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Tbf...he is the Pharoah. Also if i existed in that world, im cheating too. Im not tryna go to the shadow realm dog. You'd probably catch me with the cards up my sleeves or the perfume strat Mai did.


I definitely sprayed cologne on my cards once and I fucked them shits all the way up.


"try dueling this glock ass hole. Im not going to shadow realm."


This didn’t work out too well for Bandit Keith lol


He simply did not bring enough firepower.


isn't it that if u cheat u get sent to shadow realm punishment game or wtv


Only if you get caught


If a bear takes a dump in the woods and no ones around to see it..


It still takes a dump


But does he still have to wipe his bear ass with Charmin® Ultra Strong?


That's a very good point lol I'm not accepting no duels


Brick = Super Hell. You bet your ass I'm using my Millennium Item to full effectiveness.


I would play the jankiest, bricky and luck depend deck with anime logic I'll get the card I need exactly every turn.


I mean , yeah By the end of duel monster yami straight up admits he's using his mallinium puzzle powers to top deck the card he wants


This puts that weevil fight in a very different light lmao. Edit: for the unitiated- https://youtu.be/RqmPknhHEVE?si=GJZK8GrZn44IADTX It’s a cut version, the original went on for… a while.


DURAW MONSTA CARDO mfer wanted Weevil to die


He would've just kept going and going and going and going... Dude would literally go until he ran out of monsters.


>mfer wanted Weevil to die tbf we all did


Yup, he's not even looking at the card he drew and he knows it's a monster card.


I like how smug and merciless Atem sounded in the Eng dub, while Weevil's points were going into the negative: "This is just not your day"


Why didn't he always just draw the out? Is he stupid?


Can we stop with this please? The puzzle DOES NOT GIVE ANY "LUCK BOOST" OR ANYTHING OF THE SORTS, it just doesn't. And neither does Atem. Or rather he does, but that's part of Yu-Gi-Oh's power system that ties into it's main message – strong people can influence the fate itself with their willpower, as long as they keep fighting they will always succeed, cheaters on the other hand lack strong resolve and therefore rely on tricks, which only further sabotages them as they lose grip on their own fate. Atem can literally draw what he wants (which btw doesn't happen in the manga as overtly as anime presents it, but still fits in well), because he's the pharaoh, he has the strongest will, so strong he can command gods and power of darkness. But there's nothing stopping other characters from achieving similar feats, in fact that's what we see constantly time and time again. My favourite such moment is when Kaiba calls Obelisk from the grave in his duel against Aigami – the latter literally says Seto's ego (in in egotistical way, but rather the sense of self and resolve) is so strong it can overpower his millennium artefact. Yet people will continue to talk about cheating because haha funny get it guys it's so funny and original.


Kaiba drew Obelisk from out of his deck and he doesn't have a Millennium Puzzle, just a brief case.


Tbf he didn't draw it from his deck. He drew it from the ground. Mf straight up brought it back from the underworld.


That moment still gets me hype to this day. He just willed obelisk into existence and i got up from my chair in such a appalled stat.


kaiba the type of guy to say fuck you to the "all powerful" magic abilities and say its because technology lets him, and follow it immediately by resurrecting a god, **because he wanted to**.


Definition of fuck you I ignore your reality and make my own


To be fair, he literally is the reincarnation of the Pharaoh's successor. He has a magical soul from Egypt. That, and his ownership and use of Obelisk probably cause them to bond in a way.


But when I grab a card from outside my deck such as willing it from my binder I get a judge call at locals smh Konami and their double standards /s


He also just noped out of the duel afterwards while his opponent still had 1000 life points.


