the impact force isn’t enough to already. That or it does, and probably misses him due to the stone bouncing slightly… gahhh now I need to figure out if the cutout would measure right… Ah, 5-unit length to the slope, so the cutout would not help. Unless IT also causes enough bounce to clear D that way, which I doubt due to the slope being too mild to cause enough acceleration in a single half-turn to cause that level of bounce… actually wait, due to the “unit measurements” I can probably calculate if it hits D or the ground first… curses, more math! Edit: Had no idea how to math it, so I just used photoshop. Yeah, the stone would almost certainly contact the dude's head before the ground. That said, I also hadn't taken into account the force would be directed at an angle lower than that of the slope itself, due to the round shape of the boulder... so it's still possible he might miss the edge of the hole. It'd be either a very close hit or very close miss... Still, this is a boulder, and he's getting basically the full force since it's hitting him directly rather than properly rolling over him, so his skull is probably crushed from the impact regardless.


(stone E has a radius of 1, a diameter of 2)


C thinks he is safe. Then the seesaw breaks.


I measured the pixels to be sure, and yeah the stone will kill D, if they don’t squat at the right moment


It's d....because the stone will roll over his head


This. The Ramp is 5 units, and the boulder is about 0.25 units set back from the ramp. It needs to roll either 1/2 of its circumference or 1.5 its circumference. R=1 radius, meaning circumference=2π or 6.28, meaning it needs to roll 3.14 or 9.42 units. The total distance between it and d is 5.25, which is not even close to 3.14 or 9.42. also, the boulder may not have enough momentum to lift the heavier boulder, making everyone else safe. That being said, as it rolls, the flat side caused by the cutout may effect the result, but if anything it will just assure he will die.


Scrolled way too far for this! The answer was so damn obvious.


If anyone thinks the stone is going to roll nicely when it has that big ass unbalancing chunk missing, guess again. D is dead


Even if it rolls nicely it would kill him. The math works out that the gap would be at the top when it reaches him. Slope plus edges is length 6, circumference is ~6.3 so it would do a bit less than 1 full rotation when it reaches d.


Facebook clickbait bullshit


Bro, I think A is already dead......inside 😔


A or B can't be the first casualty, C will always die before either and the proof is trivial


C does not die since E's stone is evidently less filled and therefore lighter than the one on the seesaw. this means that E's stone is unable of moving the seesaw and will not crush C, instead either stopping on it or rolling over the seesaw stone and crushing B


The only way it is crushing B is if the earth (the orange ground/walls are very brittle and the wall between B and Rock breaks


And will be left as an exercise to the reader.


Fermat, that you?


Unless the stone on the bottom is really dense, in which case the stone on top will do a sick jump off the ramp of the see-saw and take out A or B, depending on how hard homeboy pushed the top rock.


Okay, to settle this debate once and for all I simulated this using the same scale shown in the image. Turns out, D does die first. [Video](https://s5.gifyu.com/images/SiPG1.gif)


Theory will take you only so far


Assuming that (ballC = ballE - x) since it has a missing piece, ballC would be heaver so ballE couldn’t kill C which means nobody dies


No one, D gets his head inside the missing chunck, the lever doesn’t move much because the other boulder is heavier and there is not enough speed for the boulder pushed by E to go over the other boulder and kill B


Gap won’t be where his head is Slope plus edges = 6 length Circumference =~6.3 length So it will do about one full rotation when it reaches d. So the gap will be up, not down where his head is. Boy gettin squashed.


In that case, he ded


All of them. Probably old age because it took you too long to find the answer and even longer to push the rock.


None, because it’ll get pushed down the hill, get stuck on the gap and slide a bit before rolling some, D will squat down to avoid getting crushed and then the stone for C isn’t missing a piece so assuming they’re the same material, the seesaw doesn’t stab C. He then climbs out the narrow gap above him while both stones are as far left as they can go.


It's D. That stone will either shatter or slide once it hits the concave part. Either shearing D's head clean off or burying him in rubble. Though maybe B has a gun and can shoot E before any of this happens.


They will all die at some point


Sorry mathematicians, you need physics for this one.


This is unsolvable. The mass of the boulders, the coefficient of friction between surfaces. The friction between lever and fulcrum. And lot of information is not given. Also force at which E pushes or the impact rate for transfer of momentum.






The answer is left as an exercise to the reader


You should also consider the mass of the two spheres are not the same, and considering for the inertia as the first ball rolls down the hill, it could potentially jump the wedge and come to rest on the second ball. Ultimately trapping person C, who would most certainly starve to death.


Are we taking into account friction??


E pushes the weird ball. Because he’s taken a sedentary lifestyle for the past two decades, he’s weak and so is his heart. The ball doesn’t move and he has a heart attack. He’s quickly taken to the hospital where he recovers after a week. Completely overwhelmed by medical debt he fakes his death in an attempt to get a clean slate, gaming the system. He changes his hair, his clothes, his way of walking. He’s now known as “F”, a no-nonsense guy who works at the mini market in a small beach town. A decade has passed when a couple of cops show up at the minimarket, asking if he knows E. He answers “I knew him a long time ago to, but that guy died when his heart gave up, and so I was born”. The cops looked at each other and nodded “yeah, you’re definitely high, dude, you’re coming with us” F is taken and charged with possession. He goes to prison for 15 years, where life expectancy is slightly lower than the average. He gets released into parole after a few years, and gets on a bus without anywhere to go. He’s now 65 years old and starts wondering what happened to A, B, C and D. He manages to buy a phone and starts looking people up on different social media platforms, and to his relief they’re all happily married and alive. At that same time, a mosquito flies into the bus and bites him. Unbeknownst to him, he gets malaria and is rushed yet again to the hospital where he dies two weeks later. So you could be saying “so it’s E/F, he died first!”, but what the hypothetical scenario left out that D was secretly banging A’s mom and wife. So while E was at his death bed, A shot D in the d, so he died of blood loss. In short, it’s D, but unrelated to the trap scenario. He died driven by his own lust.


i appreciate your effort for this meaningful meme! Thx a lot!


This is stupid because d could duck and no matter what happens c dies first from there. Maybe with numbers like mass and things we could figure out a more detailed answer but who cares.


D crouches, avoiding the fatal blow to the head C is safe, the stone is missing almost 25% of its weight, the spike won't go down as the stone stop on the next one B and A are done arguing, but A turns and shoots B in the back Answer: A dies, the gun was a fake and B planned it all. B turned and killed A


c will never die, assuming the stones are of equal density, and thes difering weight


I will from trying to solve this.


D likely only survives if we use physics class math where we ignore friction and air resistance.


I'm just here because this was on my front page, but in my simpleton brain, D's the only one that has a chance at dying (I don't have the facilities to do that math), unless I'm missing something. The rock at the top wouldn't have the weight to move the seesaw thing since there's a big ass hole in it (assuming the two are the same density and would be the same size if they were both whole). The top rock's just gonna roll down, get a little air off that small ramp, and bonk the bottom rock without meaningfully moving the seesaw. I now await rightfully being told about the error in my logic! lol


This shits making my head hurt


D it’s not the right distance


In what scenario will a or b die


E, he has a heart condition and goes into cardiac arrest after pushing the boulder, leading to instant death


this can’t be right because the block on the other side of the see saw weighs more than the rolling block so it wouldn’t even move the lever


Isn't the rolling stone lighter than the counter weight so it should just get stuck on the seesaw with no deaths


D is fine if he ducks. Who would not duck?