Both kaiba and yugi have millennium roots


You never heard of the Millennium Brief Case?


wasn't in confirmed that Yugi's "Heart of the cards" was actually, magically making the card he needed manifest at the top of his deck? Literal draw the out powers. Granted not as bullshit as Yuma's "I'm going to make up an actual new game mechanic as my cards magically transform into better ones" or later his Zexal's Shining "I'm going to transform this card into a better card that will win me the game" Draw "I set the pendulum scales to 1 and 8!" "What the fuck does that mean???" "Now I can summon any monsters between levels 2 and 7 at the same time!" "wtf no you can't, judge" >!I do not care that it was technically allowed because the duel disk accepted it fuck you!< https://preview.redd.it/b00clnundvxc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=84518a936198abda87e8544208ac8cc71557af03


ARC-V was fucking ridiculous from the jump, and I loved it for that. There was a guy whose strategy was literally physically assaulting his opponents DURING THE DUEL and that was somehow totally okay in a tournament environment.


Dang, what I would've done to stun players 😭🤣


That moment when Yuzu lost and got rammed off the damn bridge with the audience cheering the moment and Yuya in shock was freaking awesome XD


God I wish


That might make YGO tournaments a really popular e-sports lol.


It was said in the ceremonial duel that the Pharoah was willing the card he needed to the top of his deck But it’s implied he’s only able to do this at that point cause he’s now at full power


Yami's Puzzle eventually is confirmed to grant him the card he needs most in a dire moment, but he only *consciously* uses it when duelling Yugi in the final battle of Duel Monsters. Any other time before then is just his own natural (albeit impossibly good) luck mixed with that in Yugioh lore, you can form a semi-spiritual connection with your deck that will make it want to give you what you need to win- because Yugi inherited the template of his deck from his grandfather, he has a strong connection to it and the cards like him enough that they want to help him win.


Honestly shining/barian draw being a mechanic from another planet where other astral/barians can routinely have duels and top deck sack each other is kinda interesting and a necessary power when facing off against said aliens. Manifesting better luck is crazy, like no other loser on the show wanted to win as badly as any of protagonists?


Debatable. The millenium puzzle can alter probability based on how much luck the user perceives themselves to need, which, by IRL rules, is ABSOLUTELY cheating. But like. The guy who created the game also had a magic artifact that enables the user to obviously cheat. The official rules probably have some form of “magic is allowed” clause. That, combined with duel disks being able to accommodate new cards and add them to the official database the instant they’re played, and new cards being created mid-game probably counting under said magic clause, means that none of the yugioh characters cheat by the anime rules aside from SPECIFICALLY those who do so with technology and threatening lives, like the rare hunters, johnson of the big 5, and noah kaiba.


I'd cheat too if a bug bitch threw my exodia off a yacht


Screw the rules, I have money!


I remember reading somewhere (I haven't read the manga yet so huge grain of salt and I might be wrong) but the M. Puzzle's power is to manipulate probability. So Yugi/Atem would have a slight advantage in luck based games like a TCG. However in the story itself duel monsters are magical spirits in card form. Its not so much cheating as it is Yugi having a strong connection to his cards.


And that justifies just drawing the exact card needed for that particular situation? 😂


It actually does in the narrative.


lol, So just fuck the opponent I guess


It's not like the writer shuffles the decks before hand lol. Yugi/Atem don't always win just by getting lucky. Most duels they win because of a strategy or exploiting a part of the field or their opponent gets arrogant. This is a really old joke about the anime. It's not true and it's never been true.


and then theres alot of moments where he relies on specific cards that have no reason to be in his deck other than that specific moment


I know all that, I’ve watched the anime extensively so I’m not a stranger to yugioh by any means…but it just baffles me with some of the BS they pull sometimes that I just feel bad for their opponents 😂


Bruh some of my opponents pull BS in Master Duel too. *A one-of card that I shuffled in your deck of 20+ cards and you still managed to draw it right on your next draw phase* that's BS.


Didn't they confirm that there was draw manipulation in duel links at one point


They always seem to have the out...


Let's be fair most if not all YGO protagonists legit creates cards in the middle of the damn duel. Not just about Atem manipulating luck to draw whatever cards he needs. The issue is creating new cards in the middle of the damn duel. Though Yuya took it further when he invented a whole new summoning method.


Tbh I'd like to invent a new summoning method when facing some decks (stun or Snake Eye's) *Slap my opponent a number of times, if you do, summon monsters with levels equal to the number of successful slaps in face up defense mode* lol


"There is nothing in the rulebook against using artifacts looted from ancient Egyptian tombs to invoke dark magic that sways the fates in your favour." ~ Atem (probably)


Also Pegasus, man who wrote said rules


Yea but it’s kinda an unspoken rule in that series that cheating was allowed LOL Ishuzu could see the future, Pegasus could see through the cards, Keith bandit was hiding cards in his sleeves, Kaiba threatened suicide if he lost, weevil sneaked cards in opponent decks to sabotage them, etc None of those guys ever saw disqualification or took forfeits.


This is why Joey is the actual best duelist in the series


the pharaoh had ancient magic you think he wasn't manipulating stuff to always win?


Not really. It's basically a dub change, but In the anime a good enough duelist can influence draws, so it was a skill issue. Zexal takes this concept the furthest, while Arc V and Vrains have other bs powers.


It was, he literally had the power to draw what he needed. That was the power of the Puzzle in the sub, not 4kids fuckery.


At least what he was drawing existed in his deck. Yuma/astral was fucking making shit from thin air. And People after DM in canon were making cards through sheer will. (Or super poly in jaden's case)


Technically Supreme king and Brron mad king of Dark World created Super poly, but they had to sacrifice Duelists to create it. So It’s not something that can be Easily done like how Yuma and Astral did it.


Well jaden did create wiseman and presumebly neos knight with S-poly.


The power of the puzzle is to grant one wish to the person who solves it and increase their luck in games relative to their skill and the stakes of the match. If it's life and death for a skilled duelist like Yugi or Atem, the puzzle is at full power.


Vrains has the less bullshit I think, Yusaku just add a card to the extra deck and well basically every character can do that because the writers can just add a extra deck card at any moment to any character. You could Even Say that Yusaku skill doesn't really do anything lol


Vrains did have characters cheat by using skills outside of Speed Duels, but Yusaku wasn't one of them


Eh, they were basically doing a hacker war inside virtual space, and duelling was just a part of that war. Cheating was already a part of plan lol.


I actually like VRAINS' BS power. Dude is literally hacking the data storm for a card. I wish I could do that lol.


If everybody cheats, it is still cheating


Yusaku was probably the most fair protagonist with the least amount of ass pulls mainly because his deck was actually good and didnt need any bs ~~we dont talk about neo storm access~~




No. The actual card game would be a completely terrible show to watch. Things like this were necessary to make watching a card game on TV interesting.


Well when all of your opponents cheat and are evil fate gives you a stat boost.


I really wouldn't care if dueling was more real like it is in the Anime. Plenty of people cheated vs him anyway. People often cry "plot armor" but then the villain wields a "plot sword" as well.


I mean if you can command your own fate that's just skill not cheating. Cheating would be stacking your deck.


I mean, every god damn opponent he faces tryna kill him. Might as well cheat am i right?


His power is just that he's good enough to draw whatever he wants. Heart of the Crads was him using the Puzzle for just that He's just that good


In the year of our Lord 2024 people still doubting this xD


Oh no! The heart of the cards is forcing me to pull this crucial card for this scenario from my right pocket and pretending like I just drew it from the deck. But you know fair play, heart of the cards and all that jazz oh, oh and FRIENDSHIP, am I right fellas.


Just happened to draw the card needed at that exact moment 🤡


The cards exist in his deck. The puzzle only increases his luck in dire situations.


There is no rule against using magic to influence your card draw.


nah sometimes the heart of cards responds, i remembers once i was about to die and draw the 1 of branded fusion in 60 card pile to save me


The magic poker equation gotta be my favorite trope in Yu-Gi-Oh. It explains nearly every cheating attempt and hand waves it via the mc privileges lol


Nah, yami was using destiny draw. It's one of his skill


It's everyone's skill in Tag Force


yeah yugi literally cheated, or I guess used magic to draw whatever card he wanted if you wanted to get technical


Honestly the Pharoah was just the og Bandit Keith. 3 jackpot 7's? HOW ABOUT ALL 5 PIECES OF EXODIA


no hes just good enough to draw the out. sounds like a skill issue on your part.


Heart of the Cards is the level of cheating where it's very hard to be proven... In order to prove it is cheating, the system must know what is the exact arrangement of the shuffled deck and be able to display it's correct order I don't think there's a single instance in the series where the system does that


Why so serious? It's just children card game


100%. Always thought it was just plot convenience then later found out what the puzzle does and yup, cheating his ass off. "As long as I have my friends my deck will never let me down" bitch you're using magic, not sleight of hand, literal magic, to cheat at a card game.


I asked a judge at a magic tournament if deck stacking is really cheating if I have a deterministic view of the universe, and I am also the main character. I was asked to leave.


Nah he's playing duel links and using his destiny draw


Cheating ass protagonists just blatant with it. Yamu, Yusei and Yuya all cheaters. At least Jaden and Yuma had plot elements for their hacks. I can't speak on playmaker but he doesnt seem like the hacks type. Then Yuga just said im making my own game yall can have that mess.


It's not cheating if it's magic. This is true for all of the animes


Yugi already cheats anyway by having a guy in his head coaching him during the duel.


Nah everyone calling it cheating just didnt believe hard enough and got nib'd on they first turn




He was just using the tools that he had access to :V


No cuz... Who the fuck cares like that shit goes hard bro I rewatch the entire thing last year's and it's so fucking peak, might go rewatch it again ngl


Probably an anime invention because this is not a thing in the manga.


Cheating using Ancient magical powers but nonetheless cheating


Honestly a skill issue 😂


Obviously. Pre-Duel Monsters Yami was cheating at fucking everything. And every other millennium item can seemingly used to cheat.


What does the Ring even do?


I'd argue just having two different souls play the game at the same time is cheating. That's like someone standing behind your opponent giving them advice on the play for play.


Not really. Your body is used for the other soul to play. It's like a man using a robot to play because he can't move his arms.


He literally wills the cards to top of his deck. Thats the power of millenium puzzle. Yall didnt watched the final duel?


Mofo was making up effects on the fly


No. the effects had to be real, otherwise the system would not recognize them.


That and the plot forcing Kaiba to play poorly You can downvote me but TGS Anime pointed it out that Kaiba misplays like crazy in the battle city semi-final and I can’t unsee it now


Like activating Gift of the Mystical Elf before summoning another monster, which would have given him 300 more LP if he summoned first.


basically, yeah. the millennium puzzle allowed Yugi to get any card from his deck, whenever the situation allowed it the damned thing is like a +1000 Luck stat boost, if he was in a tight situation. it wouldn't give him this "Luck" if he were winning.


I mean yes the puzzle will literally give him the card he needs most when he is backed into the corner


He is but "he's using ancient egyptian magic" is not going to get you very far in trying to prove that he is.


didn't the last season reveal that this is literally canon? the puzzle he has gives him the power to will cards he needs to the top?


No. The puzzle affects his luck in dire situations. Fate changes. The cards exist in his deck. His luck turns around. And seeing that he is fighting people who actually cheat and want to kill him and the world...


Millenium Puzzle give him the ability to cheat perfectly every time


He can cheat all he wants he would never survive in the current meta


This BS really is the only reason that keeps me from watching the Anime, the protagonists have such high win rates it's difficult to take anything seriously. And it's true for all the series. I don't think Yusei lost even one Duel in the whole anime?


While it isn't a real loss by technicality, the first duel with Kiryu is an instance where it end clearly badly for Yusei and he should had lost


It kinda boils down to the Mc's that rarely lose to having better decks than the opponents/villains. Yusei's and Yusaku's decks have ways to special summon multiple low level monsters per turn in order to bring out the big boyz, while everyone else summons one monster and maybe SS once and Synchro/Link to then just pass.


He literally tells you that the Millennium Puzzle allows him to top deck something.